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Luke 23:39-43 | Good Friday | April 3, 2015

One of the criminals who hung there hurled insults at him: "Aren't you the Christ? Save
yourself and us!" But the other criminal rebuked him. "Don't you fear God," he said, "since
you are under the same sentence? We are punished justly, for we are getting what our
deeds deserve. But this man has done nothing wrong." Then he said, "Jesus, remember me
when you come into your kingdom." Jesus answered him, "I tell you the truth, today you
will be with me in paradise."
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ: memories. Sometimes those memories
are good, sometimes not so good. One of
A burning apartment building is about to
the criminals nailed to a cross next to
collapse. The chief has ordered everyone
Jesus was facing a moment of truth of the
out, but a young mom screams, “Please!
most serious kind. What would happen to
My son’s still in there.” A firefighter,
him after he died? Would he face eternal
himself the father of four, glances back
punishment? Or would he enter eternal
and forth from the blazing building to the
glory? Jesus gave him a gracious answer.
pleading mother. Will he rush in,
“I tell you the truth TODAY YOU WILL BE
disobeying the chief’s order, risking his
own life and perhaps orphaning his own
comforted that thief 2,000 years ago, and
children? It’s the moment of truth.
it still fills our hearts with comfort today.
A couple have dated for three years. The It is a promise of the greatest certainty. It
young man has saved up two-month’s- is a promise of the best companionship. It
worth of his salary. He’s learned more is a promise of the perfect place to live.
than he ever wanted to know about
I. A Promise of the Greatest Certainty
diamonds – cut, color, clarity, and carat.
Now as the two of them watch the sunset Have you ever had your life flash before
on their favorite beach, he reaches into your eyes? I’m sure that criminal was
his pocket with a shaking hand, drops to having that experience as his life ebbed
one knee, takes her hand in his sweaty away. What he saw wasn’t good. The
palm and speaks those long-awaited movie of his life would receive and “R” for
words: “Will you marry me?” Will she violence and language. Many convicted
respond with the much-hoped for, “Yes”? criminals will argue their innocence. He
Again, it’s the moment of truth. didn’t. “We are punished justly, for we
are getting what our deeds deserve.” But
We’ve all faced something similar, critical
it wasn’t the blood leaking from the nail
moments when life can change
holes or his raging thirst or the burn in his
dramatically in just a moment. Often
lungs as he struggled for breath that
those moments are burned in our
brought him to that realization. It was the
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question that throbs in every human cross, death is not just the end of a
heart: What happens when I die? heartbeat. It’s the end of pain. No more
tears. No more envy. No more anger. No
Keep in mind that this criminal, not long
more struggle. No more sin. Today. What
before this, had joined the other in
a lovely word! How filled with certainty!
mocking Jesus (Matthew 27:44). But
something had stilled his sharp tongue. II. A Promise of the Best Companionship
That something was Jesus. No doubt he
And that’s just for starters. Let’s zero in on
heard Jesus’ compassionate prayer:
another part of Jesus’s promise: “Today
“Father, forgive them” (Luke 23:34). No
you will be with me in paradise.” Jesus
doubt he saw how Jesus endured the
gives us a promise of companionship.
punishment and the mockery of the
crowds in silence. Perhaps Jesus even Think of what that must have meant to
spoke to him directly. Whatever it was, he this criminal. I’m guessing he didn’t
had a change of heart. This dying man always find himself in the nicest company.
spoke a beautiful, heartfelt prayer: As he hung on that cross, he saw people
“Jesus, remember me when you come at their worst. The place of crucifixion was
into your kingdom.” near the city, convenient for people to
come and have a look. They did more
Jesus’ answer is just as beautiful: “I tell
than look. They mocked and cursed. Most
you the truth, today you will be with me
likely they threw things at the victims and
in paradise.” Every syllable of that
spit on them. They shook their heads in
promise is just gorgeous, but I want to
disgust. Not only was crucifixion physically
focus on one word: Today. This criminal
excruciating it was emotionally
was enduring the most excruciating form
tormenting. It was all about
of execution that man in all his sadistic
embarrassment and shame as you hung
ingenuity had ever devised. The Romans
naked on a cross right at one of the
were good at it too. They could drag the
busiest spots in town. Can you imagine
agony out for three or four days. What a
how alone that criminal must have felt?
relief that word today must have been in
the criminal’s ears. Before the sun would Jesus’ promise soothed him. There was no
rise again his suffering would be over. longer any separation between the sinful
criminal and the holy Jesus. “You will be
The certainty of Jesus’ promise is for us
with me.” Jesus’ forgiveness is so
too. Note that Jesus didn’t add an if to
complete, his pardon so total, that even
this promise. Nor did he modify it with a
this convicted criminal could be with Jesus
perhaps or a someday. When we are lying
and would be with Jesus forever. He
on our own deathbeds, Jesus makes the
would enjoy Jesus’ company for eternity.
same promise to us. At the moment of
death our suffering will end. For the one And so will we. The same sin separates us
who looks in faith to Calvary’s central from our God, but the same Savior
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bridges the gap with his body nailed to are there with your son.
the tree and his blood shed to pay for
In heaven we will be with God’s Son, the
every sin. The Bible says that nothing
One who left the perfection of heaven to
impure will ever enter heaven. Moses, the
be with us sinners on earth, the One who
greatest leader of God’s chosen people,
loved us enough to live under the law he
while he walked this earth could not see
made for us and keep it perfectly in our
God’s glory and live. But we will. Because
place, the One who died so that we can
of Jesus. Because of his blood that
live with him.
cleanses us we will see him and live with
him forever. If Jesus was willing to go to all that trouble
to bring you to heaven you can rest
III. A Promise of the Perfect Place
assured that it will be a spectacular place.
What will that be like? The Bible has a You won’t say, “It’s nice, but not as nice as
number of pictures for heaven – a I expected.” And you most certainly won’t
beautiful golden city, a joyous wedding be bored. A little girl’s words bring heaven
banquet. Here Jesus uses the word down to earth for us. And she and her
paradise. That’s actually a Persian word father walked under a beautiful star-lit sky
for an aristocrat’s private park. Think lush on a clear night she said, “Daddy, if
garden. For some of you that means roses heaven is this beautiful on this side,
and tulips and marigolds. For others that imagine what it looks like on the other
means palms and citrus trees next to a side.”
beautiful beach. What it really means is a
How do you know that such a beautiful
return to the perfection Eden before the
place is for you? When it’s the moment of
fall. Can you imagine the breathtaking
truth, when you’re on your deathbed,
beauty of that perfect garden?
how can you be sure that that very day
Of course, the plants aren’t really what you will be with Jesus in paradise? Don’t
makes heaven beautiful. The scenery will forget about the words we have heard
be magnificent for sure, but that’s not throughout Lent, precious words of our
what it’s really all about. It’s all about the Savior: “I tell you the truth.” The original
company. Greek of that phrase could be translated,
“Amen, I say to you.” Isn’t that awesome?
Think of it this way: You’re at the airport
Amen means, “Yes, it shall be so.” Jesus’
waiting for your son. He’s been serving his
Amen to you is “Today you will be with
country in Afghanistan for the last two
me in paradise.” He left no room for
years. As you throw your arms around
doubt as to whether or not that criminal
him, as the tears of joy flow down your
would be in heaven. There’s no doubt
face, does the airport décor surrounding
about you either. You will live with Jesus
you matter? Does it matter if the room
forever. It shall be so. Amen.
temperature is 72 degrees or 82 degrees.
Of course not! What matters is that you S.D.G.
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