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Chronology May 16, 1978-August 15, 1978

Reviewed work(s):
Source: Middle East Journal, Vol. 32, No. 4 (Autumn, 1978), pp. 457-469
Published by: Middle East Institute
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Accessed: 19/02/2012 16:24

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May 16, 1978-August 15, 1978

Arab Israeli Conflict June 3: The death toll from the bus explosion rose to
6. [NYT}
(See also, Lebanon) June 4: The Israeli Cabinet met to discuss US ques-
tions about the Israeli position concerning the West
1978 Bank. [NYT}
June 6: Egyptian President Sadat told troops stationed
May 17: Israeli bulldozers demolished 12 Bedouin huts
at Sinai they were being trained "for the completion
that were standing on expropriated land south of
of the battle of liberation" if Israel continued "not
Dimona. The Bedouins claimed part of the ex-
to understand what is behind the peace initiative."
propriated land. [JP}
May 18: The New York Times reported that Israeli
Gunmen in the West Bank set fire to an Israeli
Defense Minister Ezer Weizman had proposed an
bus after forcing the driver out. [NYTI
expansion of 6 settlements in the West Bank and
Sami Esmail, an Arab-American, was convicted in
a halt to new settlements. [NYT)
Israel of having joined the Popular Front for the
May 20: Three Arab terrorists opened fire on pas-
Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). He was acquitted
sengers in the departure lounge at Orly Airport
of charges of contact with a foreign agent. [NYT]
in France. The terrorists and a policeman were
June 7: The Jewish nationalist group Gush Emunim
killed in ensuing gunfire. [NYT]
called for the confiscation of Arab land to permit
May 23: The mayor of Bethlehem said he had been
further Jewish settlement on the West Bank. [NYT}
officially informed that about 80,000 acres of land
The New YorkTimes reported that Sadat had said he
near Bethlehem owned by Arabs living abroad would
had rejected in March an Israeli plan to return all of
be handed over to an Israeli "custodian of absentee
Sinai to Egypt in exchange for a separate peace.
property." [NYTI
May 25: The Israeli Supreme Court ordered a tem-
June 12: Four guerrillas attacked the Israeli settlement
porary halt to work on a new Jewish settlement
of Mehola on the West Bank but were driven off.
on the West Bank in order to consider an appeal
Three guerrillas escaped. [NYT}
by West Bank Arabs that land had been il-
An Israeli court sentenced Esmail to 15 months in
legally expropriated for the settlement by the
prison for membership in the PFLP. [NYT]
Israeli military. [NYT]
The Israeli Cabinet again met to consider the US
May 30: Egyptian President Anwar al-Sadat said that
questions on Israel policy concerning the West
it should become clear in about 2 months whether
Bank, but the meeting ended inconclusively. [NYT]
his peace initiative had succeeded or failed. [NYTI
June 15: 'All Yasin, the representative of the Palestine
Israeli Defense Minister Weizman acknowledged
Liberation Organization (PLO) in Kuwayt, was
that Israelis authorized to work on an archeological
assassinated in Kuwayt City. [NYT]
dig at Shiloh in the West Bank were building
June 18: The Israeli Cabinet said that after 5 years
homes at the site. [NYT]
of "administrative autonomy in Judea, Samaria and
May 31: The UN Security Council approved a 6
the Gaza district," the nature of future relations
month extension of the UN peacekeeping force in
would be "considered." [NYT]
the Jawlan region. [NYT]
June 19: The Knesset voted 59 to 37 with 10 absten-
Egypt accused Israel in the UN General Assembly
tions to approve the Cabinet statement on the West
of "nuclear collusion" with South Africa. [NYT]
Bank and Gaza. [NYT]
June 2: A bomb exploded on a bus in Jerusalem, June 20: Sadat said that although the Israeli Cabinet
killing 5 people. [NYT) statement was "not positive," he was "optimistic"

List of Abbreviations
CSM, The Christian Science Monitor; EG, Egyptian Gazette; FBIS, Foreign Broadcast Information Service Daily
Report-Middle East and North Africa; JP, The JerusalemPost; MEED, Middle East EconomicDigest; MEES, Middle
East EconomicSurvey; NYT, The New York Times; TDN, Turkish Daily News; WP, The Washington Post.


