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9/28/2020 Drama School vs University for Acting: Pros & Cons of Each Choice

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Drama School vs University for Acting: Pros & Cons of Each

Drama School vs University for

Acting: Pros & Cons of Each
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A lot of aspiring actors are

confused about the difference
between a drama school and a
university. Is an acting degree
from a reputable drama
school the same as the one from
a university?

In this quick article, I’ll take a

look at the difference between
studying acting at a drama
school vs university. Hopefully Register for the
this will give you a better TOEFL iBT® test to
understanding which path to take
if you’re still considering to get
formal training in theater.

Note that this isn’t a comparison REGISTER NOW

of group acting classes vs drama
school training (because we
previously covered this here). In
the UK, accredited drama schools and universities both provide
formal/academic education in the form of Bachelors of Arts degree. However, LONDON
some drama schools may not provide any recognized degrees (more on this in an
upcoming article).
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101: What Every
So is there a difference between studying acting at drama schools vs universities Actor …
in the UK? Yes, and the difference is quite significant, too. I’ll elaborate. Acting headshots are one of the
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9/28/2020 Drama School vs University for Acting: Pros & Cons of Each Choice

by universities. Otherwise, they cannot provide a student with a degree. For

example, RADA has their degrees validated by King’s College London and they
are also an affiliate institution of Conservatoire for Dance and Drama.

To make this less complicated, let me put it this way: in an academic and higher
education setting, drama schools are below universities. But when it comes to
the actual value of a theater degree, the situation is the opposite (more on this

Normally, drama schools have both graduate and undergraduate programs.

Students can acquire Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Fine Arts and various Masters
degrees in Arts and Science through a drama school.

Here are a few lists with accredited drama schools for you peruse:

15 Best Drama Schools in the UK

20 Best Drama Schools in the World
7 Top Drama Schools in London
10 Best Drama Schools in New York

What’s a University for Acting?

First of all, there is no such thing
as “university for acting”
specifically. There are just
universities that offer programs in
acting as part of their curriculum.

University is an institution for

higher education that provides
students with all types of degrees
that aren’t limited to theatre or even arts. Basically, we all know what a
university is and what’s it for, so I’m not going to expand any further than this.

Many, if not most, universities will have some type of acting or theatre
programs. Those programs entail the usual 3 year study (4 years in the US) and
provide students with BA/BFA degrees upon completion. This is where the word
independent would apply better, since they actually stand on their own.

In a lot of US colleges, drama departments have been “transformed” into drama

schools, which makes it more difficult for students to find actually great
programs besides the famous ones. What’s the reason for this? Because
everybody knows that a “drama school” is more appealing to students, therefore
more will apply, and that means more money for colleges. Capitalism at its
finest. 3/9
9/28/2020 Drama School vs University for Acting: Pros & Cons of Each Choice

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First, let’s briefly take a look at what drama schools and universities are.
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What’s a Drama School?
Drama school could be either ACTING FOR BEGINNERS
an independent institution or a GUIDE

drama-based department of a
school, college or
university. Either one has equal
value if they maintain the status
of a “drama school” and have
their higher education validated
by universities.

Drama schools can be a part of

a university. This isn’t common,
but a good example of a reputable and highly regarded UK drama school that’s
part of the university is Drama Centre London. It is associated with Central Saint
Martins college which is a constituent college of the University of the Arts

In the US, a good example would be the Yale college (university by European
standards) that has a Yale Drama School department. It’s a reputable drama
school that has also produced a lot of great and famous actors.

An example of “independent” drama schools (which isn’t a very accurate

description anyway) would be most accredited drama schools in the UK, such as
Royal Academy of Dramatic Art (RADA). All this means is that they may have
their own buildings and operate on almost their own terms.

What does that mean?

It means that regardless of whether any of those drama schools are part of a

university or not, all drama schools must have their higher education validated 2/9
9/28/2020 Drama School vs University for Acting: Pros & Cons of Each Choice

That is not the case with universities in the UK where majority of higher
education institutions have some kind of Performing Arts degrees on offer for
their students. Those degrees are not, and cannot be labeled as “drama school
training,” since there’s a strict policy on what can be labeled as an actual drama
school. They’re usually simply named BA Acting.

Moreover, in the UK there’s also a government-backed official accreditation of

drama schools governed by Drama UK. This makes it a lot more difficult for any
institution to call themselves drama schools (although still possible), and illegal
to pose themselves as an “accredited” drama school. Read more on accreditation

Here’s a huge list of UK universities that have some type of acting related
performing arts degrees on offer.

