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A comparative diffusion tensor imaging study of patients with and without

treatment‑resistant schizophrenia
Anisha Aggarwal, Sandeep Grover, Chirag Ahuja1, Subho Chakrabarti, Niranjan Khandelwal1, Ajit Avasthi
Department of Psychiatry and 1Radiodiagnosis and Neuroimaging, Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research,
Chandigarh, India


Aim: The aim was to study the brain connectivity using diffusion tensor imaging  (DTI) among patients with
treatment‑resistant schizophrenia (TRS) and compare the same with a group of patients without TRS.
Methods: Twenty‑three patients with TRS and 15 patients without TRS underwent DTI using a 3T magnetic resonance
imaging machine. DTI data were processed with the calculation of fractional anisotropy (FA) and apparent diffusion
coefficient. Patients were also assessed on Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale, Positive and Negative Symptom Scale, Global
Assessment of Functioning Scale, and Clinical Global Impression severity scale.
Results: Patients with TRS and non‑TRS differed significantly in the FA values in the region of right superior longitudinal
fasciculus and right uncinate fasciculus, with more integrity of tracts in the non‑TRS group. However, these differences
disappeared when Bonferroni correction was used for multiple comparisons.
Conclusion: The present study suggests lack of significant difference in DTI findings between patients with TRS and

Key words: Diffusion tensor imaging, schizophrenia, treatment resistance

INTRODUCTION respond to adequate treatment and are known to be suffering

from treatment‑resistant schizophrenia (TRS).[2] Patients with
Schizophrenia is arguably the most puzzling of psychiatric TRS are found to be highly symptomatic, require extensive
syndromes and one of the most debilitating psychiatric periods of hospitalization, and are responsible for the high
disorders. Despite the numerous studies aimed at share of total cost toward treating schizophrenia.[3,4]
understanding the disorder, its pathophysiology is largely
unknown, with available treatments showing only partial As one‑third of patients do not respond or show minimal
efficacy in treating this disorder.[1] Available data suggest response to available treatments, clinicians and investigators
that about one‑third of patients with schizophrenia do not have attempted to predict nonresponse to treatment as
early as possible, with an aim to possibly start clozapine
Address for correspondence: Dr. Sandeep Grover, before the treatment resistance evolves. One of the ways
Department of Psychiatry, Postgraduate Institute via which this prediction has been made in literature is
Medical Science, Rohtak ‑ 124 001, Haryana, India.
This is an open access journal, and articles are distributed under the terms of
Submitted: 23‑Feb‑2020,  Revised: 14‑Jun‑2020, the Creative Commons Attribution‑NonCommercial‑ShareAlike 4.0 License,
Accepted: 17‑Sep‑2020,  Published: 14-Apr-2021 which allows others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work non‑commercially,
as long as appropriate credit is given and the new creations are licensed under
the identical terms.
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How to cite this article: Aggarwal A, Grover S, Ahuja C,
Chakrabarti S, Khandelwal N, Avasthi A. A comparative
diffusion tensor imaging study of patients with and without
treatment-resistant schizophrenia. Indian J Psychiatry

146 © 2021 Indian Journal of Psychiatry | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow

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Aggarwal, et al.: DTI study of patients with and without TRS

