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Green Tea

Green tea is one of the healthiest beverage in the world. Consuming green tea gives
us many benefits. First, green tea improves brain function and makes you smarter.
Green tea contains caffeine, which is known as stimulant, but not as much as in coffee.
Caffeine leads to improvements in various aspects of brain function, including
improved mood, recetion time, and memory. Second, green tea contains bio-active
compounds that improve health. Green tea contains polyphenol, such as flavonoids and
catechins which function as antioxidant. Green tea has also some minerals that is good
for your health. Third, antioxidant in green tea may lower your risk of various typs of
cancer. As we know, antioxidants have a protective effects against cancer. Green tea
drinkers are significantly less likely to get cancer. For your information, do not put milk
on your green tea for it can reduce the antioxidant in it.

Drinking Water
Water becomes the popular drink after sot drink in some countries. People believe
that it is good to drink eight glasses of water a day to keep our body moisturized and
healthy. However, drinking eight glasses of water a day was nothing more than a
guideline, not based on scientific evidence. Water gives us many benefits. First, water
could aid weight loss. By drinking water before having a meal, you can lose your
weight. This is because extra H2O helps us eatless by making us feel full and boost
metabolism. Second, water keeps digest healthy. Water helps dissolve fats and soluble
fiber. Water also flushes waste product that prevents constipation and reduce the burden
on our kidneys and liver. The last, water prevents headache naturally. We sometimes get
migraine. Migraine is caused, sometimes, by not drinking water for too long. Water
helps our headache by drinking two to four cups of water for headache relief within one
to two hours. Water is the healthiest beverage in the world. You will get nothing from
water but benefits for your health.
Vitamins For A Healthy Heart

As we all know, vitamins are very important when it comes to keeping

your heart healthy.  You need to eat the right foods of course, although you also need
to supplement the food you eat with the necessary vitamins your body needs to stay in
shape and keep your heart working healthy for a long time to come.  If you don’t
consume the right nutrients, you won’t be doing your heart any favors - and may end
up having problems later on in life.
The first vitamin that comes to mind for most people is vitamin E, a vitamin that is
essential to improving the overall health of your heart.  When taken correctly, vitamin
E will stop the cholesterol in the body from harming the arteries that surround the
heart.  Anytime cholesterol oxidizes, it sticks to the sides of the arteries and can lead to
blockages which can cause heart attacks or other serious problems with the heart. 
To help you keep your heart healthy, most doctors recommend that you take
additional supplements that contain vitamin E.  They may also suggest that you eat
foods that are naturally rich in vitamin E, such as nuts.  Nuts have high amounts of
vitamin E, and most of them taste great.  You can find other foods that contain vitamin
E as well, although nuts have the highest amounts.
In the past, research has shown Vitamin E to help those who have already suffered the
wrath of a heart attack.  This vitamin helps to prevent heart attacks in the future by
opening up the arteries and eliminate blockage.  Those who have had a heart attack in
the past are always encouraged to add more vitamin E to their diet.
What many aren’t aware of, is the fact that you can use vitamin C to boost the effects
of vitamin E.  Vitamin C is known as an antioxidant, which prevents the damaging
effects that cholesterol has on the body.  Along with preventing cholesterol from
damaging the body, vitamin C also helps vitamin E with it’s functions - such as
protecting your arteries and your heart.
By taking both vitamin C and E as a combination, you’ll be well on your way to a
healthier heart.  Overall, this is the easiest way that you can be sure you aren’t
damaging your heart, especially if you have had a heart attack in the past.  If you have
a history of heart disease or heart problems in your family, these vitamins are essential
to your diet.  Even if you are just concerned about the health of your heart, these
vitamins will give you the peace of mind in knowing that you are eating for a healthy
As far as your dosage goes, it will vary from person to person, although 400
international units of vitamin E and C are the recommended amounts for most people. 
On it’s own, vitamin C can be tolerated in large doses, without imposing any harmful
effects.  You can take around 500 mg of it twice a day, and ensure that your heart
remains healthy.
To be on the safe side, you should always make sure that you get the proper amount
of vitamins in your daily diet.  Taking additional vitamins and supplements isn’t a bad
idea either, especially if you are trying to boost the health of your heart.  Your heart is
one of the most important organs in your body, which is why you should always take
care of it.  If you eat the proper diet and take the necessary vitamins - you’ll be well on
your way to keeping your heart healthy.
High Blood Pressure – A Silent Killer
According to the World Health Organization over a billion adults
around the world suffer from high blood pressure. It is now taking steps to
fight against what is called a silent killer. High blood pressure can lead to
strokes and a heart attack.
Almost 10 million people die of these two diseases every year. They are the
number one causes of death globally. High blood pressure also leads to
kidney failure, blindness, and other illnesses. It often goes hand in hand
with diabetes and obesity, which increases health risks even further.

