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BA STP PC 03-5.

Re-baselining Report

- Ver. 3.0-

19 September 2008

Table of Content

1 Background and overview of re-baselining ............................................................................... 3

1.1 Background, issues and actions .......................................................................................... 3
1.1.1 Background ................................................................................................................. 3
1.1.2 Cost issues................................................................................................................... 3
1.1.3 Actions for Integrated Design Report........................................................................... 4
1.2 Organization of the Integrated Project Team ...................................................................... 5
1.3 Scientific baseline .............................................................................................................. 7
1.3.1 Mission of JT-60SA .................................................................................................... 7
1.3.2 Technical objectives .................................................................................................... 7
1.3.3 EU-JA sharing............................................................................................................. 8
1.4 Rationale and outline of re-designing ................................................................................. 9
1.4.1 Rationale of re-designing............................................................................................. 9
1.4.2 Outline of re-designing and basic machine parameters................................................. 9
1.5 Revision of Baseline Project Schedule with long-term planning ........................................13
1.5.1 Rationale of re-scheduling and phased equipment plan ...............................................13
1.5.2 Revision of Baseline Project Schedule........................................................................13
2 Plasma assessment and exploitation plan..................................................................................14
2.1 Exploitation plan...............................................................................................................14
2.1.1 Basic Philosophy ........................................................................................................14
2.1.2 Operation Phases ........................................................................................................15
2.1.3 Capability and Research Performance.........................................................................16
2.2 Equilibrium operational boundary .....................................................................................17
2.3 Operation scenarios and plasma performance ....................................................................19
3 Device design evolution...........................................................................................................23
3.1 TF magnet.........................................................................................................................23
3.1.1 Intercoil Structures Design .........................................................................................26
3.1.2 Summary of thermal analysis of magnet and conductor operating temperature............29
3.1.3 Summary of Structural Analysis .................................................................................31
3.2 PF magnet.........................................................................................................................35
3.3 Vacuum vessel ..................................................................................................................40
3.4 In-vessel components ........................................................................................................44
3.5 Thermal shield ..................................................................................................................48
3.6 Cryostat ............................................................................................................................50
3.6.1 Introduction................................................................................................................50
3.6.2 Cryostat design modifications.....................................................................................50
3.7 Assembly ..........................................................................................................................52
3.8 Cryogenic system..............................................................................................................54
3.8.1 Cryogenic System Re-Baseline...................................................................................54
3.8.2 Cryogenic System updated Specification ....................................................................57
3.9 ECRF system ....................................................................................................................57
3.10 Power supplies ................................................................................................................60
4 Conclusions .............................................................................................................................67

1 Background and overview of re-baselining
1.1 Background, issues and actions

1.1.1 Background

After the executive summary of the CDR was approved at the first Steering Committee (Tokyo, 15th
June 2007), during subsequent high level meetings it was recognised that in particular the TF
magnet baseline design of JT60SA presented some issues with respect to its foreseen cost.

At a meeting of the Parties representatives (Tokyo, 12th October 2007) it was decided that a re-
baseline of the machine was necessary to fit within the originally budgeted figures. The
representatives of the Parties requested a swift process aiming to obtain a re-baseline within 6-12

In this effort, it was deemed necessary to try to recover the needed savings by limiting as much as
possible the impact on systems other than the TF Magnet. By necessity however, in the light of the
way Tokamak devices are optimised, it has not been possible to limit the design change to the TF
magnet only but some changes have been necessary for the plasma, vessel and in-vessel
components, thermal shield, and cryoplant. This is also fortuitous, as the original design of these
components also was a cause for concern regarding their foreseen cost.

As the work progressed, it was recognized that there would be a significant benefit to somewhat
expanding the scope of the work needed to re-baseline the design to meet the cost objectives. This
view would require a significant amount of work, and time to find appropriate engineers to
constitute the JAEA and EU Home Teams in both Parties and to increase interaction of the
Implementing Agencies (IAs) with industry.

At a meeting of Parties representatives (Garching, 13th February 2008) it was decided to expand the
scope, and the representatives of the Parties requested the submission of the Integrated Design
Report (IDR) by the end of 2008. The 3rd Steering Committee invited the Project Leader to submit
it by the next Steering Committee in December 2008.

1.1.2 Cost issues

There are a number of reasons for cost issues arising with the JT-60SA design

TF magnet: larger than expected cost of winding, significant increase in amount of superconducting
strand to obtain a sufficiently large temperature margin, and additional elements not previously
accounted for.

PF magnet: larger than expected cost of conductor materials and additional winding fabrication
building not previously accounted for.

Cryogenic system: uncertainties in the design including reasonable sizing of cryoplant distribution
and the main equipment, and synthesis of heats loads.

Vacuum vessel: larger than expected cost of raw materials and fabrication by three-dimensional
machining, including time-consuming processes with exclusive jigs, and long welding lines and
resultant inspections.

In-vessel: larger than expected cost of materials and mono-block target due to production yield
being significantly lower than expected.

Cryostat: larger than expected cost of raw materials and fabrication by three-dimensional machining.

As shown above, the reasons why the baseline cost was found to be larger than originally estimated
are mainly due to material costs being larger than expected, as well as remaining uncertainties of
the design and the feasibility in some components resulting in relatively large cost estimation error
and additional elements not previously accounted for.

In order to address the cost issues, the Integrated Project Team has focused on;

• providing cost-effective engineering solutions aiming for example at weight saving,

• increasing the definition level of specifications to ensure all items are included,
• and detailing the schedule to be consistent with the long-term operation program ,

while not putting into question the scientific mission of the JT-60SA Project.

The basic strategy for re-baselining to meet the cost objectives and to minimize the impact on the
scientific mission has been adopted as follows:

• lowering the aspect ratio while decreasing the toroidal field retaining the plasma current,
• optimizing the PF coil distribution in combination with the power supplies,
• solving some previously identified technical issues,
• lowering the neutron budget based on the existing database and extrapolations,
• staging the operation program including equipment procurement and paying attention to the
annual neutron yield schedule.

1.1.3 Actions for Integrated Design Report

1) Re-baselining phase-1:

The Integrated Project Team developed the programme described below to focus towards a re-
baselining of the design to meet the cost objectives for the IDR.

The plan for the effort was as follows:

1. The work should focus towards finding a solution with impacts limited as much as possible
to the magnet and vacuum vessel alone, and with a minimal impact on plasma performance.
The effort should mainly focus on machine re-optimization with specifications of most key
systems kept unaltered. Impact on the more closely magnet-interfaced components (e.g.
vessel and thermal shield) should be limited to shape changes. The effort should also aim to
solve some previously identified technical issues (i.e. TF ripple, CS flux, etc.). Work along
this line should be conducted up to the end of January 2008.

2. If the above approach should be successful, an IDR including functional specifications, a
detailed schedule and costs would be submitted to the Steering Committee within 6 to 12

The Steering Committee at the 2rd meeting held in Barcelona in November 2007 approved the
proposed Actions for an Integrated Design Report by the STP. The progress of the work along this
line was reported the 3rd STP-Project Committee in March 2008 and the 3rd Steering Committee in
May 2008.

2) Re-baselining phase-2:

In accordance with the above plan for the IDR, a revision of the machine design focusing on the
magnet and vacuum vessel design to reduce the TF magnet cost was successfully carried out. As the
activities progressed, however, it was recognized that there would be significant benefit in
somewhat expanding the scope of the work needed to develop a re-baselining of the design to meet
the cost objectives. This would require a significant amount of work to be done, and require time to
find appropriate engineers to constitute the JAEA and EU Home Teams in both Parties, and an
increase in the interaction of the Implementing Agencies (IAs) with industry.

Thus, the Integrated Project Team needed to expand the scope of its work towards the re-baselining
of the design for the IDR.

The plan for the effort was adjusted as follows:

1. The IDR activities, to that point conducted mostly on a set of the magnet and vacuum vessel,
should focus on other critical components and re-scheduling necessary for the STP, in order
to achieve cost savings by providing cost effective engineering solutions and increasing the
definition level of specifications while not putting into question the mission of the JT-60SA

2. In order to rationalize the re-baselining of the design to meet the cost objectives according to
the mission for the JT-60SA Project, the Project Leader should set out the technical
objectives of the JT-60SA Project with the consent of the Integrated Project Team.

3. If the above approach should be successful, an IDR including functional specifications, a

detailed schedule and costs would be submitted to the Steering Committee by the end of

The Steering Committee at its 3rd meeting held in Rokkasho in May 2008 approved the proposal by
the STP PL to update the actions for the Integrated Design Report as above (Attachment BA SC 03-
8.4) and invited the PL to submit the Integrated Design Report to the next 4th meeting of the SC in
December 2008.

1.2 Organization of the Integrated Project Team

In order to improve the governance of the Satellite Tokamak Programme, a single albeit distributed
organization was required. To that effect, JA and EU enhanced their human resource contributions.

The framework of the Integrated Project Team was established under the leadership of the Project
Leader and of the JAEA and EU Project Managers.

The Steering Committee at its 3rd meeting approved the integrated organizational structure for the
Satellite Tokamak Programme, proposed by the STP PL, and including activities associated with
the Japanese national programme (NA), in line with Article 1 of Annex III in the BA agreement, for
integration of the JT-60SA components:

1. An Integrated Organizational Structure (IOS) as shown in Fig.1.2-1 working under the

leadership of the Project Leader and of the JAEA and EU Project Managers (PMs), in which
the Project Team, the JAEA Home Team (JAEA-HT) and EU Home Team (EU-HT) are
consolidated so as to enhance efficiency and reduce duplication of effort.

2. A Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) drafted with horizontal project integration activities as
well as WBS items related to individual systems and processes.

3. For each WBS item, an identified Responsible Officer (RO).

4. For procurement items, the RO has been selected keeping in mind the IA where the items
are to be procured. For horizontal project integration activities, the workload among the PT
and the two IAs through their Home Teams is to be shared on the basis of the availability of
skilled personnel dedicated to that specific WBS item.

The necessary functions for the PL and the two IAs through their Home Teams are provided for in
Article 6 of the BA Agreement and Article 2.c of Annex III of the BA Agreement. The project
management functions will be shared among the three Teams with their responsibilities.

With respect to decision-making processes, a Common Management and Quality Program for the
IOS is now under development.

The general principle for decision making and configuration management requires the PL and the
two PMs to decide by consensus, with the PL as the final approver for Project actions. To achieve
consensus as well as record design decisions and actions, the PL organizes regular meetings jointly
with the two IAs through their HomeTeams:

- A Project Coordination Meeting (PCM): to ensure appropriate joint management and

monitoring of the project – discussions focus on project status, cost, schedule, quality
assurance programme, work breakdown structure, risk management, preparation of external
meetings and conferences, project common management tools, document management, etc.

- A Technical Coordination Meeting (TCM): to ensure appropriate technical management of

interfaces and change control – discussions focus on the formal approval of any technical
baseline change ( the Project Integration Document or CAD Configuration Model).

Fig.1.2-1. Integrated Organizational Structure for Satellite Tokamak Programme.

1.3 Scientific baseline

1.3.1 Mission of JT-60SA

The mission of the JT-60SA project is to contribute to the early realization of fusion energy by
supporting the exploitation of ITER and research towards DEMO by addressing key physics issues
associated with these machines.

1.3.2 Technical objectives

In order to accomplish the JT-60SA mission with the maximum utilization of integrated and
outstanding machine capabilities for which none of those of existing tokamak devices can be
substituted, the JT-60SA Project has set out the following technical objectives, including
specification targets.

Plasma Performance:
• The device should be capable of confining break-even equivalent class high-temperature
deuterium plasmas lasting for a duration longer than the timescales characteristic of plasma
• The device should pursue full non-inductive steady-state operation with high plasma beta
close to and exceeding no-wall ideal stability limits.

• The device should establish ITER-relevant high density plasma regimes well above the H-
mode power threshold.

Design Requirements:
• In order to satisfy the above plasma performance requirements, the machine design should be
able to support a wide range of plasma equilibria with divertor configurations covering a high
plasma shaping factor of S~6 and a low aspect ratio of A~2.6.
• In order to satisfy the above plasma performance requirements, an inductive plasma current
flattop and additional heating up to 41 MW during 100 s, under nominal operating conditions,
should be provided.
• In order to allow the high heat and particle fluxes to the divertor, the divertor target should
stand up to 15 MW/m2.
• In order to pursue full non-inductive steady-state operation, negative-ion based neutral beam
injection (N-NBI) with high beam energy up to 500 keV should be provided.
• In order to sustain high plasma beta exceeding no-wall ideal stability limits, internal resistive-
wall-mode (RWM) stabilizing coils should be equipped with stabilizing shell.
• In order to allow in-vessel maintenance necessary for experimental campaigns with high-
power and/or long-pulse operation of deuterium plasmas, in-vessel components should be
equipped to be compatible with remote maintenance.
• The choice of machine parameters and functional specifications of the components for the
device should be consistent with the required plasma performance and design requirements
and made to meet the cost objectives.

1.3.3 EU-JA sharing

Japan and EU implement in-kind contributions for component procurement. Existing JT-60U
facilities will also be utilized. Sharing of procurement between EU and Japan is as illustrated in Fig.

Fig. 1.3-1. Sharing of procurement between EU and Japan.

1.4 Rationale and outline of re-designing

1.4.1 Rationale of re-designing

Re-designing of the device was performed mainly in the following way.

