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Partnership Return of Income
(Section references are to the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) unless otherwise specified.)
(NOTE: References to “married” and “unmarried” are also references to “in a civil union” and “not in a civil union,” respectively.)
ATTENTION: plies to taxable years beginning after Decem-
ber 31, 2021.
vices qualifying under this provision. Timely filing
of mail which does not bear the U.S. Post Office
Hawaii has not adopted the increased cancellation mark or the date recorded or marked
Act 261, SLH 2019 – This act amends the re-
expensing deduction under IRC section 179 by the designated delivery service will be deter-
search activity credit that references to the
(Hawaii limit is $25,000) or the “bonus” depre- mined by reference to other competent evidence.
base amount in section 41 of the IRC shall
ciation provisions. The private delivery service can tell you how to
not apply, and credit for all qualified research
Hawaii has not adopted the domestic activi- expenses may be taken without regard to the get written proof of the mailing date.
ties production deduction under IRC section 199. amount of expenses for previous years. Also Six-month automatic extension of time to
transfers certification to the Department of
Where To Get Tax Forms Business, Economic Development, and Tour-
file. Section 18-235-98, Hawaii Administrative
Rules, allows an automatic six-month extension
Hawaii tax forms, instructions, and schedules ism and the aggregate cap per taxable year of time to file a return without filing an application
may be obtained at any taxation district office or is $5,000,000. Applies to taxable years begin- for extension. This extension does not include an
from the Department of Taxation’s website at tax. ning after December 31, 2019 and this credit extension of time to pay. File Form N-201V, Busi-, or you may contact a customer ser- is repealed on December 31, 2024. ness Income Tax Payment Voucher, to make a
vice representative at: 808-587-4242 or 1-800- Act 267, SLH 2019 – This act establishes a non- payment (if applicable). For more information, go
222-3229 (Toll-Free). refundable income tax credit equal to 30 per to
Changes You Should Note cent of the qualified rehabilitated expendi-
tures that are certified by the historic preser-
Rounding Off to Whole Dollars
Act 13, Session Laws of Hawaii (SLH) 2020 vation division of the Department of Land and The Department is requiring taxpayers to
— This act amends Hawaii Income Tax Law Natural Resources. If a deduction is taken un- round off cents to the nearest whole dollar for all
under chapter 235, Hawaii Revised Statutes der section 179, no tax credit shall be allowed dollar entries on the tax return and schedules.
(HRS), to conform to certain provisions of the for that portion of the qualified expense. This To do so, drop amounts under 50 cents and in-
IRC, as amended as of March 27, 2020. act takes effect on July 1, 2019 and shall be crease amounts from 50 to 99 cents to the next
Act 61, SLH 2020 – The Renewable Energy repealed on December 31, 2024. dollar. For example: $1.39 becomes $1 and $2.69
Technologies Income Tax Credit (RETITC) is becomes $3. If you have to add two or more
Purpose of Form amounts to figure the amount to enter on a line,
amended by repealing the RETITC for com-
mercial projects with a total output capacity Form N-20 is used to report the income, de- schedule, or worksheet, you may choose to use
of 5 megawatts or greater for taxable years ductions, credits, gains, and losses from the op- one of two methods. Once a method of rounding
beginning after December 31, 2019 and pro- eration of a partnership. Form N-20 for 2020 is an is established, you must use the same method
vides grandfathering exceptions for commer- information return for the calendar year 2020 or throughout the return. The first method is to in-
cial solar projects with a: (1) Total output ca- other fiscal year beginning in 2020. clude the cents when adding and round off only
the total. The other method is to round off each
pacity of 5 megawatts or greater if the project Who Must File entry. For example: You received two 1099-INT
received a Public Utilities Commission (PUC)
Every partnership, including limited liability forms, one showing interest of $50.55 and one
approval prior to December 31, 2019; and (2)
companies treated as partnerships for federal in- showing interest of $185.73. For rounding meth-
Pumped hydroelectric energy storage system
come tax purposes, unless expressly exempted, od 1, show your total interest as $236 ($50.55 +
provided that the applicable project approval
shall, for its taxable year, make a return of in- $185.73 = $236.28 rounded to $236). For round-
filings have been made to the PUC by De-
come on Form N-20 stating specifically the items ing method 2, show your total interest as $237
cember 31, 2021.
of gross income and allowable deductions, and ($50.55 rounded to $51 + $185.73 rounded to
Act 96, SLH 2019 – This act amends the rules such additional information as required below. $186 = $51 + $186 = $237).
for sourcing the sales factor for net income tax The partnership return shall include the income,
to impose market-based sourcing for sales of deductions, and credits attributable everywhere Recordkeeping
intangibles and services to where it is used in together with the income, deductions, and cred- The partnership records must be kept as long
the State. Applies to taxable years beginning its attributable only to Hawaii. If the return is filed as they may be needed for the administration of
after December 31, 2019. on behalf of a syndicate, pool, joint venture, or any provision of the IRC. Usually, records that
Act 221, SLH 2019 – This act adds a new sec- similar group which group was created on or af- support an item of income, deduction, or credit
tion to chapter 235. A person that lacks physi- ter January 1, 1958, a copy of the agreement, on the partnership return must be kept for three
cal presence in the State is presumed to be together with all amendments thereto, should be years from the date the return is due or is filed,
systematically and regularly engaging in busi- attached to the return, if not already filed. whichever is later. Keep records that verify the
ness in the State and taxable under this chap- partnership’s basis in property for as long as they
ter if, during the current or preceding calendar When and Where to File are needed to figure the basis of the original or
year: The return of a partnership must be filed on or replacement property.
