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Communication Challenges within the organization

Fish and Chips is one of the most renowned restaurants in Great Britain. It serves one of the
UK's most customary and well-known dishes, delighted in at the ocean side, at home or for the
individuals who like a progressively formal setting, in a café with a decent glass of wine. They
are also famous for their diversified workforce came from different places of Europe. But after
Brexit the symphony of working together through efficient communication system has been
broken. As Great Britain has come out from European Union, people other than live in Britain
working in Fish and Chips have become insecure about their job and also living cost for them
raised. These troublesome situations also effect Fish and Chips internally. People leaving job
creating insufficient workforce for the restaurant to work with without that staffs living outside
Britain need to raise their salary as their cost of living increased. On the other hand, appointing
new employees create the absence of uniform language has exacerbated things since they utilize
different language to speak with one another which is very tricky. Also, the result of Brexit
changes the value of life goals of the employees which makes the previous communication
method of Fish and Chips less efficient and successful.
Strategies for mitigating communication challenges
There are several strategies that can be taken to mitigate the communication challenges arises
from Brexit. Frist of all the organization must have to use the defined mode of communication so
that the employees can easily go through every part of the communication process effectively.
And also pinpointing the critical areas for action and highlighting the key issues might help to
mitigate the Communication challenge. To bring uniformity in language they can use translation
system in their restaurant also making remote access to the workplace can bring down those
employees to communicate successfully to the workplace sitting in their home. These strategies
can bring a stable communication system within the organization resulting increasing in sales or
achieving organizational goal.
Cultural awareness
Cultural Awareness is the establishment of correspondence and it includes the capacity of
standing back and getting to be mindful of social qualities, convictions and discernments. In this
current situation of Fish and Chips cultural awareness is much more important to emphasis.
Those employees working in the restaurant might have different beliefs, different countries,
different languages but they can be bringing together by practicing the same organizational
culture. Everyone must have to respect other cultures through respecting others beliefs and
emotions. By practicing a healthy organizational culture creates a friendly environment for the
employees to work in which results in achieving the organization’s desired goals.
Communication Challenges within the organization
Fish and Chips one of the famous and also the top-rated restaurant of Britain. Due to Brexit this
restaurant is facing some fatal difficulties in their communication process. Due to Brexit a
tension has been created within the organization in the employees. As many people work in Fish
and Chips all of them are not British. There are large portion of employees they don’t live in
Britain. So, after Brexit they are being terrified of loosing their jobs also the cultural differences
among them are also creating problems in communication. These challenges have created a huge
obstacle in the way to achieve organizational goals. These turbulences also have slowed down
and lowered the success rate of the organization.
Strategies to overcome challenges
To overcome the current situation Fish and Chips must have to take some strategies in
overcoming those problems. One of them is to giving clear and detailed command so that
everyone can have a clear view on what to do and how to do.
Also developing cultural awareness and respecting others cultural values also can help in
overcoming challenges in communication. Also allowing remote access to workplace or using a
way to remove the fear of firing employees can also improve the situation a lot. Also, by
bringing uniform language system and practicing an enriched organizational culture can help to
overcome Fish and Chips communication challenges.
Cultural Awareness:
Cultural Awareness means the establishment of correspondence and it includes the capacity of
standing back and getting to be mindful of social qualities, convictions and discernments. This
helps a lot in creating a good bond among the employees. Every employees of an organization
can have different cultural values. But combing all of their value by respecting each other can
give the organization the biggest strength possible to achieve the organizational goal more
effectively and efficiently.

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