through neuroimaging, which highlights the structural among patients with and without TRS. It was hypothesized
or functional changes in brain, possibly contributing to that individuals with TRS would not differ significantly in
etiopathogenesis of treatment resistance in schizophrenia. terms of brain circuitry involving the white matter compared
Most of the available studies have focused on patients with to patients with non‑TRS.
chronic schizophrenia using techniques such as computed
tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), or METHODS
functional MRI, with meager data on studying cases of TRS
using diffusion tensor imaging (DTI).[4,5] Among the various This study was carried out in a tertiary care teaching
neuroimaging techniques, DTI can be considered as more hospital in North India. The ethics committee of the
useful than CT and MRI in schizophrenia as it provides institute approved the study, and all the study participants
direct information about the white‑matter neuroanatomical were recruited after obtaining written informed consent.
connectivity between different areas of the brain. These
neuroanatomical connections could, therefore, be directly The study followed a cross‑sectional design, in which all
studied to understand the etiopathogenesis of schizophrenia the patients were assessed only once. The study sample
and the etiopathogenesis of treatment resistance as well. comprised of two groups, that is, Group I comprised of
A recent systematic review evaluated the neuroimaging 23 patients with TRS, whereas Group II comprised of
findings of patients refractory to treatment and compared 15 patients who did not fulfill the criteria of TRS (non‑TRS
the available data with healthy controls and those Group). Both the study groups were matched for age,
responding to treatment.[4] In contrast to healthy controls, gender, and total duration of illness. For this study, TRS
patients with TRS showed gray‑matter reductions, which is was defined on the basis of: (i) insufficient response to two
consistent with findings seen in schizophrenia in general. clinical trials of two different antipsychotics for at least
When patients with treatment resistance/refractoriness 6 weeks’ duration and no period of good functioning in
were compared with those responding to treatment, the the previous 2 years as determined by Global Assessment
finding, which was most, replicated included a greater for Functional Scale (GAF)[7] score of <59, score of ≥4 on
reduction in gray matter in resistant patients, predominantly 2 of the 4 Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS)[8] items of
in the frontal areas. However, none of the studies included conceptual disorganization, suspiciousness, hallucinatory
in the review, compared patients with treatment resistance behavior, and unusual thought content, total BPRS‑18
with treatment responders or healthy controls, was based score  ≥45, and Clinical Global Impression  (CGI)[9] score
on DTI.[4] Another systematic review published in 2015, of ≥4 at the time of assessment. To be included in the study,
also dealt with neuroimaging findings in patients with the participants were required to be aged 18–65 years and
TRS.[5] CT‑based studies showed prefrontal atrophy in fulfill the diagnosis of schizophrenia as per the Diagnostic
patients with TRS.[5] MRI studies showed that compared to and Statistical Manual, fourth revision (DSM‑IV) criteria, as
healthy controls, patients with TRS have more widespread confirmed by using the Mini International Neuropsychiatric
reduction in cortical thickness in all the lobes of brain than Interview (MINI).[10] Additionally, to be considered for
patients with non‑TRS, who had reduced cortical thickness the non‑TRS group, participants were required to have
only in frontal area of the brain.[5] As per this review, only one a period of good functioning in the previous 2 years and
study was based on DTI, which compared patients with TRS total BPRS‑18 item scale score  ≤35, CGI score of  ≤3,
and healthy controls. This study showed that compared to score of <4 on 2 of the 4 BPRS items of conceptual
healthy controls, patients with TRS showed lower fractional disorganization, suspiciousness, hallucinatory behavior,
anisotropy (FA) in multiple white‑matter bundles. The areas and unusual thought content. Patients with the presence
involved included the genu, body, and splenium of the of organic brain syndrome, intellectual disability, comorbid
corpus callosum; inferior longitudinal fasciculus; superior drug dependence (other than tobacco dependence), history
longitudinal fasciculus (SLF); external capsule; uncinate of any brain disorder (e.g., head injury, stroke, epilepsy, and
fasciculus (UF); posterior limb of the internal capsule; the Parkinson’s disease), history of any illness which can cause
left anterior limb of internal capsule; fornix; cerebellar white‑matter damage (e.g., multiple sclerosis), comorbid
peduncles; and the corticospinal tract at the level of the severe medical conditions which could influence the
brainstem. There was no voxel of increased FA in patients neuroimaging findings (e.g., poorly controlled diabetes or
compared with controls.[5] A recently published study based symptomatic coronary artery disease), and those receiving
on 1.5 T, voxel‑based statistical analysis using the tract‑based clozapine for more than 1 week just prior to assessment or
spatial statistics (TBSSv1.2) approach compared patients have received clozapine in the past were excluded from the
with treatment refractory schizophrenia and nonrefractory study. Similarly, patients with contraindication for MRI (i.e.,
schizophrenia. This study showed no differences in FA of those with pacemakers, aneurysm clip, cochlear implants,
white‑matter integrity between the two groups.[6] claustrophobia) were also excluded from the study. All the
patients were assessed on CGI Severity scale, BPRS, Positive
Considering the limited DTI data for patients with TRS, this and Negative Symptom Scale (PANSS),[11] and GAF scale. In
study aimed to compare the brain connectivity using DTI addition, using a semi‑structured interview, all the patients

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Aggarwal, et al.: DTI study of patients with and without TRS

were evaluated for the presence or absence of auditory had significantly longer duration of untreated psychosis,
hallucinations in their lifetime. had significantly higher BPRS and PANSS total scores, had
higher scores in all the domains of BPRS and PANSS, had
Premorbid personality prior to onset of illness was assessed significantly higher CGI severity score, had significantly higher
by a semi‑structured interview conducted with the patient impairment in the level of functioning as assessed by GAF,
and family members and a review of treatment records. and had received significantly higher number of adequate
Presence of personality disorder was defined as per the antipsychotic trials [Table 1]. Most of the patients in the TRS
ICD‑10 criteria. group had continuous symptoms in the last 5 years.

