NMIMS Distance PGDM Syllabus

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Specialization wise Syllabus

Post Graduate Diploma in Banking & Financial Management

Semester-1 Subjects Credits

1 Management Theory & Practice 4

2 Organizational Behavior 4

3 Business Economics 4

4 Corporate Social Responsibility 4

5 Information System for Managers 4

6 Business Communication & Etiquettes 4

Semester-2 Subjects Credits

1 Marketing Management 4

2 Financial Accounting 4

3 Essentials of HRM 4

4 Strategic Management 4

5 Operations Management 4
6 Written and Oral Communication 4
Semester-3 Subjects Credits

1 Commercial Banking System & Role of RBI 4

2 Cost & Management Accounting 4

3 Investment Decisions in Banking 4

4 Retail Banking 4

5 Financial Institutions & Markets 4

6 Marketing of Financial Services 4

Semester-4 Subjects Credits

1 International Banking & Foreign Exchange Management 4

2 Corporate Finance 4

3 Advances and Credits 4

4 Insurance & Risk Management 4

5 Business Law 4

6 Project 4
Semester I
1. Management Theory & Practice

Evolution of Management
• Introduction, History of management
• Industrial Revolution
• Forces behind management thoughts
• Approaches of management- Classical approach, Modern approach
• Major contributors- Charles Babbage, Frederick W. Taylor’s theory of scientific management,
Henry Laurence Gantt, Henri Fayol’s administrative theory, Robert Owen, Max Weber’s theory
of bureaucracy, George E. Mayo
• Recent development in management
• Lean Production or JIT
• 5 S system
• Six Sigma
• Kaizen
Nature of Management
• Definition Nature and Purpose of Management
• Management as Science
• Management as an Art
• Functions of Management
• Role of Management in Society
• Social responsibility of the business
• Social responsibility towards different interest groups
• Management administration and cultural values
• Management as a profession
Corporate Culture
• Corporate culture
• Components of corporate culture
• Conflict between corporate culture and administration
• Corporate culture and communication
• Human resource development and organisational culture
Structure of an Organisation
• Organisational designs
• Six Box organisational model
• Matrix or Mixed model
• ETZIONI organisational theory
• Factors influencing organisational design
Business Communication
• The concept, Need and Significance of communication
• Types of business communication- Internal and External communication, Formal or Informal
communication, Verbal and non-verbal communication
• Tools of business communication
• Role of business communication in an organisation
• Benefits of business communication
• Limitations of business communication
Managerial decision making
• Concept & Process of managerial decision making
• Centralization & Decentralisation
• Types of managerial decisions
• Importance of managerial decision making
• Information technology and managerial decision making
• Meaning, Types, Styles of leadership
• Balance between leadership and management
• Role, Functions, Importance and leadership
• Leadership and team work competency
• Leadership and group decision making
• Meaning, Need of Motivation
• Theories of Motivation
• Traditional Theories
• Modern Theories
ERG Theory
McClelland's Theory of Needs
Equity Theory of Motivation
• Techniques for stimulating creativity
• Motivating Individuals
• Motivating Groups
Change Management
• Meaning, Objectives of change management
• Change management and organisational development
• Forces of change
• Resistance to change
• Managing resistance to change
• Role of leaders in Change Management
Management Information System
• Information technology and management
• Data and Information
• Expert System
• Decision support system
• Group Decision support system (GDSS)- Components, Model of GDSS
• Advantages of GDSS
• Disadvantages of GDSS

2. Organizational Behavior

Introduction to Organizational Behavior

• Defining Organization Behavior
• History of Organizational Behavior
• Scope of Organization Behavior
• Importance of Organization Behavior
• Features of Organizational Behavior
• Approaches to Organizational Behavior
• Classical Approach
• Neo-Classical Approach
• Modern Approach
• Opportunities and Challenges of Organizational Behavior
• Scientific aspects of Organizational Behavior
Understanding Individual Behavior
• Individual Behavior
• Biographical Attributes
• Ability
• Values
• Attitudes
• Job Satisfaction
• Definition of Personality
• Stages of Personality Development
• Freudian Stages
• Erikson Stages (Neo Freudian Stages)
• Adult Life Stages
• Determinants of Personality
• Theories of Personality
• Psychoanalytic Theory
• New Freudian Theories
• Trait Theories
• Social Learning Theory
• The Self Theory
• Significant Personality Traits affecting Organizational Behavior
• Definition of Perception
• Importance of Perception
• Perception Process
• Perceptual Selectivity
• Factors Influencing Perception
• Impression Management
• Perception of Self-Image and Behavior
• Managerial Implications of Perception
• Managing the Perception Process
• Significance of Learning
• Theories of Learning
• Classical Conditioning Theory
• Operant or Instrumental Conditioning Theory
• Cognitive Learning Theory
• Social Learning Theory
• Meaning of Reinforcement
• Learning through Reinforcement
• Organizational Reward System
• Administering Reinforcement
• Impact of Punishment
• Meaning of Motivation
• Characteristics of Motivation
• Different Motives of Motivation
• Primary Motives
• General Motives
• Secondary Motives
• Motivational Approaches
• Theories of Motivation
• Maslow’s Need Hierarch Theory
• Herzberg Two Factor Theory
• Achievement Motivation Theory
• Goal Setting Theory
• Vroom’s Expectancy Theory
• Porter’s Performance Satisfaction Theory
• Motivation in Practice
Leadership and People Skills
• Definition of Leadership
• Significance of Leadership
• Managers vs. Leaders
• Leadership Theories
• Behavioural Theories
• Trait Theories
• Contingency Theories
• Pitfalls of Leadership
• Emotional Intelligence
• Styles of Leadership & their Impact on Employees
Groups and Teams
• Group Dynamics
• Features of Groups
• Importance of Groups
• Types of Groups
• Formal Groups
• Informal Groups
• Understanding Group Processes
• Formation of Groups
• Theories of Group Formation
• Propinquity Theory
• Homan’s Theory
• Balance Theory
• Exchange Theory
• Concept of Teams
• Difference between Groups and Teams
• Problems in Teamwork
• Creating Effective Teams at workplace
Conflict Management
• Understanding Conflicts
• Sources of Conflict
• Positive and Negative Aspects of Conflicts
• Functional Conflicts
• Dysfunctional Conflicts
• Types of Conflict
• Inter-personal conflict
• Intergroup conflict
• Conflict Resolution and Management
• Encouraging Functional Conflict for Organizational Effectiveness
Power & Politics in Organizations
• Understanding Power
• Difference between Leadership & Power
• Sources of Power
• Identifying the Sources of Power in an Organization
• Power Tactics
• Power in Groups
• Politics within Organizations
• Factors Contributing to existence of Politics
• Role of Politics in Determining Organization Culture
• Importance of Personality Development for Encountering Politics

3. Business Economics

Introduction to Business Economics

• Meaning and Scope of Economics
• Significance
• Distinction between Economics and Business Economics
• Microeconomics and Macroeconomics
• Laws of Economics- Nature, Application, Assumptions
• Economic Statics and Dynamics
• Economics and Business Decision Making
• Social Accounting- Gross National Product-Concept and components
• Business cycles
• Inflation- Definition, Characteristics and types
Demand Analysis
• Meaning and types of Demand
• Determinants of Demand- Factors Influencing Individual Demand, Factors Influencing Market
• Law of Demand- Demand Schedule, Demand Curve, Demand Function , Assumptions in Law of
Demand, Exception to Law of Demand
• Shift and Movement along Demand Curve
Supply Analysis
• Concept of Supply
• Determinants of Supply
• Law of Supply- Assumptions and Exceptions
• Expansion and Contraction of Supply
• Increase and Decrease in Supply
• Market Equilibrium: Demand and Supply Equilibrium- Determination of Market Price, Shifts in
Market Equilibrium
Consumer Demand Analysis
• Concept
• Utility as a Basis of Consumer Demand- Total Utility, Marginal Utility
• Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility
• Cardinal Utility Approach- Neo Classical Approach
• Ordinal Utility Approach –Indifference Curve Analysis
• Assumptions of Ordinal Utility
• Indifference Curve- Meaning, properties and Criticism
• Marginal Rate of Substitution
• Concept of Budget Line – Slope and Shifts in Budget Line
• Consumer Equilibrium Effects
• Revealed Preference Theory
Elasticity of Demand and Supply
• Price Elasticity of Demand
• Different Types of Price Elasticity- Elastic Demand, Inelastic Demand, Relatively Elastic Demand,
Relatively Inelastic Demand
• Measurement of Price Elasticity
• Factors Influencing Price Elasticity of Demand
• Significance
• Income Elasticity of Demand
• Cross Elasticity of Demand
• Advertisement Elasticity of Sale
• Elasticity of Supply
Demand Forecasting
• Concept and need of Demand Forecasting
• Factors
• Steps and Limitations
• Techniques - Survey methods, Statistical methods
• Criteria for Good Demand Forecasting
Production Theory
• Concept and factors of production
• Production Possibility Curve
• Production in the Short and Long Run
• Total Product, Average Product and Marginal Product
• Production Function
• Law of Diminishing Returns- Significance, Optimal Employment of Factor of Production
• Isoquant curves - Forms
• Marginal Rate of Technical Substitution
• Elasticity of Substitution between Factors
• Iso-cost Curves
• Producer’s Equilibrium- Equal Product, Expansion Path
• Returns to Scale- Increasing, Constant, Diminishing
• Different Types of Production Functions- Cobb-Douglas Production Function, Leontief
Production Function, CES Production Function

Cost and Revenue Analysis

• Concept of Cost
• Different Types of Costs- Opportunity costs, Accounting Costs, Economic costs, Business Costs,
Full Costs, Explicit Costs, Implicit Costs Fixed Costs, Variable Costs, Incremental Costs
• Short Run and Long Run Costs of Production
• Short Run and Long Run Average Cost and Long Run Total Cost
• Short Run and Long Run Marginal Costs
• Deriving Cost Schedule from Production Function
• Economies and Diseconomies of Scale
• Economies of Scope
• Concept of Revenue- Average Revenue, Marginal Revenue
• Relationship between Total Revenue and Marginal Revenue
• Relationship between Average Revenue and Marginal Revenue
Market Structure
• Defining Market
• Types of Market Structures- Pure Competition, Perfect Competition, Imperfect Competition,
Monopolistic Competition, Oligopoly, Monopoly
• Profit Maximization in the Short Run and Long Run
• Determinants and Measurement of Market Power
Market Failure
• Meaning of Market Failure
• Price Regulations
• Market Failure and Need for Regulation
• Regulations and Market Structure
• Price Regulation and Firm Behavior

4. Corporate Social Responsibility


CSR and Globalisation

• Globalization and Its Impact
• Sustainable Development
• Role of Business in Sustainable Development
• Millennium Development Goals and UN Post- 2015 Development Agenda
• India and MDGs
• Indian Companies Act 2013 and CSR
Corporate Stakeholders
• Business and Society
• Business Organizations as Systems
• From Shareholder Theory to Stakeholder Theory
• Stakeholder Engagement
• Dynamic Environment of Business
• History of CSR in India
• Emerging CSR Trends
• Theories of CSR
• The Pyramid of Corporate Social Responsibility
• Changing Trends: Philanthropy – Strategic Philanthropy – CSR
• Arguments against CSR
• The Business Case for CSR
• Importance of CSR for India Contemporary Drivers for CSR
CSR Strategy
• Steps in Designing CSR Strategy
• Implement CSR Commitments
• Areas of CSR Implementation
• CSR at Market Place
• CSR at Workplace
• Environmental CSR
• CSR with Communities
• CSR in Supply Chain
• Types of Interventions
• Strategic Partnerships with NGO
• Focus of Measurement
• Social Auditing
• What is Monitoring? Internal and External
Importance and Benefits of Reporting
• Formats of CSR Communication and Reporting
• The Reporting Team
• Role of Government
• Government Support at International Level
• Voluntary Codes in CSR
• Corporate ethics
• Ethics and Functional Areas of business
• What is Corporate Governance?
• Constituents of Corporate Governance
• The Corporate Governance Debate
• Theories of Corporate Governance
• Responsibilities of Corporate Governance
• Global Growth of Corporate Governance
• History of Corporate Governance in India
• The Current State of Corporate Governance in India
• Board Composition in India.
• Corporate Governance: Need to Strengthen
• Corporate Governance and CSR
• Corporate Disclosures & investor protection in India
• Current CSR Bill and its impact on the society

5. Information System for Managers


Introduction to Information System

• Meaning of Information ,Difference between Data and Information, Definition, Importance of
Information for Organizations
• Concept of System , Need
• Evolution of Information System , Functions , Framework,
• Information and Control Systems
• Computerized Information System
• Business Process Design , Modelling
• Business Process Re-engineering
• Management of Information Systems
Components of Information Technology
• Hardware Concepts, Software Concepts, Operating Systems, Programming Languages ,
Readymade Packages and their Operating Systems
Networking Concepts
• Meaning of Networking, Need for Networking , Advantages and Disadvantages of Networking,
• Hardware and Software for Networking, Concepts , Types
• Bluetooth as Wireless Technologies - RFID
• Network Models
• Applying Communication Networks – Intranet, Extranet, Internet
Database Management
• Meaning of Database ,Types
• Database Management , Objectives , Functions , Major Components , Database Models
Types of Information Systems
• Different Types of Information Systems
• Operations Support Systems , Transaction Processing Systems (TPS), Process Control System
(PCS), Enterprise Collaboration System (ECS)
• Management Support Systems , Management Information System (MIS), Decision Support
System (DSS), Executive Information System (EIS)
• Functional Information Systems
• Other Types of Information Systems, Expert System , Knowledge Management System
(KMS),Strategic Information System (SIS),Business Information System (BIS), Integrated
Information Systems
• Defining ERP , Evolution of an ERP System, Benefits , ERP Implementation
• Reasons for the Failure of ERP Implementation
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
• Introducing EDI , Standards of EDI
• Transmission Modes of EDI : VAN ,Internet/AS2,Web EDI
• Disadvantages of EDI
Data Warehousing, Data Mining, and Business Intelligence
• Data Warehousing , Need , Goals, Constituents
• Definition of Data Mining, Parameters, Working
• Types of relationships
• Architecture of Data Mining, Functionalities
• Classification on Data Mining system
• Meaning of Business Intelligence, Evolution , Importance
Decision Support System (DSS)
• Introducing Decision Support System (DSS)
• Evolution , Components , DSS Architecture
• Analytical Models in DSS
• Characteristics , Types , Tools and Technologies Supporting DSS
• DSS and Outsourcing
• Group Decision Support Systems
Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
• Define CRM , Components of CRM, Three Phases of CRM, Benefits and Challenges of CRM, New
Trends in CRM
Supply Chain Management (SCM)
• Meaning of Supply Chain , Define SCM, Objectives of SCM, Components of SCM, Difference
between Logistics Management and SCM, Scope , Benefits and Challenges of SCM, New Trends
in SCM
Building and Deploying an Information System
• Architecture of an Information System
• Software Development Lifecycle
• Software Development Models : Waterfall model, Prototype model, Incremental model, Spiral
• Requirement Analysis & Design Considerations
• Software Testing
• Deploying an Information System
Managing Information Systems
• Infrastructure Management
• Maintenance of Information Systems
• Management of Changing Requirements
• Incidence Handling
• Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Planning

6. Business Communication & Etiquettes


Communication in workplace

• Role of communication in business- Peter Drucker

• Why business needs to communicate
• Importance of communication skill to you
• Forms of communication
• Formation and sending of response
• 7 C’s of good communication skills
• Barriers to communication
• Communication Skills --- Verbal and Non-verbal
• Organisational communication--- internal and external including PR

Fundamentals of business writing

• Adaptation and selection of words

• Use of familiar words
Adapting to multiple readers

Indirectness in persuasion and sales messages

• Determining the persuasion

• Gaining attention in the opening
• Making the request Clear and positive

Public speaking and oral reporting

• Making formal speeches

• Defining oral report
• Differences between oral and written reports
• Planning the oral report
• Telephone communication

Technology enabled Communication

• Using technology in communication tasks

• E mails
• Tools for constructing messages
• Computer tools for gathering and collecting information

Personal etiquettes and grooming for corporate

• Eye contact
• Body language
• Handshake
• Business card etiquette
• Work habits- punctuality, prioritize your work, stay positive, Bring solution etc

Aspects of Communication

• Cultural aspects of communication --- intercultural and multicultural

Ethical and Legal aspects

Semester II
1. Marketing Management

Introduction to Marketing: Evolution of Marketing

Understanding the Marketing Process: Marketing Mix
Marketing Concepts, Customer Value and Satisfaction
Marketing Environment: Impact on the Strategic Planning
Understanding Consumer Behaviour
Understanding Industrial Buyer Behaviour
Analyzing Industry and Competition
Competitive Advantage and Core Competence
Marketing Strategy
Market Segmentation and Targeting
Demand Measurement and Sales Forecasting
Product and Product Life Cycle
Brand and Brand Equity
New Product Decisions
Distribution Channels and Logistics
Pricing Decisions
Marketing Communication: Advertising and Promotion

2. Financial Accounting

Balance Sheet
Accounting Process: Journal, Ledger and Trail Balance
Corporate Accounts: Format of Company Accounts
Cash Flow Statement: Preparation, Analysis and Implications
Financial Statements Reporting As per Accounting Standards: AS 1 and 2
Financial Statements Reporting As per Accounting Standards: AS 6 and 9
Financial Statements Reporting As per Accounting Standards: AS 13, 17, and 20.
Financial Analysis: Trends, Common Size, Ratios
Management Analysis and Discussion
Comparison: IFRS, GAAP, Indian Accounting Standards
Financial Statement Analysis

3. Essentials of HRM

Objectives of HRM, Scope of HRM, Evolution of HRM, HRM functions, Challenges, Personnel
Job analysis, Information collection for job analysis, Job description and Job specification, Job
Human Resource Planning: need, objectives, process and problems
Recruitment – sources and methods, Selection – process, induction and outsourcing
Competency Mapping – developing competency models, uses; Assessment Center: history,
measurement tools, difference between assessment center and development center
Performance appraisal: process, methods, benefits, problems; Coaching and Mentoring:
process and implementation
Potential Appraisal: purpose and techniques; Career Planning: meaning and process; Succession
Planning: meaning, pros and cons
HR Audit: Objectives, role, significance, process, pros and cons; HR Accounting: methods, pros
and cons; HR Information Systems: application, pros and cons
Human Resource Development System: need, functions, systems, HRD process, HRD
effectiveness, Strategic management & HRM
Training and Development: training and education, stakeholders in training, need for training
and development, training and learning organisations, process of training, cross cultural
training, team training, orientation training
Compensation and Rewards: need for compensation, uses, components of compensation,
industry compensation, international compensation, fringe benefits & FBT, reward
management – goals, reward systems, recognition

4. Strategic Management

Evolution and basic concepts, Vision, Mission and business definition

Contributions by Mintzberg, Ansoff, Porter and Prahalad, Gary Hammel
Environment survey and appraisal – Industry and competitive analysis – Dominant economic
features, strength of competition and competitive forces.
The Strategic Management Process – Situation analysis, Formulating Corporate Level Strategy,
Portfolio Strategy.
Formulating Business Level Strategy – Porter’s Competitive Forces and Strategies, Cooperative
Strategic implications of five competitive forces, Evaluating company resources and competitive
capabilities, Competencies, core and distinctive competencies and competitive advantages.
Formulating Functional level Strategies – Putting strategy into action‐leadership‐structural
design, Information and control systems, human resources – Implementing global strategies.
Corporate goals and strategic gap, Five generic strategies (Porter’s model)
Managing internal organization for Strategy implementation

5. Operations Management

Operations Management (An Overview)

Operations Function
Operations Management in Manufacturing and Service Sector
Types of Production Systems
Plant Location
Plant Layout – Service Facility Layout, plant Maintenance and TPM
Productivity Indices, Productivity Enhancement Techniques
Manufacturing Economics (BEA)
Inventory Management
Total Quality Management – Definition, Concept, Eight Building Blocks, Seven Wastages &
Pillars of TQM
Theory of Constraints
6. Written and Oral Communication

Modes of Written Communication

• Business writing style

• Types of messages and techniques
• Letters
• Memoranda and Email messages, SMS texting
• Press release
• Reports
• Proposals
• Minutes and notes
• Internet as communication medium --- websites, advertising, blogs etc

Grammar and Style

• Verbs –[tenses; active and passive voice; Subject-Verb Agreement; Negative and Interrogative
• Nouns, Noun Phrases, Pronouns
• Modifiers --- [adverbs, adjectives, dangling modifiers]
• Concord; Parallel structure,
• Avoiding gender bias
• Writing Tactfully
• Punctuation
• Numerals

Oral Communication

• Characteristics of spoken language --- Features of oral communication --- Skills and self
• Voice Dynamics (with voice CD) -- Self presentation --- Body language
• Listening skills
• Preparing and Making Presentations
• Meetings and GD skills
• Interview skills
• Dialogue skills (negotiation)
• Telephone, Tele-conferencing
Semester III
1. Commercial Banking System & Role of RBI

Structure of Indian Financial System, Central Bank‐Regulatory framework

SWOT analysis of commercial Banks and challenges before commercial Banks
Business environment of Commercial Banks, Definition of Customer and Banker. Various
deposit schemes and customers
Rights and duties of Bankers, Negotiable instrument act and various methods of granting
advances viz Cash credit, bills discounting and term loan finance, Various forms of financing
methods under non fund based limits viz Bank guarantees and letters of credits etc.
Appraisal of Fund Based limits and non fund based limits viz ratio analysis, MPBF method of
assessing working capital requirement. Method of assessing non fund based limits
To discuss case study on working capital assessment and appraisal of Term loan appraisal
Various types of charges for creation of securities and Monitoring of advances
Balance sheet management and Profit and Loss Management
Management of Non performing assets
Capital Adequacy under Basel II guidelines, Asset Liability Management and various other risk

2. Cost & Management Accounting


Basic Cost Concepts: Cost Classification; Elements of costs – Material & Labour Elements of
costs – Overheads Absorption Traditional vs. Activity Based Costing Methodology; Transfer
Costing Systems: Process Costing – Joint Products; By Products; Marginal Costing and
Absorption Costing
Costing and Short‐run Alternative Choices: Make or Buy/Limiting Factors; Continue or
Down; Relevant Costs & Strategic Cost Management
Control Systems: Long Range and Short Range Planning; Elements of Budgeting; Standard
Costing – Variance Analysis; Corporate Performance Measurement System; Pricing Decisions

3. Investment Decisions in Banking


BASEL I & II and Role of RBI vis‐à‐vis Investment Decisions

Role of Commercial Banks and Investment Banks
Investment Decisions relate to Asset side of a Bank which includes following: Investment in
SLR/Non‐SLR Securities, Investment Valuations, Maintenance of CRR, Corporate Banking, Retail
Banking – Housing/Auto Loans/Consumer Durables/Personal Loans including Educational Loans,
MSME Financing, Project Financing (including Infrastructure financing), Priority Sector Lending,
Export Finance, Import Finance
Credit Rating
Non‐fund based Facilities such as Letter of Credit and Bank Guarantee
Risk Management through Derivatives and Securitization

4. Retail Banking

Introduction to Retail Banking: Main Subsets of Retail Banking, Consumer Banking

(meaning and characteristics), Change in Banker’s Perception About Retail Banking, Retail
Banking As Risk Diversification Tool, Differences Between Retail Banking, Private Banking &
Priority Banking, Advantages of Retail Banking
Participants in Retail Banking in India: Unorganised Sector, Commercial Banks, Private
Banks, Foreign Banks, Regional Rural Banks, Co‐operative Societies
Retail Banking Upswing: Reasons for Upswing in Retail Banking, Threats of Retail Boom,
Importance of Retail Banking of Indian Economy, Other Sources of Retail Finance
Customer Service: Banker – Customer Relationship, Duties and Rights of a Banker, Goiporia
Committee, Implementation of Various Measures by Banks, RBI Instructions on Customer
Service, banking Ombudsman Scheme, Customer Grievance Redressal System, Consumer
Service – Nomination Facility, Customer needs assessment
Retail Banking Products: Deposits 9types, account opening/closing procedures, premature
closure, interest rate application, renewal of deposits, settlement of claims), Loans and
Advances (Meaning, types with merits and demerits), Financial Inclusion, Priority Sector,
Securitisation of Retail Loans, Appraisal of Retail Leans, Money Products (Types, Characteristics,
Credit Cards, Debit Cards, Cheque Cards, Change Cards, Smart Cards, Demat), Product
Management in Retail (Concept of Product Management, Role of innovation in product
designing, Positioning, Segmentation, Product Enhancements, Feedback, Branding, Promotions
and schemes)
Technology and Retail Banking: ATM Banking, Internet Banking and Mobile Banking,
ECommerce, RBI’s Financial Sector Technology Vision Document, Electronic Fund
Transfer/Electronic Clearing System
Marketing Management of Retail Banking Products: Marketing Strategy in Banks,
Relationship Marketing, Selling Through Internet, Direct Marketing, Marketing of Services,
Customer Satisfaction, Sales Team in Banks, Direct Sales
Distribution Management: Need for Distribution Management in Banks, Participants in the
channel system, Channel Selection and Channel Management, Monitoring Channel Partner
Personal Banking: Concept of Personal Banking, Personal Banking in Indian Banks, Personal
Banking in New Generation Bank, HNI Products, Non Resident Indians & Their Accounts with
Indian Banks, Investment Opportunities Available to NRIs in India
Credit and Risk Management: Types of Risks Faced by Banks, Impact of Retail banking on
Bank’s Risk Profile, Indicators of Risk, Risk Measurement, Management of Risks in Banks, Risks
involved in Various Segments of Retail Loans, Operational Risks Management Strategies,
Disaster Recovery Management
NRI Banking and Investment Opportunities: Criteria for being recognized as an NRI,
Facilities available to NRIs for investment in India, Government policies for investment by the
NRIs, Other investment options for the NRIs.
Regulations Pertaining to Retail Banking: Need for Regulation in Banking, Internal
Regulation, Business Facilitator Model, External Regulation, Capital allocation and risk
assignment norms, RBI’S Financial Sector Technology Vision Document, Business Continuity
Recent Trends in Retail Banking: Tax Matters, 24 hour Banking, Dematerialization,
Mutual Fund
Issues/Challenges to Retail Banking in India: Mandate to increase organic revenue
growth through superior cross‐sell and customer retention, Interest rate risk, Issue of money
laundering, Competition in retail banking, The urge to merge, Impact of BASEL‐II norms,
Objection to outsourcing, Imbalance in bank C‐D & I‐D Ratio, Competition from Mutual Funds,
Mobilisation of cheap deposits.

5. Financial Institutions & Markets


International Financial System versus Indian Financial System

Impact of Liberalization of Financial Institutions and Markets
Institutions, Role, Types (Regulatory and Funding), Regulatory Theory, State Intervention
Functions of important regulators in India – RBI, SEBI, IRDA, FMC
Detailed Discussion on Institutions: Banks, Non Banking Financial Companies, Development
Financial institutions, Mutual Funds, Insurance Companies, Venture Funds etc. – Fund‐based
and Fee based services offered by banks
Markets: Capital and Money, Debt and Equity, Commodity Exchanges, Currency Markets
Primary and Secondary markets, Role of Markets, Anomalies, Bubbles, Petersberg Paradox,
Information Economics.
Monetary Policy, and Interest Rate and Exchange Rate Dynamics,
Risk Management in Financial Institutions‐Basle Norms‐Instruments: Plain Vanilla to exotic,
riskhedging instruments. – Derivatives

6. Marketing of Financial Services


Segmentation, Targeting, Promotion

Corporate Banking and Financing
Retail Banking and Retail Financing (Housing, Auto Loan and Consumer Durable Financing)
Building a Client Portfolio, Cross Selling, Relationship Management.
Negotiation Skills
B2B Marketing
Online Marketing
Consumer Protection Act (COPRA) to the Extent it relates to Financial Services

Semester IV
1. International Banking & Foreign Exchange Management

Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA 99) – Salient features – Differences between FERA73
& FEMA99 – Authorised Dealers in foreign Exchange – Role Foreign exchange Dealers
Association of India (FEDAI) – Money changers
Role of Correspondent banking – Operations in Nostro, Vostro, loro and Mirror A/Cs – Swift,
Chips, Chaps, Fedwire – Forex clearing by CCIL
Foreign Exchange Markets – Structure of the market – Types of transactions – Direct/Indirect
Quotations – Cross rates – Merchant Rates – TT Buying/bill buying – TT Selling/Bill selling –
Rules – International Remittances
Factors Affecting spot Exchange Rates – Financial, Political & Economic – Forward rates –
Premium/Discount – Factors affecting forward rates
Dealing Room operations – Functions of Front office – Back Office – mid office – Exchange
position/cash position – Day light/overnight limits
Funds Management by dealers – Integrated Treasury Operations – Money and Forex Market
coordination – Use of Forex Swaps
NRI Accounts – Indian rupee and foreign currency accounts – NRO, NRE, FCNR(B) A/cs –
Basics of derivatives – Forward Rate agreements – Options, IRS, Currency swaps – Currency
Futures – Its nature & feature
Exchange Rate System – Role of IMF – Fixed/floating exchange rates – Managed floating –
Emergence of Euro as a single common currency
Financing of Foreign Trade – Modes of payments in foreign trade – Pre‐shipment and Post-
credits – Assessment of export/import Finance – Documentary Credits – variants of
Letters of credit – Shipping documents – Uniform Customs & Practice for documentary credits –
Managing Foreign Exchange Risks – Hedging – Transaction/Translation Exposures of firms
Functions of ECGC – Exporter’s Policies – Guarantees to banks – Claim settlement procedures
Exim Bank – Forfaiting of bills – Export credit services – Value added services – Euro Markets –
Euro loans – Syndication – International Bonds – Euro commercial Papers – Medium Term
Notes – ADR/GDR issues – FDI/FII in India – Role of RBI and Authorised dealers

2. Corporate Finance

Fundamental valuation concepts: Time value of money – Importance; Discounting,

Compounding; Future value, Present value, annuity
Capital Budgeting: The Capital budgeting process; Investment Decision criteria – Traditional
techniques – ARR, Pay back – Discounted Cash Flow techniques – NPV, IRR, Profitability index –
Popularity and usage of capital budgeting techniques – Ranking conflict, Multiple IRRs, Mutually
exclusive projects, Capital rationing, Sensitivity analysis
Working Capital Management: Working capital – overview – Determinants of working
Need of adequate working capital, operating cycle; Cash Management; Receivables
management; inventory management
Capital Structure and Leverage: Leverage – Business risk‐operating leverage, Financial
leverage, Total leverage, Break‐even point; Cost of Capital – Equity, Debt, Overall cost
of capital‐weighted average cost, marginal cost; The capital structure decision – Theories of
capital structure – Net Income, Net operating income, MM approach
Dividend Policy: Forms of rewarding shareholders – dividend, rights, bonus shares; Factors
affecting Dividend payout policy; Dividend Policies – residual dividend approach, stable
dividend policy, target payout ratio, share repurchase; Relevance of Dividends – Walter’s
model, Gordon’s model, MM Hypothesis
Long‐term Sources of Finance: Equity – Public issue, rights, private placement – Primary
– mechanics; Debt – Debentures, Bonds – Public issue – mechanics, rating – Loans from
Financial institutions; Venture capital finance, mezannine debt, Lease finance, Overseas

3. Advances and Credits


Principles of bank lending – Liquidity, Safety, Security and Profitability

Brief note on various committees on loans and advances
Methods of lending – Cash Credit, Overdraft, Bill Discounting
Types of Loans – Priority sector – Agriculture, SME, Micro Finance etc.; Export credit; Retail
loans – Housing, Auto, Consumer, Durables, Educational, Personal and Reverse Mortgage;
Working capital loans; Term loans and Project finance
Methods of Working Capital Assessment – Turnover Method, Projected Balance Sheet Method
can Cash Budget method
Secured and Unsecured Advance
Types of Securities – Primary and Secondary/Movable and Immovable/Types of charges
(Hypothecation/Pledge/Mortgage/Assignment) over these securities (including charges to be
registered with registrar of Companies and Documentation)
RBI directives on all types of advances – Exposure norms, targets, Sub‐targets, Margin, Interest
rates, Security etc.
Letters of Credit and Bank Guarantee
Rating and Pricing of loans

4. Insurance & Risk Management


Risk – Risk identification evaluation, Property and liability Loss exposures, Life, Health, and Loss
of Income exposures and non‐insurance risk management techniques. Selecting and
Implementing Risk Management techniques.
Property and liability risk Management – Risk Management of commercial property, Business
liability and risk management insurance – Worker’s compensation and alternative risk
Risk Management of Auto owners – Insurance Claims – the need for insurance‐personal
automobile policy‐personal automobile rating – premium and death rates‐cost containment-
advances in driver and auto safety. Risk Management of home owners policy coverage‐perils
covered by the policy‐flood Insurance‐personal articles floater‐personal risk management.
Loss of Life – types of life insurance – tax incentives for life insurance – Life insurance contract
provisions. Loss of Health – health insurance providers – mechanics of cost sharing – health
expense insurance – disability income insurance – health insurance policy provisions – health
care reforms. Annuities – structure of annuities – annuity characteristics – annuity taxation.
Employees benefits – health and retirement benefits.
Life and General insurance industry in India – IRDA Act – Investment norms – Protection of
policy holders Interest.

5. Business Law

The Indian Contract Act, 1872: Evolution of Contract Act its meaning, essentials of a valid
contract; nature of contract distinction between contractual obligation and legal obligation,
agreement, to sell, requisite of a valid contract, offer and invitation to offer, modes of
acceptance, communication of offer, express and implied terms, standard forms of contract,
exclusion clauses, kinds of agreement, valid, void and voidable agreement; unilateral, bilateral
and international contracts; Validity‐kinds of mistake, mistake of law and fact‐and the remedies
thereof available, Misrepresentation of material fact, fraudulent and innocent
misrepresentation and the remedies available, coercion and undue influence the effects and
the remedies available to the aggrieved. Undue influence the effects and the remedies available
to the aggrieved person; Consideration‐ Past, Present and Future, essential of valid
consideration, sufficiency of Consideration, consideration and promissory estoppels, Privity of
Contracts and of Consideration; Capacity to contract‐Minor, Lunatic and enemy; unlawful and
illegal agreement, Agreement void under the Statue. Quasi Contracts; Termination and
discharge of contract: Performance of contract, Different modes of discharge of contract,
Performance as to place, time, joint performance of promises, apportionment of payments.
Discharge by agreement, Novation and assignment, remission of performance, discharge by
frustration‐when plea of frustration is admission and the rights and liabilities of the parties
when frustration operates; Breach of Contract‐breach and anticipatory breach of contracts,
damages and specific relief, types of damages and their remedies available to the aggrieved
person; Indemnity and guarantee‐ Parties to contract of indemnity and guarantee; Difference
between indemnity and guarantee, surely and indemnifier, specific guarantee and continuing
guarantee; Rights of the indemnified, surety right against principal debtor and Co‐surety;
Bailment, Pledge and Finder of Goods‐ Nature and essential features of bailment and pledge,
bailment for reward gratuitous bailment, bailee’s duty, pledge as a special kind of bailment.
Pawnee’s right against the pawner and Pawners right against the Pawnee. Finder of goods as
quasi as quasi bailee, duties of finder of goods and his rights and liabilities for reward, sale; Law
of agency‐Agency and other forms of Contract, Types of Agencies like by holding out, operation
of law, estoppels, express, implied, Sub‐agent, substituted agent and ratified, Relationship of
principal and agent, Rights and liabilities of the Agent against third party, Rights and liabilities of
the Agent against Principal, undisclosed Principal and the rights and liabilities to the parties.
Termination of agency and its modes.
The Indian Sale of Goods Act, 1930: Essentials of a contract of sale; sale distinguished
from agreement to sell; Bailment; contract for work and labour and hire‐purchase; Consitions
and warranties; Transfer of title by non‐owners; doctrine of caveat emptor; performance of the
contract of sale; Unpaid seller‐his rights against the goods and the buyer.
Partnership Act, 1932: What constitutes a partnership deed and types of partnership, legal
position of a minor partner and his rights and liabilities; Distinction between partnership firm,
Co‐ownership joint Hindu family and joint stock companies, legality of the partnership firm,
types of partners; Express and implied authority, scope of implied authority, Rights and
liabilities of a partner against third party and other partners; Rights of newly admitted partners,
retiring and deceased partners, registration of and dissolution of partnership forms; Overview
of the Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008.
Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881: Features of promissory notes, bills of exchange, hundis,
cheques, bank drafts, traveler’s cheque and the rights and duties of various parties to these
instruments; Law of presentment of these instruments, honor and dishonor of negotiable
instruments, material alteration, noting and protesting. Law relating to foreign bills their noting
and protesting etc; Law relating to payment of customer’s cheques of paying banker‐rights and
duties, overdraft agreements, wrongful dishonor of cheques, stale cheques, forgery of cheques,
liability due to negligence of parties and material alteration, payment in due course; Law
relating to the collecting banker‐statutory protection, effects of negligence, role as a agent or
holder in due course, precautions to be taken in collection of bills, cheques for the customers
and third parties.
Law of Carriage of Goods: The Carriers Act, 1865(1972)‐ Definition of contract of carriage
of goods, classification of carrier‐common carrier, private carrier, gratuitous carrier,
responsibility of common carrier and Bailee, rights of a common carrier, duties of a common
carrier, liabilities of a common carrier, distinction between a common carrier and private
carrier; Carriage of goods by Rail‐Railway Act, 1989‐ Maintenance of rate books for carriage of
goods, Provision of rate risks, railway receipt, liability of railway administration from wrong
delivery, responsibility of railway administration as career‐of goods, of animals, of luggage,
exoneration from liability in certain cases, delay or retention in transit, railway risk rate, liability
for damages to goods in defective condition or defectively packed and liability after termination
of transit; Carriage by Sea‐The Carriage of Goods by Sea Act, 1925 (amended in 1993), and the
(Indian) Bill of Lading Act, 1856‐contract of affreightment, express and implied terms in a
contractor of carriage by sea‐implied warranty of seaworthiness, implied warranty of
commencement of voyage, Non-deviation of voyage, Shipper not to ship dangerous goods, bill
of lading.
Consumer Protection Act, 1986: Objective of consumer protection act 1986, definition
complaint, consumer, contract of service and contract of service, consumer dispute, restrictive
trade practice, defect, deficiency; Consumer protection council‐central consumer protection
council, state consumer protection council, district consumer protection council; Redressal
machinery, jurisdiction, complaint before them, district forum, sate commission, national
commission, limitation period, administrative control, power of redressal agencies; Nature and
scope of remedies under the act‐ appeals penalties proceeding before consumer forums and
applicability of arbitration act.
Competition Commission act, 2002: Definition‐acquisition, agreement, cartel,
chairperson, commission, consumer, Director General, Enterprises, goods, member, etc., Anti
Competitive Agreement, Prohibition of abuse of dominant position, Combination; Competition
Commission of India‐Establishment, powers of them member, inquiry into certain agreement
and dominate position of enterprises, Inquiry into combination by commission, procedure for
enquiry of the complaints, Procedure for investigation of combination, appearance before
commission, Power of the commission, ratification of orders, Execution of orders by the
commission, Compensation in case of contravention, Competition appellate tribunal procedure
and powers, execution of orders, and ability on contravention of orders, appeal to Supreme
Court, power of the Central Government, MRTP (Monopolistic Trade Practice, unfair Trade
Practice) & Restrictive Trade Practice.
Right to Information Act, 2005: Salient features of the Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2005;
Objective, Public Authorities & their Obligations; Designation of Public Information, Officers
(PIO) and their Duties; Request for obtaining Information, Exemption from disclosure; Who is
excluded; Information Commissions (Central & State) and their powers; appellate authorities;
penalties, jurisdiction of Courts; Role of Central/State Governments.
Other Laws: Workmen Compensation Act, 1923; Object, scope and major provisions including
proceedings before the Commissioner, appeals, compliances, penalties, special provisions;
Payment of Bonus Act, 1965; Object, application and major provisions; Exemption;
compliances, offences and penalties; Employees Provident Funds Act, 1952; Application, major
provisions, Exemption and compliances; Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972; Application, major
provisions, Controlling Authority and the Appellate Authority, obligations and rights of
employees and compliances; Minimum wages Act, 1948; Object and its scope, fixation,
payment of wages, Advisory Board, Central Advisory Board; Authority and claims, compliances,
offences and penalties.

6. Project
PG Diploma in Business Management

Semester-1 Subjects Credits

1 Management Theory & Practice 4

2 Organizational Behavior 4

3 Business Economics 4

4 Corporate Social Responsibility 4

5 Information System for Managers 4

6 Business Communication & Etiquettes 4

Semester-2 Subjects Credits

1 Marketing Management 4

2 Financial Accounting 4

3 Essentials of HRM 4

4 Strategic Management 4

5 Operations Management 4

6 Written and Oral Communication 4

Semester-3 Subjects Credits

1 Business Statistics 4

2 International Business 4

3 Organizational Theory Structure & Design 4

4 Financial Institutions & Markets 4

5 Consumer Behavior 4

6 Financial analysis & Management 4

Semester-4 Subjects Credits

1 Project Management 4

2 Services Marketing 4

3 Corporate Finance 4

4 Marketing Research 4

5 Business Law 4

6 Project 4

Semester I
1. Management Theory & Practice

Evolution of Management
• Introduction, History of management
• Industrial Revolution
• Forces behind management thoughts
• Approaches of management- Classical approach, Modern approach
• Major contributors- Charles Babbage, Frederick W. Taylor’s theory of scientific management,
Henry Laurence Gantt, Henri Fayol’s administrative theory, Robert Owen, Max Weber’s theory
of bureaucracy, George E. Mayo
• Recent development in management
• Lean Production or JIT
• 5 S system
• Six Sigma
• Kaizen
Nature of Management
• Definition Nature and Purpose of Management
• Management as Science
• Management as an Art
• Functions of Management
• Role of Management in Society
• Social responsibility of the business
• Social responsibility towards different interest groups
• Management administration and cultural values
• Management as a profession
Corporate Culture
• Corporate culture
• Components of corporate culture
• Conflict between corporate culture and administration
• Corporate culture and communication
• Human resource development and organisational culture
Structure of an Organisation

• Organisational designs
• Six Box organisational model
• Matrix or Mixed model
• ETZIONI organisational theory
• Factors influencing organisational design
Business Communication
• The concept, Need and Significance of communication
• Types of business communication- Internal and External communication, Formal or Informal
communication, Verbal and non-verbal communication
• Tools of business communication
• Role of business communication in an organisation
• Benefits of business communication
• Limitations of business communication
Managerial decision making
• Concept & Process of managerial decision making
• Centralization & Decentralisation
• Types of managerial decisions
• Importance of managerial decision making
• Information technology and managerial decision making
• Meaning, Types, Styles of leadership
• Balance between leadership and management
• Role, Functions, Importance and leadership
• Leadership and team work competency
• Leadership and group decision making
• Meaning, Need of Motivation
• Theories of Motivation
• Traditional Theories
• Modern Theories
ERG Theory
McClelland's Theory of Needs
Equity Theory of Motivation
• Techniques for stimulating creativity

• Motivating Individuals
• Motivating Groups
Change Management
• Meaning, Objectives of change management
• Change management and organisational development
• Forces of change
• Resistance to change
• Managing resistance to change
• Role of leaders in Change Management
Management Information System
• Information technology and management
• Data and Information
• Expert System
• Decision support system
• Group Decision support system (GDSS)- Components, Model of GDSS
• Advantages of GDSS
• Disadvantages of GDSS

2. Organizational Behavior

Introduction to Organizational Behavior

• Defining Organization Behavior
• History of Organizational Behavior
• Scope of Organization Behavior
• Importance of Organization Behavior
• Features of Organizational Behavior
• Approaches to Organizational Behavior
• Classical Approach
• Neo-Classical Approach
• Modern Approach
• Opportunities and Challenges of Organizational Behavior
• Scientific aspects of Organizational Behavior
Understanding Individual Behavior

• Individual Behavior
• Biographical Attributes
• Ability
• Values
• Attitudes
• Job Satisfaction
• Definition of Personality
• Stages of Personality Development
• Freudian Stages
• Erikson Stages (Neo Freudian Stages)
• Adult Life Stages
• Determinants of Personality
• Theories of Personality
• Psychoanalytic Theory
• New Freudian Theories
• Trait Theories
• Social Learning Theory
• The Self Theory
• Significant Personality Traits affecting Organizational Behavior
• Definition of Perception
• Importance of Perception
• Perception Process
• Perceptual Selectivity
• Factors Influencing Perception
• Impression Management
• Perception of Self-Image and Behavior
• Managerial Implications of Perception
• Managing the Perception Process
• Significance of Learning
• Theories of Learning
• Classical Conditioning Theory
• Operant or Instrumental Conditioning Theory
• Cognitive Learning Theory

• Social Learning Theory
• Meaning of Reinforcement
• Learning through Reinforcement
• Organizational Reward System
• Administering Reinforcement
• Impact of Punishment
• Meaning of Motivation
• Characteristics of Motivation
• Different Motives of Motivation
• Primary Motives
• General Motives
• Secondary Motives
• Motivational Approaches
• Theories of Motivation
• Maslow’s Need Hierarch Theory
• Herzberg Two Factor Theory
• Achievement Motivation Theory
• Goal Setting Theory
• Vroom’s Expectancy Theory
• Porter’s Performance Satisfaction Theory
• Motivation in Practice
Leadership and People Skills
• Definition of Leadership
• Significance of Leadership
• Managers vs. Leaders
• Leadership Theories
• Behavioural Theories
• Trait Theories
• Contingency Theories
• Pitfalls of Leadership
• Emotional Intelligence
• Styles of Leadership & their Impact on Employees
Groups and Teams
• Group Dynamics
• Features of Groups

• Importance of Groups
• Types of Groups
• Formal Groups
• Informal Groups
• Understanding Group Processes
• Formation of Groups
• Theories of Group Formation
• Propinquity Theory
• Homan’s Theory
• Balance Theory
• Exchange Theory
• Concept of Teams
• Difference between Groups and Teams
• Problems in Teamwork
• Creating Effective Teams at workplace
Conflict Management
• Understanding Conflicts
• Sources of Conflict
• Positive and Negative Aspects of Conflicts
• Functional Conflicts
• Dysfunctional Conflicts
• Types of Conflict
• Inter-personal conflict
• Intergroup conflict
• Conflict Resolution and Management
• Encouraging Functional Conflict for Organizational Effectiveness
Power & Politics in Organizations
• Understanding Power
• Difference between Leadership & Power
• Sources of Power
• Identifying the Sources of Power in an Organization
• Power Tactics
• Power in Groups
• Politics within Organizations
• Factors Contributing to existence of Politics
• Role of Politics in Determining Organization Culture

• Importance of Personality Development for Encountering Politics

3. Business Economics

Introduction to Business Economics

• Meaning and Scope of Economics
• Significance
• Distinction between Economics and Business Economics
• Microeconomics and Macroeconomics
• Laws of Economics- Nature, Application, Assumptions
• Economic Statics and Dynamics
• Economics and Business Decision Making
• Social Accounting- Gross National Product-Concept and components
• Business cycles
• Inflation- Defnition, Characteristics and types
Demand Analysis
• Meaning and types of Demand
• Determinants of Demand- Factors Influencing Individual Demand, Factors Influencing Market
• Law of Demand- Demand Schedule, Demand Curve, Demand Function , Assumptions in Law of
Demand, Exception to Law of Demand
• Shift and Movement along Demand Curve
Supply Analysis
• Concept of Supply
• Determinants of Supply
• Law of Supply- Assumptions and Exceptions
• Expansion and Contraction of Supply
• Increase and Decrease in Supply
• Market Equilibrium: Demand and Supply Equilibrium- Determination of Market Price, Shifts in
Market Equilibrium
Consumer Demand Analysis
• Concept
• Utility as a Basis of Consumer Demand- Total Utility, Marginal Utility

• Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility
• Cardinal Utility Approach- Neo Classical Approach
• Ordinal Utility Approach –Indifference Curve Analysis
• Assumptions of Ordinal Utility
• Indifference Curve- Meaning, properties and Criticism
• Marginal Rate of Substitution
• Concept of Budget Line – Slope and Shifts in Budget Line
• Consumer Equilibrium Effects
• Revealed Preference Theory
Elasticity of Demand and Supply
• Price Elasticity of Demand
• Different Types of Price Elasticity- Elastic Demand, Inelastic Demand, Relatively Elastic Demand,
Relatively Inelastic Demand
• Measurement of Price Elasticity
• Factors Influencing Price Elasticity of Demand
• Significance
• Income Elasticity of Demand
• Cross Elasticity of Demand
• Advertisement Elasticity of Sale
• Elasticity of Supply
Demand Forecasting
• Concept and need of Demand Forecasting
• Factors
• Steps and Limitations
• Techniques - Survey methods, Statistical methods
• Criteria for Good Demand Forecasting
Production Theory
• Concept and factors of production
• Production Possibility Curve
• Production in the Short and Long Run
• Total Product, Average Product and Marginal Product
• Production Function
• Law of Diminishing Returns- Significance, Optimal Employment of Factor of Production
• Isoquant curves - Forms
• Marginal Rate of Technical Substitution
• Elasticity of Substitution between Factors

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• Iso-cost Curves
• Producer’s Equilibrium- Equal Product, Expansion Path
• Returns to Scale- Increasing, Constant, Diminishing
• Different Types of Production Functions- Cobb-Douglas Production Function, Leontief
Production Function, CES Production Function

Cost and Revenue Analysis

• Concept of Cost
• Different Types of Costs- Opportunity costs, Accounting Costs, Economic costs, Business Costs,
Full Costs, Explicit Costs, Implicit Costs Fixed Costs, Variable Costs, Incremental Costs
• Short Run and Long Run Costs of Production
• Short Run and Long Run Average Cost and Long Run Total Cost
• Short Run and Long Run Marginal Costs
• Deriving Cost Schedule from Production Function
• Economies and Diseconomies of Scale
• Economies of Scope
• Concept of Revenue- Average Revenue, Marginal Revenue
• Relationship between Total Revenue and Marginal Revenue
• Relationship between Average Revenue and Marginal Revenue
Market Structure
• Defining Market
• Types of Market Structures- Pure Competition, Perfect Competition, Imperfect Competition,
Monopolistic Competition, Oligopoly, Monopoly
• Profit Maximization in the Short Run and Long Run
• Determinants and Measurement of Market Power
Market Failure
• Meaning of Market Failure
• Price Regulations
• Market Failure and Need for Regulation
• Regulations and Market Structure
• Price Regulation and Firm Behavior

11 | P a g e
4. Corporate Social Responsibility

CSR and Globalisation

• Globalization and Its Impact
• Sustainable Development
• Role of Business in Sustainable Development
• Millennium Development Goals and UN Post- 2015 Development Agenda
• India and MDGs
• Indian Companies Act 2013 and CSR
Corporate Stakeholders
• Business and Society
• Business Organizations as Systems
• From Shareholder Theory to Stakeholder Theory
• Stakeholder Engagement
• Dynamic Environment of Business
• History of CSR in India
• Emerging CSR Trends
• Theories of CSR
• The Pyramid of Corporate Social Responsibility
• Changing Trends: Philanthropy – Strategic Philanthropy – CSR
• Arguments against CSR
• The Business Case for CSR
• Importance of CSR for India Contemporary Drivers for CSR
CSR Strategy
• Steps in Designing CSR Strategy
• Implement CSR Commitments
• Areas of CSR Implementation
• CSR at Market Place
• CSR at Workplace

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• Environmental CSR
• CSR with Communities
• CSR in Supply Chain
• Types of Interventions
• Strategic Partnerships with NGO
• Focus of Measurement
• Social Auditing
• What is Monitoring? Internal and External
Importance and Benefits of Reporting
• Formats of CSR Communication and Reporting
• The Reporting Team
• Role of Government
• Government Support at International Level
• Voluntary Codes in CSR
• Corporate ethics
• Ethics and Functional Areas of business
• What is Corporate Governance?
• Constituents of Corporate Governance
• The Corporate Governance Debate
• Theories of Corporate Governance
• Responsibilities of Corporate Governance
• Global Growth of Corporate Governance
• History of Corporate Governance in India
• The Current State of Corporate Governance in India
• Board Composition in India.
• Corporate Governance: Need to Strengthen
• Corporate Governance and CSR
• Corporate Disclosures & investor protection in India
• Current CSR Bill and its impact on the society

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5. Information System for Managers

Introduction to Information System

• Meaning of Information ,Difference between Data and Information, Definition, Importance of
Information for Organizations
• Concept of System , Need
• Evolution of Information System , Functions , Framework,
• Information and Control Systems
• Computerized Information System
• Business Process Design , Modelling
• Business Process Re-engineering
• Management of Information Systems
Components of Information Technology
• Hardware Concepts, Software Concepts, Operating Systems, Programming Languages ,
Readymade Packages and their Operating Systems
Networking Concepts
• Meaning of Networking, Need for Networking , Advantages and Disadvantages of Networking,
• Hardware and Software for Networking, Concepts , Types
• Bluetooth as Wireless Technologies - RFID
• Network Models
• Applying Communication Networks – Intranet, Extranet, Internet
Database Management
• Meaning of Database ,Types
• Database Management , Objectives , Functions , Major Components , Database Models
Types of Information Systems
• Different Types of Information Systems
• Operations Support Systems , Transaction Processing Systems (TPS), Process Control System
(PCS), Enterprise Collaboration System (ECS)
• Management Support Systems , Management Information System (MIS), Decision Support
System (DSS), Executive Information System (EIS)
• Functional Information Systems

