Middle East Chronology - 1978-02-16 - 1978-05-15

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Chronology February 16, 1978-May 15, 1978

Reviewed work(s):
Source: Middle East Journal, Vol. 32, No. 3 (Summer, 1978), pp. 323-335
Published by: Middle East Institute
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/4325771 .
Accessed: 19/02/2012 16:23

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February16, 1978-May 15, 1978

Arab Israeli Conflict An Arab was killed and a second wounded in an

explosion on the Hebrew University campus in
Jerusalem. [NYT]
(See also, Lebanon)
Feb. 20: Egyptian Minister of State for Foreign Affairs
Butrus Butrus Ghali flew to Cyprus for discussions
on the Egyptian commando raid. [NYT]
1978 Cyprus agreed to free the surviving Egyptian com-
mandos but demanded the recall of the Egyptian
Feb. 16: Egypt signed a $27m agreement with 2 US oil military attache. [NYT]
companies for oil exploration rights in the buffer zone Egypt announced the withdrawal of its diplomatic
separating Israeli and Egyptian forces in the Sinai. mission from Cyprus and ordered Cypriot diplomats
[NYTI to leave Cairo. [NYT]
Israeli Foreign Minister Moshe Dayan conferred Syrian President Hafiz al-Asad arrived in Moscow
with US President Jimmy Carter and Secretary of for 3 days of talks with Soviet leaders on the Middle
State Cyrus Vance in Washington. [NYT] East situation. [MEED]
Feb. 18: The Palestinian press agency WAFA said that The Israeli Cabinet opened a debate on settlement
Israeli troops and Lebanese Christian militia were policy within occupied Arab lands. [NYT}
"pushing into seven Lebanese border villages" in Feb. 21: US Assistant Secretary of State Afred
southern Lebanon. [NYT} Atherton, Jr., held separate talks with Israeli Premier
Two Palestinian terrorists assassinated Y-usuf al- Menahem Begin and Foreign Minister Dayan in Israel
Siba'i, editor of Al Ahram, in Nicosia and then on a joint "declaration of principles" by Egypt and
took 30 people hostage. [NYT} Israel. [NYT]
The hijackers released all but 11 hostages and Feb. 22: Egypt broke diplomatic relations with Cyprus.
boarded a plane at Larnacaairport. [NYT] [NYT]
Feb. 19: After being refused landing permission at US Assistant Secretary of State Atherton flew to
several airports, the hijacked plane landed in Djibouti. Cairo from Israel as part of his shuttle diplomacy
The plane refuelled and returned to Cyprus where mission. [NYT]
negotiations for release of the hostages began. A proposal for the creation of 31 new settle-
[NYTI ments in occupied Arab territories was presented in
Egyptian commandos flew to Cyprus and stormed Jerusalem to a congress of the World Zionist Or-
the aircraft. A gunbattle between the commandos and ganization. [NYT]
the Cypriot National Guard left 15 commandos dead. Feb. 23: Atherton met with Egyptian Foreign Minister
[NYTI Muhammad Ibrahim Kamil in Cairo to discuss the
Cyprus said that the Egyptian commando raid had proposed declaration of principles. [NYT]
taken place without Cypriot permission and that it had Feb. 24: US Secretary of State Vance warned Congress
disrupted negotiations with the terrorists. [NYT] that a proposal to provide Israel with 90 warplanes
The hijackers surrendered to Cypriot authorities would be withdrawn if Congress blocked a proposed
and freed the hostages. [NYT} sale of planes to Egypt and Saudi Arabia. [NYT]
Cypriot President Spyros Kyprianou protested the Feb. 26: The Israeli Cabinet decided not to change its
Egyptian commando action. [NYT) policy on settlements. [NYT]

List of Abbreviations
CSM, The Christian Science Monitor; EG, Egyptian Gazette; FBIS, Foreign Broadcast Information Service Daily
Report-Middle East and North Africa; JP, The JerusalemPost; MEED,Middle East EconomicDigest; MEES, Middle
East EconomicSurvey; NYT, The New York Times; TDN, Turkish Daily News; WP, The Washington Post.


Feb. 27: Egyptian Premier MamdluhSalim said that spe- territories, "including the West Bank," it would be a
cial privileges previously granted to Palestinians living "very serious blow" to the prospects for peace in the
in Egypt would be withdrawn. [NYT} Middle East. [NYTI
Syria said it had rejected a proposed visit by March 10: Carter and Weizman held talks in Wash-
Atherton to Damascus because it would "not serve a ington on the situation in the Middle East. [NYT]
just and lasting peace in the area." [NYT] March 11.: Palestinian terrorists landed on a beach in
Atherton presented Israeli Premier Begin with an Israel, seized a bus and fought with police on the out-
Egyptian draft for a declaration of peace principles. skirts of Tel Aviv. The attack left 34 Israelis, an
[NYT] American and 9 of the 11 terrorists dead. [NYT)
Feb. 28. Atherton met with Egyptian Foreign Minister Al Fath claimed responsibility for the terrorist at-
Kamil and later said the Palestinian question re- tack. [NYT)
mained the "most difficult part"of negotiations toward Begin postponed a trip to the US because of the
a declaration of peace principles. [NYT} Palestinian attack. [NYT]
March 1: Atherton met with Egyptian President Anwar March 12: A curfew for Jews was placed on parts of
al-Sadat in Egypt and later flew to Israel. [NYT] Israel. It was lifted after the bodies of 3 of the ter-
WAFA said that a firing squad had executed a rorists were found. [NYT]
Palestinian for his part in the killing of a Palestinian March 13. Begin warned that Israel would "cut off the
official in Paris more than 5 years earlier. [NYT] evil arm" of those who were responsible for the raid.
The New YorkTimes reported that former US Presi- [NYT]
dent Lyndon Johnson had been informed by the CIA March 14: Sadat condemned the raid, calling it "ir-
in 1968 that Israel had nuclear bombs. [NYTI responsible." [NYT}
March 2: US President Carter said that one of the Israeli troops crossed into Lebanon late at night to
"crucial elements" necessary for peace in the Middle root out the terrorist bases" there. [NYT]
East was a "cleaving to the commitment" that UN March 15: Kimil denounced the Israeli incursion as
Security Council Resolution 242 was a basis for an act of "organized genocide" which was a "flagrant
continued negotiations. [NYT] violation" of Lebanon's sovereignity. [NYT]
Atherton met with Begin and delivered a personal Israeli forces occupied a "security belt" about 6
note from Egyptian President Sidat. [NYTI miles into Lebanese territory. [NYT]
The US Embassy in Tel Aviv said an Israeli in- Israeli planes struck at Damur and at Palestinian
vestigation into charges that a Palestinian-American camps on the outskirts of Beirut and Tyre. Israeli
charged with being a member of a guerrilla group had gunboats lobbed shells into residential sections near
been mistreated by Israeli authorities had deter- the port of Tyre. Civilian deaths were reported.
mined he had not been mistreated in any way. [NYT] [NYT]
March 3. Dayan suggested that Israel put into effect Lebanon protested against the Israeli "naked ag-
parts of the peace plan granting administrative self gression". [NYT]
rule to the West Bank and Gaza even if negotiations The Soviet press agency Tass condemned the
with Egypt remained stalled. [NYTI invasion as a "bandit sally". [NYT]
March 4: The New York Times reported that Israel had March 16: Israeli military forces engaged in "mop-
informed the US it did not accept the US view that ping-up" operations in southern Lebanon. [NYTI
UN Resolution 242 obligated Israel to withdraw from The US said the territorial integrity of Lebanon
parts of the West Bank and Gaza. [NYT] was "a matter of fundamental concern" to the US
Atherton met with King IHusaynin Jordan. Later a and that it expected Israel to withdraw from
Jordanian spokesman said thatJordan was unwilling to Lebanon. [NYT]
take part in the peace talks "under the present March 17: Beirut radio reported that Israeli forces
conditions." [NYT] had advanced beyond the 6 mile "security belt" and
March 6: Dayan said that there was "no contradiction" taken a guerrilla strongpoint at Tibnine. [NYT}
between the Israeli position on the West Bank and Lebanon asked the UN Security Council to demand
Gaza and the meaning of UN Resolution 242. [NYT] that Israel withdraw its troops from Lebanese ter-
Atherton met with Sadat and delivered to him a ritory. [NYT]
letter from Begin. [NYT] Syrian Foreign Minister 'Abd al-Halim Khaddam
Israeli Defense Minister Ezer Weizman told Begin met with President Ilyas Sarkis and Foreign Affairs
that he would terminate a visit to the US and resign Minister Fu'ad Butrus in Beirut on the invasion.
if work was started on a new Israeli settlement in [MEED]
the West Bank. [NYT] The Vatican said that Pope Paul VI was saddened
March 7. A group of about 350 Israeli reservist officers by "Israel's indiscriminate bombardment of defense-
and soldiers called on Begin in a letter to choose peace less refugee camps and Lebanese cities." [NYT]
with the Arabs over territories. [JP} Palestinian guerrillas fired rockets and mortars into
March 8: Israeli Defense Minister Weizman met with US northern Israel. [NYT]
Defense Secretary Harold Brown in Washington on Jordan called for an Arab summit meeting to deal
security matters and arms requests. [NYT] with the invasion of Lebanon. [NYT]
March 9. Carter said that if any nation rejected the March 18: Israeli Chief of Staff Mordechai Gur said
application of UN Resolution 242 to the occupied that Israel might move deeper into Lebanon if