about the peace initiative and would discuss "any former West German Chancellor Willy Brandt made
new plans that Israel will submit." [NYT) public a 4 point plan for Middle East negotiations.
June 21: The US State Department said it "re- [NYTI
gretted" that the Israeli Cabinet statement on the Sadat met with UN Secretary General Kurt Wald-
West Bank and Gaza "did not fully respond" to heim near Salzburg. [NYT)
questions the US had posed in April. [NYT} July 12: A spokesman for delegates to a foreign
June 22: US Senator Jacob Javits called the Israeli ministers conference of the Organization of African
Cabinet statement a "disappointment." [NYT] Unity (OAU) said the ministers had condemned
June 25: The Israeli Cabinet rejected "unreservedly" an Israeli "aggression" against Lebanon and "intran-
Egyptian peace proposal which had not yet been sigence" toward the Egyptian peace initiative. [NYT]
formally communicated to Israel by Egypt. [NYT) July 13: Sadat met with Weizman in Austria. [JP]
June 26: Egyptian Foreign Minister Muhammad Ibrahim July 15: UK Premier James Callaghan asked that the
Kamil expressed "astonishment" that Israel would upcoming London conference be shifted to a site with
have rejected an Egyptian peace plan before it had better security. [NYTJ
been "finished or presented." [NYTI July 16. The US, Egypt and Israel agreed to hold their
June 27: A proposed resolution that would have accused conference at Leeds Castle in Kent. [NYTI
Israel of "discrimination"and "racism"in the occupied The Israeli Cabinet issued a communique saying
territories failed to pass in the International Labour that the "exclusive authority" for negotiating with
Organisation when a quorum was not reached. [NYT] nations in a state of war with Israel was "given to the
About 2,000 people in the Peace Now movement Government and its authorized representatives."
demonstrated in Jerusalem against Israeli government [NYTI
policies. [FBIS] July 17: The Jerusalem Post reported that during the
June 28: US Vice President Walter Mondale an- meeting between Sadat and Weizman in Austria,
nounced he would make a "personal visit" to the Sadat had indicated that a "territorial gesture" by
Western Wall in Jerusalem during an upcoming visit Israel to Egypt prior to peace negotiations would be
to the Middle East and said Jerusalem Mayor Teddy considered a goodwill gesture in response to Sad-at's
Kollek would be welcome to accompany him. [NYTI visit to Jerusalem. [JPI
A mortar shell remaining from the 1973 Arab Al-Fath. disclosed that the Iraqi government had
Israeli war exploded in the Egyptian city of Damietta, seized an arms plant and a facility for making naval
killing more than 20 students. [NYT] vessels in Iraq. The 2 factories had been joint ven-
June 29: A bomb exploded in the central market of tures between al-Fath and Iraq. [NYTJ