(1) The person engages in 200 or more business before the 20th day of the fourth month following Copies of the filed partnership returns should
transactions with persons within the State; or the close of the taxable year of the partnership, also be kept as part of the partnership’s records.
with the Hawaii Department of Taxation, P.O. Box
(2) The sum of the value of the person’s gross They help in preparing future returns and in mak-
3559, Honolulu, Hawaii 96811-3559. Note: If the
income attributable to sources in this State ing computations when filing an amended return.
due date falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal
equals or exceeds $100,000 in sales. Amended Return
holiday, the return shall be due on the next suc-
Applies to taxable years beginning after De- ceeding day which is not a Saturday, Sunday, or If, after filing its return, the partnership be-
cember 31, 2019. legal holiday. comes aware of any changes it must make to
Act 260, SLH 2019 – This act establishes a non- Private delivery services. Hawaii has adopt- income, deductions, credits, etc., it should file an
refundable income tax credit equal to 30 per ed the IRC provision to allow documents and pay- amended Form N-20 and an amended Schedule
cent of the ship repair industry costs paid or ments delivered by a designated private delivery K-1 for each partner. Check the box on Form N-20
incurred to design and construct the purpose- service to qualify for the “timely mailing treated at Item E(4), page 1. Give a corrected Schedule
built floating dry dock to be used by the United as timely filing/paying rule.” The Department of K-1 (Form N-20) to each partner. Check the box
States Navy in Pearl Harbor. The aggregate Taxation (Department) will conform to the Inter- at Item F(2) on each Schedule K-1 to indicate
cap is $6,000,000 per year. This act also re- nal Revenue Service (IRS) listing of designated that it is an amended Schedule K-1. Fill in the
peals the capital infrastructure tax credit. Ap- private delivery service and type of delivery ser- return with all of the correct information and at-
Page 2
tach a completed Schedule AMD, Explanation of section on the printed form to which the informa- 2. The testimony of disinterested persons;
Changes on Amended Return, to the amended tion relates. 3. The relationship of the parties;
return. Also, attach all schedules, forms, and at- To assist us in processing the return, please 4. The abilities and contributions of each; and
tachments required to file a complete return. complete every applicable entry space on Form 5. The control each has over the partnership in-
Change in Federal Taxable Income N-20. Do not attach statements and do not write come and the purposes for which the income
In general, a change to your federal return, “See attached” in lieu of completing the entry is used.
whether it is made by you, or by the IRS, must be spaces on the form.
A joint undertaking merely to share expenses
reported to the State of Hawaii. An entity that elects to be classified as a part- is not a partnership. Mere co-ownership of prop-
1) Section 235-101(b), HRS, requires a report nership by filing federal Form 8832 with the IRS erty that is maintained and leased or rented does
(an amended return) to the Department if the shall attach a copy of that form to the entity’s not constitute a partnership. However, if the co-
amount of IRC taxable income is changed, Form N-20 covering the first taxable year in which owners provide services to the tenants, a part-
corrected, adjusted or recomputed as stated the entity carries on business in Hawaii, derives nership exists.
in (3). income from sources in Hawaii, or makes distri-
butions that are received by a partner who is ei- Some partnerships may be excluded com-
2) This report must be made: pletely or partially from being treated as partner-
ther a resident of Hawaii or carries on business in
a) Within 90 days after a change, correction, Hawaii and is subject to Hawaii income taxation. ships for federal income tax purposes upon the
adjustment or recomputation is finally deter- election of all of the members. See Specific In-
mined. Payments structions below for more information.
b) Within 90 days after a federal amended re- In some instances, payments may have to b. General Partner. A general partner is a
turn is filed. be made with the Form N-20. Enter the amount member of the organization who is personally li-
c) At the time of filing the next income tax re- on line 17 payment due. Payment must be made able for the obligations of the partnership.
turn, if earlier than set forth in a) or b). through Hawaii Tax Online at
c. Limited Partner. A limited partner is one
3) A report within the time set out in (2) is re- Interest due under the look-back method whose potential personal liability for partnership
quired if: for completed long-term contracts. If the part- debts is limited to the amount of money or other
nership used the look-back method under IRC property that the partner contributed or is re-
a) The amount of taxable income as returned
section 460(b)(2) for certain long-term contracts, quired to contribute to the partnership.
to the United States is changed, corrected,
complete federal Form 8697, Interest Computa-
or adjusted by an officer of the United States d. Limited Partnership. A limited partnership
tion Under the Look-Back Method for Completed
or other competent authority. is a partnership composed of at least one general
Long-Term Contracts. If you will owe interest on
b) A change in taxable income results from a partner and one or more limited partners.
an unpaid amount, calculate the amount due us-
renegotiation of a contract with the United ing the rate of 2/3 of 1% per month, or part of a e. Nonrecourse Loan. Nonrecourse loans
States or a subcontract thereunder. month, beginning the first calendar day after the are those liabilities of the partnership for which
c) A recomputation of the income tax imposed date prescribed for payment whether or not that none of the partners have any personal liability.
by the United States under the IRC results first calendar day falls on a Saturday, Sunday, f. Limited Liability Company. A limited li-
from any cause. or legal holiday. Include the amount of interest ability company (LLC) is an entity formed under
d) An amended income tax return is made to due on line 17 payment due. Attach Form 8697 state law by filing articles of organization as an
the United States. with a check made payable to “Hawaii State Tax LLC. Unlike a partnership, none of the members
4) The report referred to above shall be in the Collector” to Form N-20. Write the partnership’s of an LLC are personally liable for its debts. An
form of an amended Hawaii income tax return. FEIN, daytime phone number, and “Form 8697 LLC may be classified for federal income tax pur-
interest” on the check. If you are due a refund, poses as a disregarded entity, partnership, or a
5) The statutory period for the assessment of any do not attach Form 8697 to your Form N-20. In- corporation, depending on elections made by the
deficiency or the determination of any refund stead, file federal Form 8697 separately with the LLC and the number of members. Chapter 428,
attributable to the report shall not expire be- Department. Complete the signature section of HRS, allows LLCs to operate following proper
fore the expiration of one year from the date federal Form 8697 following the instructions for approval from the Department of Commerce and
the Department is notified by the taxpayer or the signature section of Form N-20. File federal Consumer Affairs (DCCA), Business Registration
the IRS, whichever is earlier, of such a report Form 8697 by the date you are required to file Division. Hawaii conforms to the federal stan-
in writing. Before the expiration of this one- your Form N-20 (including extensions). dards in determining whether an LLC is classified
year period, the Department and the taxpayer
may agree in writing to the extension of this Withholding of Taxes on the Income as either a partnership or a corporation following
proper approval by the DCCA.
