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Alishba Khalid bba201039


Q1. Describe the characteristics of the new current workplace, and compare its characteristics
to those of the traditional organizations. 

Q2. How the management help the managers to deal with workforce diversity and

Q3. Discuss the manager’s responsibilities in today's world, characterized by uncertainty,

ambiguity and sudden changes or threats from external environment. Describe certain skills
and qualities that are important to managers under certain conditions. 

A1) Traditional organization reflects the corporate structure of a corporation is hierarchical,

meaning authority moves vertically and outward, and workers are departmentalized. Both staff
obeys a chain of command. Modern organization is a boundary less organization that is
networking and communicating more than ever before is referred to as a modern organization.
They're well-suited to accelerated growth, making them suitable for businesses in the
burgeoning technology sector. There are few characteristics regarding modern and traditional
workplace like for example; Traditional organizations are thought to be stable in their
operations and growth. Classic one, on the other hand, is more complex due to its various
market approaches. They need many advancements and improvements on a regular basis.
Secondly, Modern organizations are still adaptable in terms of workflow, concentration, and
networking. There is a need for the company to update its strategic advantages, and workers
must upgrade their experience and skills. Organizations in the traditional sense are rigid,
inflexible, and planned. Thirdly, the core principle of contemporary organization is teamwork.
More can be gained from an organization that builds a more successful team. A standard one,
on the other hand, follows a chain of command, with each person reporting to his or her
superior and lastly, Traditional businesses have a strategy in place to shield themselves against
any danger that could harm the company or its workers. As a result, employees are more
informed about the situation and are better prepared to take action. In this regard, modern
organizations are a little more daring. Though they are still up for new challenges, everybody
here is ready to face some danger at any time.

A2) The amazing intersection of diverse individuals from different countries and different
backgrounds is where diversity emerges. It encompasses cultural diversity in the workplace, as
well as gender, ethnic, and linguistic diversity, as well as a range of educational levels,
perspectives, and skills, it's all of the above. The manager-employee relationship is extremely
important. The majority of workers leave their employers because they don't get along with
their bosses. Don't believe that employers appreciate the value of diversity in the workplace or
that they know how to recruit and handle a diverse workforce. Give them the tools they need
to build and nurture a diverse team. The first step is to schedule cultural and other awareness
training. Employee empowerment is founded on the belief that giving them the tools, authority,
incentive, and inspiration to do their jobs, as well as making them responsible for their
decisions, would make them happy and more productive. Managers makes sure that employee
empowerment is being maintained as if employees are given motivation and inspiration to
work and develop a belief in themselves that they could complete a significant project and
would be successful that leads to high efficiency rate in the company and it will help the
company to grow more and faster and expand.

A3) In today's world of complexity, confusion, heavy competition, and a hostile climate,
management is a difficult task. To meet the demands faced by the current market world, you
must be mentally and physically strong. The most critical management skills and qualities for a
competent manager are mentioned below. First communication skills, communication skills are
one of the most valuable management skills for any manager's productivity and advancement.
A manager with strong leadership experience can efficiently and successfully represent the
business in front of an external community and key stakeholders. Managers with strong
leadership abilities can effectively communicate with their coworkers, senior managers, and
other company executives. Secondly planning and organizing, there is another important
attribute for a manager is the ability to plan and organize. If a management can prepare
effectively, he can make a significant contribution to the long-term growth and success of his
company. Proper preparation aids in the effective and optimal utilization of an organization's
available capital. If you are unable to coordinate your plans once they have been made, your
plans will be severely harmed. Lastly a manager should be a team man the project management
capabilities and talents are crucial to successful and efficient management. If a boss can
communicate along with others, he can receive good feedback from his employees.

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