DTI data were acquired using 3T MRI machine (60 slices; Only two patients (one borderline and one anxious avoidant
TE = 100 ms; TR = 15000 ms; 30 directions; voxel size: personality disorder) in the TRS group had evidence to
2.4 × 2.4 × 2.4; time of accuracy: 8.32 min; and slice suggest the presence of personality disorder prior to the
thickness = 2.4 mm). The DTI images were processed and onset of the schizophrenia, whereas only one patient had
analyzed on the Siemens work station (software Numaris, personality disorder (schizoid personality disorder) in the
version syngo MR B17). Motion and Eddy current‑induced non‑TRS group. Overall, majority of the patients in both the
geometric distortions were corrected automatically. groups had no diagnosable personality disorder prior to
onset of schizophrenia. In the TRS group, 30.4% (n = 7) of
DTI data were processed by a qualified neuroradiologist, the patients had lifetime diagnosis of tobacco dependence,
and the following steps were followed: (i) correction for of which 21.7% were still using tobacco in the dependence
motion and Eddy current‑induced geometric distortions pattern at the time of assessment for the study. About
with rotation of the b‑matrix to preserve the orientation one‑fifth (21.7%; n = 5) of the patients in the TRS group
information was ensured, (ii) diffusion tensor using a robust had lifetime diagnosis of alcohol dependence, of which 8.7%
nonlinear regression method was estimated, and (iii) FA fulfilled the diagnosis of alcohol dependence in the last
and apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) were calculated. 2 years too. However, no patient was using alcohol in the
Subsequently, using the region of interest (ROI) approach, dependent pattern at the time of assessment for the study.
data were analyzed. When patients with and without TRS were compared, no
significant difference was seen in terms of substance use
The tensor data were loaded on the Neuro 3D platform pattern in the lifetime, last 5 years, and last 2 years.
to derive the FA and ADC maps. The FA/ADC maps were
subsequently fused with the 3D T1 MPRAGE high‑resolution Diffusion tensor imaging findings
images for better depiction and confirmation of the As is evident from Table 2, in terms of FA values, significant
white‑matter tracts. The tracts were identified as per the difference between the two groups was noted only in the
different cut sections, that is, sagittal, axial, or coronal right superior longitudinal fasciculus (SLF) and right uncinate
depending on the best visibility of the tract. Thereafter,
ROI‑based analysis was performed on the desired tracts. Up
to five ROIs were chosen to enclose tracts’ cross‑sections, and
a mean of the ROIs was calculated to improve the specificity
of the data. The radius of each ROI varied between 2 mm
and 10 mm, depending on the thickness of the white‑matter
bundle. Following this, a set of 22 values each depicting the
FA values and ADC values were obtained for further analysis.

Data were analyzed by using SPSS Inc. Released 2007.

SPSS for Windows, Version 16.0. (Chicago, SPSS Inc.). The
mean and standard deviation with range were calculated
for continuous variables and frequency and percentages
were calculated for categorical variables. Comparisons
were done by using Student’s t‑test, Mann–Whitney test,
and Chi‑square test. Bonferroni correction was applied to
address multiple comparisons, and P = 0.002 (0.05/22) was Figure 1: The tract superior longitudinal fasciculus (yellow
arrowhead), an association fiber tract well represented in
considered statistically significant.
the color green. Uncinate fibers  (blue arrow) are forming a
loop and turning around the lateral sulcus; in turn connecting
RESULTS inferior frontal and temporal lobes. The ellipsoids depict
anisotropy in both the tracts, with higher fractional anisotropy
The demographic profile of the study sample is shown in in the right superior longitudinal fasciculus and right uncinate
Table 1. Compared to non‑TRS group, patients with TRS fasciculus in the control group

148 Indian Journal of Psychiatry Volume 63, Issue 2, March-April 2021

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Aggarwal, et al.: DTI study of patients with and without TRS