Jerusalem, killing 2 and injuring 35. [NYT] Arab Foreign Ministers met in Belgrade to discuss
June 30: The US condemned al-Fath and its leader, Arab unity and strategy. [NYT]
Yasir 'Arafat, for the bombing of the Jerusalem July 18: US Secretary of State Cyrus Vance, Egyptian
market. [NYT] Foreign Minister Kamil and Israeli Foreign Minister
US Vice President Mondale arrived in Israel for Moshe Dayan met at Leeds Castle. Spokesmen for
visits with Israeli leaders. [JP] Israel and Egypt later said a "wide gap" existed be-
Mondale visited the Western Wall and was accom- tween the 2 countries. [NYTI
panied by Jerusalem Mayor Kollek. [NYT] July 19: The tripartite meeting at Leeds Castle ended.
July 2: Mondale met with Israeli Premier Menahem US Secretary of State Vance said he would visit the
Begin and later said that Israel had agreed to attend Middle East in the future for further exchanges.
a conference with Egypt and the US in London later [NYT]
in the month. [NYT] Israeli Premier Begin and Labor Party leader Peres
July 3: Mondale arrived in Egypt for talks with Saidat. clashed in the Knesset over the meeting of Peres with
Later Sidat accepted an invitation to talks with Israel Sadat in Vienna the week before. [NYT]
in London. [NYTJ July 2: The New YorkTimes cited "sources in Parliament"
July 5: An Egyptian peace plan was submitted to Israel. as reporting that Begin had refused to authorize a
The plan called for: Israeli withdrawal from the proposed meeting of Peres with Jordanian King
West Bank and Gaza; a transition period not exceed- Husayn. [NYT]
ing 5 years during which Egypt would assume ad- July 22: Sadat said that Begin was "the only obstacle" to
ministration of Gaza, and Jordan administration of the peace in the Middle East. [NYT]
West Bank; determination by the Palestinian people July 23: Israel rejected an Egyptian request that
of their own future at the end of the transition Israel make a conciliatory gesture by returning the
period, and negotiations between Egypt, Jordan, Sinai town of El Arish to Egyptian administration.
Israel and representatives of the Palestinian people Begin said of the request that "nobody can get any-
on the details of the transitional regime and mutual thing for nothing." [NYT]
security arrangements. [NYT] July 24: Israeli Foreign Minister Dayan said Israel would
July 9.' The Israeli Cabinet rejected the Egyptian peace discuss the sovereignty of the West Bank and Gaza in
plan as "completely unacceptable." [NYT] 5 years if the Arabs accepted in the interim the Israeli
Sadat met with Israeli Labor Party leader Shimon plan granting the West Bank partial autonomy. [NYT]
Peres in Vienna. [NYT] July 26: Israel said Egypt had ordered the Israeli mili-
July 10: Austrian Chancellor Bruno Kreisky and tary mission in Egypt to leave the country. [NYT]

