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Class: J1E1/J1E2/J1E3/J1E4
Duration: 80 Minutes


1. This subject consists of 2 papers:

Paper 1: Multiple Choice Questions (40 %)
Paper 2: Subjective Questions (60 %)

1. This paper consists of 3 parts:

Part A: Complete the diagram (10 %)
Part B: Fill in the Blanks (20 %)
Part C: Structured Questions (30 %)

2. Read the instructions for each part of the paper carefully.

3. Answer all the questions on the question paper.
4. Use only blue or black ink to write your answers.
5. This paper consists of 6 printed pages including the front page.

Do Not Turn Over This Page Until You Are Told To Do So

Student’s Name: ___________________ Student’s Number: ____________

Part A: Complete the diagram (10%)

Explain the difference between the homes in 1000 and 1500 according to the topic given.

Topic Homes in 1000 Homes in 1500

1) How they take water. Water was carried from a Water came from the nearby
nearby stream or well. (1.5m) well. (1.5m)

2) How they keep Sometimes animals shared the Animals kept in separate barns.
house to offer warmth and (1.5m)
protection. (1.5m)

What were the changes in armours and weapons between the 11th and the 14th century?

11th century 14th century

3) - horseback - longbow
- shield - arrows
- chainmail - plate armour ( most of the parts)

Part B: Fill in the blanks with appropriate answer from the given choices. (20%)

Richard II deep moat China Muhammad

Thomas of
John of Worcester Arabic France
William Marshal castle Edward III chemistry

physics Robin Hood Essex Saladin

Baghdad Bristol Caliph John Ball

King Exeter Ali Baba Smithfield

4. In May 1381, villagers in Essex refused to pay taxes and attached the tax collectors.

5. John Ball, a priest from Kent, said that everyone should be seen as equal.

6. To end the Peasants’ Revolt King Richard II made many promises to the rebels, which he
subsequently failed to keep.

7. The Black Death spread from Asia, in around 1345 people in India and
China were dying.

8. At the library in Baghdad, scholars studied mathematics, chemistry, astronomy and other
sciences, including medicine.

9. The storytellers in Baghdad would tell the well-known stories including the tales of
Aladdin and Ali Baba.

10. At the centre of Baghdad was the round city, built in the shape of a circle, and a
deep moat for defence.

11. The palace was right next to the main mosque so that when people bowed down to pray
they were also bowing down to the Caliph.

12. In Baghdad, translators were employed to translate books from other languages into

13. Jerusalem was a holy city for Muslims too. It is the site from which the prophet of Islam -
Muhammad - was taken up to Heaven.

Part C: Structured Questions (30%)

14. Study Source A and then answer the questions that follow.

Source A: Part of the tapestry, which was created just after the Norman Conquest.

a) What is the name of this famous tapestry? (1%)

Bayeux Tapestry.

b) What is the name of the battle that showed in Source A? (1%)

Battle of Hastings.

c) List out TWO questions that you would like to know from this tapestry. (2%)

i) Who are the dead people? Are they Norman or English?

ii) What other weapons did they use? Did they have guns?

What is this flag for?
Did both sides have cavalry?

d) List out TWO information that you can see from Source A (what it definitely tells you).

i) Soldiers wore helmets and a kind of armour.

ii) They had shields and fought with spears and axes.


Some soldiers fought on hourseback.

15. Study Sources A and B and then answer the questions that follow.

Source A: Extracts from Magna Carta.

 I will not make citizens pay taxes without asking the permission of the Lords.
 All free men will be given a fair trial before being put in prison.
 As the King, I will not interfere with the Church.
 Barons will only be fined if other barons believe they are guilty.
 Judges will not be bribed with money.

Source B: A modern historian’s view.

The Magna Carta did not create a fair society for everybody in England.
Only freemen were given fair trials, there was still a lot of bribery in some law courts
and the Church still had lots of problems.

a) Who was the King that had been forced to sign the Magna Carta? (1%)

King John

b) How many clauses that the Magna Carta contained? (1%)

63 clauses

c) Use Source A to identify two groups of people who WOULD HAVE benefitted from
Magna Carta. (2%)

i) Freemen
ii) Barons

the clergy

d) Use Source A and B to identify two groups of people who MIGHT NOT have benefitted
from Magna Carta. (2%)

i) Villeins (men who were not free)

ii) Judges
the King

e) List TWO ways in which Magna Carta could have been made faired. (4%)

i) The Magna Carta could have been improved by ensuring all citizens received a fair

ii) The Magna Carta could have been improved by stopping all bribery in the law

or other relevant answer.

16. Around 1200, Daniel of Beccles wrote The Book of the Civilised Man. State TWO of
his advices when you are in eating. (4%)

a) Cut up your food into small portions with your knife.

b) Pick up your food with your thumb and index finger only.
Do not lick your fingers, or pick your teeth, or talk with your mouth full, or put
your elbows on the table, or pick your nose.

Do not let pigs or cats into the hall although dogs and hawks are allowed.

Turn round if you have to spit on the floor.

Do not urinate in the hall unless you are the lord.

17. What did medieval people believe caused the Black Death? List TWO explanations that
people gave at the time. (4%)

a) It’s a punishment from God because we have been wicked.

b) It’s the planets, Saturn, Jupiter and Mars are close together. That’s always a sign
of wonderful, terrible or violent things.
God is punishing us because of the ridiculous fashions people wear nowadays.

The air has been infected by evil vapours released by earthquakes. That’s what
is killing people.

It’s all the fault of the children who do not obey their parents.

Because the humours in people’s bodies are out of balance.

18. List TWO attempted remedies that medieval people tried to stop the spread of the Black
Death in England. (4%)

a) They lit fires and spread perfumes in the air to keep away the bad smells.

b) They bled the sick and purged them to empty their bowels. This was to balance
their humours and so make them better.


They made a candle as tall as a man, or even big enough to encircle a village, and
burned it night and day.

Some thought that by living quietly they could avoid the danger.

Others said that plenty of drinking, singing and enjoyment would stop the plague.

The King ordered all the streets in the cities to be cleaned of rubbish and animal

They whipped themselves until it really hurt so God knew they were sorry.

They prayed to God for forgiveness for all their sins.

___________________________ ___________________________
Prepared by: Ms. Low Shi Yeen Checked by: Mr. Choong Hwa San

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