As the WHO reports, people in developing countries in Africa suffer

more from high blood pressure than people in developed countries. The
reason is that health care in the developed world is much better organized
and people go to the doctor soon enough.

High blood pressure should never be ignored and always taken

seriously. It is a warning sign from your body that something is not OK.
Although people may live with high blood pressure for years without even
knowing it, it is important to check your blood pressure regularly and take
the necessary steps.
The WHO says that you can reduce your blood pressure by changing your
living habits. Eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, avoiding alcohol
and nicotine are some things that you can do without consulting a doctor.
Benefits of Honey for Body Health

The benefits and efficacy of honey has long been known by man. Quality–the
quality of nutrition and medicine from honey has been documented in the
Vedas, Greece, Roman, Christian, Islamic texts and more. Doctors from antiquity, such
as Aristotle (384-322 BC),Aristoxenus (320 BC),
Hippocrates, Porphyry, Cornelius Celsus (earlyfirst century AD) and Dioscorides,
and Arab doctors have referred to the healing qualities of honey. Although the
scientific arguments have been made for the use of honey in modern times, its use is
still considered part of alternative medicine. Honey contains a powerful
antioxidant with antibacterial and antiseptic properties. Here are some of the benefits
and efficacy of honey for health:
1. Prevent Cancer
The content of flavonoids found in the honey and antioksidan can reduce the risk of
cancer and heart disease. Meanwhile the content ofcarcinogens in honey can prevent
a variety of tumors.
2. increase of the immune system (immune)
Honey is also rich in antioxidants which can improve the performance of the digestive
system of the body so that the body becomes morehealthy and fit. Not only that, the
content of Honey has a content ofnutraceuticals can fight free radicals in the body.
3. Improve Stamina
According to research results, the honey can improve performance(ergogenic), which
can enhance the performance of athletes. Honeymay help the body control blood
sugar and also help the healing ofmuscle and stamina recovery after strenuous activity.
4. Sources of vitamins and minerals
Honey is also known to be rich in vitamin and mineral content. The levels of vitamins
and the minerl depending on the nectar that issmoked by the honey bees.
5. Keep out bacteria and fungi
Honey also contains antiseptic substance that acts to inhibit the growth of bacteria, it
is able to keep the body to
avoid infection. If seserorangwere scratch or burns, then the honey is often made
into medicine first aid to apply so as to avoid the occurrence of infections.
6. Lose weight
In contrast to the high calorie and sugar lukosa, honey containsvitamins and
minerals that the body needs. Many are convinced that the honey could be used as a
natural remedy for weight loss. Usuallydicampung honey with lemon juice drink in the
morning is believed tobe able to eliminate cellulite.
7. Treat cough and sore throat
Like just on point 6, anti bacterial content in honey can fightmikrobakteri the cause
of inflammation, even honey can kill thebakter–bacteria that cause infection in the
Benefits of coffee for the face
About 10 of 8 adults really like the habit of drinking coffee. Coffee is a drink that is
derived from the seeds of the fruit of the coffee that‘s been crushed. There are many
types of coffee, ranging from coffee robusta coffee, badgers etc. In addition to
the useful as relievers drowsiness and body warmers, coffee drinks also have other
benefits for skin health and beauty. reveals that in substance content in the form of copies of
carbohydrates, glycosides, minerals, amino acids, protein, caffeine, aliphatic carboxylic