Table 1: Comparison of demographic and clinical variables of treatment‑resistant schizophrenia and

nontreatment‑resistant schizophrenia group
Parameters TRS group I (n=23) Non‑TRS group II (n=15) T‑test/χ2 (P)
Age in years 35.26 (10.85) 33.47 (8.74) t=0.54 (0.59)
Sex, male (%) 11 (47.8) 6 (40) χ2=0.22 (0.63)
Education in years, mean (SD); range 11.65 (4.02) 11.87 (2.90) t=−0.18 (0.86)
Marital status ‑ currently single (%) 13 (56.5) 5 (33.3) χ2=1.96 (0.17)
Occupation ‑ on paid employment (%) 3 (13) 3 (20) F.E=0.44
Type of schizophrenia ‑ paranoid (%) 19 (82.6) 11 (73.3) FE=0.38
Age of onset (in years) 24.65 (8.81) 22.67 (6.31) t=0.75 (0.46)
Duration of untreated psychosis (in days) 1262.35 (1682.43) 234.60 (396.8) U=97.5 (0.02)*
Total duration of illness (in years) 11.17 (8.12) 11.93 (5.92) t=−0.31 (0.76)
Comorbid physical illness ‑ presenta 5 (21.74%) 4 (26.67%) χ2b=0.0 (1)
Comorbid psychiatric illnessb 9 (39.13%) 2 (13.3%) χ2b=1.82 (0.18)
Positive subscale score 27.13 (7.21) 7.27 (0.59) t=10.59 (<0.001)***
Negative subscale score 28.22 (11.83) 10.8 (2.57) t=5.59 (<0.001)***
General Psychopathology subscale score 49.70 (10.88) 21.07 (2.60) t=9.96 (<0.001)***
Total PANSS Score 105.04 (23.07) 39.13 (4.60) t=10.87 (<0.001)***
Insight score as assessed from PANSS (G12) 5.56 (1.37) 2.27 (1.10) t=6.69 (<0.001)***
Depression as per PANSS‑D 12.43 (5.95) 6 (1.51) t=4.08 (<0.001) ***
Depression as per PANSS‑D ‑ present (%) 19 (82.60) 5 (33.33) χ2=9.47 (0.002)**
Depression/anxiety/affect 9.70 (5.90) 4.2 (0.56) t=3.58 (0.001)***
Psychosis/thinking disorder 18.04 (3.76) 5.67 (0.90) t=12.46 (<0.001)***
Negative symptoms/withdrawal/retardation 9.17 (6.03) 3.6 (1.40) t=3.50 (0.001)***
Activation 6.65 (3.01) 3.87 (0.83) t=3.48 (<0.001)***
Resistance 10 (3.27) 3.27 (0.46) t=5.84 (<0.001)***
Total BPRS score 53.56 (10.68) 20.6 (2.03) t=11.76 (<0.001)***
GAF score 21 (11.27) 79.73 (7.36) t=−17.81 (<0.001)***
CGI severity 5.48 (0.59) 1.13 (0.35) t=25.52 (<0.001)***
Number of adequate trials received 3.78 (1.594) 1.73 (0.59) t=4.75 (<0.001)***
Course of illness in the last 5 years
Continuous illness with no improvement in symptoms (%) 14 (60.87) 0 χ2=14.46 (<0.001***)
Continuous illness with no or minimal symptoms 0 1 (6.7%) FE=0.39
Episodic illness in lifetime with no improvement in symptoms in last 5 years (%) 9 (39.13) 0 χ2b=0.02*
*P≤0.05; **P≤0.01; ***P≤0.001. AComorbid physical illnesses in TRS: diabetes mellitus (n=2), asthma (n=1), anemia (n=1), Acomorbid physical illnesses in
non‑TRS: diabetes mellitus (n=2), hypothyroidism (n=1), hypertension (n=1), Marfan syndrome (n=1); Bcomorbid psychiatric illnesses in TRS: moderate depressive
episode (n=4), tobacco dependence, currently using (n=6); Bcomorbid psychiatric Illnesses in non‑TRS: Moderate depressive episode (n=1), Tobacco dependence,
currently using (n=1); cItems of Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale were categorized into various domains as per.[12] χ2 – Chi‑square value; χ2b – Chi‑square value
with Yate’s correction; U – Mann-Whitney value; t – T test; SD – standard deviation; FE – Fisher’s exact value; PANSS – Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale,
BPRS – Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale; GAF – Global Assessment of Functioning; CGI – Clinical Global Impression; TRS – Treatment‑resistant schizophrenia