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• Other Types of Information Systems, Expert System , Knowledge Management System
(KMS),Strategic Information System (SIS),Business Information System (BIS), Integrated
Information Systems
• Defining ERP , Evolution of an ERP System, Benefits , ERP Implementation
• Reasons for the Failure of ERP Implementation
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
• Introducing EDI , Standards of EDI
• Transmission Modes of EDI : VAN ,Internet/AS2,Web EDI
• Disadvantages of EDI
Data Warehousing, Data Mining, and Business Intelligence
• Data Warehousing , Need , Goals, Constituents
• Definition of Data Mining, Parameters, Working
• Types of relationships
• Architecture of Data Mining, Functionalities
• Classification on Data Mining system
• Meaning of Business Intelligence, Evolution , Importance
Decision Support System (DSS)
• Introducing Decision Support System (DSS)
• Evolution , Components , DSS Architecture
• Analytical Models in DSS
• Characteristics , Types , Tools and Technologies Supporting DSS
• DSS and Outsourcing
• Group Decision Support Systems
Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
• Define CRM , Components of CRM, Three Phases of CRM, Benefits and Challenges of CRM, New
Trends in CRM
Supply Chain Management (SCM)
• Meaning of Supply Chain , Define SCM, Objectives of SCM, Components of SCM, Difference
between Logistics Management and SCM, Scope , Benefits and Challenges of SCM, New Trends
in SCM
Building and Deploying an Information System
• Architecture of an Information System
• Software Development Lifecycle
• Software Development Models : Waterfall model, Prototype model, Incremental model, Spiral

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• Requirement Analysis & Design Considerations
• Software Testing
• Deploying an Information System
Managing Information Systems
• Infrastructure Management
• Maintenance of Information Systems
• Management of Changing Requirements
• Incidence Handling
• Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Planning

6. Business Communication & Etiquettes


Communication in workplace

• Role of communication in business- Peter Drucker

• Why business needs to communicate
• Importance of communication skill to you
• Forms of communication
• Formation and sending of response
• 7 C’s of good communication skills
• Barriers to communication
• Communication Skills --- Verbal and Non-verbal
• Organisational communication--- internal and external including PR

Fundamentals of business writing

• Adaptation and selection of words

• Use of familiar words
Adapting to multiple readers

Indirectness in persuasion and sales messages

• Determining the persuasion

• Gaining attention in the opening

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• Making the request Clear and positive

Public speaking and oral reporting

• Making formal speeches

• Defining oral report
• Differences between oral and written reports
• Planning the oral report
• Telephone communication

Technology enabled Communication

• Using technology in communication tasks

• E mails
• Tools for constructing messages
• Computer tools for gathering and collecting information

Personal etiquettes and grooming for corporate

• Eye contact
• Body language
• Handshake
• Business card etiquette
• Work habits- punctuality, prioritize your work, stay positive, Bring solution etc

Aspects of Communication

• Cultural aspects of communication --- intercultural and multicultural

Ethical and Legal aspects

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Semester II
1. Marketing Management

Introduction to Marketing: Evolution of Marketing

Understanding the Marketing Process: Marketing Mix
Marketing Concepts, Customer Value and Satisfaction
Marketing Environment: Impact on the Strategic Planning
Understanding Consumer Behaviour
Understanding Industrial Buyer Behaviour
Analyzing Industry and Competition
Competitive Advantage and Core Competence
Marketing Strategy
Market Segmentation and Targeting
Demand Measurement and Sales Forecasting
Product and Product Life Cycle
Brand and Brand Equity
New Product Decisions
Distribution Channels and Logistics
Pricing Decisions
Marketing Communication: Advertising and Promotion

2. Financial Accounting

Balance Sheet
Accounting Process: Journal, Ledger and Trail Balance
Corporate Accounts: Format of Company Accounts
Cash Flow Statement: Preparation, Analysis and Implications
Financial Statements Reporting As per Accounting Standards: AS 1 and 2
Financial Statements Reporting As per Accounting Standards: AS 6 and 9
Financial Statements Reporting As per Accounting Standards: AS 13, 17, and 20.
Financial Analysis: Trends, Common Size, Ratios
Management Analysis and Discussion
Comparison: IFRS, GAAP, Indian Accounting Standards

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Financial Statement Analysis

3. Essentials of HRM

Objectives of HRM, Scope of HRM, Evolution of HRM, HRM functions, Challenges, Personnel
Job analysis, Information collection for job analysis, Job description and Job specification, Job
Human Resource Planning: need, objectives, process and problems
Recruitment – sources and methods, Selection – process, induction and outsourcing
Competency Mapping – developing competency models, uses; Assessment Center: history,
measurement tools, difference between assessment center and development center
Performance appraisal: process, methods, benefits, problems; Coaching and Mentoring:
process and implementation
Potential Appraisal: purpose and techniques; Career Planning: meaning and process; Succession
Planning: meaning, pros and cons
HR Audit: Objectives, role, significance, process, pros and cons; HR Accounting: methods, pros
and cons; HR Information Systems: application, pros and cons
Human Resource Development System: need, functions, systems, HRD process, HRD
effectiveness, Strategic management & HRM
Training and Development: training and education, stakeholders in training, need for training
and development, training and learning organisations, process of training, cross cultural
training, team training, orientation training
Compensation and Rewards: need for compensation, uses, components of compensation,
industry compensation, international compensation, fringe benefits & FBT, reward
management – goals, reward systems, recognition

4. Strategic Management

Evolution and basic concepts, Vision, Mission and business definition

Contributions by Mintzberg, Ansoff, Porter and Prahalad, Gary Hammel
Environment survey and appraisal – Industry and competitive analysis – Dominant economic
features, strength of competition and competitive forces.
The Strategic Management Process – Situation analysis, Formulating Corporate Level Strategy,

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Portfolio Strategy.
Formulating Business Level Strategy – Porter’s Competitive Forces and Strategies, Cooperative
Strategic implications of five competitive forces, Evaluating company resources and competitive
capabilities, Competencies, core and distinctive competencies and competitive advantages.
Formulating Functional level Strategies – Putting strategy into action‐leadership‐structural
design, Information and control systems, human resources – Implementing global strategies.
Corporate goals and strategic gap, Five generic strategies (Porter’s model)
Managing internal organization for Strategy implementation

5. Operations Management

Operations Management (An Overview)

Operations Function
Operations Management in Manufacturing and Service Sector
Types of Production Systems
Plant Location
Plant Layout – Service Facility Layout, plant Maintenance and TPM
Productivity Indices, Productivity Enhancement Techniques
Manufacturing Economics (BEA)
Inventory Management
Total Quality Management – Definition, Concept, Eight Building Blocks, Seven Wastages &
Pillars of TQM
Theory of Constraints

6. Written and Oral Communication


Modes of Written Communication

• Business writing style

• Types of messages and techniques
• Letters
• Memoranda and Email messages, SMS texting
• Press release

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• Reports
• Proposals
• Minutes and notes
• Internet as communication medium --- websites, advertising, blogs etc

Grammar and Style

• Verbs –[tenses; active and passive voice; Subject-Verb Agreement; Negative and Interrogative
• Nouns, Noun Phrases, Pronouns
• Modifiers --- [adverbs, adjectives, dangling modifiers]
• Concord; Parallel structure,
• Avoiding gender bias
• Writing Tactfully
• Punctuation
• Numerals

Oral Communication

• Characteristics of spoken language --- Features of oral communication --- Skills and self
• Voice Dynamics (with voice CD) -- Self presentation --- Body language
• Listening skills
• Preparing and Making Presentations
• Meetings and GD skills
• Interview skills
• Dialogue skills (negotiation)

Telephone, Tele-conferencing

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Semester III
1. Business Statistics

Introduction to Statistics
Business Statistics
Descriptive Statistics
Measures of Central Tendency
Measures of Dispersion (Variance)
Correlation Analysis
Regression Analysis (Limited to 2 Variable Regression Model)
Theory of Probability
Probability Distribution
Use of Excel Software for Statistical Analysis

2. International Business

Introduction to Assessment pattern, globalization,

Globalization, & environment, world trade data, Assessing political risks,
Free trade vs protectionism, Barriers to International Trade
International Trade barriers, GATT, WTO, Cultural barriers
Global Strategy – Entry
Global Strategy – Marketing and Sales
Global Strategy – Procurement Operation of a Transnational
Global Strategic Alliances

3. Organizational Theory Structure & Design


Concept of Organisation
Earlier Approaches to Organisation
Fundamental Elements of and Organisation

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Organisational Structure: Concept
Managing Complex Structures
Systems Approach to Organisation
Relationship Implications of Structure
Organisational Design: Introduction
Problems in organizational Design
Organisational Design & Flexibility
Environmental & Resource Context in Organisation
Organisational Life Cycle
Virtual Organisation
Post‐Industrial & Post‐Bureaucratic Organisation

4. Financial Institutions & Markets


International Financial System versus Indian Financial System

Impact of Liberalization of Financial Institutions and Markets
Institutions, Role, Types (Regulatory and Funding), Regulatory Theory, State Intervention
Functions of important regulators in India – RBI, SEBI, IRDA, FMC
Detailed Discussion on Institutions: Banks, Non Banking Financial Companies, Development
Financial institutions, Mutual Funds, Insurance Companies, Venture Funds etc. – Fund‐based
and Fee based services offered by banks
Markets: Capital and Money, Debt and Equity, Commodity Exchanges, Currency Markets
Primary and Secondary markets, Role of Markets, Anomalies, Bubbles, Petersberg Paradox,
Information Economics.
Monetary Policy, and Interest Rate and Exchange Rate Dynamics,
Risk Management in Financial Institutions‐Basle Norms‐Instruments: Plain Vanilla to exotic,
riskhedging instruments. – Derivatives

5. Consumer Behavior

Understanding Consumer Behavior – definition, applications, modeling & research.

Individual determinants of Consumer Behavior 1 – Consumer motivation, involvement,
personality & self‐image.
Self‐image V/s Brand Image
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Individual determinants of Consumer Behavior 2 – Consumer perception, Use of perceptions.
Information processing & learning.
Individual determinants of Consumer Behavior 3 – Attitude formation &Change
Environmental influences 1
1. Culture, subcultural, cross culture.
2. Culture/Sub‐cultural impact on 7Ps of product/service.
3. Rural vs. Urban Consumer Behavior
Cross‐cultural analysis.
Environmental influences 2 – Social Class, social groups, family
Social Class differences, family influences.
Environmental influences 3 – Opinion leadership
Diffusion of innovations, Diffusion of innovation for product/service.
Using Consumer Behavior in designing product/ad.
Consumer Decision Process
Analyse retail environment
Consumer Protection. Consumer Protection laws

6. Financial Analysis & Management


Corporate Accounts Horizontal and Vertical Form of Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account
Analysis of Financial Statements – Trend Analysis
Interpretation of Financial Statements – Ratio Analysis and Dupont Analysis
Working Capital Management – Assessment and Control
Working Capital Management – Planning and Budgeting
Cash Management and Budgeting
Cash Flow Statements and its Importance in Cash Management
Receivables Management
Inventory Management
Sources of Working Capital Finance – Banking norms on MPBF

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Semester IV

1. Project Management

Introduction: Concept of Project Management – Its Role, Scope and Coverage; Relationship
with other Department/Functional Areas; Organizing for Project Management; Matrix
Organisation; Project Manager is an entrepreneur; Role of Consultants in Project Management;
Success Factors in Project Management.
Nature of Project Decisions: The Project Development Cycle; Project Identification, Ideas and
promoters; Opportunity studies; Project Selection; Pre‐feasibility and Feasibility Studies;
Identification of Investment opportunities; Technical Analysis; Basis of Government regulatory
framework, Various acts and Laws affecting project – Identification.
Selection of Location & Site of the Project: Location Decisions objectives; Factors affecting
location; Policies of central Government lowards Location; Legal aspects of project
management; Concept of industrially Backward areas. Incentives available for appropriate
Project Appraisal: Market Appraisal; Demand Estimation and Forecasting; Technical Appraisal;
Technology, Product‐mix, Plant Capacity, Distribution Channel; Financial Analysis; Profitability
Analysis; Cost‐benefit Analysis; Preparation of Budget and Cash Flows; Assessing Tax Burdens;
Appraisal Criteria use by Lending Institution.
Risk Analysis of Project – Measures of risk: Use of Subjective Probabilities; Mathematical
Analysis; Sensitivity Analysis; Simulation Analysis; Decision Tree Analysis.
Quantitative Aspects of Project: Project Planning, Monitoring & Control; Network Analysis
Techniques Critical Path Method, Programme Evaluation & Review Technique, Grantt Charts;
Crashing of Projects; Probability considerations in Network Analysis – Optimistic Time, Most
likely Time and Pessimistic Time; β (Beta) Distribution curve; Resources Allocation & Scheduling;
Resources Leveling; Progress Report; Updating; Management Information System for Projects.
Use of Computer in Network Analysis: Computer Softwares; Project Management packages –
their Selection & Use.
Case Studies

2. Services Marketing

Introduction to Services
Consumer behavior in Service

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Customer Expectations of Service
Customer Perceptions of Service
Understanding Customer Expectations and Perceptions through Marketing Research
Building Customer Relationships
Service Recovery
Service Development and Design
Customer – Defined Service Standards
Physical evidence and The Servicescape
Employees’ Roles in Service Delivery
Customers’ Roles in Service Delivery
Delivering Service through Intermediaries and Electronic Channels
Managing Demand and Capacity
Integrated Service Marketing Communication
Pricing of Services
The Financial and Economic Effect of Services
The Integrated Gaps Model of Service Quality

3. Corporate Finance

Fundamental valuation concepts: Time value of money – Importance; Discounting,

Compounding; Future value, Present value, annuity
Capital Budgeting: The Capital budgeting process; Investment Decision criteria – Traditional
techniques – ARR, Pay back – Discounted Cash Flow techniques – NPV, IRR, Profitability index –
Popularity and usage of capital budgeting techniques – Ranking conflict, Multiple IRRs, Mutually
exclusive projects, Capital rationing, Sensitivity analysis
Working Capital Management: Working capital – overview – Determinants of working capital,
Need of adequate working capital, operating cycle; Cash Management; Receivables
management; inventory management
Capital Structure and Leverage: Leverage – Business risk‐operating leverage, Financial
leverage, Total leverage, Break‐even point; Cost of Capital – Equity, Debt, Overall cost
of capital‐weighted average cost, marginal cost; The capital structure decision – Theories of
capital structure – Net Income, Net operating income, MM approach
Dividend Policy: Forms of rewarding shareholders – dividend, rights, bonus shares; Factors
affecting Dividend payout policy; Dividend Policies – residual dividend approach, stable
dividend policy, target payout ratio, share repurchase; Relevance of Dividends – Walter’s

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model, Gordon’s model, MM Hypothesis
Long‐term Sources of Finance: Equity – Public issue, rights, private placement – Primary market
– mechanics; Debt – Debentures, Bonds – Public issue – mechanics, rating – Loans from
Financial institutions; Venture capital finance, mezannine debt, Lease finance, Overseas

4. Marketing Research

Introduction to MR
Need and Scope of MR
Application of MR to Manufacturing industry and service industry
Structure of MR studies
Types of Research Primary and Secondary
Quantitative and Qualitative analysis during various decision phases, scaling
Opportunity Analysis: Attitude and motivation research; focus groups and depth interviews;
concept tests and CUT
Test marketing and market segmentation
Advertising Research concepts of copy testing, Ad, recall, Ad. Comprehension, Opening and
Punch/Base line Research
Case study on Advertising and applications
Designing of sample campaign
Stages involved in Advertising research
Types of advertising research – Print, Out‐door, TV/Cinema, Mobile outdoor media,
effectiveness of each medium and how to determine it, suitability of each medium to our
products and industry, NRS/IRS – how to read and use them for decision making
Brand Equity Research
Positioning Research
Brand Valuation Research
Corporate Image Measurement Research
Sales Promotion Research
Campaign Tracking Research
Research for Advertising planning; advertising objectives and media experiments
Advertising Research for monitoring and control: pre/post testing of ads; DARs and Tracking
studies; Consumer panels
Analysis of Data: basic techniques: X2 test, t‐test and large sample tests regression, ANOVA,

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non‐parametric tests
Introduction to advanced techniques; Factor analysis, Cluster and Discriminate Analysis;
Conjoint Analysis. MDS
Research Report Preparation and Presentation

5. Business Law

The Indian Contract Act, 1872: Evolution of Contract Act its meaning, essentials of a valid
contract; nature of contract distinction between contractual obligation and legal obligation,
agreement, to sell, requisite of a valid contract, offer and invitation to offer, modes of
acceptance, communication of offer, express and implied terms, standard forms of contract,
exclusion clauses, kinds of agreement, valid, void and voidable agreement; unilateral, bilateral
and international contracts; Validity‐kinds of mistake, mistake of law and fact‐and the remedies
thereof available, Misrepresentation of material fact, fraudulent and innocent
misrepresentation and the remedies available, coercion and undue influence the effects and
the remedies available to the aggrieved. Undue influence the effects and the remedies available
to the aggrieved person; Consideration‐ Past, Present and Future, essential of valid
consideration, sufficiency of Consideration, consideration and promissory estoppels, Privity of
Contracts and of Consideration; Capacity to contract‐Minor, Lunatic and enemy; unlawful and
illegal agreement, Agreement void under the Statue. Quasi Contracts; Termination and
discharge of contract: Performance of contract, Different modes of discharge of contract,
Performance as to place, time, joint performance of promises, apportionment of payments.
Discharge by agreement, Novation and assignment, remission of performance, discharge by
frustration‐when plea of frustration is admission and the rights and liabilities of the parties
when frustration operates; Breach of Contract‐breach and anticipatory breach of contracts,
damages and specific relief, types of damages and their remedies available to the aggrieved
person; Indemnity and guarantee‐ Parties to contract of indemnity and guarantee; Difference
between indemnity and guarantee, surely and indemnifier, specific guarantee and continuing
guarantee; Rights of the indemnified, surety right against principal debtor and Co‐surety;
Bailment, Pledge and Finder of Goods‐ Nature and essential features of bailment and pledge,
bailment for reward gratuitous bailment, bailee’s duty, pledge as a special kind of bailment.
Pawnee’s right against the pawner and Pawners right against the Pawnee. Finder of goods as
quasi as quasi bailee, duties of finder of goods and his rights and liabilities for reward, sale; Law
of agency‐Agency and other forms of Contract, Types of Agencies like by holding out, operation
of law, estoppels, express, implied, Sub‐agent, substituted agent and ratified, Relationship of
principal and agent, Rights and liabilities of the Agent against third party, Rights and liabilities of

28 | P a g e
the Agent against Principal, undisclosed Principal and the rights and liabilities to the parties.
Termination of agency and its modes.
The Indian Sale of Goods Act, 1930: Essentials of a contract of sale; sale distinguished from
agreement to sell; Bailment; contract for work and labour and hire‐purchase; Consitions and
warranties; Transfer of title by non‐owners; doctrine of caveat emptor; performance of the
contract of sale; Unpaid seller‐his rights against the goods and the buyer.
Partnership Act, 1932: What constitutes a partnership deed and types of partnership, legal
position of a minor partner and his rights and liabilities; Distinction between partnership firm,
Co‐ownership joint Hindu family and joint stock companies, legality of the partnership firm,
types of partners; Express and implied authority, scope of implied authority, Rights and
liabilities of a partner against third party and other partners; Rights of newly admitted partners,
retiring and deceased partners, registration of and dissolution of partnership forms; Overview
of the Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008.
Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881: Features of promissory notes, bills of exchange, hundis,
cheques, bank drafts, traveler’s cheque and the rights and duties of various parties to these
instruments; Law of presentment of these instruments, honor and dishonor of negotiable
instruments, material alteration, noting and protesting. Law relating to foreign bills their noting
and protesting etc; Law relating to payment of customer’s cheques of paying banker‐rights and
duties, overdraft agreements, wrongful dishonor of cheques, stale cheques, forgery of cheques,
liability due to negligence of parties and material alteration, payment in due course; Law
relating to the collecting banker‐statutory protection, effects of negligence, role as a agent or
holder in due course, precautions to be taken in collection of bills, cheques for the customers
and third parties.
Law of Carriage of Goods: The Carriers Act, 1865(1972)‐ Definition of contract of carriage of
goods, classification of carrier‐common carrier, private carrier, gratuitous carrier, responsibility
of common carrier and Bailee, rights of a common carrier, duties of a common carrier, liabilities
of a common carrier, distinction between a common carrier and private carrier; Carriage of
goods by Rail‐Railway Act, 1989‐ Maintenance of rate books for carriage of goods, Provision of
rate risks, railway receipt, liability of railway administration from wrong delivery, responsibility
of railway administration as career‐of goods, of animals, of luggage, exoneration from liability in
certain cases, delay or retention in transit, railway risk rate, liability for damages to goods in
defective condition or defectively packed and liability after termination of transit; Carriage by
Sea‐The Carriage of Goods by Sea Act, 1925 (amended in 1993), and the (Indian) Bill of Lading
Act, 1856‐contract of affreightment, express and implied terms in a contractor of carriage by
sea‐implied warranty of seaworthiness, implied warranty of commencement of voyage,
Nondeviation of voyage, Shipper not to ship dangerous goods, bill of lading.
Consumer Protection Act, 1986: Objective of consumer protection act 1986, definition
complaint, consumer, contract of service and contract of service, consumer dispute, restrictive

29 | P a g e
trade practice, defect, deficiency; Consumer protection council‐central consumer protection
council, state consumer protection council, district consumer protection council; Redressal
machinery, jurisdiction, complaint before them, district forum, sate commission, national
commission, limitation period, administrative control, power of redressal agencies; Nature and
scope of remedies under the act‐ appeals penalties proceeding before consumer forums and
applicability of arbitration act.
Competition Commission act, 2002: Definition‐acquisition, agreement, cartel, chairperson,
commission, consumer, Director General, Enterprises, goods, member, etc., Anti Competitive
Agreement, Prohibition of abuse of dominant position, Combination; Competition Commission
of India‐Establishment, powers of them member, inquiry into certain agreement and dominate
position of enterprises, Inquiry into combination by commission, procedure for enquiry of the
complaints, Procedure for investigation of combination, appearance before commission, Power
of the commission, ratification of orders, Execution of orders by the commission, Compensation
in case of contravention, Competition appellate tribunal procedure and powers, execution of
orders, and ability on contravention of orders, appeal to Supreme Court, power of the Central
Government, MRTP (Monopolistic Trade Practice, unfair Trade Practice) & Restrictive Trade
Right to Information Act, 2005: Salient features of the Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2005;
Objective, Public Authorities & their Obligations; Designation of Public Information, Officers
(PIO) and their Duties; Request for obtaining Information, Exemption from disclosure; Who is
excluded; Information Commissions (Central & State) and their powers; appellate authorities;
penalties, jurisdiction of Courts; Role of Central/State Governments.
Other Laws: Workmen Compensation Act, 1923; Object, scope and major provisions including
proceedings before the Commissioner, appeals, compliances, penalties, special provisions;
Payment of Bonus Act, 1965; Object, application and major provisions; Exemption;
compliances, offences and penalties; Employees Provident Funds Act, 1952; Application, major
provisions, Exemption and compliances; Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972; Application, major
provisions, Controlling Authority and the Appellate Authority, obligations and rights of
employees and compliances; Minimum wages Act, 1948; Object and its scope, fixation,
payment of wages, Advisory Board, Central Advisory Board; Authority and claims, compliances,
offences and penalties.

6. Project

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PG Diploma in Financial Management

Semester-1 Subjects Credits

1 Management Theory & Practice 4

2 Organizational Behavior 4

3 Business Economics 4

4 Corporate Social Responsibility 4

5 Information System for Managers 4

6 Business Communication & Etiquettes 4

Semester-2 Subjects Credits

1 Marketing Management 4

2 Financial Accounting 4

3 Essentials of HRM 4

4 Strategic Management 4

5 Operations Management 4

6 Written and Oral Communication 4

Semester-3 Subjects Credits

1 Cost & Management Accounting 4

2 Micro Economics 4

3 Capital Market & Portfolio Management 4

4 Strategic Cost Management 4

5 Financial Institutions & Markets 4

6 Financial Analysis & Management 4

Semester-4 Subjects Credits

1 Strategic Financial Management 4

2 International Finance 4

3 Corporate Finance 4

4 Corporate Taxation- Direct and Indirect 4

5 Business Law 4

6 Project 4

Semester I

1. Management Theory & Practice


Evolution of Management
• Introduction, History of management
• Industrial Revolution
• Forces behind management thoughts
• Approaches of management- Classical approach, Modern approach
• Major contributors- Charles Babbage, Frederick W. Taylor’s theory of scientific management,
Henry Laurence Gantt, Henri Fayol’s administrative theory, Robert Owen, Max Weber’s theory
of bureaucracy, George E. Mayo
• Recent development in management
• Lean Production or JIT
• 5 S system
• Six Sigma
• Kaizen
Nature of Management
• Definition Nature and Purpose of Management
• Management as Science
• Management as an Art
• Functions of Management
• Role of Management in Society
• Social responsibility of the business
• Social responsibility towards different interest groups
• Management administration and cultural values
• Management as a profession
Corporate Culture
• Corporate culture
• Components of corporate culture
• Conflict between corporate culture and administration
• Corporate culture and communication
• Human resource development and organisational culture
Structure of an Organisation

• Organisational designs
• Six Box organisational model
• Matrix or Mixed model
• ETZIONI organisational theory
• Factors influencing organisational design
Business Communication
• The concept, Need and Significance of communication
• Types of business communication- Internal and External communication, Formal or Informal
communication, Verbal and non-verbal communication
• Tools of business communication
• Role of business communication in an organisation
• Benefits of business communication
• Limitations of business communication
Managerial decision making
• Concept & Process of managerial decision making
• Centralization & Decentralisation
• Types of managerial decisions
• Importance of managerial decision making
• Information technology and managerial decision making
• Meaning, Types, Styles of leadership
• Balance between leadership and management
• Role, Functions, Importance and leadership
• Leadership and team work competency
• Leadership and group decision making
• Meaning, Need of Motivation
• Theories of Motivation
• Traditional Theories
• Modern Theories
ERG Theory
McClelland's Theory of Needs
Equity Theory of Motivation
• Techniques for stimulating creativity

• Motivating Individuals
• Motivating Groups
Change Management
• Meaning, Objectives of change management
• Change management and organisational development
• Forces of change
• Resistance to change
• Managing resistance to change
• Role of leaders in Change Management
Management Information System
• Information technology and management
• Data and Information
• Expert System
• Decision support system
• Group Decision support system (GDSS)- Components, Model of GDSS
• Advantages of GDSS
• Disadvantages of GDSS

2. Organizational Behavior

Introduction to Organizational Behavior

• Defining Organization Behavior
• History of Organizational Behavior
• Scope of Organization Behavior
• Importance of Organization Behavior
• Features of Organizational Behavior
• Approaches to Organizational Behavior
• Classical Approach
• Neo-Classical Approach
• Modern Approach
• Opportunities and Challenges of Organizational Behavior
• Scientific aspects of Organizational Behavior
Understanding Individual Behavior

• Individual Behavior
• Biographical Attributes
• Ability
• Values
• Attitudes
• Job Satisfaction
• Definition of Personality
• Stages of Personality Development
• Freudian Stages
• Erikson Stages (Neo Freudian Stages)
• Adult Life Stages
• Determinants of Personality
• Theories of Personality
• Psychoanalytic Theory
• New Freudian Theories
• Trait Theories
• Social Learning Theory
• The Self Theory
• Significant Personality Traits affecting Organizational Behavior
• Definition of Perception
• Importance of Perception
• Perception Process
• Perceptual Selectivity
• Factors Influencing Perception
• Impression Management
• Perception of Self-Image and Behavior
• Managerial Implications of Perception
• Managing the Perception Process
• Significance of Learning
• Theories of Learning
• Classical Conditioning Theory
• Operant or Instrumental Conditioning Theory
• Cognitive Learning Theory

• Social Learning Theory
• Meaning of Reinforcement
• Learning through Reinforcement
• Organizational Reward System
• Administering Reinforcement
• Impact of Punishment
• Meaning of Motivation
• Characteristics of Motivation
• Different Motives of Motivation
• Primary Motives
• General Motives
• Secondary Motives
• Motivational Approaches
• Theories of Motivation
• Maslow’s Need Hierarch Theory
• Herzberg Two Factor Theory
• Achievement Motivation Theory
• Goal Setting Theory
• Vroom’s Expectancy Theory
• Porter’s Performance Satisfaction Theory
• Motivation in Practice
Leadership and People Skills
• Definition of Leadership
• Significance of Leadership
• Managers vs. Leaders
• Leadership Theories
• Behavioural Theories
• Trait Theories
• Contingency Theories
• Pitfalls of Leadership
• Emotional Intelligence
• Styles of Leadership & their Impact on Employees
Groups and Teams
• Group Dynamics
• Features of Groups

• Importance of Groups
• Types of Groups
• Formal Groups
• Informal Groups
• Understanding Group Processes
• Formation of Groups
• Theories of Group Formation
• Propinquity Theory
• Homan’s Theory
• Balance Theory
• Exchange Theory
• Concept of Teams
• Difference between Groups and Teams
• Problems in Teamwork
• Creating Effective Teams at workplace
Conflict Management
• Understanding Conflicts
• Sources of Conflict
• Positive and Negative Aspects of Conflicts
• Functional Conflicts
• Dysfunctional Conflicts
• Types of Conflict
• Inter-personal conflict
• Intergroup conflict
• Conflict Resolution and Management
• Encouraging Functional Conflict for Organizational Effectiveness
Power & Politics in Organizations
• Understanding Power
• Difference between Leadership & Power
• Sources of Power
• Identifying the Sources of Power in an Organization
• Power Tactics
• Power in Groups
• Politics within Organizations
• Factors Contributing to existence of Politics
• Role of Politics in Determining Organization Culture

• Importance of Personality Development for Encountering Politics

3. Business Economics

Introduction to Business Economics

• Meaning and Scope of Economics
• Significance
• Distinction between Economics and Business Economics
• Microeconomics and Macroeconomics
• Laws of Economics- Nature, Application, Assumptions
• Economic Statics and Dynamics
• Economics and Business Decision Making
• Social Accounting- Gross National Product-Concept and components
• Business cycles
• Inflation- Defnition, Characteristics and types
Demand Analysis
• Meaning and types of Demand
• Determinants of Demand- Factors Influencing Individual Demand, Factors Influencing Market
• Law of Demand- Demand Schedule, Demand Curve, Demand Function , Assumptions in Law of
Demand, Exception to Law of Demand
• Shift and Movement along Demand Curve
Supply Analysis
• Concept of Supply
• Determinants of Supply
• Law of Supply- Assumptions and Exceptions
• Expansion and Contraction of Supply
• Increase and Decrease in Supply
• Market Equilibrium: Demand and Supply Equilibrium- Determination of Market Price, Shifts in
Market Equilibrium
Consumer Demand Analysis
• Concept
• Utility as a Basis of Consumer Demand- Total Utility, Marginal Utility

• Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility
• Cardinal Utility Approach- Neo Classical Approach
• Ordinal Utility Approach –Indifference Curve Analysis
• Assumptions of Ordinal Utility
• Indifference Curve- Meaning, properties and Criticism
• Marginal Rate of Substitution
• Concept of Budget Line – Slope and Shifts in Budget Line
• Consumer Equilibrium Effects
• Revealed Preference Theory
Elasticity of Demand and Supply
• Price Elasticity of Demand
• Different Types of Price Elasticity- Elastic Demand, Inelastic Demand, Relatively Elastic Demand,
Relatively Inelastic Demand
• Measurement of Price Elasticity
• Factors Influencing Price Elasticity of Demand
• Significance
• Income Elasticity of Demand
• Cross Elasticity of Demand
• Advertisement Elasticity of Sale
• Elasticity of Supply
Demand Forecasting
• Concept and need of Demand Forecasting
• Factors
• Steps and Limitations
• Techniques - Survey methods, Statistical methods
• Criteria for Good Demand Forecasting
Production Theory
• Concept and factors of production
• Production Possibility Curve
• Production in the Short and Long Run
• Total Product, Average Product and Marginal Product
• Production Function
• Law of Diminishing Returns- Significance, Optimal Employment of Factor of Production
• Isoquant curves - Forms
• Marginal Rate of Technical Substitution
• Elasticity of Substitution between Factors

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• Iso-cost Curves
• Producer’s Equilibrium- Equal Product, Expansion Path
• Returns to Scale- Increasing, Constant, Diminishing
• Different Types of Production Functions- Cobb-Douglas Production Function, Leontief
Production Function, CES Production Function

Cost and Revenue Analysis

• Concept of Cost
• Different Types of Costs- Opportunity costs, Accounting Costs, Economic costs, Business Costs,
Full Costs, Explicit Costs, Implicit Costs Fixed Costs, Variable Costs, Incremental Costs
• Short Run and Long Run Costs of Production
• Short Run and Long Run Average Cost and Long Run Total Cost
• Short Run and Long Run Marginal Costs
• Deriving Cost Schedule from Production Function
• Economies and Diseconomies of Scale
• Economies of Scope
• Concept of Revenue- Average Revenue, Marginal Revenue
• Relationship between Total Revenue and Marginal Revenue
• Relationship between Average Revenue and Marginal Revenue
Market Structure
• Defining Market
• Types of Market Structures- Pure Competition, Perfect Competition, Imperfect Competition,
Monopolistic Competition, Oligopoly, Monopoly
• Profit Maximization in the Short Run and Long Run
• Determinants and Measurement of Market Power
Market Failure
• Meaning of Market Failure
• Price Regulations
• Market Failure and Need for Regulation
• Regulations and Market Structure
• Price Regulation and Firm Behavior

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4. Corporate Social Responsibility

CSR and Globalisation

• Globalization and Its Impact
• Sustainable Development
• Role of Business in Sustainable Development
• Millennium Development Goals and UN Post- 2015 Development Agenda
• India and MDGs
• Indian Companies Act 2013 and CSR
Corporate Stakeholders
• Business and Society
• Business Organizations as Systems
• From Shareholder Theory to Stakeholder Theory
• Stakeholder Engagement
• Dynamic Environment of Business
• History of CSR in India
• Emerging CSR Trends
• Theories of CSR
• The Pyramid of Corporate Social Responsibility
• Changing Trends: Philanthropy – Strategic Philanthropy – CSR
• Arguments against CSR
• The Business Case for CSR
• Importance of CSR for India Contemporary Drivers for CSR
CSR Strategy
• Steps in Designing CSR Strategy
• Implement CSR Commitments
• Areas of CSR Implementation
• CSR at Market Place
• CSR at Workplace
• Environmental CSR
• CSR with Communities

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• CSR in Supply Chain
• Types of Interventions
• Strategic Partnerships with NGO
• Focus of Measurement
• Social Auditing
• What is Monitoring? Internal and External
Importance and Benefits of Reporting
• Formats of CSR Communication and Reporting
• The Reporting Team
• Role of Government
• Government Support at International Level
• Voluntary Codes in CSR
• Corporate ethics
• Ethics and Functional Areas of business
• What is Corporate Governance?
• Constituents of Corporate Governance
• The Corporate Governance Debate
• Theories of Corporate Governance
• Responsibilities of Corporate Governance
• Global Growth of Corporate Governance
• History of Corporate Governance in India
• The Current State of Corporate Governance in India
• Board Composition in India.
• Corporate Governance: Need to Strengthen
• Corporate Governance and CSR
• Corporate Disclosures & investor protection in India
• Current CSR Bill and its impact on the society

5. Information System for Managers


13 | P a g e
Introduction to Information System
• Meaning of Information ,Difference between Data and Information, Definition, Importance of
Information for Organizations
• Concept of System , Need
• Evolution of Information System , Functions , Framework,
• Information and Control Systems
• Computerized Information System
• Business Process Design , Modelling
• Business Process Re-engineering
• Management of Information Systems
Components of Information Technology
• Hardware Concepts, Software Concepts, Operating Systems, Programming Languages ,
Readymade Packages and their Operating Systems
Networking Concepts
• Meaning of Networking, Need for Networking , Advantages and Disadvantages of Networking,
• Hardware and Software for Networking, Concepts , Types
• Bluetooth as Wireless Technologies - RFID
• Network Models
• Applying Communication Networks – Intranet, Extranet, Internet
Database Management
• Meaning of Database ,Types
• Database Management , Objectives , Functions , Major Components , Database Models
Types of Information Systems
• Different Types of Information Systems
• Operations Support Systems , Transaction Processing Systems (TPS), Process Control System
(PCS), Enterprise Collaboration System (ECS)
• Management Support Systems , Management Information System (MIS), Decision Support
System (DSS), Executive Information System (EIS)
• Functional Information Systems
• Other Types of Information Systems, Expert System , Knowledge Management System
(KMS),Strategic Information System (SIS),Business Information System (BIS), Integrated
Information Systems
• Defining ERP , Evolution of an ERP System, Benefits , ERP Implementation
• Reasons for the Failure of ERP Implementation

14 | P a g e
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
• Introducing EDI , Standards of EDI
• Transmission Modes of EDI : VAN ,Internet/AS2,Web EDI
• Disadvantages of EDI
Data Warehousing, Data Mining, and Business Intelligence
• Data Warehousing , Need , Goals, Constituents
• Definition of Data Mining, Parameters, Working
• Types of relationships
• Architecture of Data Mining, Functionalities
• Classification on Data Mining system
• Meaning of Business Intelligence, Evolution , Importance
Decision Support System (DSS)
• Introducing Decision Support System (DSS)
• Evolution , Components , DSS Architecture
• Analytical Models in DSS
• Characteristics , Types , Tools and Technologies Supporting DSS
• DSS and Outsourcing
• Group Decision Support Systems
Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
• Define CRM , Components of CRM, Three Phases of CRM, Benefits and Challenges of CRM, New
Trends in CRM
Supply Chain Management (SCM)
• Meaning of Supply Chain , Define SCM, Objectives of SCM, Components of SCM, Difference
between Logistics Management and SCM, Scope , Benefits and Challenges of SCM, New Trends
in SCM
Building and Deploying an Information System
• Architecture of an Information System
• Software Development Lifecycle
• Software Development Models : Waterfall model, Prototype model, Incremental model, Spiral
• Requirement Analysis & Design Considerations
• Software Testing
• Deploying an Information System
Managing Information Systems
• Infrastructure Management
• Maintenance of Information Systems

15 | P a g e
• Management of Changing Requirements
• Incidence Handling
• Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Planning

6. Business Communication & Etiquettes


Communication in workplace

• Role of communication in business- Peter Drucker

• Why business needs to communicate
• Importance of communication skill to you
• Forms of communication
• Formation and sending of response
• 7 C’s of good communication skills
• Barriers to communication
• Communication Skills --- Verbal and Non-verbal
• Organisational communication--- internal and external including PR

Fundamentals of business writing

• Adaptation and selection of words

• Use of familiar words
Adapting to multiple readers

Indirectness in persuasion and sales messages

• Determining the persuasion

• Gaining attention in the opening
• Making the request Clear and positive

Public speaking and oral reporting

• Making formal speeches

• Defining oral report
• Differences between oral and written reports

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• Planning the oral report
• Telephone communication

Technology enabled Communication

• Using technology in communication tasks

• E mails
• Tools for constructing messages
• Computer tools for gathering and collecting information

Personal etiquettes and grooming for corporate

• Eye contact
• Body language
• Handshake
• Business card etiquette
• Work habits- punctuality, prioritize your work, stay positive, Bring solution etc

Aspects of Communication

• Cultural aspects of communication --- intercultural and multicultural

Ethical and Legal aspects

Semester II
1. Marketing Management

Introduction to Marketing: Evolution of Marketing

Understanding the Marketing Process: Marketing Mix
Marketing Concepts, Customer Value and Satisfaction
Marketing Environment: Impact on the Strategic Planning
Understanding Consumer Behaviour
Understanding Industrial Buyer Behaviour
Analyzing Industry and Competition
Competitive Advantage and Core Competence
Marketing Strategy

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Market Segmentation and Targeting
Demand Measurement and Sales Forecasting
Product and Product Life Cycle
Brand and Brand Equity
New Product Decisions
Distribution Channels and Logistics
Pricing Decisions
Marketing Communication: Advertising and Promotion

2. Financial Accounting

Balance Sheet
Accounting Process: Journal, Ledger and Trail Balance
Corporate Accounts: Format of Company Accounts
Cash Flow Statement: Preparation, Analysis and Implications
Financial Statements Reporting As per Accounting Standards: AS 1 and 2
Financial Statements Reporting As per Accounting Standards: AS 6 and 9
Financial Statements Reporting As per Accounting Standards: AS 13, 17, and 20.
Financial Analysis: Trends, Common Size, Ratios
Management Analysis and Discussion
Comparison: IFRS, GAAP, Indian Accounting Standards
Financial Statement Analysis

3. Essentials of HRM

Objectives of HRM, Scope of HRM, Evolution of HRM, HRM functions, Challenges, Personnel
Job analysis, Information collection for job analysis, Job description and Job specification, Job
Human Resource Planning: need, objectives, process and problems
Recruitment – sources and methods, Selection – process, induction and outsourcing
Competency Mapping – developing competency models, uses; Assessment Center: history,
measurement tools, difference between assessment center and development center
Performance appraisal: process, methods, benefits, problems; Coaching and Mentoring:
process and implementation

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Potential Appraisal: purpose and techniques; Career Planning: meaning and process; Succession
Planning: meaning, pros and cons
HR Audit: Objectives, role, significance, process, pros and cons; HR Accounting: methods, pros
and cons; HR Information Systems: application, pros and cons
Human Resource Development System: need, functions, systems, HRD process, HRD
effectiveness, Strategic management & HRM
Training and Development: training and education, stakeholders in training, need for training
and development, training and learning organisations, process of training, cross cultural
training, team training, orientation training
Compensation and Rewards: need for compensation, uses, components of compensation,
industry compensation, international compensation, fringe benefits & FBT, reward
management – goals, reward systems, recognition

4. Strategic Management

Evolution and basic concepts, Vision, Mission and business definition

Contributions by Mintzberg, Ansoff, Porter and Prahalad, Gary Hammel
Environment survey and appraisal – Industry and competitive analysis – Dominant economic
features, strength of competition and competitive forces.
The Strategic Management Process – Situation analysis, Formulating Corporate Level Strategy,
Portfolio Strategy.
Formulating Business Level Strategy – Porter’s Competitive Forces and Strategies, Cooperative
Strategic implications of five competitive forces, Evaluating company resources and competitive
capabilities, Competencies, core and distinctive competencies and competitive advantages.
Formulating Functional level Strategies – Putting strategy into action‐leadership‐structural
design, Information and control systems, human resources – Implementing global strategies.
Corporate goals and strategic gap, Five generic strategies (Porter’s model)
Managing internal organization for Strategy implementation

5. Operations Management

Operations Management (An Overview)

Operations Function

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Operations Management in Manufacturing and Service Sector
Types of Production Systems
Plant Location
Plant Layout – Service Facility Layout, plant Maintenance and TPM
Productivity Indices, Productivity Enhancement Techniques
Manufacturing Economics (BEA)
Inventory Management
Total Quality Management – Definition, Concept, Eight Building Blocks, Seven Wastages &
Pillars of TQM
Theory of Constraints

6. Written and Oral Communication


Modes of Written Communication

• Business writing style

• Types of messages and techniques
• Letters
• Memoranda and Email messages, SMS texting
• Press release
• Reports
• Proposals
• Minutes and notes
• Internet as communication medium --- websites, advertising, blogs etc

Grammar and Style

• Verbs –[tenses; active and passive voice; Subject-Verb Agreement; Negative and Interrogative
• Nouns, Noun Phrases, Pronouns
• Modifiers --- [adverbs, adjectives, dangling modifiers]
• Concord; Parallel structure,
• Avoiding gender bias
• Writing Tactfully
• Punctuation

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• Numerals

Oral Communication

• Characteristics of spoken language --- Features of oral communication --- Skills and self
• Voice Dynamics (with voice CD) -- Self presentation --- Body language
• Listening skills
• Preparing and Making Presentations
• Meetings and GD skills
• Interview skills
• Dialogue skills (negotiation)

Telephone, Tele-conferencing

Semester III
1. Cost & Management Accounting


Basic Cost Concepts: Cost Classification; Elements of costs – Material & Labour Elements of
costs – Overheads Absorption Traditional vs. Activity Based Costing Methodology; Transfer
Costing Systems: Process Costing – Joint Products; By Products; Marginal Costing and
Absorption Costing
Costing and Short‐run Alternative Choices: Make or Buy/Limiting Factors; Continue or Shot
Down; Relevant Costs & Strategic Cost Management
Control Systems: Long Range and Short Range Planning; Elements of Budgeting; Standard
Costing – Variance Analysis; Corporate Performance Measurement System; Pricing Decisions

2. Micro Economics


Introduction: What is economics, why do business need to understand economics? Ten key
Principles in economics, Micro vs. Macro economics. Economic Problem, areas of decision ‐

21 | P a g e
making, central problem in economics‐scarcity, choice, utility. Concepts: Opportunity cost, PPF,
incremental principle, discounting principle. Markets, economic goods, wealth & income Price
& Value, factors of production
Theory of Demand: Nature of Demand, Demand ZFunction, Factors Affecting Deamnd, the law
of demand, market demand vs. individual demand, causes of shifts in demand curve‐differences
between movements along the curve & shift in demand.
Market & Supply
1. Nature of Supply, supply function, factors affecting supply, movement along supply
curve & shift of the supply curve.
2. Definition of equilibrium, situations of disequilibria. Excess demand & excess supplyshortage
& surplus, Pricing ceiling and Price floors
3. Concept of elasticity – Different types of elasticity’s‐price elasticity, cross‐elasticity,
income elasticity of Demand and advertising elasticity. Relationship between Price
Elasticity & Revenue
Theory of Production & Cost
1. Production, Inputs, Production Function,
2. Costs: explicit vs. Implicit cost, SR vs. LR cost.
(a) Economies of scale vs. Economies of scope; Returns to scale vs. Returns to a variable
input. Concept of break‐even analysis and profit maximization.
(b) Merger Behaviour, horizontal expansion, diversification, and vertical integration:
Make Vs. Buy (Handout)
Theories of Firm: Definition of market, market‐structure – different kinds of market structures,
Pricing policy from market structures along with profit maximization.
Perfect Competition, Monopoly, Monopolistic, Oligopoly, Collusive vs. Non‐collusive oligopoly,
game theory applications to oligopoly

3. Capital Market & Portfolio Management


Introduction to Investment Environment

Financial Instruments
Return on Common Stocks under Uncertainty, for a Single Stock Expected Return, Concept of
Probability Distribution of Return
Co‐movement of Two‐assets Return, Measuring Convariance, Definition and Simple Example,
Correlation Coefficient
Two Asset Portfolio Case, Expected Return and Variance Analysis of Returns of a Two‐asset

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Portfolio, Simple Numerical Example and Graphical Illustration
General N‐asset Portfolio Problem
Markowitz Model: Objective Function, Constraints
Meaning of Efficient Frontier
Von‐Neumann Morgenstern Utility Functions and the Expected Utility Hypothesis, Concept of
Optimal Portfolio
Concept of CML, Market Portfolio, Risk Free Rate, Borrowing and Lending Rates
How Asset Returns Move with the Market. How the Concept of Beta Ensures this Variability
Definition of Beta, Measuring Beta
Capital Asset Pricing Model
Arbitrage Pricing Theory
Fundamental Analysis
Technical Analysis
Efficient Market Hypothesis: Random Walk, Weak, Semi‐strong, Strong Form
Empirical Evidence of EMH
Anomalies in the Markets: Firm Size Effect, January Effect, Monday Effect
Portfolio Performance Measures: Sharpe, Jensen, Jensen
Empirical Testing of Mutual Fund Performance

4. Strategic Cost Management


Cost Benefit Analysis with reference to Strategic Business Decision Making

Value Analysis and Value Engineering, Wastage Control, Business Process Re‐engineering, Total
Quality Management, Total Productive Maintenance, Cost Reduction and Control
Product Life Cycle Costing
Activity Based Management
Value Chain Analysis and Long term Cost Management
Balanced Score Card
Target Costing
Profit Variance Analysis
Cost Audit and Management
Strategic Cost Benefit Analysis, Restructuring propositions

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5. Financial Institutions & Markets


Impact of Liberalization of Financial Institutions and Markets

Institutions, Role, Types (Regulatory and Funding), Regulatory Theory, State Intervention
Functions of important regulators in India – RBI, SEBI, IRDA, FMC
Detailed Discussion on Institutions: Banks, Non Banking Financial Companies, Development
Financial institutions, Mutual Funds, Insurance Companies, Venture Funds etc. – Fund‐based
and Fee based services offered by banks
Markets: Capital and Money, Debt and Equity, Commodity Exchanges, Currency Markets
Primary and Secondary markets, Role of Markets, Anomalies, Bubbles, Petersberg Paradox,
Information Economics.
Monetary Policy, and Interest Rate and Exchange Rate Dynamics,
Risk Management in Financial Institutions‐Basle Norms‐Instruments: Plain Vanilla to exotic,
riskhedging instruments. – Derivatives

6. Financial Analysis & Management


Finance Function – Overview and Understanding

Corporate Accounts Horizontal and Vertical Form of Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account
Analysis of Financial Statements – Trend Analysis
Interpretation of Financial Statements – Ratio Analysis and Dupont Analysis
Working Capital Management – Assessment and Control
Working Capital Management – Planning and Budgeting
Cash Management and Budgeting
Cash Flow Statements and its Importance in Cash Management
Receivables Management
Inventory Management
Sources of Working Capital Finance – Banking norms on MPBF

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Semester IV

1. Strategic Financial Management


Corporate Strategy & Financial Policy

Cost of Capital, EVA & Financial Strategies
Dividend Policy & Capital Structure Choices
Cost of Financial Distress, Information Asymmetry & Conflict of Interest
Business Restructuring & Modes of Restructuring
Financial Restructuring & Turnaround Strategies
Green Field Ventures & Venture Funding
Consolidated Strategies
Transfer Pricing and Interface with Strategic Cost Management
Tax Treaties and Double Tax Avoidance Agreements

2. International Finance


Introduction to Foreign Exchange Transactions – Current A/c & Capital A/c transactions – BOP
Concepts, Role of IMF, World Bank, WTO
Exchange Rate System – International Monetary System – Role of IMF – Fixed vs. Floating
exchange rates – Managed floating – Evolution of Exchange rate Mechanism in India
FEMA/PMLA – Important aspects of differences – Functions of an authorized dealer – Concepts
regarding Nostro/vostro Accounts & Mirror accounts
Exchange Rate Determination – Direct & indirect quotations – Cross rates – Merchant TT & bill
Foreign Exchange Markets – Market conventions & practices – Spot & forward rates – factors
affecting spot & forward rates
Purities in International Finance – PPP theorem – its limitations – Interest Rate Parity (IRP) –
Fisher Effect – Arbitrage
International Equity Market – International Debt Market – International Mutual Funds
Export Promotion Measures – Duty Drawback Schemes – Foreign Trade Development Act 2002
– Incentives to exporters School of Business Management
Letters of Credits – Types of L/Cs – Introduction to UCP 600 – Rights & Responsibilities of

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parties under an L/C
Behaviour of Exchange Rates (including intra‐day behavior) – Dealing Room Operations –
Front office, Back office & Mid office Functions – Exchange Position/Cash Position
Managing Foreign Exchange Rights – Transaction, Translation & operating Exposures of firms
Use of Derivatives – Currency options, Futures & Swaps
Capital account convertibility – Tarapore committee recommendations – Implementation of
recommendations, Role of ECGC & Exim Bank

3. Corporate Finance


Fundamental valuation concepts: Time value of money – Importance; Discounting,

Compounding; Future value, Present value, annuity
Capital Budgeting: The Capital budgeting process; Investment Decision criteria – Traditional
techniques – ARR, Pay back – Discounted Cash Flow techniques – NPV, IRR, Profitability index –
Popularity and usage of capital budgeting techniques – Ranking conflict, Multiple IRRs, Mutually
exclusive projects, Capital rationing, Sensitivity analysis
Working Capital Management: Working capital – overview – Determinants of working capital,
Need of adequate working capital, operating cycle; Cash Management; Receivables
management; inventory management
Capital Structure and Leverage: Leverage – Business risk‐operating leverage, Financial risk
financial leverage, Total leverage, Break‐even point; Cost of Capital – Equity, Debt, Overall cost
of capital‐weighted average cost, marginal cost; The capital structure decision – Theories of
capital structure – Net Income, Net operating income, MM approach
Dividend Policy: Forms of rewarding shareholders – dividend, rights, bonus shares; Factors
affecting Dividend payout policy; Dividend Policies – residual dividend approach, stable
dividend policy, target payout ratio, share repurchase; Relevance of Dividends – Walter’s
model, Gordon’s model, MM Hypothesis
Long‐term Sources of Finance: Equity – Public issue, rights, private placement – Primary market
– mechanics; Debt – Debentures, Bonds – Public issue – mechanics, rating – Loans from
Financial institutions; Venture capital finance, mezannine debt, Lease finance, Overseas