July 28: A terrorist threw a bomb under the car of the Israeli Agriculture Minister Ariel Sharon said Israel
Iraqi Ambassador in London but the Ambassador planned to establish 5 new settlements on the West
escaped unhurt. [JP] Bank. [WP)
US Ambassador at Large Alfred Atherton, Jr., left Aug. 14: The Israeli Cabinet decided to postpone plans
Jerusalem for meetings in Cairo with Egyptian to build 5 new settlements on the West Bank until
leaders. [NYT) after the summit meeting at Camp David. [WP}
July 29: US Ambassador at Large Atherton met in Aug. 15: The Washington Post reported that PLF leader
Egypt with Kamil concerning further talks between Abui al-'Abbis had accused the Popular Front for
Egypt and Israel. [NYTI the Liberation of Palestine-General Command of
July 30: Sadat and Atherton met in Egypt. Later Sadat being responsible for the explosion in Beirut 2 days
said he did not favor direct meetings with the Israelis before. [WP]
at the present time and characterized the Israeli posi-
tion as "negative and backward." INYTI
July 31: The US said it was "very disappointed" that
Sadat did not favor direct negotiations at the present
time. [NYTI
An Arab terrorist attacked the Iraqi Embassy in 1978
Paris, held hostages and surrendered to French police.
Iraqi security guards shot and wounded the terrorist May 24: Algerian President Houari Boumedienne said
after his arrest and a resulting gun battle left a that it was impossible for Algeria to broaden coopera-
French policeman and an Iraqi security guard dead. tion with France while French military planes were
[NYT] flying "for the benefit of Morocco and Mauritania."
Aug. 2: France expelled 3 Iraqi Embassy aids who had [MEED)
been involved in the gun battle after the seige in July 12: The Polisario Front announced a ceasefire to
Paris. [NYTI enable Mauritania "to revise the criminal policies" of
Two Arabs fired on officials entering the Iraqi deposed President Mokhtar Ould Daddah. [NYTI
Consulate in Karachi, Pakistan. Police slew 1 of the
terrorists and captured the other. [NYT}
Aug. 3. A bomb exploded in a market in Tel Aviv, killing
1 person and wounding 50. The PLO claimed re-
Petroleum Affairs
sponsibility. [NYT]
Israeli jets struck at a "Palestinian training base" 1978
in Lebanon in response to the bombing in Tel Aviv. June 17: The Organization of Petroleum Exporting
[NYTI Countries (OPEC) began a Ministerial Conference in
Two Arab terrorists murdered the chief repre- Geneva. [MEES]
sentative of the PLO and an aide in Paris. The assailants June 18: Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Fahd arrived in
were captured. [NYT) Geneva and was met by Saudi Arabian Oil Minister
The New York Times reported that guerrillas had Shaykh Ahmad Zaki Yamani. [NYTI
shot at the car of the Iraqi Ambassador in Beirut. June 19: OPEC announced that the world price of oil
The Ambassador was not in the car and no one was would remain at its current level for the rest of 1978.
hurt. [NYT} [NYTI
Aug. 5. Four Arab gunmen broke into the PLO office in July 17: A 3 day meeting in London of the OPEC
Islamabad and killed 4 people. The attackers escaped. Committee of Experts on the Fluctuation of Exchange
[NYTI Rates ended. No official statement was forthcoming.
Vance arrived in Jerusalem for talks with Israeli [NYT]
leaders on the Middle East situation. [NYTJ July 21: The Chairman of the OPEC Committee of
Aug. 6. Vance met with Begin. The talks were described Experts, Kuwayti Oil Minister Shaykh 'All Khalifah
as "serious, good and useful." [NYTI Al Sabah., said the committee had agreed that oil
Aug. 7. Vance arrived in Alexandria and met with prices should be computed in a "basket"of currencies
S-ad-at.{NYT} rather than in the US dollar alone. [NYTI
Aug. 8: The US said that Sadat and Begin had agreed to
meet with US President Jimmy Carter in September
at Camp David, Maryland. [NYTJ
Aug. 10: Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Fahd met with
Atherton in Saudi Arabia. [FBIS]
Aug. 12: Atherton met with King Husayn in Amman (Seealso, Libya, Pakistan)
on the situation in the Middle East. [FBIS]
Aug. 13: A bomb exploded outside the headquarters of 1978
the Palestine Liberation Front (PLF) in Beirut. The
explosion caused an ammunition depot inside the May 18: Foreign Minister Hafezollah Amin left Kabul
building to detonate and the building collapsed, for Havana for a meeting of nonaligned countries.
leaving between 150 and 200 people dead. [WP} [FBISJ