Palestinian rocket attacks against Israeli settlements taking up positions around a bridge over the Litani
were to continue. [NYT) River on the coastal road. [NYT)
Syrian President Asad declared that Syrian ter- Lebanese Premier Huss visited Tyre. [NYT}
ritory would be open to all Arabs to pass through March 28: Arab League representatives called on
to fight against Israeli forces in Lebanon. [NYT] Sudanese President Ja'far al-Numayri to head a high
The US proposed that the UN Security Council level committee that would "settle Arab differences"
call for immediate withdrawal of Israeli forces from and pave the way for a summit meeting of Arab
Lebanon and that the UN should form a peace- leaders. [NYT}
keeping force in Lebanon. [NYT) Begin disclosed he had sent a letter to Sadat urging
March 19: Israeli forces took control of most of resumption of contacts between Egypt and Israel.
Lebanon south of the Litani River. An Israeli spokes- [NYT)
man said 7 more villages had been captured. [NYT) PLO leader Yasir 'Arafat said the PLO would
The UN Security Council voted by 12 to 0 in provide "all facilities" to the UN peacekeeping force
favor of a resolution which called on Israel to with- "to facilitate the withdrawal of Israeli forces"
draw its forces from all Lebanese territory and which from Lebanon. [NYTI
decided to establish a UN interim peacekeeping March 29: A Swedish soldier in the UN peacekeeping
force in Lebanon. [NYTI force was killed and another wounded in a mine
Representatives from Syria, Algeria, South Yemen, explosion near a bridge over the Litani River. [NYT)
Libya and the PLO met in Damascus. Syrian Foreign The New YorkTimes reported that Israel had begun
Minister Khaddam called on Arab nations to counter producing oil from 2 wells offshore in the Gulf of
the "dangerous situation" caused by the Israeli in- Suez south of the occupied Sinai town of El Tur.
vasion. [NYTI [NYTI
March 20: Israeli troops occupied positions about 2 March 30: UN peacekeeping troops took up positions
miles from Tyre. [NYT) in the south. There were no reports of fighting in
Palestinian positions at Beaufort Castle were Lebanon. [NYT}
bombed by Israeli planes. [NYT) Weizman met with Sadat in Cairo. An Egyptian
March 21: Weizman issued a ceasefire order to Israeli spokesman said that no progress had been made in
troops in all areas of southern Lebanon. [NYT} the talks. [NYT)
Israeli soldiers dispersing a demonstration in Beit March 31: Talks between Weizman and Sadit resumed.
Jallah against the invasion of Lebanon threw tear gas Later Weizman returned to Israel and met with
grenades into a classroom of an Arab secondary Begin. [NYT)
school. [NYTI April 1: About 30,000 Israelis of the "Peace Now"
Carter and Begin met in Washington. A White Movement rallied in Tel Aviv to urge that Israel take a
House spokesman described the talks as "serious and more flexible negotiating stance in order to achieve
candid." [NYT) peace. [JP}
Lebanese Premier Salim al-Huss met with Asad in Huss said that PLO leader 'Arafat had assured
Damascus. [FBIS) him that the Palestinians would continue to observe
March 23: Lebanon appealed for aid to help 200,000 the ceasefire. [NYT]
Lebanese and 65,000 Palestinian refugees who had The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
fled from Israeli troops. [NYT) (PFLP) said that Wadi' Haddad, a founder of the
March 24: Lebanon and the Arab peacekeeping force in PFLP, had died of cancer in East Germany on March
Lebanon announced a total ban on the entry of 28. [NYT)
material and manpower assistance for the Palestinian April 2: Syria charged Israel with responsibility for
guerrillas in Lebanon. [NYT) the deaths of 12 Syrian soldiers and civilians in mine
March 25: The PLO reported it had conducted raids explosions in the Jawlan region. Israel denied re-
inside Israeli lines. [NYT) sponsibility. [NYT}
March26: Swedish troops of the UN peacekeeping force Arab students in Nablus, Tulkarim and Jenin
near the Litani River were caught in a crossfire be- demonstrated against the Israeli invasion of Leb-
tween Palestinians and Christian militiamen. The UN anon. [NYT}
troops withdrew unhurt. [NYT) The Israeli Cabinet expressed its "regret" that
The Israeli Cabinet unanimously endorsed the Egypt had rejected a resumption of negotiations.
peace position of Begin as "a fair basis for negotiating [NYT]
with the Arab states." [NYT) April 3: Israel announced it had begun withdrawing its
March 27. The Arab League opened a council meeting forces from Lebanon the week before. [NYT]
in Cairo. Iraq, South Yemen, Algeria, Libya and April 4: Sporadic gunfire broke out in south Lebanon
Syria boycotted the meeting. [NYT) between Israeli troops and guerrillas. [NYT}
The US State Department denied published re- A Cypriot court sentenced 2 Palestinians to death
ports that the US was using an Israeli airfield in for their part in the assassination of an Egyptian
occupied Sinai for reconnaissance flights. [NYT) editor in February. [NYT]
Weizman toured northern Israel near the Leb- Rumanian President Ceausescu told Dayan in
anese border. [NYT) Bucharest that Israel should withdraw from occupied
UN troops were blocked by Palestinians from Arab lands. [NYT]