period. The period so agreed upon may be of Nonresident Partners
further extended by subsequent agreements Pursuant to Act 232, SLH 2019, and appli- Use of Instructions for Federal Form
in writing made before the expiration of the pe- 1065 —
cable to taxable years beginning after December
riod previously agreed upon. 31, 2018, partnerships are required to withhold In an effort to streamline Hawaii’s partner-
Information Returns and pay to the State on behalf of their nonresi- ship return instructions, the discussion of certain
Every partnership must file information re- dent partners an amount equal to the highest topics already discussed in the federal instruc-
turns if it makes payments of rents, commissions, marginal tax rate applicable to individuals, cur- tions for Form 1065, U.S. Partnership Return of
or other fixed or determinable income totaling rently 11%, multiplied by the amount of the part- Income, will not be repeated. Please refer to the
$600 or more to any one person in the course ner’s distributive share of income attributable to federal instructions for discussions on the follow-
of its trade or business during the calendar year. the State reflected on the partnership’s return ing topics which Hawaii conforms to:
It must report interest payments if they total $10 for the taxable period. Form N-201V is used for
- Termination of the Partnership;
or more. reporting and paying this withholding by the part-
nership to the Department. - Accounting Methods;
Use Form N-196, Annual Summary and
Definitions - Accounting Periods;
Transmittal of Hawaii Information Returns, to
summarize and send information returns to your a. Partnership. The term “partnership” in- - Elections Made by the Partnership;
respective taxation district office. For more in- cludes a limited partnership, syndicate, group, - Elections Made by Each Partner;
formation about filing information returns and pool, joint venture, or other unincorporated orga- - Partner’s Dealings With Partnership;
exceptions, see the instructions for Form N-196. nization, through or by which any business, finan-
cial operation, or venture is carried on, and that - Contributions to the Partnership;
is not, within the meaning of the federal IRC, a - Dispositions of Contributed Property;
If you need more space on the forms or corporation, trust, estate, or sole proprietorship. If
schedules, attach separate sheets. Use the - Recognition of Precontribution Gain on
an organization more nearly resembles a corpo-
same arrangement as the printed forms. Show     Certain Partnership Distributions;
ration than a partnership or trust, it is considered
the totals on the printed forms. Put the partner- an association taxed as a corporation. - Unrealized Receivables and Inventory
ship’s name and Federal Employer Identification     Items; and
Number (FEIN) on each sheet. Also, be sure that Important factors in determining whether a
partnership exists include: - Passive Activity Limitations.
each separate sheet clearly indicates the line or
1. The parties’ conduct in carrying out the provi-
sions of the partnership agreement;
Page 3
Net Operating Loss Deduction Form N-20 fied research” means (1) the same as in section
41(d) of the Internal Revenue Code; (2) the de-
A partnership is not allowed the deduction for Amended Return Checkbox velopment and design of computer software for
net operating losses. (See section 703(a)(2)(D).)
If you are amending a return previously filed, ultimate commercial sale, lease, license or to be
Signatures check the AMENDED Return box. otherwise marketed, for economic consideration.
With respect to the software’s development and
General Partner or LLC Member IRS Adjustment Checkbox design, the business shall have substantial con-
Form N-20 is not considered a return unless If you are filing an amended return due to an trol and retain substantial rights to the resulting
it is signed. One general partner or LLC mem- IRS adjustment, check the IRS Adjustment box in intellectual property; (3) biotechnology; (4) per-
ber must sign the return. If a receiver, trustee in addition to the AMENDED return box and file an forming arts products; (5) sensor and optic tech-
bankruptcy, or assignee controls the organiza- amended Schedule K-1 for each partner. Check nologies; (6) ocean sciences; (7) astronomy; or
tion’s property or business, that person must sign the box on Form N-20 Item E(3) and (4) on page (8) nonfossil fuel energy-related technology. All
the return. 1. Give a corrected Schedule K-1 (Form N-20) to income earned and proceeds derived from stock
each partner. Check the box at Item F(2) on each options or stock, including stock issued through
Paid Preparer’s Information Schedule K-1 to indicate that it is an amended the exercise of stock options or warrants, from
If someone prepares the return and does not Schedule K-1. Fill in the return with all of the cor- a qualified high technology business or from a
charge the partnership, that person should not rect information and attach a completed Sched- holding company of a qualified high technology
sign the partnership return. ule AMD, Explanation of Changes on Amended business by an employee, officer, or director of
Generally, anyone who is paid to prepare the Return, to the amended return. Also, attach all the qualified high technology business, or inves-
partnership return must sign the return and fill in schedules, forms, and attachments required to tor who qualified for the high technology business
the other blanks in the Paid Preparer’s Informa- file a complete return. investment tax credit is excluded from income. If
tion area of the return. Individual preparers may the partnership is a qualified high technology
Address Change
furnish their alternative identifying number for in- business and has included royalties and other
If your mailing address has changed, you income derived from patents, copyrights, and
come tax return preparers (PTIN) instead of their
must notify the Department of the change by trade secrets the partnership owns in the income
social security number.
completing Form ITPS-COA, Change of Address reported on line 1, these amounts should be in-
The preparer required to sign the partner- Form, or log in to your Hawaii Tax Online account cluded in the deductions shown on line 14c. If
ship’s return MUST complete the required pre- at Failure to do so may prevent the amount reported on line 14c includes these
parer information and: your address from being updated, any refund due royalties and other income from patents, copy-
• Sign the return in the space provided for the to you from being delivered (the U.S. Postal Ser- rights, and trade secrets, these amounts should
preparer’s signature. Paid preparers may vice is not permitted to forward your State refund be identified by attaching a separate schedule or
sign original returns, amended returns, or re- check), and delay important notices or corre- listing.
