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 As with all social institutions, the state is organized around a set of social

functions. It is an important agency of social control which performs this function

through laws. The main functions are maintaining law, order and stability, resolving

various kinds of disputes through the legal system, providing common defence, and

looking out for the welfare of the population in ways that are beyond the means

of the individual, such as implementing public health measures, providing mass

education and underwriting expensive medical research.

 Non-state institution or likewise called non-state entertainers is extensively

characterized as worldwide entertainers who are to a great extent or totally

self-sufficient from the state, radiating from common society, market economy or

political chances. Non-State Actors (NSA) are substances that partake or act

in global relations.

 There are different non-state institution that work in the public eye. Two of them

are Banks and Organizations. The term Bank has no single definition for some,

creators have given their own meaning of it.

 Whether: the corporation is incorporated to make a profit

 Consumer: Owned by consumers who buy goods or services from their


 TRADE UNION: Is there to represent and protect the interests of its members.

It is there to protect the economic, political and social interests of its members.

 The infection that causes COVID-19 is in a group of infections called

Coronaviridae Anti-infection agents don't neutralize infections. A few people

who become sick with COVID-19 can likewise build up a bacterial disease as an


 To give Member States instruction and specialized to help virus stop spreading.

 Being able to communicate effectively is perhaps the most important of all life

skills. It is what enables us to pass information to other people, and to understand

what is said to us.

 1. Verbal
Verbal communication is the use of language to transfer information through
speaking or sign language. It is one of the most common types, often used during
video conferences and phone calls, meetings and one-on-one conversations. Verbal
communication is important because it is efficient. It can be helpful to support verbal
communication with both nonverbal and written communication.

2. Nonverbal
Nonverbal communication is the use of body language, gestures and facial
expressions to convey information to others. It can be used both intentionally and
unintentionally. For example, you might smile unintentionally when you hear a
pleasing or enjoyable idea or piece of information. Nonverbal communication is
helpful when trying to understand others’ thoughts and feelings.

3. Written
Written communication is the act of writing, typing or printing symbols like
letters and numbers to convey information. It is helpful because it provides a record of
information for reference. Writing is commonly used to share information through
books, pamphlets, blogs, letters, memos and more. Emails and chats are a common
form of written communication in the workplace.

 Human Nature is an idea that characterizes essential qualities, including

perspectives, feeling, and acting.

 Three ( 3) Fold Level of Human Nature

BODY- The body comprises of the head, the storage compartment and the

appendages and inside these three we locate the three significant frameworks of the

the ribcage, is irregular with a bone and afterward a space, bone and space. Our trunk

body. The mind/sensory system is contained inside the head and it is in our minds that

we are generally wakeful and cognizant. The bone structure which bolsters our trunk,

works best with a delicate and consistent beat.

SOUL- Our feelings are not as rational as our thinking they have a more dreamlike

quality to them, are less structured and not as awake. We can measure our emotional

intelligence by the ability to understand our own feelings as well as other people’s

feelings. All experiences in life touch us through the feelings. Between the ages of

seven and fourteen years our feeling life begins to express itself more and more.

SPIRIT- Being moved by something beautiful in nature also fires our inspiration. We

use our intuition when we do the right thing at the right time and everything falls into

place. The more you are in the flow of life, the more you can bear the fruits of your

intuition. How we live our lives has a profound effect on our spiritual intuition.

 The term Holland Code, Holland Codes and truncation RIASEC allude to

John Holland's six character types: Realistic (R), Investigative (I), Artistic (A),

Social (S), Enterprising (E) and Conventional (C). As per Holland's Theory of

Career Choice, picking work or training program climate that matches, or is like

your character, will no doubt prompt achievement and fulfillment.

For a depiction of each sort and how you can utilize character profession and

character significant match to build vocation fulfillment and scholastic achievement,

visit our article on Holland's Theory of Career Choice. Our recommendation on

vocation change, how to pick a profession way and how to pick a significant depend

on this famous, regarded hypothesis.

For an exact appraisal of each of the six Holland Codes, take Career Key's profession

test. Rather than giving outcomes as three-letter codes and in sequential order

arrangements of professions, our extraordinary coordinating framework empowers

you to distinguish vocations and school majors that coordinate your arrangement of

interests, qualities, aptitudes and capacities. Profession Key coordinates and

deductively arranges vocations, school majors, profession groups, and profession

pathways by these character types.

21ST CENTURY LITERATURE from the Philippines and
the World

 Philippine Literature is it permits individuals to find out about where they came

From and how past occasions work to shape the various societies. Through

contemplating writing see sonnets, expositions, stories it can improve our

understanding aptitudes and through perusing it can upgrade your insight.

The Order of National Artists of the Philippines is conferred to Filipinos with

"exquisite contribution to Philippine art". The artists are chosen by the National

Commission for Culture and the Arts (Philippines) and the Cultural Center of the

Philippines. The Order is given by the President of the Philippines.

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