acid/acid, trigoneline acid, klorogenat and many more. [1] in addition tonourish the
body, all of the content also has the ability to nourish the skin becausethe coffee also
has benefits for the skin, especially on the part of the face.
Pictures of coffee for the skin
The benefits of coffee for the face also already proven, because there are some
places face care spa and salon which has been coffee to use face masks. As quoted from, as for the benefits offered by coffee for the facial skin is as follows:
7 Coffee Benefits for skin
Resolve Acne Problem
Coffee dregs can be used as a facial scrub to address acne problems with how to
make pimples to dry more quickly, so avoid the problem of inflammatory acne.
Eliminate Blackheads
In addition to acne, a problem which is often dropped in on the skin of the
face isblackheads. Blackhead occurs because the face had deposits of excess
oil, oilyface serve as a suitable place for blackheads. To address the problem of
blackheads, can be done by using the mask the dregs of coffee regularly.
Disguise The Stain Black Acne Scars
Either the coffee or the coffee dregs, when smeared on the face of each has the
ability to disguise the stain black flecks–acne scars and black flecks. This is because
the coffee has the ability to remove dead skin cells.
Brighten Skin Face
In the coffee there is content of antioxidants which serves to lift the dead skin cellsthat
accumulate due to free radicals. Thus, the face will look brighter and skin free
of dullness. Control The Excess Oil Content
The next coffee benefits i.e., when used as a face mask on a regular basis can control
the content of excess oil on the face so the face looks more clean, freeFlash and to
avoid acne. Shrink skin pores Face
If used as a face mask on a regular basis, coffee can shrink the pores of the faceso
that it can make the skin free from acne and blackhead problem. Please note, one of
the causes of the emergence of pimples and blackheads on the face skincaused
by pores are clogged by dirt and excretion of excessive fat.
Moisturizes and Smoothes the skin
Coffee used as a facial mask and a natural facial scrub on a regular basis canmake
the skin become more moist and smooth. [2]
How to mask any coffee making is easy to do, do I just use pure coffee dregs ordregs of
coffee that is not mixed with sugar, then apply it on the face as a mask, domassage
or rub it gently on the face, let stand about 20 – 25 minutes,
then bilaslahusing facial SOAP and clean water. Coffee mask can also be made by
means ofmixing pure coffee dregs with honey, egg white or olive oil.
To get maximum results, use face masks or facial scrub on a regular basis, a
maximum of 2 – 3 times a week. Make sure also that have used the original and
pure coffee, namely ground coffee is not mixed with any ingredient. The reason, to
decrease production costs there are some manufacturers that mix the other
ingredients such as corn powder into the coffee products they make.
Tips to ensure the security and authenticity of the coffee, we recommend that
youbuy coffee beans and then sangrailah himself or cooking with a pan of clay without
the use of oil. Then, puree the beans already roasted peanuts. If you already know
the process of making coffee powder, prmbaca can be found the security
andauthenticity of the material to be used for facial skin. This is because the face is one
of a precious asset so as not to be arbitrary in selecting natural ingredients, beauty
products and cosmetics to be used. Read also the benefits of orange peel to
lowercholesterol levels.
Human Brain Need Vacation
Doing the same routine every day will lead to saturation and the brain can not work
optimally. There are 4 reasons that make the human brain needs a vacation. 
A study conducted by the Families and Work Institute found that doing a vacation like
going to museums or the beach nearby is important for the brain. 

