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User Interface:

Why is it Important?
Muhammad Ardhan Fadhlurrahman
Hello Everyone.
My Name is Ardhan.
UI / UX ?

UI: User Interface

UX: User Experience

UI: User Interface
How we translate the game information to the player screen.
UI: User Interface
these are the only viable senses to convey information in games

In What We Touch, What We Hear, and What We See.

UI Senses: Touch

Haptic Feedback and Vibration also good

way to conveys information.

It would add level of immersion to the

game itself.
UI Senses: Audio

50% of our experience conveys through

audio representation.

Even though it’s not main interaction,

have a coherent audio also great support
for accesibility and functionability of the
Good UI.
UI Senses: Sight

This is about how we conveying

information in visual representation.

Common rule of this senses are it’s easy

to access, understand, and use it to
facilitates our action in our games.

This should be our main focus.

Bad UI: Sight
Good UI: Sight
What’s the main differences?
You can test it through Usability Testing.
Usability Testing.

It’s about how you justified your design using user feedback.
10 Usability
Usability Heuristics: Visibility
Show system status, tell what’s happening
Usability Heuristics: Mapping
Use Similiar Metaphors & Language
Usability Heuristics: Freedom
Provide Good Default & Undo
Usability Heuristics: Consistency
Use Same Interface & Language Throughout
Usability Heuristics: Error Prevention
Help users avoiding any mistakes
Usability Heuristics: Recognition
Make information easy to discover
Usability Heuristics: Flexibility
Make advance tasks fluid and efficient
Usability Heuristics: Minimalism
Provide only necessary information in elegant way
Usability Heuristics:
Error Recovery
Help users recognize, diagnose,
and recover from errors
Usability Heuristics: Help
Use Proactive and in-place hint to guide users
Color Blindness
Color Blindness Type
Applicable Case in Accessibility
UI Component States
Cheat Sheet: Focus Area
Cheat Sheet: Focus Area
Thank you.


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