Aspect ratio (A) and toroidal field (Bt)

• Reduce A (R/a) and hence Bt to reduce the cost with the same plasma performance (Ip). The
overall outboard and top/bottom size of the TF magnet was kept so to allow the machine to be
installed within the existing NBI alignment and envelopes. The vertical and inboard space
obtained through the use of a slender TF magnet now allows a larger plasma elongation with a
reduced TF-ripple and more CS flux.

Plasma shaping and divertor

• Carrying out a detailed study and optimization of the distribution of turns with the most
probable plasma configurations, and controlling the four CS magnets independently, allow to
reduce the total conductor length and expand the operational space in (βp, li).
• Re-designing of the lower divertor cassette for the achievement of higher plasma
triangularity. .

Neutron economy and radiation shielding

• The limit of neutron yield (per pulse, per week and per year) has been reduced by carefully
synthesizing a variety of operation scenarios. As a result, neutron shield materials in the
cryostat and the impact of the the nuclear heating load to the cyroplant have also been reduced.

1.4.2 Outline of re-designing and basic machine parameters

Typical changes in the machine design are as follows.

• re-optimised for the lower aspect ratio and field.
• reduction of the total amount of superconducting strands by 63%.
• increase of temperature margin by ~0.4K.

• reduction of the number of EF Coils to 6 from 7, which leads to the reduction of conductor
length by ~30%.
• distribution of turns to enlarge the operation space in li and βp, as well as increasing the
available flux for the flattop.

• reduction of the shell thickness (24 mm to 18 mm) and optimised thickness of boron-water
layer for the neutron shielding considering thickness in TF coil case.

• better distributed VV ports to provide a simpler out of plane support to the TF magnet

• merging the upper divertor function to the single bottom divertor according to the phased
operation program.

• adopting a ‘facet’ type vessel body to ensure the assembly and maintainability.
• removal of concrete shielding due to reduced neutron yield.

The technical changes in the components are summarized in Table 1.4-1. The old and new elevation
views are compared in Figs. 1.4-1 and 1.4-2.

Table 1.4-1. Technical changes.

Component Items Changes

TF magnet • Amount of strand Reduction by more than a factor of 2.
• Length of the conductor Reduction from 30 km to 24.4 km.
• Number of turns Reduction from 90 to 72.
• Proposed layout Now with 3 Quad pancakes per coil (versus
5 Double pancakes). Each pancake has 6
turns (versus 9 of the CDR design).
• Mass of the structure Reduced from ~800 tonnes to ~300
• Amount of cooling channels in Has been drastically reduced.
the casing
• Nuclear heating as well as AC Have been reduced by a factor of ~3.
PF magnet • Number of EF coils Reduced from 7 to 6.
• Total conductor length of EF Reduced by more than 10km (from ~38km
system to ~27km).
• Total conductor length of CS Reduced from 11.9 km to 11.5 km.
Vacuum Vessel • Weight of vessel body including Reduction from ~230 tonnes to ~150 tonnes.
• Thickness of inner/outer shell Reduction from 24 mm to 18 mm.
• Vessel body in the cylindrical Change to a multi-arced shape in poloidal
shape in toroidal and poloidal direction and a polygonal shape in toroidal
directions direction (10 degree segments).
In-vessel • Upper and lower divertor to Defer the upper divertor with divertor
handle heat flux of ~15 MW/m2 cassettes and pumping until the extended
for outer target and ~10 MW/m2 research phase. Double null divertor
for inner target configuration with short pulse heating (~10 s)
is possible in the Initial Research Phase.
• Feature of upper divertor Change from closed divertor to open divertor
to handle heat flux of ~3 MW/m2.
• Feature of lower divertor Mono-block targets are partially used for the
lower divertor (e.g. a few divertor cassettes)
in the Initial Research Phase. Bolted armour
CFC tiles are used for the remaining divertor

cassettes. The mono-block targets are fully
used in the Integrated Research Phase.
• Position of error field correction Move the correction coils from the outside of
coil the vacuum vessel near the poloidal field
coils to the inside of the VV. The specification
is changed to the in-vessel coils with copper
PS • Functional Specifications CS23 has been re-designed to be split into
described in CDR were CS2 and CS3, and EF7 has been deleted.
completely reset to those PSs for CS/EF coils are reconfigured
described in the original FS accordingly. Structure of AC power supply
presented in the WG report. has also been reconfigured to satisfy the
commercial grid constraints.
Cryostat • Structure of gravity support Change from double ring structure for VV
and TFC supports to large ring structure due
to the design change of TFC support.
• Shape of vessel body Change from spherical shape to a cylindrical
shape with faceted shape with one single
• Double wall structure filled with Elimination of the boron doped concrete and
boron doped concrete the outer shell.
Cryogenic • Refrigeration load Reduction of total refrigeration load (4.5 K
equivalent load) from 15 kW to 9 kW (w/o
margin) by revised calculation for AC loss
and nuclear heating, reduction of thermal
shield load. The capacity with margin is TBD.
• LN2 storage tank Install LN2 tank on rental basis (to be incl. in
LN2 supply contract).
• Pellet injection: helium supply Deleted (will probably be realized by a
separate small closed cycle refrigerator).
• 80 K refrigerator for thermal Integration of the shield cooling into the He-
shield refrigerator plant.
Remote • Vehicle type remote handling R&D in the Initial Research Phase. In-use in
Handling system the Integrated Research Phase.
ECRF • Number of units and pulse Nine units for 100s in CDR will be completed
duration in the Initial Research in the Integrated Research Phase. In the
Phase Initial Research Phase, the ECRF system will
start with 2units for 5s and 2units for 100s.
• Frequency of additional 5 units Frequency is presently considered as
in the Integrated Research Phase 110GHz.

Fig. 1.4-1. Comparison of elevation view of old and new magnet, vacuum vessel and in-vessel

Fig. 1.4-2. Comparison of elevation view of old and new cryostat and components in it.

New basic machine parameters are summarized in Table 1.4-2 compared to old ones.

Table 1.4-2. Basic machine parameters.

2008 design 2008 design

(Initial Phase) (Final Phase)
Low A ITER- ITER-shape ITER-shape
Parameter Low A (SN) Low A (DN)
(DN) shape (SN) (SN) (SN)
061122_DN_ 060223_iter_ 080902_LN550_v 080821_IT400- 080901_DN550_ 080821_IT400-
lowA_Div080729a lowA_Div080729a
3 s-1a 01a Psi-BD_v01a
_v01b _v01b
Plasma Current, Ip (MA) 5.5 3.5 5.5 4.0 5.5 4.0
Toroidal Field, Bt (T) 2.68 2.60 2.25 2.28 2.24 2.28
Major Radius (m) 3.07 3.15 2.96 2.93 2.97 2.93
Minor Radius (m) 1.15 1.02 1.18 1.10 1.17 1.10
Elongation, !X 1.89 1.86 1.80 1.84 1.90 1.84
Triangularity, "X 0.61 0.51 0.49 0.46 0.59 0.46
Aspect Ratio, A 2.66 3.08 2.50 2.67 2.54 2.67
Shape Parameter, S 5.4 4.0 5.5 5.2 5.9 5.2
Safety Factor, q95 ~3 ~3 ~3 ~3 ~3 ~3
100 s (including hybrid
Flattop Duration 100 s 100 s
21.5 MWx100s
Heating & CD Power 41 MW x 100 s (31.5 MW x 60s) 41 MW x 100 s
(33 MW x 5s)
N-NBI 10 MW 10 MW 10 MW
P-NBI 24MW 20 MW 24MW
140 GHz, 4 MW 110 GHz, 1.5 MW x 100s
ECRF 110 GHz, 7 MW
110 GHz, 3 MW (3 MW x 5s)
3 MW/m2 x 100s
Divertor wall load 15 MW/m2 15 MW/m2
(10 MW/m2 x 10s)
Annual neutron yield 4x1021 4x1019 1.5x1021

1.5 Revision of Baseline Project Schedule with long-term planning

1.5.1 Rationale of re-scheduling and phased equipment plan

The starting point of the Baseline Project Schedule (BPS) for the Satellite Tokamak Programme
(STP) has been the overall time schedule, with major milestones such as "Start of Tokamak
Assembly" and "First Plasma", as outlined in the Executive Summary of the Conceptual Design
Report (CDR). This document was approved at the 1st Steering Committee in June 2007..

Moreover, in light of cost issues, it is now foreseen that the JT-60SA machine will be upgraded step
by step according to a phased operation plan consisting of an Initial Research Phase and an
Integrated Research Phase. Exploitation within the Broader Approach (BA) period will aim in the
Initial Research Phase at 1) HH operation for plasma commissioning and 2) DD operation for
identification of issues in preparation for full DD operation.

1.5.2 Revision of Baseline Project Schedule

The current re-baselined plan takes into account a more detailed analysis of the manufacturing and
assembly schedule as well as the delay incurred by the project due to the re-designing of the

machine. As a result the milestone of "First Plasma" had to be shifted by ~1 year from the original
BPS. The revised major milestones of the project schedule are as follows:
- Start of Tokamak Assembly, rescheduled from January 2011 to February 2012.
- Completion of Tokamak Assembly, rescheduled from June 2014 to October 2015.
- First Plasma, rescheduled from March of 2015 to March of 2016.

The revised BPS is shown below in Fig. 1.5-1 and is based on a relatively detailed bottom-up
schedule of design, manufacturing, and assembly.

Fig. 1.5-1. Revised Baseline Project Schedule.

2 Plasma assessment and exploitation plan

2.1 Exploitation plan

2.1.1 Basic Philosophy

As mentioned above, the JT-60SA project now assumes a phased approach to operation. The basic
philosophy in deciding the plan is:|
a) cash flow reduction by keeping the scientific mission of the JT-60SA
b) improvement of the operational capability essential for the central mission, such as break-even
class long pulse and high beta steady-state plasma production,
c) an operation schedule taking realistic and practical steps for machine commissioning and
d) keeping machine flexibility to absorb future needs for ITER and DEMO in parallel to expected
progress in science and technology.

The new baseline design expands the operation space for the break-even class high current (5.5MA)
plasma regime with highly shaped configurations and longer flat-top. ITER-similar-shape & SS
high beta regimes cover the original physics requirements.

2.1.2 Operation Phases

The operational phases consist of 1) an initial research phase (hydrogen phase and deuterium phase),
2) an integrated research phase, and 3) an extended research phase as shown in Table 2.1.1.

1) Initial Research Phase

1-1) Hydrogen Phase
The main aim of this phase will be the integrated commissioning of the system with and without
plasma operation, as well as the preparation of the deuterium operation at full plasma current and
high heating power up to 23 MW, including 10MW of positive ion source NB, 10MW of negative
ion source NB and 3MW of ECRF at 110GHz. A lower single null divertor with partial mono-block
target is planned in this phase.

1-2) Deuterium Phase

The remaining commissioning related to neutrons, nuclear heating and radiation safety is carried
out with deuterium operation up to the full technical performance allowable before high activation
operation will occur (under the limitation of the annual neutron production of 4x1019). In this phase,
after characterization of operational boundaries and experimental flexibility, all of the experimental
target regimes of JT-60SA are to be studied typically with relatively short pulse durations. The
number of long pulse discharges will be decided with consideration of the annual neutron
production. The heating power will be 20MW for positive ion source NB, 10MW for negative ion
source NB and 3MW of ECRF at 110GHz.

2) Integrated Research Phase

In this phase, the main mission goals of JT-60SA will start to be investigated while utilizing high
power long pulse discharges with the full mono-block lower single null divertor. The NB injection
performance will be 20MW x 100s or 30MW x 60s with a duty cycle of 1/30. Heating power with
Table.2.1-1. Operation phases and status of key components.
1%0-+% <#=
!"#$% *%(+,-' 5/6%,+-, !7*8 *7*8 9:1; !->%,?=?@/0%
2#'3)/'4 !->%,
K'/+/#) J"#$%?K 2 7 .N* BH<G =BHH$ ES<G
1%$%#,A" J#,+/#) X
!"#$% 0-'-O)-AP BCD<G SS<G *8R?EH<G?=?BHH$
J"#$%?KK 5 F9BI 1M5
=D$ SH<G?=?TH$
K'+%4,#+%3 J"#$%?K 5 F9EH .N* BH<G 9:1;R?BHH$
1%$%#,A" Q())7 @#'4C SY<G
!"#$% 0-'-O)-AP Y<G
J"#$%?KK 5 B9EB Y<G

9=+%'3%3 L$%
1%$%#,A" 5 BCD9EB 5* EF<G FB<G FB<G?=?BHH$

ECH will be increased to 7MW x 100s. At first (in Phase-I) the annual neutron production will be
limited below 4x1020 in order to allow human access inside the vacuum vessel (after a cooldown
period of 1 year). the commissioning of the remote handling system will be completed in this phase.
Later, in Phase-II, the annual neutron production limit will be increased up to 1x1021 and hence
maintenance operations of in-vessel components will be carried out by utilizing the remote handling

3) Extended Research Phase

In this phase the main mission goals of JT-60SA will be achieved utilizing higher heating power of
41MW x 100s with double null and full mono-block divertors. The annual neutron production is
planned to be increased up to 1.5x1020.

2.1.3 Capability and Research Performance

Table2.1-2. Capability and Research Performance.