April 5: Vance sent a letter to Congress saying that an April 16: The Israeli Cabinet issued a statement re-
Israeli violation of the 1952 Mutual Defense As- affirming that UN Resolution 242 remained the basis
sistance Agreement "may have occurred by reason of for negotiations with Arab countries. [NYT}
the Israeli operations in Lebanon" but that he was not April 17: UN Secretary General Waldheim met with
recommending "any further action." [NYT] Weizman in Israel on the question of withdrawal
An Arab was slain in Jerusalem at the site where from Lebanon. [NYT}
a Jewish soldier had been killed 12 hours earlier. April 18. Waldheim conferred with Begin and Dayan
[NYT} in Jerusalem on the situation in Lebanon. [NYT}
Sadat said that Begin "should be more flexible" UN and Israeli military commanders agreed to
in peace negotiations. He added that Weizman could schedule Israeli withdrawals from Lebanon by the
return to Cairo for talks "whenever there are new following month to a line 6 miles from the Israeli
ideas." [NYT] border. [NYT}
April 6: Three Israeli soldiers who had entered April 20: Weizman said the use of US supplied cluster
Palestinian controlled territory in Lebanon without bombs by Israel during the invasion of Lebanon had
authorization were killed by guerrillas and 4 others been the result of a mistake. [NYT}
were wounded. [NYT] The New YorkTimes reported that US Jews had sent
Israel presented to the UN peacekeeping co- a message of support to leaders of an Israeli "peace
ordinator a 2 stage initial plan for an Israeli troop group" which had held a rally to urge Begin t-oward
evacuation from parts of Lebanon. [NYT] greater flexibility" towards the Arabs. [NYT]
April 7: US officials said that Israel had apparently Christian and Muslim political leaders in Lebanon
broken an agreement with the US when it used US met to try to reach agreement on a program of
made cluster bombs in the invasion of Lebanon. national unity as the first step for the formation of
[NYT} a new government. [NYT]
UN Secretary General Kurt Waldheim criticized as April 21. Atherton arrived in Cairo for talks with
inadequate the Israeli plan for initial withdrawal Egyptian leaders. [NYT)
from Lebanon. [NYT} April 22: Al Ahram reported that Egypt had arrested
April 8: Huss called for "complete and early" with- about 20 people including some Europeans, con-
drawal of Israeli occupation forces from Lebanon. nected with a terrorist ring that had planned as-
[NYT} sassinations and sabotage in Egypt. [NYT]
April 10: The Israeli military command confirmed that April 23. Atherton met with Sadat in Hurghada and
it had used American made cluster bombs during its said they had reached a "much clearer understand-
invasion of Lebanon. [NYT} ing" on approaches to resume negotiations. [NYT]
A security alert in Israel was ended when reports Lebanese Christian and Muslim political leaders
that Arab terrorists had landed south of Tel Aviv reached agreement on a program of national unity.
turned out to be a hoax. [NYT] Details of the plan were not released. [NYT]
April 11.' Israeli forces began the first stage of a partial April 24: Begin told Israelis living in the West Bank
withdrawal from Lebanon. Areas,vacated were filled town of Hebron that they were "only the start of the
by troops of the United Nations Interim Force in development." [NYTI
Lebanon (UNIFIL). [NYT] Atherton concluded 3 days of talks with Egyptian
April 12: Fighting took place between Christian and officials in Egypt. [NYT]
Muslim areas of Beirut. Syrian peacekeeping troops April 25: The PLO said it would not disarm its guerrilla
bombarded the Christian districts involved. [NYT] groups in Lebanon despite the national unity pro-
Syria accused Israel of having planted a booby gram. [NYT]
trapped eavesdropping device that had exploded near Atherton ended his shuttle trip to the Middle East
the Damascus to Jordan highway April 1 and killed and returned to the US with a message from Sadat
12 persons. [NYT] for Carter. [NYT}
April 13: Syrian peacekeeping troops and Christian A petition signed by 360 Israeli professors and in-
forces announced a ceasefire in Beirut after 5 days of tellectuals in support of the "Peace Now" movement
fighting. [NYT] was published in a Tel Aviv newspaper. A group of
US State Department officials said that the US 300 religious Israelis said they had written Begin
had begun talks with Israel to insure that cluster saying seeking peace was more important than retain-
bombs would not be used by Israel against civilian ing the West Bank. [NYT]
targets again. [NYT] April 26. Israeli tanks took up positions near the city
April 14: Israeli forces completed the second stage of of Tyre after automatic weapons fire between
their initial withdrawal, pulling back from 25 square Palestinian guerrillas and Israeli occupation forces
miles of territory. [NYT] had broken out. [NYT]
April 15: At least 25,000 Israelis demonstrated in About 4,000 Israelis of the "Peace Now" move-
support of Begin in Tel Aviv. [NYT] ment held a vigil along the road from Jerusalem to
The Lebanese government charged that Israeli Tel Aviv to urge a change in Israel's West Bank
troops remained in parts of south Lebanon which policy. [NYT]
they had said they would leave under their 2 stage Dayan met with Vance in Washington. [NYTI
withdrawal plan. [NYT] A terrorist bomb exploded in a bus in the West

Bank town of Nablus, killing 2 West Germans. [NYT] public statements of dissent from Israeli policy "would
A Palestinian woman was convicted in Somalia of strengthen or weaken those who negotiate for Israel."
air piracy for her part in the hijacking of a German [NYT]
jetliner the previous October. [NYT) The New York Times reported that the UN Relief
April 27: Villagers near the town of Tyre said that and Works Agency had decided to move its head-
Israeli troops had unearthed a Phoenician tomb nearby quarters out of Lebanon for security reasons. [NYT]
and carried away archeological artifactsfrom it. [NYT] May 7: The PLO said it had launched a "heavy rocket
The Lebanese Parliament voted to ban all private attack"on Jerusalem to commemorate the anniversary
militia activity and all Palestinian guerrilla activity of the Israeli occupation. Israel said 1 person had been
in Lebanon. [NYTJ injured in an explosion of a single rocket. [NYT]
The PLO said that Israeli gunboats and helicopters May 8: UNIFIL moved its headquarters from the out-
had attacked a refugee camp south of Tyre. [NYT] skirts of Tyre to a village south of the city as a
Vance and Dayan ended discussions in Washington. result of recent clashes. [NYT)
Dayan said relations between Israel and the US were May 9" Vance tentatively offered to sell 20 additional
"not bad". [NYT} F-15 fighters to Israel as part of a compromise to
April 30: A French contingent of the UN force near allow the arms sale to Israel, Saudi Arabia and Egypt
Tyre clashed with guerrillas, leaving 2 Lebanese to pass Congress. [NYTI
dead. [NYT} May 10: US Defense Secretary Brown said that Saudi
Israel began the third phase of its troop with- Arabia had agreed to "prohibitions and restrictions"
drawal by evacuating its forces from positions near on the use of F-1 5 fighter planes. [NYT]
Tyre. [NYTI Sadat suggested that the West Bank be returned to
May 1. A land mine blew up a vehicle of the UN Jordan and Gaza to Egypt as interim steps toward
forces in Lebanon, killing 3 Senegalese soldiers. peace. [NYT)
[NYT} May 11': 'Araf-at said that the Palestinians hacd not
A Palestine Information Office, financed by the agreed to a ceasefire in southern Lebanon. [NYT)
PLO, opened in Washington. [NYT] The National Association of Arab Americans filed
'Arafat said that the Soviet-American declaration suit in US Federal District Court to stop US military
of the previous October "could be considered a sales to Israel until it withdrew all its troops from
fundamental basis for a realistic settlement in the Lebanon. [NYT]
Middle East." [NYT} The US Senate Foreign Relations Committee de-
May 2. The Israeli Defense Ministry announced that feated a resolution of disapproval of the plane sale
the commander of the military government in the by a vote of 8 to 8, but voted to refer the matter
occupied West Bank had been dismissed from his to the entire Senate. [NYT)
post over an incident in March in which Israeli May 12: Israeli Chief of Staff Rafael Eitan said Israel
soldiers threw tear gas into a classroom of an Arab should treat the Arabs "as if they wish to destroy us"
secondary school. [NYT] until they make a "truthful declaration that they no
Clashes between French peacekeeping soldiers and longer want the liquidation of Israel." [NYTI
Lebanese gunmen in southern Lebanon left 3 UN Military commanders of the UN and Israel con-
soldiers dead and 7 wounded. [NYT) ferred on further Israeli withdrawals from occupied
A "resolution of disapproval" of a proposed pack- Lebanon. [NYT}
age sale of US planes to Egypt, Saudi Arabia and The New YorkTimes reported that Israel had signed
Israel was signed by 21 of 37 members of the House a secret agreement with the US renewing a pledge
International Relations Committee. [NYT} not to use US supplied cluster bombs except under
May 3: The UN peacekeeping force called off all stipulated conditions. [NYT]
patrols to help reduce tension created by the clashes May 13: Begin said Israel reiterated its refusal to
the day before. [NYT} withdraw to "the aggression-provoking, bloodshed-
The UN Security Council voted to increase the causing" lines it held before 1967. [NYTI
UNIFIL contingent from 4,000 to 6,000 men. Saudi Arabian King Khalid said that Saudi Arabia
[MEED} sought US planes to blunt "Communist expansion in
May 4: A special committee of the World Health the area." [NYT]
Organization reported that there had been "some May 14. The Israeli Cabinet discussed charges that
improvement" in medical care in occupied Arab ter- Chief of Staff Eitan had meddled in political matters
ritory but that health care had "not attained the by making his statements. It then voted to cut off
technical level" it should have in so long a period of debate. [NYTI
occupation. [NYTI Israel said that the sending of aircraft to Saudi
The PLO said it was -using "maximum political Arabia and Egypt would constitute a "serious danger
and military pressure" to prevent further attacks on to Israel's security." [NYT]
UN peacekeeping forces in Lebanon. [NYT} May 15. The US Senate voted 54 to 44 against a
May 5. Commander of the United Nations peacekeeping move to reject the proposal to sell Israel, Saudi
force in Lebanon Emmanuel Erskine met with Arabia and Egypt jet fighters. [NYT]
'Arafat in Beirut. [NYT] About 80 armed Palestinian guerrillas, surrounded
May 6: Begin urged US Jews to consider whether for 2 days by UN peacekeeping troops in south