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4. Corporate Taxation- Direct and Indirect


Basics of Corporate Taxation

Salary Income – Allowances and Perquisites, Different Forms of Allowances & Perquisites,
Practical Question.
Business Income – Important Section for Business Income like Sec 40(a), Sec 40(A)(2B),
Depreciation, Sec 43(B) etc.
TDS – Basic Concept, TDS Rates on different Transaction, Obligation of Deductor, Implication of
TDS Provisions not followed
Capital Gain – Basic Concept, Transfer, Not Regarded as Transfer, Long‐term & Short‐term
Assets etc.
Capital Gain – Exemption on Reinvestment with Practical Question
Deduction – Important Deductions from Gross Total Income
Exemptions – Income Exempt from Tax
Set off & Carry forward of Losses – Different Types of Losses, Limit of Carry forward & Setoff
Against Income, Precondition to Carry forward Losses‐Practical Question.
International taxation – Double Tax Avoidance Agreement Implication of Section 195 etc.
Service Tax, Excise Tax, Custom Duties, Sales Tax/VAT

5. Business Law


The Indian Contract Act, 1872: Evolution of Contract Act its meaning, essentials of a valid
contract; nature of contract distinction between contractual obligation and legal obligation,
agreement, to sell, requisite of a valid contract, offer and invitation to offer, modes of
acceptance, communication of offer, express and implied terms, standard forms of contract,
exclusion clauses, kinds of agreement, valid, void and voidable agreement; unilateral, bilateral
and international contracts; Validity‐kinds of mistake, mistake of law and fact‐and the remedies
thereof available, Misrepresentation of material fact, fraudulent and innocent
misrepresentation and the remedies available, coercion and undue influence the effects and
the remedies available to the aggrieved. Undue influence the effects and the remedies available
to the aggrieved person; Consideration‐ Past, Present and Future, essential of valid
consideration, sufficiency of Consideration, consideration and promissory estoppels, Privity of
Contracts and of Consideration; Capacity to contract‐Minor, Lunatic and enemy; unlawful and

27 | P a g e
illegal agreement, Agreement void under the Statue. Quasi Contracts; Termination and
discharge of contract: Performance of contract, Different modes of discharge of contract,
Performance as to place, time, joint performance of promises, apportionment of payments.
Discharge by agreement, Novation and assignment, remission of performance, discharge by
frustration‐when plea of frustration is admission and the rights and liabilities of the parties
when frustration operates; Breach of Contract‐breach and anticipatory breach of contracts,
damages and specific relief, types of damages and their remedies available to the aggrieved
person; Indemnity and guarantee‐ Parties to contract of indemnity and guarantee; Difference
between indemnity and guarantee, surely and indemnifier, specific guarantee and continuing
guarantee; Rights of the indemnified, surety right against principal debtor and Co‐surety;
Bailment, Pledge and Finder of Goods‐ Nature and essential features of bailment and pledge,
bailment for reward gratuitous bailment, bailee’s duty, pledge as a special kind of bailment.
Pawnee’s right against the pawner and Pawners right against the Pawnee. Finder of goods as
quasi as quasi bailee, duties of finder of goods and his rights and liabilities for reward, sale; Law
of agency‐Agency and other forms of Contract, Types of Agencies like by holding out, operation
of law, estoppels, express, implied, Sub‐agent, substituted agent and ratified, Relationship of
principal and agent, Rights and liabilities of the Agent against third party, Rights and liabilities of
the Agent against Principal, undisclosed Principal and the rights and liabilities to the parties.
Termination of agency and its modes.
The Indian Sale of Goods Act, 1930: Essentials of a contract of sale; sale distinguished from
agreement to sell; Bailment; contract for work and labour and hire‐purchase; Consitions and
warranties; Transfer of title by non‐owners; doctrine of caveat emptor; performance of the
contract of sale; Unpaid seller‐his rights against the goods and the buyer.
Partnership Act, 1932: What constitutes a partnership deed and types of partnership, legal
position of a minor partner and his rights and liabilities; Distinction between partnership firm,
Co‐ownership joint Hindu family and joint stock companies, legality of the partnership firm,
types of partners; Express and implied authority, scope of implied authority, Rights and
liabilities of a partner against third party and other partners; Rights of newly admitted partners,
retiring and deceased partners, registration of and dissolution of partnership forms; Overview
of the Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008.
Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881: Features of promissory notes, bills of exchange, hundis,
cheques, bank drafts, traveler’s cheque and the rights and duties of various parties to these
instruments; Law of presentment of these instruments, honor and dishonor of negotiable
instruments, material alteration, noting and protesting. Law relating to foreign bills their noting
and protesting etc; Law relating to payment of customer’s cheques of paying banker‐rights and
duties, overdraft agreements, wrongful dishonor of cheques, stale cheques, forgery of cheques,
liability due to negligence of parties and material alteration, payment in due course; Law
relating to the collecting banker‐statutory protection, effects of negligence, role as a agent or

28 | P a g e
holder in due course, precautions to be taken in collection of bills, cheques for the customers
and third parties.
Law of Carriage of Goods: The Carriers Act, 1865(1972)‐ Definition of contract of carriage of
goods, classification of carrier‐common carrier, private carrier, gratuitous carrier, responsibility
of common carrier and Bailee, rights of a common carrier, duties of a common carrier, liabilities
of a common carrier, distinction between a common carrier and private carrier; Carriage of
goods by Rail‐Railway Act, 1989‐ Maintenance of rate books for carriage of goods, Provision of
rate risks, railway receipt, liability of railway administration from wrong delivery, responsibility
of railway administration as career‐of goods, of animals, of luggage, exoneration from liability in
certain cases, delay or retention in transit, railway risk rate, liability for damages to goods in
defective condition or defectively packed and liability after termination of transit; Carriage by
Sea‐The Carriage of Goods by Sea Act, 1925 (amended in 1993), and the (Indian) Bill of Lading
Act, 1856‐contract of affreightment, express and implied terms in a contractor of carriage by
sea‐implied warranty of seaworthiness, implied warranty of commencement of voyage, Non-
of voyage, Shipper not to ship dangerous goods, bill of lading.
Consumer Protection Act, 1986: Objective of consumer protection act 1986, definition
complaint, consumer, contract of service and contract of service, consumer dispute, restrictive
trade practice, defect, deficiency; Consumer protection council‐central consumer protection
council, state consumer protection council, district consumer protection council; Redressal
machinery, jurisdiction, complaint before them, district forum, sate commission, national
commission, limitation period, administrative control, power of redressal agencies; Nature and
scope of remedies under the act‐ appeals penalties proceeding before consumer forums and
applicability of arbitration act.
Competition Commission act, 2002: Definition‐acquisition, agreement, cartel, chairperson,
commission, consumer, Director General, Enterprises, goods, member, etc., Anti Competitive
Agreement, Prohibition of abuse of dominant position, Combination; Competition Commission
of India‐Establishment, powers of them member, inquiry into certain agreement and dominate
position of enterprises, Inquiry into combination by commission, procedure for enquiry of the
complaints, Procedure for investigation of combination, appearance before commission, Power
of the commission, ratification of orders, Execution of orders by the commission, Compensation
in case of contravention, Competition appellate tribunal procedure and powers, execution of
orders, and ability on contravention of orders, appeal to Supreme Court, power of the Central
Government, MRTP (Monopolistic Trade Practice, unfair Trade Practice) & Restrictive Trade
Right to Information Act, 2005: Salient features of the Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2005;
Objective, Public Authorities & their Obligations; Designation of Public Information, Officers
(PIO) and their Duties; Request for obtaining Information, Exemption from disclosure; Who is

29 | P a g e
excluded; Information Commissions (Central & State) and their powers; appellate authorities;
penalties, jurisdiction of Courts; Role of Central/State Governments.
Other Laws: Workmen Compensation Act, 1923; Object, scope and major provisions including
proceedings before the Commissioner, appeals, compliances, penalties, special provisions;
Payment of Bonus Act, 1965; Object, application and major provisions; Exemption;
compliances, offences and penalties; Employees Provident Funds Act, 1952; Application, major
provisions, Exemption and compliances; Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972; Application, major
provisions, Controlling Authority and the Appellate Authority, obligations and rights of
employees and compliances; Minimum wages Act, 1948; Object and its scope, fixation,
payment of wages, Advisory Board, Central Advisory Board; Authority and claims, compliances,
offences and penalties.

6. Project

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PG Diploma in Human Resource Management

Semester-1 Subjects Credits

1 Management Theory & Practice 4

2 Organizational Behavior 4

3 Business Economics 4

4 Corporate Social Responsibility 4

5 Information System for Managers 4

6 Business Communication & Etiquettes 4

Semester-2 Subjects Credits

1 Marketing Management 4

2 Financial Accounting 4

3 Essentials of HRM 4

4 Strategic Management 4

5 Operations Management 4

6 Written and Oral Communication 4

1| Page
Semester-3 Subjects Credits

1 Performance Management System 4

2 Industrial Relations & Labor Laws 4

3 Organizational Theory Structure & Design 4

4 Manpower Planning, Recruitment &Selection 4

5 Organization Culture 4

6 Compensation & Benefits 4

Semester-4 Subjects Credits

1 Employee Development & Talent Management 4

2 International HR Practices 4

3 HR Audit 4

4 Strategic HRM 4

5 Business Law 4

6 Project 4

2| Page
Semester I

1. Management Theory & Practice


Evolution of Management
• Introduction, History of management
• Industrial Revolution
• Forces behind management thoughts
• Approaches of management- Classical approach, Modern approach
• Major contributors- Charles Babbage, Frederick W. Taylor’s theory of scientific management,
Henry Laurence Gantt, Henri Fayol’s administrative theory, Robert Owen, Max Weber’s theory
of bureaucracy, George E. Mayo
• Recent development in management
• Lean Production or JIT
• 5 S system
• Six Sigma
• Kaizen
Nature of Management
• Definition Nature and Purpose of Management
• Management as Science
• Management as an Art
• Functions of Management
• Role of Management in Society
• Social responsibility of the business
• Social responsibility towards different interest groups
• Management administration and cultural values
• Management as a profession
Corporate Culture
• Corporate culture
• Components of corporate culture
• Conflict between corporate culture and administration
• Corporate culture and communication
• Human resource development and organisational culture
Structure of an Organisation

3| Page
• Organisational designs
• Six Box organisational model
• Matrix or Mixed model
• ETZIONI organisational theory
• Factors influencing organisational design
Business Communication
• The concept, Need and Significance of communication
• Types of business communication- Internal and External communication, Formal or Informal
communication, Verbal and non-verbal communication
• Tools of business communication
• Role of business communication in an organisation
• Benefits of business communication
• Limitations of business communication
Managerial decision making
• Concept & Process of managerial decision making
• Centralization & Decentralisation
• Types of managerial decisions
• Importance of managerial decision making
• Information technology and managerial decision making
• Meaning, Types, Styles of leadership
• Balance between leadership and management
• Role, Functions, Importance and leadership
• Leadership and team work competency
• Leadership and group decision making
• Meaning, Need of Motivation
• Theories of Motivation
• Traditional Theories
• Modern Theories
ERG Theory
McClelland's Theory of Needs
Equity Theory of Motivation
• Techniques for stimulating creativity

4| Page
• Motivating Individuals
• Motivating Groups
Change Management
• Meaning, Objectives of change management
• Change management and organisational development
• Forces of change
• Resistance to change
• Managing resistance to change
• Role of leaders in Change Management
Management Information System
• Information technology and management
• Data and Information
• Expert System
• Decision support system
• Group Decision support system (GDSS)- Components, Model of GDSS
• Advantages of GDSS
• Disadvantages of GDSS

2. Organizational Behavior

Introduction to Organizational Behavior

• Defining Organization Behavior
• History of Organizational Behavior
• Scope of Organization Behavior
• Importance of Organization Behavior
• Features of Organizational Behavior
• Approaches to Organizational Behavior
• Classical Approach
• Neo-Classical Approach
• Modern Approach
• Opportunities and Challenges of Organizational Behavior
• Scientific aspects of Organizational Behavior
Understanding Individual Behavior

5| Page
• Individual Behavior
• Biographical Attributes
• Ability
• Values
• Attitudes
• Job Satisfaction
• Definition of Personality
• Stages of Personality Development
• Freudian Stages
• Erikson Stages (Neo Freudian Stages)
• Adult Life Stages
• Determinants of Personality
• Theories of Personality
• Psychoanalytic Theory
• New Freudian Theories
• Trait Theories
• Social Learning Theory
• The Self Theory
• Significant Personality Traits affecting Organizational B ehavior
• Definition of Perception
• Importance of Perception
• Perception Process
• Perceptual Selectivity
• Factors Influencing Perception
• Impression Management
• Perception of Self-Image and Behavior
• Managerial Implications of Perception
• Managing the Perception Process
• Significance of Learning
• Theories of Learning
• Classical Conditioning Theory
• Operant or Instrumental Conditioning Theory
• Cognitive Learning Theory

6| Page
• Social Learning Theory
• Meaning of Reinforcement
• Learning through Reinforcement
• Organizational Reward System
• Administering Reinforcement
• Impact of Punishment
• Meaning of Motivation
• Characteristics of Motivation
• Different Motives of Motivation
• Primary Motives
• General Motives
• Secondary Motives
• Motivational Approaches
• Theories of Motivation
• Maslow’s Need Hierarch Theory
• Herzberg Two Factor Theory
• Achievement Motivation Theory
• Goal Setting Theory
• Vroom’s Expectancy Theory
• Porter’s Performance Satisfaction Theory
• Motivation in Practice
Leadership and People Skills
• Definition of Leadership
• Significance of Leadership
• Managers vs. Leaders
• Leadership Theories
• Behavioural Theories
• Trait Theories
• Contingency Theories
• Pitfalls of Leadership
• Emotional Intelligence
• Styles of Leadership & their Impact on Employees
Groups and Teams
• Group Dynamics
• Features of Groups

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• Importance of Groups
• Types of Groups
• Formal Groups
• Informal Groups
• Understanding Group Processes
• Formation of Groups
• Theories of Group Formation
• Propinquity Theory
• Homan’s Theory
• Balance Theory
• Exchange Theory
• Concept of Teams
• Difference between Groups and Teams
• Problems in Teamwork
• Creating Effective Teams at workplace
Conflict Management
• Understanding Conflicts
• Sources of Conflict
• Positive and Negative Aspects of Conflicts
• Functional Conflicts
• Dysfunctional Conflicts
• Types of Conflict
• Inter-personal conflict
• Intergroup conflict
• Conflict Resolution and Management
• Encouraging Functional Conflict for Organizational Effectiveness
Power & Politics in Organizations
• Understanding Power
• Difference between Leadership & Power
• Sources of Power
• Identifying the Sources of Power in an Organization
• Power Tactics
• Power in Groups
• Politics within Organizations
• Factors Contributing to existence of Politics
• Role of Politics in Determining Organization Culture

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• Importance of Personality Development for Encountering Politics

3. Business Economics

Introduction to Business Economics

• Meaning and Scope of Economics
• Significance
• Distinction between Economics and Business Economics
• Microeconomics and Macroeconomics
• Laws of Economics- Nature, Application, Assumptions
• Economic Statics and Dynamics
• Economics and Business Decision Making
• Social Accounting- Gross National Product-Concept and components
• Business cycles
• Inflation- Defnition, Characteristics and types
Demand Analysis
• Meaning and types of Demand
• Determinants of Demand- Factors Influencing Individual Demand, Factors Influencing Market
• Law of Demand- Demand Schedule, Demand Curve, Demand Function , Assumptions in Law of
Demand, Exception to Law of Demand
• Shift and Movement along Demand Curve
Supply Analysis
• Concept of Supply
• Determinants of Supply
• Law of Supply- Assumptions and Exceptions
• Expansion and Contraction of Supply
• Increase and Decrease in Supply
• Market Equilibrium: Demand and Supply Equilibrium- Determination of Market Price, Shifts in
Market Equilibrium
Consumer Demand Analysis
• Concept
• Utility as a Basis of Consumer Demand- Total Utility, Marginal Utility

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• Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility
• Cardinal Utility Approach- Neo Classical Approach
• Ordinal Utility Approach –Indifference Curve Analysis
• Assumptions of Ordinal Utility
• Indifference Curve- Meaning, properties and Criticism
• Marginal Rate of Substitution
• Concept of Budget Line – Slope and Shifts in Budget Line
• Consumer Equilibrium Effects
• Revealed Preference Theory
Elasticity of Demand and Supply
• Price Elasticity of Demand
• Different Types of Price Elasticity - Elastic Demand, Inelastic Demand, Relatively Elastic Demand,
Relatively Inelastic Demand
• Measurement of Price Elasticity
• Factors Influencing Price Elasticity of Demand
• Significance
• Income Elasticity of Demand
• Cross Elasticity of Demand
• Advertisement Elasticity of Sale
• Elasticity of Supply
Demand Forecasting
• Concept and need of Demand Forecasting
• Factors
• Steps and Limitations
• Techniques - Survey methods, Statistical methods
• Criteria for Good Demand Forecasting
Production Theory
• Concept and factors of production
• Production Possibility Curve
• Production in the Short and Long Run
• Total Product, Average Product and Marginal Product
• Production Function
• Law of Diminishing Returns- Significance, Optimal Employment of Factor of Production
• Isoquant curves - Forms
• Marginal Rate of Technical Substitution
• Elasticity of Substitution between Factors

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• Iso-cost Curves
• Producer’s Equilibrium- Equal Product, Expansion Path
• Returns to Scale- Increasing, Constant, Diminishing
• Different Types of Production Functions - Cobb-Douglas Production Function, Leontief
Production Function, CES Production Function

Cost and Revenue Analysis

• Concept of Cost
• Different Types of Costs - Opportunity costs, Accounting Costs, Economic costs, Business Costs,
Full Costs, Explicit Costs, Implicit Costs Fixed Costs, Variable Costs, Incremental Costs
• Short Run and Long Run Costs of Production
• Short Run and Long Run Average Cost and Long Run Total Cost
• Short Run and Long Run Marginal Costs
• Deriving Cost Schedule from Production Function
• Economies and Diseconomies of Scale
• Economies of Scope
• Concept of Revenue- Average Revenue, Marginal Revenue
• Relationship between Total Revenue and Marginal Revenue
• Relationship between Average Revenue and Marginal Revenue
Market Structure
• Defining Market
• Types of Market Structures- Pure Competition, Perfect Competition, Imperfect Competition,
Monopolistic Competition, Oligopoly, Monopoly
• Profit Maximization in the Short Run and Long Run
• Determinants and Measurement of Market Power
Market Failure
• Meaning of Market Failure
• Price Regulations
• Market Failure and Need for Regulation
• Regulations and Market Structure
• Price Regulation and Firm Behavior

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4. Corporate Social Responsibility

CSR and Globalisation

• Globalization and Its Impact
• Sustainable Development
• Role of Business in Sustainable Development
• Millennium Development Goals and UN Post - 2015 Development Agenda
• India and MDGs
• Indian Companies Act 2013 and CSR
Corporate Stakeholders
• Business and Society
• Business Organizations as Systems
• From Shareholder Theory to Stakeholder Theory
• Stakeholder Engagement
• Dynamic Environment of Business
• History of CSR in India
• Emerging CSR Trends
• Theories of CSR
• The Pyramid of Corporate Social Responsibility
• Changing Trends: Philanthropy – Strategic Philanthropy – CSR
• Arguments against CSR
• The Business Case for CSR
• Importance of CSR for India Contemporary Drivers for CSR
CSR Strategy
• Steps in Designing CSR Strategy
• Implement CSR Commitments
• Areas of CSR Implementation
• CSR at Market Place
• CSR at Workplace
• Environmental CSR
• CSR with Communities

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• CSR in Supply Chain
• Types of Interventions
• Strategic Partnerships with NGO
• Focus of Measurement
• Social Auditing
• What is Monitoring? Internal and External
Importance and Benefits of Reporting
• Formats of CSR Communication and Reporting
• The Reporting Team
• Role of Government
• Government Support at International Level
• Voluntary Codes in CSR
• Corporate ethics
• Ethics and Functional Areas of business
• What is Corporate Governance?
• Constituents of Corporate Governance
• The Corporate Governance Debate
• Theories of Corporate Governance
• Responsibilities of Corporate Governance
• Global Growth of Corporate Governance
• History of Corporate Governance in India
• The Current State of Corporate Governance in India
• Board Composition in India.
• Corporate Governance: Need to Strengthen
• Corporate Governance and CSR
• Corporate Disclosures & investor protection in India
• Current CSR Bill and its impact on the society

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5. Information System for Managers

Introduction to Information System

• Meaning of Information ,Difference between Data and Information, Definition, Importance of
Information for Organizations
• Concept of System , Need
• Evolution of Information System , Functions , Framework,
• Information and Control Systems
• Computerized Information System
• Business Process Design , Modelling
• Business Process Re-engineering
• Management of Information Systems
Components of Information Technology
• Hardware Concepts, Software Concepts, Operating Systems, Programming Languages ,
Readymade Packages and their Operating Systems
Networking Concepts
• Meaning of Networking, Need for Networking , Advantages and Disadvantages of Networking,
• Hardware and Software for Networking, Concepts , Types
• Bluetooth as Wireless Technologies - RFID
• Network Models
• Applying Communication Networks – Intranet, Extranet, Internet
Database Management
• Meaning of Database ,Types
• Database Management , Objectives , Functions , Major Components , Database Models
Types of Information Systems
• Different Types of Information Systems
• Operations Support Systems , Transaction Processing Systems (TPS), Process Control System
(PCS), Enterprise Collaboration System (ECS)
• Management Support Systems , Management Information System (MIS), Decision Support
System (DSS), Executive Information System (EIS)
• Functional Information Systems

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• Other Types of Information Systems, Expert System , Knowledge Management System
(KMS),Strategic Information System (SIS),Business Information System (BIS), Integrated
Information Systems
• Defining ERP , Evolution of an ERP System, Benefits , ERP Implementation
• Reasons for the Failure of ERP Implementation
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
• Introducing EDI , Standards of EDI
• Transmission Modes of EDI : VAN ,Internet/AS2,Web EDI
• Disadvantages of EDI
Data Warehousing, Data Mining, and Business Intelligence
• Data Warehousing , Need , Goals, Constituents
• Definition of Data Mining, Parameters, Working
• Types of relationships
• Architecture of Data Mining, Functionalities
• Classification on Data Mining system
• Meaning of Business Intelligence, Evolution , Importance
Decision Support System (DSS)
• Introducing Decision Support System (DSS)
• Evolution , Components , DSS Architecture
• Analytical Models in DSS
• Characteristics , Types , Tools and Technologies Supporting DSS
• DSS and Outsourcing
• Group Decision Support Systems
Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
• Define CRM , Components of CRM, Three Phases of CRM, Benefits and Challenges of CRM, New
Trends in CRM
Supply Chain Management (SCM)
• Meaning of Supply Chain , Define SCM, Objectives of SCM, Components of SCM, Difference
between Logistics Management and SCM, Scope , Benefits and Challenges of SCM, New Trends
in SCM
Building and Deploying an Information System
• Architecture of an Information System
• Software Development Lifecycle
• Software Development Models : Waterfall model, Prototype model, Incremental model, Spiral

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• Requirement Analysis & Design Considerations
• Software Testing
• Deploying an Information System
Managing Information Systems
• Infrastructure Management
• Maintenance of Information Systems
• Management of Changing Requirements
• Incidence Handling
• Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Planning

6. Business Communication & Etiquettes


Communication in workplace

• Role of communication in business- Peter Drucker

• Why business needs to communicate
• Importance of communication skill to you
• Forms of communication
• Formation and sending of response
• 7 C’s of good communication skills
• Barriers to communication
• Communication Skills --- Verbal and Non-verbal
• Organisational communication--- internal and external including PR

Fundamentals of business writing

• Adaptation and selection of words

• Use of familiar words
Adapting to multiple readers

Indirectness in persuasion and sales messages

• Determining the persuasion

• Gaining attention in the opening

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• Making the request Clear and positive

Public speaking and oral reporting

• Making formal speeches

• Defining oral report
• Differences between oral and written reports
• Planning the oral report
• Telephone communication

Technology enabled Communication

• Using technology in communication tasks

• E mails
• Tools for constructing messages
• Computer tools for gathering and collecting information

Personal etiquettes and grooming for corporate

• Eye contact
• Body language
• Handshake
• Business card etiquette
• Work habits- punctuality, prioritize your work, stay positive, Bring solution etc

Aspects of Communication

• Cultural aspects of communication --- intercultural and multicultural

Ethical and Legal aspects

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Semester II
1. Marketing Management

Introduction to Marketing: Evolution of Marketing

Understanding the Marketing Process: Marketing Mix
Marketing Concepts, Customer Value and Satisfaction
Marketing Environment: Impact on the Strategic Planning
Understanding Consumer Behaviour
Understanding Industrial Buyer Behaviour
Analyzing Industry and Competition
Competitive Advantage and Core Competence
Marketing Strategy
Market Segmentation and Targeting
Demand Measurement and Sales Forecasting
Product and Product Life Cycle
Brand and Brand Equity
New Product Decisions
Distribution Channels and Logistics
Pricing Decisions
Marketing Communication: Advertising and Promotion

2. Financial Accounting

Balance Sheet
Accounting Process: Journal, Ledger and Trail Balance
Corporate Accounts: Format of Company Accounts
Cash Flow Statement: Preparation, Analysis and Implications
Financial Statements Reporting As per Accounting Standards: AS 1 and 2
Financial Statements Reporting As p er Accounting Standards: AS 6 and 9
Financial Statements Reporting As per Accounting Standards: AS 13, 17, and 20.
Financial Analysis: Trends, Common Size, Ratios
Management Analysis and Discussion
Comparison: IFRS, GAAP, Indian Accounting Standards

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Financial Statement Analysis

3. Essentials of HRM

Objectives of HRM, Scope of HRM, Evolution of HRM, HRM functions, Challenges, Personnel
Job analysis, Information collection for job analysis, Job description and Job specification, Job
Human Resource Planning: need, objectives, process and problems
Recruitment – sources and methods, Selection – process, induction and outsourcing
Competency Mapping – developing competency models, uses; Assessment Center: history,
measurement tools, difference between assessment center and development center
Performance appraisal: process, methods, benefits, problems; Coaching and Mentoring:
process and implementation
Potential Appraisal: purpose and techniques; Career Planning: meaning and process; Succession
Planning: meaning, pros and cons
HR Audit: Objectives, role, significance, process, pros and cons; HR Accounting: methods, pros
and cons; HR Information Systems: application, pros and cons
Human Resource Development System: need, functions, syst ems, HRD process, HRD
effectiveness, Strategic management & HRM
Training and Development: training and education, stakeholders in training, need for training
and development, training and learning organisations, process of training, cross cultural
training, team training, orientation training
Compensation and Rewards: need for compensation, uses, components of compensation,
industry compensation, international compensation, fringe benefits & FBT, reward
management – goals, reward systems, recognition

4. Strategic Management

Evolution and basic concepts, Vision, Mission and business definition

Contributions by Mintzberg, Ansoff, Porter and Prahalad, Gary Hammel
Environment survey and appraisal – Industry and competitive analysis – Dominant economic
features, strength of competition and competitive forces.
The Strategic Management Process – Situation analysis, Formulating Corporate Level Strategy,

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Portfolio Strategy.
Formulating Business Level Strategy – Porter’s Competitive Forces and Strategies, Cooperative
Strategic implications of five competitive forces, Evaluating company resources and competitive
capabilities, Competencies, core and distinctive competencies and competitive advantages.
Formulating Functional level Strategies – Putting strategy into action‐leadership‐structural
design, Information and control systems, human resources – Implementing global strategies.
Corporate goals and strategic gap, Five generic strategies (Porter’s model)
Managing internal organization for Strategy implementation

5. Operations Management

Operations Management (An Overview)

Operations Function
Operations Management in Manufacturing and Service Sector
Types of Production Systems
Plant Location
Plant Layout – Service Facility Layout, plant Mainten ance and TPM
Productivity Indices, Productivity Enhancement Techniques
Manufacturing Economics (BEA)
Inventory Management
Total Quality Management – Definition, Concept, Eight Building Blocks, Seven Wastages &
Pillars of TQM
Theory of Constraints

6. Written and Oral Communication


Modes of Written Communication

• Business writing style

• Types of messages and techniques
• Letters
• Memoranda and Email messages, SMS texting
• Press release

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• Reports
• Proposals
• Minutes and notes
• Internet as communication medium --- websites, advertising, blogs etc

Grammar and Style

• Verbs –[tenses; active and passive voice; Subject -Verb Agreement; Negative and Interrogative
• Nouns, Noun Phrases, Pronouns
• Modifiers --- [adverbs, adjectives, dangling modifiers]
• Concord; Parallel structure,
• Avoiding gender bias
• Writing Tactfully
• Punctuation
• Numerals

Oral Communication

• Characteristics of spoken language --- Features of oral communication --- Skills and self
• Voice Dynamics (with voice CD) -- Self presentation --- Body language
• Listening skills
• Preparing and Making Presentations
• Meetings and GD skills
• Interview skills
• Dialogue skills (negotiation)

Telephone, Tele-conferencing

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Semester III
1. Performance Management System

Why Performance Management

The Significance of PMS in Business Strategy
Elements of a Good Performance Management System
Discipline of Goal Writing and Goal Planning
Assessing Performance and 360 Degree Appraisals
Giving Performance Feedback
Performance and Rewards/Compensation Programmes
Competency based Performance Assessment
Pitfalls of the Performance Management Process
Getting Line Management “Buy In”

2. Industrial Relations & Labor Laws


Introduction to IR
Trade Unionism
Role of State and Employers Association in IR
Collective Bargaining
Evolution of Labour Legislations
Labour Legislations Governing Employment of Personnel and IR
Labour Legislations Governing Employee Compensation
Industrial Dispute Settlement
Industrial Relations: Comparative Study

3. Organizational Theory Structure & Design


Concept of Organisation
Earlier Approaches to Organisation

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Fundamental Elements of and Organisation
Organisational Structure: Concept
Managing Complex Structures
Systems Approach to Organisation
Relationship Implications of Structure
Organisational Design: Introduction
Problems in organizational Design
Organisational Design & Flexibility
Environmental & Resource Context in Organisation
Organisational Life Cycle
Virtual Organisation
Post‐Industrial & Post‐Bureaucratic Organisation

4. Manpower Planning, Recruitment &Selection


Introduction to Manpower Planning – Steps, Objectives, demand forecasting, macro level

manpower planning, labor economics
Process of manpower Planning – Workload factors, methods of wastage analysis, manpower
planning models
Job Analysis – Job evaluation, job assessment, work measurement, ergonomics, motion study,
value analysis
Recruitment, Selection, Induction and Placement
International human resource planning, sources of staffing, approaches to staffing decisions
Recruitment channels, E‐recruitment, psychometric tests, vendor management, assessment
Career planning, succession planning, organizational development, or ganizational culture &
manpower planning
Training methods, performance appraisal, performance counseling, performance management
Skills and competencies, transfers, promotions, job rotation
Human Resource Information Systems, HR roles, Balanced Scorecard, role of six sigma and
knowledge management

5. Organization Culture


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Nature of Organizational Culture: Definition and characteristics
Types of organizational culture: Dominant culture, strong and weak culture
Culture’s functions: What do cultures do? Culture as liability.
Creating and sustaining a culture: How a culture begins, keeping a culture alive, how
employees learn culture, how organizational culture impacts performance and satisfaction.
Matching people with culture: Maintaining culture through steps of socialization.
Changing organizational culture: Theory Z in action through case study examples of

6. Compensation & Benefits


What constitutes compensation & benefits?, Exploration & Defining the Compensation Context,
What is compensation?, A Historical Perspective on Compensation, Theories of compensation‐
Reinforcement and Expectancy theories, Equity theory, Compensation Professional Goals,
Stakeholders of Compensation System, Linking compensation to organizational objectives ,
Importance of an ideal compensation system
Factors that influence companies Competitive strategies & compensation practices,
Compensation plan and business strategy, Devising a remuneration plan and challenges,
Tradition Basis for Pay: Seniority & Merit, Strengthening Pay for Performance Link, Limitations
of Merit Pay Programs, Incentive Pay‐Group Incentives, Strengthening Pay for Performance
Link, Limitations of Merit Pay Programs, Incentive Pay‐Group Incentives, Company Wide
Incentives, Designing Incentive Pay Programs, Person Focused Pay – Pay for domain expertise
Building internal consistent compensation systems, Job Evaluation systems – Job ranking, job
classification, point system, work valuation, job evaluation for management positions
Working for internal parity & external competitiveness in designing compensation packages,
Market competitive pay systems: Basic building blocks, Fixed Pay, Variable pay & ESOP’s,
Individual incentive plans, Group incentive plans, Incentives for professional employees, Factors
affecting compensation, Current trends in compensation
Introduction and concept of wage and salary, Wage and salary surveys, Compensation surveys,
Preliminary considerations, Compensation surveys data
Income tax act, Payment of wages act, Minimum wages act, Wage policy in India
Compensation as a strategy for attracting and retaining employees, Role of compensation in
creating high performing organizations, Compensation for flexible work force, International
compensation‐expatriate compensation, ESOP’s, Deferred payouts and retirement benefits
Introduction, HRIS and employee benefits, Requirement for a sound benefit program,
Communicating employee benefits information, Concerns for management, Types of Employee
benefit, Employee benefits required by law, Health care benefits, Benefits for women

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employees, Employee Services – Employee assistance program, counseling services, child and
elder care, credit unions

Semester IV
1. Employee Development & Talent Management


from theorists on employee development, Introduction to professional bodies of employee

development (for example – SHRM, ISTD etc.), Significance of employee development for talent
management, Linking employee development to organizational development and business
Techniques of recruitment and talent acquisition, Evaluating talent acquisition techniques,
Challenges in acquisition process, Latest trends in talent acquisition
On boarding, process of socialization, Understanding employee‐personality and behavioural
analysis, Potential assessment, Introducing various assessment techniques and tools,
Understanding nature of job, Understanding company culture and business environment
Analysing gaps from employer’s perspective, Analyzing gap from employees’ perspective,
Planning for the development, Short term plans, Long‐term plans, Resources for employee
development, Implementation of plan, Evaluation of development plan, Issues in employee
Coaching, counseling, Mentoring, team building, skill building etc., Career development, Linking
career development to organizational objectives, Identifying career opportunities, Identifying
potential employees and career anchors, Succession planning, Development of talent as a
Strategy for leadership development
Introduction to performance management systems, Setting up a transparent and just
performance management systems, Talent scorecard, Linking rewards to performance,
Retaining top talent‐motivation and retention strategies, Employee engagement, Work life
balance and talent management, Talent management audit, Best practices in talent

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2. International HR Practices


Introduction to HRM: What is International HRM? Difference between International HRM

Domestic HRM, Types of International Employees – Issues in International HRM – Barriers to
effective Global HRM – Model of International HRM.
International Talent Acquisition: International Labour Market: Sources – Host Country
Nationals, Parent Country Nationals and Third Country Nationals. Multinational Staffing
Approaches – Ethnocentric, Polycentric, Geocentric, Regiocentric Approaches. Expatriate
Selection Criteria – Other Factors in Expatriate selection. Reasons for Expatriate Failure.
Training and Development: Expatriate training – Components of Effective Pre‐departure
training – Cultural awareness programmes – Preliminary visits – Language training – Practical
assistance – Job related factors – Cultural assimilators – Developing international staff –
Individual career development.
Performance Management: Multinational Performance Management – Variables that
performance of expatriates – Criteria used for performance appraisal of international
Global Compensation: Designing Global compensation programme – Objectives of
International compensation – Key components of international compensation – Approaches to
International Compensation – International living costs.
Repatriation: Repatriation – Repatriation process – Readjustment challenge – Job and social
factors – Designing an expatriate programme.
Cross‐cultural Issues in HRM: Cultural dimensions of HRM – Importance of cultural
sensitivity –
Cross‐cultural theories – Cross‐cultural communication – Cross‐cultural negotiations.
Employee Relations: International Employee Relations – Key issues in International
Relations – Unions and International Employee Relations.
Comparative HRM Practices: Comparative HRM practices of staffing, compensation,
motivation, performance management, employee relations et c. In different countries.

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3. HR Audit


– Who will do
the Assessment or Audit? Who is an Auditor –
Methodology of HR Audit – Observation, Interviews, Focus Group discussions, Surveys,
Secondary Data etc.
H.R. Strategies – Auditing H.R. strategies.
H.R. D. Culture – Auditing H.R.D. culture
H.R. Structure – Auditing the H.R. Structure
H.R. Competencies – Auditing H.R. Competencies
Audit of H.R. systems
Audit of Human Resource Planning
Audit of Competency Mapping
Audit of Recruitment and Selection
Audit of Induction/Orientation
Audit of Training and Development
Audit of Performance Management System
Audit of Career Planning and Development
Audit of Compensation and Benefits
Audit of Employee Relations
Audit of Statutory Compliance of Labour Laws
Audit of Change Management Interventions
Audit of H.R. alignment with business goals.
Audit of Organisational Culture
Audit of Employee Engagement
Audit of Employee Motivation
Audit of Rewards and Recognition
H.R. Scorecard

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4. 4. Strategic HRM

Strategic Human Resource Managemnt – An Overview: Introduction to Strategic HRM

– People
as strategic assets – Process of Strategic Management – HR as Strategic Partner – Role of HR in
Value Chain.
Aligning HR to Strategy: Role of HR in formulation and implementation of strategy –
HR vs. Strategic HR – Transition from HRM to Strategic HRM – Role and importance of Strategic
HRM – Aligning HR to Strategy – HR and Corporate Strategy – HR and Business Strategy – HR
strategy framework.
Strategic Talent Acquisition: Talent acquisition and Staffing: Strategic approach – Make vs.
staffing decisions – Strategic issues in selection.
Strategic Training and Development: Linking training with organizational strategy –
Training to
Learning – Strategic issues in Training and Development – Aligning training with Performance
Management System, Career Planning and Compensation – Learning Organisation – Virtual
Strategic Performance Management Systems: Performance Management – Strategic
Perspectives on Performance Management – Performance Appraisal to Performance
Management – Linkage of Performance Management to Organisational Performance.
Strategic Human Resource Planning: Human Resource Planning and Organisational
Planning –
Human Resource Planning process – Strategic issues in Human Resource Planning.
Strategic Compensation Systems: Strategic issues in compensation – Traditional vs.
Strategic Career Management: Importance of career management – Career Planning –
Development – Strategic Succession management.
Strategic HRM in Merger and Acquisitions: Introduction – Strategic HRM issues in
Mergers and
Acquisitions – Integration of HR Policies, systems and cultures.
Strategic HRM in Downsizing: Managing Separations and downsizings – strategic role of
HR in

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Strategic HRM and Outsourcing: Reasons for outsourcing – HR outsourcing.
Strategic HRM Issues in Industrial Relations: Changing nature of Industrial Relations –
issues in Industrial Relations – Participation and Involvement – Proactive Industrial Relations.
Strategic HRM and Employee Retention: Strategic approach to manage turnover – cost
benefit of retention – retention strategies.

5. Business Law


The Indian Contract Act, 1872: Evolution of Contract Act its meaning, essentials of a valid
contract; nature of contract distinction between contractual obligation and legal obligation,
agreement, to sell, requisite of a valid contract, offer and invitatio n to offer, modes of
acceptance, communication of offer, express and implied terms, standard forms of contract,
exclusion clauses, kinds of agreement, valid, void and voidable agreement; unilateral, bilateral
and international contracts; Validity‐kinds of mistake, mistake of law and fact‐and the remedies
thereof available, Misrepresentation of material fact, fraudulent and innocent
misrepresentation and the remedies available, coercion and undue influence the effects and
the remedies available to the aggrie ved. Undue influence the effects and the remedies available
to the aggrieved person; Consideration‐ Past, Present and Future, essential of valid
consideration, sufficiency of Consideration, consideration and promissory estoppels, Privity of
Contracts and of Consideration; Capacity to contract‐Minor, Lunatic and enemy; unlawful and
illegal agreement, Agreement void under the Statue. Quasi Contracts; Termination and
discharge of contract: Performance of contract, Different modes of discharge of contract,
Performance as to place, time, joint performance of promises, apportionment of payments.
Discharge by agreement, Novation and assignment, remission of performance, discharge by
frustration‐when plea of frustration is admission and the rights and liabilities of the parties
when frustration operates; Breach of Contract‐breach and anticipatory breach of contracts,
damages and specific relief, types of damages and their remedies available to the aggrieved
person; Indemnity and guarantee‐ Parties to contract of indemnity and guarantee; Difference
between indemnity and guarantee, surely and indemnifier, specific guarantee and continuing
guarantee; Rights of the indemnified, surety right against principal debtor and Co‐surety;
Bailment, Pledge and Finder of Goods‐ Nature and essential features of bailment and pledge,
bailment for reward gratuitous bailment, bailee’s duty, pledge as a special kind of bailment.
Pawnee’s right against the pawner and Pawners right against the Pawnee. Finder of goods as
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quasi as quasi bailee, duties of finder of goods and his rights and liabilities for reward, sale; Law
of agency‐Agency and other forms of Contract, Types of Agencies like by holding out, operation
of law, estoppels, express, implied, Sub‐agent, substituted agent and ratified, Relationship of
principal and agent, Rights and liabilities of the Agent against third party, Rights and liabilities of
the Agent against Principal, undisclosed Principal and the rights and liabilities to the parties.
Termination of agency and its mode s.
The Indian Sale of Goods Act, 1930: Essentials of a contract of sale; sale distinguished
agreement to sell; Bailment; contract for work and labour and hire‐purchase; Consitions and
warranties; Transfer of title by non‐owners; doctrine of caveat emptor; performance of the
contract of sale; Unpaid seller‐his rights against the goods and the buyer.
Partnership Act, 1932: What constitutes a partnership deed and types of partnership, legal
position of a minor partner and his rights and liabilities; Disti nction between partnership firm,
Co‐ownership joint Hindu family and joint stock companies, legality of the partnership firm,
types of partners; Express and implied authority, scope of implied authority, Rights and
liabilities of a partner against third pa rty and other partners; Rights of newly admitted partners,
retiring and deceased partners, registration of and dissolution of partnership forms; Overview
of the Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008.
Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881: Features of promissory notes, bills of exchange, hundis,
cheques, bank drafts, traveler’s cheque and the rights and duties of various parties to these
instruments; Law of presentment of these instruments, honor and dishonor of negotiable
instruments, material alteration, noting and protesting. Law relating to foreign bills their noting
and protesting etc; Law relating to payment of customer’s cheques of paying banker‐rights and
duties, overdraft agreements, wrongful dishonor of cheques, stale cheques, forgery of cheques,
liability due to negligence of parties and material alteration, payment in due course; Law
relating to the collecting banker‐statutory protection, effects of negligence, role as a agent or
holder in due course, precautions to be taken in collection of bills , cheques for the customers
and third parties.
Law of Carriage of Goods: The Carriers Act, 1865(1972)‐ Definition of contract of carriage
goods, classification of carrier‐common carrier, private carrier, gratuitous carrier, responsibility
of common carrier and Bailee, rights of a common carrier, duties of a common carrier, liabilities
of a common carrier, distinction between a common carrier and private carrier; Carriage of
goods by Rail‐Railway Act, 1989‐ Maintenance of rate books for carriage of goods, Provision of
rate risks, railway receipt, liability of railway administration from wrong delivery, responsibility
of railway administration as career‐of goods, of animals, of luggage, exoneration from liability in
certain cases, delay or retention in tran sit, railway risk rate, liability for damages to goods in
defective condition or defectively packed and liability after termination of transit; Carriage by

30 | P a g e
Sea‐The Carriage of Goods by Sea Act, 1925 (amended in 1993), and the (Indian) Bill of Lading
Act, 1856‐contract of affreightment, express and implied terms in a contractor of carriage by
sea‐implied warranty of seaworthiness, implied warranty of commencement of voyage, Non-
of voyage, Shipper not to ship dangerous goods, bill of lading.
Consumer Protection Act, 1986: Objective of consumer protection act 1986, definition
consumer, contract of service and contract of service, consumer dispute, restrictive
trade practice, defect, deficiency; Consumer protection council‐central consumer protection
council, state consumer protection council, district consumer protection council; Redressal
machinery, jurisdiction, complaint before them, district forum, sate commission, national
commission, limitation period, administrative control, power of redressal agencies; Nature and
scope of remedies under the act‐ appeals penalties proceeding before consumer forums and
applicability of arbitration act.
Competition Commission act, 2002: Definition‐acquisition, agreement, cartel,
commisiion, consumer, Director General, Enterprises, goods, member, etc., Anti Competitive
Agreement, Prohibition of abuse of dominant position, Combination; Competition Commission
of India‐Establishment, powers of them member, inquiry into certain agreement and dominate
position of enterprises, Inquiry into combination by commission, procedure for enquiry of the
complaints, Procedure for investigation of combination, appearance before commission, Power
of the commission, ratification of orders, Execution of orders b y the commission, Compensation
in case of contravention, Competition appellate tribunal procedure and powers, execution of
orders, and ability on contravention of orders, appeal to Supreme Court, power of the Central
Government, MRTP (Monopolistic Trade Pr actice, unfair Trade Practice) & Restrictive Trade
Right to Information Act, 2005: Salient features of the Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2005;
Objective, Public Authorities & their Obligations; Designation of Public Information, Officers
(PIO) and their Duties; Request for obtaining Information, Exemption from disclosure; Who is
excluded; Information Commissions (Central & State) and their powers; appellate authorities;
penalties, jurisdiction of Courts; Role of Central/State Governments.
Other Laws: Workmen Compensation Act, 1923; Object, scope and major provisions including
proceedings before the Commissioner, appeals, compliances, penalties, special provisions;
Payment of Bonus Act, 1965; Object, application and major provisions; Exemption;
compliances, offences and penalties; Employees Provident Funds Act, 1952; Application, major
provisions, Exemption and compliances; Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972; Application, major
provisions, Controlling Authority and the Appellate Authority, obligations a nd rights of
employees and compliances; Minimum wages Act, 1948; Object and its scope, fixation,

31 | P a g e
payment of wages, Advisory Board, Central Advisory Board; Authority and claims, compliances,
offences and penalties.