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;_!/3$%12$- !,[%)1"3/5)2182+,1"$%/6/G$$#"+-)/8#)/$@ XJ XJ
G,21"3-) `L^6cWW5,9Yb#:Z//'"F)21$2/G89G"%[
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The now planned phased operation has allowed to somewhat reduce the initial hardware
requirements while keeping the fundamental research capability in support of ITER and DEMO
from the initial deuterium operation phase. Machine capability and research performance are
compared in Table 2.1.2 below between the CDR design, the new initial research phase, and the
new extended research phase.

2.2 Equilibrium operational boundary

Table 1.4-2 shows a typical plasma of Ip = 5.5 MA for the CDR and for the re-baselined design.
Here and in the following, the divertor shape proposed by JA is tentatively used as the latest design,
while variants are being considered aiming to maximize the available space for the plasma and with
due consideration of the mechanical analysis of all structures including the TF magnet. Cross
sections of 5.5 MA double null (DN) plasmas are shown for CDR and the latest design (Fig. 2.2-1).

In view of operational space capability, limited by the poloidal field (PF) coil (CS and EF) system,
5.5 MA operations are clearly the most critical ones. The boundary limited by the PF system is
shown in Fig. 2.2-2. In the calculation, the flux state right at the moment when the plasma is formed
(Ip = 0.1 MA assumed) is assumed to be 17 Wb for the CDR case. This, in other words, means that
the initial flux Ψ0 =17.3 Wb and the consumption of flux at the plasma break-down (ΨBD) are
assumed to be 17.3 Wb and 0.3 Wb respectively. On the other hand, Ψ0 =18.9 Wb and ΨBD =
0.5Wb are assumed for the latest design. Since the size (diameter) of the CS coils increased, Ψ0
increased in the latest design case. The increase in ΨBD is to assure more margin at the break-down,
though 0.3 Wb could well be enough to produce 0.5 V/m from analysis.

As shown in Fig. 2.2-2, the operational space is wider in the latest design case with Ψextra = 6 Wb.
Here Ψextra is flux assumed to be consumed at the Ip flat-top. The extra flux 6 Wb corresponds, for
example, to a flux consumed to sustain a plasma of loop voltage (Vl) of 0.06 V for 100 s. In
addition to the increase in Ψ0, reduction in R contributes to increase available Ψextra.

Fig. 2.2-1. Comparison of equilibria of 5.5 MA plasmas of CDR (left) and the latest design (right).

Fig. 2.2-2. Comparison of the operational space in terms of βp and li for the CDR (top) and the latest
design (bottom) cases.

Before the extended research phase, we’ll be focusing on lower single null (LSN) configurations. A
5.5 MA operation is also possible with an LSN configuration. In Fig. 2.2-3, an equilibrium of a
5.5 MA plasma is shown.

Fig. 2.2-3. An equilibrium of a 5.5 MA lower single null configuration.

2.3 Operation scenarios and plasma performance

Performance of 5.5 MA plasma

Plasma performance and its sustainability are evaluated for a 5.5 MA double null plasma. As a
measure of the performance the fusion triple product, ni0τΕTi0, is used. As a measure of the
sustainability of an Ip flat top, the loop voltage Vl is employed, since its duration can be determined
by dividing available extra flux by the loop voltage. The evaluation was carried out by using the
ACCOME code with assumed profiles and with a given injection power Pin, Greenwald density
fraction fGW , and confinement enhancement factor HH (ITER 98y2 scaling ).

Table. 2.3-1 shows a comparison of nτT and Vl between the 5.5 MA double null plasma in CDR and
the latest design for various fGW (0.5 and 0.8) and HH (1.1 and 1.3). Here, Pin = 30 MW (PN-NB =
10 MW and PP-NB = 20 MW and PEC = 0 MW) is assumed considering a case in the integrated
research phase. As indicated in the table, both ni0τΕTi0 and Vl are similar between the CDR and the
latest design cases. Considering that available extra flux is larger in the latest design, the sustainable
duration can actually be longer in the latest design. The favorable effect of the nearly-halved TF
ripple in the new design has not been taken into account in the comparison.

It is noted that the ripple rate at the outer separatrix is reduced almost half from that in the CDR.
Now the ripple rate at 4.15 m is 0.8%. This would be expected to bring farther favorable effect in

The L-H threshold power is estimated to be 17 and 12 MW (fGW = 0.8 and 0.5) for the CDR case
and 15 and 11MW for the latest design. Hence, enough power should be available to obtain H-mode.

Capability of full non-inductive current drive

One of the most important targets of JT-60SA will be to study the sustainability of high βN plasmas.
Full non-inductive current drive sustainability is evaluated assuming Pin = 31.5 MW (PN-NB =
10 MW and PP-NB = 20 MW and PEC = 1.5 MW). Again this corresponds to a case in the integrated
research phase. A plasma configuration at Ip = 2.3 MA is shown in Fig. 2.3-1. In this case, Bt =
1.76 T, q95 = 5.4, δ95 = .4, κ95 = 1.74, A = 2.7, S = 6.4, βN = 4.1, HH = 1.3 (PIN = 3.15 MW).

CDR 2008 design

fGW HH nτT (1020 m-3 s keV) Vl (V) nτT (1020 m-3 s keV) Vl (V)
0.8 1.3 8.1 0.13 7.2 0.13
0.8 1.1 5.8 0.17 5.2 0.17
0.5 1.3 5.5 0.08 5.0 0.08
0.5 1.1 3.9 0.11 3.6 0.11

Table 2.3-1. Comparison of nτT and Vl between a 5.5 MA double null plasma in CDR and the
latest design for various fGW and HH. (New design with nearly halved TF ripple – not taken into

The evaluation was carried out by using the ACCOME code. The configuration and the plasma

8 0.8 5

Te, Ti (keV), ne (1019m-3)

Ti Tot
6 0.6 4
Te ne q

j (MA/m2)
4 0.4 3

2 0.2 2
0 0 1
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
! !
(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 2.3-1. (a) An equilibrium of a 2.3 MA full-CD plasma. (b) The density and temperatures
profiles. (c) The current density profiles, total (Tot), bootstrap (BS), NB and EC, and the q
parameter profile shapes were fixed and the full-CD condition was evaluated at each Ip with fixed
fGW. The density and temperature profiles in one of these results are also shown in Fig. 2.3-1.
In Fig. 2.3-2 shows the operational spaces of the full-CD plasmas. The plasma current sustainable in
full-CD is plotted against the HH factor for various fGW (0.5 – 0.9) in Fig. 2.3-2 (a), and fBS against
βN corresponding to these data is shown in Fig. 2.3-2 (b). As shown in the figure on the left hand
side, a full-CD state is expected to be obtained in a wide range of Ip and fGW even limiting HH to a
moderate value of ~1.3 – 1.4. Moreover, as shown in the figure in the right hand side, high βN and
high fBS, which are reactor-relevant, can be obtained.

In these plasmas, the minimum value of the safety factor (qmin) is higher than ~1.6 and its location
in the normalized minor radius (ρmin) is 0.5 – 0.55 as shown in Fig. 2.3-1 (c).

fGW = 0.5 fGW = 0.6
2.8 fGW = 0.7
Ip (MA)

fGW = 0.8


2.4 0.5
fGW = 0.9 2.7MA

2.2 0.4
1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5
HH98(y,2) !N
(a) (b)

Fig. 2.3-2: (a) Operational spaces of the full-CD plasmas. The plasma current sustainable in full-CD
is plotted against the HH factor for various fGW (0.5 – 0.9). (b) Plot of fBS against βN corresponding
to these data shown in (a).

ITER-like operation

Since the aspect ratio of the vacuum vessel has become

smaller in the latest design compared to that in the CDR
design, it turns out to be more difficult to have a plasma
that has a good match to the ITER scenario 2 shape in A,
δ95 and κ95 (both up down averaged) at q95 = 3 all at
once. In view of plasma physics, such as stability,
confinement and so on, A could however be less
important that δ95 and κ95. The equilibrium shown in
Fig. 2.3-3 has a good match in δ95 and κ95 but is less
well matched in A. With this configuration, Ip up to
about 4 MA is attainable within the Bt available, keeping
q95 = 3.
For a 4 MA case, fGW = 0.85 (the value foreseen in the
ITER scenario 2) corresponds to n e = 8.93 1019m-3,
which also can be called ITER class (<ne> = Fig. 2.3-3: An example of an ITER-
19 -3
10.1 10 m in the ITER scenario 2). Therefore this can like shape (solid line) with the ITER
be a good target to investigate issues related to ITER. scenario 2 shape (dotted line).

Lower divertor for higher triangularity operation

As mentioned, we’ll be focusing on lower single null configurations before the extended research
phase. Therefore, the lower divertor should cope with plasmas in as wide range of operation as
possible. Since exploitation in the high βN regime is one of the most important missions of JT-60SA,
the lower divertor should cope with high triangularity, which is known to be important for high βN
operations. However, increasing δ may interfere the plasma performance in a sense that it may
reduce the plasma volume. The lower divertor illustrated in the figures in these sub sections is one
that is proposed by JA to cope with these requirement as much as possible. Detailed engineering
design of the lower divertor is shown in the sub-section 3.4.

The performance of the divertor has been evaluated using a divertor code “SONIC”. It has been
shown that heat flux to the divertor plates can be controlled below the maximum of the mono-block
targets (15 MW/m2) ether by puffing gas or increasing radiation by impurity seeding. In Fig. 2.3-4
shown is an example of the code calculation, in which the peak heat load at the outer hit point,
which is the most critical, can be suppressed low enough by radiation. In the calculation, radiation
was enhanced by increasing carbon fraction to 8%. As the result, the radiation fraction in the SOL
and divertor region reached 66% of the power crossing the separatrix (28 MW is assumed). The
peak heat flux at the outer hit point is 8.3 MW/m2 and the density at the separatrix is 1.7x1019m-3,
which can be compatible with the low density domain expected for the steady-state operations in Ip
~2.2 – 3 MA. Though it is yet in progress, particle handling capability is found to be similar to what
had been expected from the lower divertor designed in the CDR.

Fig. 2.3-4. The result of the divertor simulation, radiation map around the divertor. In the
calculation, radiation was enhanced by increasing carbon fraction to 8%. As the result,
the radiation fraction in the SOL and divertor region reached 66% of the power crossing
the separatrix. The peak heat flux at the outer hit point is 8.3 MW/m2 and the density at
the separatrix is 1.7x1019m-3.

3 Device design evolution
3.1 TF magnet

One of the drivers of the overall machine optimisation effort has been to reduce costs of the magnet
system. This was achieved at the tokamak system level by performing a system code analysis with
due constraints (using standard engineering criteria, optimising against cost, keeping as much as
possible the plasma performance close to CDR levels). In addition to maintaining previous criteria
some additional considerations have been included in the re-design:
1. Reduce the TF ripple by a factor of ~2
2. Increase the space available for the Central Solenoid so to increase the available flux for the
plasma flattop
3. Reinforce the TF supports to withstand the seismic loads newly calculated.
4. Simplify as much as possible the conceptual design of the intercoil structures so as to reduce

As a consequence of the overall machine redesign, the newly obtained TF magnet parameters are:

CDR New Design

TF Total TF Energy GJ 1.51 1.06
TF B*R 8.18 6.66
TF # coils 18 18
TF Tension (MN) 6.80 4.70
Average turn length (m) 18.55 18.88
Number of turns in 1 coil 90 72
Peak Field 6.50 5.65
Total length of conductor (km) 30.0 24.5
Number of layers 9 6
5 Double 3 Quad Pancakes or
Number of Pancakes
Pancakes 6 Double Pancakes
Number of internal joints 4 2 (or 5)
Number of extra Helium inlets (outlets) 5(0) 6(3)
Dicharge Time Constant 10s (+2 delay)
Ground/Terminal voltage (kV) in
normal operation 1.4/2.8
(6 coils in series, 3 sets of coils)
Number of current lead pairs 3
Casing Material 316L 304L or 316L where needed1
Casincs and Intercoil Structure Mass ~700 Tonnes ~290 Tonnes

With the design of the magnet re-optimized for the lower aspect ratio and field, the new conductor
can employ both types of strands so far proposed (with Cu/nCu ranging from 1.9 to 1.6 and with
different amounts of copper segregation).

The yield strength at 4K is similar (~430MPa for 316L and ~410MPa for 304L) however 316L has slightly better
fatigue properties, particularly in welded regions.

For comparison purposes the redesign analysis is shown below for the candidate strand with
Cu/nCu=1.9. The main conductor parameters are:

CDR New Design

Coil Jacket Material 316LN 316LN
Strand type NbTi NbTi
Conductor current 25.3kA 25.7kA
Cable space dimensions (mm) 25.1x25.1 18x22
Void Fraction 0.41 0.32
Strand Diameter 0.81 0.81
N SC Strands 720 324
N Cu Strands - 162
Cu/nCu ratio - 1.6-1.9
Min Tcs (at high field region) >6 K >6.1 K
Top (at high field region) after burn, no
<4.9K <4.7K
Top (at high field region) after
~5.1K <5K
Tmarg (after burn) >1.1K >1.20K
Tmarg (after burn + disruption) >0.9K >1.0K
Cabling pattern 3x3x4x4x5 (2+1)x3x3x3x6
Twist Pitch 45/85/120/190/290
Hotspot temperature (K) ~80 (2+12s) ~160 (2+10s)
SC Strand mass per m of cable (kg/m) 3.05 1.37
SC Strand mass in 18 coils (tons) 91.5 33.4
Segregated copper mass in 18 coils
- 13.9
Conductor He Flow rate 5 gr/s 4 gr/s
Total He flow rate in 18 coils
900 gr/s 860 gr/s

From the above tables it is apparent that a level of savings can be expected by the reduction of the
plasma-tokamak aspect ratio, for example:
− The total amount of SC strand has been reduced by 63%,
− The temperature margin is increased by ~0.1K,
− The loads on the coil are also reduced,
− The structural mass for the magnet casings and out of plane support system has been drastically

Fig. 3.1-1. Winding pack and coil case at inboard equator.