quests for filing extensions by rubber stamp, spondence to you regarding your return.
mechanical device, or computer software pro- Line 11a
Name, Mailing Address, Federal
gram. List deductions taken for federal tax purpos-
Employer I.D. Number and Hawaii Tax
• Give the partnership a copy of the return in I.D. Number
es but not allowed, or allowable only in part, for
addition to the copy to be filed with your taxa- Hawaii tax purposes. For example, deductions
tion district office. The partnership may use its legal or trade connected with income not taxable for Hawaii
name on all tax returns and other documents purposes or section 199 domestic activities de-
The partnership may authorize the Depart-
filed. Print or type the partnership’s legal name duction.
ment to discuss its tax return with its paid pre-
parer by checking the “Yes” box above the paid and mailing address on the appropriate line. If Line 11b
preparer’s signature. Checking “Yes” will allow the this is a foreign address, enter the information
Caution: Include only ordinary gains or losses
Department to contact the paid preparer to an- in the following order: city, province or state,
from the sale, exchanges, or involuntary conversion
swer any questions that may arise during the pro- country, and postal code. Do not abbreviate the
of assets used in a trade or business activity. Or-
cessing of the partnership’s return. This designa- country name. Show the Federal Employer I.D.
dinary gains or losses from the sale, exchange, or
tion does not allow the paid preparer to call the Number in item A on page 1 of Form N-20 and
involuntary conversion of rental activity assets will
Department for information about the processing the Hawaii Tax I.D. Number in item D.
be reported separately on Schedules K and K-1,
of the return or for other issues relating to the Lines 1 - 9 generally, as a part of the net income (loss) from the
return. This designation does not replace Form rental activity. If the partner does not materially par-
Enter on lines 1 through 9 the requested
N-848, Power of Attorney. ticipate in the trade or business, the gains or losses
amounts as they appear on the partnership’s fed-
reported on line 11b will be subject to the passive
Specific Instructions eral return. Writing “See attached federal return”
on Form N-20 and attaching a copy of the part- activity rules.
These instructions follow the line numbers on nership’s Form 1065 is not acceptable. Line 11c
the first page of Form N-20 and on the schedules
You are NOT required to attach a copy of the Enter the portion of the Hawaii jobs credit
that accompany it. Specific instructions for most
partnership’s federal return (Form 1065) to Form claimed, applicable to current year new employ-
of the lines have been provided. Those lines that
N-20. ees that is reported on Schedule K line 20.
do not appear in the instructions are self-explan-
atory. If this is a return of a partnership with Line 11d
trade or business activities in several states,
File only one return for each partnership. As noted on page 1 of these instructions, Ha-
including Hawaii, and the ordinary income or
Mark “duplicate copy” on any copy you give to a waii has not adopted federal “bonus” depreciation
loss from trade or business activities report-
partner. provisions. If a depreciation deduction is claimed
ed on this return is determined using separate
If a syndicate, pool, joint venture, or similar accounting, attach a schedule of the partner- for Hawaii tax purposes, the partnership must:
group files Form N-20, a copy of the agreement ship’s Hawaii trade or business activities in- (a) complete a federal Form 4562 for Hawaii tax
and all amendments must be attached to the re- come and expenses. Enter on lines 1 through purposes using the federal depreciation guide-
turn, unless a copy has already been filed. Un- 9 applicable amounts from this schedule in- lines in effect before the adoption of the “bonus”
der section 761(a), an investing unincorporated stead of from the partnership’s federal return. depreciation provisions, (b) attach the completed
organization or one participating in the joint pro- federal Form 4562 to the Hawaii tax return, (c)
Amounts received by a qualified high technol- make the necessary adjustments to the Hawaii
duction, extraction, or use of property under an
ogy business as royalties and other income de- tax return for the depreciation difference between
operating agreement or an organization of deal-
rived from patents, copyrights, and trade secrets federal and Hawaii, and (d) attach to the Hawaii
ers in securities for a short period for the purpose
owned by the qualified high technology busi- tax return any worksheet showing the computa-
of underwriting, selling, or distributing a particular
ness and developed and arising out of a quali- tion of the adjustments. The partnership must
issue of securities may elect not to be treated as
fied high technology business are excluded from also keep records of the differences in the as-
a partnership. Make the election by attaching a
Hawaii income. Expenses related to this income set’s depreciable basis for federal and Hawaii tax
statement to Form N-20 for the first year for which
are deductible. “Qualified high technology busi- purposes.
the partnership wants the exclusion.
ness” means a business conducting more than
Fill in applicable lines and schedules. 50% of its activities in qualified research. “Quali-
Page 4
Schedule D the partnership is valued (or capitalized) at eight
times the net annual rental rate. Where property
sive of specially allocated items is divided evenly
among three partners but some special items are
Capital Gains and Losses
is rented for less than a 12 month period, the rent allocated 50% to one, 30% to another, and 20%
Purpose of Schedule.—Use Schedule D paid for the actual period of rental shall constitute to the third partner, report the special items on
(Form N-20) to report the sale or exchange of the annual rental rate for the tax period. The pay- the appropriate line of the applicable partner’s
capital assets, except capital gains (losses) that roll factor is a fraction, the numerator of which is Schedule K-1 and the total on the appropriate
are specially allocated to any partners. the total amount paid in this State during the tax line of Schedule K instead of on the numbered
period by the partnership for compensation, and lines on page 1 of Form N-20 or Schedule D.
For detailed information, see the instructions
the denominator of which is the total compensa- If the partnership agreement does not provide
on Schedule D (Form N-20).
tion paid everywhere during the tax period. The for the partner’s share of income, gain, loss, de-
Schedule K and sales (or gross receipts) factor is a fraction, the duction, or credit, or if the allocation under the
numerator of which is the total sales of the part-
Schedule K-1 nership in this State during the tax period, and
agreement does not have the substantial eco-
nomic effect, the partner’s share is determined
Partners’ Share of Income, the denominator of which is the total sales of the according to the partner’s interest in the partner-
Credits, Deductions, etc. partnership everywhere during the tax period. ship. (See section 704(b).)