6. Project

32 | P a g e
PG Diploma in International Trade Management

Semester-1 Subjects Credits

1 Management Theory & Practice 4

2 Organizational Behavior 4

3 Business Economics 4

4 Corporate Social Responsibility 4

5 Information System for Managers 4

6 Business Communication & Etiquettes 4

Semester-2 Subjects Credits

1 Marketing Management 4

2 Financial Accounting 4

3 Essentials of HRM 4

4 Strategic Management 4

5 Operations Management 4

6 Written and Oral Communication 4

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Semester-3 Subjects Credits

1 Business Statistics 4

2 EXIM Procedures and documentation 4

3 International Business 4

4 India’s Foreign Trade 4

5 Financial Institutions & Markets 4

6 International Marketing 4

Semester-4 Subjects Credits

1 Project Management 4

2 International Finance 4

3 Customs shipping and Insurance 4

4 International Logistics and SCM 4

5 Business Law 4

6 Project 4

2 | P a ge
Semester I

1. Management Theory & Practice


Evolution of Management
• Introduction, History of management
• Industrial Revolution
• Forces behind management thoughts
• Approaches of management- Classical approach, Modern approach
• Major contributors- Charles Babbage, Frederick W. Taylor’s theory of scientific management,
Henry Laurence Gantt, Henri Fayol’s administrative theory, Robert Owen, Max Weber’s theory
of bureaucracy, George E. Mayo
• Recent development in management
• Lean Production or JIT
• 5 S system
• Six Sigma
• Kaizen
Nature of Management
• Definition Nature and Purpose of Management
• Management as Science
• Management as an Art
• Functions of Management
• Role of Management in Society
• Social responsibility of the business
• Social responsibility towards different interest groups
• Management administration and cultural values
• Management as a profession
Corporate Culture
• Corporate culture
• Components of corporate culture
• Conflict between corporate culture and administration
• Corporate culture and communication

3 | P a ge
• Human resource development and organisational culture
Structure of an Organisation
• Organisational designs
• Six Box organisational model
• Matrix or Mixed model
• ETZIONI organisational theory
• Factors influencing organisational design
Business Communication
• The concept, Need and Significance of communication
• Types of business communication- Internal and External communication, Formal or Informal
communication, Verbal and non-verbal communication
• Tools of business communication
• Role of business communication in an organisation
• Benefits of business communication
• Limitations of business communication
Managerial decision making
• Concept & Process of managerial decision making
• Centralization & Decentralisation
• Types of managerial decisions
• Importance of managerial decision making
• Information technology and managerial decision making
• Meaning, Types, Styles of leadership
• Balance between leadership and management
• Role, Functions, Importance and leadership
• Leadership and team work competency
• Leadership and group decision making
• Meaning, Need of Motivation
• Theories of Motivation
• Traditional Theories
• Modern Theories
ERG Theory
McClelland's Theory of Needs

4 | P a ge
Equity Theory of Motivation
• Techniques for stimulating creativity
• Motivating Individuals
• Motivating Groups
Change Management
• Meaning, Objectives of change management
• Change management and organisational development
• Forces of change
• Resistance to change
• Managing resistance to change
• Role of leaders in Change Management
Management Information System
• Information technology and management
• Data and Information
• Expert System
• Decision support system
• Group Decision support system (GDSS)- Components, Model of GDSS
• Advantages of GDSS
• Disadvantages of GDSS

2. Organizational Behavior

Introduction to Organizational Behavior

• Defining Organization Behavior
• History of Organizational Behavior
• Scope of Organization Behavior
• Importance of Organization Behavior
• Features of Organizational Behavior
• Approaches to Organizational Behavior
• Classical Approach
• Neo-Classical Approach
• Modern Approach
• Opportunities and Challenges of Organizational Behavior

5 | P a ge
• Scientific aspects of Organizational Behavior
Understanding Individual Behavior
• Individual Behavior
• Biographical Attributes
• Ability
• Values
• Attitudes
• Job Satisfaction
• Definition of Personality
• Stages of Personality Development
• Freudian Stages
• Erikson Stages (Neo Freudian Stages)
• Adult Life Stages
• Determinants of Personality
• Theories of Personality
• Psychoanalytic Theory
• New Freudian Theories
• Trait Theories
• Social Learning Theory
• The Self Theory
• Significant Personality Traits affecting Organizational Behavior
• Definition of Perception
• Importance of Perception
• Perception Process
• Perceptual Selectivity
• Factors Influencing Perception
• Impression Management
• Perception of Self-Image and Behavior
• Managerial Implications of Perception
• Managing the Perception Process
• Significance of Learning
• Theories of Learning
• Classical Conditioning Theory

6 | P a ge
• Operant or Instrumental Conditioning Theory
• Cognitive Learning Theory
• Social Learning Theory
• Meaning of Reinforcement
• Learning through Reinforcement
• Organizational Reward System
• Administering Reinforcement
• Impact of Punishment
• Meaning of Motivation
• Characteristics of Motivation
• Different Motives of Motivation
• Primary Motives
• General Motives
• Secondary Motives
• Motivational Approaches
• Theories of Motivation
• Maslow’s Need Hierarch Theory
• Herzberg Two Factor Theory
• Achievement Motivation Theory
• Goal Setting Theory
• Vroom’s Expectancy Theory
• Porter’s Performance Satisfaction Theory
• Motivation in Practice
Leadership and People Skills
• Definition of Leadership
• Significance of Leadership
• Managers vs. Leaders
• Leadership Theories
• Behavioural Theories
• Trait Theories
• Contingency Theories
• Pitfalls of Leadership
• Emotional Intelligence
• Styles of Leadership & their Impact on Employees
Groups and Teams

7 | P a ge
• Group Dynamics
• Features of Groups
• Importance of Groups
• Types of Groups
• Formal Groups
• Informal Groups
• Understanding Group Processes
• Formation of Groups
• Theories of Group Formation
• Propinquity Theory
• Homan’s Theory
• Balance Theory
• Exchange Theory
• Concept of Teams
• Difference between Groups and Teams
• Problems in Teamwork
• Creating Effective Teams at workplace
Conflict Management
• Understanding Conflicts
• Sources of Conflict
• Positive and Negative Aspects of Conflicts
• Functional Conflicts
• Dysfunctional Conflicts
• Types of Conflict
• Inter-personal conflict
• Intergroup conflict
• Conflict Resolution and Management
• Encouraging Functional Conflict for Organizational Effectiveness
Power & Politics in Organizations
• Understanding Power
• Difference between Leadership & Power
• Sources of Power
• Identifying the Sources of Power in an Organization
• Power Tactics
• Power in Groups
• Politics within Organizations

8 | P a ge
• Factors Contributing to existence of Politics
• Role of Politics in Determining Organization Culture
• Importance of Personality Development for Encountering Politics

3. Business Economics

Introduction to Business Economics

• Meaning and Scope of Economics
• Significance
• Distinction between Economics and Business Economics
• Microeconomics and Macroeconomics
• Laws of Economics- Nature, Application, Assumptions
• Economic Statics and Dynamics
• Economics and Business Decision Making
• Social Accounting- Gross National Product-Concept and components
• Business cycles
• Inflation- Defnition, Characteristics and types
Demand Analysis
• Meaning and types of Demand
• Determinants of Demand- Factors Influencing Individual Demand, Factors Influencing Market
• Law of Demand- Demand Schedule, Demand Curve, Demand Function , Assumptions in Law of
Demand, Exception to Law of Demand
• Shift and Movement along Demand Curve
Supply Analysis
• Concept of Supply
• Determinants of Supply
• Law of Supply- Assumptions and Exceptions
• Expansion and Contraction of Supply
• Increase and Decrease in Supply
• Market Equilibrium: Demand and Supply Equilibrium- Determination of Market Price, Shifts in
Market Equilibrium
Consumer Demand Analysis

9 | P a ge
• Concept
• Utility as a Basis of Consumer Demand- Total Utility, Marginal Utility
• Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility
• Cardinal Utility Approach- Neo Classical Approach
• Ordinal Utility Approach –Indifference Curve Analysis
• Assumptions of Ordinal Utility
• Indifference Curve- Meaning, properties and Criticism
• Marginal Rate of Substitution
• Concept of Budget Line – Slope and Shifts in Budget Line
• Consumer Equilibrium Effects
• Revealed Preference Theory
Elasticity of Demand and Supply
• Price Elasticity of Demand
• Different Types of Price Elasticity - Elastic Demand, Inelastic Demand, Relatively Elastic Demand,
Relatively Inelastic Demand
• Measurement of Price Elasticity
• Factors Influencing Price Elasticity of Demand
• Significance
• Income Elasticity of Demand
• Cross Elasticity of Demand
• Advertisement Elasticity of Sale
• Elasticity of Supply
Demand Forecasting
• Concept and need of Demand Forecasting
• Factors
• Steps and Limitations
• Techniques - Survey methods, Statistical methods
• Criteria for Good Demand Forecasting
Production Theory
• Concept and factors of production
• Production Possibility Curve
• Production in the Short and Long Run
• Total Product, Average Product and Marginal Product
• Production Function
• Law of Diminishing Returns- Significance, Optimal Employment of Factor of Production
• Isoquant curves - Forms

10 | P a g e
• Marginal Rate of Technical Substitution
• Elasticity of Substitution between Factors
• Iso-cost Curves
• Producer’s Equilibrium- Equal Product, Expansion Path
• Returns to Scale- Increasing, Constant, Diminishing
• Different Types of Production Functions - Cobb-Douglas Production Function, Leontief
Production Function, CES Production Function

Cost and Revenue Analysis

• Concept of Cost
• Different Types of Costs - Opportunity costs, Accounting Costs, Economic costs, Business Costs,
Full Costs, Explicit Costs, Implicit Costs Fixed Costs, Variable Costs, Incremental Costs
• Short Run and Long Run Costs of Production
• Short Run and Long Run Average Cost and Long Run Total Cost
• Short Run and Long Run Marginal Costs
• Deriving Cost Schedule from Production Function
• Economies and Diseconomies of Scale
• Economies of Scope
• Concept of Revenue- Average Revenue, Marginal Revenue
• Relationship between Total Revenue and Marginal Revenue
• Relationship between Average Revenue and Marginal Revenue
Market Structure
• Defining Market
• Types of Market Structures- Pure Competition, Perfect Competition, Imperfect Competition,
Monopolistic Competition, Oligopoly, Monopoly
• Profit Maximization in the Short Run and Long Run
• Determinants and Measurement of Market Power
Market Failure
• Meaning of Market Failure
• Price Regulations
• Market Failure and Need for Regulation
• Regulations and Market Structure
• Price Regulation and Firm Behavior

11 | P a g e
4. Corporate Social Responsibility

CSR and Globalisation

• Globalization and Its Impact
• Sustainable Development
• Role of Business in Sustainable Development
• Millennium Development Goals and UN Post - 2015 Development Agenda
• India and MDGs
• Indian Companies Act 2013 and CSR
Corporate Stakeholders
• Business and Society
• Business Organizations as Systems
• From Shareholder Theory to Stakeholder Theory
• Stakeholder Engagement
• Dynamic Environment of Business
• History of CSR in India
• Emerging CSR Trends
• Theories of CSR
• The Pyramid of Corporate Social Responsibility
• Changing Trends: Philanthropy – Strategic Philanthropy – CSR
• Arguments against CSR
• The Business Case for CSR
• Importance of CSR for India Contemporary Drivers for CSR
CSR Strategy
• Steps in Designing CSR Strategy
• Implement CSR Commitments
• Areas of CSR Implementation
• CSR at Market Place
• CSR at Workplace
• Environmental CSR
• CSR with Communities

12 | P a g e
• CSR in Supply Chain
• Types of Interventions
• Strategic Partnerships with NGO
• Focus of Measurement
• Social Auditing
• What is Monitoring? Internal and External
Importance and Benefits of Reporting
• Formats of CSR Communication and Reporting
• The Reporting Team
• Role of Government
• Government Support at International Level
• Voluntary Codes in CSR
• Corporate ethics
• Ethics and Functional Areas of business
• What is Corporate Governance?
• Constituents of Corporate Governance
• The Corporate Governance Debate
• Theories of Corporate Governance
• Responsibilities of Corporate Governance
• Global Growth of Corporate Governance
• History of Corporate Governance in India
• The Current State of Corporate Governance in India
• Board Composition in India.
• Corporate Governance: Need to Strengthen
• Corporate Governance and CSR
• Corporate Disclosures & investor protection in India
• Current CSR Bill and its impact on the society

13 | P a g e
5. Information System for Managers

Introduction to Information System

• Meaning of Information ,Difference between Data and Information, Definition, Importance of
Information for Organizations
• Concept of System , Need
• Evolution of Information System , Functions , Framework,
• Information and Control Systems
• Computerized Information System
• Business Process Design , Modelling
• Business Process Re-engineering
• Management of Information Systems
Components of Information Technology
• Hardware Concepts, Software Concepts, Operating Systems, Programm ing Languages ,
Readymade Packages and their Operating Systems
Networking Concepts
• Meaning of Networking, Need for Networking , Advantages and Disadvantages of Networking,
• Hardware and Software for Networking, Concepts , Types
• Bluetooth as Wireless Technologies - RFID
• Network Models
• Applying Communication Networks – Intranet, Extranet, Internet
Database Management
• Meaning of Database ,Types
• Database Management , Objectives , Functions , Major Components , Database Mode ls
Types of Information Systems
• Different Types of Information Systems
• Operations Support Systems , Transaction Processing Systems (TPS), Process Control System
(PCS), Enterprise Collaboration System (ECS)
• Management Support Systems , Management Information System (MIS), Decision Support
System (DSS), Executive Information System (EIS)
• Functional Information Systems

14 | P a g e
• Other Types of Information Systems, Expert System , Knowledge Management System
(KMS),Strategic Information System ( SIS),Business Information System (BIS), Integrated
Information Systems
• Defining ERP , Evolution of an ERP System, Benefits , ERP Implementation
• Reasons for the Failure of ERP Implementation
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
• Introducing EDI , Standards of EDI
• Transmission Modes of EDI : VAN ,Internet/AS2,Web EDI
• Disadvantages of EDI
Data Warehousing, Data Mining, and Business Intelligence
• Data Warehousing , Need , Goals, Constituents
• Definition of Data Mining, Parameters, Working
• Types of relationships
• Architecture of Data Mining, Functionalities
• Classification on Data Mining system
• Meaning of Business Intelligence, Evolution , Importance
Decision Support System (DSS)
• Introducing Decision Support System (DSS)
• Evolution , Components , DSS Architecture
• Analytical Models in DSS
• Characteristics , Types , Tools and Technologies Supporting DSS
• DSS and Outsourcing
• Group Decision Support Systems
Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
• Define CRM , Components of CRM, Three Phases of CRM, Benefits and Challenges of CRM, New
Trends in CRM
Supply Chain Management (SCM)
• Meaning of Supply Chain , Define SCM, Objectives of SCM, Components of SCM, Difference
between Logistics Management and SCM, Scope , Benefits and Challenges of SCM, New Trends
in SCM
Building and Deploying an Information System
• Architecture of an Information System
• Software Development Lifecycle
• Software Development Models : Waterfall model, Prototype model, Incremental model, Spiral

15 | P a g e
• Requirement Analysis & Design Considerations
• Software Testing
• Deploying an Information System
Managing Information Systems
• Infrastructure Management
• Maintenance of Information Systems
• Management of Changing Requirements
• Incidence Handling
• Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Planning

6. Business Communication & Etiquettes


Communication in workplace

• Role of communication in business- Peter Drucker

• Why business needs to communicate
• Importance of communication skill to you
• Forms of communication
• Formation and sending of response
• 7 C’s of good communication skills
• Barriers to communication
• Communication Skills --- Verbal and Non-verbal
• Organisational communication--- internal and external including PR

Fundamentals of business writing

• Adaptation and selection of words

• Use of familiar words
Adapting to multiple readers

Indirectness in persuasion and sales messages

• Determining the persuasion

• Gaining attention in the opening

16 | P a g e
• Making the request Clear and positive

Public speaking and oral reporting

• Making formal speeches

• Defining oral report
• Differences between oral and written reports
• Planning the oral report
• Telephone communication

Technology enabled Communication

• Using technology in communication tasks

• E mails
• Tools for constructing messages
• Computer tools for gathering and collecting information

Personal etiquettes and grooming for corporate

• Eye contact
• Body language
• Handshake
• Business card etiquette
• Work habits- punctuality, prioritize your work, stay positive, Bring solution etc

Aspects of Communication

• Cultural aspects of communication --- intercultural and multicultural

Ethical and Legal aspects

17 | P a g e
Semester II
1. Marketing Management

Introduction to Marketing: Evolution of Marketing

Understanding the Marketing Process: Marketing Mix
Marketing Concepts, Customer Value and Satisfaction
Marketing Environment: Impact on the Strategic Planning
Understanding Consumer Behaviour
Understanding Industrial Buyer Behaviour
Analyzing Industry and Competition
Competitive Advantage and Core Competence
Marketing Strategy
Market Segmentation and Targeting
Demand Measurement and Sales Forecasting
Product and Product Life Cycle
Brand and Brand Equity
New Product Decisions
Distribution Channels and Logistics
Pricing Decisions
Marketing Communication: Advertising and Promotion

2. Financial Accounting

Balance Sheet
Accounting Process: Journal, Ledger and Trail Balance
Corporate Accounts: Format of C ompany Accounts
Cash Flow Statement: Preparation, Analysis and Implications
Financial Statements Reporting As per Accounting Standards: AS 1 and 2
Financial Statements Reporting As per Accounting Standards: AS 6 and 9
Financial Statements Reporting As per Accounting Standards: AS 13, 17, and 20.
Financial Analysis: Trends, Common Size, Ratios
Management Analysis and Discussion
Comparison: IFRS, GAAP, Indian Accounting Standards

18 | P a g e
Financial Statement Analysis

3. Essentials of HRM

Objectives of HRM, Scope of HRM, Evolution of HRM, HRM functions, Challenges, Personnel
Job analysis, Information collection for job analysis, Job description and Job specification, Job
Human Resource Planning: need, objectives, process and problems
Recruitment – sources and methods, Selection – process, induction and outsourcing
Competency Mapping – developing competency models, uses; Assessment Center: history,
measurement tools, difference between assessment center and development center
Performance appraisal: process, methods, benefits, problems; Coaching and Mentoring:
process and implementation
Potential Appraisal: purpose and techniques; Career Planning: meaning and process; Succession
Planning: meaning, pros and cons
HR Audit: Objectives, role, significance, process, pros and cons; HR Accounting: methods, pros
and cons; HR Information Systems: application, pros and cons
Human Resource Development System: need, functions, systems, HRD process, HRD
effectiveness, Strategic management & HRM
Training and Development: training and education, stakeholders in training, need for training
and development, training and learning organisations, process of training, cross cultural
training, team training, orientation training
Compensation and Rewards: need for compensation, uses, components of compensation,
industry compensation, international compensation, fringe benefits & FBT, reward
management – goals, reward systems, recognition

4. Strategic Management

Evolution and basic concepts, Vision, Mission and business definition

Contributions by Mintzberg, Ansoff, Porter and Prahalad, Gary Hammel
Environment survey and appraisal – Industry and competitive analysis – Dominant economic
features, strength of competition and competitive forces.
The Strategic Management Proc ess – Situation analysis, Formulating Corporate Level Strategy,

19 | P a g e
Portfolio Strategy.
Formulating Business Level Strategy – Porter’s Competitive Forces and Strategies, Cooperative
Strategic implications of five competitive forces, Evaluating comp any resources and competitive
capabilities, Competencies, core and distinctive competencies and competitive advantages.
Formulating Functional level Strategies – Putting strategy into action‐leadership‐structural
design, Information and control systems, human resources – Implementing global strategies.
Corporate goals and strategic gap, Five generic strategies (Porter’s model)
Managing internal organization for Strategy implementation

5. Operations Management

Operations Management (An Overview)

Operations Function
Operations Management in Manufacturing and Service Sector
Types of Production Systems
Plant Location
Plant Layout – Service Facility Layout, plant Maintenance and TPM
Productivity Indices, Productivity Enhancement Techniques
Manufacturing Economics (BEA)
Inventory Management
Total Quality Management – Definition, Concept, Eight Building Blocks, Seven Wastages &
Pillars of TQM
Theory of Constraints

6. Written and Oral Communication


Modes of Written Communication

• Business writing style

• Types of messages and techniques
• Letters
• Memoranda and Email messages, SMS texting
• Press release

20 | P a g e
• Reports
• Proposals
• Minutes and notes
• Internet as communication medium --- websites, advertising, blogs etc

Grammar and Style

• Verbs –[tenses; active and passive voice; Subject -Verb Agreement; Negative and Interrogative
• Nouns, Noun Phrases, Pronouns
• Modifiers --- [adverbs, adjectives, dangling modifiers]
• Concord; Parallel structure,
• Avoiding gender bias
• Writing Tactfully
• Punctuation
• Numerals

Oral Communication

• Characteristics of spoken language --- Features of oral communication --- Skills and self
• Voice Dynamics (with voice CD) -- Self presentation --- Body language
• Listening skills
• Preparing and Making Presentations
• Meetings and GD skills
• Interview skills
• Dialogue skills (negotiation)

Telephone, Tele-conferencing

21 | P a g e
Semester III
1. Business Statistics

Introduction to Statistics
Business Statistics
Descriptive Statistics
Measures of Central Tendency
Measures of Dispersion (Variance)
Correlation Analysis
Regression Analysis (Limited to 2 Variable Regression Model)
Theory of Probability
Probability Distribution
Use of Excel Software for Statistical Analysis

2. EXIM Procedures and documentation


Introduction and Regulatory Framework of Export‐Import

Exchange Control Regulation & Facilities Concerning Export
Registration of Exporters
Registration with Export Promotion Councils
EDI Registration
Terms of Payment
Export Sales Contract
Terms of Shipment
Export Documentation
Processing of an Export Order
Export Finance & Document Submission to the Bank
Cargo Insurance
Export Credit Insurance
Pre‐Shipment Inspection

22 | P a g e
Custom Clearance of Export Cargo
Total Import Procedure and Documentation
Export Assistance in India

3. International Business

Introduction to Assessment pattern, globalization,

Globalization, & environment, world trade data, Assessing political risks,
Free trade vs protectionism, Barriers to International Trade
International Trade barriers, GATT, WTO, Cultural barriers
Global Strategy – Entry
Global Strategy – Marketing and Sales
Global Strategy – Procurement Operation of a Transnational
Global Strategic Alliances

4. India’s Foreign Trade


India’s Foreign Trade – An overview

India’s Balance of Payments
India and World Trade
Export Promotion in India
Trade Policy
Industrial and Investment Policy
India’s Trade Performance
India’s Foreign Trade Policy
Institutional Framework for Export Promotion
Export incentives and Benefits
Foreign Direct Investment And India’s Jvs Abroad
Horizons of International Trade

5. Financial Institutions & Markets


23 | P a g e
Impact of Liberalization of Financial Institutions and Markets
Institutions, Role, Types (Regulatory and Funding), Regulatory Theory, State Intervention
Functions of important regulators in India – RBI, SEBI, IRDA, FMC
Detailed Discussion on Institutions: Banks, Non Banking Financial Companies, Development
Financial institut ions, Mutual Funds, Insurance Companies, Venture Funds etc. – Fund‐based
and Fee based services offered by banks
Markets: Capital and Money, Debt and Equity, Commodity Exchanges, Currency Markets
Primary and Secondary markets, Role of Markets, Anomalies, Bubbles, Petersberg Paradox,
Information Economics.
Monetary Policy, and Interest Rate and Exchange Rate Dynamics,
Risk Management in Financial Institutions‐Basle Norms‐Instruments: Plain Vanilla to exotic,
instruments. – Derivatives

6. International Marketing

Major decision in international marketing

International marketing environment
Consumer behavior in international contexts
International marketing research and opportunity analysis
Evolution of which market to enter
Methods of entering international market (Entery/Strategies)
Barrier to international trade
Product promotion decision
Pricing decision
Distribution decision
Export management
Pre-shipment document
Export procedure
Terms of payments in export
INCO terms

24 | P a g e
Semester IV
1. Project Management

Introduction: Concept of Project Management – Its Role, Scope and Coverage; Relationship
with other Department/Functional Areas; Organizing for Project Management; Matrix
Organisation; Project Manager is an entrepreneur; Role of Consultants in Project Management;
Success Factors in Project Management.
Nature of Project Decisions: The Project Development Cycle; Project Identification, Ideas
and promoters; Opportunity studies; Project Selection; Pre‐feasibility and Feasibility Studies;
Identification of Investment opportunities; Technical Analysis; Basis of Government regulatory
framework, Various acts and Laws affecting project – Identification.
Selection of Location & Site of the Project: Location Decisions objectives; Factors
affecting location; Policies of central Government lowards Location; Legal aspects of project
management; Concept of industrially Backward areas. Incentives available for appropriate
Project Appraisal: Market Appraisal; Demand Estimation and Forecasting; Technical
Appraisal; Technology, Product‐mix, Plant Capacity, Distribution Channel; Financial Analysis;
Profitability Analysis; Cost‐benefit Analysis; Preparation of Budget and Cash Flows; Assessing
Tax Burdens; Appraisal Criteria use by Lending Institution.
Risk Analysis of Project – Measures of risk: Use of Subjective Probabilities;
Mathematical Analysis; Sensitivity Analysis; Simulation Analysis; Decision Tree Analysis.
Quantitative Aspects of Project: Project Planning, Monitoring & Control; Netw ork Analysis
Techniques Critical Path Method, Programme Evaluation & Review Technique, Grantt Charts;
Crashing of Projects; Probability considerations in Network Analysis – Optimistic Time, Most
likely Time and Pessimistic Time; β (Beta) Distribution curve; Resources Allocation & Scheduling;
Resources Leveling; Progress Report; Updating; Management Information System for Projects.
Use of Computer in Network Analysis: Computer Softwares; Project Management
packages –
their Selection & Use.
Case Studies

25 | P a g e
2. International Finance

Introduction to Foreign Exchange Transactions – Current A/c & Capital A/c

transactions – BOP
Concepts, Role of IMF, World Bank, WTO
Exchange Rate System – International Monetary System – Role of IMF – Fixed vs. Floating
exchange rates – Managed floating – Evolution of Exchange rate Mechanism in India
FEMA/PMLA – Important aspects of differences – Functions of an authorized dealer –
regarding Nostro/vostro Accounts & Mirror accounts
Exchange Rate Determination – Direct & indirect quotations – Cross rates – Merchant TT &
Foreign Exchange Markets – Market conventions & practices – Spot & forward rates –
affecting spot & forward rates
Purities in International Finance – PPP theorem – its limitations – Interest Rate Parity (IRP)

Fisher Effect – Arbitrage
International Equity Market – International Debt Market – International Mutual Funds
Export Promotion Measures – Duty Drawback Schemes – Foreign Trade Development Act
– Incentives to exporters School of Business Management
Letters of Credits – Types of L/Cs – Introduction to UCP 600 – Rights & Responsibilities of
parties under an L/C
Behaviour of Exchange Rates (including intra‐day behavior) – Dealing Room
Operations –
Front office, Back office & Mid office Functions – Exchange Position/Cash Position
Managing Foreign Exchange Rights – Transaction, Translation & operating Exposures of
Use of Derivatives – Currency options, Futures & Swaps
Capital account convertibility – Tarapore committee recommendations – Implementation
of recommendations, Role of ECGC & Exim Bank

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3. Customs shipping and Insurance

Customs in India/Customs Establishment
Customs Acts
Definition, Customs Act, 1962, Customs Tariff Act, 1975, Foreign Trade (Development and
Regulation) Act, 1992, Power of Central Government/Legal Framework, Customs Authorities &
Administration, Sizures & Searches, Confiscation, Appeals
Customs Tariff: Indian Customs Tariff Classification, Harmonised System of nomenclature,
Principles of Classification, Rates of Duty & Schedule, General Provisions of the Act
Customs Clearance
Clearance of Imported Goods: Objectives of Custom Clearance, Custom Clearance
Ports of Clearance, Import General manifest, Types and Levy of C ustoms Duties, Valuation of
Goods, bill of Entry, Declaration of Tariff Classification, Permissibility of Import, Verification of
Import Licence, Valuation of Goods Imported, Classification of Goods Imported, Rates of
Customs Duty, Assessment of Customs Du ty, First Check & Second Check Clearance Procedure,
Clearance through Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) System, End Use bonds, Examination of
Goods, Green Channel Facility, Execution of Bonds, Payment of Duty, Movement of Bill of Entry
after ssessment, Bonding & Ex Bonding of Warehoused Goods, Demurrage Charges, Import
Follow‐through, Claims for Uncleared Goods/Untraced Goods/Damaged Goods, Import of
Samples, Import by Post/through Courier, Duty Free Imports Passenger Baggage.
Clearance of Export Goods: Shipping of the Goods, Basic Information: Documents and
Types of Shipping Bills, Customs Clearance Procedure: Shipment by Sea, Customs Clearance
Procedure Shipment by Air, Checking of the Shipping Documents, Physical Examination of
Goods, loading of Goods, Post Loading Certification, Exportof Samples/Exhibits of Restricted
Introduction, Role of Shipping in International Trade, Different Modes of Shipment, Selecting
Suitable Mode for Shipment of Cargo, Conference System & Practices, Freig ht Rate Structure &
Calculation of Freight, Chartering Practices, Containerisation: FCL/LCL/Break Bulk, Role of
Clearing & Forwarding Agents/Fright Brokers/Shipping Companies,Reservation of Shipping
Space,Mate Receipt/Bill of Lading/Airway Bill, Shipping/Shipment Advice, Short Shipment/Short
Out Notice

27 | P a g e
Introduction: What is Marine Insurance? Objectives of Insurance, Legal Provisions of Marine
Cargo Insurance, Selection of Insurance Cover, Types of Insurance Policy, Scope of Cover,
Insurance of Air Cargo, FOB Policy, Seller’s Interest Insurance, Warranty
Insurance Premium
Rate of Premium, Return of Premium, Failure of Consideration, Return by Agreement
Marine Documents
The Specific Policy, Marine Cover Note, Marine Open Cover, Marine Open Policy, Marine Cum
Erection Insurance, Endorsements, Stamp Duty
Principles of Underwriting: Insurable Interest, Indemnity & Value of Insurance, Utmost
Faith, Proximate Cause, Subrogation, Contribution, Duty of Disclosure
Insurance Claims: Theory of Cargo Claims, Total Loss/Particular Average/General Average,
Salvages, Claim Procedures, Claims Payment
Export Credit Risk Insurance; Introduction, Export Credit Guarantee Corporation, Types of
Policies: General/Specific, Risks Covered/Not Covered By the Policies, Maximum Liability, Credit
Limit on Overseas Buyers, Restricted Cover Countries, Premium Rates, Time Limit/Settlement of
Claims, Special Schemes: Transfer Guarantee/Joint Venture Insurance/Overseas In vestment
Insurance/Exchange Fluctuation Risk Cover, Product Liability Insurance
Case Studies

4. International Logistics and SCM


Ships – different types and sizes with their important features and their suitability to different
Basic shipping terminology including abbreviations. General particulars of ships.
Bills of Lading – functions, conditions, contents, types and general information.
Classification Societies – background, their functions and importance.
Statutory documents on board includ ing mandatory surveys and safety certificates.
Stowage factors and densities – importance in the carriage of dry and liquid cargoes, effect of
density of water (fresh, salt, brackish). Different freight units.
General structure of shipping industry – liner and tramp services.
Liner shipping – essential features; break bulb; mode of utilization; concept of intermodalism;
container sizes and types; container terminology; freighting; CYs, CFSs and ICDs; marketing of
liner shipping; documents.
Tramp shipping – types of charters – time, trip‐time, voyage, consecutive voyages, bareboat;

28 | P a g e
contract of affreightment, features of dry bulk and tanker chartering; names of different
charter [arty forms for different trades.
Cargo handling equipments used on board and ashore.
Agents – ship, port and liner agents and their roles in shipping. Freight forwarders, freight
brokers, ship brokers and other intermediaries in shipping.
Structure of shipping – services of master and crew, etc.
Cargo Documentation – Manifest, Mate’s Receipt, Tally sheets, Notice of Readiness, Statement
of Facts, etc.
Custom house work – Inward and outward entry of ships documentation.
Shipping procedures in ports for exports and imports for break‐bulk/bulk cargoes Customs Bill
of Entry and Shipping Bill
Business communication in shipping – letter writing, telex, fax, e‐mail, report‐writing, memo
writing, charts and graphs.

5. Business Law

The Indian Contract Act, 1872: Evolution of Contract Act its meaning, essentials of a valid
contract; nature of contract distinction between contractual obligation and legal obligation,
agreement, to sell, requisite of a valid contract, offer and invitation to offer, modes of
acceptance, communication of offer, express and implied terms, standard forms of contrac t,
exclusion clauses, kinds of agreement, valid, void and voidable agreement; unilateral, bilateral
and international contracts; Validity‐kinds of mistake, mistake of law and fact‐and the remedies
thereof available, Misrepresentation of material fact, frau dulent and innocent
misrepresentation and the remedies available, coercion and undue influence the effects and
the remedies available to the aggrieved. Undue influence the effects and the remedies available
to the aggrieved person; Consideration‐ Past, Present and Future, essential of valid
consideration, sufficiency of Consideration, consideration and promissory estoppels, Privity of
Contracts and of Consideration; Capacity to contract‐Minor, Lunatic and enemy; unlawful and
illegal agreement, Agreement void under the Statue. Quasi Contracts; Termination and
discharge of contract: Performance of contract, Different modes of discharge of contract,
Performance as to place, time, joint performance of promises, apportionment of payments.
Discharge by agreement, Novation and assignment, remission of performance, discharge by
frustration‐when plea of frustration is admission and the rights and liabilities of the parties
when frustration operates; Breach of Contract‐breach and anticipatory breach of contracts,
damages and specific relief, types of damages and their remedies available to the aggrieved
person; Indemnity and guarantee‐ Parties to contract of indemnity and guarantee; Difference

29 | P a g e
between indemnity and guarantee, surely and indemnifier, specific guarantee a nd continuing
guarantee; Rights of the indemnified, surety right against principal debtor and Co‐surety;
Bailment, Pledge and Finder of Goods‐ Nature and essential features of bailment and pledge,
bailment for reward gratuitous bailment, bailee’s duty, pledge as a special kind of bailment.
Pawnee’s right against the pawner and Pawners right against the Pawnee. Finder of goods as
quasi as quasi bailee, duties of finder of goods and his rights and liabilities for reward, sale; Law
of agency‐Agency and other forms of Contract, Types of Agencies like by holding out, operation
of law, estoppels, express, implied, Sub‐agent, substituted agent and ratified, Relationship of
principal and agent, Rights and liabilities of the Agent against third party, Right s and liabilities of
the Agent against Principal, undisclosed Principal and the rights and liabilities to the parties.
Termination of agency and its modes.
The Indian Sale of Goods Act, 1930: Essentials of a contract of sale; sale distinguished
agreement to sell; Bailment; contract for work and labour and hire‐purchase; Consitions and
warranties; Transfer of title by non‐owners; doctrine of caveat emptor; performance of the
contract of sale; Unpaid seller‐his rights against the goods and the buyer.
Partnership Act, 1932: What constitutes a partnership deed and types of partnership, legal
position of a minor partner and his rights and liabilities; Distinction between partnership firm,
Co‐ownership joint Hindu family and joint stock companies, legality of the partnership firm,
types of partners; Express and implied authority, scope of implied authority, Rights and
liabilities of a partner against third party and other partners; Rights of newly admitted partners,
retiring and deceased partners, registration of and dissolution of partnership forms; Overview
of the Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008.
Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881: Features of promissory notes, bills of exchange, hundis,
cheques, bank drafts, traveler’s cheque and the rights and duties of various parties to these
instruments; Law of presentment of these instruments, honor and dishonor of negotiable
instruments, material alteration, noting and protesting. Law relating to foreign bills their noting
and protesting etc; Law relating to payme nt of customer’s cheques of paying banker‐rights and
duties, overdraft agreements, wrongful dishonor of cheques, stale cheques, forgery of cheques,
liability due to negligence of parties and material alteration, payment in due course; Law
relating to the collecting banker‐statutory protection, effects of negligence, role as a agent or
holder in due course, precautions to be taken in collection of bills, cheques for the customers
and third parties.
Law of Carriage of Goods: The Carriers Act, 1865(1972)‐ Definition of contract of carriage
goods, classification of carrier‐common carrier, private carrier, gratuitous carrier, responsibility
of common carrier and Bailee, rights of a common carrier, duties of a common carrier, liabilities
of a common carrier, distinction between a common carrier and private carrier; Carriage of

30 | P a g e
goods by Rail‐Railway Act, 1989‐ Maintenance of rate books for carriage of goods, Provision of
rate risks, railway receipt, liability of railway administration from wrong delivery , responsibility
of railway administration as career‐of goods, of animals, of luggage, exoneration from liability in
certain cases, delay or retention in transit, railway risk rate, liability for damages to goods in
defective condition or defectively packed and liability after termination of transit; Carriage by
Sea‐The Carriage of Goods by Sea Act, 1925 (amended in 1993), and the (Indian) Bill of Lading
Act, 1856‐contract of affreightment, express and implied terms in a contractor of carriage by
sea‐implied warranty of seaworthiness, implied warranty of commencement of voyage, Non -
of voyage, Shipper not to ship dangerous goods, bill of lading.
Consumer Protection Act, 1986: Objective of consumer protection act 1986, definition
complaint, consumer, contract of service and contract of service, consumer dispute, restrictive
trade practice, defect, deficiency; Consumer protection council‐central consumer protection
council, state consumer protection council, district consumer protection council; Redres sal
machinery, jurisdiction, complaint before them, district forum, sate commission, national
commission, limitation period, administrative control, power of redressal agencies; Nature and
scope of remedies under the act‐ appeals penalties proceeding before consumer forums and
applicability of arbitration act.
Competition Commission act, 2002: Definition‐acquisition, agreement, cartel,
commisiion, consumer, Director General, Enterprises, goods, member, etc., Anti Competitive
Agreement, Prohibit ion of abuse of dominant position, Combination; Competition Commission
of India‐Establishment, powers of them member, inquiry into certain agreement and dominate
position of enterprises, Inquiry into combination by commission, procedure for enquiry of the
complaints, Procedure for investigation of combination, appearance before commission, Power
of the commission, ratification of orders, Execution of orders by the commission, Compensation
in case of contravention, Competition appellate tribunal procedure an d powers, execution of
orders, and ability on contravention of orders, appeal to Supreme Court, power of the Central
Government, MRTP (Monopolistic Trade Practice, unfair Trade Practice) & Restrictive Trade
Right to Information Act, 2005: Salient features of the Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2005;
Objective, Public Authorities & their Obligations; Designation of Public Information, Officers
(PIO) and their Duties; Request for obtaining Information, Exemption from disclosure; Who is
excluded; Information Commissions (Central & State) and their powers; appellate authorities;
penalties, jurisdiction of Courts; Role of Central/State Governments.
Other Laws: Workmen Compensation Act, 1923; Object, scope and major provisions including
proceedings before the Commissioner, appeals, compliances, penalties, special provisions;
Payment of Bonus Act, 1965; Object, application and major provisions; Exemption;

31 | P a g e
compliances, offences and penalties; Employees Provident Funds Act, 1952; Application, major
provisions, Exemption and compliances; Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972; Application, major
provisions, Controlling Authority and the Appellate Authority, obligations and rights of
employees and compliances; Minimum wages Act, 1948; Object and its scope, fixation,
payment of wages, Advisory Board, Central Advisory Board; Authority and claims, compliances,
offences and penalties.

6. Project

32 | P a g e
Post Graduate Diploma in Information Technology and Systems Management

Program Structure

Year 1 Year 2

Semester 1 Semester 3
Information Systems for Managers Enterprise Resource Planning
Corporate Social Responsibility e-Business
Business Economics IT Project Management
Business Communication & Etiquette Emerging Technologies: IoT, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality
Management Theory and Practice IT Infrastructure Management
Organizational Behavior Cloud Computing

Semester 2 Semester 4
Essentials of HRM Fundamentals of Big Data & Business Analytics
Marketing Management IT Security and Risk Management
Financial Accounting & Analysis Managing Business Process Outsourcing
Strategic Management Digital Payments
Business Statistics Business : Ethics , Governance and Risk
Business Law Project



1. Management Theory and Practice

Introduction to Management: Introduction - Management as an Art - Management as a Science -

Management Both Science and Art - The Role of Management in Society - Definition of
It’s Nature and Purpose

Evolution of Management Thought: The Classical Approach - Charles Babbage -Frederick W.

Taylor - Henry Laurence Gantt - Henri Fayol - Robert Owen - Max Weber - George E. Mayo - The
Systems Approach - Summary of Management Trends

Understanding Organizations: Introduction - ETZIONI - Six Box Organizational Model - Matrix

or Mixed Model - An Overview of Emerging Concepts Influencing Organizational Designs -
Organizing for the Learning Organization - Balance between Leadership and Management -
Process of Institutionalizing Leadership of Change - Exercises on Invisible Committee

Culture in the Organization: Introduction - Culture and the Business Organization - Components
of Culture - Corporate Culture - Culture and Communication - How to Effect Cultural Change
in the Organization - Implications of Culture in Management - Minimizing Conflict Between
Administrative Action and Cultural Values

Role of Information in Organizations: Data and Information - Value Added Resources - Planning
and Administration Competency - Common Information Technologies - Decision Support System
- Expert System - Group Decision Support System - Teamwork Competency

Managerial Decision Making: Types of Managerial Decisions- Decision Making Process -

Importance of the Decision - Time Pressures - Group Decision Making - Techniques for Stimulating
Creativity - Information Technology and Decision Making

2. Organisational Behaviour

Introduction to Behaviour in Organisations: Introduction to Organisational Behaviour, Definition

& Scope of Organisational Behaviour, Importance of Organisational Behaviour, Approaches to
Organisational Behaviour, Challenges & Opportunities, Organisational Behaviour & Its Behavioural
Sciences Foundation

Understanding Individual Behaviour: Introduction, Biographical Attributes, Ability, Values,

Attitudes, Job Satisfaction

Personality: Determinants of Personality, Process of Personality Formation, Significant Personality

Traits impacting Organisational Behaviour

Perception: What is perception? Factors that influence perception, Impression Management,

Perception of self-image and Behaviour

Learning: The Concept of Learning, Theories of Learning, Learning through Reinforcement, A glance
at Organisational reward system, How to administer reinforcement? The impact of punishment

Motivation: Meaning, Primary Motives, General Motives & Secondary Motives, Motivational
Approaches, Motivation in Practice
Leadership: Introduction, Behavioural Theories, Trait Theories, Contingency Theories, Current
Issues in leadership, Emotional intelligence, Leadership styles & their impact on employees

Groups Dynamics & Understanding Work Groups and Teams: What is group dynamics? Formation
of groups, Types of groups, Understanding Group Processes and Issues in Teamwork, Issues faced
in team work, Creating Effective work teams
NMIMS Global Access - School for Continuing Education
Conflict Management: Understanding conflict, Functional & Dysfunctional conflicts, Types of
conflicts, Inter-personal conflict, Intergroup conflict, Conflict Resolution, Allowing functional conflict
for Organisational effectiveness

Power & Politics in Organisations: Difference Between Leadership & Power, Sources of Power,
Identifying the sources of Power in an Organisation, Power Tactics, Power In groups, Politics in
Organisations, Factors contributing to Politics, Organisational culture and its responsibility in
politics, Personality development for encountering politics

3. Business Economics

Introduction to Business Economics: Economics and Business Decision Making; Economics: Scope
of economics; economics as a tool for decision making; Business Economics: Definition and scope;
distinction between economics and Business Economics; Economic Indicators and Business Cycles

Demand and Supply Analysis: Demand, Generalized Demand Function, The law of demand,
Shift and movement along demand curve, Elasticity of demand: Price, Income and Cross Price
elasticity of demand, Demand Estimation: Basic concepts , Supply, Generalized supply function,
Supply functions, Shifts and movement in the supply curve, Supply elasticity, Market equilibrium,
Changes in the market equilibrium, Changes in demand (supply constant), Changes in supply
(demand constant).

Cost & Production Analysis: Production in the short run, Total product, Average and marginal
products, Law of diminishing marginal product, Production in the long run, Production isoquants,
Characteristics of isoquants, Marginal rate of technical substitution, Isocost curves, Finding the
combination of inputs, Short run costs of production, Fixed and variable cost, Short run total
costs, Average and marginal cost, Marginal cost curves, Long run costs, Derivation of cost schedule
from a production function, Economies and diseconomies of scale, Economies of scope

Managerial Decisions in Competitive Markets: Features of perfect competition, Profit maximization

in the short run, Profit maximization in the long run, Managerial decisions for firms with market
power, Measurement of market power: The Lerner Index, Determinants of the market power:
Economies of scale, Barriers created by government, Profit maximization under monopoly: output
and pricing decisions, Monopolistic competition: short run and long run equilibrium, Pricing decision
in an oligopoly: The Kinked Demand curve model

Market Failures and Price Regulations: Market failures and need for regulation, Regulations and
market structure, Firm behavior, Price regulation

4. Corporate Social Responsibility

Globalization and its Impact: Economic, Social, Sustainable Development, Role of Business
in Sustainable Development, Millennium Development Goals, India and the MDGS Business
and Society, Business Organizations as Systems.

Corporate Stakeholders: From Shareholder Theory to Stakeholder Theory, Stakeholder

Concept, Typology of Stakeholders and their Influence, Stakeholder Engagement, Stakeholders
versus Shareholders, Dynamic Environment of Business.

History of CSR in India: Pre-Independence Period, Post-Independence India, Liberalization

and CSR, Emerging CSR Trends, Contemporary Scenario: Achievements, Theories of CSR:
Friedman’s Theory/Fundamentalist Theory, Social Contract Theory, Social Justice Theory,
Rights Theory, Deontological Theory, Stakeholder Theory, Gandhi’s Trusteeship Theory.

Corporate Social Responsibility: The Pyramid of Corporate Social Responsibility, Generations

of CSR, Changing Trends: Philanthropy, Strategic Philanthropy, CSR Arguments against CSR,
The Business Case for CSR, Importance of CSR for India: Current Business Scenario in India-
Contemporary Drivers for CSR.

Developing A CSR Strategy: Steps in Designing CSR Strategy, Develop a Working Definition
of CSR, Review Corporate Documents, Processes and Activities, Developing a CSR Strategy:
Build Support with Senior Management and Employees, Research what others are doing,
Prepare a Matrix of Proposed CSR Actions, Develop Options for Proceeding and Develop the
Business Case for CSR Action, Decide on Direction, Approach and Focus Areas Implement
CSR Commitments: Develop an Integrated CSR Decision-making Structure, Prepare and
Implement CSR Business Plan, Set Measurable Targets and Identify Performance Measures,
Engage Employees and Others to Whom CSR Commitments Apply, Design and Conduct CSR
Training, Establish Mechanisms for Addressing Problematic Behaviour, Create Internal and
External Communication Plan.

Implementing CSR Strategy: Areas of CSR Implementation, CSR at Market Place: Benefits
of Marketplace CSR, Designing Market Place CSR Activities, CSR at Workplace: Benefits
of CSR at Workplace, Designing Work Place CSR Activities, Environmental CSR: Benefits
of Environmental CSR, Designing Environmental CSR, CSR with Communities, Types
of Interventions: Benefits of Community Interventions, Steps to Design CSR Intervention,
Strategic Partnerships: Reasons for Corporate NGO Partnership, Criteria for Selecting NGO
Partner, NGO Strategies to Influence CSR.

CSR Monitoring and Measurement: Focus of Measurement , Measure Fewer Things Better,
Measure What Matters, Communicate Fewer Metrics in Multiple Ways, What is Monitoring?,
Internal Compliance Monitoring, External Monitoring and Measurement Importance.

CSR Reporting: Benefits of Reporting: Whom to Report, How to Report, Contents of CSR
Report, Formats of CSR Communication and Reporting, The Reporting Team, Additional
References for CSR Reporting.

Role of Government And Voluntary Codes In CSR: Role of Government, Government

Support at International Level, Voluntary Codes in CSR: OECD Guidelines for Multi-national
Corporations, ILO Conventions, ISO 9000 & ISO 14000, SA8000, UN Draft Principles for
Behaviour of Trans-national Corporations, LEED, GRI, DOW Jones Sustainability Index,
FTSE4GOOD, Smart Growth Network, Equator Principles, UN Global Compact, Coalition of
Environmentally Responsible Economies (CERES).

Corporate Ethics and Governance: What is Corporate Governance, Constituents of Corporate

Governance, The Corporate Governance Debate, Theories and Responsibilities of Corporate
Governance, Global Growth of Corporate Governance, History of Corporate Governance in
India, The Current State of Corporate Governance in India, Board Composition in India,
Corporate Governance: Need to Strengthen: How to Improve Corporate Governance, Benefits
of Corporate Governance, Efforts to Improve Corporate Governance, Corporate Governance
and CSR.

5. Information Systems for Managers

Introduction to Information System: Need of Information in Managing Business; Evolution of

Information Systems; Information and Control Systems; Classification of Information Systems;
Business Process Design; Managing Information Systems

Components of Information Technology: Computer Systems Hardware; Software Concepts;

Concepts; Database Concepts

Types of Information Systems: Introduction to Information Systems; Operations Support Systems;

Management Support Systems; Other Types of Information Systems

Role of Information Systems in Managing Business: Functional Information Systems; Integrated

Systems ERP; Electronic Data Interchange; Data Warehousing, Data Mining and Business Intelligence;

Building and Deploying an Information System: Information System Architecture; Software

Lifecycle; Software Development Models; Requirement Analysis & Design Considerations;
Software Testing; Deploying an Information System

Managing Information Systems: Infrastructure Management; Maintenance of Information Systems;

Management of Changing Requirements; Incidence Handling; Disaster Recovery and Business
Continuity Planning

6. Business Communication

Communication in workplace: Role of communication in business, Why business needs to

communicate, Importance of communication skill for you, Forms of communication, Formation and
sending of response, 7 C’s of good communication skills, Barriers to communication, Communication
skills – verbal and Non-verbal, Organizational communication – internal and external including PR

Fundamentals of business writing: Adaptation and selection of words, Use of familiar words,
Adapting to multiple readers
Indirectness in persuasion and sales messages: Determining the persuasion, Gaining attention in
the opening, Making the request clear and positive

Public speaking and oral reporting: Making formal speeches, Defining oral report, Differences
between oral and written reports, Planning the oral report, Telephone communication

Technology-enabled communication: Using technology in communication tasks, E mails, Tools for

constructing messages, Computer tools for gathering and collecting information

Personal etiquettes and grooming for corporate: Eye contact, Body language, Handshake, Business
card etiquette, Work habits – punctuality, prioritizes your work, stay positive, Bring solution, etc.

Aspects of communication: Cultural aspects of communication – intercultural and multicultural,

Ethical and Legal aspects


7. Marketing Management

Introduction to Marketing: Definition of Marketing and Market, Marketing Concepts, A Historical

Perspective, Comparison of Marketing Orientation with other Orientations.
Understanding the Marketing Process: Marketing Mix: Differentiation among Few Concepts,
Marketing as an Exchange Process, Marketing Management Process, Marketing Mix, Extended Mix
for Services, Developing Marketing Orientation.

Marketing Concepts, Customer Value and Satisfaction: Customer Value – Classification,

Characteristics, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Delight, Monitoring and Measuring Customer
Satisfaction, Delivering Customer Value, Value Chain.

Marketing Environment: Impact on the Strategic Planning Process: Competitive Environment –

External, Environmental Scanning.

Understanding Consumer Behavior: Consumer Behavior, Different Types of Buying Motives,

Different Buying Roles, Developing 7 O’s Framework for Understanding Consumer Behavior,
Classification of Buying Behavior, Consumer’s Decision Process, Factors Influencing Consumer
Behavior, Business Market versus Consumer Markets.

Understanding Industrial Buyer Behavior: Nature of Organizational Buyer Behavior, Analyzing

Industry and Competition, Competitive Advantage and Core Competence, Organizational
Consumers, Buying Situations, Roles and Responsibility of Buying Centers, Various Functional
Departments in the Purchase Process, Organizational Buyer’s Buying Motives, Organisational Buying
Situations, Organisational Buyer’s Decision Process, Influences on Buying Decisions.

Marketing Strategy: Planning – Designing the Blueprint for the Future, Characteristics of a Good
Marketing Plan, Importance of Marketing Planning, Strategic Corporate Planning by Top
Management, Vision by Top Management, Assigning Resources to each Strategic Business Unit,
Applications of Portfolio Models, Strategic Planning at Business Unit Level, Designing an Overall
Marketing Plan.

Market Segmentation and Targeting: Non-segmented Markets, Market Segmentation,

Segmentation Basis, Market Entry Strategies, Target Markets – Selecting Target Markets, Target
Marketing Strategies, Positioning.

Demand Measurement and Sales Forecasting: Measures of Market, Demand Estimation and
Measurement, Demand Forecasting, Characteristics of a Good Demand Forecasting Method, Steps in
Demand Forecasting, Techniques of Demand Forecasting, Demand Forecasting of New Products.

Product and Product Life Cycle: Layers of the Product, Classification of Products, Product Mix
Decisions, Organisational Goals and Product Mix, Managing Product Lines, Managing Brands – Types
of Brands, Branding Decisions, Elements of Branding, Brand Equity, Brand Valuation, Brand Building
Process, Product Life Cycle (PLC).
New Product Decisions: New Product Options, Role of New Product Development Process in an
Organization, New Product Development Process, Reasons for Adding a New Product, Improve, Buy
or Drop Decisions for a Product, Consumer Adoption Process.
Distribution Channels and Logistics: Distribution/Marketing Channels, Role of Distribution Channels,
Value Networks, Channel Design Decisions, Channel Management Decisions: A System of
Cooperation and Competition, Channel Integration and Systems, Logistics.
Pricing Decisions: Deciding Pricing Strategy, Objectives of Pricing, Factors Influencing Pricing
Decisions – Cost Factors, Demand Factors, Methods of Pricing, Price Sensitivity and Consumption.

Marketing Communication: Advertising And Promotion: Developing and Managing Integrated

Marketing Communication, Communication Process, Models of Communication, Advertising – Types,
Major Players in Advertising, Advertising Management Process, Sales Promotion, Public Relations,
Publicity, Personal Selling, Direct Marketing, Digital Marketing, Word-of-mouth Communication.

8. Financial Accounting & Analysis

Introduction to Financial Accounting: Nature and Scope of Financial Accounting, Difference

Financial and Management Accounting ,Basic Accounting Concepts ,Advantages and Limitations
of Financial Accounting

Accounting Process: Accounting Process, Journal, Ledger, Meaning of Subsidiary Books, Bills of
Trial Balance to Final Accounts: Preparing a Trial Balance ,Rectifying Errors, Final Accounts

Accounting Standards I: Accounting , Constitution of Accounting Standards Board in India,

of Issuing Accounting Standards, Compliance with Accounting Standards

Accounting Standards II: Implementation of Accounting Standards, Financial Statements

Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP): Generally accepted Accounting Principles,

International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) , Indian Accounting Standards (AS), Difference
between IGAAP& IFRS in following areas ( with Examples)

Corporate Accounts: Revised Schedule VI of the Companies Act, 1956 ( W.e.f 1-4-2011)

Cash Flow Statement: Cash Flow Statement , Cash Flow Statements ( AS-3)

Financial Statement Analysis I: Financial Statements, Profit and Loss Account, Balance Sheet

Financial Statement Analysis II: Ratio Analysis, Types of Ratio, The DuPont Equation

Financial Statement Analysis III: Common Size Analysis, Trend Analysis, Percentage Change
Analysis, Management’s Analysis and Discussion: Thinking beyond Numbers

9. Essentials of HRM

Introduction to Human Resource Management: Human Resource Management (HRM)- Meaning

and Definition, Evolution, Objectives and Scope of HRM ,Structure of the HRM Department,
of HRM, Challenges of HRM, Personnel Management, Differences between HRM & PM, Strategic
Management and HRM

Human Resource Planning: Human Resource Planning- Need, Objectives, Process of Human
Planning, Techniques of HR Demand Forecasting- Qualitative Methods, Quantitative Methods,
Factors affecting HR Demand Forecasting, Benefits & Challenges of Human Resource Planning

Job Analysis and Job Design: Job Analysis: Definition, Scope ,Process of Job Analysis, Information
Collection for Job Analysis, Methods, Limitations and Effectiveness of Job Analysis, Job Description
- Need , Objectives , Features, Job Specification – Need, Objectives ,Features, Job Design- Nature ,
Process, Effectiveness of Job Design, Contemporary issues in Job Design, Job enrichment, Job
Job rotation

Recruitment and Selection: Recruitment- Meaning & Definition, Purposes & Importance ,Factors
governing recruitment, Sources, Methods of Recruitment, Selection, Differences between
and Selection, Process of Selection, Merits and Demerits of the Interview Method, Steps for effective
interviewing, Selection in India, Selection from a Global perspective, Outsourcing, Outsourcing
HR in India

Induction and Orientation: Induction- Need, Process, Merits and Demerits of Induction, Orientation-
Purpose, Types, Process of Orientation Program Development, Effectiveness of Orientation
Program, Problems of Orientation

Competency Mapping and Assessment Centre: Competency Mapping, Developing Competency

Models, Uses of Competency Models, Future Trends in Competency Modelling, Assessment Centres,
History of Assessment Centres, Measurement Tools, Difference between Assessment Centre and

Training and Development: Concept of Training, Training and Education, Need & Importance of
Training in Organizations, Stakeholders in Training, Process of Training, Needs assessment,
training issues, How to make training effective ,Types of Training, Cross-cultural training,
Team training, Orientation training, Training and Learning organizations, Concept of Development,
Need of Development in Organizations, Difference between training and development, Coaching and
Mentoring, Difference between coaching and mentoring, Process of Coaching and Mentoring,
Implementation of Coaching and Mentoring in a firm

Human Resource Development: HRD- Meaning, Need, Objectives, Scope, Functions, Process of
HRD, Types of HRD Systems, Effectiveness of HRD

Career Planning and Succession Planning: Career Planning, What is career?, Career stages, Career
choices and preferences, Career Anchors, Career Planning- Objectives, Process, Merits and
Demerits , Succession Planning- Objectives, Process, Merits and Demerits

Performance Management: Performance Management- Nature, Significance , Performance

Management Systems in India, Performance Appraisal- Goals, Process, Methods of Performance
Appraisal-Past Oriented & Future Oriented methods, 360 degree Feedback, Multi-rater Assessment,
Feedback systems or the performance appraisal meeting, Benefits of Performance Appraisal,
of Performance Appraisal, International performance appraisal, Potential Appraisal- Purpose,

Compensation and Rewards: Compensation- Need, Uses, Components of compensation, Industry

compensation, Executive compensation, Compensation administration, International compensation,
Fringe Benefits and Fringe Benefit Tax (FBT), Reward Management- Need for Rewards, Goals of
Reward Management, Intrinsic vs. extrinsic rewards, Reward Systems- Types, Effectiveness of

HR Audit and Accounting: HR Audit- Need, Objectives, Role, Significance ,Process of HR Audit,
Benefits and Limitations of HR Audit, HR Accounting- Need, Objectives, Scope , Methods of HR
Accounting, Benefits and Limitations of HR Accounting, HR Information Systems (HRIS)- Need,
Objectives, Scope, Components , Types of HRIS, Application of HRIS in HR Management, Benefits
and Limitations of HRIS

10. Strategic Management

Introduction to Strategic Management: Definition of Strategic Management, Nature of Strategic

Management, Dimensions of Strategic Management, Need for Strategic Management, Strategic
Management – Process, Vision, Mission and Business Definition

Models of Strategic Management: Mintzberg, Ansoff, Porter, Prahalad and Gary Hammel,
McKinsey’s 7’S Framework: A Tool to Evaluate and Control an Organisation

Strategic Management in Global Environment: Need for Globalization, Different Types of

International Companies, Development of a Global Corporation, Complexity of Global Environment,
International Culture, Implementing Global Strategies

Competitive Analysis: Competitor Analysis Framework, Rivalry Analysis, Competitive Dynamics,

Competitive Rivalry

Industry Analysis: Formulation of Strategy, Five Competitive Forces that Shape Strategy, PESTLE
Analysis, Competition and Value, Industry Structure, Technology Lifecycle, Industry Analysis in
Practice, Defining the Relevant Industry

Strategic Management Process: Purposes of Strategic Management Process, Steps involved in the
Strategic Management Process, Strategic Management Process, Strategy Formulation, Constraints
and Strategic Choice, Strategy Implementation, Strategic Control and Assessment

Formulating Corporate-Level Strategy: Balanced Score Card: A Balanced Approach, Grand

Strategies: Strategic Alternatives, Growth/Expansion Strategy, Diversification Strategy, Stability
Strategy, Retrenchment Strategy, Turnaround Strategies, Combination Strategies

Formulating Business Level Strategy: Porter’s Competitive Strategies, Competitive Advantage,

Competitive Advantage Factors, How to Build or Acquire Competitive Advantage? Acquiring Core
Competence, Low Cost Strategies, Differentiation Strategies, Focus Strategies

Analyzing Resources and Capabilities: Factors affecting the Internal Environment, Resources and
Capabilities as Sources of Profit, Resources of the Firm, Organizational Capabilities, Appraising
Resources and Capabilities, Putting Resource and Capability Analysis to Work, Developing Resources
and Capabilities
Formulating Functional Level Strategy: Putting Strategy into Action, Structural Design, Information
and Control System, Human Resources

Corporate Goals and Strategic Gap: Corporate Goals, Strategic Gap, Porter’s Generic Strategies

Managing Internal Organization for Strategy Implementation: Issues in Strategy Implementation,

Strategy–Structure Relationship, Divisionalisation: Product and Geographic Forms, Diversification,
Strategic Business Units (SBUs), Project Organisation, Matrix Organisation Structure, New Design
Options, Factors Influencing Organisation Structure, Structure and Strategy Implementation

11. Business Statistics

Introduction to Business Statistics: Development of Statistics, Definitions of Statistics, Importance of

Statistics, Classification of Statistics, Role of Statistics, Functions of Statistics, Limitations of Statistics

Descriptive Statistics: Collection, Processing and Presentation of Data: Descriptive and Inferential
Statistics, Collection of Data, Editing and Classification of Data, Classification of Data, Tabulation of
Data, Diagrammatic and Graphical Representation of data

Measures of Central Tendency: Characteristics of Central Tendency, Arithmetic Mean, Median,


Measures of Dispersion: Characteristics of Measures of Dispersion, Absolute and Relative Measures

of Dispersion, Range Interquartile Range and Deviations, Variance and Standard Deviation, Case
Study Problem covering Variance, Standard Deviation and Coefficient of Variation

Skewness and Kurtosis: Karl Pearson’s Coefficient of Skewness (SKp), Bowley’s Coefficient of
Skewness (SKB), Kelly’s Coefficient of Skewness (Skk), Measures of Kurtosis, Moments

Correlation Analysis: Types of Correlation, Methods of Calculating Correlation, Scatter Diagram

Method, Co-variance Method – The Karl Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient, Rank Correlation Method,
Correlation Coefficient using Concurrent Deviation

Regression Analysis: Regression Analysis, Simple Linear Regression, Coefficient of Regression, Non-
linear Regression Models, Correlation Analysis vs Regression Analysis, Case Study Problem based on
Regression Analysis and Correlation Analysis
Theory of Probability: Important Terms in Probability, Kinds of Probability, Simple Propositions of
Probability, Addition Theorem of Probability, Multiplication Theorem of Probability, Conditional
Probability, Law of Total Probability, Independence of Events, Combinatorial Concepts

Probability Distribution: Random Variable, Probability Distributions of Standard Random Variables,

Bernoulli Distribution, Binomial Distribution, Poisson Distribution, Normal Distribution

Use of Excel Software for Statistical Analysis: Introduction to Excel, Entering Data in Excel,
Descriptive Statistics, Basic Built-in Functions (Average, Mean, Mode, Count, Max and Min),
Statistical Analysis, Normal Distribution, Brief about SPSS

12. Business Law

The Indian Contract Act-Part I: Indian Contract Act 1872: Meaning and Evolution, Standard
Forms of Contract, Privity of Contract, Consent and Free Consent, Consideration

The Indian Contract Act-Part II: Capacity to Contract, Quasi Contracts, Performance of Contract,
Discharge by Contract, Breach of Contract, Indemnity and Guarantee, Bailment, Pledge and
Finder of Goods

The Indian Sale of Goods Act, 1930: Definition and Essentials of a Contract of Sale

Partnership Act, 1932: Introduction to Partnership, Legality of the partnership firm, Overview of
the Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008.

