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REGNO: SCT221-COO7-0609-2016





a) Distinguish between the following types of graphics processing.

i. Vector graphics
 They are composed of paths.
 Vector displays flicker when the number of primitives in the image become too
 Vector graphics draw continuous and smooth lines.
 File extensions: .SVG, .EPS, .PDF, .AI, .DXF

ii. Raster graphics

 They are composed of pixels.
 In raster graphics refresh process is independent of the complexity of the image.
 Raster graphics can draw mathematical curves, polygons and boundaries of
curved primitives only by pixel approximation.
 File extensions: .BMP, .TIF, .GIF, .JPG
b) Differentiate the difference in mechanism for pixel production in the following
display technologies.
i. Cathode ray tube
The CRT receives the signals through a cable and the signal is decoded by the
display controller which finally appears on a phosphor screen.

ii. Liquid crystal display

Liquid crystals are the key elements of the display screen. By manipulating the
crystal there is a display controller in the monitor which receives the display
signals from the video adaptor in the motherboard. The display controller controls
two things – the electric signals to the liquid crystals and the back light.

iii. Plasma
Plasma technology is used to illuminate tiny colored fluorescent lights to create
image pixels. Each pixel is made of three such fluorescent lights – red, green and
blue lights. To create a wide range of colors, intensity of these lights is varied

iv. LED
LED monitors use light emitting diodes that acts as a performance booster in the
monitors. Basically LED monitors are the LCD monitors with a LED backlight to
power up the LCD panel. It means that LEDs are placed behind or around the
LCD panel to enhance the luminosity and video definition of the monitor screen.
It is used to convert the electric current into light.
c) Explain the following terms
i. Interactive graphics
A graphic that is capable of being modified or adjusted by the user.
ii. Viewing volume
The volume of space that is actually rendered into the image.
iii. Depth view
It is a method for indicating depth with wire frame displays is to vary the intensity
of objects according to their distance from the viewing position.
iv. View port window
It is the rectangular region of the screen or other display device where the image
will be drawn.
d) Differentiate the function of the following transformations.
i. Projection transformation
The projection is represented in OpenGL as a matrix. OpenGL keeps track of the
projection matrix separately from the matrix that represents the model view
ii. View port transformation
It transforms x and y clip coordinates to the coordinates that are used on the
display device. To specify the viewport transform, it is only necessary to specify
the rectangle on the device where the scene will be rendered. This is done using
the glViewport function.
iii. Modelling transformation
Modeling transformations are applied to individual objects.
iv. Viewing transformation
Viewing transformation usually applies to an entire scene as a whole.
e) Distinguish between the following in graphic processing.
i. Modeling and rendering processes.
Modeling is the manipulation of a 3D model to the way the user wants or needs it to look
(posing, animating, etc.)
Rendering is the process of taking that finished modeling product and turning it into a
high quality image, video, or a compiled and fully animated model for a game like a
customized gun or an NPC.
ii. Texture map rendering and photorealistic rendering.
Texture mapping is a graphic design process in which a two-dimensional (2-D) surface,
called a texture map, is "wrapped around" a three-dimensional (3-D) object.
Photorealistic rendering is a process of making a digital image in the computer. It is
simply another word for 3D rendering.
f) Briefly explain the importance of the following:
i. Hidden line and surface elimination
The importance of eliminating hidden lines from and surface sis because it
help in production of realistic images.
ii. Collision detection and response
Collision detection is the computational problem of detecting the
intersection of two or more objects. The collision detection helps to show
realistic image.
iii. Articulated figures
A structure consisting of rigid links connected at joints.
a) Explain the function of each of the following structures and respective
representation computer graphics
i. Graphic space
Balance the layout
Passive white space is one of the reasons why text is visually
received and understood better, whether we are talking about the
regular white space or negative space, used in designs with dark
back ground and white text. It also improves readability.
Emphasize objects
In order to focus the viewer on a picture, try using white borders.
This way you can attract attention on what’s inside an object or a
picture for that matter.
ii. Point
A point represents location.
iii. Vertex
A vertex is a data structure that describes certain attributes, like the
position of a point in 2D or 3D space, or multiple points on a
iv. Edge
Edges are the components that are used to represent the
relationships between various nodes in a graph. An edge between
two nodes expresses a one-way or two-way relationship between
the nodes.
b) Briefly explain the importance of vector matrices in computer graphics.
Vector matrix in computer graphics is its ability to convert geometric data into different
coordinate systems. The use of matrices in computer graphics is widespread. Examples of
matrix operations include translations, rotations, and scaling. Other matrix transformation
concepts like field of view, rendering, color transformation and projection.
Understanding of matrices is a basic necessity to program 3D video games