Unlike drama schools, these performing arts degrees from universities, while
carrying the same or similar degree titles, are not as valuable in eyes of the

Why is that the case? The reason is simple: acting training in a reputable drama
school is far more rigorous as compared to university education. This relates to
everything from general acting training (movement, voice, acting, speech, etc.)
to academic training (theory, playwrights, etc.) Drama schools beat out
university education on all of those parameters.

Drama schools also have a lot less students and are far more difficult to get into,
have a very strict multi-step auditioning process, receive more applications from
aspiring actors and decline majority of them. Universities are likely to accept
most students as long as they satisfy most of their general criteria.

As a result, an actor with a degree from a drama school will appear more
professional, dedicated and better trained to people from the industry,
specifically agents and casting directors.

So is there a reason to even apply to a university instead of a drama schools,

besides the fact that you may not be able to get accepted into a drama school?
Yes, there is. Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of drama school training vs
university for acting degrees, which should give you a better idea of what you get
from either place.

Pros & Cons of Drama Schools Training

Advantages of applying to/training in drama schools:

The most valuable degree in performing arts one can possibly get;
Great training for all types of performers, particularly actors; 4/9
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Opportunities to meet important industry people and create

strong connections;
Final year graduate showcases attract a lot of good talent agents;
Agents and casting directors value actors with drama school training more.

Disadvantages of applying to/training in drama schools:

Extremely busy class schedule and a lot of homework;

No time to audition for acting jobs or work to support yourself;
Very high cost of training Since 2013, universities hiked their prices to cost
the same;
No preparation on the business and marketing side of acting;
Very difficult to get accepted;
Some additional training (acting classes) is still recommended after

Note on the busy schedule: normally, classes in drama schools take place strictly
from 8am to 5pm Monday through Friday. Students are expected to do their
homework – research and written assignments – during their free time for
monthly exams. Weekends are reserved for rehearsals among students
themselves for exam-productions.

RELATED: How to Get an Agent 101

Pros & Cons of University’s Acting Training

Advantages of applying to/training in universities:

The schedule isn’t very packed, not a lot of homework;

Enough time to audition for an occasional acting job and work part-time;
A chance to enjoy a real student’s life;
Might be a good (although not time-effective) introduction into an acting
Much easier to get accepted.

Disadvantages of applying to/training in universities:

Poor acting training, both hands-on and theory;

The degrees are pretty much worthless within the industry;
Little chance to connect with important industry people;
Final year showcases are usually small and attract minimum attention;
No preparation on the business and marketing side of acting;
Same cost of training as drama schools;
A significant amount of additional training is required after graduation.

The key takeaway here is that drama school training is more valuable, but more
difficult to achieve. University acting training is easier to go through, but is  5/9
9/28/2020 Drama School vs University for Acting: Pros & Cons of Each Choice

pretty much a total waste of time

if you want to leverage your
degree after graduation.

There is an endless debate going

around among actors and other
professionals in the industry on
whether it’s worth getting formal
training and degree for an actor,
or not. More about this you can read here, here and here. Some industry folk say
that even drama school training is worthless for an actor.

However, there’s no question as to what’s better for an actor. Drama School >

Universities that offer acting programs hold almost zero value for actors who
want to dedicate their lives to this field. In our pros & cons section everything
was covered very succinctly, but hopefully it gives you an idea on why spending
your money and time on a degree from a university would be a huge mistake.

Not only most universities with acting programs provide very poor, inattentive
and short training, but some of them might even stir you in a wrong directions,
provide bad advice and make a worse actor out of you. Bad tutors will teach you
some poor habits that will take years to fix.

If you really feel like degree for you as an actor is very important, then do your
best to get accepted into one of the reputable drama schools. If you don’t, either
go the alternative route of acting classes or wait another year and try again.

My advice will always be to not lower your standards and opt for a university’s
degree simply because you couldn’t get accepted into a drama school. You are
much, much better off taking a break from studying for a year, going to travel,
work to save up money or – which would be the best option – sign up for acting
classes and polish your craft there in the meantime.

For more and some different perspective, take a look at these articles:

The university vs drama school debate is far from cut and dried
Becoming an Actor: Drama School or University
Drama School vs University
Drama degree or Drama School? For students it’s the degree

9/28/2020 Drama School vs University for Acting: Pros & Cons of Each Choice

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Jason Morley • 4 years ago

Excellent post and very useful for my current situation. Thank you
so much.
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Peter Lawton • 3 years ago

Acting degree at UCB Join the Revolution
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Peter Lawton • 3 years ago

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Peter Lawton • 3 years ago

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Virginia Lam • 3 years ago

Just want to get your advise on the pros and cons between
OF MUSIC & DRAMA if my daughter want to do a Muscial
Threatre related Bachelor Degree. Any more suggestions on other
schools in UK that she can take a look into?
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