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Introduction to

(An APM tool)
What is AppDyanamics ?

An agent based tool or an APM to monitor the application performance.

It gives Real-time performance monitoring from code-level to customer

experience through a controller UI

It also platform to get infrastructure visibility and application analytics

It keep all team member including Developer ,DBA, Engineering Team and
Marketing team on same page

Save time by troubleshooting the problem quickly

AppD Infrastructure
Application Monitoring
It provides Application Monitoring on below basis :

Business Transactions

Service Endpoints

Tire & Nodes

Remote Services
End-User Monitoring
Browser Real User Monitoring

Mobile User Real Monitoring

Browser Synthetic Monitoring

Database Monitoring

Database monitoring is done by a database Agent which is a

standalone Java program that collects performance
statistics about your database instances and database

One Database Agent can monitor 100 - 200 database


You can run additional backup Database Agents that take

over for your primary Database Agents in case the primary
ones go offline

You can see up to 100 slow sql queries running on you

environment and see the correlate business transaction
affected by that one
Server Monitoring
It is done to monitor below things on each server by an
standalone agent.

CPU Usage


Disk I/O Operations per sec

Network I/O Packets per sec

Application Analytics
AppDynamics Application Analytics enables you to do real-time
analysis of business performance that is correlated with the
performance of your application software.

Application Analytics can help you answer business-oriented

questions such as:

How many users experienced failed checkout transactions in

the last 24 hours? How much revenue was lost because of
these failures? How is that revenue distributed across
different product categories?

What is your revenue for the day for a geographical region?

What was the revenue impact by product category associated

with the two marketing campaigns we ran last week?
Alert and Respond
Alerts let you know when problems exist and help you anticipate
problems that might be developing.

Responses let you automate preventative actions to address those

problems before they cause a severe slowdown or outage.

The alert and respond system is made up of four parts:

Health rules: define key performance metric thresholds for your

application, across the stack.

Policies: link health rule violations and other performance-based

events with appropriate actions.

Actions: automate what should be done in response to a wide variety

of events, such as sending alerts and performing diagnostic and
remedial tasks.

Email digests: send a compilation of messages sent to a recipient list

when specified events occur.
Thank You

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