Purpose If this apportionment does not fairly represent
Schedule K is a summary schedule of all the the extent of the partnership’s business activity in Specific Instructions
this State, the partnership may request the use (Schedule K only)
partners’ shares of the partnership’s income, de-
of separate accounting, the exclusion of one or
ductions, credits, etc. Prepare Schedule K-1 in Enter the total distributive amount for each
more of the factors, the inclusion of one or more
triplicate. A copy of each partner’s K-1 must be applicable items listed.
additional factors, or the use of any other method
attached to the Form N-20 filed with the Depart-
ment, one copy to be sent to each partner, and to accurately reflect the partnership’s business (Schedule K-1 only)
activity in the State. Complete Schedules O and
one copy retained for the partnership’s files. Prepare and give a Schedule K-1 to each
P (Form N-20) to show this computation.
Although the partnership is not subject to in- person who was a partner in the partnership at
Other items are attributed as follows: any time during the year. Schedule K-1 must be
come tax, the members are liable for income tax
on their shares of the partnership income, wheth- • Net rents and royalties from real property provided to each partner on or before the day
er or not distributed, and must include their share located in Hawaii are attributed to Hawaii. on which the partnership return is required to
on their tax returns. Federal Form 8825 may be attached to Form be filed.
N-20 as a schedule of expenses. Note: Generally, any person who holds an inter-
The total amount of the distributive share
items (columns b and c) reported on each line on • Net rents and royalties from tangible personal est in a partnership as a nominee for another per-
all of the partners’ Schedules K-1 should equal property are attributed to Hawaii if and to the son is required to furnish to the partnership the
the amount reported on the same line of Sched- extent that the property is utilized in Hawaii. name, address, etc., of the other person.
ule K of Form N-20 through line 33. • Capital gains and losses from sale of real On each Schedule K-1, enter the names, ad-
property located in Hawaii are attributed to dresses, and identifying numbers of the partner
Complete Schedule K-1 for each partner.
Hawaii. and partnership and the partner’s distributive
Schedules K and K-1 have the same line num-
bers through line 32 to make it easier for the • Capital gains and losses from sales of tan- share of each item.
partnership to prepare Schedule K-1. In addition, gible personal property are attributable to Ha- For an individual partner, enter the partner’s
Schedule K-1 has questions A through F and waii if the property had a situs in Hawaii at the social security number. For all other partners,
item G. Additional copies of Schedule K-1 are time of the sale. enter the partner’s FEIN. (However, if a partner
available from your district tax office. • Interest and dividends are attributed to Hawaii is an individual retirement arrangement (IRA),
Attributable to Hawaii if the partnership’s commercial domicile is in enter the identifying number of the custodian of
Hawaii. the IRA. Do not enter the social security number
Each partnership must state specifically the
income attributable to the State and the income • Patent and copyright royalties are attributed of the person for whom the IRA is maintained.)
to Hawaii if and to the extent that the patent If a taxpayer and spouse each had an interest
attributable everywhere with respect to each
or copyright is utilized by the payor in Hawaii. in the partnership, prepare a separate Schedule
Ordinary income or (loss) from trade or busi- • Intangible property is attributed to Hawaii if it K-1 for each of them. If a taxpayer and spouse
is used in Hawaii. held an interest together, prepare one Schedule
ness activities shall be attributed to the State by K-1 if the two of them are considered to be one
the use of the apportionment of business income • Services are attributed to Hawaii if it is used partner.
allocation provisions of the Uniform Division of or consumed in Hawaii.
Income for Tax Purposes Act (UDITPA), section Amounts received by a qualified high technol- Note: Space has been provided after line 38 of
235-29, HRS. Business income shall be appor- ogy business as royalties and other income de- Schedule K-1 for you to provide information to the
tioned to this State by multiplying the income by rived from patents, copyrights, and trade secrets partners. This space may be used in lieu of attach-
a fraction, the numerator of which is the property owned by the qualified high technology business ments.
factor plus the payroll factor plus the sales factor, and developed and arising out of a qualified high Question A.—Is This Partner a General
and the denominator of which is three. If the de- technology business are excluded from Hawaii ­Partner?
nominator of the property factor, payroll factor, or income. Expenses related to this income are de- Question A must be answered for all partners.
sales factor is zero, the denominator of the frac- ductible. If a partner holds interests as both a general and
tion in section 235-29, HRS, is reduced by the How Income Is Shared Among Partners limited partner, attach a schedule for each ac-
number of factors with a zero denominator, and tivity which shows the amounts allocable to the
the numerator of that fraction shall not include Income (loss) is allocated to a partner only
for the part of the year in which that person is a partner’s interest as a limited partner.
any factor with a zero denominator. The prop-
erty factor is a fraction, the numerator of which member of the partnership. The partnership will Question B.—What Type of Entity Is This
is the average value of the partnership’s real and either allocate on a daily basis or divide the part- Partner? State on this line whether the partner
tangible personal property owned or rented and nership year into segments and allocate income, is an individual, a corporation, a fiduciary, a part-
used in this State during the tax period and the loss, or special items in each segment among the nership, an exempt organization, or a nominee
denominator of which is the average value of persons who were partners during that segment. (custodian). If the partner entity is an LLC and it
all the partnership’s real and tangible personal (See section 706(c)(2) for more information and is treated as other than a disregarded entity for
property owned or rented and used during the for the termination of a partner’s interest.) state income tax purposes, the partnership must
tax period. Property owned by the partnership Allocate shares of income, gain, loss, deduc- enter the LLC’s classification for state income tax
is valued at its original cost. The average value tion, or credit among the partners according to purposes (that is, a corporation or partnership).
of property shall be determined by averaging the the partnership agreement for sharing income If the partner is a nominee, use one of the fol-
values at the beginning and ending of the tax pe- or loss generally. If the partners agree, specific lowing codes after the word “nominee” to indicate
riod. The use of monthly values may be required items may be allocated among them in a ratio dif- the type of entity the nominee represents: I—In-
if necessary to properly reflect the average value ferent from the ratio for sharing income or loss dividual; C—Corporation; F—Fiduciary; P—Part-
of the partnership’s property. Property rented by generally. For instance, if the net income exclu- nership; E—Exempt Organization; or IRA—Indi-
vidual Retirement Arrangement.