fasciculus (UF), with higher FA values for the right SLF and response to treatment. The other hypothesis, which can be
right UF for the non‑TRS group [Figures 1 and 2]. However, considered, is the categorical hypothesis, which suggests
when duration of untreated psychosis was used as a covariate, that patients with TRS have a fundamentally different
only significant difference persisted for right UF. Lack of pathophysiology compared to those showing response
significant difference persisted even after using duration of to treatment, and thus current treatments are ineffective
untreated psychosis as a covariate. However, when we used as they target the wrong processes.[12] The present study
the Bonferroni correction, no significant difference was seen. attempted to understand the etiopathogenesis of TRS on
In terms of ADC values, no significant difference emerged the basis of these hypotheses.
between both the groups on any of the tracts [Table 2].
In the present study, in terms of FA values, when the
DISCUSSION comparison was done without statistical correction,
significant difference between the two groups was noted
Two main schools of thought exist regarding the neurobiology only in the right SLF and right UF, with higher FA values
of TRS. One, which can be characterized as the continuum for the non‑TRS group. However, this disappeared when
hypothesis, posits that the same pathophysiological the Bonferroni correction was applied. In terms of ADC
processes underlie symptoms in both treatment‑responsive findings of white‑matter tracts, no significant difference
and ‑resistant patients, but that these processes occur to a emerged between the two groups on any of the tracts.
greater degree in patients with TRS, which leads to poor There is only one study in the existing literature, which has

Indian Journal of Psychiatry Volume 63, Issue 2, March-April 2021 149

Table 2: Comparison of fractional anisotropy and apparent diffusion coefficient (×10‑6mm2/s) findings of white matter tracts of treatment‑resistant
schizophrenia group and nontreatment‑resistant schizophrenia group
Variables TRS group Non‑TRS T‑test/χ2 (P) Covariate TRS group I Non‑TRS group T‑test/χ2 (P) Covariate
I (n=23) group II (n=15) analysisa F (P) (n=23) II (n=15) analysisa F (P)
Fractional anisotropy Apparent diffusion coefficient
Anterior commissure 0.22 (0.10) 0.20 (0.15) t=0.51 (0.610) F=0.058 (0.811) 2078.39 (857.1) 1792.22 (689.65) t=1.08 (0.29) F=0.635 (0.431)
Genu 0.70 (0.21) 0.76 (0.21) t=−0.92 (0.365) F=0.819 (0.372) 1204.53 (1662.14) 734.05 (98.27) t=1.1 (0.28) F=1.494 (0.23)
Splenium 0.87 (0.07) 0.77 (0.26) t=1.6 (0.12) F=2.897 (0.098) 662.29 (106.66) 822.44 (463.64) t=−1.6 (0.12) F=2.852 (0.100)
Corpus callosum 0.70 (0.18) 0.66 (0.20) t=0.67 (0.51) F=0.489 (0.489) 873.52 (358.95) 826.11 (188.22) t=0.47 (0.64) F=0.970 (0.331)
Left anterior limb of internal capsule 0.53 (0.20) 0.48 (0.16) t=0.80 (0.43) F=0.342 (0.563) 653.03 (139.57) 724.97 (98.10) t=−1.73 (0.09) F=4.767 (0.036)
Left genu of internal capsule 0.67 (0.15) 0.68 (0.13) t=−0.88 (0.93) F=0.024 (0.878) 613.4 (90.33) 621.1 (82.68) t=−0.26 (0.79) F=0.299 (0.588)
Left posterior limb of internal capsule 0.72 (0.10) 0.73 (0.12) t=−0.21 (0.84) F=0.111 (0.741) 662.03 (70.42) 664.58 (51.89) t=−0.12 (0.90) F=0.003 (0.960)
Right anterior limb of internal capsule 0.61 (0.19) 0.56 (0.17) t=0.82 (0.41) F=0.044 (0.834) 687.48 (222.14) 725.79 (81.77) t=−0.64 (0.53) F=0.037 (0.849)
Right genu of internal capsule 0.65 (0.16) 0.68 (0.14) t=−0.65 (0.52) F=0.003 (0.958) 639.93 (100.23) 615.29 (96.48) t=0.75 (0.46) F=0.427 (0.518)
Right posterior limb of internal capsule 0.75 (0.12) 0.12 (0.11) t=0.81 (0.42) F=0.397 (0.533) 626.55 (75.10) 663.15 (63.28) t=−1.56 (0.13) F=0.698 (0.409)
Left cingulum 0.71 (0.09) 0.72 (0.07) t=−0.33 (0.75) F=0.141 (0.709) 704.87 (125.37) 701.87 (51.52) t=0.09 (0.93) F=0.456 (0.504)
Right cingulum 0.65 (0.13) 0.66 (0.04) t=−0.12 (0.90) F=1.013 (0.321) 698.62 (86.98) 717.33 (76.53) t=−0.68 (0.50) F=0.006 (0.636)
Left superior occipitofrontal fasciculus 0.44 (0.07) 0.48 (0.05) t=−1.73 (0.09) F=1.254 (0.270) 673.58 (59.34) 644.67 (38.20) t=1.71 (0.10) F=3.114 (0.086)
Right superior occipitofrontal fasciculus 0.44 (0.08) 0.46 (0.06) t=−0.93 (0.36) F=0.266 (0.609) 670.13 (88.63) 653.99 (35.20) t=1.05 (0.30) F=0.179 (0.675)
Left superior longitudinal fasciculus 0.41 (0.06) 0.42 (0.06) t=−0.80 (0.43) F=1.254 (0.270) 665.96 (43.14) 648.82 (33.38) t=1.30 (0.20) F=1.465 (0.234)
Right superior longitudinal fasciculus 0.41 (0.07) 0.45 (0.06) t=−2.05 (0.047)* F=0.266 (0.609) 662.19 (35.55) 653.99 (35.21) t=0.7 (0.49) F=0.718 (0.403)
Left inferior occipitofrontal fasciculus 0.54 (0.09) 0.57 (0.09) t=−1.10 (0.28) F=0.654 (0.424) 789.33 (105.16) 769.85 (86.18) t=0.6 (0.55) F=0.646 (0.427)
Right inferior occipitofrontal fasciculus 0.57 (0.11) 0.51 (0.09) t=1.71 (0.10) F=0.357 (0.067) 750.30 (78.76) 752.98 (56.20) t=−0.11 (0.91) F=0.253 (0.618)
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Left inferior longitudinal fasciculus 0.39 (0.08) 0.40 (0.09) t=−0.19 (0.85) F=0.033 (0.856) 774.82 (94.58) 786.93 (116.79) t=−0.35 (0.73) F=2.045 (0.162)
Aggarwal, et al.: DTI study of patients with and without TRS