Lebanon, agreed to withdraw from their positions. March 4: Daud met with Indian Premier Morarji
[NYTI Desai in New Delhi. [FBIS]
April 25: It was reported from Hong Kong that Aqbar
Khabir, one of the founders of the Afghanistan
General Communist group Parcham, had been murdered in
Kabul on April 17. {FBIS}
April 27: The government was overthrown in a coup led
1978 by insurgents in the armed forces, and a military
March 14. France signed a military cooperation agree- revolutionary council assumed power. Government
ment covering arms production and technical as- radio reported that Daud was "gone forever." [NYT)
sistance with 4 Arab states. [NYT] April 28: Sporadic fighting between rival military units
May 5: A French Defense Ministry spokesman said that continued. [NYT)
French military planes had helped Mauritanian forces April 29: The government radio reported that the
stop a column of insurgents advancing on Zouerate 2 Defense Minister, Interior Minister, Vice President
days earlier. [NYT] and the Defense Chief Commander had been killed
in the coup along with Daud and his brother. [NYT]
April 30: A "Revolutionary Council" was proclaimed.
Nur Mohammad Taraki was named President and
Petroleum Affairs Premier of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan.
1978 The Revolutionary Council selected the following
March 7: UAA Oil Minister Mina' Sa'id al-'Utaybah Babbrak Karmal:Deputy Premier
called on oil producing states to adopt an oil price Hafizollah Amin: Deputy Premierand Foreign
fixing system based on a basket of currencies. Mohammad Aslam: Deputy Premier and Communi-
[FBIS] cations
March 8: Kuwayti Finance Minister 'Abd al-Rahman Abdol Qader: National Defense
al-'Atiqi flew to Saudi Arabia for discussions on the Shah Wali: Public Health
decline of the US dollar with respect to other Nur Ahmad Nur: Interior
currencies. [NYT} Dastagir Panishiri: Education
March 30: IranianFinance Minister Muhammad Yiganah Sultan Ali Keshtmand: Planning
warned that the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Soleyman La'eq:Radio & Television
Counties (OPEC) would have to take steps if the Saleh Mohammad Iayee: Agriculture
dollar weakened further. [NYT] Abdol Karim Wesa: Finance
May 6: An OPEC Ministerial meeting opened in Barek Shafe'i: Information& Culture
Ta'if, Saudi Arabia. The question of pricing oil in a Abdol Hakim Shara'i:Justice and Attorney General
currency other than the US dollar was discussed. Anahita Patebzad: Social Affairs
[NYTI Abdol Qadu Ghorbandi: Commerce
May 7: The OPEC Ministerial meeting ended in Mohammad Ismail Danesh: Mines & Industries
Ta'if. No action was taken on the problem of the Mohammad Rafi: Public Works
decline in value of the US dollar. [MEES] Mohammad Mansur Hashmi: Water & Power
May 10: Oil Ministers from the Organization of Arab Pohand Mahmud Suma: Higher Education
Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC) met in Nezamoddin Tahzib: Tribal Affairs [FBISI
Kuwayt. [MEED] May 1: Shah Mohammad Dost and Abdul Hadi Mokamel
were named jointly as Foreign Minister. [NYT]
May 6.' Premier Taraki said Afghanistan was "non-
Afghanistan aligned and independent." [NYT}
May 9.' Libyan Foreign Secretary 'Ali 'Abd al-Salam
al-Turayki arrived in Kabul and met with Taraki.
(See also, Kuwayt, Pakistan) [FBISJ

Feb. 19: Seyyed Abdol Elah was appointed Vice
President. [FBIS]
Feb.21: President Mohammad Daud left Kabul for Bel- (See also, Arab Israeli Conflict)
grade on an official visit to Yugoslavia. [FBIS)
Feb. 24: The Middle East EconomicDigest reported that 1978
a trial of 25 people accused of plotting to assassinate
President Daud had begun in Kabul. [MEED] March 25: President Houari Boumedienne announced a
Feb. 25: Daud arrived in Libya for talks on bilateral 33% cost of living increase in the minimum
relations. [MEED} monthly wage. [NYTI

March 27: The Algerian based subsidiaries of 3 French April 19: UN Secretary General Waldheim transmitted
companies were nationalized by Presidential decree. Turkish proposals for settlement of the Cyprus ques-
[MEED} tion to President Kyprianou. Kyprianou termed the
May 10: Sudanese President Ja'far al-Numayri arrived proposals "ridiculous". [NYT)
in Algeria and met with President Boumedienne. Turkish Cypriot leader Rauf Denkta? accused
[FBIS] Kyprianou of rejecting the proposals in order to
prevent the US arms embargo on Turkey from being
lifted. [NYT)
Bahrayn April 24: A new Cabinet of the self-proclaimed "Turk-
ish Federated State of Cyprus" was formed:
Rauf Denkta?: Head of State
1978 Osman Orek: Premier
March 31: The Middle East Economic Digest cited Orhan Zihni Bilgehan: Defenseand Interior
Minister for Development and Industry Y-usufAhmad Huseyin Erdal:Economyand Finance
al-Shirawi as saying the Cabinet had accepted a Vedat ;elik: Tourism and Information
"recommendation for 100% ownership of the produc- Erol Kazim Anda~: Public Works& Communications
ing and local marketing facilities" at present exer- Kenan Atakol: Education & Culture
cised by the Bahrain Petroleum Company. [MEED] Ihsan Kiiuiik: Agriculture & Resources
April 13: Yemeni Premier 'Abd al-'Aziz 'Abd al-Wali Mustafa Cagatay:Labor,Social Affairs & Health
arrived in Manama on a 3 day visit and met with Hakki Atun: Housing & Rehabilitation
Amir Shaykh 'Isa bin Salman Al Khalifah. [FBIS) Feridun Adahan: Village Affairs & Cooperatives
April 21: The Middle East EconomicDigest quoted Crown Tansel Fikri: Enterprises& Industry [MEED)
Prince and Defense Minister Shaykh Hamad bin May 2: Turkish Premier Bulent Ecevit called for the
'Isa Al Khalifah as saying the "entire border" between resumption of intercommunal talks on Cyprus.
Qatar and Bahrayn needed to be settled. [MEED] [MEEDI
May 8: Libyan Foreign Secretary 'Ali 'Abd al-Salam
al-Turayki arrived in Manama and met with Foreign
Minister Shaykh Muhammad bin Mubarak. [FBIS]
Cyprus (See also, Arab Israeli Conflict)