Page 5
Item C.—Partner’s Profit, Loss, and Capital (Schedules K and K-1 unless K-1. The partners report their shares in the year
Sharing Percentages. Enter in item C(ii) the per- in which the property is placed in service. Show
otherwise noted)
centage existing at the end of the year. However, the total section 179 expense on Schedule K, line
if a partner’s interest terminated during the year, Income (loss) 13, and allocate it to each partner on Schedule
enter in item C(i) the percentages that existed Line 1 K-1, line 13.
immediately before the termination. When the The partnership must specify the item(s) of
profit or loss sharing percentage has changed Enter the partner’s share of the ordinary in-
come (loss) reported on Form N-20, line 16. If section 179 property which it elects to treat as an
during the year, show the percentage before the expense and the portion of the cost of each item
change in item C(i) and the end of year percent- line 16 is a loss, enter the partner’s full share
of the loss. If the partner holds interests in the which is being treated as an expense. Do this on
age in item C(ii). If there are multiple changes federal Form 4562, Depreciation and Amortiza-
in the profit and loss sharing percentage during partnership both as a general partner and as a
limited partner, enter the total loss for all interests tion, and on a schedule attached to Schedule
the year, attach a statement giving the date and K-1. Generally, any election made under section
percentage before each change. “Ownership of held in the partnership. Enter the loss without ref-
erence to the adjusted basis of the partner’s in- 179 may not be revoked except with the consent
capital” means the portion of the capital that the of the Director.
partner would receive if the partnership was liqui- terest in the partnership or the partner’s amount
dated at year end by the distribution of undivided at risk. Line 1 should reflect the total ordinary in- Depreciation or amortization may not be tak-
interests in partnership assets and liabilities. come (loss) from all trade or business operations. en on any amount for which a deduction is al-
lowed under section 179.
Item D.—Partner’s Share of Liabilities. En- Line 4
ter each partner’s share of nonrecourse liabilities, See section 179 and federal Form 4562 for
Enter: (1) the guaranteed payments to part-
partnership-level qualified nonrecourse financ- more information.
ners for salaries and interest deducted by the
ing, and other liabilities. If the partner terminated partnership and included on Form N-20, line 9; Please note that Hawaii has not adopted fed-
his or her interest in the partnership during the and (2) the guaranteed payments to partners that eral provisions relating to the increase of the sec-
year, enter the share that existed immediately be- the partnership is required to capitalize, such as tion 179 deduction and “bonus” depreciation.
fore the total disposition. In all other cases, enter payments or credits to a partner for services ren- Line 15
it as of the end of the year. dered in organizing a partnership.
Enter any other deductions not included on
If the partnership is engaged in two or more Line 10 line 12 through 14, such as:
different types of at-risk activities, or a combina-
Enter the net section 1231 gain (loss) from a. Amounts, other than investment interest, paid
tion of at-risk activities and any other activity, at-
Schedule D-1, line 8. by the partnership that would be itemized de-
tach a statement showing the partner’s share of
nonrecourse liabilities, partnership-level qualified Do not include net gain or loss from involun- ductions on any of the partners’ income tax
nonrecourse financing, and other liabilities for tary conversions due to casualty or theft. Report returns if they were paid directly by a partner
each activity. See sections 465(c)(2) and (3) to net gain or loss from involuntary conversions due for the same purpose. These amounts in-
determine if the partnership is engaged in more to casualty or theft on line 11. clude, but are not limited to expenses under
than one at-risk activity. section 212 for the production of income other
Line 11 than from the partnership’s trade or business.
If a partnership is engaged in an activity sub- Enter any other items of income, gain, or loss b. Any interest penalty on early withdrawal of
ject to the limitations of section 465(c)(1), give not included on lines 1 through 10, such as: savings. The federal Form 1099-INT given to
each partner his or her share of the total pre-
a. Gains from the disposition of farm recapture the partnership by a bank or savings and loan
1976 losses from the section 465(c)(1) activity
property (see Schedule D-1) and other items association will show the amount of any inter-
(i.e., film or video tape, section 1245 property
to which section 1252 apply. est penalty the partnership was charged be-
leasing, farm, or oil and gas property) for which
b. Recoveries of bad debts, prior taxes, and de- cause it withdrew funds from its time savings
there existed a corresponding amount of nonre-
linquency amounts (section 111). deposit before its maturity.
course liability at the end of each year in which
the losses occurred. c. Gains and losses from wagering (section c. Soil and water conservation expenditures
165(d)). (section 175).
Items E.—Publicly Traded Partnerships. If
the box in Item E is checked, you are a partner d. Any income, gain, or loss to the partnership d. Expenditures for the removal of architectural
in a publicly traded partnership and must follow under section 751(b). and transportation barriers to the elderly and
the rules for Publicly Traded Partnerships. See handicapped and which the partnership has
e. Net gain or loss from involuntary conversions
federal Partner’s Instructions for Schedule K-1 elected to treat as a current expense (section
due to casualty or theft. Give each partner a
(Form 1065) for more information. 190).
schedule that separately shows each part-
ner’s share of the amount to be reported on e. Contributions to a capital construction fund.
Item G.—Reconciliation of Partner’s Capi-
tal Account. If you are not required to complete federal Form 4684, Casualties and Theft. f. Any amounts paid during the tax year for
health insurance coverage for a partner (in-
Item L on Schedule K-1 (Form 1065), you are not Deductions
required to complete Item G on Schedule K-1 cluding that partner’s spouse and depen-
(Form N-20). Line 12 dents).
