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The Alohamana Technique

“The results have been quite incredible, sometimes even unnerving

in their effectiveness.”
Here is the experimental process I have developed:

1. Inhale slowly while silently saying “alo.”

2. At the same time, focus your energy in your heart as if there
were a spinning golden ball of energy inside or surrounding
3. Exhale quickly as you silently say “ha!”
4. After the exhale, pause and silently say a positive command
like “make my keys appear now!”
Always say the word “now” to reinforce the idea that now is
the moment of power.
5. At the same time, expand the energy outward from your
heart, or if it’s for a person, surround them with the energy.
6. Repeat four times.
7. Breathe normally and silently repeat “mahalo” three times.

The Secret of Huna: be Mindful

As you think about Huna the way I do, you have “Huna” in your mind like a
Mantra. A word that is in your head all the time. Like a sticky notepad that
you can not shake from your fingers no matter what you do. The answer to
this problem is to live Mindful, be mindful.

Huna meaning Secret, is only as secret as secretive you are in your thinking-
feeling. Your imagination can bring you very far, but just as far you can let go
of your own limitations.

Huna is an honorable exploration of your imagination. Focused energy as

you use when you focus your thoughts is the real Secret. The steps like in the


Eight Principles of Huna

1. IKE –The world is what you think it is

2. KALA –There are no limits, everything is possible
3. MAKIA –Energy flows where attention goes
4. MANAWA –Now is the moment of power
5. ALOHA –To love is to be happy with
6. MANA –All power comes from within
7. PONO –Effectiveness is the measure of truth
8. MALUHIA – Mindfulness (peace) :: Wu wei

are there for you to magnify your actions and to bring into reality what you
imagine to happen. To see it happen. Because you know! Energy flows, where
your attention goes.

There are those who question. Those who question the effectivity of the
Secret are those who are not capable of being mindful. Mindfulness is to
observe and to learn. Those who can not manage to do either, are the ones
who question. But do they question the effectivity or … do they question
their own capacity to make things happen. To observe and to learn.

Really mindfulness is really only observing. Now to act is something

different then Wu Wei. The Chinese equivalent of dolce far niente, where
you accept the things how they are. No interference. Really mindfulness is
really only observing. Observing and learning how things evolve. How
emotions, pains constrain us in our being in the now. The pure act of only
observing has so much power you can not believe. It is life changing. It is that
we are used to act, to make things different. To take steps mentioned.
Taking the steps so we have the thinking-feeling notion of being able to
make things change. Because we do that out of habit we forget to stay at the
source of our being. To stay mindful. To be mindful.

To be mindful is the real secret of Huna. It is the alpha and the omega. It is
the first and last step for human kind. For the next stage is within humans
grasp. It is going High in Now. To finally really, really realize there is only now
and the world of the unimaginable is opening before your mind’s eye. You
can make in happen, be Mindful.

Project management in light of Huna

As you may recall: The Eight (7 + 1) Principles of Huna. With
focus on a study on Project management I saw a strikeful
resemblence with the steps as they are defined for managing a
project nowadays.

The Eight (7+1) Principles of Huna

1. IKE -The world is what you think it is

2. KALA -There are no limits, everything is possible
3. MAKIA -Energy flows where attention goes
4. MANAWA -Now is the moment of power
5. ALOHA -To love is to be happy with
6. MANA -All power comes from within
7. PONO -Effectiveness is the measure of truth
8. MALUHIA – “See” the good of it in the world; Wu Wei

I was struck so much I didn’t want to withhold you this line of

thought and wrote is as follows:

Step 1. Every project begins with an idea, a notion of something

wanting to happen. You don’t know what. There is only this energy
that drives you to learn about that new something. (IKE == Vision)

Step 2. And in the meantime your thoughts become clearer and

clearer. Where there first was just a notion, you now start to sense
the magnitude of that sensation (KALA == Mission)

Step 3. With your number of thoughts growing, your ideas start to

sprout in the world. And these ideas get form and shape. (MAKIA
== Design)

Step 4. You find the urge to name these ideas. Even if it were only
for the sake of discrimination the one thought with the other.
(MANAWA == Definition)

Step 5. Then there is a moment you want to write down every

thought. And ponder the quality, the quantity and the relationship
with the other thoughts. Weighing and dismissing the ones that are
found to be light. So you are feeling happy with the streamline of
the project until now. (ALOHA == Plan of Action)

Step 6. Knowing what to do, you take action. Knowing what to do

you step forward with strength and power. All power comes from
within (MANA == Realization)

Step 7. Now that you have finished your project. You have to test if
everything is according the Vision, Mission, Definition and Design.
This is the quality check of your project. You now have the time to
correct the things you have done. And make sure you are happy in
all ways. (PONO == Post Project)

Step 8. After the work is done, it good to let everything come to

rest. From inertia comes chaos, and from chaos inertia.
Contemplate about the effects. (MALUHIA == Let it be, peace)

Now, I do not consider this to be a unique way of looking at Project

management and these Eight Principles of Huna. Nevertheless I
do not wish to withhold you from not telling it to you or anybody
else. And since this is a blog, it is the privilege of the writer to write
your feelings and ideas. And guess what .. I am feeling great
having told you.

I wonder what your ideas are when you follow this line of thinking
while you are implementing Project management in your live.
Doesn’t give it a sense of magick to your path?


