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Paul University Philippines

Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500


Name: Princess L. Rumusud Course and Section: BSTM/1B

Directions: Kindly answer in your own words and observe proper format.

Quarantivity 2: (Sexual Self)

1. What do you think is the BEST possible solution to prevent Sexually Transmitted
Infection or Early Pregnancy? (5)
Answer: I’ve learned in Sexual Self that the best possible solution to prevent Sexually
Transmitted Infection or Early Pregnancy will be ABSTAINING from sexual intercourse
it means always avoid sex with anyone who has Symptoms of (STIs) or (STDs) because
Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) or Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are
contracted primarily through sexual contact (Vaginal, Oral and anal sex) so for me totally
it is important to remember that not having sex can be the safest sex method to prevent all
forms of STIs and STDs as well as other problems such as early pregnancy.
2. Knowing the pros (+) and cons (-) of Sex Education,
(+) Gives insight and offers practical knowledge to avoid HIV and unwanted pregnancies
Answer: Applying Methods of Contraception that are used to prevent HIV and unwanted
Pregnancies like using condoms, include intrauterine device or IUD, birth control
injectibles, oral contraceptive pills, calendar method, Vaginal ring, Vaginal Douche,
Contraceptive patch, Surgical Sterilizationt, Spermicides and Coitus Interruptus.
(-) For some, this is against their moral or religious beliefs and sentiments as an
Answer: For some, this is against their moral or religious beliefs and sentiments as an
individual because teaching youth about sex education goes a long way as it is a
comprehensive topic about our bodies, human reproductive system, sexually transmitted
diseases, birth contraceptives, and pregnancy prevention. In fact, teachers had lack of
skills in teaching sex education because some find it sensitive and uncomfortable to teach
sex education topics in School’s and often people did not take it as a serious issue, other
reasons there are parent think that the impact of sex education could be wickedness on
student’s moral to engage themselves in sexual activity due to their curiosity, on the other
hand, argue that the parents should have a say in what is taught to their children,
particularly when it comes to such sensitive topics.
What is your stand on this? Do you recommend this topic to be taught in school? (5)
Answers: Yes, Should be one of the most important thing to be taught in school
specifically, the teenagers. This generation we have right have been the time for the
teenagers where others oversee sex as a normal thing that shouldn't be. And I think that
sex education is a big help to change the perspective of other teenagers about sex.
3. What will you do if you have a friend or family member who is living with HIV? (5)
Answers: Since HIV is not being transmitted through talks or just touching, I'd
probably just comfort him/her or just make him feel not alone by simply learn and listen
and the secret of having HIV shouldn't be crossed the lines in the corners of the house
and also encourage him/her to starting treatment medication with HIV as soon as possible in
fact there are some programs that can provide HIV medical care.
Quarantivity 3: (Material Self)
1. Differentiate Materialism and Consumerism (5)
Answers: Materialism is the ones choosing what they want to, in short, they use
things just for bragging or something to show to society that they aren’t cheap or
poor. While consumerism is the ones buying things without thinking about them all
they have in their mind is just buy and buy and buy.
2. What is your greatest Material Possession? Kindly attach original picture and explain
why. (10)

This sash is my greatest material possession, It served as

sentimental value for me that this not only an achievement I had
in life but this is more than an achievement, the reason why is
behind of this sash there will be a story of my life
during my Senior High School Journey this is my second
time that I let myself to be exposed again in school to show
my capabilities and that time I feel fear like
I’m doubting to myself not to won or I do not receive any
award again then suddenly I choose to
try for another experience.
Honestly speaking that time I was at the point of my life like I
don’t want my talent and I open it to my
teacher saying to her that I can’t do it! at the same time I cried
because it’s too hard to memorize the Declamation Letter
I always forgot some lines but since I take
the opportunity I need to give my best so the only best way that I
do that time is to practice and practice more understand what the
Declamation letter all about, and I also pray specifically every time
my Teacher was practicing me that I’m always telling myself I need to
deliver the Declamation Letter well. And yes after those hardships in
practicing the tiredness of my voice God desired me to be awarded best
in talent and I’m so proud of myself even though I don’t bring home
the Crown and not being part of the Top 3, I’m still blessed and thankful
and it trained my public speaking too, I reflected that the things that I'm
afraid to do like public speaking it turns to I can do and behind of this
I learned that work hard and you will achieve success.

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