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Republic of the Philippines

Region IX – Zamboanga Peninsula
Division of Zamboanga del Norte
Lingasad, Polanco, Zamboanga del Norte


Modules 1 & 4

(A) Introduction to the Philosophy of the
Human Person
(B) Understanding Culture, Society and
(C) Physical Education and Health 3

1st Semester, S.Y. 2020 – 2021

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Introduction to the Philosophy
of the Human Person . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Understanding Culture, Society
and Politics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Physical Education and Health 3 ......... 15


(25 ITEMS)
Instructions: Read the questions carefully. Encircle the letter of your choice on the answer sheet

______ 1. The theory of freedom _________ and _________ task.

a) Pros and effect
b) Negative and Positive
c) Peace and war
d) Availability and non-availability

______ 2. We did not choose to be _________, but most of us choose to keep on _______.
a) Born, living
b) Great, best
c) Friend, enemy
d) Holy, sinners

______ 3. Which of the following terms that refers to a vitue that we practice with our intellect and
the choice we made with actions infused with the pillars of our faith?
a) Profitability
b) Profoundness
c) Professionalism
d) Prudence

______ 4. A life that is concern with _________ is that cause of __________.

a) Power, despair
b) Power, Political dynasty
c) Prayers, holiness
d) Powers, greatness

______ 5. The soul of every individual possesses the __________ the truth and living in a society
that is in accordance to its nature.
a) Power of politics
b) Spirits
c) Power of learning
d) Prudence

______ 6. A person become _____________ when he himself feels __________

a) Responsible, rich
b) Responsible, hardworking
c) Responsible, responsible
d) Responsible, repect
______ 7. Behavior psychology is at fault for having over analysed the words _________ and
a) Reward
b) Incentive
c) Bonus
d) Gratuity
______ 8. Human effort can re-determine the _____________, even though it cannot
determine the conditions that make human effort possible.
a) One direction
b) Direction of events
c) One way
d) Direct influences

______ 9. Which of the following terms that refers to a means to the formation of motives?
a) Prudence
b) Politics
c) Punishment
d) Policy

______ 10. Which of the following aspects of redesign that in order to make social
environment as free as possible of aversive stimuli?
a) Redesign environment
b) Redesign government
c) Redesign freedom
d) Redesign faith

______ 11. Which of the following terms that insists on regarding one aspect of life at the
same time disregarding the other?
a) Prudence and respect
b) Faith and obligation
c) Freedom of right
d) Defining or conceptualize

______ 12.We are responsible,whether we admit it or not, for what is in the power to do
Until we._____________.
a) Achieve it
b) Attempt to
c) Become rich
d) Be politician

______ 13. Punishment is to prevent wrongdoer from ___________and to prevent others
From committing a similar act.
a) Rewinding the act
b) Repeating the act
c) Reorganizing the act
d) Return to

______ 14. “Issues are___________.”

a) Controllers
b) Controllable
c) Contributors
d) Conjuctions

______ 15. There should be ____________with others and the environment in our dealing
With our fellow human beings.
a) Balance in our account
b) Balance in our relativity
c) Balance in our faith
d) Balance in our relationship

“The will of humanity is an instrument of free choice, it is within the power of everyone
To be good or bad , worthy or worthless”.

______ 16. From the statement above, it can be concluded that________:

a) Our inner awareness of an aptitude to do right or wrong
b) The common testimony of all human beings
c) Influence of external environment, peers and acquaintances
d) The reward and punishment of rules
“Norman graduated “with Honors” and has been awarded for “Best in Math” . During
Enrolment he himself enrolled in a “Beauty and Fitness Course”.

______ 17. Which of the following reasons BEST supports the statement above?
a) The imperative quality of a judgement of practical intellect is
meaningless, apart from will.
b) Poverty has its cause
c) Intellect chooses beauty above all
d) Will is impractical when confronted with poverty

______ 18. Which of the following acts is within the human’s power and responsibility?

a) Act of war
b) Moral acts
c) Peer pressure
d) Mob rule

“Jean-Paul Satre emphasized the importance of free individual choice, regardless of the
power of other people to influence and coerce our desires ,beliefs, and decision”.

______ 19.From the statement above, it means that, ____________:

a) To be human is to be conscious, is to be free to imagine, free to choose,
and be responsible to one’s life.
b) To be human is to be the highest of all being.
c) To be human is to be God like.
d) To be human is to err.

______ 20. Which of the following philosophical theory that it is established by reason in
Which a person is prohibited to do which is unhelpful of his life?
a) Socialist principle
b) Social Theory
c) Social Contrast
d) Social philosophy

“The human person builds the road to the destiny of his choosing “.

______21. Which of the following terms that BEST describes the above statement?
a) Truth
b) Freedom
c) Thinking
d) Consequences
“Human will is an instrument of free choice. It is whithin us to do what is good or bad “.

______ 22. Which of the following statements does not support the claim from the
Above statements?
a) Our inner awareness of an aptitude to do right or wrong.
b) The rewards and punishment of rulers and general employment of
praise and blame.
c) The common testimony of all human beings.
d) Happiness is the process of ever –growing through.