The above figure shows the new winding pack and casing layout in the equatorial plane. The new
design foresees also the elimination of the previously foreseen cooling channels in the casing. Two
cooling channels are however left in order to have a more reliable cool down process and to limit
the cool down time in the front plate of the casing after a disruption if, as calculated, the winding
pack is detaching from the casing front plate when the magnetic load is present. At the same time a
layer of 5mm of polyamide insulation is added between winding pack and casing in order to delay
the diffusion of heat from the burn (and disruption) to the winding pack. The radial extent over
which wedging is to be ensured is under study but it is now favoured for it to extend for the full
radial build in order to reduce the stresses in the insulation.

The elimination of most of the cooling channels in the coil casing could be implemented also in
light of the reduced nuclear heating loads now evaluated (see later), and brings a number of
− The cost of the case is reduced with the elimination of many machining and welding operations
which typically require high level of quality control to ensure leak tightness.
− The heat load on the cryoplant is naturally smoothed by the time constant of the structure
thermal mass.
− The cooling channels were introducing a number of stress risers in the case.

In the outboard region the casings sidewalls has been reduced to 80mm. The inner and outer plates
are reduced to 40-50mm. Work is underway to check the possibility to reduce these walls further so
to reduce the costs associated with the final closure of the coil before impregnation.

Fig. 3.1-2. Comparison of CDR and new proposed design.

The above figure shows the comparison of the CDR with the new design. The outermost radius of
the two configurations is about the same. Given the smaller radial build of the new winding pack,
the centroid of the current in the outboard can therefore be shifted outwards. This effect is the main
source of the ripple reduction (together with a slightly smaller R+a of the plasma), and also helps in
allowing an easier tangential access for the Neutral Beam Injectors.

The proposed layout is with 3 quadruple-pancakes with 2 internal joints, 6 helium inlets and 3 extra
helium outlets. The layout with 3-QPs is possible in view of the reduced number of layers that
brings the unit length to about 440m (of 1QP).

A 2D magnetic analysis has been performed to verify the peak field in the cross section with a
detailed model of the winding pack. The resulting peak field is 5.55T. An additional 0.1T is to be
added due to the contribution of the poloidal field.

The TF ripple, calculated as 0.85% at the outer plasma edge has been computed with a 3D model of
all windings.

3.1.1 Intercoil Structures Design

With respect to the overall magnet intercoil support structure, work has been devoted in order to:
− Resolve some issues previously identified in the CDR:
o It was found that some of the outer intercoil structures required complex key structures
and had limited capability to withstand the tension resulting from the radially outward
displacement of the magnet (in the outboard).
o It was found that the inner keys (upper and lower) needed preloading as the coils de-
wedged in this region. Such a preloading ring system (such as that of ITER) needs much

space and effort. Given however the relatively small loads to be taken, an alternative
design has been studied that does not require a precompression ring.
− Take advantage of the smaller loads and make effort to reduce the mass and complexity of the
CDR design.

The inner keys have been hence redesigned. The design allows flexibility with the keys well
preloaded by means of toroidal bolts. The calculated shear load to be taken by the shear key is
1.4MN. The actual inclination of the keys, now foreseen as vertical, may have to be slightly angled
as a result of detailed analyses indicating the load reversal direction.

Fig. 3.1-3. View of magnet with intercoil structure

The outer intercoil structures have been replaced by plates, welded to the coil casings (forged in the
region), and held together by a sandwich of preloaded plates. The load (toroidal tension and
radial/vertical shear) is transmitted by means of friction through the insulated joint. A set of 27
M38-40 bolts, preloaded with 500kN each, will need to transmit, through 2 friction surfaces, a load
~2.3MN (1.4 Toroidal tension, 1.8MN Poloidal Shear force). Assuming a friction factor of 0.3, the
margin against slippage is 3.5. To be on the safe side, the bolts are being designed with an
adjustable bore to that they could act as shear keys if needed.

An alternative design of the outer intercoil structure is underway to reduce the close weld
thicknesses of the coil casings (and hence reduce risks for the coil manufacturing) and reduce
transportation dimensions.

The magnet gravity supports are also under modification to reduce their costs while increasing their
strength for seismic and VDE loads. The supports now employ set of two spars with built-in ends on
the magnet side and pivoting rod ends on the cryostat bottom side. Compared with the CDR flexible
plates design a considerable reduction of the heat leaks from the cryostat to the magnet has also
been achieved.

Fig. 3.1-4. View of magnet with gravity supports.

3.1.2 Summary of thermal analysis of magnet and conductor operating temperature

The reference conditions for nuclear analyses now assume a neutron yield of 1.5 1017 n/s (4 1017 n/s
in CDR), with a safety factor of 1.8 on local nuclear heating for simplified conductor analyses and
1.5 for more global thermal-hydraulic and cryoplant analyses.

Nuclear heating rate due to neutrons and photons has been calculated in the Winding Pack (WP) in
the Casing and in the Insulator in a full 3-D geometry using the MCNP5 Monte Carlo code.

The conclusions are:

− On the innermost inboard turn in the equatorial plane the nuclear heating is ~0.2 mW/cm3 and
the maximum nuclear heating in the case is ~0.4 mW/cm3 (without any safety factor).
− The nuclear heating in the outboard innermost turn is ~20% higher than the inboard one.
− The average sharing of the nuclear heating between the materials of WP mixture is: Nb-Ti
10.3%, Cu 43.2%, jacket SS 34.3%, He 2.4% and Insulator 9.8 %.
− The total nuclear heating is ~7.95 kW assuming a safety factor 1.5 or ~ 9.5 kW with safety
factor 1.8.
− The neutron heating of the new TF Coils is significantly lower (by a factor of ~3) than the
previous value, based on the CDR design, predominantly due to reduction of the neutron yield

On the basis of the applied thermal loads, a number of models have been developed to evaluate the
operating temperature of the conductor in all operating conditions, including severe disruptions. One
of the models includes the effect of thermal diffusion in the coil cross section as well as the
transport of He along the conductor. The model is built with 9 identical sections of the coil, each
representing a length of about 2m. Each slice is modelled with approximately 10000 finite elements.
At regular time intervals (~10s for a flow rate of ~4gr/s), during the dynamic simulation of events,
the transport of helium is modelled by transferring the temperature field inside the cable space of the
conductors with the pattern shown in figure below.

Fig. 3.1-5. Thermal/Hydraulic model of a TF coil.

In all cases no presence of casing cooling channels has been assumed to be conservative. The effect
of a full current disruption has been considered for the thermal dynamic analysis and added at the
end of the flattop.

Fig. 3.1-6. Nuclear heating distribution during the plasma operation and energy density distribution
after a disruption.

After a disruption about 900kJ are deposited in the coils, with the highest density of energy located
in the inboard equator (see Fig. 3.1-6 above).

The model has been run with several distinct cases depending on assumptions on the bonding
quality between winding pack and cases. The worst case is achieved when the winding pack is fully
bonded to the surrounding casing as, in the assumed absence of any cooling channel in the casing,
all of the energy deposited there after a disruption is to be taken by the winding pack.

Assuming as a test case a value of Tinlet of 4.4K, for the corner conductor at the end of the straight
leg, the peak temperature after the burn is ~4.6K, and about 100s after the disruption it reaches a
peak of ~4.75K (see Fig. 3.1-7). With Tinlet of 4.6K this value would be about 4.95K. The
integrated energy exiting the magnet via the He outlets has also been computed. The power to the
cryoplant peaks to ~1.2kW after ~500s. The load is anyhow very smooth in the light of the thermal
capacity of the structure and He and no drastic heat loads are seen by the cryoplant after the
disruption. After 1800s more than 90% of the input energy has been removed.

Work is underway to test various models against each other but results are encouraging as it appears
that a temperature margin of at least 1K can be obtained in all cases.

Variation of Temperature in Conductor



Corner Conductor at end of straight leg
He Outlet
Temp [K]






0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
Time [s]

Fig. 3.1-7. Time evolution of the corner conductor temperature at the end of the high field region.
(Burn period between t=0 and t=100, disruption at t=100)

3.1.3 Summary of Structural Analysis

A global 3D model of the structure has been developed to verify stress and displacements and more
are being developed for verification purposes. The model includes a winding pack with smeared
properties, in-plane and out-of-plane loads (at end of flattop). It includes periodic conditions of
symmetry where applicable. Gap friction elements have been included in the wedged section with a
friction factor of 0.2. Results indicate acceptable displacements and stresses and are shown in figure
3.1-8 below:

− The figure on the left shows the out of plane displacements. Displacements are within 12mm.
− The figure on the right shows the stress intensity in the casing. With the exceptions of stress
concentrations, that anyhow need more detailed local models, the stress intensity is within
acceptable values.

Fig. 3.1-8. Out of plane displacements (left), stress intensity in the casing (right).

A number of local models are being developed to verify locally the stress conditions in the intercoil
structure and hence to design appropriately the system. This is particularly important close to
structural discontinuities and where the winding terminations are located.

A number of local stress analyses of the onboard cross section, where the wedging of the coils
occurs and hence where the coils are mostly stressed, have also been performed.

A detailed 2D generalized plane strain analysis of the winding pack has been performed with a
generalised plane strain hypothesis. The coil axial tension has been added normal to the plane of the
model shown in figure 3.1-9. Figure 3.1-10 to figure 3.1-12 show the main results of this analysis.

The assumed friction coefficient of the four contacts are 0.2 (WP/Casing, Casing/Cooling channel,
Casing/Wedge, Conductor/Jacket).

The wedged region has been extended in the model shown to the whole radial build. While, from the
standpoint of stress in the steel this is not necessary (as little as 60-70mm could be sufficient), the
wedging on the full radial build has been assessed to be very beneficial to reduce the stresses in the
insulation and hence has been chosen as the baseline solution.

Different loads cases have been studied:

− Case 1: Cool down from 293K to 4K (uniform temperature)
− Case 2: Cool down + In plane Lorentz forces (I=25.7kA 72 conductors)
− Case 3: Cool down + In plane Lorentz forces + quench T=4.4K uniform
− Case 4: Cool down + quench T=4.4K uniform

The quench pressure is applied with a parabolic distribution along the conductor and without safety
factor. The maximum pressure is 50 bars. The Young’s Modulus of the cable material is fixed at
1GPa (experimentally assessed).

The stresses in the case, jackets and cooling channel are acceptable in all the cases studied. The
maximum stress is in load case 2 with a local stress concentration of ~450 in the casing. The bulk
membrane toroidal stress in the coil nose is however limited to ~250MPa.

In the epoxy resin+glass fibre, stress is also within acceptable limits (LHD criteria max = 0.689).

Work is under way to optimize the geometry of the cooling channel with regards to the behaviour of
the pure resin insulation. The polyimide thermal insulation is also under study but preliminary
analyses are promising (mechanical properties at 4K are still under investigation and alternatives
under study as well).

Fig. 3.1-9. Ansys Model of inboard cross section

Fig. 3.1-10. Displacement with lorenz forces applied.

Fig. 3.1-11. Von Mises Stress intensity map in casing. Load: Cool down + Lorentz force.
Maximum von Mises stress = 447MPa.

Fig. 3.1-12. LHD criterion map in glass+resin. Load: Cool down + Lorentz force + Quench.
LHD criteria max = 0.689.

3.2 PF magnet

The CS consists of a vertical stack of four independent winding pack modules. The stack is hung
from the top of the TF coils through flexible supports and is provided at the bottom with a locating
mechanism which acts as a support against dynamic horizontal forces. The CS pre-load structure,
which consists of a set of tie plates located outside and inside the coil stack, provides axial pressure
on the stack. The CS stack is self-supporting against the coil radial forces and most of the vertical
forces, with the support to the TF coil reacting only the weight and net vertical components
resulting from up-down asymmetry of the poloidal field configuration.

The six EF coils (EF1 to EF6) are attached to the TF coil cases through supports which include
flexible plates allowing radial displacements. The poloidal field coils provide suitable magnetic
fields for the plasma equilibrium and control and their position and size have been optimized
accordingly, within the constraints imposed by the access to the in-vessel components.

The change of CS is relatively minor, with just an increase in bore size by 30 mm to increase
performance of magnetic flux supply and made possible by the re-optimisation of the device. The
conduit material of the CS conductor is changed from high-manganese stainless steel JK2LB to
standard stainless steel SS316LN in order to reduce costs. The winding configuration of the CS is
changed from Hexa(6)-pancake to Octa(8)- pancake so to reduce the number of pancake joints.

The modifications of the EF coils are manly in the reduction of their conductor length and number
of coils based on the new plasma requirements. The following tables and figures show detailed
changes for the new design. The winding configuration of the EF is changed from two cable-in-
hand double pancake to single cable-in-hand single pancake to increase the winding speed during
manufacturing and hence the associated costs.

Table 3.2-1. CS Conductor.