Consumer Protection Act, 1986: Objective and Scope of the Consumer Protection Act 1986, Rights
of the Consumer, Consumer Protection Councils

Competition Commission Act, 2002-Part I: Definitions, Anti-Competitive Agreements, Prohibition

of Abuse of Dominant Position, Competition Commission of India (CCI)

Competition Commission Act, 2002-Part II: Rectification of Orders, Other Important Provisions,
MRTP and Restrictive Trade Practices

Right to Information Act, 2005: Salient Features of the Right to Information Act, 2005, Objective,
Public Authorities & their obligations, Designation of Public Information Authority, Public
Information Officers and their Duties, Procedure for Requests for Obtaining Information, Exemption
from Disclosure, Central and State Information Commission, Appellate Authorities

Arbitration, Mediation and Negotiation (Settlement of Disputes): Alternate Dispute Resolution,

Conciliation, Mediation, Negotiation, Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996

Miscellaneous Laws: Workmen Compensation Act, 1923, Payment of Bonus Act, 1965, Employees
Provident Funds Act, 1952, Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972, Minimum wages Act, 1948, Companies
Act, 2013 , Information Technology Act, 2000
Semester 3:


Enterprise Resource Planning

Unit 1: Introduction to Enterprise Resource Planning

Introduction to Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Reasons for Growth of ERP, Scenario and
Justification of ERP in India, Evolution of ERP, What is ERP?, Evaluation of ERP, Various Modules of
ERP, Advantages of ERP, ERP vs. CRM and SCM

Unit 2: An Overview of Enterprise

Organization or Enterprise, Integrated Management Information, Business Modeling, ERP for Small
Business, Indian Industries with International Brands, Manufacturing Strategies, ERP for Make to
Order, Business Process Mapping for ERP Module Design, Hardware Environment and its Selection
for ERP Implementation

Unit 3: ERP and Related Technologies

Business Process Re-engineering, Characteristics of BPR, Business Process Redesign: An Overview:

What is a Business Process?, ERP and BPR, Decision-making, Categories of Information Systems,
Scope of Information Systems, Data Warehousing, Data Mining, Online Analytical Processing

Unit 4: ERP Modules

Modules of ERP, ERP Production Planning Module, ERP Purchasing Module, ERP Inventory Control
Module, Warehouse Management, ERP Sales and Distribution Module, ERP Financial Module, HR
Module, CAQ and CIQ, Plant Maintenance

Unit 5: ERP Market

SAP AG, Baan Company, Oracle Corporation, SSA Inc., QAD, Selection of ERP Packages and Modules

Unit 6: ERP Implementation

ERP – An Overview, Role of Consultants, Vendors and Users, ERP: Post Implementation Options, ERP
Implementation Methodology

Unit 7: Vendors, Consultants and End Users

Vendors, Consultants, End Users, In-house Implementation

Unit 8: Future Direction in ERP

New Market, New Channels, Future Directions in ERP, Faster Implementation Methodologies,
Business Models And Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs), Convergence of
Windows NT, Application Platforms, New Business Segments, More Features, Web Enabling

Unit 9: ERP-II
Exploring ERP-II, What are the Added Features In ERP II?, What the Future Holds for ERP?, An
Introduction into Open Source ERP Technologies, What are the Facilities Offered by Web Enabled
ERP Services?, Benefits of ERP Logistics Package.

e-B usiness

Unit 1: Introduction to e-Business

What is E-Business, e-Business v/s e-Commerce, characteristics of e-Business, Elements of an e-
Business solution, e-Business roles and their challenges, e-Business requirements, Impacts of e-

Unit 2: Business Strategies for electronic commerce

E-Business revenue models, selling to online consumers, selling to businesses online , virtual

Unit 3: Electronic Payments and Security

Electronic Payment Systems: Overview of the Electronic payment Technology, Requirements for
Internet Based payments , Electronic payment Medias - Electronic commerce and banking , E-
security: Security in the cyberspace - Designing for security - Virus - Security Protection and Recovery
- Encryption - The Basic Algorithm System - Authentication and Trust - Key management - Internet
Security Protocols and Standards - Other Encryption issues.

Unit 4: Online marketing and Supply chain Management

Introduction to Online marketing: What do online ad’s look like ?, Banners, Skyscrapers, Leader
Boards, Pop Ups, Pop Under’s, Email marketing, QR codes, Augmented reality. Social Media
marketing :Google Adwords, Google AdMob, Google Analytics, ROI calculation, Campaign
Optimization, How do Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn make money?
Business-to-Business Electronic Commerce, Intranets and Extranets, Intranets
and Supply Chain Management, Types of procurement, Multi-tier supply chains, Legal and Ethical

Unit 5: Online services

Internet Marketing and e-Tailing, e-Tourism, Employment and Job Market Online, Online Real Estate,
eBanking, On-Demand Delivery Systems and E-Grocers, Online Delivery of Digital Products,
Entertainment, and Media; e-Learning and Online Education: benefits and drawbacks of e-Learning,
technologies used in e-Learning; e-selling Process, e-buying Planning, e-Procurement.

Unit 6: Introduction to M-commerce

Introduction to M–Commerce, Types of Mobile Commerce Services, Mobile Marketing &
Advertisement, Non–Internet Applications In M– Commerce, m-commerce life cycle, M-commerce
business models, The m-commerce value chain

IT Project Management

Unit 1: An overview of IT Project Management

What is a Project, examples of IT projects, what is Project management, traditional project
management, context of IT project management, nature of IT projects, need of project
management, project goals, project life cycle and IT development, project manager, role of a project

Unit 2: Conceptualizing and Initializing the IT Project

Project feasibility, request for proposal (RFP), the-Business case, project selection and approval,
project contracting, IT governance and the project office.
Unit 3: The Human Side of Project Management
Introduction, organization and project planning, the project team, the project environment,
Managing Change, Resistance and Conflicts

Unit 4: Developing the Project Charter and Project Plan

Introduction, project management process, project integration management, the project charter,
project planning framework, the contents of a project plan, the planning process, The Work
Breakdown Structure (WBS), the linear responsibility chart, multidisciplinary teams.

Unit 5: Planning the Scope, Budget, Schedule and Risk

Introduction, scope planning, project scope definition, project scope verification, scope change
control. Developing the project schedule, project management software tools, methods of
budgeting, developing the project budget, improving cost estimates, finalizing the project schedule
and budget, IT project risk management planning process, identifying IT project risks, risk analysis
and assessment, risk strategies, risk monitoring, and control, risk responses and evaluation.

Unit 6: Allocating Resources to the Project

Resource loading, resource leveling, allocating scarce resources to projects and several projects,
Goldrattís critical chain, monitoring and controlling the project, the project communications plan,
project metric, project control, designing the control system, the plan-monitor-control cycle, data
collection and reporting, reporting performance and progress, information distribution.

Unit 7: Managing Project Quality

Introduction, Quality philosophy, Process capability and Maturity, Project Quality measurement plan

Unit 8: Outsourcing of projects and Project Closure

Introduction, project implementation, administrative closure, project evaluation, project audit.

Emerging Technologies: IoT, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality

Unit 1: Introduction to IoT: What Is IoT? Characteristics of IoT Data (Streaming, high-volume, semi-
structured) , Models for IoT, Technology Roadmap, Benefits of IoT, Impact of IOT on the business
Unit 2: Trends and Characteristics: Intelligence, Architecture (Network architecture), Complexity,
Size considerations, Space considerations

Unit 3: IoT Applications in Industries: Building and home automation, Retail, Media, Supply Chain,
Environmental monitoring, Infrastructure management, Manufacturing, Pharmaceuticals and
Healthcare, Transportation,
Unit 4: IoT Challenges: Security & privacy concerns, enterprise security, fragmentation of Standards,
Processing Big Data, Scalability, Compatibility between different smart sensors

Unit 5: IoT for Smart Cities: What is “smart” in smart cities? Smart components – (sensors,
microprocessors, data storage, controls, software, and, typically, an embedded operating system
and enhanced user interface), Terminology related to smart cities, Technology framework, Smart
Communities and Energy management

Unit 6: IoT and Consumer Wearables: Wearable technology, quantified self, connected health,
and smart retail.
Unit 7: Augmented Reality: Introduction to AR, HW and SW Technology requirements for AR,
Business Models, AR Applications (Archaeology, Architecture, Commerce, Education, Medical,
Military, Navigation, Industrial design, Tourism, Retail, Video Games), Privacy Concerns
Unit 8: Virtual Reality: Introduction to VR, Evolution of VR, VR Applications (Education and training
, Fine Arts, Engineering, Therapy, theme Parks, retail, marketing, Fitness, Media etc.), Companies
working in the virtual reality sector, challenges faced with VR.

IT Infrastructure Management

Unit 1: Infrastructure Management Overview

Definitions, Evolutions of Systems - Mainframes-to-Midrange-to-PCs-to-Client-server computing-to-
New age systems - growth of internet, ARPA – DARPA – Management - concept of Infrastructure
management – Roles and responsibilities - current business demands - IT systems Management
Model- Fault Management- Configuration Management- Accounting Management- Performance
Management- Security Management - IT systems issues – system complexity.

Unit 2: Preparing for Infrastructure Management

IT infrastructure - Design Factors -Determine customer Requirements – elucidation - documentation
- Identifying System Components- Existing Process documentation, Data, applications, Tools-
integration, - standby stores - operations management - IT systems management patterns -design
process of information systems – Information system Models.

Unit 3: Server Farms

What are Server farms? Applications of Server Farms, Performance, Compile farm

Unit 4: Service management processes

ITIL-Service-level management, financial management and costing, IT services continuity
management, Capacity management, Availability management - Configuration Management -
Service desk - Incident management - Problem management - Change management - Release
management – Service level agreement - Infrastructure management – Roles – response times–
Escalation charts – Dash boards.

Unit 5: Asset management:

Asset – Asset classes - Organizational asset – IT asset – Physical asset – Information asset – Use of
assets in business - Asset capture methods – Concepts of stock registers. Asset continuity planning –
GAP analysis – Equivalent unit cost – Repair replace decisions – MTTR – MTBF – Impact of
downtimes - Over view of Risk,–Risk assessment methodology – Risk identification, - Risk Evaluation,
- Risk categorization - Risk registers - RISK Matrix

Unit 6: Virtualization & cloud

Virtualization concepts - Server virtualization - Server Virtualization Implementations - Managing
Virtual Server Environments- physical partitioning – logical partitioning – host machines – virtual
machines – guest operating systems - platforms – Hypervisor –ESX platform –VM kernel – COS –
VMFS- ESX architecture -Cloud Basics -Service-Oriented Architectures -Cloud Architecture -Amazon
Web Services -Google Cloud Services -Windows Azure -Open Source Cloud Stack

Unit 7: Green Computing

Introduction, Regulations and initiatives in Green computing, Approaches to Green Computing ,
Energy Efficient Networking and Communication, Greening Data Centres and Servers

Cloud Computing
Unit 1: Introduction to Cloud Computing: Introduction; Cloud Service Models; Cloud Deployment
Models; Exploring the uses of cloud; Cloud computing Features; Cloud Characteristics (On-demand
usage , Ubiquitous Access, Resource pooling, Elasticity, Measured usage, Resiliency) ; Common use
cases of cloud Computing

Unit 2: Cloud Service Models: Infrastructure as a service (IaaS); Platform as a service (PaaS);
Software as a service (SaaS), Everything as a Service (XaaS)

Unit 3: Cloud Deployment Models: Public, Private, Hybrid, Community

Unit 4: Technology platforms for Cloud Computing: AWS, Azure, Google App Engine, Blue Cloud,
Force.com etc.

Unit 5: Challenges of Cloud Adoption: Performance; Reliability; Security and Privacy; Bandwidth

Unit 6: Virtualization: Introduction & benefit of Virtualization; Implementation Levels of

Virtualization; VMM Design Requirements and Providers; Virtualization at OS level; Middleware
support for Virtualization

Unit 7: Cloud Computing Key Business Drivers: Cloud computing and out-sourcing; Scalability: Types
of Scalability; time to Market Benefits; Distribution over Internet

Unit 8: Fundamental Cloud Architectures: Workload Distribution Architecture; Resource Pooling

Architecture; Dynamic Scalability Architecture; Elastic Resource Capacity Architecture; Service Load
Balancing Architecture; Cloud Bursting Architecture; Elastic Disk Provisioning Architecture;
Redundant Storage Architecture

Unit 9: Securing the Cloud: Basic Terms and Concepts, Confidentiality, Integrity, Authenticity,
Availability, Threat, Vulnerability, Risk, Security Controls, Security Mechanisms, Security Policies,
Threat Agents , Anonymous Attacker, Malicious Service Agent, Trusted Attacker , Malicious Insider
,Cloud Security: Threats , Traffic Eavesdropping, Malicious Intermediary, Denial of Service,
Insufficient Authorization, Virtualization Attack, Overlapping Trust Boundaries

Unit 10: Mobile Cloud Introduction: Definition; Architecture; Benefits; challenges; Computing in
mobile and at cloud shield
Semester 4

Fundamentals of Big Data & Business Analytics

Unit 1: Business Transformation with Big Data: What is Big Data; Structured v/s Unstructured data
Big Data Skills and Sources of Big Data; Big Data Adoption; Characteristics of Big Data - The Seven V's;
Understanding Big Data with Examples; Key aspects of a Big Data Platform; Governance for Big Data;
Text Analytics and Streams; Business applications of Big Data; Technology infrastructure required to
store, handle, and manage Big Data

Unit 2: Technologies for handling Big Data: Distributed and Parallel Computing for Big Data,
Introduction to Big Data Technologies (Hadoop, Python, R etc.) Cloud Computing and Big Data,
In‐Memory Technology for Big Data; Big Data Techniques (Massive Parallelism; Data Distribution;
High-Performance Computing; Task and Thread Management; Data Mining and Analytics; Data
Retrieval; Machine Learning; Data Visualization)

Unit 3: Introduction to Business Analytics: What is Business Analytics (BA)? ; Types of BA; Business
Analytics Model; Importance of business analytics now; what is Business Intelligence (BI)? Relation
between BI and BA; Emerging Trends in BI and BA

Unit 4: Resource considerations to support Business Analytics: What is Data, Information and
Knowledge; Business Analytics Personnel and their roles, required competencies for an analyst;
Business Analytics Data; Ensuring Data Quality; Technology for Business Analytics; Managing Change

Unit 5 : Descriptive Analytics: What is descriptive Analytics; Visualizing and Exploring Data;
Descriptive Statistics; Sampling and Estimation; Introduction to Probability Distributions

Unit 6: Predictive Analytics: What is predictive Analytics; Introduction to Predictive Modeling: Logic
driven and data driven models; Data Mining; Data Mining Methodologies

Unit 7: Prescriptive Analytics: What is Prescriptive Analytics; Introduction to Prescriptive Modeling;

Nonlinear optimization

Unit 8 : Social Media Analytics, Mobile Analytics, and Visualization:

Social media analytics: What Is Social Media? Social Analytics, Metrics, and Measurement; Key
Elements of Social Media Analytics
Mobile analytics: Introducing Mobile Analytics; Mobile Analytics Tools; Performing Mobile Analytics
Big Data visualization techniques: What Is Visualization?, Importance of Big Data Visualization, Big
Data Visualization Tools

Unit 9: Business Analytics in Practice: Financial and Fraud Analytics, HR analytics, Marketing
Analytics, Healthcare Analytics, Supply Chain Analytics, Web Analytics, Sports Analytics and Analytics
for Government and NGO’s
IT security and risk management
Unit 1 : Introduction to Information Security: Definition - Secrecy and Confidentiality - Accuracy,
Integrity and Authenticity - Security Threats - Vulnerabilities, Threats and Countermeasures - Firewall
- Planning and Administration -Log analysis basic - Logging states - When to look at the logs - Security
information Management.

Unit 2: Ethical Hacking of Computer network, system and application - Malicious Code, Mobile Code
& Denial Of Service attack - Information Security Assessment Process - Network Stalking and
Fingerprinting - Cracking the Shadow and Administrator - Privilege Escalation - Wireless Security and
Review - RFID Hacking and Security Review - Spyware and Phishing

Unit 3 :Security Policy and Awareness - Security policy guidelines - Security awareness - People,
Process and Technology - Physical Threats to the Information System - Information Infrastructure -
Operating system fundamentals and security

Unit 4 : Access Control Systems and Methodology: Access Control Overview - Identification and
Authentication Techniques - Access Control Techniques - Access Control Methodologies and
Implementation - Access Control Administration - Access Control Working Process Attacks and
Monitoring: Monitoring - Intrusion Detection - Penetration Testing - Methods of Attacks - Access
Control Compensations - Security Testing Working Process.

Unit 5: Auditing and Monitoring: Auditing - Monitoring - Monitoring Tools and Techniques -
Penetration Testing Techniques - Inappropriate Activities - Indistinct Threats and Countermeasures –
IT Act - THE CYBER REGULATIONS APPELLATE. ISO 27000 – Impact of ISO 27000 on Information
Security Management Systems.

Managing Business Process Outsourcing

Unit 1 : Introduction to Business Process Outsourcing

Introduction, what is BPO? BPO categories, Reasons for Outsourcing of Business Processes, Business
Process Outsourcing v/s Information Technology Outsourcing, Drivers of BPO, Taxonomy of BPO
services, BPO for strategic advantage

Unit 2 Business Process Outsourcing Management

What is business process management, managing business process outsourcing, a lifecycle
methodology for BPO, outsourcing management structure?

Unit 3: Management Issues in Business Process outsourcing

BPO as a global capability sourcing, Process centric organizations, Business Process portfolio
management, outsourcing management of a process portfolio, a conceptual model of BPO strategic
partnering , implications of the BPO strategic partnering model , Human resource challenges for the
clients and the service providers
Unit 4: Relationship Management and Managing Risk
Relationship in Business Process Outsourcing, Relationship Management in outsourcing, managing
BPO relationships, Value creation in relationships, from relationships to partnerships, Maturity
model for BPO Relationships, Managing risks in outsourcing, risks in Business Process outsourcing
and their mitigation strategies

Unit 5: Business Process Outsourcing for Strategic Advantage

Strategic Business Process Outsourcing, Characteristics of strategic outsourcing, strategic advantage
through strategic outsourcing, analyzing strategic outsourcing options, strategic partnering as the
service provider’s outsourcing strategy, framework for strategic partnering

Digital Payments

Unit 1: Introduction to Digital Payments

• Digital Payments Terminology, Regulatory and Market

Environment, Digital Payment Types, Digital Payment Processing (parties involved,
methods, initiation channels, processing speed, payment region, payment value, payment
volume, etc.)

Unit 2: Digital Payment Services

• Payment Services (Credit/debit card payment service

and gateways providers e.g., Paypal, Stripe, Amazon; ACH payment service e.g., SecureNet,
ACH Works; Virtual Currencies e.g., Super Rewards, Virtapay), Industry Standards and
Interfaces, Understanding the Digital Landscape

Unit 3: Market Landscape

• Banks & Credit Unions, Store Cards Providers, Credit Card Associations, Payment Processors,
POS Terminal Providers, Merchant Providers, Closed Network Providers, Virtual currencies
Providers, e-Wallet Platform Providers

Unit 4: Contactless Payments (Near Field Communication (NFC))

• Introduction to NFC, NFC Applications, General Security Threats to NFC, Solutions and
Recommendations, General Description of the Security of NFC Applications, Functional

Unit 5: Digital Wallets

• Introduction to a digital wallet? Customer and retailer engagement with digital wallet,
Implementation challenges and realising the opportunities of digital wallets, digital wallet
Unit 6: Virtual Currencies and Crypoto-currencies

• Digital versus virtual currency, cryptocurrency: The nature of cryptocurrency, different

crypto currencies (bitcoin, litecoin, darkcoin, peercoin, dogecoin, primecoin, etc.),
• Benefits and risks : Freedom and Payments, merchant benefits, user control, facilitation of
criminal activity, economic risk, legal regulatory issues,

Unit 7: Bitcoins

• History of bitcoins, How bitcoin works, buying and storing bitcoins, mining to create new
bitcoins and process transactions, Security and cryptography, psedoanonimity

Unit 8: Block chains

• What are block chains? Features of block chains (decentralization, forks, openneness, and
applications), Block chain contracts, layers in the stack of bitcoin block chain.

Unit 9: Mobile and Cloud Based Payments

• Mobile payment service provider model, mpass (Mobile Payment Service Offered by
Wireless carriers), Cloud-based mobile payments
• M-pesa : What is M-pesa, M-pesa Development, How M-pesa works, Background
information of M-pesa, future challenges
• Google Wallet : overview, Payments, Security, partnerships

Unit 10: Future of Digital Payments

• Payment innovations, augmented payments, Use of biometrics for payments, etc.

Business: Ethics, Governance and Risk

Unit 1 : Concept of Business Ethics: Introduction to Ethics-Objectives, nature and source of Ethics,
Vs Morality, Ethics Vs Law, Ethical dilemmas, Introduction to Business Ethics, Features and Relevance
of Business Ethics in the era of globalisation, Creating Ethical Environment in Business Organisation,
Embedding Ethics in Organisation Culture, Guidelines for Ethical Behaviour in Business Organization,
Ethical Leadership

Unit 2: Values, Norms, Beliefs, and Standards in Business Ethics: Concept of Values, Norms, Beliefs
Standards in Ethical Context, Characteristics of Values, Types of Values-Spiritual values, Spiritual
Managerial Values and Professional Managerial Values, Business Ethics and Values: Honesty, Trust,
Fairness and Respect, Objective of Value Based Management, Factors Responsible for the
Enhancement and Dilution of Human Values

Unit 3: Indian Ethos: The Relevance of Indian Ethos-Spiritualty at Work, Indian Work Ethos and
of Indian Management: Principles of Ethical Power for organizations, Nishkam Karma and
Business World, Teachings from Scriptures and Traditions: Mahabharata, Gita and Work Ethos,
Eroding Values and Emerging Ethical Issues in Contemporary Indian Management

Unit 4 : Ethical Issues in Functional Area of Management: Ethical Issues in Marketing, Ethical Issues
HRM, Ethical Issues in IT, Ethics in Production and Operation Management, Ethics in Finance and

Unit 5: Introduction to Corporate Governance: Corporate Governance: Objectives and Goals of

Corporate Governance, Dimensions of Corporate Governance (Internal and External), History of
Corporate Governance: Origin and Development of Corporate Governance, Emerging Trends in
Corporate Governance, Corporate Governance Forms and Models, OECD Principles of Corporate
governance, Theories Underlying Corporate Governance: The Stakeholder’s Theory, The Stewardship
Theory and the Agency Theory, Corporate Governance as a Systemic Process (Transparency,
Accountability and Empowerment), Ethics and Corporate Governance, Corporate Social
Responsibility and Corporate Governance

Unit 6: Corporate Governance: Ownership Structure Ownership Concentration, Ownership

Composition: Shareholder Control and Protection, Board of Directors and their Fiduciary
Responsibilities, Executive Compensation, Minority Shareholder rights Transparency and Information
Disclosure, Ownership Pattern of Companies in India, Issues in Managing Public Limited Firms –
Problems, Separation of Positions of Chairman and CEO, Separation of Ownership and Management

Unit 7: Corporate Governance Mechanisms: Internal Corporate Governance: Board of Directors-

Functional Committees of Board Role of Board of Directors, Directors’ Remuneration, Code of
conduct, Whistle Blowing and Whistle Blowers, Non-executive Directors and their Roles, Audit
Committees and Role of Auditors, External Corporate Governance: Debt Covenants, Role of
Government, Role of SEBI and other Regulators, Promoters

Unit 8: Corporate Governance in India: The Statutory Perspective: Evolution of Corporate

Governance in India, The Legal Statutes and Committees - The Companies Act, 1956, The Companies
Act, 2013 (the
new Act), The SEBI guidelines, The Accounting Standards issued by the ICAI, The listing agreements
with the stock exchanges in which they are listed, The Kumaramangalam Birla Committee, The
Committee, The Corporate Governance and Ethics Committee(NASSCOM), Reports on Corporate
Governance: The CII Report, The RBI Report on International Financial Standards and Code
(March 2001), Reports of Naresh Chandra Committee I (2002) and II (2003), The Murthy Report

Unit 9: Enterprise Risk Management–Risk Assessment: Concept of Risk in Organisational Context,

What is Enterprise Risk Management? Drivers of Enterprise Risk Management, Assessment of Risk
Assessment of Internal and External Risk: External Business Ecosystem, Internal Environment

Unit 10: Identification and Management of Risk: Enterprise Risk Management with 360 Degree
Approach, Risk Registrar: Finance, Operational, Human Resource, Strategy, Information Technology
and Security Risk, Government Policy, Enterprise Risk Management Framework: Casualty Actuarial
Society Framework, COSO ERM Framework and RIMS Risk Maturity Model, Risk Management
Committees, Audit Committee in Risk Management, Council in Risk Management, Risk Champions
PG Diploma in Marketing Management

Semester-1 Subjects Credits

1 Management Theory & Practice 4

2 Organizational Behavior 4

3 Business Economics 4

4 Corporate Social Responsibility 4

5 Information System for Managers 4

6 Business Communication & Etiquettes 4

Semester-2 Subjects Credits

1 Marketing Management 4

2 Financial Accounting 4

3 Essentials of HRM 4

4 Strategic Management 4

5 Operations Management 4

6 Written and Oral Communication 4

Semester-3 Subjects Credits

1 Brand Management 4

2 Consumer Behavior 4

3 Marketing Strategy 4

4 Customer Relationship Management 4

5 Sales Management 4

6 International Marketing 4

Semester-4 Subjects Credits

1 B2B Marketing 4

2 Services Marketing 4

3 Integrated Marketing Communication 4

4 Marketing Research 4

5 Business Law 4

6 Project 4

Semester I

1. Management Theory & Practice


Evolution of Management
• Introduction, History of management
• Industrial Revolution
• Forces behind management thoughts
• Approaches of management- Classical approach, Modern approach
• Major contributors- Charles Babbage, Frederick W. Taylor’s theory of scientific management,
Henry Laurence Gantt, Henri Fayol’s administrative theory, Robert Owen, Max Weber’s theory
of bureaucracy, George E. Mayo
• Recent development in management
• Lean Production or JIT
• 5 S system
• Six Sigma
• Kaizen
Nature of Management
• Definition Nature and Purpose of Management
• Management as Science
• Management as an Art
• Functions of Management
• Role of Management in Society
• Social responsibility of the business
• Social responsibility towards different interest groups
• Management administration and cultural values
• Management as a profession
Corporate Culture
• Corporate culture
• Components of corporate culture
• Conflict between corporate culture and administration
• Corporate culture and communication
• Human resource development and organisational culture
Structure of an Organisation

• Organisational designs
• Six Box organisational model
• Matrix or Mixed model
• ETZIONI organisational theory
• Factors influencing organisational design
Business Communication
• The concept, Need and Significance of communication
• Types of business communication- Internal and External communication, Formal or Informal
communication, Verbal and non-verbal communication
• Tools of business communication
• Role of business communication in an organisation
• Benefits of business communication
• Limitations of business communication
Managerial decision making
• Concept & Process of managerial decision making
• Centralization & Decentralisation
• Types of managerial decisions
• Importance of managerial decision making
• Information technology and managerial decision making
• Meaning, Types, Styles of leadership
• Balance between leadership and management
• Role, Functions, Importance and leadership
• Leadership and team work competency
• Leadership and group decision making
• Meaning, Need of Motivation
• Theories of Motivation
• Traditional Theories
• Modern Theories
ERG Theory
McClelland's Theory of Needs
Equity Theory of Motivation
• Techniques for stimulating creativity

• Motivating Individuals
• Motivating Groups
Change Management
• Meaning, Objectives of change management
• Change management and organisational development
• Forces of change
• Resistance to change
• Managing resistance to change
• Role of leaders in Change Management
Management Information System
• Information technology and management
• Data and Information
• Expert System
• Decision support system
• Group Decision support system (GDSS)- Components, Model of GDSS
• Advantages of GDSS
• Disadvantages of GDSS

2. Organizational Behavior

Introduction to Organizational Behavior

• Defining Organization Behavior
• History of Organizational Behavior
• Scope of Organization Behavior
• Importance of Organization Behavior
• Features of Organizational Behavior
• Approaches to Organizational Behavior
• Classical Approach
• Neo-Classical Approach
• Modern Approach
• Opportunities and Challenges of Organizational Behavior
• Scientific aspects of Organizational Behavior
Understanding Individual Behavior

• Individual Behavior
• Biographical Attributes
• Ability
• Values
• Attitudes
• Job Satisfaction
• Definition of Personality
• Stages of Personality Development
• Freudian Stages
• Erikson Stages (Neo Freudian Stages)
• Adult Life Stages
• Determinants of Personality
• Theories of Personality
• Psychoanalytic Theory
• New Freudian Theories
• Trait Theories
• Social Learning Theory
• The Self Theory
• Significant Personality Traits affecting Organizational Behavior
• Definition of Perception
• Importance of Perception
• Perception Process
• Perceptual Selectivity
• Factors Influencing Perception
• Impression Management
• Perception of Self-Image and Behavior
• Managerial Implications of Perception
• Managing the Perception Process
• Significance of Learning
• Theories of Learning
• Classical Conditioning Theory
• Operant or Instrumental Conditioning Theory
• Cognitive Learning Theory

• Social Learning Theory
• Meaning of Reinforcement
• Learning through Reinforcement
• Organizational Reward System
• Administering Reinforcement
• Impact of Punishment
• Meaning of Motivation
• Characteristics of Motivation
• Different Motives of Motivation
• Primary Motives
• General Motives
• Secondary Motives
• Motivational Approaches
• Theories of Motivation
• Maslow’s Need Hierarch Theory
• Herzberg Two Factor Theory
• Achievement Motivation Theory
• Goal Setting Theory
• Vroom’s Expectancy Theory
• Porter’s Performance Satisfaction Theory
• Motivation in Practice
Leadership and People Skills
• Definition of Leadership
• Significance of Leadership
• Managers vs. Leaders
• Leadership Theories
• Behavioural Theories
• Trait Theories
• Contingency Theories
• Pitfalls of Leadership
• Emotional Intelligence
• Styles of Leadership & their Impact on Employees
Groups and Teams
• Group Dynamics
• Features of Groups

• Importance of Groups
• Types of Groups
• Formal Groups
• Informal Groups
• Understanding Group Processes
• Formation of Groups
• Theories of Group Formation
• Propinquity Theory
• Homan’s Theory
• Balance Theory
• Exchange Theory
• Concept of Teams
• Difference between Groups and Teams
• Problems in Teamwork
• Creating Effective Teams at workplace
Conflict Management
• Understanding Conflicts
• Sources of Conflict
• Positive and Negative Aspects of Conflicts
• Functional Conflicts
• Dysfunctional Conflicts
• Types of Conflict
• Inter-personal conflict
• Intergroup conflict
• Conflict Resolution and Management
• Encouraging Functional Conflict for Organizational Effectiveness
Power & Politics in Organizations
• Understanding Power
• Difference between Leadership & Power
• Sources of Power
• Identifying the Sources of Power in an Organization
• Power Tactics
• Power in Groups
• Politics within Organizations
• Factors Contributing to existence of Politics
• Role of Politics in Determining Organization Culture

• Importance of Personality Development for Encountering Politics

3. Business Economics

Introduction to Business Economics

• Meaning and Scope of Economics
• Significance
• Distinction between Economics and Business Economics
• Microeconomics and Macroeconomics
• Laws of Economics- Nature, Application, Assumptions
• Economic Statics and Dynamics
• Economics and Business Decision Making
• Social Accounting- Gross National Product-Concept and components
• Business cycles
• Inflation- Defnition, Characteristics and types
Demand Analysis
• Meaning and types of Demand
• Determinants of Demand- Factors Influencing Individual Demand, Factors Influencing Market
• Law of Demand- Demand Schedule, Demand Curve, Demand Function , Assumptions in Law of
Demand, Exception to Law of Demand
• Shift and Movement along Demand Curve
Supply Analysis
• Concept of Supply
• Determinants of Supply
• Law of Supply- Assumptions and Exceptions
• Expansion and Contraction of Supply
• Increase and Decrease in Supply
• Market Equilibrium: Demand and Supply Equilibrium- Determination of Market Price, Shifts in
Market Equilibrium
Consumer Demand Analysis
• Concept
• Utility as a Basis of Consumer Demand- Total Utility, Marginal Utility

• Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility
• Cardinal Utility Approach- Neo Classical Approach
• Ordinal Utility Approach –Indifference Curve Analysis
• Assumptions of Ordinal Utility
• Indifference Curve- Meaning, properties and Criticism
• Marginal Rate of Substitution
• Concept of Budget Line – Slope and Shifts in Budget Line
• Consumer Equilibrium Effects
• Revealed Preference Theory
Elasticity of Demand and Supply
• Price Elasticity of Demand
• Different Types of Price Elasticity- Elastic Demand, Inelastic Demand, Relatively Elastic Demand,
Relatively Inelastic Demand
• Measurement of Price Elasticity
• Factors Influencing Price Elasticity of Demand
• Significance
• Income Elasticity of Demand
• Cross Elasticity of Demand
• Advertisement Elasticity of Sale
• Elasticity of Supply
Demand Forecasting
• Concept and need of Demand Forecasting
• Factors
• Steps and Limitations
• Techniques - Survey methods, Statistical methods
• Criteria for Good Demand Forecasting
Production Theory
• Concept and factors of production
• Production Possibility Curve
• Production in the Short and Long Run
• Total Product, Average Product and Marginal Product
• Production Function
• Law of Diminishing Returns- Significance, Optimal Employment of Factor of Production
• Isoquant curves - Forms
• Marginal Rate of Technical Substitution
• Elasticity of Substitution between Factors

• Iso-cost Curves
• Producer’s Equilibrium- Equal Product, Expansion Path
• Returns to Scale- Increasing, Constant, Diminishing
• Different Types of Production Functions- Cobb-Douglas Production Function, Leontief
Production Function, CES Production Function

Cost and Revenue Analysis

• Concept of Cost
• Different Types of Costs- Opportunity costs, Accounting Costs, Economic costs, Business Costs,
Full Costs, Explicit Costs, Implicit Costs Fixed Costs, Variable Costs, Incremental Costs
• Short Run and Long Run Costs of Production
• Short Run and Long Run Average Cost and Long Run Total Cost
• Short Run and Long Run Marginal Costs
• Deriving Cost Schedule from Production Function
• Economies and Diseconomies of Scale
• Economies of Scope
• Concept of Revenue- Average Revenue, Marginal Revenue
• Relationship between Total Revenue and Marginal Revenue
• Relationship between Average Revenue and Marginal Revenue
Market Structure
• Defining Market
• Types of Market Structures- Pure Competition, Perfect Competition, Imperfect Competition,
Monopolistic Competition, Oligopoly, Monopoly
• Profit Maximization in the Short Run and Long Run
• Determinants and Measurement of Market Power
Market Failure
• Meaning of Market Failure
• Price Regulations
• Market Failure and Need for Regulation
• Regulations and Market Structure
• Price Regulation and Firm Behavior

4. Corporate Social Responsibility

CSR and Globalisation

• Globalization and Its Impact
• Sustainable Development
• Role of Business in Sustainable Development
• Millennium Development Goals and UN Post- 2015 Development Agenda
• India and MDGs
• Indian Companies Act 2013 and CSR
Corporate Stakeholders
• Business and Society
• Business Organizations as Systems
• From Shareholder Theory to Stakeholder Theory
• Stakeholder Engagement
• Dynamic Environment of Business
• History of CSR in India
• Emerging CSR Trends
• Theories of CSR
• The Pyramid of Corporate Social Responsibility
• Changing Trends: Philanthropy – Strategic Philanthropy – CSR
• Arguments against CSR
• The Business Case for CSR
• Importance of CSR for India Contemporary Drivers for CSR
CSR Strategy
• Steps in Designing CSR Strategy
• Implement CSR Commitments
• Areas of CSR Implementation
• CSR at Market Place
• CSR at Workplace
• Environmental CSR
• CSR with Communities

• CSR in Supply Chain
• Types of Interventions
• Strategic Partnerships with NGO
• Focus of Measurement
• Social Auditing
• What is Monitoring? Internal and External
Importance and Benefits of Reporting
• Formats of CSR Communication and Reporting
• The Reporting Team
• Role of Government
• Government Support at International Level
• Voluntary Codes in CSR
• Corporate ethics
• Ethics and Functional Areas of business
• What is Corporate Governance?
• Constituents of Corporate Governance
• The Corporate Governance Debate
• Theories of Corporate Governance
• Responsibilities of Corporate Governance
• Global Growth of Corporate Governance
• History of Corporate Governance in India
• The Current State of Corporate Governance in India
• Board Composition in India.
• Corporate Governance: Need to Strengthen
• Corporate Governance and CSR
• Corporate Disclosures & investor protection in India
• Current CSR Bill and its impact on the society

5. Information System for Managers

Introduction to Information System

• Meaning of Information ,Difference between Data and Information, Definition, Importance of
Information for Organizations
• Concept of System , Need
• Evolution of Information System , Functions , Framework,
• Information and Control Systems
• Computerized Information System
• Business Process Design , Modelling
• Business Process Re-engineering
• Management of Information Systems
Components of Information Technology
• Hardware Concepts, Software Concepts, Operating Systems, Programming Languages ,
Readymade Packages and their Operating Systems
Networking Concepts
• Meaning of Networking, Need for Networking , Advantages and Disadvantages of Networking,
• Hardware and Software for Networking, Concepts , Types
• Bluetooth as Wireless Technologies - RFID
• Network Models
• Applying Communication Networks – Intranet, Extranet, Internet
Database Management
• Meaning of Database ,Types
• Database Management , Objectives , Functions , Major Components , Database Models
Types of Information Systems
• Different Types of Information Systems
• Operations Support Systems , Transaction Processing Systems (TPS), Process Control System
(PCS), Enterprise Collaboration System (ECS)
• Management Support Systems , Management Information System (MIS), Decision Support
System (DSS), Executive Information System (EIS)
• Functional Information Systems

• Other Types of Information Systems, Expert System , Knowledge Management System
(KMS),Strategic Information System (SIS),Business Information System (BIS), Integrated
Information Systems
• Defining ERP , Evolution of an ERP System, Benefits , ERP Implementation
• Reasons for the Failure of ERP Implementation
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
• Introducing EDI , Standards of EDI
• Transmission Modes of EDI : VAN ,Internet/AS2,Web EDI
• Disadvantages of EDI
Data Warehousing, Data Mining, and Business Intelligence
• Data Warehousing , Need , Goals, Constituents
• Definition of Data Mining, Parameters, Working
• Types of relationships
• Architecture of Data Mining, Functionalities
• Classification on Data Mining system
• Meaning of Business Intelligence, Evolution , Importance
Decision Support System (DSS)
• Introducing Decision Support System (DSS)
• Evolution , Components , DSS Architecture
• Analytical Models in DSS
• Characteristics , Types , Tools and Technologies Supporting DSS
• DSS and Outsourcing
• Group Decision Support Systems
Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
• Define CRM , Components of CRM, Three Phases of CRM, Benefits and Challenges of CRM, New
Trends in CRM
Supply Chain Management (SCM)
• Meaning of Supply Chain , Define SCM, Objectives of SCM, Components of SCM, Difference
between Logistics Management and SCM, Scope , Benefits and Challenges of SCM, New Trends
in SCM
Building and Deploying an Information System
• Architecture of an Information System
• Software Development Lifecycle
• Software Development Models : Waterfall model, Prototype model, Incremental model, Spiral

• Requirement Analysis & Design Considerations
• Software Testing
• Deploying an Information System
Managing Information Systems
• Infrastructure Management
• Maintenance of Information Systems
• Management of Changing Requirements
• Incidence Handling
• Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Planning

6. Business Communication & Etiquettes


Communication in workplace

• Role of communication in business- Peter Drucker

• Why business needs to communicate
• Importance of communication skill to you
• Forms of communication
• Formation and sending of response
• 7 C’s of good communication skills
• Barriers to communication
• Communication Skills --- Verbal and Non-verbal
• Organisational communication--- internal and external including PR

Fundamentals of business writing

• Adaptation and selection of words

• Use of familiar words
Adapting to multiple readers

Indirectness in persuasion and sales messages

• Determining the persuasion

• Gaining attention in the opening

• Making the request Clear and positive

Public speaking and oral reporting

• Making formal speeches

• Defining oral report
• Differences between oral and written reports
• Planning the oral report
• Telephone communication

Technology enabled Communication

• Using technology in communication tasks

• E mails
• Tools for constructing messages
• Computer tools for gathering and collecting information

Personal etiquettes and grooming for corporate

• Eye contact
• Body language
• Handshake
• Business card etiquette
• Work habits- punctuality, prioritize your work, stay positive, Bring solution etc

Aspects of Communication

• Cultural aspects of communication --- intercultural and multicultural

Ethical and Legal aspects

Semester II
1. Marketing Management

Introduction to Marketing: Evolution of Marketing

Understanding the Marketing Process: Marketing Mix
Marketing Concepts, Customer Value and Satisfaction
Marketing Environment: Impact on the Strategic Planning
Understanding Consumer Behaviour
Understanding Industrial Buyer Behaviour
Analyzing Industry and Competition
Competitive Advantage and Core Competence
Marketing Strategy
Market Segmentation and Targeting
Demand Measurement and Sales Forecasting
Product and Product Life Cycle
Brand and Brand Equity
New Product Decisions
Distribution Channels and Logistics
Pricing Decisions
Marketing Communication: Advertising and Promotion

2. Financial Accounting

Balance Sheet
Accounting Process: Journal, Ledger and Trail Balance
Corporate Accounts: Format of Company Accounts
Cash Flow Statement: Preparation, Analysis and Implications
Financial Statements Reporting As per Accounting Standards: AS 1 and 2
Financial Statements Reporting As per Accounting Standards: AS 6 and 9
Financial Statements Reporting As per Accounting Standards: AS 13, 17, and 20.
Financial Analysis: Trends, Common Size, Ratios
Management Analysis and Discussion
Comparison: IFRS, GAAP, Indian Accounting Standards

Financial Statement Analysis

3. Essentials of HRM

Objectives of HRM, Scope of HRM, Evolution of HRM, HRM functions, Challenges, Personnel
Job analysis, Information collection for job analysis, Job description and Job specification, Job
Human Resource Planning: need, objectives, process and problems
Recruitment – sources and methods, Selection – process, induction and outsourcing
Competency Mapping – developing competency models, uses; Assessment Center: history,
measurement tools, difference between assessment center and development center
Performance appraisal: process, methods, benefits, problems; Coaching and Mentoring:
process and implementation
Potential Appraisal: purpose and techniques; Career Planning: meaning and process; Succession
Planning: meaning, pros and cons
HR Audit: Objectives, role, significance, process, pros and cons; HR Accounting: methods, pros
and cons; HR Information Systems: application, pros and cons
Human Resource Development System: need, functions, systems, HRD process, HRD
effectiveness, Strategic management & HRM
Training and Development: training and education, stakeholders in training, need for training
and development, training and learning organisations, process of training, cross cultural
training, team training, orientation training
Compensation and Rewards: need for compensation, uses, components of compensation,
industry compensation, international compensation, fringe benefits & FBT, reward
management – goals, reward systems, recognition

4. Strategic Management

Evolution and basic concepts, Vision, Mission and business definition

Contributions by Mintzberg, Ansoff, Porter and Prahalad, Gary Hammel
Environment survey and appraisal – Industry and competitive analysis – Dominant economic
features, strength of competition and competitive forces.

The Strategic Management Process – Situation analysis, Formulating Corporate Level Strategy,
Portfolio Strategy.
Formulating Business Level Strategy – Porter’s Competitive Forces and Strategies, Cooperative
Strategic implications of five competitive forces, Evaluating company resources and competitive
capabilities, Competencies, core and distinctive competencies and competitive advantages.
Formulating Functional level Strategies – Putting strategy into action‐leadership‐structural
design, Information and control systems, human resources – Implementing global strategies.
Corporate goals and strategic gap, Five generic strategies (Porter’s model)
Managing internal organization for Strategy implementation

5. Operations Management

Operations Management (An Overview)

Operations Function
Operations Management in Manufacturing and Service Sector
Types of Production Systems
Plant Location
Plant Layout – Service Facility Layout, plant Maintenance and TPM
Productivity Indices, Productivity Enhancement Techniques
Manufacturing Economics (BEA)
Inventory Management
Total Quality Management – Definition, Concept, Eight Building Blocks, Seven Wastages &
Pillars of TQM
Theory of Constraints

6. Written and Oral Communication


Modes of Written Communication

• Business writing style

• Types of messages and techniques
• Letters
• Memoranda and Email messages, SMS texting

• Press release
• Reports
• Proposals
• Minutes and notes
• Internet as communication medium --- websites, advertising, blogs etc

Grammar and Style

• Verbs –[tenses; active and passive voice; Subject-Verb Agreement; Negative and Interrogative
• Nouns, Noun Phrases, Pronouns
• Modifiers --- [adverbs, adjectives, dangling modifiers]
• Concord; Parallel structure,
• Avoiding gender bias
• Writing Tactfully
• Punctuation
• Numerals

Oral Communication

• Characteristics of spoken language --- Features of oral communication --- Skills and self
• Voice Dynamics (with voice CD) -- Self presentation --- Body language
• Listening skills
• Preparing and Making Presentations
• Meetings and GD skills
• Interview skills
• Dialogue skills (negotiation)

Telephone, Tele-conferencing

Semester III

1. Brand Management

Introduction to Brands – Creation of Brand, History of Branding

Brands and Corporate Strategy
Brand v/s Products – Role of Product Management/Brand Management in Contemporary
Marketing Environment Functions, Limitations, Challenges and Conflicts of Product
Management/Brand Management, Kotler’s 5 Levels of Product
Kevin Keller’s Brand Pyramid Model for Brand Equity
Aaker’s Brand Personality Model
Customers and Brands – Understanding Brands from the Customer’s Perspective;
understanding Customer Segmentation and Branding (provide some examples, like different
soaps and detergents from same company for different customer segments); Brand Personality
as a Reflection of Customer’s Personality and Preference.
Brand Positioning
Brand Identity/Brand Element design: Brand Essence, Brand Personality, Brand Customer
Relationship etc. Articulating the Brand Identity: Logos, Mascots, Taglines, Packaging, etc.
Executing the Brand Identity through the 4P’s
Executing the Brand Identity through ‘Promotion’/Advertising
Managing the Brand over Product Life Cycle
Brand Product Portfolio Management: Brand Extension, Product Line Extension, Managing
Portfolio over Time – Laddering and Competition Response
Financial Analysis for Brand Management
Branding for NGO and Non‐profit Activity
Case studies of – Legacy Brands and their Changes over Time (e.g.. Nationalized Banks, old
Brands like Pears, Lifebuoy etc.), Brand Failures and Revival of a failed Brand

2. Consumer Behavior

Understanding Consumer Behavior – definition, applications, modeling & research.

Individual determinants of Consumer Behavior 1 – Consumer motivation, involvement,
personality & self‐image.
Self‐image V/s Brand Image
Individual determinants of Consumer Behavior 2 – Consumer perception, Use of perceptions.

Information processing & learning.
Individual determinants of Consumer Behavior 3 – Attitude formation &Change
Environmental influences 1
1. Culture, subcultural, cross culture.
2. Culture/Sub‐cultural impact on 7Ps of product/service.
3. Rural vs. Urban Consumer Behavior
Cross‐cultural analysis.
Environmental influences 2 – Social Class, social groups, family
Social Class differences, family influences.
Environmental influences 3 – Opinion leadership
Diffusion of innovations, Diffusion of innovation for product/service.
Using Consumer Behavior in designing product/ad.
Consumer Decision Process
Analyse retail environment
Consumer Protection. Consumer Protection laws

3. Marketing Strategy


Concept of strategy: The environment, corporate vision and mission; setting goals and objectives,
planning and strategy, from corporate strategy to marketing strategy. The 4 “A”s of Day’s Marketing
Strategy model
Approaches to strategy: Porter’s 5 forces model, generic strategies; Hamel and Pralhad and the concept
of “Strategic Intent”; consumer oriented, competition oriented and resource based strategies
Competitive strategies: Porter’s concept of value chain analysis; market leader / challenger / follower
Competitive Strategies: Branding as a marketing strategy: when and how industrial products v/s
consumer products; positioning the company and the brand; brand extensions
Marketing strategy and marketing‐mix: Customer‐value creation intensive, integrative and
diversification growth strategies
Structural approaches to marketing strategy: PIMS Model, Malcolm Baldridge Model, McKinsey’s 7‐S
Model Financial considerations in evolving marketing strategy.