“Natural law is the human participation in eternal law and is discovered by reason”.
______ 23. From the statement above, it can be concluded that,_____________:
a) We should plant more trees.
b) To be human is to follow crowd decision.
c) To be human is to be guided by reason in path of God existence.
d) To be human is to act like God.

______ 24. Which of the following precepts established by reason by which a person is
forbidden to do that which is destructive of his life?
a) Lex legis
b) Dura lex
c) Lex pupolum
d) Lex naturalis

______ 25. Which of the following Filipino values that encompasses the give-and-take
relationship among Filipinos as such repaying those who have help us?
a) Sariling Loob
b) Kagandahan Loob
c) Utang na Loob
d) Pakikisama



(25 ITEMS)

Instructions: Read the questions carefully. Encircle the letter of your choice on the answer sheet

______ 1. Which of the following statements is TRUE and the most visible form of social
a) Based on social class (e.g., rich vs poor)
b) Based in their shared conception of mortality
c) Based in the ways they interact with their environment
d) By a system of governance to rule its people or constituents.

______ 2. The world is visibly divided into different countries. Each country has its own _________.
a) People or constituents
b) Strong part of people’s lives
c) Major role in a day-to-day living
d) Political system to run its government

______ 3. Which of the following is FALSE as to culture?

a) It is a strong part of people’s lives.
b) It Influences their views, values, humorb, hopes, loyalties and their worries of
c) Has the capacity to bond the members of the society together.
d) Creating conflict and tension among members or groups in society.

______ 4. In sociology, social difference is usually equated with social stratifaction, which describes?
a) Power relations in the economic context.
b) A clear manifestation of the diversity in culture.
c) Forces encouraging change and forces resisting change.
d) The relative social position of persons in a given social group, category,
geographical region, or social unit.

______ 5. It is the institution that has authority to oversee a country or state.

a) Agency
b) Public
c) President
d) Government

______ 6. If the perspective highlights the external influences that faciliatate or constrain human
actions, the discipline is called?
a) Sociology
b) Anthropology

c) Social Science
d) Political Science

______ 7. If the perspective underlines the role of cultural structures in organizing human
interactions, the discipline is referred to ?
a) Sociology
b) Anthrology
c) Social Science
d) Political Science
______ 8. If the perspective zeroes in on power relations and how these produce layered modalities
of opportunities amolng social actors, then the discipline is called?
a) Sociology
b) Anthropology
c) Social Science
d) Political Science

______ 9. A quality of the mind that enables its possessor to grasp the intersection of biography and
a) Political maneuvering
b) Sociological perspective
c) Sociological imagination
d) Anthropologiacal wandering

______ 10. Cultural idiosyncrasies are perfect examples of this concept

a) Social diversity
b) Cultural conflict
c) Cultural diversity
d) Social stratification

______ 11. Social stratification categorizes groups of people into hierarchy on the basis of wealth,
status, or power. The following are the major types of social stratification, EXCEPT?
a) Caste
b) Class
c) State
d) Slavery

______ 12. Why cultural plays a major role in our day-to-day living?
a) Have major influence on a person’s behaviour and attitude.
b) They serve as broad guidelines in behaviour in all situations.
c) It can be observed that human behaviour, whether individual or collective, are
propelled by powerful motivators.
d) That complex whole which encompasses beliefs, practices, values, attitude,
laws, norms, artifacts, symbols, knowledge, and everything that a persons
learns and shares a member of society.

______13. The society has various manifestations of social difference based on?
a) The clearest manifestation of power relations is the existence of state.
b) A frame of reference for understanding any single aspect of life in any given
c) They serve as broad guidelines in all situations.
d) A legitimate mediator of societal tensions, as well of social integration.
e) Unique social characteristics or qualities like social class, gender, age,
educational attainment, occupation, and the like.

______ 14. These sciences (antropology,sociology and political science)show the three facets of the
social,with each discipline representing a unique facet on it.They provide precarious yet captivating
yet potrayals of social life,except?
a) Impinged upon social forces
b) Routinized by cultural practices
c) Constantly enmeshed din power relations
d) Necessary for the governance of social relations

______ 15. A social science discipline that problematizes the unjust results of the exercise of power
and the arrangements of power relations itself however unequal.
a) sociology
b) anthropology
c) political science
d) political sociology

______ 16.Which form of norms is also known as customs, for they are norms for everyday behavior
for people to follow for the sake of tradition or convenience?
a) Law
b) Mores
c) Taboos
d) Folkway

______ 17. What kind of societies relies on the cultivation of fruits ,vegetables, and plants in order to
a) Pastoral society
b) Industrial society
c) Horticultural society
d) Post-industrial society

______ 18. What kind of society that occupational specialization became even more pronounced
,and a person’s vacation became an identifier more than his or her family ties?
a) Pastoral society
b) Industrial society
c) Horticultural society
d) Post-industrial society

______ 19. Which of the following type of norm that tells us things not to do?
a) Mores
b) Taboos
c) Proscriptive
d) Prescriptive