Here are 4 reasons that make the holiday becomes important for the brain, as quoted
1. Improve Memory 
Dr. Russell Poldrack as director of the Imaging Research Center at the University
of Texas at Austin said the holiday will provide a new experience, this condition will
make the brain responds by releasing dopamine into the hippocampus (part of the brain
that creates a memory or memories). This will improve memory and help protect against
Alzheimer's disease. 
2. Enhance creativity 
American and French researchers found the holidays can increase the ability to
solve problems, raise awareness of the connection is lost and to encourage people to try
something new. This is because vacation facilitate the mind's creativity. 
3. Sharpens concentration 
Researchers from the University of Pittsburgh reported that people with serious
health conditions tend to take less time thus increasing the levels of stress hormones.
Poldrack said when someone is tired, then the prefrontal cortex will be overwhelmed
due to the amount of stress hormones and makes one lose focus or concentration. 
4. Provide rest time 
The study found 2-3 days after the holiday people will have a rest time and a higher
quality sleep, it can even be increased to 80 percent. Quality sleep can improve memory
and brain health. 
Danger of Smoking in the Morning
Smoking in the morning, especially accompanied by a cup of coffee, has become a
ritual that hard to break. However, these habits seem to need to be stopped from
smoking at the beginning of the day is more dangerous than smoking on the day or

Research shows that smoking after waking up would increase the risk of lung
cancer, neck and head. "Morning smokers have high levels of nicotine and other toxins
from tobacco in his body. They are also more addicted than smokers who refrained from
smoking a half hour or so after waking up," said researcher Joshua Muscat of Penn State
College of Medicine. 

To find out why some smokers get cancer and not, Muscat and his team examined
the link between cancer risk is there with the habit of first cigarette in the morning. 

The first study involved 4775 patients with lung cancer and 2835 of other smokers
without lung cancer. Those who smoke 30 minutes after waking up 1.79 times higher
risk of suffering from lung cancer than those who waited more than 60 minutes.
Meanwhile, those who smoked 31-60 minutes after waking up had 1.31 times the risk
compared to those who wait at least an hour. 

The second study involved 1055 people with brain and neck cancer and 795 people
who smoked but did not suffer brain and neck cancer. Those who smoked within 30
minutes when you wake up 1.59 times the risk of brain and neck cancer compared with
those who waited an hour. 

The risk of smokers who smoked 31-60 minutes after waking up 1.42 times than
those who wait at least an hour. 
Got Kids Can Make Healthy
Baby is a beautiful gift given by God. Almost every married couple must have
longed for the presence of the baby. However, in some situations, there are some
couples who deliberately delaying to have a baby. But, you know that the baby's
presence will make your life healthier. 

Here are some health benefits that you can get with the presence of a baby in the
middle of your life: 
1. Lowering your blood pressure 
A new study from Brigham Young University found that becoming a parent can
help you lower your blood pressure. Researchers studied 200 couples who had been
married to monitor blood pressure for 24 hours. The result, found that couples who have
children, her blood pressure will be significantly lower than those without offspring. 
2. Mental Health 
According to a growing confidence in today's society, children often make parents
become stressed due to their mischievous behavior. However, the results of research in
the Mental Health Foundation, Taiwan, showed the presence of the child's parents will
only make it look more mentally healthy. A new organization has interviewed 1084
randomly selected families, and found that the mental health of families with no
children 6.4 points lower than those with children. 

"The results show that people who have children are happier and have greater
emotional satisfaction than those who do not have children," said Tom Yang, a
researcher of the study. 

3. Updating knowledge 
Anyone with children can prove that the words are often spoken of a child is "why."
Children are basically always have a great curiosity, such as, "Why do cats' eyes shine
at night?" "Why smell so fresh after the rain, "and so forth. 
As a parent, you should certainly be able to answer any questions posed little one
with a reasonable answer. Indirectly, you have been directed to polish their knowledge
with re-learn something. 

4. Child as an excuse 
Many single men who often complain that their friends who are married and have
children is very difficult to be invited to hang out. This happens because most parents
use their children as an excuse to shy away from social activities that are not desirable. 

5. Improving self-esteem 
Anyone who has a child will feel proud and satisfied when his son gave a positive
speech, for example, "You are the best dad in the whole world". Remarks such as this
will certainly have a profound effect on your self-esteem as a parent. This allows you to
complete all forms of work, which according to your estimates were previously
impossible, possible. 

