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in Arts
DMD - 11C Britney Angel

Emotions in the arts affect us on a subjective and bodily level which

influences aesthetic evaluations, e.g, liking. One central feature of
aesthetic experiences is their ability to arouse emotions in
feels natural to experience joy, pleasure shivers down the spine, awe in
sight of grandiose artworks, or sometimes even negative emotions of
fear, anger or disgust in front of the visual itself.
History of Emotion in arts:
Modern Art
Emotions in art began in the times of modern art was released. Modern art
became popular in the year of 1850-1970. French impressionism, championed
above all by Claude Monet (1840-1926), was a spontaneous colour-sensitive style
of pleinairism whose origins derived from Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot and the
techniques of the Barbizon encompassed rural landscapes, cityscapes and both
figurative paintings and portraits.
History of
emotions in arts
The study of the history of emotions has flourished across the humanities
over the past twenty years. Passion and feeling, once thought to be among
the most universal and unchanging of human experiences, have more
recently been shown to be deeply embedded in histories of politics,
religion, medicine and science. Cultural and historical contexts for the
emotions were certainly of interest to scholars before this relatively new
affective turn, but since the early 2000s, the history of emotions as a
distinctive area of study has rapidly emerged.
David Alfaro
David Alfaro Siqueiros is a Mexican
painter and muralist whose art reflected
his Marxist political ideology. In his
artwork he is able to convey emotion
without even seeing the person’s face.
David’s Artwork
This is one of David’s artwork that
amazes me, from the way of conveying
his art and talent through a painting
that can also make other people feel
emotional. The placement of the hands
and the lines defining the knuckles
sends the message that this person is
fighting back tears.
Nuestra Imagen Actual (1947)
Nuestra Imagen Actual or Our Present Image was
made by David himself due to the Mexican revolution
(1910-1920). It was one of the greatest social upheavals
of the early twentieth century and a remarkable artistic
outpouring ensued during the post-revolutionary
decades. This painting or imagery attacked fascism
and imperialism, promoted labor and indigenous rights,
and expressed a renewed interest in cultural traditions.
Thank you!

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