(See also, Arab Israeli Conflict, Turkey) 1978

Feb. 16: Egypt impounded 2 Kenyan passenger planes in
1978 reaction to the interception by Kenya of an Egyptian
Feb. 28: Spyros Kyprianou was inaugurated President plane bound for Somalia the day before. [FBIS]
for a 5 year term. [MEED] March 1: The New York Times reported that Egypt had
March 8: A new Cabinet was announced: ordered 46 Mirage F-1 jets from France. [NYTI
Nicos Rolandis: ForeignAffairs March 19: Five members of the religious organization
Andreas Patsalides: Finance Jama't al-Takfir wa al-Hijrah were executed for their
George loannides: Minister to President parts in the killing of a former Cabinet Minister the
Khristodoulos Veniamin: Interior and Defense year before. [NYT)
George Tombazos: Agriculture & Natural Resources March 28: The People's Assembly voted 279 to 19 to
Andreas Mikellidhis: Health expel a member from Alexandria for having insulted
Khrisostomos Sofianos: Education the People's Assembly and the President. [FBIS]
Andreas Papageorghiou: Commerce& Industry April 28: Deputy Premier for Financial and Economic
Marios Eliades: Communications& Works Affairs 'Abd al-Mun'im al-Qays5ni departed for the
Emilios Theodolou: Labor & Social Insurance US for medical treatment. [MEED]
Petros Michaelides: Justice May 4: Sudanese President Ja'far al-Numayri met with
Stelios Katsellis: Deputy Interior President Anwar al-Sadat in Alexandria. [FBIS]
Kostas Hadiistephanou: Deputy Education [MEED] May 7: Sudanese President Numayri arrived in Alex-
March 24: The Premier of the self-declared "Turkish andria for talks with President Sadat. [FBIS)
Federated State of Cyprus," Necat Konuk, resigned A new Cabinet was announced:
following demonstrations against price increases. Mamduh Salim: Premier
[MEED] Muhammad 'Abd al-Ghani al-Jamasi:Deputy Premier
April 13: A Turkish Cypriot delegation met with UN and War & War Production.
Secretary General Kurt Waldheim and said it was Ahmad Sultan: Deputy Premier for Production and
prepared to discuss territorial questions with Greek Electricity& Energy
Cypriots. Proposals for the establishment of a federal Ahmad Fu'id Muhyi al-Din: Statefor People'sAssembly
government were also presented. [NYT) Affairs

Ahmad 'Izz al-Din Hilal: Industry, Petroleum & Feb. 21. It was reported that the death toll from riots
Mining in Tabriz had reached 9. [NYTI
Mustafa Kamal Hilmi: Educationand Statefor Scientific Feb. 23: Troops were withdrawn from Tabriz. [NYT)
Research Feb. 27: East German police stormed the Iranian
Muhammad Hamid Mahmiud:State for Local Govern- Embassy in Berlin and arrested Iranian students who
ment, Youth & Political & Popular Organizations had occupied the building. [NYT]
Zakariyya Tawfiq 'Abd al-Fatt-ah:Trade March 6: The New York Times cited a "high official" in
'Abd al-'Azim Abiu al-'Ata: Irrigation & State for the government as saying that Iran would defend
Sudan Affairs Somalia "if the Ethiopians and Cubans were so un-
'Isa 'Abd al-Hamid Shahin: State for Cabinet Affairs wise as to push across its borders." [NYTI
Hamid 'Abd al-Latif al-Sayyih: Economy& Economic March 16: A motion to censure the government for its
Coofperation handling of riots in Tabriz was introduced in
Ibrahlm Jamil Mustafa Badran: Health Parliament. [NYT)
Mahmiud Salah al-Din Hamid: Finance The New York Times reported that the government
Shaykh Muhammad Mutawalli 'Abd al-Hafiz al- had announced a "shakeup" in the Tabriz branch of
Sha'rwil: Awqaf and State for Al Azhar Affairs SAVAK. [NYTI
'Abd al-Mun'im Mahmuid al-Sawi: Information & March 23: Jordanian King Ijusayn arrived in Tehran
Culture for talks with the Shah. [MEED]
IbrThim MahmiudShukri: Land Reclamation April 2.' Demonstrators in 3 towns attached public
Muhibb Ramzl Istinu: Tourism & Civil Aviation buildings, causing some damage. [NYT]
Amal 'Uthman: Insurance & Social Affairs April 6: Iran said it had smashed a Soviet espionage
Muhammad Nabawi Ismail: Interior network and arrested a retired Iraniangeneral. [NYTI
Hasaballah Muhammad al-Kafrdwi: Reconstruction& April 13: East German Foreign Minister Oskar Fischer
New Societies ended a 24 hour visit to Tehran during which he had
Muhammad Ibrahim Kamil: ForeignAffairs talks with the Shah concerning the incident in Berlin
Butrus Butrus Ghil1: State for ForeignAffairs in February. [FBISJ
Na'im Mustafa Abu- Talib: Transport & Communi- April 22: West German President Walter Scheel had
cations and Maritime Transport talks in Tehran with the Shah on bilateral economic
'Abd al-Sattar Mujahid 'Arafah: State for War cooperation. [FBIS]
Production Police arrested a total of 83 people for distributing
Sa'd Muhammad Ahmad: Manpower & Vocational anti-government pamphlets in a number of towns and
Training villages. [NYT}
'All al-Silmi: State for Administrative Development May 2.' It was reported that security forces had sur-
'Abd al-Razzaq'Abd al-Majid: Planning rounded Azarabadegan University in Tabriz after
Ahmad Mamduih.'Atiyyah:Justice "a long and violent clash" between supporters and
Mahmud Muhammad Da'id: Agriculture opponents of the Shah. [NYT)
Ahmad Tal'at Tawfiq: Housing May 6.' Security policemen arrested 23 students in
Nasif 'Abd al-Maq$iudIbrahim Tahun: Supply [FBIS} Babol after an anti-government demonstration turned
May 13. Numayri met with Sadat in Egypt and said violent. [NYT)
the Arab world was "on the threshold of a new stage May 8: Police clashed with dissidents in several cities.
based on Arab solidarity." [NYT} [NYT]
May 14. Sadat called for a national referendum to May 9.' Disturbances in Qum and Tabriz left at least
consider whether opponents of the r6gime should 7 people dead. [FBIS]
have positions of responsibility in the government. May 10.' Rioting against the government broke out in
[NYTI Qum. Other cities experienced disturbances. INYT)
May 11.' The Shah postponed a trip to Eastern Europe
and took command of troops acting to break up
demonstrations by thousands of rioters in Tehran.
Iran [NYTI
May.15.' Troops patrolled Tehran after opponents of the
Shah called for the closure of stores in the capital.
(See also, Petroleum Affairs, Iraq, Jordan)

