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Topic: After effect of war(story)

Course: Short fiction
Course Instructor: Miss Kinat Mushtaq
Submitted By: Wasma Shahid
Registration no. ……
Department: BS(CS) 1ST
Faculty: Computing and Engeering

The topic of assignment is “Discussion on the short stories”. It is all about the characteristics,
the fundamental elements, the themes, style of language etc. of the stories. We have tried our
level best to provide all the relevant and useful data and information. Hope that it would be
satisfactory to our course instructor.

We owe a debt of gratitude to our l short fiction instructor Miss Kinat Mushtaq for the vision
and foresight which inspired us to conceive this assignment.
We are particularly in debited to our parents, sisters and friends for inspiring us to do this work.

This is a narration based on the after effects of war on human life and the wicked plan of

inventing a dangerous bomb. The whole story revolves around two major characters i.e. Prof.

Corrie, an evil-minded scientist and his sister Mrs. Meldon, a sensitive, emotional, and peace-

loving lady.

Once upon a time, there lived a scientist named Prof. Corrie. He was an elderly man of around

sixty years of age. He was a wicked, self-willed, and greedy person. He was working on

inventing a dangerous bomb. With that, he had a plan to earn wealth and kill thousands of

people at once during war.


One day, he was in his room, busy in the creation of his invention, when his sister Mrs. Meldon

came to his home. He knew that she was coming that day but he didn’t bother to go to the

station to pick her. Mrs. Meldon entered his room, and Prof. Corrie apologized to her.

He was quite excited at his invention that he just forgot to have a talk with his sister. Mrs.

Meldon , 43, was very sad as it was the day of his son’s death anniversary. She had only one

son Eddie who had lost his life at the war. She bore that pain with dignity but later on, she had

lost her husband as well and that made her all alone in this world.

She came to her brother’s home to share her grief but she was quite disappointed as her brother

was very much involved in his own invention. He kept on talking about his invention and told

her that his invention would revolutionize warfare and help in winding up the wars in less time

with more destruction. Mrs. Meldon was not at all in favour of war, so she tried to convince

her brother to destroy his invention.

The conflict in between Mr’s melton and professor Herry.Professor wants to make war more

horrible on the other hand Mr’s Meldon wants peace.Mr melton is suffering from the pain war

has inflicted upon hes that why she wants hes brother not to invent the bom,but professor shows

resistance in listening to her advice.


The climax of the play “progress” happens at the moment when Mr’s Melton comes to the

room of his brothers and he is shocke to see invention of hes br.And she is against worst and

destructive weapons she ask hes brother to destroy the invention other wise it would cause

much damage the humaniry and peace or world.


Prof. Corrie was a stubborn and self-centered person so he was not interested in her advice. He

said that he would not give up his plan. Mrs. Meldon asked him to change his mind just for the

sake of humanity. She said that she wanted her to do so as she didn’t want any other women to

go through the same pain of losing their near and dear ones at the war.

This sentence of Mrs. Meldon melted his heart, and turned him into a selfless, sensitive, and

peace-loving person. All at once, Prof. Corrie changed his mind from negative to positive. He

realized his mistake that he was going to make. With tears in his eyes, he then got up in rage

and destroyed his invention with his own hands. He thanked his sister for opening his eyes and



Mrs Meldon try s her best to stop professor from inventing the bomb
Meldon comes to the room of his brother and she is shocke to see his invention of her brother

as she is agains worst and destruction weapons ,she ask hes brother to destroy the invention

other wise it would cause damage to the peace o humanity. So,we should think more about

humanity and world peace against our own interests

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