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SWOT Analysis:

A) Strengths:

1. Bhutan Mountain Hazelnuts can gain profitability by increasing the production of

hazelnuts and also by exporting the products.

2. With proper quality of the hazelnuts and full support from the government, Bhutan
Mountain Hazelnuts can easily get registered in the Brand Bhutan which indirect
reorganizes the brand.

3. Company can be recognized internationally for its reliability, fairness, integrity and the
standards of its company’s product (Goodwill) that contributes to global presence.

B) Weaknesses:

1. Bhutan Mountain Hazelnut has captured good market share in Asia but they have less
market share in other continents. Thus, they lack even distribution of market share which
leads to uneven worldwide distribution.

2. They have competitive price disadvantage since other companies producing hazelnuts
they provide the product at lower rate compare to Bhutan Mountain Hazelnut leading to
product pricing.

3. Bhutan Mountain Hazelnut does not have enough professional management personal and
potential investors are not willing to invest in their company. Thus, there is every
possibility for company to run in short of the capital, affecting the company’s stability or
C) Opportunities:

1. They have gain good market share in Asian countries. They can also expand their market
in other countries because of their quality product and the multipurpose of the product
which creates new market.

2. Hazelnuts have multi-use. Therefore, the company can manufacture various secondary
products out of hazel nuts and supply both the secondary product as well as the primary
products (as raw material) of hazelnuts which lead to product diversification.

3. Increase in the income by improving the quality product or with profitability, Bhutan
Mountain Hazelnut will have opportunity to invest their profit in their competitors’ shares
eventually leading to merge and acquisition of its rival company.

D) Threats

1. New producer is attracted to join the industries since hazelnut business comes under
medium high attractive industries. So, Bhutan Mountain Hazelnut faces threat in the

2. There is a high chance of the product losing its value over time due to its excess supply as
hazelnut has multipurpose; its production has been increasing yearly. There can be
saturation point whereby the producer may produce hazelnuts more than the actual
demand of the market.

3. Hazelnuts can lose its demand over the time with the change in the customers taste and
preferences as hazelnut has various substitutions such as Almond, Macadamia nuts and
Cashews. So, consumers may substitute hazelnuts with its substitutes.

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