CDR PID (2008)
Jacket type Round in square Round in square
Type of strand Nb3Sn Nb3Sn
Operating current (kA) IM/EOB 18.7/20 20
Nominal peak field (T) IM/EOB 9/8.5 8.9
Operating temperature (K) 5.5 5.5
Operating strain (%) -0.73 -0.73
Discharge time constant (s) 7 6
Delay time (s) 2 2
Hotspot temperature (only strand) (K) 212 230
n at operating condition 7 7
Tcs (Current sharing temperature) (K) @9T 7.2 7.1
Tcs margin (K) 1.7 1.6
Ilim @ Top, Bop 16.3 16.3
Cable diameter (mm) 21.0 21.0
Central spiral outer x inner diameter (mm) 9x7 9x7
Conductor outer dimensions (mm) 26.9 x 26.9 27.9 x 27.9
Jacket material JK2LB SS316LN
SC strand diameter (mm) 0.82 0.82
SC strand cu:non-cu 1.0 1.0

Cabling pattern 3x3x6x6 3x3x6x6
SC strand number 216 216
Cu wire number 108 108
Local void fraction (%) in strand bundle 34 34

Fig. 3.2-1. CS conductor manufacturing.

Table 3.2-2. EF Conductors.

CDR PID (2008)
EF1, 2, 5, 6, 7 EF3, 4 EF1, 2, 5, 6 EF3, 4
Coolant (inlet) (K) 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4
Type of strand NbTi NbTi NbTi NbTi
Operating current (kA) 20 21 20 20
Nominal peak field (T) 4.8 6.2 4.8 6.2
Operating temperature (K) 4.8 5 4.8 5
Discharge time constant(s) 5.5 16 6.0 6.0
Delay time (s) 2 2 2 2
Hotspot temperature (only 229 218 217 82
strand) (K)
Tcs (Current sharing 6.5 6.1 6.5 6.2
temperature) (K)
Tcs margin (K) 1.7 1.1 1.7 1.2
Iop/Ic (Operating current/ 0.25 0.3 0.25 0.20
critical current)
Ilim @ Top, Bop (kA) 10.4 14.5 10.4 18.2
Cable dimensions (mm) 19.1x19.1 22.5x22.5 19.1x19.1 21.8x21.8
Central spiral outer x inner 9x7 9x7 9x7 9x7
diameter (mm)

Conductor outer dimensions 25x25 28x28 25x25 27.7x27.7
Jacket material SS316L(N) SS316L(N) SS316L SS316L
SC strand diameter (mm) 0.829 0.829 0.829 0.829
SC strand cu:non-cu 1.95 1.95 > 1.95 > 1.95
Cabling pattern 3x3x6x6 3x3x3x3x6 (2+1)x3x6x6 3x5x5x6
SC strand number 216 or 324 486 or 324 216 450
Cu wire number 108 or 0 0 or 162 108 0
Local void fraction (%) in 34 34 34 34
strand bundle

(a) CDR (b) PID (2008)

Fig. 3.2-2. EF3, EF4 conductor manufacturing.

Table 3.2-3. Parameters of Central Solenoid.

CDR PID (2008)
CS peak field (T) 9.0 8.9
Overall weight (including structures) (t) 98 92
R: 0.778, R: 0.824,
Winding Size (m) Winding dR: 0.365, Winding dR: 0.340,
dZ: 1.578 dZ: 1.585
Coil current (MA) 12.1 11.1
Number of turns 624 556
Conductor unit length (m) 352 456
Ground/Terminal voltage (kV) in normal
5 / 10 5 / 10
Number of current lead pairs 3 3

Table 3.2-3. CS Winding Configuration for Each Module.
Pancake Type Conductor Conductor Number Number of Total
Length s in Hand of Units Turns Nr x Nz Number of
(m) Turns
Hexa 352 1 8 12 x 6
Quadra 235 1 1 12 x 4
Total in Module 2973 - 9 12 x 52 608
PID (2008)
Pancake Type Conductor Conductor Number Number of Total
Length s in Hand of Units Turns Nr x Nz Number of
(m) Turns
Octa 456 1 6 11 x 8
Quadra 228 1 1 11 x 4
Total in Module 2880 - 7 11 x 52 556

Table 3.2-4. Location and Size of CS at 4K.

CS Coil Size without
Position of Coil Centre
Module Ground Insulation & Protector
Rc (m) Zc (m) dR (m) dZ (m)
CS1 0.777 2.373 0.352 1.562
CS2 0.777 0.788 0.352 1.562
CS3 0.777 -0.788 0.352 1.562
CS4 0.777 -2.373 0.352 1.562
PID (2008)
CS Coil Size without
Position of Coil Centre
Module Ground Insulation & Protector
Rc (m) Zc (m) dR (m) dZ (m)
CS1 0.822 2.381 0.327 1.568
CS2 0.822 0.791 0.327 1.568
CS3 0.822 -0.791 0.327 1.568
CS4 0.822 -2.381 0.327 1.568

Table 3.2-5. Parameters for EF Coils.

Winding Radius(m) 5.112 3.850 1.919 1.919 3.900 5.047 5.851
Winding Width (m) 0.370 0.370 0.562 0.562 0.370 0.453 0.343
Winding Height(m) 0.459 0.459 0.755 0.755 0.459 0.459 0.235
Coil current (MA) 4.02 4.08 8.52 8.52 4.08 4.98 1.86
Current (kA) 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
Peak Field (T) 4.8 4.8 6.2 6.2 4.8 4.8 4.8
Operating Temp. (K) 4.8 4.8 5.0 5.0 4.8 4.8 4.8

Number of turns 201 204 426 426 204 249 93
Cable-in-hand 2 1 1 1 1 2 2
Conductor length (m) 418 629 434 434 637 507 441
Ground/Terminal voltage 5/5 5/5 5/10 5/10 5/5 5/5 5/5
PID (2008)
Winding Radius(m) 5.819 4.621 1.919 1.919 3.914 5.054
Winding Width (m) 0.343 0.370 0.556 0.556 0.315 0.370
Winding Height(m) 0.347 0.347 0.441 0.625 0.403 0.403
Coil current (MA) 2.84 3.00 4.96 7.10 3.04 3.60
Current (kA) 20 20 20 20 20 20
Peak Field (T) 4.8 4.8 6.2 6.2 4.8 4.8
Operating Temp. (K) 4.8 4.8 5.0 5.0 4.8 4.8
Number of turns 142 154 248 355 152 180
Conductor length (m) 439 377 434 434 541 413
Ground/Terminal voltage 5/5 5/5 5/10 5/10 5/5 5/5
†SP : Single pancake, DP : Double pancake

Table 3.2-6. Location and Size of EF Coils at 4K.

Coil Size without
Coil Position of Coil Centre Ground Insulation &
Structure Winding
Rc (m) Zc (m) dR (m) dZ (m)
(tonne) (tonne)
EF1 5.097 2.695 0.357 0.445 17 33
EF2 3.839 3.766 0.357 0.445 17 25
EF3 1.913 4.167 0.548 0.740 9 31
EF4 1.913 -4.167 0.548 0.740 9 31
EF5 3.889 -3.739 0.357 0.445 17 25
EF6 5.032 -2.774 0.439 0.445 20 45
EF7 5.834 1.237 0.329 0.222 17 13
PID (2008)
Coil Size without
Coil Position of Coil Centre Ground Insulation &
Structure Winding
Rc (m) Zc (m) dR (m) dZ (m)
(tonne) (tonne)
EF1 5.801 1.179 0.329 0.334 8.7 21.0
EF2 4.607 3.171 0.357 0.334 12.3 18.1
EF3 1.913 4.025 0.543 0.428 7.5 15.2
EF4 1.913 -4.117 0.543 0.611 7.5 21.8
EF5 3.902 -3.722 0.302 0.390 14.6 15.1
EF6 5.039 -2.774 0.357 0.390 12.8 22.9

3.3 Vacuum vessel

The vacuum vessel of JT-60SA is composed of 18 toroidal sectors constructed out of SS316L with
low cobalt content of < 0.05 wt%, to reduce activation levels. In the re-design process the VV did
not undergo fundamental changes other than those required by the change of plasma parameters and
TF coil profile/size and a reduction of the shell thickness so to reduce costs while retaining the
structural performance required by VDEs and other loading conditions.

Figure 3.3-1 shows a comparison of the overall poloidal shape of the vacuum vessel as engineered
for the CDR and the new design. The shape of the revised vacuum vessel is slightly different
between the inner and outer shells. The inner shell has a multi-arced shape in the poloidal direction
and 36 facets (10 degree segments) in the toroidal direction. The outer shell shares the same arcs in
the poloidal direction but has a slightly different faceting pattern that follows the presence of ribs.
The design is defined in this way to reduce cost. Table 3.3-1 shows the main parameters of the VV.
Figures 3.3-2 and 3.3-3 show further details about the VV shape and design.

Table 3.3-1. Main parameters of Vacuum Vessel.

Parameter VV described in CDR The present VV
Torus outside diameter 10.1 m 9.95 m
Torus inside diameter 3.13 m 2.86 m
Torus height 6.33 m 6.63 m
Double wall thickness 188(inboard)/223(outboard) 188(inboard)/223(outboard)
mm mm
Boron-water thickness 140(inboard)/175(outboard) 152(inboard)/187(outboard)
mm mm
Inner/outer shell thickness 24 mm 18 mm
Rib thickness ~24mm 22 mm
Number of gravity support 9 at odd number sections 9 at odd number sections
Number of port 73 73
Main vessel body weight ~230 tom ~150 ton
One turn resistance ~15 µΩ ~19 µΩ

The flow of boric acid water (boron water) between shells foreseen in the CDR is retained for
neutron shielding reasons. The thickness of the boron-water layer is 12 mm thicker than that
described in the CDR because the thickness of the inner and outer shells was changed from 24 mmt
to 18 mmt. The boron-water layer at the outboard side (thickness: 187 mm) of the vacuum vessel is
designed to be thicker than that at the inboard side (thickness: 152 mm) to provide adequate neutron
shielding considering the thickness of TF coil case. The vacuum vessel can be baked up to 200°C
using nitrogen gas after draining the borated water. The temperature of the vacuum vessel in normal
operation is kept at ~60°C. The inlets of the water and nitrogen gas are located in the lower region
of the vessel body.

Fig. 3.3-1. Change of VV configuration between CDR (left) and new design (right).

Fig. 3.3-2. Bird’s-eye view of Vacuum Vessel.

Fig. 3-3.3. Dimensions of Vacuum Vessel.

Seismic waves and response spectra of seismic motion at the ground floor of the JT-60 building for
the design basis earthquake motion S1 were evaluated based on previous works for ITER site
selection on Naka-site and JT-60SA seismic analysis. Evaluated ground surface motion for S1
corresponds to the earthquake of which possibility of 10-39% for 50 years. Target response spectra
of design basis earthquake motion S1 at the free rock surface (Vs=700m/s) for Naka site were
assumed for the maximum past earthquakes with margin of 20%. Response spectrum of horizontal
seismic motion at the ground floor reaches ~0.8 G at the period of 0.2-0.3 sec (3-5 Hz) with 2% of
damping rate, which is close to the natural period of the building. The seismic analysis of VV has
been done by using the ground motion Design Response Spectra. The maximum displacement is
evaluated to be ~9 mm. Concerning the VV gravity support in the CDR, the peak stresses are
caused around the laminated leaf spring and the welding joint to the VV outer shell. Therefore, the
detail design of the VV gravity support with 9 legs is ongoing to improve the rigidity of the
laminated leaf spring and the joint against the seismic motion of 1G.

Compared with the VV design in the CDR, the distance between VV and magnet is increased in the
outboard region because of the smaller TF coil cross section. Table 3.3-2 summarizes the clearances
between the new design VV and TFC in each temperature condition.
The minimum distance of 111 mm has to include a) the Thermal Shield, b) tolerances of VV,
Magnet, and Thermal Shield, c) necessary clearances for assembly and loading conditions (seismic
and VDEs). Analyses are underway to ensure that the available space is sufficient.

Table 3.3-2. Distance between TFC and VV.

Temperature of Temperature of TFC Inboard distance Outboard distance
VV (K) (K) (mm) (mm)
293 293 111 325
333 80 116 306
333 4 116 306
473 20 119 295
473 293 115 310

3.4 In-vessel components

According to the exploitation plan in Sec. 2.1, the configuration of lower single null (LSN) divertor
is planned in the initial research phase and the integrated research phase. It is planned to defer the
configuration of double null (DN) divertor to the extended research phase. Partial mono-block
targets for the lower divertor are to be adopted in the initial research phase. This exploitation plan
for deferring the upper divertor with mono-block targets reduces divertor cost during the
construction. A new divertor configuration for the LSN divertor was proposed by JA in line with
the divertor plasma assessment. This will be modified considering the stress analysis of structures
including the TF magnet.

In the CDR, the lower divertor is specified for the ITER-like plasma and the upper divertor is
specified for the DEMO-like plasma. In accordance with the exploitation plan, however, the
divertor configuration in the IDR is specified for the LSN divertor.