June 13: The Revolutionary Council decided to appoint Cyprus

13 new members to its ranks. [FBIS)
June 14: Kabul Radio said the government had stripped
former King Zahir Shah and 22 members of the royal 1978
family of their citizenship. [NYT} May 22: President of the "self declared" "Turkish
July 2: A trade agreement with India was signed in Federated State of Cyprus" Rauf Denkta? offered to
Kabul. [FBIS] negotiate with Greek Cypriot leaders "in a spirit of
July 5: Kabul Radio said that Interior Minister Nur conciliation and flexibility." [NYT]
Ahmad Nur had been named Ambassador to the US May 23. The US State Department termed new pro-
and that Vice President and Deputy Premier Babrak posals by the Turkish Cypriot leadership "positive and
Karmal had been named Ambassador to Czecho- encouraging." [NYTI
slovakia. [FBIS} May 24: US Secretary of State Cyrus Vance met in
July 10: Torrential rains and flooding killed 12 people New York with President of the "Turkish Federated
in Afghanistan along the border with Pakistan. [NYT] State of Cyprus" Denkta?. [NYT]
May 27: Greek Premier Constantine Caramanlis said
that a settlement of the Cyprus issue "would auto-
Algeria matically lead to Greece's return to the military arm
of NATO and to the lifting of the arms embargo
(Seealso, General, Libya, Syria) against Turkey." [NYT}
June 3: US Secretary of State Vance met with President
Spyros Kyprianou in New York. [TDN]
1978 June 16: President Kyprianou left Athens after 2 days of
May 31: Libyan Secretary General Mu'ammar al- talks with Greek leaders. [MEED]
Qadhdhafi met with President Houari Boumedienne July 5. A 3 year cooperation agreement with East
in Algiers. [FBISJ Germany was signed in East Berlin. [MEED]
June 12: South Yemeni Foreign Minister Muhammad July 10.' Turkey withdrew 2 battalions from the "Turkish
$alih Muti' left Algiers at the end of a 2 day visit. Federated State of Cyprus." [MEED]
[FBIS} July 17. Kyprianou dismissed Tassos Papadopoulos as
July 12: Foreign Minister Abdelaziz Bouteflika met with chief negotiator in peace talks with the Turkish
French President Valery Giscard d'Estaing in Paris. Cypriots. [NYTI
[FBIS} July 20. Denkta? proposed immediate discussion on the
July 22: President Boumedienne began a visit to structure of an interim administration under the
Yugoslavia. [FBIS] aegis of the United Nations for the town of Varosha
Egypt defeated Libya in a soccer match at the in preparation for a resettlement of Greek Cypriots
Third African Games in Algeria. After the game a fight there. [TDNJ
broke out between players and coaches of the 2 July 23. Foreign Affairs Minister Nicos Rolandis began
teams. [NYT) a visit to Bonn. [MEED]
July 23: The Egyptian team at the Third African Games
left for home. [NYT}
The African Football Confederation accused the
Libyan team of responsibility for the fight and expelled
them from the soccer tournament. [NYT} (Seealso, Arab Israeli Conflict, Algeria, Iran,
July 24: Egypt declared it would no longer compete in Saudi Arabia)
sports events held in any of the "rejectionist"
countries. [NYTI 1978
Aug. 1: Foreign Minister Bouteflika met with French
President Giscard in Paris. [FBIS] May 17: Police halted publication of the newspaper
al-Ahali. [NYT]
May 21: Egyptians went to the polls in a national referen-
Bahrayn dum to accept or reject proposed curbs on certain
political groups. [NYT}
May 22: It was announced that 98.29% of the votes
(Seealso, United Arab Amirates) had endorsed the proposed political curbs. [NYT]
May 24: Authorities seized the current issue of al-
1978 Aha-li. [NYTI
May 26: It was disclosed that the government had
June 4: Sudanese President Ja'far al-Numayri arrived ordered 30 Egyptian journalists and writers to return
in Manama and met with Amir Shaykh 'Isa bin to Egypt to undergo investigation for alleged criticism
Salman Al Khalifah. [FBIS] of President Anwar al-Sadat. [NYT]
June 13: Amir Shaykh 'Isa ended an official visit to Iran. May 28: Muhammad Hasanayn Haykal, former editor
[FBIS] of al-Ahram, and 4 other Egyptian writers were
forbidden to travel abroad pending investigation into Tehran following state visits to Bulgaria and
allegedly slanderous materials published by them Hungary. [FBIS]
abroad. [NYT) The New York Times reported that police had