4. Customer Relationship Management


What is CRM? – History, Need, Importance

Role of Different Organizational Departments in Implementation of CRM – Marketing, HR,
Servicing/Customer Support
Customer Relationship – Why?, How to measure, Customer Satisfaction, Factors affecting, How
to promote/improve
Customer Loyalty and Customer Retention – Concepts, Drivers, Benefits of Customer Loyalty
Management, How to Retain a Customer?
Service and Complain Management – Handling Customer Complaints, Analysis and Resolution,
Advantages of Complain Management System, Service as a Business, its Challenges and its
e‐CRM – Sales Force Automation, Role of ERP, SCM, partner Relationship, CRM in India
Creating Customer Focused Organization – Business Process Re‐engineering, Quality as an
Organizational Culture, Growth through Customer Satisfaction

5. Sales Management


The Changing World of Sales Management

Overview of Personal Selling
Organizational Strategies and The Sales Function
Sales Organization Structure and Sales Force Development
Staffing The Sales Force: Recruitment and Selection
Continual Development of the Sales Force: Sales Training
Sales Management: Leadership and Supervision
Motivation and Reward: System Management
Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Organization
Evaluating the Performance of Salespeople
Sales Issues & Sales Management Info System

6. International Marketing


Major decision in international marketing

International marketing environment
Consumer behavior in international contexts
International marketing research and opportunity analysis
Evolution of which market to enter
Methods of entering international market (Entery/Strategies)
Barrier to international trade
Product promotion decision
Pricing decision
Distribution decision
Export management
Preshipment document
Export procedure
Terms of payments in export
INCO terms

Semester IV

1. B2B Marketing


Characteristics of B2B Marketing: Characteristics of B2B Marketing, Types of goods, services and
customers, Understanding supply chain and value chain, The Underlying principles of Relationship.
Overview of Modern Business Information System in B2B Marketing: Modern Business Information
Systems, Basic Systems Concepts, Current B2B Applications, Future Directions.
Issues Affecting B2B Marketing: B2B Market segmentation and Positioning (STP), Understanding
business values (products, services and pricing), Inter‐organizational Relationship, Buying Behaviours of
Business Buyers, Power, Conflict and Building relationships, Five forces model and its
Channels Organization and Issues: Channel flows and structures, Supply chain Management, Networks,
Electronic and Internet applications in channel management

B@B Communication Tools: A model of B2B Marketing Communication, Planning B2B Communication
Activities, Relationship based marketing Communications, Agency/client Relationship
Advertising in B2B Communications: Advertising, Public Relations in B2B, Direct Marketing, Use of
Channel Incentives and innovative technique.
Sales Promotion in B2B Communication: Sales Promotion and B2B communications, Personal selling
and Managing relationships, Multiple channel selling, Key Account Management

2. Services Marketing


Introduction to Services
Consumer behavior in Service
Customer Expectations of Service
Customer Perceptions of Service
Understanding Customer Expectations and Perceptions through Marketing Research
Building Customer Relationships
Service Recovery
Service Development and Design
Customer – Defined Service Standards
Physical evidence and The Servicescape
Employees’ Roles in Service Delivery
Customers’ Roles in Service Delivery
Delivering Service through Intermediaries and Electronic Channels
Managing Demand and Capacity
Integrated Service Marketing Communication
Pricing of Services
The Financial and Economic Effect of Services
The Integrated Gaps Model of Service Quality

3. Integrated Marketing Communication


Marketing Communication Basics: Firm as a Sender as well as receiver of information, Shannon Weaver
and other models of communication, Marketer to customer; Marketer to Marketer communication
(dyads of communication), Promotion mix – an overview of various modes of marketing communication,
Advertising, sales promotion, direct marketing, PR, personal selling.
Understanding Advertising Media: Broadcast Media – Television, Radio, Print – Newspaper, Magazines,
journals and Industry publications, Out‐of‐home (including Malls/Multiplex and point of purchase

media), Events and Activitations, New Media – Internet – Portals, Social networking sites, Search engine
marketing, User generated content, Mobile – SMS, WAP, Mobile Internet through WAP, impact of 3G
and rich content on mobile.
Understanding Role of an Advertising Agency: Client and Agency relationship, Importance of a Media
Brief from the client (with sample briefs), Various teams within the advertising agency, Media Planning
and Buying teams and its function, Creativity for commerce, Creatives – Art and the Copy team
Campaign Planning (explain the process, followed by an example illustrating the complete process):
Understanding media habits of the target audience, Brief from Client – need for an accurate brief, From
situation analysis to the complete campaign execution – the process.
Measurement of Marketing Communication effectiveness: Concept of DAGMAR, Post
evaluation of campaigns – need and the process.
Case studies of integrated marketing campaign in India

4. Marketing Research


Introduction to MR
Need and Scope of MR
Application of MR to Manufacturing industry and service industry
Structure of MR studies
Types of Research Primary and Secondary
Quantitative and Qualitative analysis during various decision phases, scaling Opportunity Analysis:
Attitude and motivation research; focus groups and depth interviews; concept tests and CUT
Test marketing and market segmentation
Advertising Research concepts of copy testing, Ad, recall, Ad. Comprehension, Opening and Punch/Base
line Research
Case study on Advertising and applications
Designing of sample campaign
Stages involved in Advertising research
Types of advertising research – Print, Out‐door, TV/Cinema, Mobile outdoor media, effectiveness of
each medium and how to determine it, suitability of each medium to our products and industry, NRS/IRS
– how to read and use them for decision making
Brand Equity Research
Positioning Research
Brand Valuation Research
Corporate Image Measurement Research
Sales Promotion Research
Campaign Tracking Research

Research for Advertising planning; advertising objectives and media experiments
Advertising Research for monitoring and control: pre/post testing of ads; DARs and Tracking studies;
Consumer panels
Analysis of Data: basic techniques: X2 test, t‐test and large sample tests regression, ANOVA, non‐
parametric tests
Introduction to advanced techniques; Factor analysis, Cluster and Discriminate Analysis; Conjoint
Analysis. MDS
Research Report Preparation and Presentation

5. Business Law


The Indian Contract Act, 1872: Evolution of Contract Act its meaning, essentials of a valid contract;
nature of contract distinction between contractual obligation and legal obligation, agreement, to sell,
requisite of a valid contract, offer and invitation to offer, modes of acceptance, communication of offer,
express and implied terms, standard forms of contract, exclusion clauses, kinds of agreement, valid, void
and voidable agreement; unilateral, bilateral and international contracts; Validity‐kinds of mistake,
mistake of law and fact‐and the remedies thereof available, Misrepresentation of material fact,
fraudulent and innocent misrepresentation and the remedies available, coercion and undue influence
the effects and the remedies available to the aggrieved. Undue influence the effects and the remedies
available to the aggrieved person; Consideration‐ Past, Present and Future, essential of valid
consideration, sufficiency of Consideration, consideration and promissory estoppels, Privity of Contracts
and of Consideration; Capacity to contract‐Minor, Lunatic and enemy; unlawful and illegal agreement,
Agreement void under the Statue. Quasi Contracts; Termination and discharge of contract: Performance
of contract, Different modes of discharge of contract, Performance as to place, time, joint performance
of promises, apportionment of payments. Discharge by agreement, Novation and assignment, remission
of performance, discharge by frustration‐when plea of frustration is admission and the rights and
liabilities of the parties when frustration operates; Breach of Contract‐breach and anticipatory breach of
contracts, damages and specific relief, types of damages and their remedies available to the aggrieved
person; Indemnity and guarantee‐ Parties to contract of indemnity and guarantee; Difference between
indemnity and guarantee, surely and indemnifier, specific guarantee and continuing guarantee; Rights of
the indemnified, surety right against principal debtor and Co‐surety; Bailment, Pledge and Finder of
Goods‐ Nature and essential features of bailment and pledge, bailment for reward gratuitous bailment,
bailee’s duty, pledge as a special kind of bailment. Pawnee’s right against the pawner and Pawners right
against the Pawnee. Finder of goods as quasi as quasi bailee, duties of finder of goods and his rights and
liabilities for reward, sale; Law of agency‐Agency and other forms of Contract, Types of Agencies like by
holding out, operation of law, estoppels, express, implied, Sub‐agent, substituted agent and ratified,
Relationship of principal and agent, Rights and liabilities of the Agent against third party, Rights and
liabilities of the Agent against Principal, undisclosed Principal and the rights and liabilities to the parties.
Termination of agency and its modes.

The Indian Sale of Goods Act, 1930: Essentials of a contract of sale; sale distinguished from agreement
to sell; Bailment; contract for work and labour and hire‐purchase; Consitions and warranties; Transfer of
title by non‐owners; doctrine of caveat emptor; performance of the contract of sale; Unpaid seller‐his
rights against the goods and the buyer.
Partnership Act, 1932: What constitutes a partnership deed and types of partnership, legal position of a
minor partner and his rights and liabilities; Distinction between partnership firm, Co‐ownership joint
Hindu family and joint stock companies, legality of the partnership firm, types of partners; Express and
implied authority, scope of implied authority, Rights and liabilities of a partner against third party and
other partners; Rights of newly admitted partners, retiring and deceased partners, registration of and
dissolution of partnership forms; Overview of the Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008.
Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881: Features of promissory notes, bills of exchange, hundis, cheques,
bank drafts, traveler’s cheque and the rights and duties of various parties to these instruments; Law of
presentment of these instruments, honor and dishonor of negotiable instruments, material alteration,
noting and protesting. Law relating to foreign bills their noting and protesting etc; Law relating to
payment of customer’s cheques of paying banker‐rights and duties, overdraft agreements, wrongful
dishonor of cheques, stale cheques, forgery of cheques, liability due to negligence of parties and
material alteration, payment in due course; Law relating to the collecting banker‐statutory protection,
effects of negligence, role as a agent or holder in due course, precautions to be taken in collection of
bills, cheques for the customers and third parties.
Law of Carriage of Goods: The Carriers Act, 1865(1972)‐ Definition of contract of carriage of goods,
classification of carrier‐common carrier, private carrier, gratuitous carrier, responsibility of common
carrier and Bailee, rights of a common carrier, duties of a common carrier, liabilities of a common
carrier, distinction between a common carrier and private carrier; Carriage of goods by Rail‐Railway Act,
1989‐ Maintenance of rate books for carriage of goods, Provision of rate risks, railway receipt, liability of
railway administration from wrong delivery, responsibility of railway administration as career‐of goods,
of animals, of luggage, exoneration from liability in certain cases, delay or retention in transit, railway
risk rate, liability for damages to goods in defective condition or defectively packed and liability after
termination of transit; Carriage by Sea‐The Carriage of Goods by Sea Act, 1925 (amended in 1993), and
the (Indian) Bill of Lading Act, 1856‐contract of affreightment, express and implied terms in a contractor
of carriage by sea‐implied warranty of seaworthiness, implied warranty of commencement of voyage,
Nondeviation of voyage, Shipper not to ship dangerous goods, bill of lading.
Consumer Protection Act, 1986: Objective of consumer protection act 1986, definition complaint,
consumer, contract of service and contract of service, consumer dispute, restrictive trade practice,
defect, deficiency; Consumer protection council‐central consumer protection council, state consumer
protection council, district consumer protection council; Redressal machinery, jurisdiction, complaint
before them, district forum, sate commission, national commission, limitation period, administrative
control, power of redressal agencies; Nature and scope of remedies under the act‐ appeals penalties
proceeding before consumer forums and applicability of arbitration act.
Competition Commission act, 2002: Definition‐acquisition, agreement, cartel, chairperson, commission,
consumer, Director General, Enterprises, goods, member, etc., Anti Competitive Agreement, Prohibition
of abuse of dominant position, Combination; Competition Commission of India‐Establishment, powers

of them member, inquiry into certain agreement and dominate position of enterprises, Inquiry into
combination by commission, procedure for enquiry of the complaints, Procedure for investigation of
combination, appearance before commission, Power of the commission, ratification of orders, Execution
of orders by the commission, Compensation in case of contravention, Competition appellate tribunal
procedure and powers, execution of orders, and ability on contravention of orders, appeal to Supreme
Court, power of the Central Government, MRTP (Monopolistic Trade Practice, unfair Trade Practice) &
Restrictive Trade Practice.
Right to Information Act, 2005: Salient features of the Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2005; Objective,
Public Authorities & their Obligations; Designation of Public Information, Officers (PIO) and their Duties;
Request for obtaining Information, Exemption from disclosure; Who is excluded; Information
Commissions (Central & State) and their powers; appellate authorities; penalties, jurisdiction of Courts;
Role of Central/State Governments.
Other Laws: Workmen Compensation Act, 1923; Object, scope and major provisions including
proceedings before the Commissioner, appeals, compliances, penalties, special provisions; Payment of
Bonus Act, 1965; Object, application and major provisions; Exemption; compliances, offences and
penalties; Employees Provident Funds Act, 1952; Application, major provisions, Exemption and
compliances; Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972; Application, major provisions, Controlling Authority and
the Appellate Authority, obligations and rights of employees and compliances; Minimum wages Act,
1948; Object and its scope, fixation, payment of wages, Advisory Board, Central Advisory Board;
Authority and claims, compliances, offences and penalties.

6. Project

Post Graduate Diploma in Operations Management

1. Curriculum:

1.1. Program Structure

Year 1 Year 2

Semester 1 Semester 3
Information Systems for Managers Operations and Supply Management
Corporate Social Responsibility Enterprise Resource Planning
Business Economics Total Quality Management
Business Communication & Etiquette Project Management
Management Theory and Practice Procurement Management
Organizational Behavior Service Operations Management

Semester 2 Semester 4
Essentials of HRM World Class Operations
Marketing Management Operations and Supply Chain Strategies
Financial Accounting & Analysis Lean Six Sigma
Strategic Management Warehouse Management
Business Statistics Business : Ethics , Governance and Risk
Business Law Project

11.2 Detailed Curriculum :-


1. Management Theory and Practice

Introduction to Management: Introduction - Management as an Art - Management as a Science -

Management Both Science and Art - The Role of Management in Society - Definition of Management:
It’s Nature and Purpose

Evolution of Management Thought: The Classical Approach - Charles Babbage -Frederick W.

Taylor - Henry Laurence Gantt - Henri Fayol - Robert Owen - Max Weber - George E. Mayo - The
Systems Approach - Summary of Management Trends

Understanding Organizations: Introduction - ETZIONI - Six Box Organizational Model - Matrix

or Mixed Model - An Overview of Emerging Concepts Influencing Organizational Designs -
Organizing for the Learning Organization - Balance between Leadership and Management -
Process of Institutionalizing Leadership of Change - Exercises on Invisible Committee

Culture in the Organization: Introduction - Culture and the Business Organization - Components
of Culture - Corporate Culture - Culture and Communication - How to Effect Cultural Change
in the Organization - Implications of Culture in Management - Minimizing Conflict Between
Administrative Action and Cultural Values

Role of Information in Organizations: Data and Information - Value Added Resources - Planning
and Administration Competency - Common Information Technologies - Decision Support System
- Expert System - Group Decision Support System - Teamwork Competency

Managerial Decision Making: Types of Managerial Decisions- Decision Making Process -

Importance of the Decision - Time Pressures - Group Decision Making - Techniques for Stimulating
Creativity - Information Technology and Decision Making

2. Organisational Behaviour

Introduction to Behaviour in Organisations: Introduction to Organisational Behaviour, Definition

& Scope of Organisational Behaviour, Importance of Organisational Behaviour, Approaches to
Organisational Behaviour, Challenges & Opportunities, Organisational Behaviour & Its Behavioural
Sciences Foundation

Understanding Individual Behaviour: Introduction, Biographical Attributes, Ability, Values, Attitudes,

Job Satisfaction

Personality: Determinants of Personality, Process of Personality Formation, Significant Personality

Traits impacting Organisational Behaviour

Perception: What is perception? Factors that influence perception, Impression Management,

Perception of self-image and Behaviour

Learning: The Concept of Learning, Theories of Learning, Learning through Reinforcement, A glance
at Organisational reward system, How to administer reinforcement? The impact of punishment

Motivation: Meaning, Primary Motives, General Motives & Secondary Motives, Motivational
Approaches, Motivation in Practice
Leadership: Introduction, Behavioural Theories, Trait Theories, Contingency Theories, Current
Issues in leadership, Emotional intelligence, Leadership styles & their impact on employees

Groups Dynamics & Understanding Work Groups and Teams: What is group dynamics? Formation
of groups, Types of groups, Understanding Group Processes and Issues in Teamwork, Issues faced
in team work, Creating Effective work teams
NMIMS Global Access - School for Continuing Education
Conflict Management: Understanding conflict, Functional & Dysfunctional conflicts, Types of
conflicts, Inter-personal conflict, Intergroup conflict, Conflict Resolution, Allowing functional conflict
for Organisational effectiveness

Power & Politics in Organisations: Difference Between Leadership & Power, Sources of Power,
Identifying the sources of Power in an Organisation, Power Tactics, Power In groups, Politics in
Organisations, Factors contributing to Politics, Organisational culture and its responsibility in breeding
politics, Personality development for encountering politics
3. Business Economics

Introduction to Business Economics: Economics and Business Decision Making; Economics: Scope
of economics; economics as a tool for decision making; Business Economics: Definition and scope;
distinction between economics and Business Economics; Economic Indicators and Business Cycles

Demand and Supply Analysis: Demand, Generalized Demand Function, The law of demand,
Shift and movement along demand curve, Elasticity of demand: Price, Income and Cross Price
elasticity of demand, Demand Estimation: Basic concepts , Supply, Generalized supply function,
Supply functions, Shifts and movement in the supply curve, Supply elasticity, Market equilibrium,
Changes in the market equilibrium, Changes in demand (supply constant), Changes in supply
(demand constant).

Cost & Production Analysis: Production in the short run, Total product, Average and marginal
products, Law of diminishing marginal product, Production in the long run, Production isoquants,
Characteristics of isoquants, Marginal rate of technical substitution, Isocost curves, Finding the
optimal combination of inputs, Short run costs of production, Fixed and variable cost, Short run total
costs, Average and marginal cost, Marginal cost curves, Long run costs, Derivation of cost schedule
from a production function, Economies and diseconomies of scale, Economies of scope

Managerial Decisions in Competitive Markets: Features of perfect competition, Profit maximization

in the short run, Profit maximization in the long run, Managerial decisions for firms with market
power, Measurement of market power: The Lerner Index, Determinants of the market power:
Economies of scale, Barriers created by government, Profit maximization under monopoly: output
and pricing decisions, Monopolistic competition: short run and long run equilibrium, Pricing decision
in an oligopoly: The Kinked Demand curve model

Market Failures and Price Regulations: Market failures and need for regulation, Regulations and
market structure, Firm behavior, Price regulation

4. Corporate Social Responsibility

Globalization and its Impact: Economic, Social, Sustainable Development, Role of Business
in Sustainable Development, Millennium Development Goals, India and the MDGS Business
and Society, Business Organizations as Systems.

Corporate Stakeholders: From Shareholder Theory to Stakeholder Theory, Stakeholder

Concept, Typology of Stakeholders and their Influence, Stakeholder Engagement, Stakeholders
versus Shareholders, Dynamic Environment of Business.

History of CSR in India: Pre-Independence Period, Post-Independence India, Liberalization

and CSR, Emerging CSR Trends, Contemporary Scenario: Achievements, Theories of CSR:
Friedman’s Theory/Fundamentalist Theory, Social Contract Theory, Social Justice Theory,
Rights Theory, Deontological Theory, Stakeholder Theory, Gandhi’s Trusteeship Theory.

Corporate Social Responsibility: The Pyramid of Corporate Social Responsibility, Generations

of CSR, Changing Trends: Philanthropy, Strategic Philanthropy, CSR Arguments against CSR,
The Business Case for CSR, Importance of CSR for India: Current Business Scenario in India-
Contemporary Drivers for CSR.

Developing A CSR Strategy: Steps in Designing CSR Strategy, Develop a Working Definition
of CSR, Review Corporate Documents, Processes and Activities, Developing a CSR Strategy:
Build Support with Senior Management and Employees, Research what others are doing,
Prepare a Matrix of Proposed CSR Actions, Develop Options for Proceeding and Develop the
Business Case for CSR Action, Decide on Direction, Approach and Focus Areas Implement
CSR Commitments: Develop an Integrated CSR Decision-making Structure, Prepare and
Implement CSR Business Plan, Set Measurable Targets and Identify Performance Measures,
Engage Employees and Others to Whom CSR Commitments Apply, Design and Conduct CSR
Training, Establish Mechanisms for Addressing Problematic Behaviour, Create Internal and
External Communication Plan.

Implementing CSR Strategy: Areas of CSR Implementation, CSR at Market Place: Benefits
of Marketplace CSR, Designing Market Place CSR Activities, CSR at Workplace: Benefits
of CSR at Workplace, Designing Work Place CSR Activities, Environmental CSR: Benefits
of Environmental CSR, Designing Environmental CSR, CSR with Communities, Types
of Interventions: Benefits of Community Interventions, Steps to Design CSR Intervention,
Strategic Partnerships: Reasons for Corporate NGO Partnership, Criteria for Selecting NGO
Partner, NGO Strategies to Influence CSR.

CSR Monitoring and Measurement: Focus of Measurement , Measure Fewer Things Better,
Measure What Matters, Communicate Fewer Metrics in Multiple Ways, What is Monitoring?,
Internal Compliance Monitoring, External Monitoring and Measurement Importance.

CSR Reporting: Benefits of Reporting: Whom to Report, How to Report, Contents of CSR
Report, Formats of CSR Communication and Reporting, The Reporting Team, Additional
References for CSR Reporting.

Role of Government And Voluntary Codes In CSR: Role of Government, Government

Support at International Level, Voluntary Codes in CSR: OECD Guidelines for Multi-national
Corporations, ILO Conventions, ISO 9000 & ISO 14000, SA8000, UN Draft Principles for
Behaviour of Trans-national Corporations, LEED, GRI, DOW Jones Sustainability Index,
FTSE4GOOD, Smart Growth Network, Equator Principles, UN Global Compact, Coalition of
Environmentally Responsible Economies (CERES).

Corporate Ethics and Governance: What is Corporate Governance, Constituents of Corporate

Governance, The Corporate Governance Debate, Theories and Responsibilities of Corporate
Governance, Global Growth of Corporate Governance, History of Corporate Governance in
India, The Current State of Corporate Governance in India, Board Composition in India,
Corporate Governance: Need to Strengthen: How to Improve Corporate Governance, Benefits
of Corporate Governance, Efforts to Improve Corporate Governance, Corporate Governance
and CSR.

5. Information Systems for Managers

Introduction to Information System: Need of Information in Managing Business; Evolution of

Information Systems; Information and Control Systems; Classification of Information Systems;
Business Process Design; Managing Information Systems

Components of Information Technology: Computer Systems Hardware; Software Concepts;

Concepts; Database Concepts

Types of Information Systems: Introduction to Information Systems; Operations Support Systems;

Management Support Systems; Other Types of Information Systems

Role of Information Systems in Managing Business: Functional Information Systems; Integrated

Systems ERP; Electronic Data Interchange; Data Warehousing, Data Mining and Business Intelligence;

Building and Deploying an Information System: Information System Architecture; Software

Lifecycle; Software Development Models; Requirement Analysis & Design Considerations;
Software Testing; Deploying an Information System

Managing Information Systems: Infrastructure Management; Maintenance of Information Systems;

Management of Changing Requirements; Incidence Handling; Disaster Recovery and Business
Continuity Planning

6. Business Communication

Communication in workplace: Role of communication in business, Why business needs to

communicate, Importance of communication skill for you, Forms of communication, Formation and
sending of response, 7 C’s of good communication skills, Barriers to communication, Communication
skills – verbal and Non-verbal, Organizational communication – internal and external including PR

Fundamentals of business writing: Adaptation and selection of words, Use of familiar words, Adapting
to multiple readers

Indirectness in persuasion and sales messages: Determining the persuasion, Gaining attention in the
opening, Making the request clear and positive

Public speaking and oral reporting: Making formal speeches, Defining oral report, Differences
between oral and written reports, Planning the oral report, Telephone communication

Technology-enabled communication: Using technology in communication tasks, E mails, Tools for

constructing messages, Computer tools for gathering and collecting information

Personal etiquettes and grooming for corporate: Eye contact, Body language, Handshake, Business
card etiquette, Work habits – punctuality, prioritizes your work, stay positive, Bring solution, etc.
Aspects of communication: Cultural aspects of communication – intercultural and multicultural,
Ethical and Legal aspects


7. Marketing Management

Introduction to Marketing: Definition of Marketing and Market, Marketing Concepts, A Historical

Perspective, Comparison of Marketing Orientation with other Orientations.
Understanding the Marketing Process: Marketing Mix: Differentiation among Few Concepts,
Marketing as an Exchange Process, Marketing Management Process, Marketing Mix, Extended Mix for
Services, Developing Marketing Orientation.
Marketing Concepts, Customer Value and Satisfaction: Customer Value – Classification,
Characteristics, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Delight, Monitoring and Measuring Customer
Satisfaction, Delivering Customer Value, Value Chain.

Marketing Environment: Impact on the Strategic Planning Process: Competitive Environment –

External, Environmental Scanning.
Understanding Consumer Behavior: Consumer Behavior, Different Types of Buying Motives, Different
Buying Roles, Developing 7 O’s Framework for Understanding Consumer Behavior, Classification of
Buying Behavior, Consumer’s Decision Process, Factors Influencing Consumer Behavior, Business
Market versus Consumer Markets.
Understanding Industrial Buyer Behavior: Nature of Organizational Buyer Behavior, Analyzing
Industry and Competition, Competitive Advantage and Core Competence, Organizational Consumers,
Buying Situations, Roles and Responsibility of Buying Centers, Various Functional Departments in the
Purchase Process, Organizational Buyer’s Buying Motives, Organisational Buying Situations,
Organisational Buyer’s Decision Process, Influences on Buying Decisions.
Marketing Strategy: Planning – Designing the Blueprint for the Future, Characteristics of a Good
Marketing Plan, Importance of Marketing Planning, Strategic Corporate Planning by Top Management,
Vision by Top Management, Assigning Resources to each Strategic Business Unit, Applications of
Portfolio Models, Strategic Planning at Business Unit Level, Designing an Overall Marketing Plan.
Market Segmentation and Targeting: Non-segmented Markets, Market Segmentation, Segmentation
Basis, Market Entry Strategies, Target Markets – Selecting Target Markets, Target Marketing
Strategies, Positioning.
Demand Measurement and Sales Forecasting: Measures of Market, Demand Estimation and
Measurement, Demand Forecasting, Characteristics of a Good Demand Forecasting Method, Steps in
Demand Forecasting, Techniques of Demand Forecasting, Demand Forecasting of New Products.
Product and Product Life Cycle: Layers of the Product, Classification of Products, Product Mix
Decisions, Organisational Goals and Product Mix, Managing Product Lines, Managing Brands – Types
of Brands, Branding Decisions, Elements of Branding, Brand Equity, Brand Valuation, Brand Building
Process, Product Life Cycle (PLC).
New Product Decisions: New Product Options, Role of New Product Development Process in an
Organization, New Product Development Process, Reasons for Adding a New Product, Improve, Buy
or Drop Decisions for a Product, Consumer Adoption Process.
Distribution Channels and Logistics: Distribution/Marketing Channels, Role of Distribution Channels,
Value Networks, Channel Design Decisions, Channel Management Decisions: A System of Cooperation
and Competition, Channel Integration and Systems, Logistics.
Pricing Decisions: Deciding Pricing Strategy, Objectives of Pricing, Factors Influencing Pricing Decisions
– Cost Factors, Demand Factors, Methods of Pricing, Price Sensitivity and Consumption.

Marketing Communication: Advertising And Promotion: Developing and Managing Integrated

Marketing Communication, Communication Process, Models of Communication, Advertising – Types,
Major Players in Advertising, Advertising Management Process, Sales Promotion, Public Relations,
Publicity, Personal Selling, Direct Marketing, Digital Marketing, Word-of-mouth Communication.

8. Financial Accounting & Analysis

Introduction to Financial Accounting: Nature and Scope of Financial Accounting, Difference between
Financial and Management Accounting ,Basic Accounting Concepts ,Advantages and Limitations
of Financial Accounting

Accounting Process: Accounting Process, Journal, Ledger, Meaning of Subsidiary Books, Bills of

Trial Balance to Final Accounts: Preparing a Trial Balance ,Rectifying Errors, Final Accounts

Accounting Standards I: Accounting , Constitution of Accounting Standards Board in India, Procedure

of Issuing Accounting Standards, Compliance with Accounting Standards

Accounting Standards II: Implementation of Accounting Standards, Financial Statements

Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP): Generally accepted Accounting Principles,

International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) , Indian Accounting Standards (AS), Difference
between IGAAP& IFRS in following areas ( with Examples)

Corporate Accounts: Revised Schedule VI of the Companies Act, 1956 ( W.e.f 1-4-2011)

Cash Flow Statement: Cash Flow Statement , Cash Flow Statements ( AS-3)

Financial Statement Analysis I: Financial Statements, Profit and Loss Account, Balance Sheet

Financial Statement Analysis II: Ratio Analysis, Types of Ratio, The DuPont Equation

Financial Statement Analysis III: Common Size Analysis, Trend Analysis, Percentage Change
Analysis, Management’s Analysis and Discussion: Thinking beyond Numbers

9. Essentials of HRM
Introduction to Human Resource Management: Human Resource Management (HRM)- Meaning
and Definition, Evolution, Objectives and Scope of HRM ,Structure of the HRM Department, Functions
of HRM, Challenges of HRM, Personnel Management, Differences between HRM & PM, Strategic
Management and HRM

Human Resource Planning: Human Resource Planning- Need, Objectives, Process of Human Resource
Planning, Techniques of HR Demand Forecasting- Qualitative Methods, Quantitative Methods,
Factors affecting HR Demand Forecasting, Benefits & Challenges of Human Resource Planning

Job Analysis and Job Design: Job Analysis: Definition, Scope ,Process of Job Analysis, Information
Collection for Job Analysis, Methods, Limitations and Effectiveness of Job Analysis, Job Description
- Need , Objectives , Features, Job Specification – Need, Objectives ,Features, Job Design- Nature ,
Process, Effectiveness of Job Design, Contemporary issues in Job Design, Job enrichment, Job
Job rotation

Recruitment and Selection: Recruitment- Meaning & Definition, Purposes & Importance ,Factors
governing recruitment, Sources, Methods of Recruitment, Selection, Differences between
and Selection, Process of Selection, Merits and Demerits of the Interview Method, Steps for effective
interviewing, Selection in India, Selection from a Global perspective, Outsourcing, Outsourcing
HR in India

Induction and Orientation: Induction- Need, Process, Merits and Demerits of Induction, Orientation-
Purpose, Types, Process of Orientation Program Development, Effectiveness of Orientation
Program, Problems of Orientation

Competency Mapping and Assessment Centre: Competency Mapping, Developing Competency

Models, Uses of Competency Models, Future Trends in Competency Modelling, Assessment Centres,
History of Assessment Centres, Measurement Tools, Difference between Assessment Centre and

Training and Development: Concept of Training, Training and Education, Need & Importance of
Training in Organizations, Stakeholders in Training, Process of Training, Needs assessment,
training issues, How to make training effective ,Types of Training, Cross-cultural training,
Team training, Orientation training, Training and Learning organizations, Concept of Development,
Need of Development in Organizations, Difference between training and development, Coaching and
Mentoring, Difference between coaching and mentoring, Process of Coaching and Mentoring,
Implementation of Coaching and Mentoring in a firm

Human Resource Development: HRD- Meaning, Need, Objectives, Scope, Functions, Process of
HRD, Types of HRD Systems, Effectiveness of HRD

Career Planning and Succession Planning: Career Planning, What is career?, Career stages, Career
choices and preferences, Career Anchors, Career Planning- Objectives, Process, Merits and
Demerits , Succession Planning- Objectives, Process, Merits and Demerits
Performance Management: Performance Management- Nature, Significance , Performance
Management Systems in India, Performance Appraisal- Goals, Process, Methods of Performance
Appraisal-Past Oriented & Future Oriented methods, 360 degree Feedback, Multi-rater Assessment,
Feedback systems or the performance appraisal meeting, Benefits of Performance Appraisal,
of Performance Appraisal, International performance appraisal, Potential Appraisal- Purpose,

Compensation and Rewards: Compensation- Need, Uses, Components of compensation, Industry

compensation, Executive compensation, Compensation administration, International compensation,
Fringe Benefits and Fringe Benefit Tax (FBT), Reward Management- Need for Rewards, Goals of
Reward Management, Intrinsic vs. extrinsic rewards, Reward Systems- Types, Effectiveness of Reward

HR Audit and Accounting: HR Audit- Need, Objectives, Role, Significance ,Process of HR Audit,
Benefits and Limitations of HR Audit, HR Accounting- Need, Objectives, Scope , Methods of HR
Accounting, Benefits and Limitations of HR Accounting, HR Information Systems (HRIS)- Need,
Objectives, Scope, Components , Types of HRIS, Application of HRIS in HR Management, Benefits
and Limitations of HRIS
10. Strategic Management

Introduction to Strategic Management: Definition of Strategic Management, Nature of Strategic

Management, Dimensions of Strategic Management, Need for Strategic Management, Strategic
Management – Process, Vision, Mission and Business Definition

Models of Strategic Management: Mintzberg, Ansoff, Porter, Prahalad and Gary Hammel, McKinsey’s
7’S Framework: A Tool to Evaluate and Control an Organisation

Strategic Management in Global Environment: Need for Globalization, Different Types of

International Companies, Development of a Global Corporation, Complexity of Global Environment,
International Culture, Implementing Global Strategies

Competitive Analysis: Competitor Analysis Framework, Rivalry Analysis, Competitive Dynamics,

Competitive Rivalry

Industry Analysis: Formulation of Strategy, Five Competitive Forces that Shape Strategy, PESTLE
Analysis, Competition and Value, Industry Structure, Technology Lifecycle, Industry Analysis in
Practice, Defining the Relevant Industry
Strategic Management Process: Purposes of Strategic Management Process, Steps involved in the
Strategic Management Process, Strategic Management Process, Strategy Formulation, Constraints
and Strategic Choice, Strategy Implementation, Strategic Control and Assessment

Formulating Corporate-Level Strategy: Balanced Score Card: A Balanced Approach, Grand Strategies:
Strategic Alternatives, Growth/Expansion Strategy, Diversification Strategy, Stability Strategy,
Retrenchment Strategy, Turnaround Strategies, Combination Strategies

Formulating Business Level Strategy: Porter’s Competitive Strategies, Competitive Advantage,

Competitive Advantage Factors, How to Build or Acquire Competitive Advantage? Acquiring Core
Competence, Low Cost Strategies, Differentiation Strategies, Focus Strategies

Analyzing Resources and Capabilities: Factors affecting the Internal Environment, Resources and
Capabilities as Sources of Profit, Resources of the Firm, Organizational Capabilities, Appraising
Resources and Capabilities, Putting Resource and Capability Analysis to Work, Developing Resources
and Capabilities

Formulating Functional Level Strategy: Putting Strategy into Action, Structural Design, Information
and Control System, Human Resources

Corporate Goals and Strategic Gap: Corporate Goals, Strategic Gap, Porter’s Generic Strategies

Managing Internal Organization for Strategy Implementation: Issues in Strategy Implementation,

Strategy–Structure Relationship, Divisionalisation: Product and Geographic Forms, Diversification,
Strategic Business Units (SBUs), Project Organisation, Matrix Organisation Structure, New Design
Options, Factors Influencing Organisation Structure, Structure and Strategy Implementation

11. Business Statistics

Introduction to Business Statistics: Development of Statistics, Definitions of Statistics, Importance of

Statistics, Classification of Statistics, Role of Statistics, Functions of Statistics, Limitations of Statistics

Descriptive Statistics: Collection, Processing and Presentation of Data: Descriptive and Inferential
Statistics, Collection of Data, Editing and Classification of Data, Classification of Data, Tabulation of
Data, Diagrammatic and Graphical Representation of data

Measures of Central Tendency: Characteristics of Central Tendency, Arithmetic Mean, Median, Mode
Measures of Dispersion: Characteristics of Measures of Dispersion, Absolute and Relative Measures
of Dispersion, Range Interquartile Range and Deviations, Variance and Standard Deviation, Case Study
Problem covering Variance, Standard Deviation and Coefficient of Variation

Skewness and Kurtosis: Karl Pearson’s Coefficient of Skewness (SKp), Bowley’s Coefficient of
Skewness (SKB), Kelly’s Coefficient of Skewness (Skk), Measures of Kurtosis, Moments

Correlation Analysis: Types of Correlation, Methods of Calculating Correlation, Scatter Diagram

Method, Co-variance Method – The Karl Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient, Rank Correlation Method,
Correlation Coefficient using Concurrent Deviation

Regression Analysis: Regression Analysis, Simple Linear Regression, Coefficient of Regression, Non-
linear Regression Models, Correlation Analysis vs Regression Analysis, Case Study Problem based on
Regression Analysis and Correlation Analysis

Theory of Probability: Important Terms in Probability, Kinds of Probability, Simple Propositions of

Probability, Addition Theorem of Probability, Multiplication Theorem of Probability, Conditional
Probability, Law of Total Probability, Independence of Events, Combinatorial Concepts

Probability Distribution: Random Variable, Probability Distributions of Standard Random Variables,

Bernoulli Distribution, Binomial Distribution, Poisson Distribution, Normal Distribution

Use of Excel Software for Statistical Analysis: Introduction to Excel, Entering Data in Excel, Descriptive
Statistics, Basic Built-in Functions (Average, Mean, Mode, Count, Max and Min), Statistical Analysis,
Normal Distribution, Brief about SPSS

12. Business Law

The Indian Contract Act-Part I: Indian Contract Act 1872: Meaning and Evolution, Standard
Forms of Contract, Privity of Contract, Consent and Free Consent, Consideration

The Indian Contract Act-Part II: Capacity to Contract, Quasi Contracts, Performance of Contract,
Discharge by Contract, Breach of Contract, Indemnity and Guarantee, Bailment, Pledge and
Finder of Goods

The Indian Sale of Goods Act, 1930: Definition and Essentials of a Contract of Sale

Partnership Act, 1932: Introduction to Partnership, Legality of the partnership firm, Overview of
the Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008.

Consumer Protection Act, 1986: Objective and Scope of the Consumer Protection Act 1986, Rights
of the Consumer, Consumer Protection Councils
Competition Commission Act, 2002-Part I: Definitions, Anti-Competitive Agreements, Prohibition
of Abuse of Dominant Position, Competition Commission of India (CCI)

Competition Commission Act, 2002-Part II: Rectification of Orders, Other Important Provisions,
MRTP and Restrictive Trade Practices

Right to Information Act, 2005: Salient Features of the Right to Information Act, 2005, Objective,
Public Authorities & their obligations, Designation of Public Information Authority, Public
Information Officers and their Duties, Procedure for Requests for Obtaining Information, Exemption
from Disclosure, Central and State Information Commission, Appellate Authorities

Arbitration, Mediation and Negotiation (Settlement of Disputes): Alternate Dispute Resolution,

Conciliation, Mediation, Negotiation, Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996

Miscellaneous Laws: Workmen Compensation Act, 1923, Payment of Bonus Act, 1965, Employees
Provident Funds Act, 1952, Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972, Minimum wages Act, 1948, Companies
Act, 2013 , Information Technology Act, 2000
Semester 3:

Operations and Supply Management

Basics of Operations Management: Value Driven Approach, Importance of Customers in Operation

Management, Distinction between Consumers and Customers, Automation, The Operations
Manager’s Role, Operations Functions and Interfaces with other Functions , manufacturing operations
versus service operations

Productivity and Production: Organization and Productivity, Competitiveness Strategy and

Productivity, Computing Productivity

Location Decision: Need for a Facility Location Planning, Nature of Location Decisions, Factors
Affecting Location Decisions, Selection of Site for the Plant, Procedures for Location Decisions,
Techniques of Location Analysis, Location Decision using the Transportation Method

Plant Layout: Facility Layout, Types of Layout, Process Layout, Product or Line Layout, Fixed Layout,
Cellular or Group Layout, New Approaches to Layout Design, Other Service Layouts

Inventory Management Models: What is Inventory? Functions of Inventory, Bill of Materials,

Identification of Inventory Items, Inventory Records, Data Integrity, Dependency Relationships,
Inventory Costs, Inventory Control, Inventory Models, Economic Batch Quantity (EBQ) or Economic
Production Quantity Model, Sensitivity Analysis, Economic Order Quantity Model with Shortages,
Fixed-time Period Models, Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI)

Aggregate Sales and Operation Planning: Meaning of Aggregate Planning, Aggregate Planning
Strategies, Problems with Aggregate Planning, Production Planning and Control (Job Scheduling),
Steps of Production Planning and Control

Theory of Constraints: TOC Process, Five Focusing Steps, Determining the Bottlenecks, Simplified

Introduction to Supply Chain Management: Meaning of Supply Chain Management, Participants

in Supply Chain, Decision Phases of Supply Chain Management, Process View of Supply Chain
Management, Concept of Value Chain, Role of a Manager in Supply Chain, Levels of
Supply Chain, Key Enablers in Supply Chain Improvement, Aligning Supply Chain with Business
Strategy, Collaborative Planning, Forecasting and Replenishment (CPFR), Order Fulfilment and
Order Management

Transportation and Distribution Network in Supply Chain: Distribution Network, Design of

Distribution Network in Supply Chain, Modelling for Supply Chain, E-business and its Impact on Supply
Chain, Meaning of Transportation, Trade-offs and Transportation, Design, Tailored Transportation

Demand Forecasting in Supply Chain Management: Meaning of Demand Forecasting, Role of

Demand Forecasting in Supply Chain Management, Demand Management
Information Technology in Supply Chain Management: Information Technology and Supply
Chain, IT Framework of Supply Chain, Future of IT in Supply Chain

Pricing and Revenue Management in Supply Chain Management: Pricing and Revenue Management
in Supply Chain Management, Pricing and Revenue for Multiple Customer Segments, Pricing and
Revenue for Seasonal Demands, Pricing and Revenue for Bulk and Spot Contracts

Enterprise Resource Planning

Introduction to Enterprise Resource Planning: Introduction to Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP),

Reasons for Growth of ERP, Scenario and Justification of ERP in India, Evolution of ERP, What is ERP?,
Evaluation of ERP, Various Modules of ERP, Advantages of ERP, ERP vs. CRM and SCM

An Overview of Enterprises: Organisation or Enterprise, Integrated Management Information,

Business Modeling, ERP for Small Business, Indian Industries with International Brands, Manufacturing
Strategies, ERP for Make to Order, Business Process Mapping for ERP Module Design, Hardware
Environment and its Selection for ERP Implementation

ERP and Related Technologies: Business Process Re-engineering, Characteristics of BPR, Business
Process, Redesign: An Overview: What is a Business Process?, ERP and BPR, Decision Making,
Categories of Information System, Scope of Information System, Data Warehousing, Data Mining,
Online Analytical Processing

SAP: What is SAP?, What Makes SAP Different?, SAP Application Modules, Business Processes and
SAP, Functionality, SAP R/3 System Overview, R/3 as the Vehicle for Business Integration

ERP Modules: Modules of ERP, ERP Production Planning Module, ERP Purchasing Module, ERP
Inventory Control Module, Warehouse Management, ERP Sales and Distribution Module, ERP
Financial Module, HR Module, CAQ and CIQ, Plant Maintenance

ERP Market: SAP AG, Baan Company, Oracle Corporation, PeopleSoft, J.D. Edwards World Solution
Company, SSA Inc., QAD, Selection of ERP Packages and Modules

ERP Implementation: ERP – An Overview, Role of Consultants, Vendors and Users, ERP Post
Implementation Options, ERP Implementation Methodology

Vendors, Consultants and End Users: Vendors, Consultants, End Users, In-house Implementation

Future Direction in ERP: New Market, New Channels, Future Directions in ERP, Faster Implementation
Methodologies, Business Models and Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs),
Convergence of Windows NT, Application Platforms, New Business Segments, More Features, Web

ERP-II: Exploring ERP-II, What are the Added Features in ERP II?, What the Future Holds for ERP?, An
Introduction to Open Source ERP Technologies, What are the Facilities Offered by Web-Enabled ERP
Services?, Benefits of ERP Logistics Package
Total Quality Management

Introduction to Total Quality Management: Concept of Quality, Core Concepts of Total Quality
Management, Learning from Quality Gurus, Total Quality Management Models

Cost of Quality and Quality Control: Cost of Quality, Concept of Quality Control

Statistical Process Control (SPC): Concept of Statistical Process Control, Introduction to Control

Process Capability: Concept of Process Capability, Comparison of Process Capability with Design

Acceptance Sampling: Concept of Acceptance Sampling, OC Curve

Quality Function Deployment: Concept of Quality Function Deployment, Taguchi Methods Leading
to Robust Design, Poka Yoke (Mistake Proofing)

Quality Management Systems: Introduction to Quality Management Systems, Introduction to ISO

Quality Circles: Concept of Quality Circles, Quality of Work Life (QWL), Organising for Total
Quality Management

Supplier Relationship: Supplier Partnership, Sourcing, Supplier Selection, Supplier Rating, Relationship

Performance Measurement: Basic Concepts of Performance Measurement, Strategy Performance


Project Management

Introduction to Project Management: Defining Project, Meaning of Project Management, Project

Management Framework, Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK), Project Integration
Management, Success Factors in Project Management, Role of a Project Manager, Role of Consultants
in Project Management

Project Organisation: Concept of Project Organisation, Project Organisation Structures, Project

Management Offices (PMOs), Project as a part of Functional Organisations

Operating and Environmental Feasibility: Meaning of Operating Feasibility, Capacity Requirements

in a Project, Plant Capacity, Selecting Plant Location, Technological Requirements, Environmental
Feasibility of Projects

Market Analysis in Project Management: Concept of Market Analysis, Demand Forecasting,

Product Mix Analysis, Technical Appraisal, Distribution Channel Analysis

Financial Feasibility of a Project: Financial Analysis, Profitability Analysis, Cost and Benefit Analysis,
Assessing Tax Burdens, Appraisal Criteria used by Lending Institutions

Capital Budgeting Techniques in Project Selection: Concept of Capital Budgeting, Time Value of
Money, Evaluation of Capital Budgeting, Importance of Cash Flows in Project Selection, Importance
of Cost of Capital in Project Selection, Risks Involved in Project Selection

Nature of Project Decisions and Project Planning: Project Decisions, Concept of Project Planning,
Project Planning Estimation, Project Management Life Cycle

Monitoring and Controlling a Project: Planning-Monitoring-Controlling Cycle, Project Monitoring,

Project Controlling, Management Control System

Procurement Management

Unit 1: Introduction to Procurement Management

• Purchase Procedure, Understanding Negotiation, Interface with other disciplines

• Purchasing Manager’s roles and responsibilities , Types of purchases, Purchasing and supply
• Types of Requisitions- standard requisitions, traveling requisition and bill of materials, issuing
an RFx- Request for quotation, request for proposal, request for bid terms
Unit 2: Purchasing operations and structure

• Purchase orders and Payment, Blanket order, Open-end orders, vendor managed , inventory,
stockless buying and MRO purchase, Open and closed tendering, Internal conflicts during
purchasing operation
Unit 3: Supplier sourcing, registration, and evaluation
• Spend analysis, Sourcing and supplier registration procedure, Supplier Evaluation and
selection, Blacklisting of vendors
Unit 4: Cost Management, Discounts and Negotiations
• Total Cost of Ownership, Target pricing, Activity Based Costing (ABC), Quantity Discounts and
Supplier Selection, Negotiation Strategy and Practices
Unit 5: Transportation and Delivery
• FOB(Free on board) Terms , INCO(International commercial) terms, Documentation in Freight
shipments, Expediting and tracing shipments, Developing Transportation and logistics
Unit 6: Capital Goods
• The challenge of procuring capital assets, Sourcing and supply issues, Leasing Equipment,
Acquisition of technology
Unit 7: E-procurement
• Pricing and business strategies for E-procurement platform, E-marketplaces and online
Catalogs, Online Auctions
Unit 8: Price
• Relation of cost to price, Government Influence on Pricing, Contract cancelation
Unit 9: Purchasing Law and Ethics
• Legal authority and Personal liability of the purchasing manager, Purchasing Ethics
Unit 10: Global Sourcing
• Evaluating International suppliers, Intermediaries and Countertrades

Service Operations Management

Unit 1: Introduction
o What is service Operations Management, Different types services and service
processes, Characteristics of Services, Differences in the operations of services and
manufacturing, Role of Operations in Services, , Challenges facing Service Operations

Unit 2: Service Strategy Formulation and Execution –

o Classification of Service Frameworks, Systems view of services, Service process matrix,

Strategic hierarchy and consistency, Strategic Positioning, Competitive priorities

Unit 3: Service Design –

o Service Design, Generic approaches to service design, Service development process,

Identifying Customer Requirements, Service blueprinting, Process Design and
Improvement, Resources Management and Planning Capacity Management, Layout
of facilities

Unit 4: Service Process Design –

o Service Processes and their importance, understanding the nature of service

processes, engineering service processes, Use of process flow diagrams, Customer
orientation in process design, controlling service processes, Use of simulation to
improve process design, repositioning service processes

Unit 5: Service Delivery-

o Service Delivery issues, Location decision making concepts, Transportation and
Delivery Systems- Concepts and Models, Managing the service operations, Managing
and motivating service providers

Unit 6: Service Quality and strategy-

o Definition of Service Quality, Dimensions of Service quality ,Defining service quality

factors, Delivering & measuring service quality, SERVQUAL model, Specifying the
Service, Quality of Design & Design Process

Unit 7: Service Productivity Measurement-

o Performance Measurement, Quality Measurement, Tools, Productivity
Measurement, Measurement Methods, Role of Work Study, Yield management,
Service Implementation issues.

Unit 8: Service Decoupling

o Introduction to Services decoupling concept, Front office and back office interface,
Decoupling & cost, Decoupling & quality, Decoupling & delivery speed, Decoupling &
flexibility, Decoupling & strategy

Unit 9: Role of IT in service operations

o Competitive role of information technology in services, Limits in the use of
information, Internet as a service enabler, Challenges in adopting new technologies
in services, the role of SMAC(Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud) in delivering service,
the role of IoT in services

Unit 10: Service Operations Management in different Sectors

o I T and BPO Sector, Financial and Banking services, Health care and Hospitality,
Telecommunication sector, Education, Media and Entertainment,

Semester 4

World Class Operations

Introduction to World Class Operations: Evolution of Operations, World Class Operations, Building
Blocks of World Class Operations, Models for Operational Excellence

Quality Awards: Quality Awards, Deming Prize, Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award (MBNQA),
European Quality Award (EQA), Golden Peacock National Quality Award (GPNQA), Rajiv Gandhi
National Quality Award (RGNQA), Comparision of Deming Prize and Baldridge Award, Quality
Certifications, ISO 9000 Standards , Steps in ISO 9000 Registration, Benefits of ISO Series

Reliability, Availability and Maintainability: Concept of Reliability, Advantages of Reliability

Programme, Types of Failure, Quality and Reliability, Techniques for Improving Design Reliability, Fault
Tree Analysis, Failure Mode Effect Criticality Analysis, Concept of Availability, Concept of

Total Productive Maintenance (TPM): Concept of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM), Objectives of
TPM, Predictive Maintenance, Objectives of Predictive Maintenance in TQM, Optimal Maintenance
Costs, Total Preventive Maintenance , Overall Equipment Efficiency (OEE), Pillars of TPM,
Terotechnology, Steps in TPM Implementation.

Tools and Practices for World Class Operations: Tools for World Class Operations, Just-in Time
Manufacturing, Kanban, Zero Defects Concept, Design of Experiments, Measurement System Analysis,
Lean Manufacturing, Rapid Prototyping, Value Engineering Benchmarking, Types of Benchmarking,
Process of Benchmarking, Six Sigma Methodology, Features of Six Sigma, Total Quality and Six Sigma,
Concept of Poka Yoke, Poka Yoke Devices, Kaizen, Practice of Kaizen, Benefits of Kaizen.