Feb. 18. Foreign Minister 'Abbas 'All-i Khal'atbari said
Iran had decided to close its Embassy in Nairobi,
Kenya. [NYT] (See also, Arab Israeli Conflict, South Yemen)
Riots against the government took place in Tabriz,
leaving 6 dead and 125 injured. [NYT) 1978
Feb. 20: Tanks and soldiers patrolled Tabriz following
the riots. [NYT] Feb. 18: The government was reshuffled:

Muhammad 'Ayish lIamad: Minister of Industry and from prison as part of a multinational prisoner
Minerals exchange. [NYT]
Khalid 'Abid 'Uthman: State for Coordinating Ac- May 3: Former Justice Minister Pinhas Rosen died,
tivities in the AutonomousArea aged 91. [NYT)
'Adnan Husayn: Planning and Acting Minister of
Higher Education & Scientific Research[FBIS]
Feb. 26: Iranian Minister of Foreign Affairs Abbas Jordan
'All-i Khal'atbari arrived in Baghdad to attend talks
of the Joint Ministerial Committee for Economic (See also, Arab Israeli Conflict, Iran, Libya)
and Technical Cooperation. [FBISi
March 22: Cuban Foreign Minister Isidoro Malmierca
arrived in Baghdad on a 4 day visit. [FBIS} 1978
March 24: A son of President Ahmad Hasan al-Bakr
died in an accident. INYT] Feb. 22: King Husayn met with British Premier James
April 28: Vice President Taha Muhyi al-Din Ma'rif ar- Callaghan while on a private visit to London. [NYT]
rived in Madrid on a 3 day official visit. [FBISJ Feb. 25: British Foreign Secretary David Owen arrived
May 7: Sudanese President Jafar al-Numayri arrived in in Jordan for a 2 day visit. [NYT}
Baghdad and met with President Bakr. [FBIS] March 23: King Husayn left Amman for a private visit
to Iran. [FBIS]
April 19. A National Consultative Council was ap-
pointed. [MEED]
Israel April 26: King Husayn left Amman for a 3 day visit to
Yugoslavia. [FBIS}
(See also, Arab Israeli Conflict) April 29. King Husayn met with Pope Paul VI in the
Vatican. Later he conferred with Italian leaders.
1978 {NYT}
May 3: Jordan and Czechoslovakia signed a scientific
Feb. 17: The New York Times reported that Israel had and cultural agreement in Jordan. [FBIS]
told the South Korean government that it would close
its Embassy in Seoul. [NYT)
Feb. 19: A government commission reported that
organized crime was widespread in Israel and received
some cooperation from officials. [NYT)
Feb. 22: Arye Dulzin was elected chairman of the (See also, Petroleum Affairs, Saudi Arabia)
World Zionist Executive. [JP}
Feb. 28: Non-Orthodox delegates at the World Zionist 1978
Congress in Jerusalem passed a resolution over
Orthodox opposition calling for "equal government Feb. 16: A new government was formed:
support for all religious movements within Ju- Shaykh Sa'd al-'Abdallah Al Sabah: Premier
daism." [NYT] Shaykh Jabir al-'All al-Silim Al Sabah:Deputy Premier
March 5: Communications engineers began a 24 hour and Information
strike, disrupting radio and television services. [NYT] Shaykh $abah al-Ahmad al-Jabir Al Sabah.: Deputy
March 10: A 24 hour strike by civil aviation workers Premier,ForeignAffairs and Acting Interior
closed Ben-Gurion International Airport. [NYT) Jasim Khalid al-Marzuq: Education
March 14: Former Premier Golda Meir was hos- Hamad Mubarak al-'Ayyar: Housing
pitalized. [NYT] Hammud Yusuf al-Nisf: Public Works
March 24: Defense Minister Ezer Weizman called for a Shaykh Salim Sabah.al-Salim Al $abah.:Defense
"national peace government" that would include the Sulayman Hammiud al-Zayd al-Khalid: Communica-
Labor Party and present a united front for a peace tions
settlement. [NYT] 'Abd al-Rahman Silim al-'Atiqi: Finance
April 5: Israeli Foreign Ministry officials said Israel had 'Abd al-Rahman 'Abdallah al-'Awadi: Public Health
informed the UN that it would comply with an arms 'Abd al-'Aziz Mahmud: Social Affairs & Labor
embargo against South Africa. [NYT] 'Abdallah IbrThimal-Mufarrij:Justice
El Al cancelled all flights after employees called for 'Abdallah Y-usuf al-Ghanim: Electricity& Water
a work stoppage to protest negotiations on a new Shaykh 'Ali Khalifah Al Sabah: Oil
labor contract. [JP] 'Abd al-Wahhab Yusuf al-Nafisi: Trade & Industry
April 12: Radio and television journalists ended a Muhammad Yusuf al-'Adasini: Planning
strike that had shut down most broadcasting for 11 YiusufJisim al-Haj ji: Awqaif & Islamic Affairs
days. [NYT] Shaykh Salman al-Du'ayj Al Sabah: State for Legal
April 16. Rafael Eitan became Chief of Staff of the & Administrative Affairs
Israel Defense Forces. [JP] 'Abd al-'Azlz Husayn: State for Cabinet Affairs
April 23. An Israeli held in Mozambique was released [MEED & MEES]

March22: Maltese Premier Dom Mintoff met with Amir Feb. 23: Delegations from Libya, Sudan, Niger and
Shaykh Jabir al-Ahmad Al Sabih. [FBIS) Chad met in Sabhah to discuss internal hostilities in
March 28: South Yemeni Premier 'Ali Nasir Muham- Chad. [FBIS]
mad met with Amir Shaykh Jabir during a visit to Feb. 24: A 5 point agreement to end the civil war in
Kuwayt. [FBISJ Chad was signed. [NYT]
March 31: Middle East EconomicDigest reported that General Secretariat Member Jalliud returned to
Amir Shaykh Jabir had appointed Shaykh Nawaf al- Tripoli at the end of a 2 day official visit to
Alhmad Al Sabah Interior Minister. [MEED} Turkey. [FBIS}
April 4: The government closed the stock exchange. March 1: Somali President Mohamed Siad Barre visited
[MEED] Libya for talks with Secretary General Qadhdhafl.
April 5: Afghan President Mohammad Daud met with [MEED}
Amir Shaykh Jabir in Kuwayt. [FBIS] March 6: German Democratic Republic Politburo Mem-
April 10: Yemeni Premier 'Abd al-'Aziz 'Abd al-Ghani ber Werner Lamberz was killed on a visit to Libya in
arrived in Kuwayt for a 2 day visit. [FBIS] a helicopter crash. [FBIS]
May 8: Mauritanian President Mokhtar Ould Daddah April 5. Jordanian Premier Mudar Badran met with
arrived in Kuwayt for talks with Kuwayti leaders. Qadhdhafi in Benghazi. [FBIS}
[FBIS] April 8. Chadian President Felix Malloum arrived in
Tripoli for talks with Libyan leaders. [FBISJ
April 15: Mauritanian President Mokhtar Ould Daddah
Lebanon left Tripoli after 3 days of talks with Qadhdhifi
and other government officials. [MEED]
April 20: French Foreign Legionnaires were sent to
(See also, Arab Israeli Conflict, Syria) Chad at the request of the Chadian government to
help repulse an attack by Libyan-backed guerrillas.
1978 [NYT]
May 4. Chadian Minister of Foreign Affairs and In-
Feb. 28: Foreign Minister Fu'id Butrus met with Syrian ternational Cooperation Abdel Kader Kamoyue ar-
President HIfiz al-Asad and Syrian Foreign Minister rived in Tripoli for talks with Libyan leaders. [FBIS]
'Abd al-Halim Khaddam in Damascus. [MEED} May 15: Tunisian Premier Hedi Nouira left Tripoli at
March 28: The Arab League Council, meeting in Cairo, the end of a 4 day visit. [FBISJ
decided to extend the mandate of the Arab peace-
keeping force in Lebanon. [NYT}
April 19: The Cabinet of Premier Salim al-Huss
resigned. President Ilyas Sarkis accepted the resig- Morocco
nation but asked the Cabinet to remain in office pend-
ing formation of a new one. [NYT) 1978
April 28: President Sarkis asked Premier Huss to
form a new Cabinet. [NYT} March 14: Premier Ahmed Osman returned to Morocco
May 12: Fighting between units of the Phalanges and at the end of a 5 day visit to the Soviet Union,
National Liberal parties in a Christian suburb of during which agreements for the construction of a $2
Beirut left 3 people dead. [NYT} billion phosphate mine in Morocco were signed.
May 15. Huss announced that he had withdrawn the [NYTII
resignation of his Cabinet. [NYT) April 12: Workers at Khouribga phosphate mine began
a 48 hour strike. [MEED}
April 19: The Moroccan-Mauritanian joint (lefense
council ended 2 days of talks chaired by King Hasan
Libya in Fez. [FBIS]
May 12: Sudanese President Ja'far al-Numayri met with
(See also, Arab Israeli Conflict, Afghanistan, Bahrayn, King Hasan in Morocco. [FBISJ
Pakistan, Turkey)