The design revision of the divertor in the IDR is outlined as follows:
• Divertor configuration: Lower Single Null divertor configuration
• Target plasma configuration: DEMO-like (high δ) and ITER-like configurations
• Lower divertor: divertor cassettes
- Initial research phase: Mono-block targets are partially used for the lower divertor.
Bolted armour CFC tiles are used for the remaining divertor targets.
- Integrated research phase: The mono-block targets shall be fully used.
• Upper divertor: open divertor with bolted armour CFC tiles

The divertor configuration is revised based on a physics assessment of the divertor plasma
performance in Sec. 2.3. The new lower divertor is specified for high triangularity plasma (high δ
configuration) and medium triangularity plasma (ITER-like configuration).

The new lower divertor is designed to:

• allow divertor geometry for high δ & low aspect ration and also ITER-like configurations,
• reduce coolant inlet space due to the design change of VV support legs,
• increase coolant water pressure from 1MPa (CDR) to 2MPa (IDR),
• take into account the handling limit of RH system (~700 kg for a divertor cassette including
armour tiles, heat sink and support structure),
• allow enough clearance to avoid interference with the VV and other in-vessel components.

The divertor consists of inner and outer targets, where high heat flux is expected, private flux region
dome and inner and outer baffles capable of withstanding medium heat fluxes, and a divertor
cassette body for remote handling. V-shape slots are introduced to enhance particle recycling and
reduce target heat flux in similar fashion to the ITER divertor. Cryopanels will be installed between
the divertor cassette and the vacuum vessel as divertor pumping for particle control. Cooling water
pipes will be also installed in the vacuum vessel. Sensors for machine protection and plasma control
will be installed.

The basic structure of a cassette is changed from a "Box" type to a "Frame+Pipe" type to reduce
weight and improve welded pressure boundary for high coolant pressure as shown in Fig. 3.4-1. The
fabrication cost of the divertor cassette can be reduced but the cassette becomes ~5cm thicker. Inner
divertor targets are shifted inward to the maximum for high δ configurations by moving headers to
the bottom. The inner targets are also shifted upward in line with the strike point in high
δ configurations. The outer strike point moves downward. No headers and expansion absorbers are
placed at the bottom of the outer divertor target to allow the target to shift downward to its
maximum extent. Figure 3.4-2 shows the structure and support of new divertor cassette. The new
divertor cassette is fixed by bolts with three support fittings.

A preliminary assessment of the structural integrity of the cassette under halo current EM loads
shows that only the bottom plate at the inboard side locally exceeds the yield stress as shown Fig.
3.4-3. Studies are underway to reduce the cassette thickness and space dedicated for the coolant
pipes and manifolds so to be able to increase plasma volume while retaining the high triangularity
plasma now planned.

Fig.3.4-1. Comparison of the lower divertor design in CDR (left) and the new JA proposal (right).

Fig.3.4-2. Structure and support of new JA proposal of the divertor cassette.

Free in vertical 200MPa Case “Dome-In”
Case “Dome-In” Tresca
EM load stress

Halo current 20MPa



Free in radial Max.=399MPa

(very local)

Fig.3.4-3. Preliminary FEM analyses for halo current EM load.

The upper divertor is covered with bolted armour tiles on cooled heat sink as open divertor in the
initial research phase. Bolted CFC tiles on cooled heat sink withstand the heat fluxes of 1-3 MW/m2
for several ten seconds ~ 100 s and <10 MW/m2 for several seconds. Bolted graphite tiles on cooled
heat sink withstand the heat flux of 1 MW/m2 for several ten seconds ~ 100 s. For the upper divertor,
5000-6000 armour tiles with 50-75 mmW x 100-150 mmL and 30 mmt are required.

The position of error field correction coils is moved from the outside of the VV near the poloidal
coils in the CDR to the inside of the VV. The specification is changed to the in-vessel coils with
copper conductors. The error field correction coils in the inside of the VV have a merit in reducing
the coil currents with compact conductors because the coils are close to plasma to improve the
effectiveness. The detail design and analysis of error field correction are ongoing.

The in-vessel coils for fast position control (Hybrid Control coil) are required to hold the horizontal
plasma position and to suppress the vertical instability. The simulation of FB control at minor
disruption and ELMs has been performed to check the effect of HC coil on vertical instability and
horizontal position control and to evaluate AC loss of the superconducting coils. The power supply
of ±5 kA/1 kV for the in-vessel coils specified in the CDR is sufficient to control the plasma
position at minor disruption and ELMs. The detail design of the HC coil and its support structure is
ongoing. The position of RWM control coils (sector coils) is under consideration which is better,
the back or the front of the stabilizing plates. And the detail design and analysis of the RWM
control coils (sector coils) are ongoing.

The design of stabilizing plates is changed from strong welding structure for reliable vacuum and
pressure boundary to bolted or light welding structure. The design of heat sink is also changed from
indirect cooling to direct cooling. The peak stress is caused under the support legs of stabilizing
plates. The support structure of the stabilizing plates shall be change to reduce the high stress at the
support location. Thick and wide plate (roughly ~200mm x ~200mm x ~30mmt) will be inserted
between the support legs of the stabilizing plates and the VV inner shell to distribute the load from
the local support structure to the inner shell widely.

The inner and outer first wall is covered with bolted armour tiles on cooled heat sink. For NB
armour and limiter, bolted CFC tiles on cooled heat sink withstand the heat fluxes of 1-2 MW/m2
for several ten seconds ~ 100 s and <10 MW/m2 for several seconds. Bolted graphite tiles on cooled
heat sink withstand the heat flux of 0.1-0.3 MW/m2 for ~ 100 s.

3.5 Thermal shield

The thermal shield in JT-60SA reduces heat loads transferred by thermal radiation and conduction
from room temperature components to the cryogenic temperature components. The double wall
panel cooled by 80K helium is situated between the superconducting magnet and the plasma
vacuum vessel. Multilayer thermal insulation and a single panel cooled with helium gas can be
used between the cryostat and the magnet. The heat flux from the shields to the coils must be
reduced to well under 0.35 W/m2 for surface area 1,120 m2 at 4 K.

The heat load to the thermal shield is 22.8, 117 kW for normal operation and baking mode
respectively to keep the TS at 100 K. Heat load to the magnet system (4K) by radiation is 0.35,
1.16 kW, for normal operation and baking mode, respectively. Table 3.5-1, -2, -3 and Fig. 3.5-1
show the present design of VVTS and CTS.

It is being studied whether the temperature of the TS during baking mode can be 120, or 200 K to
minimize the heat load on the cryoplant. The detailed design of the thermal shield needs to be
modified because of the many design changes in the vacuum vessel, cryostat and magnet system.

Table 3.5-1. Vacuum Vessel Thermal Shield (VVTS) Parameters.

Typical Toroidal extent of panels 10˚, 36 division (18 electrical insulation)
Number of panels 72 (2 poloidal division)
Operating temperature 80
Temperature during baking (K) 120, 200
Surface area of VVTS (m²) 230
Surface area of ports TS (m²) 277
Material of TS SS304L
Coolant Gaseous He
Coolant pressure (MPa) 1.8
Coolant pressure drop (MPa) 0.2
Shell thickness (mm) 3, two shells
Cooling channel OD, thickness (mm) 21.3, 2.77
Surface Emissivity 0.15, both sides, polished surfaces
Support method From TF coil case via 18 upper port shield and
plate springs

Table 3.5-2. Cryostat Thermal Shield (CTS) Parameters.
Dimensions of panels Typically 1.5 m x 0.7 m flat shell
Surface area of CTS (m²) 637
Material of TS SS304L
Shell thickness (mm) 3, single shell reinforced by c-channel frames
Coolant Gaseous He
Multilayer super insulation cryostat side
Surface Emissivity 0.15, polished surfaces
Support method Same as VVTS. VVTS and CTS are assembled.

Table 3.5-3. Thermal shield nominal gaps to other components.

(mm) 4 K gap TS & SI 300K gap Total
VV in bore side 20 30 30 80
VV out bore side and port area 40 30 40 110
Cryostat side 40 40 60 140

VVTS, PTS, CTS sector

Fig. 3.5-1. One Sector and complete assembly of VVTS and CTS.

3.6 Cryostat

3.6.1 Introduction

The cryostat consist of a vessel body and a base used for the gravity and seismic support of the
machine. The actual vessel body of the cryostat is formed by cylindrical-polygonal sections
connected by probably 18 faceted single vertical curvature elements. This vessel body is composed
by 8 lateral sectors. The top lid will be built with a toro-spherical shape in order to obtain enough
room for the assembly and maintenance of the cryogenic devices such as in-cryostat feeder,
insulation break and TF coil terminal joints. The existing facilities, such as heating devices of NBI
and ECRH, constrain and limit the geometry of the cryostat.

The lower cryostat base, is much heavier in construction as it must bear the load of the entire
machine and transmit gravity and seismic loads to the lower pillars below the floor of the torus hall.
The base consists of two rings connected to the corresponding embedded ones below the floor level,
9 radial supports, a large double ring where the TF and VV supports are located and an inner
cylindrical shell. Seismic analyses underway indicate relatively low stress levels and hence that
some room for further cost savings could be achieved.

The cryostat vessel body will be made of single-wall stainless steel shell with a thickness of
probably 34mm. This single wall must be externally reinforced with ribs to support the weight of all
the ports and port plugs and also to withstand the vacuum pressure. The different parts of the vessel
body, base and top lid are connected by bolts at the flanges and possible sealed by means of lip-
seals or structural welding.. The operational pressure is 10-3 Pa and the material SS 304 (Co<0.05
wt %).

The design code is based on the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) ¨Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code. Section VIII¨.

The design loads considered are the external pressure of 0.1 MPa for normal operation under
vacuum, and 0.12 MPa absolute internal pressure assuming the loss of helium and water leaks from
cryogenic and coolant lines respectively routed through the cryostat. The load combination with
dead weight, seismic loads, electromagnetic forces and thermal loads must be taken into account for
the structural design.

Large numbers of ducts interconnect the VV ports with the corresponding penetrations in the
cryostat vessel and also serve for maintenance and inspection equipment, pumping system, exhaust
system, in-cryostat feeders, etc. Bellows are integrated in the ducts to compensate for differential

Due to the transportation limits between the Port of entry and the JAEA Site, the cryostat
components will have to be suitably segmented. The vessel body will be composed of eight lateral
sectors, the top lid by two and the cryostat base by five large parts.

3.6.2 Cryostat design modifications

Several changes have been made to the starting design CDR May 2007. These are summarized

- Elimination of the concrete shielding in the vessel body
- Simplification of the vessel body geometry
- New re-designed cryostat base design

To reduce expected costs, a new layout for the TF supports, and the removal of the unnecessary B-
doped concrete wall, the cryostat geometry has been changed, both in its base and vessel body.

On the basis of recent radiation safety analyses, an annual neutron production limit of 1x1021 was
proposed so that the dose rate inside the VV shall decrease to 100 µSv/hr within one year after the
operation. Moreover, as the activation level is to a large extent determined by the neutrons port
streaming, the concrete wall is now deemed to be unnecessary.

Again aiming at cost reductions, further design analyses have indicated that a single wall
construction and a faceted vessel body geometry is the most cost effective solution for the vessel
body. Re-design of Base Design

The new layout and design of the TF coil supports imply two main benefits for the design of the
cryostat base: first the reduction of high temperature gradients in the double ring and second the
benefit/reduction of vertical deflection on the lower radial beams due to the magnet weight. These
radial beams are anchored to the external and internal embedded plates and now with the new TF
coil supports location, their weight is not applied at the radial beams middle point but close to the
external anchored ring.

The main modifications on the base design affect the double ring and radial supports. The present
double ring design is much larger than the previous one. Therefore this part must be divided in three
pieces, due to the transportation limits. The old double ring and outer ring are now integrated in one
double ring which bears the load of the tokamak and cryostat body (Fig. 3.6-1).

Although it is necessary to perform all kind of structural analysis, the first results of a JT-60SA
global model seismic analysis indicates that probably it is possible to reduce the mass of the actual
design for the cryostat base.

Fig. 3.6-1. New Cryostat Base design. TF coil gravity support legs and interfaces included.

51 New Cryostat Vessel Body

As a consequence of the significant modification on the base support design and the simplification
of the vessel body to a faceted geometry with a single wall construction, three different geometries
appear to be feasible and have been analysed for the cryostat body. Amongst these three, the best
choice in terms of cost and fabrication complexity, appears to be that one built by cylindrical
sections connected by 18 faceted one single horizontal curvature elements (Fig. 3.6-2).

However there are still open questions in the design as for example the sealing concept and the
opening of port holes and subsequent welding of port stubs and cryostat ports. This last important
issue will strongly affect, in terms of achievable tolerances and assembly feasibility, the fabrication
procedure as well as the final assembly.

Fig. 3.6-2. New Cryostat Vessel Body design proposal.

3.7 Assembly

The assembly process of the tokamak has been revised according to the design progress in the
vacuum vessel (VV), TF coil, EF coil, cryostat, etc. Major revisions of the assembly are
summarised as follows.

1) Assembly frame
An assembly frame is adopted for effective installation of the all tokamak components, as shown in
Fig. 3.7-1. The assembly frame provides cranes, positioning guide mechanisms, fixture mechanisms,
and stages for human access. The dedicated cranes in the assembly frame can concentrate on
installation of the components in the cryostat. In addition to the crane in the assembly frame, the
building facility cranes can be independently used for pre-assembly of the components in the
assembly hall before installation in the assembly frame. The precise rotation of the TF coil with
thermal shield along the donut-shaped VV will be carried out using a temporally centre pole and
guide rail installed on the assembly frame.