Business Process Reengineering: Concept of Business Process Reengineering (BPR), Evolution of BPR,
The Three R’s in BPR: Rethink, Redesign, and Retool, Reengineering Process and BPR Project, Principles
of Reengineering, Rapid Completion of BPR Project, BPR and TQM

Quality Function Deployment (QFD): Concept of Quality Function Deployment (QFD), Process of QFD,
Benefits of QFD, House of Quality (HOQ)

World-Class Manufacturing (WCM) Companies: World-Class Manufacturing (WCM) Companies, Fea-

tures of WMC,World-Class Performance Indicators, Role of IT in World-Class Manufacturing, Concept
of Flexible Manufacturing System, Group Technology, Cellular Manufacturing Systems, Optimised Pro-
duction Technology, Leading Indian Companies Towards World-Class Manufacturing, Gaining Compet-
itive Edge Through World-Class Manufacturing, Social Responsibility in World-Class Manufacturing

Environmental Aspects of Operations: Environmental Pollution, Types of Environment Pollution Fac-

tors Causing Pollution, Effects of Environment Pollution on Human Health, Control of Environmental
Pollution, Green Production

Operations and Supply Chain Strategies

Unit 1 : Introduction:

o What is Operations strategy, Aims of Operations strategy, Contents of an operations

strategy, Operations Competitive Dimensions, The Corporate Strategy Design and
Competitiveness Process, Operations Strategy: Formulation and Support, Strategic Fit-
Fitting Operational Activities to Strategy, Basic understanding of learning curve

Unit 2 : Designing an Operations Strategy

o Approach to design, adjusting an existing strategy, Steps of the designing process, Top-down
or bottom-up design, designing the purpose of operations, designing the operations mission,
Designing the operations goals and objectives
Unit 3: Formulating Corporate & Business level Strategy

o Corporate Level : Balanced Score Card; Strategic Alternatives, Growth/Expansion Strategy,

Diversification Strategy, Stability Strategy, Retrenchment Strategy, Turnaround Strategies,
Combination Strategies
o Business Level: Porter’s Competitive Strategies, Competitive Advantage, Competitive
Advantage Factors, How to Build or Acquire Competitive Advantage? Acquiring Core
Competence, Low Cost Strategies, Different iation Strategies, Focus Strategies

Unit 4: Focussed Operations Strategy

o Focus on cost, Focus on product differentiation, Focus on niche or specialized products, Focus
on material management, Focus on timing, Focus on productivity improvement, Focus on
human resource management, Focus on other factors, Benefits of focus

Unit 5: Process Planning and Improvement

o Product and Process, Types of Process, Process technology, Automation in Manufacturing,

Automation in services, Process Improvement, Approach to improvement, Steps in
improvement, Continuous improvement

Unit 6: Strategic Capacity management

o Capacity management in Operations, Capacity planning concepts, time horizons for capacity
planning (long, intermediate and short range), capacity focus, capacity flexibility, determining
capacity requirements, planning service capacity, capacity utilization and service quality

Unit 7: Introduction to Supply Chain Strategies

o The Evolution of Manufacturing and supply chain Strategies; Production and Logistics Strategy
– Lean Production, Agile Supply Chains and Mass Customisation, Taxonomy of Supply Chain
Strategies; Critical Factors Considered in Supply Chain Planning; Operational and Strategic
Issues in Global Logistics; Logistics Outsourcing Strategy (3 PL and 4 PL) – Types of Logistics

Unit 8: Supply Chain Restructuring:

o Supply Chain Mapping; Supply Chain Process Restructuring; Postponing, the Point of
Differentiation; Re-engineering Improvement in SCM

Unit 9: Metrics and Drivers of Supply Chain:

o Framework for Supply Chain Drivers; Facilities/Inventory/ Transportation/ Information/
Sourcing/ Pricing; Managing Performance with Metrics; Supply Chain Operations, Reference
Model (SCOR)

Unit 10: Supply Chain Strategies & Performance Measures:

o Customer Service & Cost Trade-off; Drivers of Supply Chain: Internal & External Performance
Measures; Linking Supply Chain & Business Performance; Enhancing Supply Chain

Lean Six Sigma

Unit 1: Introduction to Lean Six Sigma:

o Introduction, Definition, Principles of Lean Thinking, How to achieve overall reduction,

Concept of Value and Waste, Types of Wastes, Lean Vs. Mass Production
o What is Six Sigma Process? Six Sigma: Concept and history, Six Sigma Metrics, Why do
organizations use Six Sigma?
Unit 2: Implementing Six Sigma

o Timetable , Infrastructure, Integrating Six Sigma and Related initiatives, Deployment

to the Supply Chain

Unit 3: Basic Statistical Concepts for Six Sigma

o Probability and Probability Distribution- Binomial, Poisson and Normal

o Sigma levels, DPO and DPMO; Process capability and Sigma level; Throughput yield
and Sigma level

Unit4: Six Sigma Tools and techniques

o DMAIC and DMADV models, Six Sigma teams

Unit 5: The Define Phase

o Project Charters, Project decomposition, Deliverables- critical to quality metrics,

Process maps, Project scheduling
Unit 6: The Measure Phase

o Flowcharts and SIPOC, Process baseline estimates, Principles of Statistical process

control, Control charts, Repeatability and reproducibility
Unit 7: Analyse Phase

o Analyzing the source of variation- cause effect diagrams, Boxplots, Chi-Square,

Student’s T, and F distributions
o Designed Experiments- One factor ANOVA, Two-way ANOVA, Logistic regression, and
Non-Parametric methods
Unit 8: The Improve/Design Phase

o Lean techniques for optimizing flow, Risk assessment- FMEA, Design for Six Sigma
(DFSS), Design of experiments
Unit 9: Control/Verify Phase
o Validating the new product or process design, Business process control planning,
Process Audits

Warehouse Management

Unit 1: Introduction to Warehouses: What is a warehouse, types of warehouses (Private

Warehousing, Public Warehousing, Contract Warehousing, Etc.), types of warehouse operations,
Nature and Importance of Warehousing, Warehouse location, number of warehouses, the growth of
e-fulfillment and its effect on warehouse

Unit 2: Functions of Warehousing: Who is a warehouse manager, Roles and responsibilities of a

warehouse manager, Economic Benefits (Consolidation, Cross docking, Processing, Stockpiling),
Operational Benefits (Stock Spotting, Product Mixing, Production Support, Market Presence)

Unit 3: Planning Warehouse: Site Analysis, Product Mix Considerations, Warehouse Design (Design
Criteria, Material Handling Technology, Storage Plan), the aisle width decision,

Unit 4: Warehousing Activities & Equipment: Product Movement, Product Storage, Information
Transfer, Goods pickers, Handling equipment, Storage equipment, Types of automated picking,
examples of automated picking

Unit 5: Health and Safety: Risk Assessment, layout and Design, Fire Safety, Slips and trips, Manual
Handling, Working at Height, Warehouse equipment legislation, First Aid and other health and safety
arrangements, Warehouse Employee Occupational Health and Safety

Unit 6: Warehousing strategy: Presence Synergies, Industry Synergies, Operating Flexibility, Location
Flexibility, Scale Economies, and Outsourcing (outsourcing decision, choosing the right partner, third
party contractors, why contracts fail, and the future of outsourcing)

Unit 7: Warehouse costs: Types of costs, ROI, traditional versus activity based costing systems,
charging for shared-user warehouse services, logistic charging methods

Unit 8: Warehouse Management Systems (WMS): Why does a company need a WMS? The process
of selecting a WMS, what to look for in a WMS, Choosing the right WMS, SaaS, Cloud Computing

Unit 9: Managing a Warehouse: Stocking the Warehouse, Training Personnel, Developing Standard
Operating Procedures (SOPs), Security Arrangements at the Warehouse, Product Deterioration, Billing
arid Inventory Control, Protocols for Product Recalls, Mobility Devices for More Accurate Order and
Shipping Fulfillment

Unit 10: Emerging trends in Warehouse Management: Lean warehousing, Cost cutting, "last mile"
market, Manufacturing at the DC, automation and technology improvements, Innovations in
Warehousing, Role of Big Data and Analytics in Warehousing.

Business: Ethics, Governance and Risk

Unit 1: Concept of Business Ethics: Introduction to Ethics-Objectives, nature and source of Ethics,
Vs Morality, Ethics Vs Law, Ethical dilemmas, Introduction to Business Ethics, Features and Relevance
of Business Ethics in the era of globalisation, Creating Ethical Environment in Business Organisation,
Embedding Ethics in Organisation Culture, Guidelines for Ethical Behaviour in Business Organization,
Ethical Leadership

Unit 2: Values, Norms, Beliefs, and Standards in Business Ethics: Concept of Values, Norms, Beliefs
Standards in Ethical Context, Characteristics of Values, Types of Values-Spiritual values, Spiritual
Managerial Values and Professional Managerial Values, Business Ethics and Values: Honesty, Trust,
Fairness and Respect, Objective of Value Based Management, Factors Responsible for the
Enhancement and Dilution of Human Values

Unit 3: Indian Ethos: The Relevance of Indian Ethos-Spiritualty at Work, Indian Work Ethos and
of Indian Management: Principles of Ethical Power for organizations, Nishkam Karma and
Business World, Teachings from Scriptures and Traditions: Mahabharata, Gita and Work Ethos,
Eroding Values and Emerging Ethical Issues in Contemporary Indian Management

Unit 4: Ethical Issues in Functional Area of Management: Ethical Issues in Marketing, Ethical Issues in
HRM, Ethical Issues in IT, Ethics in Production and Operation Management, Ethics in Finance and

Unit 5: Introduction to Corporate Governance: Corporate Governance: Objectives and Goals of

Corporate Governance, Dimensions of Corporate Governance (Internal and External), History of
Corporate Governance: Origin and Development of Corporate Governance, Emerging Trends in
Corporate Governance, Corporate Governance Forms and Models, OECD Principles of Corporate
governance, Theories Underlying Corporate Governance: The Stakeholder’s Theory, The Stewardship
Theory and the Agency Theory, Corporate Governance as a Systemic Process (Transparency,
Accountability and Empowerment), Ethics and Corporate Governance, Corporate Social Responsibility
and Corporate Governance

Unit 6: Corporate Governance: Ownership Structure Ownership Concentration, Ownership

Composition: Shareholder Control and Protection, Board of Directors and their Fiduciary
Responsibilities, Executive Compensation, Minority Shareholder rights Transparency and Information
Disclosure, Ownership Pattern of Companies in India, Issues in Managing Public Limited Firms – Agency
Problems, Separation of Positions of Chairman and CEO, Separation of Ownership and Management

Unit 7: Corporate Governance Mechanisms: Internal Corporate Governance: Board of Directors-

Functional Committees of Board Role of Board of Directors, Directors’ Remuneration, Code of conduct,
Whistle Blowing and Whistle Blowers, Non-executive Directors and their Roles, Audit Committees and
Role of Auditors, External Corporate Governance: Debt Covenants, Role of Government, Role of SEBI
and other Regulators, Promoters

Unit 8: Corporate Governance in India: The Statutory Perspective: Evolution of Corporate

Governance in India, The Legal Statutes and Committees - The Companies Act, 1956, The Companies
Act, 2013 (the new Act), The SEBI guidelines, The Accounting Standards issued by the ICAI, The listing
agreements with the stock exchanges in which they are listed, The Kumaramangalam Birla Committee,
The Cadbury Committee, The Corporate Governance and Ethics Committee(NASSCOM), Reports on
Corporate Governance: The CII Report, The RBI Report on International Financial Standards and Code
(March 2001), Reports of Naresh Chandra Committee I (2002) and II (2003), The Murthy Report

Unit 9: Enterprise Risk Management–Risk Assessment: Concept of Risk in Organisational Context,

What is Enterprise Risk Management? Drivers of Enterprise Risk Management, Assessment of Risk
Exposures, Assessment of Internal and External Risk: External Business Ecosystem, Internal

Unit 10: Identification and Management of Risk: Enterprise Risk Management with 360 Degree
Approach, Risk Registrar: Finance, Operational, Human Resource, Strategy, Information Technology
and Security Risk, Government Policy, Enterprise Risk Management Framework: Casualty Actuarial
Society Framework, COSO ERM Framework and RIMS Risk Maturity Model, Risk Management
Committees, Audit Committee in Risk Management, Council in Risk Management, Risk Champions

Program Structure:

Semester I

1. Management Theory and Practice

2. Organisational Behaviour
3. Business Economics
4. Corporate Social Responsibility
5. Information Systems for Managers
6. Business Communication

Semester II

1. Marketing Management
2. Financial Accounting & Analysis
3. Essentials of HRM
4. Strategic Management
5. Business Statistics
6. Business Law

Semester III

1. Introduction to Retail
2. Consumer Behaviour
3. Merchandising Management
4. Sales Management
5. Retail Store Design and Location
6. Cost & Management Accounting

Semester IV

1. Global Retailing
2. Retail Store Operation and Inventory Management
3. Marketing Research
4. International Logistics & Supply Chain Management
5. Business: Ethics, Governance & Risk

1. Management Theory and Practice

Introduction to Management: Introduction - Management as an Art - Management as a Science -

Management Both Science and Art - The Role of Management in Society - Definition of Management:
It’s Nature and Purpose

Evolution of Management Thought: The Classical Approach - Charles Babbage -Frederick W.

Taylor - Henry Laurence Gantt - Henri Fayol - Robert Owen - Max Weber - George E. Mayo - The
Systems Approach - Summary of Management Trends

Understanding Organizations: Introduction - ETZIONI - Six Box Organizational Model - Matrix

or Mixed Model - An Overview of Emerging Concepts Influencing Organizational Designs -
Organizing for the Learning Organization - Balance between Leadership and Management -
Process of Institutionalizing Leadership of Change - Exercises on Invisible Committee

Culture in the Organization: Introduction - Culture and the Business Organization - Components
of Culture - Corporate Culture - Culture and Communication - How to Effect Cultural Change
in the Organization - Implications of Culture in Management - Minimizing Conflict Between
Administrative Action and Cultural Values

Role of Information in Organizations: Data and Information - Value Added Resources - Planning
and Administration Competency - Common Information Technologies - Decision Support System
- Expert System - Group Decision Support System - Teamwork Competency

Managerial Decision Making: Types of Managerial Decisions- Decision Making Process -

Importance of the Decision - Time Pressures - Group Decision Making - Techniques for Stimulating
Creativity - Information Technology and Decision Making

2. Organisational Behaviour

Introduction to Behaviour in Organisations: Introduction to Organisational Behaviour, Definition

& Scope of Organisational Behaviour, Importance of Organisational Behaviour, Approaches to
Organisational Behaviour, Challenges & Opportunities, Organisational Behaviour & Its Behavioural
Sciences Foundation

Understanding Individual Behaviour: Introduction, Biographical Attributes, A bility, Values,

Attitudes, Job Satisfaction

Personality: Determinants of Personality, Process of Personality Formation, Significant Personality

Traits impacting Organisational Behaviour

Perception: What is perception? Factors that influence perception, I mpression Management,

Perception of self-image and Behaviour

Learning: The Concept of Learning, Theories of Learning, Learning through Reinforcement, A glance
at Organisational reward system, How to administer reinforcement? The impact of punishment

Motivation: Meaning, Primary Motives, General Motives & Secondary Motives, Motivational
Approaches, Motivation in Practice
Leadership: Introduction, Behavioural Theories, Trait Theories, Contingency Theories, Current
Issues in leadership, Emotional intelligenc e, Leadership styles & their impact on employees

Groups Dynamics & Understanding Work Groups and Teams: What is group dynamics? Formation
of groups, Types of groups, Understanding Group Processes and Issues in Teamwork, Issues faced
in team work, Creating Effective work teams
NMIMS Global Access - School for Continuing Education
Conflict Management: Understanding conflict, Functional & Dysfunctional conflicts, Types of
conflicts, Inter-personal conflict, Intergroup conflict, Conflict Resolution, Allowing f unctional conflict
for Organisational effectiveness

Power & Politics in Organisations: Difference Between Leadership & Power, Sources of Power,
Identifying the sources of Power in an Organisation, Power Tactics, Power In groups, Politics in
Organisations, Factors contributing to Politics, Organisational culture and its responsibility in breeding
politics, Personality development for encountering politics

3. Business Economics

Introduction to Business Economics: Economics and Business Decision Making; Economics: Scope
of economics; economics as a tool for decision making; Business Economics: Definition and scope;
distinction between economics and Business Economics; Economic Indicators and Business Cycles

Demand and Supply Analysis: Demand, Generalized Demand Function, The law of demand,
Shift and movement along demand curve, Elasticity of demand: Price, Income and Cross Price
elasticity of demand, Demand Estimation: Basic concepts , Supply, Generalized supply function,
Supply functions, Shifts and movement in the supply curve, Supply elasticity, Market equilibrium,
Changes in the market equilibrium, Changes in demand (supply constant), Changes in supply
(demand constant).

Cost & Production Analysis: Production in the short run, Total product, Average and marginal
products, Law of diminishing marginal product, Production in the long run, Production isoquants,
Characteristics of isoquants, Marginal rate of technical substitution, Isocost curves, Finding the optimal
combination of inputs, Short run costs of p roduction, Fixed and variable cost, Short run total
costs, Average and marginal cost, Marginal cost curves, Long run costs, Derivation of cost schedule
from a production function, Economies and diseconomies of scale, Economies of scope

Managerial Decisions in Competitive Markets: Features of perfect competition, Profit maximization

in the short run, Profit maximization in the long run, Managerial decisions for firms with market
power, Measurement of market power: The Lerner Index, Determinants of the marke t power:
Economies of scale, Barriers created by government, Profit maximization under monopoly: output
and pricing decisions, Monopolistic competition: short run and long run equilibrium, Pricing decision
in an oligopoly: The Kinked Demand curve model

Market Failures and Price Regulations: Market failures and need for regulation, Regulations and
market structure, Firm behavior, Price regulation

4. Corporate Social Responsibility

Globalization and its Impact: Economic, Social, Sustainable Development, Role of Business
in Sustainable Development, Millennium Development Goals, India and the MDGS Business
and Society, Business Organizations as Systems.

Corporate Stakeholders: From Shareholder Theory to Stakeholder Theory, Stakeholder

Concept, Typology of Stakeholders and their Influence, Stakeholder Engagement, Stakeholders
versus Shareholders, Dynamic Environment of Business.

History of CSR in India: Pre-Independence Period, Post-Independence India, Liberalization

and CSR, Emerging CSR Trends, Contemporary Scenario: Achievements, Theories of CSR:
Friedman’s Theory/Fundamentalist Theory, Social Contract Theory, Social Justice Theory,
Rights Theory, Deontological Theory, Stakeholder Theory, Gandhi’s Trusteeship Theory.

Corporate Social Responsibility: The Pyramid of Corporate Social Responsibility, Generations

of CSR, Changing Trends: Philanthropy, Strategic Philanthropy, CSR Arguments against CSR,
The Business Case for CSR, Importance of CSR for India: Current Business Scenario in India -
Contemporary Drivers for CSR.

Developing A CSR Strategy: Steps in Designing CSR Strategy, Develop a Working Definition
of CSR, Review Corporate Documents, Processes and Activities, Developing a CSR Strategy:
Build Support with Senior Management and Employees, Research what oth ers are doing,
Prepare a Matrix of Proposed CSR Actions, Develop Options for Proceeding and Develop the
Business Case for CSR Action, Decide on Direction, Approach and Focus Areas Implement
CSR Commitments: Develop an Integrated CSR Decision -making Structure, Prepare and
Implement CSR Business Plan, Set Measurable Targets and Identify Performance Measures,
Engage Employees and Others to Whom CSR Commitments Apply, Design and Conduct CSR
Training, Establish Mechanisms for Addressing Problematic Behaviour, Cr eate Internal and
External Communication Plan.

Implementing CSR Strategy: Areas of CSR Implementation, CSR at Market Place: Benefits
of Marketplace CSR, Designing Market Place CSR Activities, CSR at Workplace: Benefits
of CSR at Workplace, Designing Work Place CSR Activities, Environmental CSR: Benefits
of Environmental CSR, Designing Environmental CSR, CSR with Communities, Types
of Interventions: Benefits of Community Interventions, Steps to Design CSR Intervention,
Strategic Partnerships: Reasons for Co rporate NGO Partnership, Criteria for Selecting NGO
Partner, NGO Strategies to Influence CSR.

CSR Monitoring and Measurement: Focus of Measurement , Measure Fewer Things Better,
Measure What Matters, Communicate Fewer Metrics in Multiple Ways, What is Mon itoring?,
Internal Compliance Monitoring, External Monitoring and Measurement Importance.

CSR Reporting: Benefits of Reporting: Whom to Report, How to Report, Contents of CSR
Report, Formats of CSR Communication and Reporting, The Reporting Team, Addition al
References for CSR Reporting.

Role of Government And Voluntary Codes In CSR: Role of Government, Government

Support at International Level, Voluntary Codes in CSR: OECD Guidelines for Multi -national
Corporations, ILO Conventions, ISO 9000 & ISO 14000, SA8000, UN Draft Principles for
Behaviour of Trans-national Corporations, LEED, GRI, DOW Jones Sustainability Index,
FTSE4GOOD, Smart Growth Network, Equator Principles, UN Global Compact, Coalition of
Environmentally Responsible Economies (CERES).

Corporate Ethics and Governance: What is Corporate Governance, Constituents of Corporate

Governance, The Corporate Governance Debate, Theories and Responsibilities of Corporate
Governance, Global Growth of Corporate Governance, History of Corporate Governance in
India, The Current State of Corporate Governance in India, Board Composition in India,
Corporate Governance: Need to Strengthen: How to Improve Corporate Governance, Benefits
of Corporate Governance, Efforts to Improve Corporate Governance, Corporate Gove rnance
and CSR.

5. Information Systems for Managers

Introduction to Information System: Need of Information in Managing Business; Evolution of

Information Systems; Information and Control Systems; Classification of Information Systems;
Business Process Design; Managing Information Systems

Components of Information Technology: Computer Systems Hardware; Software Concepts; Networking

Concepts; Database Concepts
Types of Information Systems: Introduction to Information Systems; Operations Support Systems;
Management Support Systems; Other Types of Information Systems

Role of Information Systems in Managing Business: Functional Information Systems; Integrated

Systems ERP; Electronic Data Interchange; Data Warehousing, Data Mining and Business Intelligence;

Building and Deploying an Information System: Information System Architecture; Software

Lifecycle; Software Development Models; Requirement Analysis & Design Considerations;
Software Testing; Deploying an Information System

Managing Information Systems: Infrastructure Management; Maintenance of Information Systems;

Management of Changing Requirements; Incidence Handling; Disaster Recovery and Business
Continuity Planning

6. Business Communication

Communication in workplace: Role of communication in business, Why business needs to

communicate, Importance of communication skill for you, Forms of communication, Formation and
sending of response, 7 C’s of good communication skills, Barriers to communication, Communication
skills – verbal and Non-verbal, Organizational communication – internal and external including PR

Fundamentals of business writing: Adaptation and selection of words, Use of familiar words, Adapting
to multiple readers

Indirectness in persuasion and sales messages: Determining the persuasion, Gaining attention in the
opening, Making the request clear and positive

Public speaking and oral reporting: Making formal speeches, Defining oral report, Differences between
oral and written reports, Planning the oral report, Te lephone communication

Technology-enabled communication: Using technology in communication tasks, E mails, Tools for

constructing messages, Computer tools for gathering and collecting information
Personal etiquettes and grooming for corporate: Eye contact, Body language, Handshake, Business card
etiquette, Work habits – punctuality, prioritizes your work, stay positive, Bring solution, etc.

Aspects of communication: Cultural aspects of communication – intercultural and multicultural, Ethical

and Legal aspects


7. Marketing Management

Introduction to Marketing: Definition of Marketing and Market, Marketing Concepts, A Historical

Perspective, Comparison of Marketing Orientation with other Orientations.
Understanding the Marketing Process: Marketing Mix: Differentiation among Few Concepts, Marketing
as an Exchange Process, Marketing Management Process, Marketing Mix, Extended Mix for Services,
Developing Marketing Orientation.

Marketing Concepts, Customer Value and Satisfaction: Customer Value – Classification, Characteristics,
Customer Satisfaction, Customer Delight, Monitoring and Measuring Customer Satisfaction, Delivering
Customer Value, Value Chain.

Marketing Environment: Impact on the Strategic Planning Process: Competitive Environment – External,
Environmental Scanning.

Understanding Consumer Behavior: Consumer Behavior, Different Types of Buying Motives, Different
Buying Roles, Developing 7 O’s Framework for Understanding Consumer Behavior, Classification of
Buying Behavior, Consumer’s Decision Process, Factors Influencing Consumer Behavior, Business Market
versus Consumer Markets.

Understanding Industrial Buyer Behavior: Nature of Organizational Buyer Behavior, Analyzing Industry
and Competition, Competitive Advantage and Core Com petence, Organizational Consumers, Buying
Situations, Roles and Responsibility of Buying Centers, Various Functional Departments in the Purchase
Process, Organizational Buyer’s Buying Motives, Organisational Buying Situations, Organisational Buyer’s
Decision Process, Influences on Buying Decisions.

Marketing Strategy: Planning – Designing the Blueprint for the Future, Characteristics of a Good
Marketing Plan, Importance of Marketing Planning, Strategic Corporate Planning by Top Management,
Vision by Top Management, Assigning Resources to each Strategic Business Unit, Applications of
Portfolio Models, Strategic Planning at Business Unit Level, Designing an Overall Marketing Plan.
Market Segmentation and Targeting: Non-segmented Markets, Market Segmentatio n, Segmentation
Basis, Market Entry Strategies, Target Markets – Selecting Target Markets, Target Marketing Strategies,

Demand Measurement and Sales Forecasting: Measures of Market, Demand Estimation and
Measurement, Demand Forecasting, Characteristics of a Good Demand Forecasting Method, Steps in
Demand Forecasting, Techniques of Demand Forecasting, Demand Forecasting of New Products.

Product and Product Life Cycle: Layers of the Product, Classification of Products, Product Mix Decisions,
Organisational Goals and Product Mix, Managing Product Lines, Managing Brands – Types of Brands,
Branding Decisions, Elements of Branding, Brand Equity, Brand Valuation, Brand Building Process,
Product Life Cycle (PLC).
New Product Decisions: New Product Options, Role of New Product Development Process in an
Organization, New Product Development Process, Reasons for Adding a New Product, Improve, Buy or
Drop Decisions for a Product, Consumer Adoption Process.
Distribution Channels and Logistics: Distribution/Marketing Channels, Role of Distribution Channels,
Value Networks, Channel Design Decisions, Channel Management Decisions: A System of Cooperation
and Competition, Channel Integration and Systems, Logistics.
Pricing Decisions: Deciding Pricing Strategy, Objectives of Pricing, Factors Influencing Pricing Decisions –
Cost Factors, Demand Factors, Methods of Pricing, Price Sensitivity and Consumption.

Marketing Communication: Advertising And Promotion: Developing and Managing Integrated

Marketing Communication, Communication Process, Models of Communication, Advertising – Types,
Major Players in Advertising, Advertising Management Process, Sales Promotion, Public Relations,
Publicity, Personal Selling, Direct Marketing, Digital Marketing, Word -of-mouth Communication.

8. Financial Accounting & Analysis

Introduction to Financial Accounting: Nature and Scope of Financial Accounting, Difference between
Financial and Management Accounting ,Basic Accounting Concepts ,Advantages and Limitations
of Financial Accounting

Accounting Process: Accounting Process, Journal, Ledger, Meaning of Subsidiary Books, Bills of

Trial Balance to Final Accounts: Preparing a Trial Balance ,Rectifying Errors, Final Accounts

Accounting Standards I: Accounting , Constitution of Accounting Standards Board in India, Procedure

of Issuing Accounting Standards, Compliance with Accounting Standards
Accounting Standards II: Implementation of Accounting Standards, Financial Statements

Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP): Generally accepted Accounting Principles,

International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) , Indian Accounting Standards (AS), Difference
between IGAAP& IFRS in following areas ( with Examples)

Corporate Accounts: Revised Schedule VI of the Companies Act, 1956 ( W.e.f 1-4-2011)

Cash Flow Statement: Cash Flow Statement , Cash Flow Statements ( AS -3)

Financial Statement Analysis I: Financial Statements, Profit and Loss Account, Balance Sheet

Financial Statement Analysis II: Ratio Analysis, Types of Ratio, The DuPont Equation

Financial Statement Analysis III: Common Size Analysis, Trend Analysis, Percentage Change
Analysis, Management’s Analysis and Discussion: Thinking beyond Numbers

9. Essentials of HRM

Introduction to Human Resource Management: Human Resource Management (HRM)- Meaning

and Definition, Evolution, Objectives and Scope of HRM ,Structure of the HRM Department, Functions
of HRM, Challenges of HRM, Personnel Management, Differences between HRM & PM, Strategic
Management and HRM

Human Resource Planning: Human Resource Planning- Need, Objectives, Process of Human Resource
Planning, Techniques of HR Demand Forecasting- Qualitative Methods, Quantitative Methods,
Factors affecting HR Demand Forecasting, Benefits & Challenges of Human Resource Pl anning

Job Analysis and Job Design: Job Analysis: Definition, Scope ,Process of Job Analysis, Information
Collection for Job Analysis, Methods, Limitations and Effectiveness of Job Analysis, Job Description
- Need , Objectives , Features, Job Specification – Need, Objectives ,Features, Job Design- Nature ,
Process, Effectiveness of Job Design, Contemporary issues in Job Design, Job enrichment, Job
Job rotation

Recruitment and Selection: Recruitment- Meaning & Definition, Purposes & Importance ,Factors
governing recruitment, Sources, Methods of Recruitment, Selection, Differences between Recruitment
and Selection, Process of Selection, Merits and Demerits of the Interview Method, Steps for effective
interviewing, Selection in India, Selection f rom a Global perspective, Outsourcing, Outsourcing
HR in India

Induction and Orientation: Induction- Need, Process, Merits and Demerits of Induction, Orientation -
Purpose, Types, Process of Orientation Program Development, Effectiveness of Orientation
Program, Problems of Orientation

Competency Mapping and Assessment Centre: Competency Mapping, Developing Competency

Models, Uses of Competency Models, Future Trends in Competency Modelling, Assessment Centres,
History of Assessment Centres, Measurement Tool s, Difference between Assessment Centre and

Training and Development: Concept of Training, Training and Education, Need & Importance of
Training in Organizations, Stakeholders in Training, Process of Training, Needs assessment, Internat ional
training issues, How to make training effective ,Types of Training, Cross -cultural training,
Team training, Orientation training, Training and Learning organizations, Concept of Development,
Need of Development in Organizations, Difference between tr aining and development, Coaching and
Mentoring, Difference between coaching and mentoring, Process of Coaching and Mentoring,
Implementation of Coaching and Mentoring in a firm

Human Resource Development: HRD- Meaning, Need, Objectives, Scope, Functions, Process of
HRD, Types of HRD Systems, Effectiveness of HRD

Career Planning and Succession Planning: Career Planning, What is career?, Career stages, Career
choices and preferences, Career Anchors, Career Planning- Objectives, Process, Merits and
Demerits , Succession Planning- Objectives, Process, Merits and Demerits

Performance Management: Performance Management- Nature, Significance , Performance

Management Systems in India, Performance Appraisal - Goals, Process, Methods of Performance
Appraisal-Past Oriented & Future Oriented methods, 360 degree Feedback, Multi -rater Assessment,
Feedback systems or the performance appraisal meeting, Benefits of Performance Appraisal, Problems
of Performance Appraisal, International performance appraisal, Potential Appra isal- Purpose,

Compensation and Rewards: Compensation- Need, Uses, Components of compensation, Industry

compensation, Executive compensation, Compensation administration, International compensation,
Fringe Benefits and Fringe Benefit Tax (FBT), Reward Management- Need for Rewards, Goals of Reward
Management, Intrinsic vs. extrinsic rewards, Reward Systems - Types, Effectiveness of Reward

HR Audit and Accounting: HR Audit- Need, Objectives, Role, Significance ,Process of HR Audit,
Benefits and Limitations of HR Audit, HR Accounting - Need, Objectives, Scope , Methods of HR
Accounting, Benefits and Limitations of HR Accounting, HR Information Systems (HRIS) - Need,
Objectives, Scope, Components , Types of HRIS, Application of HRIS in HR Manag ement, Benefits
and Limitations of HRIS

10. Strategic Management

Introduction to Strategic Management: Definition of Strategic Management, Nature of Strategic
Management, Dimensions of Strategic Management, Need for Strategic Management, Strategic
Management – Process, Vision, Mission and Business Definition

Models of Strategic Management: Mintzberg, Ansoff, Porter, Prahalad and Gary Hammel, McKinsey’s
7’S Framework: A Tool to Evaluate and Control an Organisation

Strategic Management in Global Environment: Need for Globalization, Different Types of International
Companies, Development of a Global Corporation, Complexity of Global Environment, International
Culture, Implementing Global Strategies

Competitive Analysis: Competitor Analysis Framework, Rivalry A nalysis, Competitive Dynamics,

Competitive Rivalry

Industry Analysis: Formulation of Strategy, Five Competitive Forces that Shape Strategy, PESTLE
Analysis, Competition and Value, Industry Structure, Technology Lifecycle, Industry Analysis in Practice,
Defining the Relevant Industry

Strategic Management Process: Purposes of Strategic Management Process, Steps involved in the
Strategic Management Process, Strategic Management Process, Strategy Formulation, Constraints and
Strategic Choice, Strategy Impleme ntation, Strategic Control and Assessment

Formulating Corporate-Level Strategy: Balanced Score Card: A Balanced Approach, Grand Strategies:
Strategic Alternatives, Growth/Expansion Strategy, Diversification Strategy, Stability Strategy,
Retrenchment Strategy, Turnaround Strategies, Combination Strategies

Formulating Business Level Strategy: Porter’s Competitive Strategies, Competitive Advantage,

Competitive Advantage Factors, How to Build or Acquire Competitive Advantage? Acquiring Core
Competence, Low Cost Strategies, Differentiation Strategies, Focus Strategies

Analyzing Resources and Capabilities: Factors affecting the Internal Environment, Resources and
Capabilities as Sources of Profit, Resources of the Firm, Organizational Capabilities, Appraising R esources
and Capabilities, Putting Resource and Capability Analysis to Work, Developing Resources and
Formulating Functional Level Strategy: Putting Strategy into Action, Structural Design, Information and
Control System, Human Resources

Corporate Goals and Strategic Gap: Corporate Goals, Strategic Gap, Porter’s Generic Strategies

Managing Internal Organization for Strategy Implementation: Issues in Strategy Implementation,

Strategy–Structure Relationship, Divisionalisation: Product and Geo graphic Forms, Diversification,
Strategic Business Units (SBUs), Project Organisation, Matrix Organisation Structure, New Design
Options, Factors Influencing Organisation Structure, Structure and Strategy Implementation

11. Business Statistics

Introduction to Business Statistics: Development of Statistics, Definitions of Statistics, Importance of

Statistics, Classification of Statistics, Role of Statistics, Functions of Statistics, Limitations of Statistics

Descriptive Statistics: Collection, Processing and Presentation of Data: Descriptive and Inferential
Statistics, Collection of Data, Editing and Classification of Data, Classification of Data, Tabulation of Data,
Diagrammatic and Graphical Representation of data

Measures of Central Tendency: Characteristics of Central Tendency, Arithmetic Mean, Median, Mode

Measures of Dispersion: Characteristics of Measures of Dispersion, Absolute and Relative Measures of

Dispersion, Range Interquartile Range and Deviations, Variance and Standard Deviation, Case Study
Problem covering Variance, Standard Deviation and Coefficient of Variation

Skewness and Kurtosis: Karl Pearson’s Coefficient of Skewness (SK p), Bowley’s Coefficient of Skewness
(SKB), Kelly’s Coefficient of Skewness (Skk), Measures of Kurtosis, Moments

Correlation Analysis: Types of Correlation, Methods of Calculating Correlation, Scatter Diagram Method,
Co-variance Method – The Karl Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient, Rank Correlation Method, Correlation
Coefficient using Concurrent Deviation
Regression Analysis: Regression Analysis, Simple Linear Regression, Coefficient of Regression, Non-linear
Regression Models, Correlation Analysis vs Regression Analysis, Case Study Problem based on
Regression Analysis and Correlation Analysis

Theory of Probability: Important Terms in Probability, Kinds of Probability, Simple Propositions of

Probability, Addition Theorem of Probability, Multiplication Theorem of Probability, Conditional
Probability, Law of Total Probability, Independence of Events, Combinatorial Concepts

Probability Distribution: Random Variable, Probability Distributions of Standard Random Variables,

Bernoulli Distribution, Binomial Distribution, Poisson Distribution, Normal Distribution

Use of Excel Software for Statistical Analysis: Introduction to Excel, Entering Data in Excel, Descriptive
Statistics, Basic Built -in Functions (Average, Mean, Mode, Count, Max and Min), Statistical Analysis,
Normal Distribution, Brief about SPSS

12. Business Law

The Indian Contract Act-Part I: Indian Contract Act 1872: Meaning and Evolution, Standard
Forms of Contract, Privity of Contract, Consent and Free Consent, Consideration

The Indian Contract Act-Part II: Capacity to Contract, Quasi Contracts, Performance of Contract,
Discharge by Contract, Breach of Contract, Indemnity and Guarantee, Bailment, Pledge and
Finder of Goods

The Indian Sale of Goods Act, 1930: Definition and Essentials of a Contract of Sale

Partnership Act, 1932: Introduction to Partnership, Legality of the partnership firm, Overview of
the Limited Liabili ty Partnership Act, 2008.

Consumer Protection Act, 1986: Objective and Scope of the Consumer Protection Act 1986, Rights
of the Consumer, Consumer Protection Councils

Competition Commission Act, 2002-Part I: Definitions, Anti-Competitive Agreements, Prohibition

of Abuse of Dominant Position, Competition Commission of India (CCI)

Competition Commission Act, 2002-Part II: Rectification of Orders, Other Important Provisions,
MRTP and Restrictive Trade Practices

Right to Information Act, 2005: Salient Features of the Right to Information Act, 2005, Objective,
Public Authorities & their obligations, Designation of Public Information Authority, Public
Information Officers and their Duties, Procedure for Requests for Obtaining Information, Exemption
from Disclosure, Central and State Information Commission, Appellate Authorities

Arbitration, Mediation and Negotiation (Settlement of Disputes): Alternate Dispute Resolution,

Conciliation, Mediation, Negotiation, Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996

Miscellaneous Laws: Workmen Compensation Act, 1923, Payment of Bonus Act, 1965, Employees
Provident Funds Act, 1952, Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972, Minimum wages Act, 1948, Companies
Act, 2013 , Information Technology Act, 2000

13. Introduction to Retail

Introduction to Retail: Retailing, Factors Influencing Retailing, Importance of Retailing, Emergence of

Organized Retailing, Functions of Retailer, Retail as a Career, Global Retail Market: Issues and Challenges

Emergence of Organized Retailing: Organized Retailing in India, Impact of Organized Retail, General
Merchandise Retailers, Service Retailing, Visual Merchandising

Retailing in India: Evolution of Retail in India, Role of Retail in Nations Economy, India in comparison to
the International Markets in Retailing, Tr aditional and Modern Retail Formats in India, Retailing in Rural

Theories of Retail: Theories of Retail Development, Concept of Life Cycle in Retail, Business Models in
Retail, FDI in Retailing, Challenges to Retail

Relationship in Retailing: Value and the Value Chain, Retailer Relationship, Factors Influencing the Retail
Shopper, Differences in Relationship Building between Goods and Services Retailers

Retail Strategy: What is Retail Strategy?, Building a Sustainable Competitive Advantage, Growth
Strategies, Strategic Retail Planning Process
Retail Pricing: Retail Pricing Elements, Spreadsheets, Types of Mark -up, Comparison of Mark-up and
Mark-Down, Methods of Pricing Decisions, Factors Affecting the Pricing Elements, Retail Pricing Policies

Customer Service in Retailing: Concept of Customer Service, Importance of Service in Retail, Customer
Service in Retailing, Measuring the GAP in Retail Service

Retail in Different Sectors: Retail in different Sectors in India, Size of Retail and Different Fo rmats in
India, Key Players in Various Retail Format

Modern Day Retail: Retail versus Wholesale versus other channels of distribution, E -Tailing,
International, Retail Franchising, Key Players of Non -Store Retailing Global Growth
14. Understanding Consumer Behavior

Understanding Consumer Behaviour: Consumer Behaviour Defined, Nature and Scope of Consumer
Behaviour, Types of Consumers, Individual Determinants of Consumer Behaviour, External
Environmental factors influencing Consumer Behaviour, Theoretical approaches to the study of
consumer behaviour, Consumer Research, Disciplines involved in the study of consumer behaviour
Applications of Consumer behaviour in marketing

Market Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning: Introduction to Segmentation, Target Market

Segments, Product positioning

Consumer Motivation & Involvement: Concept of Motivation, Consumer motivation, Involvement and
Consumer Decision-making, Malsow’s Hierarchy of Needs, Frustration and Defense, Motivational
Research, Consumer Involvement, Measuring Consumer Involvement

Consumer Learning and Memory: Behavioural Learning Theories, Memory: Structure and Functioning,
Involvement and Four types of consumer Behaviour, Central and Peripheral route to Persuasion

Consumer Personality and Lifestyle: Theories of Personality, Consumer Lifestyle, Emotions in

Advertising, Brand Personality

Consumer Attitude and Perception: Relationship between Consumer behaviour and Consumer decision
making, constituents of Consumer Attitude, Functional Theory of Attitude, Attitude Models, Sensory
Threshold, Concept of Perception, Stages in Perceptual Process, Sensory System and Perception,
Interpretation of Stimuli, Perceived Product and Service Quality, Consumer’s Risk perception
Consumer in Social and Cultural Setting: Characteristics of Culture, Cross -cultural Analysis, Aspects of
Sub-Cultures, Rural versus Urban Consumer Behaviour, Opinion Leaders, Reference Groups, Family life
cycle stages, Diffusion of Innovation, Culture/Sub -cultures impact on 7 Ps of product/service

15. Merchandising Management

Introduction to Merchandise Management: Merchandising meaning, definition and concept, Evolution

and history of merchandising, Factors affecting merchandising function
Merchandiser Functions: Role and responsibilities of merchandiser, Career path for Merchandiser,
Functions of Merchandiser, Merchandiser vs Buyer

Merchandise Products: Types of merchandise products, Components of merchandise management,

Concept of retail pricing, Evaluating Merchandise Performance

Merchandise Hierarchy and Strategies: Merchandise hierarchy, Merchandise mix, Merchandise


Merchandise Planning: Merchandise planning, Merchandise control and merchandising stages, Planning
merchandise assortments, the Process of Merchandise Planning

Retail and Category Management: Category management, Category Management Process, Retail

Merchandise Sourcing and Buying: Merchandise buying, Types of buying

Supply and Procurement: Sourcing, Introduction to Global Sourcing

Merchandise Display: Display, Characteristics of effective display, Selling power of display

Window Display: Window Display

16. Sales Management

Introduction of Sales Management: Evolution of Sales Department, Objective of Sales Management,

Nature and Importance of Sales Management, Key Decision Areas in Sales Management, Sales
Management Cycle, Sales Manager’s Duties and Responsibilities

Overview of Personal Selling: Definition and Nature of Personal Selling, Objectives of Personal Selling,
Functions of Personal Selling, Diffe rence between Advertising and Personal Selling, Theories of Personal
Selling, Process of Personal Selling, Salesmanship and Sales Promotion
Organizational Strategies and the Sales Function: Problem of Sales Management, Formulation of Sales
Strategy, Sales Strategy, Sales Forecasting, Methods of Sales Forecasting, Sales Quotas, Buying Center

Sales Organization Structure and Sales Force: Setting up Sales Organisation, Factors Determining the
Structure of Sales Organization, Functions of Sales Organization, Ro le of Sales Organisation, Developing
Sales Organisation, Field Sales Organisation Structures, Coordination, Territory Management

Staffing the Sales Force: Recruitment and Selection: Preparing the Job Description and Specification,
Recruitment Sources, Selection Procedure

Continual Development of the Sales Force: Sales Training: Aim of Training, Content of Training,
Methods of Training, Execution of Sales Training, Evaluation of Training Program

Sales Management: Leadership and Supervision: Leadership: Meaning and Concept, Qualities of a
Leader, Principles of Leadership, Factors of Leadership, Key Roles of a Leader, Leadership Skills,
Leadership Styles, Leadership Theories, Need of Supervision, Supervisory skills, Role of Supervisor,
Effective Supervision

Motivation and Reward: System Management: Attitude towards a Compensation Plan, Various Modes
of Compensating a Sales Force, Good Sales Compensation Plan, Motivation to Sales Force, Sales Career
Stages and Motivation, Importance of Motivation Theories for Sales force, Dimensions of Motivation,
Model of Motivation Process, Model of Motivation Process, Motivation Theories, Application of Various
Motivation Theories, Non-financial Factors and their Impact on Sales Force Motivation

Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Organization: Essentials of Sales Force Monitoring Programme,
Principles of Sales Evaluation, Evaluating Performance Standards, Recording Performance of Salesman,
Field Sales Report, Sales Organisation Effectiveness
Sales Issues & Sales Management Information Systems: Sales Budget: Meaning, Sales Control, Sales
Audit, Credit Control, Budgetary Control, Market Share Analysis, Ethical Issues in Sales, Sales
Management Information System, Planning and Control, Reports, Monthly Performance Review,
Channel Sales Management (CSM)
17. Cost and Management Accounting

Basic Cost Concepts: Concept of Costs, Classification of Costs, Elements of Costs

Introduction to Cost Accounting: Cost Units and Cost Centers,Concept of Cost Accounting,
Methods of Cost Accounting , Traditional vs. Activity Based Costing, Marginal Costing and
Absorption Costing , Cost Control and Cost Reduction, Techniques of Cost Control, Strategic Cost
Management, Long Range and Short Range Planning, Cost Sheet, Make or Buy/Limiting Factor,
Continue or Shut Down

Material and Inventory Control: Materials Control ,Organizing Materials Control, Concept
of Inventory Control, Accounting System for Materials or Inventory Control, Inventory Costing

Labor Costing and Control: Direct and Indirect Labor, Control over Labor Cost, Cost Accounting for
Labor, Problems Relating to Accounting for Labor, Labor Turnover, Efficiency Rating Procedures

Factory Overheads: Costing, Control and Distribution Meaning and Definition of Overheads,
Factory Overheads Costs, Distribution of Factory Overhead Costs, Under -Absorption and Over-
Absorption of Factory Overheads, Elements of Budgeting

Costing and Controlling Administrative, Selling, and Distribution Overheads: Meaning and
Nature of Administrative Overheads, S elling and Distribution Overheads ,Treatment of Some
Items and Expenses

Job-Order, Batch, Contract, and Service Costing: Meaning and Nature of Job-Order Costing,
Batch Costing, Contract Costing, Difference between Contract Costing and Job Costing, Procedu re
of Contract Costing, Types of Contracts , Value and Profit of a Contract, Service Costing

Standard Costing: Concept of Standard Costing, Components of Standard Cost, Quality Costs,
Variance Analysis

Responsibility Accounting and Process Costing: Concept of Responsibility Accounting, Responsibility

Centers, Responsibility Performance Reporting, Corporate Performance Management, Transfer
Pricing, Concept of Process Costing, Difference between Job Costing and Process Costing, Procedure of
Process Costing, Joint Product and By-Product

Introduction to Management Accounting: Concept of Management Accounting , The Management

Accountant, Principles of Management Accounting, Process of Management Accounting, Installation
of Management Accounting, Tools and Techniques of Management Accounting, Pricing Decisions,
Organization of Management Accounting, Relationship between Management Accounting and Financial
Accounting, Relationship between Management Accounting and Cost Accounting, Changing Role of
Management Accounting in a Dynamic Business Environment

18. Retail Store Design and Location

Basic Concepts of Retailing: Introduction to Retailing, Growth of Retailing in World and India,
Scope of Retailing, Retail Sector in India, Retail Formats in India, Forms of Retai l Stores in India,
Current retail scenario in India, Significance of retailing in India, Services Provided by Retailers,
Commonly used Terminologies in the Retail Sector
Introduction to Store: Concept of Retail Store, Types of Retail Stores, Retail Store Operations,
Approaches to Improve Store Operations, Opening and Closing a Store, Store Key Management,
Checklist for Store Opening and Closing

Store Location: Retail Store Location, Principles and Objectives of Retail Store Location,
Importance of Retail Store Location, Types of Retail Store Location, Factors Affecting Retail Store
Location, Location Strategy, Retail Network Planning and Analysis, Retail Geography and Network
Planning, Site Selection Analysis, Steps in the Selection of a Location, Trading Area Analysis

Retail Store Design: Retail Store Design, Basic Concepts in Store Design, Principles of Store
Design, Objectives of Good Store Design, Traditional Versus Modern Store Design, Setting up
Retail Organisation, Store Space Allocation, Different Stages of Space Planning, Benefits of Space
Management, Issues in Space Management, Role of IT in Space Management

Retail Store Layout: Retail Store Layout, Planning a Store Layout, Various Types of Store Layouts,
Grid Layout Forced Path Layout, Free -form Layout, Boutique Layout, Combined Layout, Loop for
Guiding the Shoppers through a Store

Introduction to Visual Merchandising: Concept of Visual Merchandising, Objectives of Visual

Merchandising, Importance of Visual Merchandising, Visual Merchandising in India, Growth of
Visual Merchandising, Visual Merchandising as a Support for Positioning Strategy, Prospect of
Visual Merchandising, Challenges in Visual Merchandising

Merchandise Mix: Concept of Merchandise Mix, Concept of Category Management, Component s

of Category Management, Issues in Category Management, Category Management Process, Role
and Functions of a Category Manager, Atmospherics in Merchandising, Colour Scheme, Lighting

Store Display: Concept of Store Display, Purpose of Display, Importance of Display, Rules of Display
Planning, Display Settings, Exteriors of Store, Interiors of Store, Window Displays, Walls as Retail Selling
Tools, Merchandise Presentation and Strategies, by Style, by Size, by Price, by Target, Planogramming,
Shelving, Gondolas-Rounders, Four Ways, Saccades and Fixation, Replenishes

Store Image and Security: Concept of Image Mix, Elements of Image Mix, Employees, Merchandise,
Fixtures, Sound, Odour, Visuals, Elements that Levy Negative Impact on Shoppers, Change of Image,
Security Issues

Emerging Trends in Store Design: Overview of Emerging Trends in Store Designs, Pop-up Shops, a
New Trend in Retailing, Virtual Store Design and Online Shopping, ‘Go Green’ Focused Store Designs,
Concept of Retail Shoppability, Relationship b etween Retail Shoppability and Store Profitability

19. Retail Store Operation and Inventory Management

Basics of Retailing: Meaning of Retaling, Growth of Retailing in World and India, Retail Formats
in India, Concept of a Retail Store, Types of Retail Store s, Commonly Used Terminologies in the
Retail Sector, Future of Retailing

Retail Store Operations: Retail Store Operations, Perspective of Store Operations, Logical Activity
Flow of Store Operations, Store Operations Management System (SOMS), Blueprint for Store
Operations, Monitoring and Controlling Retail Operations, Measuring Profitability of Retail Stores,
Monitoring Performance of Retail Stores, Methods for Improving Store Operations

Opening and Closing of a Retail Store: Opening and Closing a Retail Store, Retail Store Opening
Process, Retail Store Closing Process, Store Key Management, Checklist to be followed for Store
Opening and Closing

Retail Store Location, Design and Layout: Retail Store Location, Types of Store Location, Selecting
Store Location, Retail Store Design, Exterior Store Design, Interior Store Design, Retail Store

Visual Merchandising in Retail Stores: Visual Merchandising Norms, Visual Merchandising in India,
Operating System of Visual Merchandising, Role and Responsibiliti es of Visual Merchandiser,
Signage in the Retail Store, Types of Signage

Store Administration: Responsibilities of Store Administrator, Qualifications of Store Administrator,

Role of Housekeeping Staff in a Store, Guidelines for Housekeeping, Checklist fo r Maintenance,
Employees Operations in Retail Stores, Employees Attendance Recording System, Scheduling
Breaks, Entry Recording System for Outsiders, Grooming Standards for Store Employees,
Store Disciplinary Policy for Employees

Inventory Management in Retail: Inventory Management, Importance of Inventory Management

in retail, Stock Check, Negative Stock, Movement of Stock from Warehouse to Store, Loading and
unloading of Stock, Repair System-Customer Interface, Vendor Interface, Concept of Inventory
Control, Impact of Stock Inaccuracy, Security and Preventing Loss

Inventory Costs: Inventory Costs in Retail, Lead Time, Demand Forecasting, Management of Stock
Levels, Replenishment Methods

Operations of Distribution Centres in Retail: Concept of Distributi on Centres, Functions at Distribution

Centres, Role of a Distribution Head, Operations of Distribution Centres, Measures for Retail
Distribution and Replenishment

Retail Store Finance Operations: Financial Performance in Retail Stores, Income Statement or Profit
and Loss Statement, Balance Sheet, Measures of Performance Evaluation, Ratio Analysis, Other
of Performance: Assortment of Products, Measuring Retail Store and Space Performance, Strategic
Profit Model, Budgeting

Retail Store Data and Records: Store Records, Definition of Store Records, Need of Store Records,
Types of Store Records, Accounting System in Retail Stores
Store Security Operations: Security Process in Different Situations, Handling Legal Aspects, Handling
Counterfeit Notes, Ha ndling Tag Beep (Security Tag Handling), Pilferage Handling, Concept of
Shoplifting, Methods of Shoplifting Anti -Shoplifting Options, Measures to Prevent Shoplifting

IT for Retailing and Supply Chain Management: Role of Information Systems in the Retail S ector,
Bar Coding, ERP for Retail, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)

20. Global Retailing

Introduction to International Market: Concept of International Market, Concept of International

Marketing, Definition of International Marketing, Features of Intern ational Marketing, Benefits
of International Marketing, Need of International Marketing, Drivers of International Marketing,
Difference between International Marketing and Domestic Marketing, Process of International
Marketing, Phases of International Mark eting, Different Orientations of International Marketing,
Multinational Corporations (MNCs), Future of International Marketing, India’s Presence in the
International Market

International Marketing Research: International Marketing Research, Role of Intern ational Marketing
Research, Need for Conducting International Marketing Research, Assessing International
Market Size and Sales Potentials, Scope of Research in International Market, International Marketing
Decisions, International Customer Behaviour, Inte rnational Marketing Research Process,
Information Technology in Marketing Research, Marketing Information System, Decision Support
System (DSS)

Introduction to Global Retailing: Concept of Retailing, Formats of Retailing, Retail Development,

Theories of Retail Development, Retail Development in India, Retail Scenario in India, Types of
Retail Stores, Concept of Global Retailing, Theories of Internationalisation, Market Selection for
Internationalisation, Global Retailing Opportunities, Market Entry Strateg ies, Factors Determining
the Choice of Entry Methods, Standardisation versus Adaptation Strategies, Visual Merchandising
in Retailing, Visual Merchandising Norms, Visual Merchandising in India, Operating System
of Visual Merchandising, Role and Responsibilities of a Visual Merchandiser, Challenges in Global
Retailing, List of Leading Global Retailers

Supply-Chain Management in Retail: Meaning of Supply-Chain Management, Objectives of Supply-

Chain Management, Importance of Supply-Chain Management, Uncertainty and Supply-Chain
Management, Decision Phases of Supply-Chain Management, Process View of Supply-Chain
Management, Competitive Supply-Chain Strategies, Achieving Strategic Fit, Obstacles in Achieving
Strategic Fit, Supply-Chain Drivers, Supply-Chain Network, Challenges in Supply-Chain Management,
Concept of Distribution Centre, Activities of Distribution Centres, Target System, Retail
Distribution Centre Operations, Duties of Distribution Centre Head

Inventory Management in Retail: Inventory Management, Important Terminologies in Inventory

Management, Importance of Inventory Management in Retail, Stock Check, Negative Inventory,
Movement of Inventory from Warehouse to Store, Unloading of Inventory, Product Repair System –
Interface, Vendor Interface, Returning Merchandise to Vendor, Retail Merchandising, Evolution
of Merchandising, Merchandise Management, Role and Responsibilities of a Merchandiser, Merchandise

Multichannel Retailing and Ownership Structures in Global Retailing: Concept of Multichannel

Retail Formats under Multichannel Retailing, Classification of Retailers Based on Ownership
Structure, Classification of Retailers Based on Brand Availability, Key Features of New Technology
Retail Formats

Retail Competition: Define Retail Competition, Competing in a Foreign Market, Multi -Country
and Global Competition, Cross Market Subsidisation, Competitive Advantages in Foreign Market,
Strategic Choice, Strategic Direction, Selection of Organisation -Specific Strategy, Comparative
Scenario of Indian and Foreign Retailing
Global Retailing Strategy: Strategy in Retail, Process of Developing a Global Retail Strategy, Defining
the Mission of an Organisation, Establishing Objectives, Conducting Situation Analysis, Deter mining
an Alternative Strategy, Obtaining and Allocating Resources, Preparing a Strategic Plan, Implementing
the Strategy, Expansion Strategy

Information Technology in Global Retailing: Concept of Information Technology, Role of Information

Technology, Use of Information Technology, Factors Affecting the Use of Information Technology, Use of
Information Technology in Retail, Flow of Information, Data Warehousing, Electronic Data Interchange
(EDI), Data Security, Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID), Addit ional Information Required to Evaluate
Merchandise, Database Marketing, Use of IT in Finding Store Location, Enterprise Resource Planning
(ERP), Challenges in using ERP Applications, Strengths and Weaknesses of Retail ERP Systems,
Major Retail ERP Vendors, Mobile Retail and Digital Wallets

Internet Retailing: Concept of Internet Retailing: E -tailing, Features of Online Retailing, Online Retailing
and Pricing, Comparison of Conventional and Online Retailing, Role of Websites in Online Retailing,
Online Shopping and Social Connectivity, Shopping Styles and Attitude of Teens, Shopping Styles and
Attitude of Boomers, Suggestions for Retailers for Better Connectivity

21. Marketing research

Marketing Research – A Tool for Making Managerial: Concept of Marketing Int elligence, Introduction
to Marketing Research, Types of Marketing Research, Application of Marketing Research
in Different Industries, Bassies to Effective Marketing Research, Ethical Aspects in Marketing Research,
International Marketing Research
MR Process: Concept of Data Collection, Types of Data, Research Design, Types of Research Design,
MR Process: An overview, Translating a Management Problem into an MR Problem, Determining
Whether the Informing Already Exists, Determining Whether the Research Quest ion can
be Answered by MR, Steps Involved in the MR Process, Managing the Research Process, Marketing
Research Proposal, MR Process in an International Environment
Data Collection in MR: Internal and External Sources of Secondary Data, Benefits and Limitat ions
of Secondary Data, Sources of International Secondary Data, Internet as a Source of MR
Data, Qualitative Research Methods for Primary Data Collection - Focus Group, Depth Interview
and Projective Techniques, Quantitative Research Methods for Primary D ata collection – Surveys
and Observational Methods, Opportunity Analysis
Sampling Concepts: Concept of Sampling, Sampling vs. Census, Sampling Design Process, Probability
and Non-Probability Sampling Techniques, Parameters and Statistics Sample Reliability
Attitude Measurement Techniques: Concept and Measurement of Attitude, Components of Attitude,
Attitude Rating Scales, Comparative and Non -comparative Scaling Techniques, Developing a
Multi-Item Scale, Interpreting an Attitude Scale, Selecting an Attitude Scale, Accuracy in Attitude
Questionnaire Design: Definition and Objectives of a Questionnaire, Designing Question Content,
Linking with the Required Information, Types of Questions, Question Wording, Order of Questions
and Questionnare, Managing Inability and Unwillingness of Respondent to Answer
Data Analysis Techniques: Statistical Analysis with Frequency Distribution, Measures of Location,
Variability and Shape, Hypothesis Testing, Cross -Tabulation, Data Analysis Techniques, Parametric
and non-Parametric Tests, Advanced Techniques
New Product Development and Test Marketing: New Product Development Process, Techniques
for Product Testing, Test Marketing, Types of Test Marketing, Guidlines for Designing Market Tests

Advertising Research: Concept of Adverting Research - Copy Testing and Recalling Ads, Comprehension,
Opening and Punch/Base line Research, Designing Sample Ad Campaigns, Stages in Advertising
Research Research on Advertising Planning, Advertising Objectives and Media Experiments, Ad vertising
Research for Monitoring and control, DAR Test and Tracking Studies, Consumer Panels, Campaign
Tracking Research, Types of Advertising Research, Determining Effectiveness of the Advertising Medium
for Different Products and Industries, Using NRS a nd IRS in Advertising Decisions

Brand Equity and Corporate Image Research: Brand Equity Research, Positioning Research, Corporate
Image Measurement Research, Sales Promotion Research

Research Report Preparation and Presentation: Organising the Research Report, Interpreting the
Findings, Format of a Research Report, Presenting the Research Report, Differences between Oral and
Written Reports

Emerging Concepts and Applications in MR: Database Marketing, Steps in Database Marketing,
Business Intelligence, Analytics and Big Data, E-commerce, Social and Mobile Marketing

22. International Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Introduction to Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Introduction; Concept of Logistics –

Objectives of Logistics, Types of Logistics, Lo gistics Management, Key Components of Logistics
Management; Defining Supply Chain Management; Evolution of Logistics and Supply Chain Man -
agement; Distinguishing between Logistics and Supply Chain Management; International Logis tics and
Supply Chain Management.