Right inferior longitudinal fasciculus 0.38 (0.10) 0.38 (0.11) t=0.12 (0.90) F=0.045 (0.833) 761.38 (96.90) 728.23 (66.70) t=1.16 (0.25) F=0.003 (0.958)
Left uncinate fasciculus 0.38 (0.10) 0.36 (0.10) t=0.64 (0.53) F=0.175 (0.678) 780.97 (102.04) 811.15 (89.13) t=−0.93 (0.36) F=0.403 (0.530)
Right uncinate fasciculus 0.36 (0.09) 0.44 (0.11) t=−2.46 (0.019)* F=6.122 (0.018)* 770.24 (95.71) 775.9 (69.74) t=−0.2 (0.84) F=0.119 (0.732)
*P≤0.05; **P≤0.01; ***P≤0.001. aCovariate: Duration of untreated psychosis. χ2 – Chi‑square value; χ2b – Chi‑square value with Yate’s correction; U – Mann-Whitney value; t – T test; SD – standard deviation;
FE – Fisher’s exact value; TRS – Treatment‑resistant schizophrenia

Indian Journal of Psychiatry Volume 63, Issue 2, March-April 2021

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Aggarwal, et al.: DTI study of patients with and without TRS

present study did not involve the assessment of cognitive

functions and did not include a healthy control group. DTI
findings were assessed manually rather than using more
sophisticated techniques such as tract‑based spatial statistics.
Future studies must attempt to overcome these limitations.


The present study demonstrates that white‑matter integrity

does not significantly differ between the patients with and
without TRS.

Financial support and sponsorship


Conflicts of interest
There are no conflicts of interest.

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Indian Journal of Psychiatry Volume 63, Issue 2, March-April 2021 151

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