The government cancelled a contract for a resort arrested 15 people after a bomb had exploded in
community planned for a site overlooking the Qum. [NYTI
Pyramids of Giza. [NYT] May 31. About 2,500 students rioted at Tehran Uni-
June 1: The People's Assembly passed legislation to versity. [NYT]
curb certain political groups in conformance with the June 1: Police used tear gas to break up a demonstra-
referendum. [NYTI tion by female students at Tehran University. [NYT]
June 2: The New Wafd Party disbanded to protest the June 3: Dormatories at Tehran University were closed
new legislation. [NYT] following the riots. [NYT]
June 5: The National Unionist Progressive Party said June 6: The Shah named Ni'mat Allah Nasiri, the head
it would suspend "mass political activity" and cease of SAVAK, to be Ambassador to Pakistan. [NYTI
publication of al-AhVli to protest the new legislation. June 15: Spanish King Juan Carlos ended a visit to
[NYTI Tehran during which he had held talks with the Shah.
June 6. War Minister Muhammad 'Abd al-Ghani [MEED]
al-Jamasi arrived in Washington at the start of a 10 June 17: A general work slowdown, called for by Muslim
day visit to the US. [FBISJ leaders, took place in Qum. Peaceful protests against
June 7: A judge overturned a government order that the government were also held in Tabriz and other
called for confiscation of the most recent issue of cities. [NYT]
al-Ahaclj.[NYT} June 19: The Pan-Iranist Party was officially revived
June 9. US President Jimmy Carter met with War after its leader and 3 others announced their resigna-
Minister Jamasi in Washington. [NYT} tion from the Rastakhiz Party. [MEED]
June 19: The Egyptian Ambassador to Portugal was Minister of Information Daryu-sh Humay-un said
suspended and recalled after he accused the Sd-at that membership in the Rastakhiz Party was volun-
r6gime of hiding "behind a facade of powerless tary and there would be no recrimination against
democratic institutions." [NYT} those who left it. [MEED]
June 21: The Union of Arab Journalists accused Sd-at June 21: Two Iranianhelicopters entered Soviet airspace
of "muzzling the Egyptian press and thinkers." in dense fog. Soviet defense forces shot down 1 of
[NYT} the helicopters. [NYT]
June 22. Sidat met with Guinean President Ahmed July 24: A Cabinet reshuffle occurred:
Sekou Toure and Somali President Mohamed Siad Madhi Safaviyan:Roads & Transport
Barre in Alexandria. [FBIS] Nasrullah Muqtadir Mazhdahi: Health & Welfare
July 7: Sadat left Cairo for Vienna. [NYT] Murtaza $&lihi:State & Director of Planning & Budget
July 8. Sadat met with Austrian Chancellor Bruno Organization
Kreisky in Vienna. [FBIS] Manuchihr Aga: State [FBIS]
July 11: The National Unionist Progressive Party said July 25: Riots in Mashhad resulted in the death of 1
that it would resume publication of al-A&hli. [NYT] policeman. [NYT]
July 12: The New York Times reported that police had July 27: Jordanian King Hlusayn arrived in Tehran on a
confiscated the latest issue of al-Ahali but the action private visit to Iran. [FBIS]
had been overturned by Attorney General Ahmad July 29: Egyptian Vice President Husni Mubarak met
Musa. [NYT] with the Shih in Tehran. [FBIS]
July 22: Sadat said he would ask the People's Assembly It was announced that cholera had broken out in
to abolish the Arab Socialist Union and allow him to a desert town and the Port of Minab. [NYT]
form an independent party. [NYT] Aug. 1. The government confirmed that 7 people had
July 30: Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Fahd arrived in been killed and more than 300 arrested in riots in 13
Alexandria and met with Sidat. [FBIS] towns during the week. [NYT]
Aug. 14. The first meeting of the National Democratic Aug. 10. Disturbances in Shiraz left 3 people dead.
Party (NDP), formed by Sidat, was held in Egypt. About 130 people were arrested. [WP]
The Arab Socialist Union said it would merge with Aug. 11: Clashes between police and demonstrators
the NDP. [MEED] left 4 people dead in Isfahan. A curfew was imposed.
Aug. 12. Demonstrators and police clashed in Shiraz.
Iran Several deaths were reported. [WP]
Aug. 13: A bomb exploded in a restaurant in Tehran,
(Seealso, Bahrayn) killing 1 person and injuring 45. [WP]