Globalisation and International Trade: Introduction; Effects of Globalisation on International Trade;

Outsourcing and Offshoring as an Emerging Trend in International Trade; Directional Im balances.

Factors and Challenges Driving Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Introduction; Factors Driving
Global Supply Chain Management; Customs and Global Supply Chain Management; Management of
Inventory in Supply Chain Management; Vendor Management – Factors Driving Development of
Logistics, Asset Management in Supply Chain Management, Lean Supply Chain Management, Lean
Supply Workforce.

Supply Chain Strategies: Introduction; The Evolution of Manufacturing and Production Strat egies;
Logistics and Supply Chain Strategy – Lean Production, Agile Supply Chains and Mass Customisation, Just
In time (JIT); Taxonomy of Supply Chain Strategies; Critical Factors Consid ered in Supply Chain Planning;
Operational and Strategic Issues in Global Logistics; Logistics Outsourcing Strategy (3 PL and 4 PL) –
Types of Logistics Companies.

International Procurement and Sale: Introduction; International Purchasing/Procurement Sys tem –

Types of Procurement, Advantages and Disadvantages of International Procurement, In ternational
Procurement Process, Trends in International Procurement, Principles and Policies of International
Procurement; Financing Global Supply Chains; Selecting International Logistics Operator – 3PL Selection
Process, Developing a Successful 3PL; Contract Logistics; ISO Supply Chain Management Selection;
Export Sales Contract and its Constituents; Warehousing and Ma terials Management.

International Shipping - I: Introduction; Concept of International Transport – Freighting, Objectives of

Transportation; Role of Transportation in Logistics; Transportation Modes – International Ocean
Transportation, International Air Transportation, International Land and Multi -Modal Transportation;
Concept of Container Yards (CYs), Inland Container Depots (ICDs), Container Freight Stations (CFS);
Chartering – Charter Types; Transportation Selection Decision – Transportation Selection;
Transportation Cost.

International Shipping - II: Introduction; International Commercial Documents – Invoices; Export

Documents, Import Documents, Transport Documents; Export Packaging; Cust om Clearance Process.
Information Technology and Information System in Logistics Management: Introduction; Objectives of
Information Technology in Logistics Management; Application of IT in Logistics – Electronic Data
Interchange (EDI), Intranet/Extranet, Data Mining, Data Warehousing and Data Marts, E -commerce, SMS
(Short Message Service), Wireless Application Protocol (WAP), Bluetooth, Mobile Positioning Sys tems
(MPS), E-Procurement, Bar Coding Technology, Smart Cards, Radio Frequency Identification (RF ID),
Global Positioning System (GPS), Automatic Identification Technologies; Information Systems in Logistics
Management; Information System and Bull Whip Effect; Security Issues in Global Supply Chain

International Insurance: Introduction; International Interest; Risk Management – Risk Retention, Risk
Transfer, Mixed Approach; Perils of Sea and Air Shipments; Marine Insurance Policies – Marine Cargo
Insurance, Hull Insurance, Protection and Indemnity; Coverage under Marine Cargo Insurance Policy;
Elements of Air Freight Policy; Commercial Credit Insurance – Risks Involved, Risk Management

Prospective Growth in International Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Introduction; Future
Growth of Global Supply Chain Management and Logistics; Co nstraints of Global Supply Chain Man-
agement and Logistics; Future Strategic Focus: Global Supply Chain Management and Logistics.

23. Business: Ethics, Governance and Risk

Concept of Business Ethics: Introduction to Ethics -Objectives, nature and source of Ethics, Ethics Vs
Morality, Ethics Vs Law, Ethical dilemmas, Introduction to Business Ethics, Features and Relevance of
Business Ethics in the era of globalisation, Creating Ethical Environment in Busi ness Organisation,
Embedding Ethics in Organisation Culture, Guidelines for Ethical Behaviour in Business Organization,
Ethical Leadership

Values, Norms, Beliefs, and Standards in Business Ethics: Concept of Values, Norms, Beliefs and
Standards in Ethical Context, Characteristics of Values, Types of V alues-Spiritual values, Spiritual
Managerial Values and Professional Managerial Values, Business Ethics and Values: Honesty, Trust,
Fairness and Respect, Objective of Value Based Management, Factors Responsible for the Enhancement
and Dilution of Human Values

Indian Ethos: The Relevance of Indian Ethos-Spiritualty at Work, Indian Work Ethos and Prin ciples of
Indian Management: Principles of Ethical Power for organizations, Nishkam Karma and Business World,
Teachings from Scriptures and Traditions: Mahabharata, Gita and Work Ethos, Eroding Values and
Emerging Ethical Issues in Contemporary Indian Management

Ethical Issues in Functional Area of Management: Ethical Issues in Marketing, Ethical Issues in HRM,
Ethical Issues in IT, Ethics in Production and Op eration Management, Ethics in Finance and Accounting

Introduction to Corporate Governance: Corporate Governance: Objectives and Goals of Corporate

Governance, Dimensions of Corporate Governance (Internal and External), History of Corporate
Governance: Origin and Development of Corporate Governance, Emerging Trends in Corporate
Governance, Corporate Governance Forms and Models, OECD Principles of Corporate governance,
Theories Underlying Corporate Governance: The Stakeholder’s Theory, The Stewardship Theory and the
Agency Theory, Corporate Governance as a Systemic Process (Transparency, Accountabil ity and
Empowerment), Ethics and Corporate Governance, Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate

Corporate Governance: Ownership Structure Ownership Concentration, Ownership Composition:

Shareholder Control and Protection, Board of Directors and their Fiduciary Responsibilities, Executive
Compensation, Minority Shareholder rights Transparency and Information Disclosure, Ownership
Pattern of Companies in India, Issues in Managing Public Limited Firms – Agency Problems, Separation of
Positions of Chairman and CEO, Separation of Ownership and Manage ment
Semester-1 Subjects Credits

1 Management Theory & Practice 4

2 Organizational Behavior 4

3 Business Economics 4

4 Corporate Social Responsibility 4

5 Information System for Managers 4

6 Business Communication & Etiquettes 4

Semester-2 Subjects Credits

1 Marketing Management 4

2 Financial Accounting 4

3 Essentials of HRM 4

4 Strategic Management 4

5 Operations Management 4

6 Written and Oral Communication 4

Semester-3 Subjects Credits

1 Business Statistics 4

2 Supply chain management 4

3 Logistic Management 4

4 Customer Relationship Management 4

5 Total Quality Management 4

6 Enterprise Resource Planning 4

Semester-4 Subjects Credits

1 Advanced Supply Chain Management 4

2 World class operations 4

3 Decision analysis and modeling 4

4 International Logistics and SCM 4

5 Business Law 4

6 Project 4

Semester I

1. Management Theory & Practice


Evolution of Management
• Introduction, History of management
• Industrial Revolution
• Forces behind management thoughts
• Approaches of management- Classical approach, Modern approach
• Major contributors- Charles Babbage, Frederick W. Taylor’s theory of scientific management,
Henry Laurence Gantt, Henri Fayol’s administrative theory, Robert Owen, Max Weber’s theory
of bureaucracy, George E. Mayo
• Recent development in management
• Lean Production or JIT
• 5 S system
• Six Sigma
• Kaizen
Nature of Management
• Definition Nature and Purpose of Management
• Management as Science
• Management as an Art
• Functions of Management
• Role of Management in Society
• Social responsibility of the business
• Social responsibility towards different interest groups
• Management administration and cultural values
• Management as a profession
Corporate Culture
• Corporate culture
• Components of corporate culture
• Conflict between corporate culture and administration
• Corporate culture and communication
• Human resource development and organisational culture
Structure of an Organisation

• Organisational designs
• Six Box organisational model
• Matrix or Mixed model
• ETZIONI organisational theory
• Factors influencing organisational design
Business Communication
• The concept, Need and Significance of communication
• Types of business communication- Internal and External communication, Formal or Informal
communication, Verbal and non-verbal communication
• Tools of business communication
• Role of business communication in an organisation
• Benefits of business communication
• Limitations of business communication
Managerial decision making
• Concept & Process of managerial decision making
• Centralization & Decentralisation
• Types of managerial decisions
• Importance of managerial decision making
• Information technology and managerial decision making
• Meaning, Types, Styles of leadership
• Balance between leadership and management
• Role, Functions, Importance and leadership
• Leadership and team work competency
• Leadership and group decision making
• Meaning, Need of Motivation
• Theories of Motivation
• Traditional Theories
• Modern Theories
ERG Theory
McClelland's Theory of Needs
Equity Theory of Motivation
• Techniques for stimulating creativity

• Motivating Individuals
• Motivating Groups
Change Management
• Meaning, Objectives of change management
• Change management and organisational development
• Forces of change
• Resistance to change
• Managing resistance to change
• Role of leaders in Change Management
Management Information System
• Information technology and management
• Data and Information
• Expert System
• Decision support system
• Group Decision support system (GDSS)- Components, Model of GDSS
• Advantages of GDSS
• Disadvantages of GDSS

2. Organizational Behavior

Introduction to Organizational Behavior

• Defining Organization Behavior
• History of Organizational Behavior
• Scope of Organization Behavior
• Importance of Organization Behavior
• Features of Organizational Behavior
• Approaches to Organizational Behavior
• Classical Approach
• Neo-Classical Approach
• Modern Approach
• Opportunities and Challenges of Organizational Behavior
• Scientific aspects of Organizational Behavior
Understanding Individual Behavior

• Individual Behavior
• Biographical Attributes
• Ability
• Values
• Attitudes
• Job Satisfaction
• Definition of Personality
• Stages of Personality Development
• Freudian Stages
• Erikson Stages (Neo Freudian Stages)
• Adult Life Stages
• Determinants of Personality
• Theories of Personality
• Psychoanalytic Theory
• New Freudian Theories
• Trait Theories
• Social Learning Theory
• The Self Theory
• Significant Personality Traits affecting Organizational Behavior
• Definition of Perception
• Importance of Perception
• Perception Process
• Perceptual Selectivity
• Factors Influencing Perception
• Impression Management
• Perception of Self-Image and Behavior
• Managerial Implications of Perception
• Managing the Perception Process
• Significance of Learning
• Theories of Learning
• Classical Conditioning Theory
• Operant or Instrumental Conditioning Theory
• Cognitive Learning Theory

• Social Learning Theory
• Meaning of Reinforcement
• Learning through Reinforcement
• Organizational Reward System
• Administering Reinforcement
• Impact of Punishment
• Meaning of Motivation
• Characteristics of Motivation
• Different Motives of Motivation
• Primary Motives
• General Motives
• Secondary Motives
• Motivational Approaches
• Theories of Motivation
• Maslow’s Need Hierarch Theory
• Herzberg Two Factor Theory
• Achievement Motivation Theory
• Goal Setting Theory
• Vroom’s Expectancy Theory
• Porter’s Performance Satisfaction Theory
• Motivation in Practice
Leadership and People Skills
• Definition of Leadership
• Significance of Leadership
• Managers vs. Leaders
• Leadership Theories
• Behavioural Theories
• Trait Theories
• Contingency Theories
• Pitfalls of Leadership
• Emotional Intelligence
• Styles of Leadership & their Impact on Employees
Groups and Teams
• Group Dynamics
• Features of Groups

• Importance of Groups
• Types of Groups
• Formal Groups
• Informal Groups
• Understanding Group Processes
• Formation of Groups
• Theories of Group Formation
• Propinquity Theory
• Homan’s Theory
• Balance Theory
• Exchange Theory
• Concept of Teams
• Difference between Groups and Teams
• Problems in Teamwork
• Creating Effective Teams at workplace
Conflict Management
• Understanding Conflicts
• Sources of Conflict
• Positive and Negative Aspects of Conflicts
• Functional Conflicts
• Dysfunctional Conflicts
• Types of Conflict
• Inter-personal conflict
• Intergroup conflict
• Conflict Resolution and Management
• Encouraging Functional Conflict for Organizational Effectiveness
Power & Politics in Organizations
• Understanding Power
• Difference between Leadership & Power
• Sources of Power
• Identifying the Sources of Power in an Organization
• Power Tactics
• Power in Groups
• Politics within Organizations
• Factors Contributing to existence of Politics
• Role of Politics in Determining Organization Culture

• Importance of Personality Development for Encountering Politics

3. Business Economics

Introduction to Business Economics

• Meaning and Scope of Economics
• Significance
• Distinction between Economics and Business Economics
• Microeconomics and Macroeconomics
• Laws of Economics- Nature, Application, Assumptions
• Economic Statics and Dynamics
• Economics and Business Decision Making
• Social Accounting- Gross National Product-Concept and components
• Business cycles
• Inflation- Defnition, Characteristics and types
Demand Analysis
• Meaning and types of Demand
• Determinants of Demand- Factors Influencing Individual Demand, Factors Influencing Market
• Law of Demand- Demand Schedule, Demand Curve, Demand Function , Assumptions in Law of
Demand, Exception to Law of Demand
• Shift and Movement along Demand Curve
Supply Analysis
• Concept of Supply
• Determinants of Supply
• Law of Supply- Assumptions and Exceptions
• Expansion and Contraction of Supply
• Increase and Decrease in Supply
• Market Equilibrium: Demand and Supply Equilibrium- Determination of Market Price, Shifts in
Market Equilibrium
Consumer Demand Analysis
• Concept
• Utility as a Basis of Consumer Demand- Total Utility, Marginal Utility

• Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility
• Cardinal Utility Approach- Neo Classical Approach
• Ordinal Utility Approach –Indifference Curve Analysis
• Assumptions of Ordinal Utility
• Indifference Curve- Meaning, properties and Criticism
• Marginal Rate of Substitution
• Concept of Budget Line – Slope and Shifts in Budget Line
• Consumer Equilibrium Effects
• Revealed Preference Theory
Elasticity of Demand and Supply
• Price Elasticity of Demand
• Different Types of Price Elasticity- Elastic Demand, Inelastic Demand, Relatively Elastic Demand,
Relatively Inelastic Demand
• Measurement of Price Elasticity
• Factors Influencing Price Elasticity of Demand
• Significance
• Income Elasticity of Demand
• Cross Elasticity of Demand
• Advertisement Elasticity of Sale
• Elasticity of Supply
Demand Forecasting
• Concept and need of Demand Forecasting
• Factors
• Steps and Limitations
• Techniques - Survey methods, Statistical methods
• Criteria for Good Demand Forecasting
Production Theory
• Concept and factors of production
• Production Possibility Curve
• Production in the Short and Long Run
• Total Product, Average Product and Marginal Product
• Production Function
• Law of Diminishing Returns- Significance, Optimal Employment of Factor of Production
• Isoquant curves - Forms
• Marginal Rate of Technical Substitution
• Elasticity of Substitution between Factors

10 | P a g e
• Iso-cost Curves
• Producer’s Equilibrium- Equal Product, Expansion Path
• Returns to Scale- Increasing, Constant, Diminishing
• Different Types of Production Functions- Cobb-Douglas Production Function, Leontief
Production Function, CES Production Function
Cost and Revenue Analysis
• Concept of Cost
• Different Types of Costs- Opportunity costs, Accounting Costs, Economic costs, Business Costs,
Full Costs, Explicit Costs, Implicit Costs Fixed Costs, Variable Costs, Incremental Costs
• Short Run and Long Run Costs of Production
• Short Run and Long Run Average Cost and Long Run Total Cost
• Short Run and Long Run Marginal Costs
• Deriving Cost Schedule from Production Function
• Economies and Diseconomies of Scale
• Economies of Scope
• Concept of Revenue- Average Revenue, Marginal Revenue
• Relationship between Total Revenue and Marginal Revenue
• Relationship between Average Revenue and Marginal Revenue
Market Structure
• Defining Market
• Types of Market Structures- Pure Competition, Perfect Competition, Imperfect Competition,
Monopolistic Competition, Oligopoly, Monopoly
• Profit Maximization in the Short Run and Long Run
• Determinants and Measurement of Market Power
Market Failure
• Meaning of Market Failure
• Price Regulations
• Market Failure and Need for Regulation
• Regulations and Market Structure
• Price Regulation and Firm Behavior

4. Corporate Social Responsibility


CSR and Globalisation

• Globalization and Its Impact

11 | P a g e
• Sustainable Development
• Role of Business in Sustainable Development
• Millennium Development Goals and UN Post- 2015 Development Agenda
• India and MDGs
• Indian Companies Act 2013 and CSR
Corporate Stakeholders
• Business and Society
• Business Organizations as Systems
• From Shareholder Theory to Stakeholder Theory
• Stakeholder Engagement
• Dynamic Environment of Business
• History of CSR in India
• Emerging CSR Trends
• Theories of CSR
• The Pyramid of Corporate Social Responsibility
• Changing Trends: Philanthropy – Strategic Philanthropy – CSR
• Arguments against CSR
• The Business Case for CSR
• Importance of CSR for India Contemporary Drivers for CSR
CSR Strategy
• Steps in Designing CSR Strategy
• Implement CSR Commitments
• Areas of CSR Implementation
• CSR at Market Place
• CSR at Workplace
• Environmental CSR
• CSR with Communities
• CSR in Supply Chain
• Types of Interventions
• Strategic Partnerships with NGO
• Focus of Measurement
• Social Auditing

12 | P a g e
• What is Monitoring? Internal and External
Importance and Benefits of Reporting
• Formats of CSR Communication and Reporting
• The Reporting Team
• Role of Government
• Government Support at International Level
• Voluntary Codes in CSR
• Corporate ethics
• Ethics and Functional Areas of business
• What is Corporate Governance?
• Constituents of Corporate Governance
• The Corporate Governance Debate
• Theories of Corporate Governance
• Responsibilities of Corporate Governance
• Global Growth of Corporate Governance
• History of Corporate Governance in India
• The Current State of Corporate Governance in India
• Board Composition in India.
• Corporate Governance: Need to Strengthen
• Corporate Governance and CSR
• Corporate Disclosures & investor protection in India
• Current CSR Bill and its impact on the society

5. Information System for Managers


Introduction to Information System

• Meaning of Information ,Difference between Data and Information, Definition, Importance of
Information for Organizations
• Concept of System , Need
• Evolution of Information System , Functions , Framework,
• Information and Control Systems

13 | P a g e
• Computerized Information System
• Business Process Design , Modelling
• Business Process Re-engineering
• Management of Information Systems
Components of Information Technology
• Hardware Concepts, Software Concepts, Operating Systems, Programming Languages ,
Readymade Packages and their Operating Systems
Networking Concepts
• Meaning of Networking, Need for Networking , Advantages and Disadvantages of Networking,
• Hardware and Software for Networking, Concepts , Types
• Bluetooth as Wireless Technologies - RFID
• Network Models
• Applying Communication Networks – Intranet, Extranet, Internet
Database Management
• Meaning of Database ,Types
• Database Management , Objectives , Functions , Major Components , Database Models
Types of Information Systems
• Different Types of Information Systems
• Operations Support Systems , Transaction Processing Systems (TPS), Process Control System
(PCS), Enterprise Collaboration System (ECS)
• Management Support Systems , Management Information System (MIS), Decision Support
System (DSS), Executive Information System (EIS)
• Functional Information Systems
• Other Types of Information Systems, Expert System , Knowledge Management System
(KMS),Strategic Information System (SIS),Business Information System (BIS), Integrated
Information Systems
• Defining ERP , Evolution of an ERP System, Benefits , ERP Implementation
• Reasons for the Failure of ERP Implementation
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
• Introducing EDI , Standards of EDI
• Transmission Modes of EDI : VAN ,Internet/AS2,Web EDI
• Disadvantages of EDI
Data Warehousing, Data Mining, and Business Intelligence
• Data Warehousing , Need , Goals, Constituents

14 | P a g e
• Definition of Data Mining, Parameters, Working
• Types of relationships
• Architecture of Data Mining, Functionalities
• Classification on Data Mining system
• Meaning of Business Intelligence, Evolution , Importance
Decision Support System (DSS)
• Introducing Decision Support System (DSS)
• Evolution , Components , DSS Architecture
• Analytical Models in DSS
• Characteristics , Types , Tools and Technologies Supporting DSS
• DSS and Outsourcing
• Group Decision Support Systems
Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
• Define CRM , Components of CRM, Three Phases of CRM, Benefits and Challenges of CRM, New
Trends in CRM
Supply Chain Management (SCM)
• Meaning of Supply Chain , Define SCM, Objectives of SCM, Components of SCM, Difference
between Logistics Management and SCM, Scope , Benefits and Challenges of SCM, New Trends
in SCM
Building and Deploying an Information System
• Architecture of an Information System
• Software Development Lifecycle
• Software Development Models : Waterfall model, Prototype model, Incremental model, Spiral
• Requirement Analysis & Design Considerations
• Software Testing
• Deploying an Information System
Managing Information Systems
• Infrastructure Management
• Maintenance of Information Systems
• Management of Changing Requirements
• Incidence Handling
• Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Planning

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6. Business Communication & Etiquettes

Communication in workplace

• Role of communication in business- Peter Drucker

• Why business needs to communicate
• Importance of communication skill to you
• Forms of communication
• Formation and sending of response
• 7 C’s of good communication skills
• Barriers to communication
• Communication Skills --- Verbal and Non-verbal
• Organisational communication--- internal and external including PR

Fundamentals of business writing

• Adaptation and selection of words

• Use of familiar words
Adapting to multiple readers

Indirectness in persuasion and sales messages

• Determining the persuasion

• Gaining attention in the opening
• Making the request Clear and positive

Public speaking and oral reporting

• Making formal speeches

• Defining oral report
• Differences between oral and written reports
• Planning the oral report
• Telephone communication

Technology enabled Communication

• Using technology in communication tasks

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• E mails
• Tools for constructing messages
• Computer tools for gathering and collecting information

Personal etiquettes and grooming for corporate

• Eye contact
• Body language
• Handshake
• Business card etiquette
• Work habits- punctuality, prioritize your work, stay positive, Bring solution etc

Aspects of Communication

• Cultural aspects of communication --- intercultural and multicultural

Ethical and Legal aspects

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Semester II
1. Marketing Management

Introduction to Marketing: Evolution of Marketing

Understanding the Marketing Process: Marketing Mix
Marketing Concepts, Customer Value and Satisfaction
Marketing Environment: Impact on the Strategic Planning
Understanding Consumer Behaviour
Understanding Industrial Buyer Behaviour
Analyzing Industry and Competition
Competitive Advantage and Core Competence
Marketing Strategy
Market Segmentation and Targeting
Demand Measurement and Sales Forecasting
Product and Product Life Cycle
Brand and Brand Equity
New Product Decisions
Distribution Channels and Logistics
Pricing Decisions
Marketing Communication: Advertising and Promotion

2. Financial Accounting

Balance Sheet
Accounting Process: Journal, Ledger and Trail Balance
Corporate Accounts: Format of Company Accounts
Cash Flow Statement: Preparation, Analysis and Implications
Financial Statements Reporting As per Accounting Standards: AS 1 and 2
Financial Statements Reporting As per Accounting Standards: AS 6 and 9
Financial Statements Reporting As per Accounting Standards: AS 13, 17, and 20.
Financial Analysis: Trends, Common Size, Ratios
Management Analysis and Discussion
Comparison: IFRS, GAAP, Indian Accounting Standards

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Financial Statement Analysis

3. Essentials of HRM

Objectives of HRM, Scope of HRM, Evolution of HRM, HRM functions, Challenges, Personnel
Job analysis, Information collection for job analysis, Job description and Job specification, Job
Human Resource Planning: need, objectives, process and problems
Recruitment – sources and methods, Selection – process, induction and outsourcing
Competency Mapping – developing competency models, uses; Assessment Center: history,
measurement tools, difference between assessment center and development center
Performance appraisal: process, methods, benefits, problems; Coaching and Mentoring:
process and implementation
Potential Appraisal: purpose and techniques; Career Planning: meaning and process; Succession
Planning: meaning, pros and cons
HR Audit: Objectives, role, significance, process, pros and cons; HR Accounting: methods, pros
and cons; HR Information Systems: application, pros and cons
Human Resource Development System: need, functions, systems, HRD process, HRD
effectiveness, Strategic management & HRM
Training and Development: training and education, stakeholders in training, need for training
and development, training and learning organisations, process of training, cross cultural
training, team training, orientation training
Compensation and Rewards: need for compensation, uses, components of compensation,
industry compensation, international compensation, fringe benefits & FBT, reward
management – goals, reward systems, recognition

4. Strategic Management

Evolution and basic concepts, Vision, Mission and business definition

Contributions by Mintzberg, Ansoff, Porter and Prahalad, Gary Hammel
Environment survey and appraisal – Industry and competitive analysis – Dominant economic
features, strength of competition and competitive forces.
The Strategic Management Process – Situation analysis, Formulating Corporate Level Strategy,

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Portfolio Strategy.
Formulating Business Level Strategy – Porter’s Competitive Forces and Strategies, Cooperative
Strategic implications of five competitive forces, Evaluating company resources and competitive
capabilities, Competencies, core and distinctive competencies and competitive advantages.
Formulating Functional level Strategies – Putting strategy into action‐leadership‐structural
design, Information and control systems, human resources – Implementing global strategies.
Corporate goals and strategic gap, Five generic strategies (Porter’s model)
Managing internal organization for Strategy implementation

5. Operations Management

Operations Management (An Overview)

Operations Function
Operations Management in Manufacturing and Service Sector
Types of Production Systems
Plant Location
Plant Layout – Service Facility Layout, plant Maintenance and TPM
Productivity Indices, Productivity Enhancement Techniques
Manufacturing Economics (BEA)
Inventory Management
Total Quality Management – Definition, Concept, Eight Building Blocks, Seven Wastages &
Pillars of TQM
Theory of Constraints

6. Written and Oral Communication


Modes of Written Communication

• Business writing style

• Types of messages and techniques
• Letters
• Memoranda and Email messages, SMS texting
• Press release

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• Reports
• Proposals
• Minutes and notes
• Internet as communication medium --- websites, advertising, blogs etc

Grammar and Style

• Verbs –[tenses; active and passive voice; Subject-Verb Agreement; Negative and Interrogative
• Nouns, Noun Phrases, Pronouns
• Modifiers --- [adverbs, adjectives, dangling modifiers]
• Concord; Parallel structure,
• Avoiding gender bias
• Writing Tactfully
• Punctuation
• Numerals

Oral Communication

• Characteristics of spoken language --- Features of oral communication --- Skills and self
• Voice Dynamics (with voice CD) -- Self presentation --- Body language
• Listening skills
• Preparing and Making Presentations
• Meetings and GD skills
• Interview skills
• Dialogue skills (negotiation)

Telephone, Tele-conferencing

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Semester III
1. Business Statistics

Introduction to Statistics
Business Statistics
Descriptive Statistics
Measures of Central Tendency
Measures of Dispersion (Variance)
Correlation Analysis
Regression Analysis (Limited to 2 Variable Regression Model)
Theory of Probability
Probability Distribution
Use of Excel Software for Statistical Analysis

2. Supply Chain Management


The Need for Supply Chain
Understanding the Supply Chain Management
Participants in Supply Chain
Levels of Supply Chain
Role of a Manager in Supply Chain
Supply Chain Performance Drivers
Key Enablers in Supply Chain Improvement
Inter‐relation between Enablers and Levels of Supply Chain Improvement
Aligning the Supply Chain with Business Strategy
SCOR Model

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3. Logistics Management

Customer Service and Logistics Management – A Perspective

Concept in Logistics and Physical Distribution
Distribution and Inventory
Types of inventory Control
Demand Forecasting
Warehousing and Stores Management
Transportation Management
Some Commercial Aspects in Distribution Management
Distribution Channel Management
Distribution Resource Planning (DRP)
Logistics in 21st Century

4. Customer Relationship Management


What is CRM? – History, Need, Importance

Role of Different Organizational Departments in Implementation of CRM – Marketing, HR,
Servicing/Customer Support
Customer Relationship – Why?, How to measure, Customer Satisfaction, Factors affecting, How
to promote/improve
Customer Loyalty and Customer Retention – Concepts, Drivers, Benefits of Customer Loyalty
Management, How to Retain a Customer?
Service and Complain Management – Handling Customer Complaints, Analysis and Resolution,
Advantages of Complain Management System, Service as a Business, its Challenges and its
e‐CRM – Sales Force Automation, Role of ERP, SCM, partner Relationship, CRM in India
Creating Customer Focused Organization – Business Process Re‐engineering, Quality as an
Organizational Culture, Growth through Customer Satisfaction

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5. Total Quality Management

Core concepts of Total Quality Management

Learning from the Quality Gurus
Seven Basic Quality Control Tools, Statistical Process Control (SPC) and Poka Yoke (mistake
proofing), Concepts and computation of Process Capability and its comparison with Design
Acceptance Sampling, Basic Sampling Plans, OC Curve, Producers and Consumers Risk
Cost of Quality, Taguchi methods leading to Robust Design
Quality Function Deployment
ISO Concepts: Introduction to ISO 9000, ISO 14000, QS 9000, and such emerging standards
Organizing for Total Quality Management
Working on Quality Circles and their success in Indian Industries
Supplier Partnership, Sourcing, Supplier Selection, Supplier Rating, Relationship Development,
Performance Measurement, Basic Concepts, Strategy Performance Measure
Case Studies on Total Quality Management

6. Enterprise Resource Planning


Introduction to Enterprise Resource Planning: Introduction to Enterprise Resource Planning

(ERP), Reasons for Growth of ERP, Scenario and Justification of ERP in India, Evolution of ERP,
What is ERP?, Evaluation of ERP, Various Modules of ERP, Advantages of ERP, ERP vs. CRM and
An Overview of Enterprises: Organization or Enterprise, Integrated Management
Business Modeling, ERP of Small Business, Indian Industries with International Brands,
Manufacturing Strategies, ERP for Make to Order, Business Process Mapping for ERP Module
Design, Hardware Environment and its Selection for ERP Implantation
ERP and Related Technologies: Business Process, Re‐engineering, Characteristics of BPR,
Business Process Redesign: An overview: What is a Business Process?, ERP and BPR, Decision-
Categories of Information Systems, Scope of Information Systems, Data Warehousing, Data
Mining, Online Analytical Processing.
SAP: What is SAP?, What makes SAP Different?, SAP Application Modules, Business Processes

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and SAP Functionality, SAP R/3 System Overview, R/3 as the Vehicle for Business Integration
ERP Modules: Modules of ERP, ERP Production Planning Module, ERP Purchasing Module, ERP
Inventory Control Module, Warehouse Management, ERP Sales and Distribution Module, ERP
Financial Module, HR Module, CAQ and CIQ, Plant Maintenance
ERP Market: SAP AG, Baan Company, Oracle Corporation, PeopleSOft, J.D> Edward World
Solution Company, SSA Inc., QAD, Selection of ERP Packages and Modules
ERP Implementation: ERP – An Overview, Role of Consultants, Vendors and Users, ERP: Post
Implementation Options, ERP Implementation Methodology
Vendors, Consultants and End Users: Vendors, Consultants, End Users, In‐house
Future Direction in ERP: New Market, New Channels, Future Directions in ERP, Faster
Implementation Methodologies, Business Models And Business Application Programming
Interfaces (BAPIs), Convergence of Windows NT, Application Platforms, New business
Segments, More Features, Web Enabling
ERP‐II: Exploring ERP‐II, What are the Added Features In ERP II?, What the Future Holds for
ERP?, An Introduction into Open Source ERP Technologies, What are the Facilities Offered by
Web Enabled ERP Services?, Benefits of ERP Logistics Package.

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Semester IV
1. Advanced Supply Chain Management

The Role of Supply Chain in Economy & Organization: Introduction; What is Supply Chain/ its
Objectives & importance; Evolution of Supply Chain Management; Key Concepts in Supply Chain;
Enablers of Supply Chain; Supply Chain Performance in India
Aggregate Planning in Supply Chain : Role of Aggregate Planning in Supply Chain; Strategies &
Problems; Implementing Aggregate Planning in Practice
Managing Cross‐functional Drivers in Supply Chain: Role of Sourcing in Supply Chain;
Sourcing: Planning & Analysis; Supplier Selection/Procurement Process; Risk Management in Sourcing;
Impact of IT on Sourcing Strategy
Outsourcing; Introduction; Make vs. buy: Strategic Approach; Identifying Core Processes; Sourcing
Strategy; Third Party & Fourth Party Service Providers
Managing Material Flow in Supply Chain: Introduction; Types of Inventory; Inventory Related
Costs; Managing Economies of Supply Channels in Supply Chain; Role of Cycle Stock/Seasonal Stock in
Supply Chain; Impact of Supply Chain Redesigning on Inventory policy; Managing Uncertainty in a Supply
Chain: Safety Stock; Managing Inventory for Short Life Cycle Products; Multiple Item, Multiple location
Inventory Management; Determining the Optimal Level of Product Availability
Designing & Planning Transportation Networks: Role of Transportation in a Supply Chain;
Drivers of Transportation Decision; Modes of Transportation & their Performance Measures; Devising
Strategy for Transportation; Transportation Infrastructure & Policies; Vehicle Scheduling; Transportation
Designing Distribution Networks & Application to e‐business: Role of Distribution in Supply
Chain; Factors Influencing Distribution Network Design; Network Operations Planning; Network
Design Problems; Incorporating Uncertainty in Network Design; Data for Network Design; the Role of IT
in Network Design
Pricing & Revenue Management: Introduction; Role of Pricing & Revenue Management in Supply
Chain; Revenue Management for Multiple Customer Segments; Pricing under Capacity Constraints;
Revenue Management under Uncertain Demand & Limited Capacity Situations; Revenue Management
for Inventory Assets; Innovative Pricing
Managing Information Flow in Supply Chain: Demand Forecasting; Role of Forecasting in Supply
Chain; Qualitative & Quantitative/Time Series Forecasting Methods; Role of IT in
Forecasting; Risk Management in Forecasting
Information Technology in Supply Chain: Introduction; Role of IT in a Supply Chain; Enabling
Supply Chain through IT; Strategic Management Framework for IT Adoption in Supply Chain; Supply
Chain Application at Marketplace; Future Trends

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Supply Chain Innovations: Introduction; Supply Chain Integration; Model for Integrating Inbound
and Outbound Networks; Global Supply Chain Design; Internal & External Integration; Building
Partnership & Trust in a Supply Chain
Supply Chain Restructuring: Supply Chain Mapping; Supply Chain Process Restructuring;
Postponing the Point of Differentiation; Reengineering Improvement in SCM
Supply Chain Strategies & Performance Measures: Customer Service & Cost Trade‐off; Drivers
of Supply Chain: Facilities/Inventory/Transportation/Information/Sourcing/Pricing; Internal & External
Performance Measures; Linking Supply Chain & Business Performance; Enhancing Supply Chain

2. World Class Operations


Historical Perspective: World Class Excellent organizations – American and Japanese Companies
Deming Awards, Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award – Globalization – Global Companies – Models
for manufacturing/operational excellence – Business Excellence.
Bench marking, Bottlenecks and Best Practices: Concepts of benchmarking, bottlenecks and
best practices, Best performers – Gaining competitive edge through world class manufacturing – Value
added manufacturing – and value reengineering, eliminating waste – Toyota Production System –
System & tools for world class operation: Improving Product & Process Design – Lean
Manufacturing – SQC, FMS, Rapid Phototyping, Poka Yoke, Kaizen, 5‐S, 3M, use of IT, JIT, Product Mix,
Optimizing, Procurement & stores practices, Total Productive maintenance, Visual Control.
Typical characteristics of WCM companies: Performance indicators – what is world class
performance – Six Sigma philosophy, Software in use, Problems in implementation, Indian experience,
and optimized production technology.
Total quality Management: Philosophy, TQM principles, TQM Tools, Quality through design, Quality
Management System and ISO 9000, QS 9000 etc. Total productive Maintenance, Concept of reliability,
reliability improvement, Concept of maintainability and Maintainability improvement.
Automation in Design and Manufacturing: Role of IT in World class Manufacturing, Concept of
Flexible Manufacturing System, Group technology, Cellular Manufacturing systems.
Environmental Pollution: Factors causing Pollution, Effect on human health, Control of environment
Pollution. Social responsibility in world class manufacturing
Indian Scenario: Leading Indian companies towards world class manufacturing – Task Ahead.

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3. Decision Analysis and Modeling

Use of quantitative techniques in decision making: Elements of linear algebra, Linear programming
Simplex method, artificial variable, Duality in L.P, Sensitivity analysis.
Rational model, Simon’s normative model, individual vs. group decision making, Vroom and Yetton’s
Normative model
Network flows, shortest path, Minimum spanning tree, Maximum flow, Minimum cost flow problem,
Transportation problem, Degenerate, Artificial problem, transshipment model.
Integer programming, 0‐1 mixed integer programming, Problem formulation, Branch and bound
method, cutting plane method, Game theory, Two person Zero sum game, Saddle point, Mixed
strategies, Use of dominance, Sub game method.
Decision Science making under certainty: Risk under certainty situations. Decision tree for decision
making. Bayesian approach in decision making. Break Even Analysis under certainty. Investment analysis
under certainty.
Single equation models with one and two explanatory variables plus ANOVA in regression analysis,
Logistic regression, CART (classification and regression trees)
Statistical forecasting techniques. Auto ceorrelation, Hetroscedasticity, Multicollinearity, distributed lag
models. Simultaneous equation models, ILS, SSL.
Probabilistic modeling as exploratory decision, Pareto analysis, Monte Carlo simulation, Brain Storming

4. International Logistics and Supply Chain Management


Ships – different types and sizes with their important features and their suitability to different cargoes.
Basic shipping terminology including abbreviations. General particulars of ships. Bills of Lading –
functions, conditions, contents, types and general information. Classification Societies – background,
their functions and importance. Statutory documents on board including mandatory surveys and safety
certificates. Stowage factors and densities – importance in the carriage of dry and liquid cargoes, effect
of density of water (fresh, salt, brackish). Different freight units. General structure of shipping industry –
liner and tramp services.
Liner shipping – essential features; break bulb; mode of utilization; concept of intermodalism; container
sizes and types; container terminology; freighting; CYs, CFSs and ICDs; marketing of liner shipping;
Tramp shipping – types of charters – time, trip‐time, voyage, consecutive voyages, bareboat; contract of
affreightment, features of dry bulk and tanker chartering; names of different charter [arty forms for
different trades.

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Cargo handling equipments used on board and ashore.
Agents – ship, port and liner agents and their roles in shipping. Freight forwarders, freight brokers, ship
brokers and other intermediaries in shipping.
Structure of shipping – services of master and crew, etc.
Cargo Documentation – Manifest, Mate’s Receipt, Tally sheets, Notice of Readiness, Statement of Facts,
Custom house work – Inward and outward entry of ships documentation.
Shipping procedures in ports for exports and imports for break‐bulk/bulk cargoes Customs Bill of Entry
and Shipping Bill
Business communication in shipping – letter writing, telex, fax, e‐mail, report‐writing, memo writing,
charts and graphs.

5. Business Laws

The Indian Contract Act, 1872: Evolution of Contract Act its meaning, essentials of a valid
contract; nature of contract distinction between contractual obligation and legal obligation, agreement,
to sell, requisite of a valid contract, offer and invitation to offer, modes of acceptance, communication
of offer, express and implied terms, standard forms of contract, exclusion clauses, kinds of agreement,
valid, void and voidable agreement; unilateral, bilateral and international contracts; Validity‐kinds of
mistake, mistake of law and fact‐and the remedies thereof available, Misrepresentation of material fact,
fraudulent and innocent misrepresentation and the remedies available, coercion and undue influence
the effects and the remedies available to the aggrieved. Undue influence the effects and the remedies
available to the aggrieved person; Consideration‐ Past, Present and Future, essential of valid
consideration, sufficiency of Consideration, consideration and promissory estoppels, Privity of Contracts
and of Consideration; Capacity to contract‐Minor, Lunatic and enemy; unlawful and illegal agreement,
Agreement void under the Statue. Quasi Contracts; Termination and discharge of contract: Performance
of contract, Different modes of discharge of contract, Performance as to place, time, joint performance
of promises, apportionment of payments. Discharge by agreement, Novation and assignment, remission
of performance, discharge by frustration‐when plea of frustration is admission and the rights and
liabilities of the parties when frustration operates; Breach of Contract‐breach and anticipatory breach of
contracts, damages and specific relief, types of damages and their remedies available to the aggrieved
person; Indemnity and guarantee‐ Parties to contract of indemnity and guarantee; Difference between
indemnity and guarantee, surely and indemnifier, specific guarantee and continuing guarantee; Rights of
the indemnified, surety right against principal debtor and Co‐surety; Bailment, Pledge and Finder of
Goods‐ Nature and essential features of bailment and pledge, bailment for reward gratuitous bailment,
bailee’s duty, pledge as a special kind of bailment. Pawnee’s right against the pawner and Pawners right
against the Pawnee. Finder of goods as quasi as quasi bailee, duties of finder of goods and his rights and
liabilities for reward, sale; Law of agency‐Agency and other forms of Contract, Types of Agencies like by

29 | P a g e
holding out, operation of law, estoppels, express, implied, Sub‐agent, substituted agent and ratified,
Relationship of principal and agent, Rights and liabilities of the Agent against third party, Rights and
liabilities of the Agent against Principal, undisclosed Principal and the rights and liabilities to the parties.
Termination of agency and its modes.
The Indian Sale of Goods Act, 1930: Essentials of a contract of sale; sale distinguished from
agreement to sell; Bailment; contract for work and labour and hire‐purchase; Consitions and warranties;
Transfer of title by non‐owners; doctrine of caveat emptor; performance of the contract of sale; Unpaid
seller‐his rights against the goods and the buyer.
Partnership Act, 1932: What constitutes a partnership deed and types of partnership, legal
position of a minor partner and his rights and liabilities; Distinction between partnership firm, Co‐
ownership joint Hindu family and joint stock companies, legality of the partnership firm, types of
partners; Express and implied authority, scope of implied authority, Rights and liabilities of a partner
against third party and other partners; Rights of newly admitted partners, retiring and deceased
partners, registration of and dissolution of partnership forms; Overview of the Limited Liability
Partnership Act, 2008.
Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881: Features of promissory notes, bills of exchange, hundis,
cheques, bank drafts, traveler’s cheque and the rights and duties of various parties to these
instruments; Law of presentment of these instruments, honor and dishonor of negotiable instruments,
material alteration, noting and protesting. Law relating to foreign bills their noting and protesting etc;
Law relating to payment of customer’s cheques of paying banker‐rights and duties, overdraft
agreements, wrongful dishonor of cheques, stale cheques, forgery of cheques, liability due to negligence
of parties and material alteration, payment in due course; Law relating to the collecting banker‐
statutory protection, effects of negligence, role as a agent or holder in due course, precautions to be
taken in collection of bills, cheques for the customers and third parties.
Law of Carriage of Goods: The Carriers Act, 1865(1972)‐ Definition of contract of
carriage of goods, classification of carrier‐common carrier, private carrier, gratuitous carrier,
responsibility of common carrier and Bailee, rights of a common carrier, duties of a common carrier,
liabilities of a common carrier, distinction between a common carrier and private carrier; Carriage of
goods by Rail‐Railway Act, 1989‐ Maintenance of rate books for carriage of goods, Provision of rate risks,
railway receipt, liability of railway administration from wrong delivery, responsibility of railway
administration as career‐of goods, of animals, of luggage, exoneration from liability in certain cases,
delay or retention in transit, railway risk rate, liability for damages to goods in defective condition or
defectively packed and liability after termination of transit; Carriage by Sea‐The Carriage of Goods by
Sea Act, 1925 (amended in 1993), and the (Indian) Bill of Lading Act, 1856‐contract of affreightment,
express and implied terms in a contractor of carriage by sea‐implied warranty of seaworthiness, implied
warranty of commencement of voyage, Nondeviation of voyage, Shipper not to ship dangerous goods,
bill of lading.
Consumer Protection Act, 1986: Objective of consumer protection act 1986, definition
complaint, consumer, contract of service and contract of service, consumer dispute, restrictive trade
practice, defect, deficiency; Consumer protection council‐central consumer protection council, state
consumer protection council, district consumer protection council; Redressal machinery, jurisdiction,

30 | P a g e
complaint before them, district forum, sate commission, national commission, limitation period,
administrative control, power of redressal agencies; Nature and scope of remedies under the act‐
appeals penalties proceeding before consumer forums and applicability of arbitration act.
Competition Commission act, 2002: Definition‐acquisition, agreement, cartel, chairperson,
commission, consumer, Director General, Enterprises, goods, member, etc., Anti Competitive
Agreement, Prohibition of abuse of dominant position, Combination; Competition Commission of India‐
Establishment, powers of them member, inquiry into certain agreement and dominate position of
enterprises, Inquiry into combination by commission, procedure for enquiry of the complaints,
Procedure for investigation of combination, appearance before commission, Power of the commission,
ratification of orders, Execution of orders by the commission, Compensation in case of contravention,
Competition appellate tribunal procedure and powers, execution of orders, and ability on contravention
of orders, appeal to Supreme Court, power of the Central Government, MRTP (Monopolistic Trade
Practice, unfair Trade Practice) & Restrictive Trade Practice.
Right to Information Act, 2005: Salient features of the Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2005;
Objective, Public Authorities & their Obligations; Designation of Public Information, Officers (PIO) and
their Duties; Request for obtaining Information, Exemption from disclosure; Who is excluded;
Information Commissions (Central & State) and their powers; appellate authorities; penalties,
jurisdiction of Courts; Role of Central/State Governments.
Other Laws: Workmen Compensation Act, 1923; Object, scope and major provisions including
proceedings before the Commissioner, appeals, compliances, penalties, special provisions; Payment of
Bonus Act, 1965; Object, application and major provisions; Exemption; compliances, offences and
penalties; Employees Provident Funds Act, 1952; Application, major provisions, Exemption and
compliances; Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972; Application, major provisions, Controlling Authority and
the Appellate Authority, obligations and rights of employees and compliances; Minimum wages Act,
1948; Object and its scope, fixation, payment of wages, Advisory Board, Central Advisory Board;
Authority and claims, compliances, offences and penalties.

6. Project

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