Note: The partnership must maintain a State Ac- Enter the total amount of charitable contri- g. Payments for a partner to an IRA, qualified
cumulated Adjustments Account. butions, and each amount subject to the 50%, plan, or simplified employee pension (SEP)
30%, and 20% limitations paid by the partnership or SIMPLE IRA plan. If a qualified plan is a
Box b - Report in this box the capital contribu- during the tax year. Attach an itemized list that defined benefit plan, a partner’s distribu-
tions as reported on the partnership’s books. separately shows the partnership’s charitable tive share of payments is determined in the
Box c - Enter in this box the sum of the contributions subject to the 50%, 30%, and 20% same manner as his or her distributive share
amounts on lines 1 through 11, column c of this limitations. of partnership taxable income. For a defined
Schedule K-1 and any nontaxable income. If the partnership made a qualified conser- benefit plan, attach to the Schedule K-1 for
Box d - Enter in this box the sum of the vation contribution under section 170(h), also each partner a statement showing the amount
amounts on lines 12 through 15 and 32a, column include the fair market value of the underlying of benefit accrued for the tax year.
c of this Schedule K-1 and any disallowed deduc- property before and after the donation, the type h. Interest expense allocated to debt-financed
tions. of legal interest contributed, and describe the distributions. See Internal Revenue Service
conservation purpose furthered by the donation. Notice 89-35 for more information.
Box e - Report in this box the withdrawals
and distributions as reported on the partnership’s Give a copy of this information to each partner. i. Interest paid or accrued on debt properly al-
books. Line 13 locable to each general partner’s share of a
working interest in any oil or gas property (if
Box f - The amount to enter in this box is the A partnership may elect to expense part of the partner’s liability is not limited). General
sum of the amounts from boxes a, b, and c less the cost (up to $25,000) of recovery property partners that did not materially participate in
the sum of the amounts from boxes d and e. that the partnership purchased this year for use the oil or gas activity treat this interest as in-
in its trade or business. The partnership may not vestment interest; for other general partners,
deduct the section 179 expense, but should re- it is a trade or business interest.
port the expense separately on Schedules K and
Page 6
Credits Schedule K-1, Line 38 payments for the participating partner’s distribu-
tive share of Hawaii source income based on
Lines 16 - 31 See instructions for federal Form 1065, their own individual tax rate but with no standard
Schedule K-1 for what to report on line 38.
See Instructions for schedule CR for more in- deduction or personal exemption, provided the
formation on specific credits. Analysis (Schedule K only) following conditions are met:
Line 32 Lines 34a and 34b • The partner must be an individual.
Investment Interest For each type of partner shown, enter the por- • The partner’s income from the partnership is
tion of the amount shown on line 34a of Sched- the partner’s only income from Hawaii sourc-
Lines 32a-32b(2) must be completed whether ule K that was allocated to that type of partner. es. If a partner has other income from Hawaii
or not a partner is subject to the investment inter- The sum of the amounts shown on line 34b must sources such as multiple partnerships, even
est rules. equal the amount shown on line 34a. though the partnerships are related, a sepa-
Line 32a. Investment Interest Expense.— rate net income tax return must be filed by
In classifying partners who are individuals as
Include on this line interest paid or accrued to that partner.
“active” or “passive,” the partnership should apply
purchase or carry property held for investment. the following rules: • The partnership will obtain a Power-of-Attor-
Property held for investment includes property ney from each of its partners to permit the
1. If the partnership’s principal activity is a trade
that produces portfolio income (interest, divi- partnership to file an income tax return on the
or business activity, classify a general partner
dends, annuities, royalties, etc.). Therefore, inter- partners’ behalf. A copy of each power of at-
as “active” if the partner materially participat-
est expense allocable to portfolio income should torney is to be attached to the initial compos-
ed in all partnership trade or business activi-
be reported on line 32a of Schedule K-1 (rather ite tax return filed by the partnership.
ties; otherwise, classify a general partner as
than line 14 of Schedule K-1).
“passive.” • The partnership, as an agent for the partici-
Property held for investment includes a part- pating partners, shall pay tax, additions to tax,
2. If the partnership’s principal activity consists
ner’s interest in a trade or business activity that is interest, and penalties otherwise required to
of working interest in an oil or gas well, clas-
not a passive activity to the partner and in which be paid by the partners.
sify a partner holding a working interest in the
the partner does not materially participate. An The composite Hawaii Nonresident Individual
oil or gas well through an entity that does not
example would be a partner’s working interest in Income Tax Return, Form N-15, shall be
limit the partner’s liability as “active;” other-
oil and gas property (i.e., the partner’s interest completed as follows:
wise, classify the partner as “passive.”
is not limited) if the partner does not materially
participate in the oil and gas activity. 3. If the partnership’s principal activity is a rental 1. Fill in the oval indicating this is a compos-
real estate activity, classify a general partner ite return;
Investment interest does not include interest as “active” if the partner actively participated
expense allocable to a passive activity. 2. The first name on the return shall be “Part-
in all of the partnership’s rental real estate ac- ners” and the last name is the partner-
The amount on line 32a will be deducted (af- tivities; otherwise, classify a general partner ship’s name;
ter applying the investment interest expense limi- as “passive.”
tations of section 163(d)) by individual partners 3. The partnership’s FEIN shall be used
4. If the partnership’s principal activity is a port-
on their Form N-11 or N-15. in place of the taxpayers’ social security
folio activity, classify all partners as “active.” number. Enter the partnership’s FEIN in
Lines 32b(1) and 32b(2). Investment In- 5. Classify all limited partners and all partners social security number format (i.e., 123-
come and Expenses.—Enter on line 32b(1) in a partnership whose principal activity is a 45-6789);
only the investment income included on lines 5 rental activity other than a rental real estate
through 7 of Schedule K-1. Enter on line 32b(2) 4. Indicate the partnership’s mailing address
activity as “passive.”