______ 20. Which following of norms is a codified ethics, formally agreed and written down and
enforced by authorities?

a) Laws
b) Mores
c) Folkway
d) Prescriptive

______21. A kind of society which the division of labor is based on a gender.

a) Hunting and gathering
b) Horticultural societies
c) Agricultural societies
d) None of the above

______ 22. It is a type of norm that tells us things to do?

a) laws
b) Mores
c) Prescriptive
d) Proscriptive

______ 23. It is a form of norm that society holds so strongly that violating it results
In extreme disgust.
a) Mores
b) Taboos
c) Folkway
d) Proscriptive

______ 24. A kind of society where productivity increases and as long as there is plenty of food,
people do not have to move.
a) Pastoral society
b) Industrial society
c) Agricultural society
d) Horticultural society

______ 25. A kind of society where the economy is dependent on tangible goods and the people
must pursue greater education,
a) Pastoral society
b) Industrial society
c) Horticultural society
d) Post-industrial society


(H.O.P.E. 3)

(25 ITEMS)

Instructions: Read the questions carefully. Encircle the letter of your choice on the answer
sheet provided.

______ 1. There are three basic energy systems, except one

a) Anerobic a-lactic System
b) Anaerobic Lactic System
c) Aerobic System
d) Adrenaline System

______ 2. It is an energy system that requires high amount of energy in short duration.
a) Anerobic a-lactic System
b) Anaerobic Lactic System
c) Aerobic System
d) Adrenaline System

______ 3. The ATP-CP stands for

a) Adenosine Triphosphate-Creatine Phosphate
b) Adrenalin Triphosphate-Creatine Phosphate
c) Aerobic Triphosphate-Creatine Phosphate
d) None of the above

______ 4. Glycolytic system is also known as

b) Anaerobic Lactic System
c) Adrenaline System
d) Aerobic System

______ 5. What kind of energy system that uses oxygen?

a) Lactic Acid System
b) Aerobic System
d) Glycolytic System

______ 6. It is an energy system that is considered to be as the immediate system.

b) Glycolytic System
c) Lactic acid System
d) Aerobic System

______ 7. It is the primary source of ATP during aerobic activities.

a) Lactic Acid System

c) Oxidative System
d) Glycolytic System
______ 8. What kind of energy system is being used when doing a slow but powerful movement in a
b) Anaerobic Lactic System
c) Aerobic System
d) Adrenaline System

______ 9. The body stores ATP in muscle in a form of

a) Oxygen
b) Water
c) Glycogen
d) None of the above

______ 10. Mostly, what kind of energy system is being used in dancing?
b) Lactic Acid System
c) Aerobic System
d) Glycolytic System

______ 11. The following are nutrients needed by the body to produce energy, except
a) Carbohydrates
b) Fats
c) Proteins
d) It under

______ 12. It is the ability to do work.

a) Energy
b) Force
c) Velocity
d) Speed

______13. _________ training in _________ distance can help build an aerobic base.
a) Slow; short
b) Slow; long
c) Moderate; long
d) Fast; short

______ 14. It plays a vital role for self-expression and has been part of rituals and religious
a) Aerobic activity
b) Dance
c) Fitness

d) Sports

______ 15. These are chemicals within the brain that helps communicate messages throughout the
a) Endorphin
b) Dopamine
c) Norepinephrine
d) Neurotransmitters

______ 16. Which of the following statements defines dancing as stress management?
a) Dance can be used in many ways and one function is to relieve stress.
b) Through dancing, we lead to an unhealthy lifestyle.
c) To avoid chronic illness or disease, we opted to seek activities to have a healthy
d) In dancing, it avoids stress and can make our life easy and much more fun.

______ 17. Dancing is enjoyable because __________?

a) It has physical and mental benefits.
b) It helps you to connect to who you really are.
c) It plays a vital role for self-expression.
d) All of the above

______ 18. It is the body’s natural pain killers to reduce stress and improve the mind’s perception of
the world.
a) Endorphin
b) Dopamine
c) Norepinephrine
d) Neurotransmitters

______ 19. The following are the physical benefits of dancing except one:
a) Improved condition of heart and lungs
b) Increased muscular strength and endurance
c) Improved physical confidence
d) Improved general and psychological well-being

______ 20. Why is dancing beneficial to the brain?

a) Dancing increases depression symptoms.
b) Dancing supports motor, emotional and intellectual brain functions.
c) Dancing never stimulates nerve growth factor.
d) Dancing declines memory.

______21. The following are the causes and effects of stress except one.
a) Anxiety
b) Panic
c) Joy
d) Misery

______ 22. Which of the following is a mental benefit of dancing?
a) Improved muscle tone and strength
b) Refined self-confidence and self-esteem
c) Improved physical confidence
d) Stronger bones

______ 23. How can dancing improve one’s life and health?
a) Dancing decreases the chance of developing heart disease.
b) Dancing improves positive feelings, behaviour and communication.
c) Dancing provides social and emotional health.
d) All of the above

______ 24. The following are some ways on how to keep one’s exercise successful except
a) Consult with your doctor
b) Schedule your work out
c) Find a friend
d) Do what you love

______ 25. One of the most basic motives of dance is the expression and communication of
a) True
b) False
c) Maybe
d) None of the above


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