6. Happier 
The parents have long assumed that an offspring will make them much happier.
Recently, there is a study that supports the claim. A study by the Max Planck Institute
for Demographic found a direct correlation between the presence of children and the
happiness of parents over the age of 40 years. 

Researchers surveyed 200,000 people in 86 countries between 1981 and 2005 and
found that at age 40, parents with 1-3 children feel a lot happier than couples with no
children. Even when the age of 50 years, parents who have children will be happier than
couples without children. This finding is not surprising. The reason, most parents will
be easier to care for children when they grow up. 
Treating Congenital Heart Disease Children
Without Surgery
Along with technological advances in medicine, children with congenital heart
disease (CHD) is no longer necessary to have an operation or surgery. Non-surgical
interventions have been carried out many pediatric heart centers, including in Indonesia.
Congenital heart disease (CHD) is a problem that is quite prominent in the field of
child health. One in 100 babies are born suffering from CHD, ranging from the types of
mild to severe or complex. With the number of births of about 4.5 million per year
today, then in Indonesia is estimated no less than 45,000 newborn babies will have that
congenital heart disease.
PJB contributed importantly to the high infant mortality rate in the country,
including developing countries such as Indonesia. About 30 percent of babies or
children who suffer from congenital heart disease should have surgery in the form of
corrective action or actions on the optimal timing of intervention, so that children can
grow and develop properly.
Without Surgery or No Surgery
Children with CHD should have suffered the most of the operations which of
course had no small risk. In addition to very cause concern to parents and families,
action open to orperasi heart (with bypass) in children requires an adequate range of
facilities ranging from operating rooms, intensive care unit (ICU), as well as educated
and trained professionals, such as cardiac surgeon, anesthesiologist , perfusionis, and
skilled care. In addition, pediatric patients also require longer treatment than adult
patients. Additionally, the surgery will leave scars on your chest surgery or chest wall.
Along with technological advances in medicine, particularly in the field of
interventional cardiology children (interventional pediatric cardiology), most children
with CHD no longer need to have surgery or surgery. Some of CHD are frequently
found, such as a PDA (patent ductus arteriosus), ASD (atrial septal defects), and VSD
(ventricular septal defects) can be corrected by using the 'tools' in the form of coils or
Amplatzer occluder.
Interventions for CHD
Some of CHD can be corrected with the Amplatzer occluder, among others:
PDA (patent ductus arteriosus)
PDA is an abnormality in the channel that connects the existing blood vessels in the
heart (the aorta and pulmonary artery). PDA occupies 5-19 percent of the portion of
existing CHD cases and more common in girls.
Currently the treatment of PDA with interventional procedures (Transcatheter
closure) is a method selected from the last decade. Unless the size of the PDA is not
suitable, eg too large or occur in small babies, including newborns.
PDAs require closure to prevent the occurrence of heart failure. Closure is done by
using a device (Amplatzer Duct Coils and Onccluder) through the usual procedures such
as cardiac catheterization. Many studies dilakakukan at the heart of the service centers
around the world show that non-surgical PDA closure procedure is very effective with a
success rate to 99%.
ASD (Atrial Septal Defects)
ASD approximately 19% of all congenital heart disease. Often show no clinical
symptoms, but if it is severe the child will show symptoms of shortness of breath, rapid
fatigue and exercise intolerance (skills activity) decreased. First, ASD should be
corrected with surgery using an open surgical procedure (open heart surgery), with a
heart-lung machine, which of course had no small risk.
Today, ASD closure technique without surgery by using a device (Transcatheter
closure) is one option that has been a lot done around the world with very satisfactory
results. ASD closure using the Amplatzer Septal occluder (ASO) has been widely
reported to show high effectiveness and safety.
VSD (Ventricular Septal Defects)
CHD is the type most often found in children with percentages around 20% -25%.
VSD can cause increased blood flow to the lungs so that it can cause heart failure. VSD
closure with interventional procedures using the Amplatzer occluder ventricle (AVO) is
an alternative treatment without surgery.

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