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fexercise SOLVED NUMERICALS| Sulphuri aaa vi he king of chemicals. If you need 5 moles of sulphuric acid for a ion, ee many grams of it will you weigh? Solution: Given Data: Number of moles of H2SOx =5 moles Molar mass of HiSOs = 2(1) +1(32)+4(16) =24+32+64 =98 g/mol ToF Mass of H2SOs =? Calculations: ___ Mass of H2SOs Number of moles of H2SOs = jfolar mass of FhSOv Mass of H2SOs in grams = Number of moles x molar mass = 5*98 = 490 g Result: 5_ moles of sulphuric acid will have mass 490 g. Scanned with CamScanner Cateutate the 4 ate of HCO! Solution: : = 208 Giver mass of 1:COF Spin of HNO: 2308 Grenmase of Cl Yorn: : Hebiads ctcuesofiCOs > eR Santee of 20g of INOS = SERRE cls of 3 of Cllz0+ Cacao (i issetle = nye19306) ‘Molar mass of H2COs Bian $i 62g! mol Given mass of H,COs , yy ‘Molar mass of H,CO, unter of molecules oF COs 18 x 602x10" .505 x 10% molecules () 202 of HNOs: Given mass of HNO 08 ‘ Molar mass of HNOs = 1()#1(14)13(16) 1414148°63g/mol Number of molecules of HNO = Given mass of H,CO, ‘Number of molecules of HNOs XN, Molar mass of HCO, © * a Fy 6.02810 = 1.91510" molecules _— = 1.908 x 10 molecules : Molar mass of Co Hi2 Oy ay oa Tg it} Number of moles of Callis0, = Given masso C1, atl iH *60261g = 1 102 ay TS NOTES BER wlecules CHEN ‘Scanned with CamScanner What will be the miss of 205510 Soluti NUMERICAL Given Data: Number of molecules of HsSO, 2.05 « 10! 2UY1G21408)-2132064- 94m Mass of HsSOs Calculations: . __Massof H,S0, Molarmassof 1,50, = Massof H,S0, ‘Number of molecules of HSOx A 205x108 ota 80.6 onxa0 Mass of H3$04 = 2051098 GODT w3332x 10% Result ‘Mass of sulphuric acid is 3.332*10-g. 7. How many total atoms are required to prepare 60 g of NOs? Solution: NUMERICAL Given d Given mass of HNO = 60g ‘Molar mass of HNO 1ayetadys316) m1 +1448. = 63g / mol To Find: Number of atoms of HNOs =? Calculations: : _ Givenmassot FINO, , Number of molecules of HNOs * Molrmmsot HNO" oo oy =F 62 = 0.95*6,02*10" moles, 5.73x10” molecules ‘As one molecule of HNOs contain atoms atoms a x 102 molecules contain Number of atoms = 5x5.73x10 ‘Therefore, 5.73%10" bar of eas 2.87 « 10% atoms CHEMISTRY 3 iPS NOTES SERIES : ‘Scanned with CamScanner Chapter-1 Result: 9, Solution: iven Dat en mass OF HCL Molar mass of UCI Te Find: Number of Calculation: N Result: ber of molecules of HCL prepare 60g of HNOs, «to have 10 grams of it How many molecules of ICT will be NUMERICAL log IDE L(BS.5)° 1435.5 = olecules oF HC] en mass of ICL Molar massof ICL “N* d » 1 <6.0210 © 365 = 1.64 x 10°) molecules of HCI will have 1.64x10* molecule: Ta ee ere ‘Scanned with CamScanner Fundamentals of che S Chapter-1 - « Calculate the meloadar mem of wire 214 HNC Dy, ‘aleulate the molecular mass 3 Solution: NUMEE Given Data: : Atomic mass of H ee ‘Atomic mass of N 6 amu Atomic mass of O Tori Molecular mass of HNO3 £ H)Hatomic mass of Ny. olecular mass of HNOs = 1(atomic mass Molesularmass af HNOs = 10m ee oo) +14 +3(16) 3 amu The molecular mass of nitric acid is 63 amu. Calculate the formula mass of potassium sulphate (K2SO.) Soliatio ren Dat ‘Atomic mass of K Atomic mass of S Atomic mass of 0 Tofin Formula mass of KrSO, Calculations: Molecular mass K2SO, ~ (atomic mass of K)+1 (atomic mass of )* A(atomic mass of O) 19801 = 20941(32)44(16) = 78432164 = 174 amu Result: Thus formula mass of pota, Sh o Potassium sulphate is 17 phate is 174 a mu, Scanned with CamScanner Chapter-1 Fundamentals of Chemistry How many number of protons and 2-90. ind neutrons are there in an atom having A = 238, Solution: NUMERICA Given Data: . Atomic mass A=238 Atomic number Z=92 To Find: Number of neutrons = 2? Calculations: Number of protons = Z = 92 Number of Neutrons = A-Z = 238-92 : 1 = 146 Result: The number of neutrons and protons is 146 and 92 respectively. | ‘Scanned with CamScanner Sa ern esa eee nl Caleutate the gram molecule (number of moles) in 40 g of HsPOs, Solution: NUMERICAL, Given Dats: Given mass of HsPOs Molecular mass of HPO: To Number of moles (gram molecules} Calculations: Number of gram molecules (mol = 40g 98ymol"! __ Mass of substance Molar mass of substane 40 8 = 0.408 mot Result: of HsPOs. Therefore, 40 8 of HsPOs will contain 0.408 gram molecule u have a piece of coal (carbon) weigh off ee Solution: NUMER ‘Mass of coal (carbon) = 93 nd: : No of moles ofcoal =? KiPS NOTES SERIES TRS Scanned with CamScanner Gnapter-1 Numberot motes = Stown mass of Molar iss of ken iz 0.75 mot Resul “Thus 9g of coal is equivalent to 0.75 mol EES Calculate the number of moles, number of molecules and mumber in 6 grams of water. : et Given Data: The Known mass of water Molar mais of Water To Find: Number of moles of water ‘Number of molecules of wat Number of atoms of water Number of moles of water “Molar mass of substance os = 0.33 mol Number of moles x Avogadro's number Number of molecules of water . 033 x 6.02 * 10 = 1.98 x10? molecules “Thus. the number of molecules contained in 6 grams of water is1.9 ‘As we know Imoleet Number of atoms of water 8 « 10%. sule of water consists of 3 atoms, therefore: 3% 1,98 « 10 = 5.94 10 atoms nber of atoms is 0.33m0l umber of molecules and | respectively, present in Gg of water. 1, Cateutate the number (0? molecules of COz present in a container ‘Number of moles, 1,98%108 and 5.9410, ‘There are 3.01 x1 ‘of moles and its mass. s NUMERICAL = 3.0110" molecules SHEMSTAYS aPS NOTES SERIES Scanned with CamScanner | Fundamentals of¢, ~ | eh Chapter-1 To Find: Number of moles of CO2 a Mass of COz =f ; rc ing the values i : sulate the mimber of molecules of COz by pulting in equation Known molecules Number of moles of CO, = Ayqgadro's number N , co, 220% 10” Number of moles of CO, = 599510" =0.5 mol Number of moles of CO2 Then by putting this value in this equation we get: = number of moles x molar mass (g) Mass of substance Mass of CO: oo Mass of COz 22g Result: Number of moles of carbon dioxide is 0.5 and its mass is 22g. 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