Fig. 3.7-1. Assembly frame.

2) General assembly sequence

The segmentation of the VV for on-site assembly has been revised according to the fabrication
schedule. The VV assembly will be started from a first segment with coverage of 120 degree (40
degree x 3). After installation of seven 40-degree VV segments in total, two 30-degree segments are
installed. The last segment with coverage of 20 degree for completion of the toroidal ring of the VV
will be installed with the 18-th TF coil, as shown in Fig. 3.7-2.

Fig. 3.7-2. Global assembly sequence.

3) VV and TF coil gravity supports

Taking account of accessibility considerations, the VV gravity support will be installed from the
inside of the VV after the TF coil is installed at the proper position and the temporary support of the

VV has been removed. The gravity support of the TF coil may be installed after completion of the
installation of all TF coils.

Fig. 3.7-3. Installation of gravity supports for VV and TF coils.

3.8 Cryogenic system

3.8.1 Cryogenic System Re-Baseline

The cryogenic system delivers gaseous He at a temperature of 80 K to the thermal shields and
supercritical He at a temperature of 4.5 K to the superconducting magnets and their structures, the
current leads and the feeders, and the cryopumps as schematically shown in Figure 3.8-1.

Warm storage and gas management Storage Area

Warm Compressor Station New compressor


Cold Box 4.5K

Cold Box 80K
+ LHe tank
Existing building

Auxiliary Cold
For Magnets
and cryopumps

ML : Magnet Line
CPL : Cryopumps Cryogenic Line
ML 2 Tokamak hall
K ML 3 ML 5
ML 4

Coil Coil Coil Coil Feeder+

Termination Termination Termination Termination CryoPumps
Box Box Box Box 6*3

TF Magnets+
Structures+ EF 1-2 +CS EF 3-4-7 EF 5-6
Thermal 1-2 +CS 3-4

Fig. 3.8-1. Schematic of the cryogenic system.

Following detailed studies the cryogenic system was re-baselined as follows:

- The storage tank providing liquid nitrogen for increasing the capacity of the refrigerator will
be provided by the gas supplier on a rental basis within the gas supply contract. This is the
normal commercial arrangement and reduces the required investment costs.
- Analyses have shown that the required refrigeration capacities for the thermal shields at
80 K cannot be provided economically by a LN2 refrigerator and a heat exchanger.
Refrigeration of the thermal shields of JT-60SA will therefore be provided directly from the
helium refrigerator.
- The pellet injection system, which requires only occasional and small quantities of liquid
helium, will no longer be supplied from the main refrigerator, because the heat losses along
the long helium transfer lines do not allow an economic supply. The pellet injection system
is now considering a small closed-cycle refrigerator which can be installed close to the
injection system.
- It is proposed to use the integrated helium purifier of the main refrigerator to clean the
helium gas prior to and during start-up thus avoiding the investment of a separate purifier
unit. This topic is the subject of an industrial study.

A particular feature of tokamaks is the pronounced peaking of the refrigeration load during plasma
operation which is caused by eddy currents and nuclear heating. To achieve economic operation of
the He refrigerator the heat load need to be leveled. Such leveling can be performed partly by
adjusting the duty cycle of the plasma pulses and by adding a thermal buffer.

Re-assessing the different static and dynamic contributions to the heat loads on the cryogenic
components has led to considerable savings:

- following detailed analyses the nuclear heating of the TF coils during DD pulses were
reduced by a factor of 5
- on the other hand the AC losses during pulses increased slightly
- the design of the thermal shield was re-assessed resulting in a reduction of the 80 K heat
load from 68 kW to 32 kW during normal operation. During baking, where the radiative
heat load from the VV increases up to 120 kW the TF magnets and the thermal shields are
allowed to warm up and that allows matching the refrigeration loads with the capacity
during normal operation.
- The average duty cycle of the plasma pulse time vs. dwell time was changed from 100 s
pulses every 1800 s to 60 s pulses every 1800 s. This new ratio is consistent with the
maximum duty cycle of 1:30 of the NBI system and reduces the averaged heat load for the

In summary the averaged equivalent heat load at 4.5 K of the He-refrigerator was reduced from 14.9
kW to approx. 9 kW.

Other analyses are still in progress:

- The size of the buffer volume is mainly determined by the heat load during a plasma pulse
and the tolerable temperature increase of the superconductor. Keeping a temperature margin
of 1 K for the superconductor and considering the thermal inertia of the steel casing, the size
of the required buffer volume was estimated at 6 m³. However, thermal interference of the
CS/EF and TF cooling circuits through a common buffer volume need to be analyzed in
more detail
- During a fast discharge of the TF coils the eddy current will heat the coils and expel the
helium coolant. It was analysed that a fast discharge can be safely handled. The helium vent
rates are moderate and can be recovered by the cycle compressors of the refrigerator without
- The necessity to operate the cryopumps at lower than 4.5 K needs to be assessed in more
detail. Solutions have been proposed to modify the cooling system at a later stage allowing
to operate the cryopumps at lower temperatures.
- Studies have been launched with European industry to optimize the refrigeration system for
the various operation modes and get reliable cost estimates.

Some interfaces are being discussed:

- the use of high voltage (6 kV) vs. low voltage (690 V) motor drives for the cycle
compressors of the refrigerator and the appropriate interface to the JAEA power system is
being assessed.
- distribution of the helium coolant to the different users requires several complex cryogenic
transfer lines and valve boxes. These boxes need to be located inside the torus under severe
space constraints. Discussions started to change the interface and responsibilties for the
transfer lines and valve boxes inside the torus hall.

3.8.2 Cryogenic System updated Specification

Table 3.8-1 gives the averaged values without margin for cryogenics loads during 60 s plasma
pulses every 1800 s.

Table 3.8-1. Average heat loads 60s/1800s.

Temp. Cryogenic Subsystem Units Plasma Holding
level Operation Operation
State State
4.4 K TF, CS, EF coils static kW 1,25 1,25
variable kW 2,70
CC pumps kW 2,30 0,40
Divertor Cryopumps averaged value kW 0,29
CC pumps kW 0,30
HTS Current Leads kW 0,13 0,084
Cryodistribution kW 1 (TBC) 1 (TBC)
Total Heat Load at 4.4 K kW 7,97 2,8
50 K HTS Current Leads kg/s 0.036 0.032
80 K Thermal Shields kW 32 32
Total equivalent refrigeration @ 4.5 K kW 10,8 5,5

The safety margin on the refrigeration loads has been briefly assessed by statistical methods but
need to be updated using the final load data together with their level of confidence.

3.9 ECRF system

Although the re-designing of the JT60-SA machine was not directly impacting the ECRF system,
the latter has required a re-evaluation since the main field of the new proposed design has been
decreased by a factor of 1.15 compared to the initial design (see Table 1.4-2). Such a modification
would impose a decrease in the same ratio of the gyrotron resonance frequency. This would imply
new gyrotron and auxiliaries design, which is an inadequate solution at least in view of both the
project cost and schedule.
The project team studied in more details what would be the new domain of operation for the
actual ECRH system based on 110 GHz and 140 GHz gyrotrons. Figure 3.9-1 shows the deposition
radii as a function of the main tokamak field Bt (T). The characteristics for waves with fEC = 110,
120, 130, 140 GHz are shown, and in addition for resonances with the fundamental frequency (only
for 110 GHz). The available domain of operation for the 2nd harmonic, the 3rd harmonic, and the
4th harmonic are also shown. One can still observe on this figure the radial shifting in direction of
the low field side, at given main field Bt, of an harmonic step for each frequency.

Fig. 3.9-1. EC resonances presented as function of the tokamak major radius and main field Bt.

On Fig. 3.9-2, the domain of operation for the 2nd harmonic (resp. 3rd harmonic) in the plane (Fec,
Bt) is presented. Higher frequencies (130-140 GHz) are useful for heating in the high-density
regime at the third harmonic, while lower frequencies (110-120 GHz) are useful for ECCD and
local ECH at lower values of Bt, including those for high βN full CD experiments.

Looking at this re-evaluated operation domain reachable by the gyrotrons defined in the CDR, it
appears that the use of 140 GHz gyrotrons has became marginal, compared to the possibilities
offered by the 110 GHz gyrotrons. In addition, considering the whole ECRF system design, a
unified ECRF system based on one type of gyrotron would be less complex, cheaper and easier to
operate in comparison with three kinds of gyrotrons (110 GHz triode gun, 140 GHz diode gun and
140 GHz triode gun) as presently defined in the CDR.

In order to integrate these improvements brought to the ECRF system, EU contribution to the

Fig. 3.9-2. The main field operation range, Bt, available @ 2nd and 3rd
harmonics, presented as a function of the EC resonance frequency.

ECRH BA agreement will be modified in this way:

 140 GHz gyrotrons and its auxiliaries (SCM) will be removed of the EU procurement.
 Two sets of power supplies powering two 110 GHz JA gyrotrons will be maintained in the
EU procurement package.

Table 3.9-1 summarises the main parameters for the ECRF system. The evolution of the
procurement packages between the CDR and the first operation period of JT60-SA, named “Initial
research phase”, is shown. A tentative estimate for the next operation step, named “Integrated
research phase”, is indicated in the last column.

Table 3.9-1. Summary of the ECRF main parameters compared between CDR and re-baseline.
CDR Initial research phase Integrated
research phase
Frequency [GHz] 110 140 110 110
Max. Power into Plasma [MW] 3 4 3 7
Max. Pulse Duration [sec] 100 100 5 (2) + 100 (2) 100
Number of Gyrotron set [-] 4 5 4 9
(JA) (2 JA + 3 EU) (JA) TBD
Power supplies set 4 5 4 9
(including body and anode) [-] (JA) (EU) (2 JA + 2 EU) TBD
DC Generator primary AC voltage [kV] 18 18
Nominal DC voltage [kV] -65 TBD
DC Current [A] 65A TBD
Voltage ripple [%] <1% TBD
Power factor [-] 0.8 TBD
Duty cycle: product(upgrade) [-] 1/18 1/18
Fast DC switchoff [µsec] < 10 TBD
Modulator frequency [kHz] >5 TBD
Transmission Line (Dia. WG) [mm] 31.75 63.5 31.75 or 63.5 63.5
Transmission Efficiency [%] ~ 81 ~ 86 ~ 81 ~ 86
No. Transmission Lines [-] 4 5 4 9
Number of launchers [-] 2 2 2 4

The updated ECRF system to be relevant to the redesigned JT-60SA, is described below in several
general points, looking at the first period of operation (“initial research phase”) and at the future
operation phase (“integrated researched phase”).

1. ECRF system in the “initial research phase”, as presented also on Figure 3.9-3
 3 MW of RF power at 110 GHz will be injected into the plasma by 4 gyrotrons of
1MW each, assuming a transmission efficiency of 0.75.
 Existing two gyrotrons and their power supplies, used on JT-60U, will be operated as
a 5 sec system as they are.
 Two 1 MW gyrotrons @ 110 GHz procured by Japan, and two power supplies
procured and installed by EU, will be combined to provide the 100s system.
 Two antennas will be installed and four waveguides will be modified partly using
waveguides in JT-60U by Japan.
 As a result, 3 MW injection up to 5 sec by 4 gyrotrons will be expected for plasma
initiation, and 1.5 MW injection up to 100 s by 2 gyrotrons will be expected for

Initial Research Phase

DCG FCB 300 m Cable 1MW Gyrotron x 2 1.5MW@110GHz for 5S

GCB (transformer) (Smoothing Circuit)
JT-60SA 1
Supply IGBT & body, anode PS Waveguides by Japan
Antennas by Japan
AC18kV, 3
50Hz,198MVA PS by EU (fast switching, body, anode PS)
1MW Gyrotron x 2 by Japan
As it is
Modified by Japan 1.5MW@110GHz for 100S
Newly fabricated and installed by Japan
Newly fabricated and installed by EU

Fig. 3.9-3. Configuration and sharing of ECRF system in the initial research phase.

2. ECRF system in the “integrated research phase”

 Two of the 5 sec units in the initial research phase will be upgraded to 100sec
 5 additional 110 GHz gyrotrons and power supply sets will be fabricated and
 2 additional antennas for five waveguides will be fabricated and installed.
 As a result, 7 MW (@110GHz) will be injected to the plasma for 100 sec by 9
gyrotrons of 1 MW, assuming a transmission efficiency of 0.75-0.8.

3.10 Power supplies

To supply the JT-60SA TF, PF, RWM and control coils, new base thyristor converters will be
designed and manufactured, while existing components from JT60U will be re-used whenever
possible. The P-NBI, N-NBI and PFPS will be fed by motor generators, while ECRF-PS and TF-PS
will be connected to the 275 kV commercial power grid.

PF Coil Power Supplies

The general structure of the JT-60-SA AC Power Supply has been modified compared to that
proposed in the CDR. In particular the P-MG motor-generator (500MVA/1.3 GJ) is added to the T-
MG (215MVA/4.0 GJ) and H-MG (400MVA/2.6 GJ) in order to be able to provide the needed total
amount of reactive power to the thyristor converters (Fig. 3.10-1).

Power Grid
Tr-1 198MVA(38s) Tr-2 110MVA Tr-3
Large 275kV/18kV 275kV / 66kV Non-constant line
Utility line
Power Line
215MVA 400MVA 500MVA
31.5MVA 10MW
4GJ +2.6GJ 25MVA
"# "# "# 20MVA

SC, Filter

~ ~
28MW 30MW 40MW 30MW

CS1 EF1 !!! !!!

