Model Test Paper Geography P2 Q&A

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Class: J1E1/J1E2/J1E3/J1E4
Duration: 80 minutes


1 This subject comprises two papers:

Paper 1 : Section A: Multiple-Choice Questions
Section B: Fill In The Blanks

Paper 2: Section A: Mapwork

Section B: Structure Questions

2 Paper 2 consists of two sections:

Section A: Mapwork (30%)
Section B: Structured Questions (20%)

3 Answer all the questions in this paper within the 80 minutes allocated.

4 Use only blue or black ink to write your answers.

5 This paper consists of 5 printed pages.

Do Not Turn Over This Page Until You Are Told To Do So

Student’s Name : _____________________ Student’s Number : ___________

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SECTION A: Mapwork (30%)

1 Refer to the world map 1 below and identify: (5%)

Map 1

a) The very densely populated area P: ____________________________

b) The moderately-populated area Q: _____________________________

c) The sparsely populated are R: _________________________________

d) The cities S and T which have more than a million people:

S: __________________________ T: _____________________________

2 Refer to the world map 2 below and answer the following questions. (5%)
a) The shaded areas are two types of physical environment where relatively few people live.
Identify the two types of environment by filling in the blanks provided in the legend of the map.
b) Mark and label one country in Southeast Asia which has the largest population
c) Mark and label one country in Southeast Asia which has an ageing population.

Map 2

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3 Label the world map 3 below, showing regions of habitation and vegetation. (5%)

Aaaa a)

Bbb b)

A c)

Map 3

4 Refer to the world map 4 below showing the distribution of the world’s population, and answer
the following questions. (15%)

Map 4
a) Fill in the spaces with the appropriate words. (3%)

The population distribution of the world is very uneven. Places with lots of people include

wealthy _________________________countries, such as UK, Japan and Eastern USA and

poor countries with __________________ growing population, such as India, and Kenya.

Places with few people are usually ___________________environment such as Antarctica.

b) Explain what is meant by the following terms: (6%)

i) overpopulation: __________________________________________________________


ii) Under population : _______________________________________________________


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b) When talking about migration, describe what is meant by ‘push’ and ‘pull’ factors. Giver ONE
examples each. (6%)




SECTION B: Structured Questions (20%)

1 Picture 1 below shows a GIS which represents the real world. (8%)

Picture 1

a) What sort of information is shown as polygon on a GIS layer? (2%)


b) What can be done to each of these pieces of information? (2%)


c) Why does the police service plot crime data on a GIS? (4%)



2 The diagram 2 below shows the percentage of three age groups in a country. Study the diagram
and answer the following questions. (6%)

Diagram 2
a) What are the two responsibilities of working population in the country? (2%)


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b) Does this county have the burden of ageing population? If not why it doesn’t have? (2%)


c) If the low birth rate continue for a few decades, what problem would this country face? (2%)


3 Study the graph 3 below showing the population pyramid. (6%)

Graph 3

a) What does the narrow top indicate about the age structure and life expectancy of the population?



b) What does the broad base of the pyramid indicate about the age structure and birth rate of the
country? (2%)



c) Elaborate on the two ways in which population growth can be controlled. (2%)


Prepared by: Ng Siew Mee Checked by: Anuratha Murugayah

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Class: J1E1/J1E2/J1E3/J1E4
Duration: 80 minutes


1 This subject comprises two papers:

Paper 1 : Section A: Multiple-Choice Questions
Section B: Fill In The Blanks

Paper 2: Section A: Mapwork

Section B: Structure Questions

2 Paper 2 consists of two sections:

Section A: Mapwork (30%)
Section B: Structured Questions (20%)

3 Answer all the questions in this paper within the 80 minutes allocate
4 Use only blue or black ink to write your answers.

5 This paper consists of 5 printed pages.

Do Not Turn Over This Page Until You Are Told To Do So

Student’s Name : _____________________ Student’s Number : ___________

- 1 -
SECTION A: Mapwork (30%)

1 Refer to the world map 1 below and identify: (5%)

Map 1

a) The very densely populated area P: Northeast USA

b) The moderately-populated area Q: Southeast Australia

c) The sparsely populated are R: The Sahara Desert

d) The cities S and T which have more than a million people:

S: Mumbai T: Mexico City

2 Refer to the world map 2 below and answer the following questions. (5%)
a) The shaded areas are two types of physical environment where relatively few people live.
Identify the two types of environment by filling in the blanks provided in the legend of the map.
b) Mark and label one country in Southeast Asia which has the largest population
c) Mark and label one country in Southeast Asia which has an ageing population.

c) Singapore

b) Indonesia

Map 2
Tundra / Cold desert

Hot desert

- 2 -
3 Label the world map 3 below, showing regions of habitation and vegetation. (5%)

e) China
Aaaa a) U.S.A

d) Ganges
Bbb b) Sahara Valley

A c) Amazon

Map 3

4 Refer to the world map 4 below showing the distribution of the world’s population, and answer
the following questions. (15%)

Map 4
a) Fill in the spaces with the appropriate words. (3%)

The population distribution of the world is very uneven. Places with lots of people include

wealthy industrialized countries, such as UK, Japan and Eastern USA and

poor countries with rapidly growing population such as India, and Kenya.

Places with few people are usually hostile environment such as Antarctica.

b) Explain what is meant by the following terms: (6%)

i) overpopulation: When there are too many people in an area to be supported by the

resources available.

ii) Under population : When there are too few people in an area to make the most use of

the resources available.

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b) When talking about migration, describe what is meant by ‘push’ and ‘pull’ factors. Giver ONE
examples each. (6%)

Pull factors are things which make someone decide to leave their original, e.g. unemployment.

Push factors are things which attract people to a new place, e.g. job prospects.

SECTION B: Structured Questions (20%)

1 Picture 1 below shows a GIS which represents the real world. (8%)

Picture 1

a) What sort of information is shown as polygon on a GIS layer? (2%)

Areas such as lakes or forests.

b) What can be done to each of these pieces of information? (2%)

The layers can be switched on or switched off if not needed.

c) Why does the police service plot crime data on a GIS? (4%)

Plotting crime date on a GIS provides a visual record that shows patterns of crime and allow

the police to target specific areas.

2 The diagram 2 below shows the percentage of three age groups in a country. Study the diagram
and answer the following questions. (6%)

Diagram 2

a) What are the two responsibilities of working population in the country? (2%)

To support the young children as well as elderly people.

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b) Does this county have the burden of ageing population? If not why it doesn’t have? (2%)

No, because only 11% of the population is in the elderly group.

c) If the low birth rate continue for a few decades, what problem would this country face? (2%)

The ageing population will increase in size.

3 Study the graph 3 below showing the population pyramid. (6%)

Graph 3

a) What does the narrow top indicate about the age structure and life expectancy of the population?

It indicates a small percentage of old people and a low life expectancy. (2%)

b) What does the broad base of the pyramid indicate about the age structure and birth rate of the
country? (2%)

It indicates a large percentage of young people and a high birth rate.

c) Elaborate on the two ways in which population growth can be controlled. (2%)

Education on family planning, incentive and penalies used to discourage large family.

Prepared by: Ng Siew Mee Checked by: Anuratha Murugayah

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