a) Explain the operations of the following line generation algorithms.
i. DDA algorithm
DDA stands for Digital Differential Analyzer. It is an incremental method
of scan conversion of line. In this method calculation is performed at each
step but by using results of previous steps.
ii. Brenham’s line generation and algorithm
This algorithm is used for scan converting a line. It was developed by
Brenham. It is an efficient method because it involves only integer
addition, subtractions, and multiplication operations. These operations can
be performed very rapidly so lines can be generated quickly.

b) Explain any different types of computer graphic curves.

Implicit Curves
The set of points on curve are defined by employing a procedure that can
be tested to see if a point is on the curve.
Explicit Curves
The function y = f(x) can be plotted as a curve, which is known as explicit
representation of the curve.
Parametric Curves
Parametric curves are the curves which have parametric values. Practically
parametric curves are mostly used.
Bezier Curves
The curves are generated under the control of other points.

i. Describe the features or components of the following

models in graphic processing.
Color model
RGB model (Red-Green-Blue) for computer display and the
CMYK model (Cyan-Magenta-Yellow-Black) for printing.
Illumination model
It is used to calculate the intensity of light that we should see at a
given point on the surface of an object.
a) Explain:
i. Drawing
It is creating images where the user creates the image by specifying shapes
that make up the image and their attributes.
ii. Rendering
Rendering is the process of taking that finished modeling product and turning it into a
high quality image, video, or a compiled and fully animated model for a game like a
customized gun or an NPC.

iii. Animation
It is the art of creating moving images via the use of computers.
iv. Imaging
It is the capture, storage, manipulation, and display of images.
b) Explain the difference between the following 3D modelling methods.
i. Polygonal modeling
It is an approach for modeling objects by representing or approximating
their surfaces using polygons. Polygonal modeling is well suited to
scanline rendering and is therefore the method of choice for real-time
computer graphics.
ii. Curve modeling
Surfaces are defined by curves, which are influenced by weighted
control points.
iii. Digital sculpting
It is the use of software that offers tools to push, pull, smooth, grab, pinch
or otherwise manipulate a digital object as if it were made of a real-life
substance such as clay.
c) i. Explain the advantage double buffering for animation in OpenGL.
Double buffering technique is used when the drawing we wish to create
has many details, and it is time consuming to draw even with a fast
Double buffering is purposed for graphic development.
ii. Differentiate between rasterization and fragment operation
stages of rendering process.

Rendering algorithm for generating 2D images from 3D scenes, transforming geometric
primitives such as lines and polygons into raster image representations, i.e. pixels
Rasterization: produces set of fragments for each object. Fragments are potential pixels: have
location in frame buffer, have color and depth attributes. Rasterizer interpolates vertex attributes
over objects (e.g. if each vertex is green, all fragments will be green; if each vertex is red, green
or blue, fragments will be spectrum between those colors.)
It processes all fragments independently in the same way fragments are processed, discarded or
stored in the framebuffer.
Fragment processing: colors of corresponding fragments are determined (may apply effect such
as bump mapping), hidden-surface removal: fragments may be blocked by other fragments closer
to the camera (remember, we're processing in order of objects sent by application program)

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