only the investment expense included on line 14 as the taxpayers’ address;
6. If the partnership cannot make a reasonable
of Schedule K-1. determination as to whether or not a partner’s 5. Indicate the partnership’s principal busi-
If there are items of investment income or ex- participation in a trade or business activity is ness activity in Hawaii as the taxpayers’
pense included in the amounts that are required material or whether or not a partner’s partici- occupation;
to be passed through separately to the partner pation in a rental real estate activity is active, 6. Filing status will be single. No personal ex-
on Schedule K-1 (items other than the amounts classify the partner as “passive.” emption is allowed;
included on lines 5 through 7 and 14 of Sched- In applying the above rules, a partnership 7. Complete pages 2 and 3, Col. B, lines 17
ule K-1), give each partner a schedule identifying should classify each partner to the best of its and 35;
these amounts. knowledge and belief. It is assumed that in most 8. Deductions necessary to determine each
Investment income includes gross income cases the level of a particular partner’s participa- partner’s distributive share of the partner-
from property held for investment, gain attribut- tion in an activity will be apparent. ship income are allowed;
able to the disposition of property held for invest-
ment, and other amounts that are gross portfolio Schedules O and P 9. Credits directly attributable to the partner-
income. Investment income and investment ex- Allocation and Apportionment of Income ship are allowed;
penses do not include any income or expenses 10. On line 37, enter zero since worldwide
If the partnership had ordinary income or
from a passive activity. source income of each nonresident part-
(loss) from trade or business activities both within
Property subject to a net lease is not treated ner is not required, itemized deductions
and without Hawaii, complete Schedules O and
as investment property because it is subject to calculated using the ratio of Hawaii adjust-
P to determine the business income or (loss) ap-
the passive loss rules. Do not reduce investment ed gross income to total adjusted gross
portioned to Hawaii. For more details, see the in-
income by losses from passive activities. income may not be claimed. Also, tax
structions for “Attributable to Hawaii” on page 4, credits which are based on total adjusted
Investment expenses are deductible expens- under Schedule K and Schedule K-1. Attach a gross income from all sources may not be
es (other than interest) directly connected with copy of Schedules O and P to Form N-20. claimed;
the production of investment income.
Composite Returns for 11. Complete page 3 by:
Schedule K, Lines 33 - 37 Nonresident Partners a. determining the taxable income for
each nonresident partner and enter
At present, there are no statutory provisions
Report on lines 33 through 37 of Schedule the total on lines 41 and 43;
that: (1) allow partnerships the option to file
K, credit recapture amounts for the Hawaii Low- b. determining the tax for each nonresi-
composite returns on behalf of their nonresident
Income Housing Tax Credit, the Capital Goods dent partner and enter the total on line
partners, and (2) grant the election to be taxed
Excise Tax Credit, the Tax Credit for Flood Vic- 44; and
at the nonresident partners’ own individual tax
tims, the Important Agricultural Land Qualified
rates but with no standard deduction or personal c. completing lines 45 through 51 as ap-
Agricultural Cost Tax Credit, and the Capital In-
exemption. However, the Department of Taxation propriate, and line 52 (note: on Sched-
frastructure Tax Credit.
will administratively allow partnerships to elect ule CR, skip line 9).
See instructions for federal Form 1065, to file composite Hawaii nonresident income tax
Schedule K for what else to report on line 33. 12. Complete page 4, lines 53 through 66 as
returns on behalf of participating partners, all of appropriate.
whom are nonresidents, and make composite
Page 7
A schedule is attached to the return detailing year and who are allowed to be included on quarter - $200; N-1, 2nd quarter - $300;
each partner’s: the composite return may have those payments etc.) made by the individual.
1. Name, address, social security number, credited to the composite return. The partnership The election to file a composite Hawaii non-
and filing status (single); may claim these payments on Form N-15, line resident return may be revoked by the Depart-
55, by entering the total of the estimated tax ment upon failure of the partnership to comply
2. Distributive share of income or (loss); payments along with “see attached schedule” with the terms and conditions of this election.
3. Allowable itemized deductions; in the amount column of line 55 and attaching
a schedule of the estimated tax payments by In making such an election, the partnership
4. Tax due computed on the taxable income will not be required to obtain from the partici-
of the individual partner; and stating each individual’s:
pating partners, income derived from non-entity
5. Distributive share of credits. 1. Name, address, and social security num- sources and claims for non-entity deductions.
ber, and
Nonresident partners who have made Hawaii
estimated tax payments during the 2020 tax 2. Each type of estimated payment and
amount of payment (e.g., N-201V, 1st
Page 8
Copy of Fed.
Federal Use Form May Be
Form Number Title or Description of Federal Form Hawaii Form Used
970 Application To Use LIFO Inventory Method None Yes*
1065 U.S. Return of Partnership Income N-20 No
Schedule D Capital Gains and Losses Sch. D (N-20) No
Schedule K-1 Partner’s Share of Income, Deductions, Credits, Etc. Sch. K-1 (N-20) No
1128 Application to Adopt, Change, or Retain a Tax Year None Yes*
3115 Application for Change in Accounting Method None Yes*
4562 Depreciation and Amortization None Yes*
4684 Casualties and Thefts None Yes*
4797 Sales of Business Property Sch. D-1 No
5884 Work Opportunity Credit N-884 No
6198 At-Risk Limitations None Yes*
6781 Gains and Losses from Section 1256 None Yes*
Contracts and Straddles
8283 Noncash Charitable Contributions None Yes*
8582 Passive Activity Loss Limitations None Yes*
8586 Low-Income Housing Credit N-586 No
8693 Low-Income Housing Credit Disposition Bond N-587 No
8697 Interest Computation Under the Look-Back Method None Yes*
for Completed Long-Term Contracts
8824 Like-Kind Exchanges None Yes*
8825 Rental Real Estate Income and Expenses None Yes*
of a Partnership or an S Corporation
8832 Entity Classification Election None Yes*
8949 Sales and other Dispositions of Capital Assets None Yes*
* If there is no Hawaii equivalent form, the federal form must be used.

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