1978 Oman
Feb. 18: An economic and technical cooperation agree-
ment with the Soviet Union was signed during a visit
to Moscow by General Secretariat Member 'Abd March 18: Sultan Qabuis bin Satid returned to Muscat
al-Salam Jallud. [MEED] from a private visit to several European nations.
Chad and Libya agreed to restore diplomatic [FBISJ
relations. [MEED] April 9: Yemeni Premier 'Abd al-'Azlz 'Abd al-Ghani
Feb. 22: Secretary General Mu'ammar al-Qadhdhafi an- met with Sultan Qabus in Oman. [FBIS]
nounced a ceasefire in the war in northern Chad April 13: UAA Foreign Affairs Minister Ahmad Khalifah
between insurgents and Chadian troops. [MEEDI al-Suwaydi met with Sultan Qabus. [MEEDI
April 26: It was announced in Muscat that a new oil May 9: Libyan Foreign Secretary 'All 'Abd al-Salam al-
well in the Rahab area of southern Dhofar had been Turayki met with Zia-ul-Haq in Rawalpindi. [FBIS]
discovered. [FBISJ May 10: Four newspaper people were arrested for hav-
ing joined a hunger strike to protest the closing of
the opposition newspaper Musawat. [NYT}
(See also, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Amirates) Qatar
1978 (See also, Bahrayn, Sudan)

Feb. 20: A military court in Lahore sentenced 7 union

members to prison for their part in the occupation of 1978
government television stations in a number of cities April 12: Yemeni Premier 'Abd al-'Aziz 'Abd al-Ghani
the week before. [NYTI
arrived in Doha for a 2 day visit. [FBIS]
Feb. 28: Chief Martial Law Administrator Mohammad
April 29: Amir Shaykh Khalifah bin Hamad Al Thini
Zia-ul-Haq banned all political activity for 1 month. issued a decree extending the term of the Consulta-
[NYTI tive Council 4 years. [FBIS]
March 2: Three passengers attacked a hijacker on board
a jetliner, foiling the hijack attempt. A grenade ex-
ploded during the scuffle, wounding the hijacker and
his assailants. [NYT] Saudi Arabia
March 4: A military court sentenced to death a man who
had hijacked a plane in January. [NYT] (See also, Arab Israeli Conflict, Petroleum Affairs,
March 6: Afghan President Mohammad Daud met with Sudan, United Arab Amirates)
Chief MartialLaw Administrator Zia-ul-Haq in Rawal-
pindi. [FBISJ
March 12: The government placed the wife of former
Premier Zulfikar Ali Bhutto under house arrest. Feb. 21: Sudanese President Ja'far al-Numayri met with
[NYT] King Khalid in Riyadh for talks on bilateral relations
March 18: Former Premier Bhutto was sentenced to and the Horn of Africa. [MEED]
death after being convicted of charges of conspiracy March 4: Minister of State 'Abdallih Muhammad al-
to murder a political opponent. [NYT) 'Umran resigned. [MEED]
March 19: Bhutto's lawyer appealed for an "interna- March 21: Kuwayti Amir Shaykh Jabir al-Ahmad Al
tional campaign of pressure" to prevent the execu- Sabah met with King Khalid outside Riyadh. [FBIS]
tion. [NYTI March 26. Tunisian Premier Hedi Nouira met with
March 20. Amnesty International said it had appealed to Crown Prince Fahd during a trip to Saudi Arabia.
Zia-ul-Haq to commute the sentence. [NYT] [FBISJ
Supporters of Bhutto fought with police in Lahore April 10: South Yemeni Interior Minister Salih Muslih
and other cities to protest the conviction. The Uni- Qasim met with Interior Minister Nayif Bin 'Abd
versity of Sind was closed indefinitely. [NYT] al-'Azlz in Riyadh on "matters of mutual interest."
March 21: Bhutto denied from prison that he had [MEEDI
murdered a political opponent. [NYT} April 16: An explosion and fire at the Abqa'iq oil field
March 25. Bhutto appealed the death sentence. [NYTJ killed 4 workers but did not disrupt oil flow. [NYTI
April 1. The Supreme Court agreed to hear an appeal Pakistani Chief Martial Law Administrator Moham-
by Bhutto of his death sentence. [NYT] mad Zia-ul-Haq arrived in Riyadh for talks with
April 8: The New York Times reported that former King Khalid. [MEED}
Agriculture Minister Shaykh Mohammad Rashid and May 8. King Khalid arrived in Brussels for talks with
14 other people had been arrested in connection with Belgian officials. [MEEDI
a plot to blow up the Lahore High Court. [NYT]
April 14. India and Pakistan signed an agreement under
which India would build a dam on the Chenab River
in Kashmir. [NYTI South Yemen
April 20: President Fazal Elahi Chaudhry left Karachi
for a 2 week medical checkup in Vienna. Chief (See also, Arab Israeli Conflict, Kuwayt, Saudi Arabia)
Justice Anwar-ul-Haq was sworn in as Acting Presi-
dent. [FBIS} 1978
April 30. Union officials said that 22 journalists and
other newspaper workers were detained as they were Feb. 19: Minister of Economy and Industry 'Abd al-
to start a hunger strike in defiance of martial law. 'Azlz 'Abd al-Wall met with $addam Husayn in
[NYTI Baghdad. [FBIS}