Project management (following huna principles):

step 1. vision
(ike – the world is what you think it is)
– what? what is the idea or the notion of something wanting to
– why? identify the energy that drives to learn something new
– how? develop a vision of how to realise the vision!

step 2. mission
(kala – there are no limits, everything is possible)
– clarify thoughts – become more specific
– from original concepts/seeds start to develop the different

step 3. focus
(makia – energy flows where attention goes)
– discipline/consistent focus
– creating the environment in which to realise the project
– apply focus/energy to relevant possibilities without getting too

step 4. design/definition
(manawa – now is the moment of power)
– be more specific about ideas/thoughts/numbers
– start to name design/concepts/processes as a means to
distinguish one idea from the other

step 5. plan of action

(aloha – to love is to be happy with)
– write down every thought
– ponder the quality, quantity and relationship with other thoughts
– selection of thoughts/concepts of substance to be used in

step 6. realization
(mana – all power comes from within)

– realizing the vision

– creating the project using skills/intuition/available resources
– from planning to reality
– action based on knowledge/planning….

step 7. post project assessment

(pono – effectiveness is the measure of truth)
– adjustments based on assessment of completed project

Shaman Stones For Empowerment

by Jim Fallon

"Shaman Stones" is the name given by Dr. Serge Kahili King to a

type of divination practice derived from ancient Hawaiian
shamanism using seven stones or something similar. Divination is
the art of recognizing and aligning oneself--or placing yourself in
the right relationship-- with the signs of destiny. The goal of a
stone reading is to receive information and energy patterns that
will help you bring your life into balance, or ho'oponopono, as in
"to put to rights; to put in order or shape, correct, revise," to help
you come into right relationship at the levels of the physical,
mental, emotional, soul and spirit. By providing an energetic map
of a situation in the casting layout, a stone reading also provides
you with the opportunity to shift the situation energetically to
bring you into greater alignment with the life of your dreams.

In many traditions, objects like the stones can also be

representations of archetypal animals that are more than symbols-
-they represent primordial energies or spirits. Modern
metaphysics would relate these to the seven states of
consciousness, which are represented by all traditions in some
way. In Huna, they relate to the seven principles. In Yoga, they
relate to the seven chakras. In Andean Shamanism, they relate to
the seven Sawyas (similar to the seven principles of Huna).

Each archetype can be symbolized by a power animal that is

considered to have a life and powers of its own. Although
archetypal power animals vary among native cultures, the

principles and the properties of these energies or states of

consciousness remain the same because they stand for the same
principles of nature. The important point is not what we label
these energies, or even which power animals we use, but that we
know them well enough so that when we call, they respond.

Let's take this beyond ordinary divination, which is merely seeking

answers to questions, and into the realm of self empowerment.

Consulting with the shaman stones or a single stone is like talking

over one's problem with an expert or friend. You will use thought
language, which means asking a question and then allowing the
answer to come to you in a returning thought, feeling, symbol.
image, etc. It is important to trust the first impression received.
Here are some ideas for doing that.

Lay out all your shaman stones in a circle. Frame your question or
intent. Focus on either all the stones or one that is calling your
attention, and ask for the answer. Select the stone or in some
cases multiple stones and hold them in your non-dominant hand,
and bring forth in your mind's eye the image of the power animal
or animals represented by the stone or stones. Imagine how it or
they would answer. Bring your hand holding the stone(s) to your
mouth, and perform pikopiko. Inhale with your attention on the
stone(s) and exhale with your attention on your heart.

In the beginning the answers you receive from the thought

language will seem to be "like your making it up". This is the
correct feeling. You are "making up" true things.

In other uses for the shaman stones in daily life, say for example
you're going to do some task, attend some meeting, or do
something that requires power or strength. Select the stone that
represents the bear (see Dr. Serge King's book Urban Shaman for a
list of the seven animals that can be associated with the stones).

Take your bear stone in your non-dominant hand, the receiving

hand, and in your mind's eye try to recall those times in your life
when you felt strong or had felt inner power. Recall the attributes
of the bear. Bring the stone up to your lips, and perform piko piko,
inhale with your attention on the bear stone, exhale with your
attention on your heart, to bring in those attributes to you.

It is always good to have a definite ending to such a session, so

you can simply say, "Thank you" to whoever or whatever you think
is the source, or use the Hawaiian word, amama.

Hawaiian Huna
by Gary Lupton

Hawaiian Huna – Using stones to clear energies of emotion or other issues

The Hawaiian systems works with mana energy (prana, chi, etc). It is a
process of using breath as a way of clearing.

We are using two stone techniques to clear those troubling emotions or

issues we face.

The first process uses three stones, each given the correlating intent.

1. The emotion or issue

2. Clearing the issue

3. The issue cleared

Blow the issue into the first stone. Place it in front of you, and point to
it expressing “You are this issue”. Stand over it, feel the energy. Move to
the second stone and repeat the process, using the corresponding
phrase. Then move to the third stone. Do the process. Turn around and
feel the energy. Is it cleared completely? If not, go to the second stone
repeating the process through the third stone.

The second technique uses five stones.

1. The issue or emotion

2. The opposite

3. Both (1 & 2)

4. Neither of these (1 & 2)

5. Neither of these and not even that

As in the first technique, blow into the stone. Place it in a sort of a

cross pattern:

1) Base 2) Top 3) Left Center 4) Right Center 5) Between 3 & 4

Stand in each place. Feel the energy of each. What does it feel like as
you progress from the issue to neither of these and not even that.

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