Poloidal Field Coil Power Supply

Fig. 3.10-1. Structure of AC Power Supply for JT-60SA.

The PF coil power supply will provide a bipolar DC current adequate to achieve the required
discharge scenarios ( not completely defined at the moment). All the existing JT60 TF transformers
will be re-used for CS1-CS4, EF2-EF5 from the view point of the assumed operation scenarios and
the protection for converters. Similarly, existing MV links from the transformers to the converters
will be re-used. The basic circuit components are a "Base PS", a "Booster PS", and an "Assist PS".
The reuse of the existing vertical field coil PS (PSV) is planned as a "Booster PS", and PSF
(existing Ohmic heating coil PS) as an "Assist PS". In order to not exceed the reactive power
capability of the motor generators, and to apply higher one-turn voltage for plasma build-up, HV
generators for CS1 – CS4 coils must be realized inserting, by a DC current breaker, proper resistors
in the circuit instead of using a dedicated power supply. As reported in par. 1.4.2, the number of EF
coils is reduced from 7 to 6 . At the same time CS2 and CS3 coil currents are now regulated by two
independent thyristor converters, instead of in series as reported in the CDR (ver. 5/2007 ). As a
consequence the total number of PF PS units is not modified. The present situation is shown in
Table 3.10.1. In addition, the assumed PF coil PS circuit configuration is shown in Fig. 3.10-2.

Table 3.10-1. Base/Booster/Assist/ HV PS for CS 1-4 and EF 1-6 Tyristor Converters.


(continuous duty) (Duty cycle = 15/1800 s) (Duty cycle = 15/1800 s) (kV)
XMFR Vdc0 Idc XMFR Vdc0 Idc XMFR Vdc0 Idc
U10 rms=18kV (kV) (kA) U10 rms=18kV (kV) (kA) U10 rms=18kV (kV) (kA)
(2) (3) (2) (3) (2) (3)
U20rms Z% U20rms Z U20rms Z%
(kV) (4) (kV) % (kV) (4)
CS1 0.8(6) 23 1.0 ± 2*10 -5.0
CS2 0.8 23 1.0 ± 2*10 -5.0
CS3 0.8(6) 23 1.0 ± 2*10 -5.0
CS4 0.8(6) 23 1.0 ± 2*10
EF1 24 1.5(7) + 24 7.8 +4 1.55 25 2.0 -20
± 2*10
EF2 0.72(6) 18 0.97 ± 4*5 + 24 7.1 -16.5
EF3 0.72(6) 18 0.97 ± 4*5 + 24 7.1 +16.5
EF4 0.72(6) 18 0.97 ± 4*5 + 24 7.1 +16.5
EF5 0.72(6) 18 0.97 ± 4*5 + 24 7.1 -16.5
EF6 TBD 24 1.0(7) ± 2*10 + 24 7.8 +4 1.55 25 2.0 -20
(1) back-to-back four quadrants (with circulation current)), 12 pulses (6 pulses during circulation current
operation), demineralised water cooled converters including crow-bar unit
(2) ground voltage in testing (kV) = TBD
(3) dc current accuracy (%) = ±TBD
(4) tentative values referred to XMFR power at secondary side, at 77.6Hz
(5) two quadrants converters
(6) already existing XFMR
(7) full load value

012#34567(+% )8 012#34567(+% )8
#9:4;9102<4 #9:4;9102<4
=>?$702#7=$.)$@@2ABC =>?$702#7=$.)$@@2ABC

G01V 1V G01V 1V

I.8E$L" I.8E$L"
U0U4;S#1:567 (+% ) 8 U0U4;S#1:567 (+% ) 8



!&*HI.&$"H%)'J !&*HI.&$"H%)'J

B4$DE+E&.)%*+$!%&'(%) B4$DE+E&.)%*+$!%&'(%)
F$G<:4 F$G<:4

F127<X F127<X

"(QE&'*+P(')%+- "(QE&'*+P(')%+-
/ K(E+'J$L&*)E')%*+ K(E+'J$L&*)E')%*+ / F#:X
F#:X !%&'(%) !%&'(%)
S<:4; S7 1:5 S<:4; S7 1:5
!"#$!%&'(%)$!*+,%-(&.)%*+ !"W$!%&'(%)$!*+,%-(&.)%*+

#01234567 (+% )8 #01234567 (+% )8

29:4;90#1<4 29:4;90#1<4
=>?$7#127=$.)$@@1ABC =>?$7#127=$.)$@@1ABC
G2<V 2<V G2<V 2<V

I.8E$L" I.8E$L"
0:567 (+% ) 8 U#U4;S2
0:567 (+% ) 8



!&*HI.&$"H%)'J !&*HI.&$"H%)'J

B4$DE+E&.)%*+$!%&'(%) B4$DE+E&.)%*+$!%&'(%)
F$G<:4 F$G<:4

1 7<W F0
1 7<W

"(QE&'*+P(')%+- "(QE&'*+P(')%+-
!*%T !*%T

/ K(E+'J$L&*)E')%*+ K(E+'J$L&*)E')%*+ / F2
!%&'(%) !%&'(%)
S<: 4; S7 0
:5 S< : 4; S
7 0:5
!"7$!%&'(%)$!*+,%-(&.)%*+ !"#$!%&'(%)$!*+,%-(&.)%*+

Fig. 3.10-2. PF coil PS circuit configuration (1/3).

SST.!2UK=9 SST.!2UK=9
)V-./W:X )V-./W:X
YZ[%P1OY% 7$ %BB* NL\ YZ[%P1OY% 7$ %BB* NL\
A+@C @C A+@C @C

:7"K%&' :7"K%&'
)*,-./()@-!]1 4
H# $ " )*@-./()
@-!]1 4H# $ "


Q !""#"$%&' !""#"$%&' PR
* +,-./ 01,* +-! ()
* +,-./ 01,* +-!
23455%56789 23455%56789
FG6=:7G%'=#$>? A+B*,C AB*,C FG6=:7G%'=#$>?

:;<7""%'=#$>? :;<7""%'=#$>?
(,- ./ (1 @
-! (,-./ (1 @
AB*,C A+B*,C
(,-./ (
1 @
-! :;<7""%'=#$>?
(,- ./ (1 @
* 1,Q
A+B*,C AB*,C P@
* 1,Q
:66"$KG%&' :66"$KG%&'
(,- ./ AO-! (,- ./ AO-!
'4<KG>6H84>$#HI '4<KG>6H84>$#HI
23455%56789 23455%56789
F6#5 F6#5

A J4KH>?%&G6$K>$#6H
A P)
2L;MG#8%$;<K9 2L;MG#8%$;<K9
(,- ./ (1 @
-! (,- ./ (1 @
DE)%F#G>4#$%F6H3#I4G7$#6H DEN%F#G>4#$%F6H3#I4G7$#6H

012345678),& *9 012345678),& *9
0:;5<=035 0:;5<=035
>?@$0=2A1>$/*$==2ABC >?@$0=2A1>$/*$==2ABC

:1A5<H3;678 ),& * 9 :1A5<H3;678 ),& * 9



%'+ND/'$GN&*(O DK+(;&,. DK+(;&,. %'+ND/'$GN&*(O

I=23U V##23U I=23U V##23U

D++9*E'$FG D++9*E'$FG
H3;5< I0A2 3;6$ J-)K K$K+/LM H3;5< I0A2 3;6$ J-)K K$K+/LM
XT2#3Y XT2#3Y

G)SE'(+,L)(*&,. G)SE'(+,L)(*&,.
%+&K %+&K
V P)E,(O$F'+*E(*&+, P)E,(O$F'+*E(*&+, V X0;Y
X0;Y %&'()&* %&'()&*
H3;5< H# T;6 H3;5< H# T;6
!"#$%&'()&*$%+,-&.)'/*&+, !"3$%&'()&*$%+,-&.)'/*&+,

Fig. 3.10-2. PF coil PS circuit configuration (2/3).


U#KBC?@AFTI ),& * H

U#KBC?@AFTI ),& * H



%'+12/'$31&*(4 %'+12/'$31&*(4


2:=/HH$31&*(4 2:=/HH$31&*(4

2++H*6'$73 2++H*6'$73
8-)GG$G+/<> 8-)GG$G+/<>

3)=6'(+,<)(*&,. 3)=6'(+,<)(*&,.
%+&G %+&G

0 5)6,(4$7'+*6(*&+,

89:;'&<$*:=6> 89:;'&<$*:=6>
!"#$%&'()&*$%+,-&.)'/*&+, !"I$%&'()&*$%+,-&.)'/*&+,

Fig. 3.10-2. PF coil PS circuit configuration (3/3).

TF Coil Power Supply

The TF coil power supply shall be able to provide the required DC current continuously to the
superconductor. The TF-PS circuit configuration will consist of 1 unit of 2 quadrant thyristor
converter. The specifications are shown in Tab. 3.10-2.

Table 3.10-2. TF Coil Power Supply.

Max no-load voltage (Vdc) ± 150

Current (kAdc) + 25.7
Duty Cycle Continuous duty
Current accuracy + 1%
Ground Voltage in testing (kV) TBD
XFMR main parameters:
 nominal power (MVA) 4.3
 voltage ratio (kV/kV) 18/0.115
 Z% TBD at 50Hz
 winding type Yd
Quadrants 2
Vdc pulses 6
Converter cooling system Demineralised water
Units 1

Quench Protection Circuit

In case a superconducting coil is thought to have undergone a quench, or a power supply fails, fast
extraction of the coil energy is required. To that end a quench protection circuit has to be connected

in series with the TF and PF coils. The energy dump resistance value will be determined such as to
guarantee not to exceed the specified maximum I2t and the maximum voltage across the coils. The
quench-protection circuit consists of a DC current interrupter, discharge resistor, and pyro-breaker
for back-up protection (Table 3.10-3)

Table 3.10-3. Coil Power Supply Quench Protection System.

PF Coil TF Coil
Nominal / maximum voltage per unit (kV) 5 kV / TBD 2.8 kV / TBD
Nominal / maximum current (kA) 20 kA/ 21 or 21.5 kA (TBD) 25.7 kA
Current to be interrupted (kA) 21 or 21.5 kA (TBD) 25.7 kA Unidirectional
Units 10 3
Dump resistor <0.25Ω TBD
Insulating voltage to ground TBD TBD
Duty cycle 250s operation / 30min (*) steady state operation
Maximum delay time from the command (s) 1 1s
Maximum delay for the pyrobreaker operation (s) 1 1s
Maximum allowed I2t in the TF coil (GA2s) 2 5.3 (TBD)
Maximum time between QPC intervention and TBD TBD
restart of operation
Bypass switch and pyrobreaker cooling Water Water
Discharge resistor cooling Air Air

Upper and lower in-vessel coil Power Supply

The power supplies for upper/lower in-vessel fast coils (copper) have the function to control vertical
and horizontal position of the plasma against fast plasma transients using 4 quadrant thyristor
converters (Table 3.10-4).

Table 3.10-4. Upper and Lower In-Vessel Coil PS.

Vdc0 (kV) 1
Idc (kA) ±2* 5.0
Duty cycle TBD
Current accuracy % ±TBD
Ground voltage in testing (kV) TBD
XFMR main parameters:
 nominal power (MVA) TBD
 voltage ratio (kV/kV) 18/TBD
 Z% TBD at 77.6 Hz
 winding type Yd
Quadrants 4
Pulses 12
Converter cooling system Demineralised water (if needed)
Units 2

Sector coil Power Supply

The sector coil power supply has the function to suppress Resistive Wall Mode (RWM) instabilities.
The sector coil PS circuit configuration will be determined considering the control performance and
the operation method requested by JT-60SA physics design group.

Error Field Control Coil PS

Dedicated coils to properly control possible field error are foreseen inside the vacuum vessel. The
related power supplies are not defined, yet.

DC Feeders
JT-60SA coils and the related power supplies are connected by water-cooled aluminium bus-bars.

4 Conclusions

The re-designing of the machine has been completed to the extent needed to be confident that the
effective technical changes will lead to significant cost reduction in accordance with the long-term
exploitation plan.

The impact of the re-baselining of the Project on the JT-60SA mission and the technical objectives
is summarized as follows.

• For break-even class plasma with long duration, similar nτT is expected with a longer duration
due to the increased available Volt-seconds.
• For non-inductive steady-state operation with high beta, high βN steady state operation is
expected with slightly reduced Ip and/or βN.
• For ITER-relevant high density plasma well above H-mode power threshold, the ratio to
Pheat/PLtoH is maintained due to lower PLtoH.
• For controllability in plasma shaping, the region of possible configurations is extended toward
lower A and higher κ. Higher S-factor (~6) is obtained even with LSN configuration and 6 EF
• Regarding accessibility to the ITER-like shape, the electron density with the same fGW is
reduced just slightly though Ip for ITER-shaped configuration (A=3.1, κ95=1.7, δ95=0.33, q95=3)
is reduced to 3.0 MA from 3.5 MA due to reduction of Bt, and the capability to support ITER
with high Ip, ne and power operation is maintained.
• For flexibility in divertor performance, the newly designed lower divertor enables heat and
particle control in a high trianguarity configuration.

In conclusion, all the scientific missions for the JT-60SA project can be achieved with the newly
designed machine which is now expected to meet its cost objectives, complies with additional
design requirements, and adds further flexibility features.


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