March 7: The Iraq News Agency reported that Nasr Jamil Shayya: Deputy Premierfor EconomicAffairs
Nasir 'Ali had been appointed Acting Minister of Fahmi al-Yusufi: Deputy Premierfor Services
Labor and Social Service, 'Ali Asad Muthanna ap- Mustafa Talas: Defense
pointed Secretary of the Cabinet and 'Ali Salim al- Taha al-Khayrat:LocalAdministration
'Awar Presidential Secretary. [FBIS] Zuhayr Mushariqah: Education
March 12: Cuban Foreign Minister Isidoro Malmierca Muhammad Ghabash: Supply & Internal Trade
arrived in South Yemen and met with Foreign Min- 'Abd al-Karim 'Adi: State for ForeignAffairs
ister Muhammad Slih Muti'. [FBIS] Adib Milhim: State for Presidential Affairs
April 23. Premier 'Ali Nasir Muhammad left Aden on Subhi Kahhalah:EuphratesDam
an official visit to the People's Republic of China. Shakir al-Fah.him:Higher Education
[FBIS] Adib al-Nahawi:Justice
May 4. Premier Muhammad returned to Aden at the end 'Umar al-Sibi'i: Communications
of visits to China, North Korea and Vietnam. Ah.mad Qabulan: Agriculture & Agrarian Reform
[FBISJ 'Abd al-Sattar al-Sayyid: Awqa~f
Muhammad al-'Imidi: Economy& Foreign Trade
Madani al-Khaymi: Health
Zahir 'Abd al-Samad:State
Sudan Anwar Hamadah: State for Cabinet Affairs
Shutaywi Sayfu: Industry
Ahmad Iskandar Ah.mad:Information
(See also, Arab Israeli Conflict, Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, 'Adnan Dabbagh: Interior
Libya, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tunisia) $adiq al-'Ayyuibi:Finance
Ahmad 'Umar Yiusuf: Electricity
1978 Naj-ah al-'Attar: Culture
'Isa Darwish: Oil & Natural Resources
Feb. 16: The air force took delivery of 6 Hercules C-130 Ghassan Shalhub: Tourism
transport aircraft from the US. [MEED] Diya' Malldhil:State
March 13: Defense Minister Bashir Muhammad 'Ali Muharram Tayyarah:Housing & Utilities
ended a tour of the UAA, Qatar and Saudi Arabia Nazim Qaddu-r:Public Works& Water Resources
during which he held discussions on economic as- George H-uraniyah:State for Planning Affairs
sistance for the Sudan. [MEED] YiusufJu'aydani: Social Affairs & Labor
April 7. Middle East Economic Digest reported that Sharif Kutsh:State
'Uthman Hashim 'Abd al-Salam had been appointed Salim Yasin: Transport
Minister of Finance. [MEED} Safwan Qudsi: State [MEED)
April 12. A reconciliation between government and May 5. Sudanese President Ja'far al-Numayri arrived
opposition leaders was announced. An official state- in Damascus for talks with Syrian leaders. [NYT]
ment reported the dissolution of the opposition Na-
tional Front Party. [NYT)
(See also, Libya, Saudi Arabia)
(See also, Arab Israeli Conflict) 1978
Feb. 25: A state of emergency, imposed a month
1978 earlier during a general strike, was lifted. [NYTI
May 9: Sudanese President Ja'far al-Numayri arrived
Feb. 16.' A technical cooperation agreement with India in Tunis and met with Premier Hedi Nouira. [FBISJ
was signed in New Delhi. [MEED]
Feb. 22.' President Asad ended 2 days of talks with
Soviet leaders in the Soviet Union. [NYTI
March 16.' Romanian Premier Manea Manescu met with Turkey
Asad in Damascus. [FBIS}
March 27.: Asad issued a decree appointing $ubhi (See also, Cyprus, Libya)
Haddad Commander of the Air Force. [NYTI
March 30: A new Cabinet was formed: 1978
Muhammad 'Ali al-Halabi: Premier
'Abd al-Halim Khaddam: Deputy Premierand Foreign Feb. 24. Libyan Premier 'Abd al-Salam JaIlludended a
Affairs 2 day visit to Turkey. A communique said that
Libya had pledged to help Turkey with its balance of April 14: Ecevit met with Yugoslav President Josip
payments problems. [TDNJ Broz Tito in Bugojna. [TDN)
The Middle East Economic Digest reported that April 18: A Kurdish chieftain serving as mayor of
Turkey had closed its border with Syria at Nusaybin Malatya was killed along with 3 relatives by a letter
to protest a Syrian ban on railway cars bound bomb. Members of his clan rioted in the town,
from Turkey to Iraq. [MEED) leaving 2 dead and 60 injured. [WP)
March 1: The lira was devalued by an average of 33% April 25: Rumanian Premier Manea Manescu arrived in
against a number of Western currencies. [MEED] Ankara on a 4 day official visit. [TDN)
March 6: President of the self-declared "Turkish April 26: Authorities imposed a curfew on Kars fol-
Federated State of Cyprus" Rauf Denkta? arrived in lowing clashes between rival student groups which
Ankara for talks with Turkish leaders on proposals to left 5 injured. [TDN)
be submitted to the Greek Cypriots. [TDN) May 3: The US House International Relations Com-
March 9: US Secretary of State Cyrus Vance said the mittee voted 18 to 17 for a proposal to end an arms
US decision as to whether to press for approval of a embargo against Turkey. [NYT)
1976 defense agreement in Congress depended on May 10: Ecevit left Turkey on a 4 day visit to West
what progress would be made with respect to the Germany. [NYT]
Cyprus question at an upcoming conference at May 11: The US Senate Foreign Relations Committee
Montreux. [NYT] voted 8 to 4 to maintain the arms embargo on
March 10: Premier Bulent Ecevit and Greek Premier Turkey. [NYT]
Constantine Caramanlismet in Montreux on the ques-
tion of the Aegean Sea and other issues. [NYT)
March 1.1: Premier Ecevit and Greek Premier Cara-
manlis met again in Montreux. Ecevit said the talks United Arab Amirates
had been successful in establishing "a climate of
mutual confidence." [NYT] (See also, Petroleum Affairs, Oman, Sudan)
The Secret Armenian Army claimed responsibility
for the bombing during the day of 3 Turkish
diplomatic cars in Athens. [NYT) 1978
March 12: Ecevit criticized US President Jimmy Carter
Feb. 19: President Shaykh Zayd bin Sultan Al Nuhayyan
for not supporting military aid to Turkey strongly returned to Abiu Dhabi at the end of a private
enough and said Turkey "cannot afford to keep its visit to Pakistan. [FBIS}
defense arrangements suspended for long." [NYT] March 6: Bangladesh President Ziaur Rahman met with
March 16: A bomb attack at Istanbul University left
President Shaykh Zayd in Abiu Dhabi. [FBIS]
6 students dead and 44 wounded. [NYT] March 20: Maltese Premier Dom Mintoff arrived in
The head of the political department of the
Abiu Dhabi for a 2 day visit. [FBIS]
Istanbul police was wounded when gunmen ambushed
March 23: President Shaykh Zayd left Abiu Dhabi for a
his car. [NYT] 2 day visit to Saudi Arabia. [FBIS]
March 24: Finance Minister Ziya Muezzinoglu signed a
letter of intent with the International Monetary
Fund (IMF) for a $450m IMF loan to Turkey.
Ecevit told the Senate that Turkey could no
longer fully depend on the US and NATO for its
(See also, Bahrayn, Kuwayt, Oman, Qatar)
security and would soon review its ties with the
Western defense system. [NYT]
A deputy prosecutor investigating a strike the 1978
government considered illegal was assassinated.
[NYT] Feb. 25: Command Council Vice Chairman 'Abd al-
March 29: US Deputy Secretary of State Warren Karim al-'Arashi was elected speaker of the Con-
Christopher met with Ecevit on relations with stituent People's Assembly. [FBIS)
Turkey. [NYT] April 9: Premier 'Abd al-'Aziz 'Abd al-Ghani left
April 3: The US State Department officially announced $ana'i on a tour of Gulf states. [MEED]
that US President Jimmy Carter would ask Congress April 17: Premier 'Abd al-Ghani returned to Yemen at
to end the arms embargo on Turkey. [NYT] the end of a tour of Gulf states. [FBIS]
April 5: Greek Cypriot students in Athens and Nicosia April 20: An economic agreement with the Soviet
demonstrated against the possible lifting of the arms Union was signed in San'a'. [FBIS)
embargo. [NYT] April 22: Command Council Chairman Ahmad al-
April 12' A bomb exploded in Ankara, injuring at least Ghashmi was unanimously elected President for 5
20 people, most of them students. [NYT] years. [MEED]

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