May 16: Riot police clashed with students at Tehran
University. [NYT]
May 22: Muhammad Riza Shah Pahlavi returned to

May 19: The Orthodox newspaper Shearim reported

Iraq that 2 army lieutenants and 2 sergeants had been
tried and imprisoned in connection with incidents of
(Seealso, Arab Israeli Conflict, Kuwayt) brutality towards conscripts with special religious
status. [NYT]
May 28: A Cabinet meeting was postponed owing to
1978 the illness of Premier Menahem Begin. [NYT]
May 17: Oil Minister Tayih 'Abd al-Karim left for May 29: Yitzhak Navon was inaugurated fifth
Moscow for talks on bilateral economic coopera- of Israel. [JPJ
tion. [FBIS) June 8: The New York Times reported that Israel had
June 7: Revolution Command Council (RCC) Mem- asked Brazil for the extradition of Gustav Franz
ber Na'im Haddad confirmed that Iraq had executed Wagner for his part in war crimes during World War
21 Communist Party members in May after their con- II. [NYTI
viction on charges of forming secret cells in the armed June 14: Aides to Begin said the Premier would
forces. [NYT] at his residence until the Cabinet meeting the follow-
June 15: South Yemeni Foreign Minister Muh,ammad ing Sunday. [NYT]
$alih Muti' met with Foreign Minister Sa'dun Ham- June 25. The personal physician of the Premier said
madi in Baghdad. [FBIS] Begin had a mild case of diabetes but that otherwise
June 22: Spanish King Juan Carlos met with President he was in "good physical condition." [NYT]
Ahmad Hasan al-Bakr in Baghdad. [FBIS] June 28: West German Foreign Minister Hans Dietrich
June 25: French Defense Minister Yvon Bourges left Genscher met with President Navon in Jerusalem.
Baghdad at the end of a 4 day visit. [FBIS] [FBIS]
Afghan Planning Minister Soltan Ali Keshtmand July 3: Students demonstrated in Jerusalem against
left Baghdad at the end of a 5 day visit during which proposed law to exempt women from military service
an economic and cultural cooperation agreement was if they cited religious reservations. [NYT]
signed. [FBIS] July 4: A motion of no confidence over the proposed
July 6: South Yemeni Minister of Industry 'Abd al- draft exemption for women bill was defeated in the
'Aziz 'Abd al-Wali met with RCC Vice Chairman Knesset by 72 to 38. [NYT]
Sadd-amHusayn in Baghdad. [FBIS] The New York Times reported that the US had
July 7: Vice President Taha Muhyi al-Din Ma'riuf agreed to allow Israel to sell Kfir jet fighters to
returned to Baghdad at the end of a tour of Bangla- Taiwan. [NYT]
desh, Sri Lanka and India. [FBIS} July 5. Attorney General Aharon Barak resigned his
July 9. A gunman shot and wounded former Premier post, effective the end of the month. [JP]
had no
'Abd al-Razz-aqal-Nayif in London. Al-Nayif later July 6: The Taiwanese government said it
died of the wounds. [NYT] plans to buy Kfir jets from Israel. [NYT}
July 27: The British Foreign Office announced that 5 July 10: The Knesset appealed to foreign governments
Iraqi diplomats had been ordered to leave the UK of the world to intervene on behalf of dissidents on
because of "terrorist activities" in London. Two em- trial in the Soviet Union. [NYT]
aviation agreement was reached be-
ployees of the Iraqi national airlines and an employee July 15: A civil
of an Iraqi bank were also ordered expelled. [NYT] tween the US and Israel to expand air travel between
Iraq ordered 8 British diplomats and 2 employees the 2 countries. [NYT]
of British Airways to leave the country. [NYT] July 17: The Knesset voted to strip Knesset member
Aug. 2: Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Fahd arrived in Shmuel Rechtman of his parliamentary immunity so
Baghdad and met with President Bakr. [FBIS] that he could face criminal charges of bribery. {JP]
Aug. 12: South Yemeni Finance Minister Fadhil Muhsin July 20: The Knesset voted by 54 to 45 to adopt legisla-
'Abdallih met with RCC Vice Chairman Husayn in tion allowing military exemption for certain women on
Baghdad. [FBIS] religious grounds. [NYT]
July 23: The Cabinet approved Yitzhak Zamir as At-
torney General. [JP]
July 24: Industry and Commerce Minister Yigal Hurvitz
resigned his post to protest a Cabinet decision to in-
Israel crease the budget for the remainder of the fiscal year.
(Seealso, Arab Israeli Conflict, Lebanon) July 27: The Jerusalem Post reported that Industry and
Commerce Minister Hurvitz had withdrawn his resig-
nation after Begin promised that the Knesset Finance
1978 Committee would trim the supplementary budget.
May 16. Foreign Minister Moshe Dayan arrived in
Denmark from Finland and met with Danish Foreign
Minister Knud Andersen. [JP}

Jordan July 3: South Yemeni Industry Minister 'Abd al-'Aziz

'Abd al-Wali arrived in Kuwayt for talks. [FBIS)

(Seealso, Arab Israeli Conflict, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Syria)

May 16: King Husayn announced that he would marry (Seealso, Arab Israeli Conflict)
Elizabeth Najeeb Halaby. [NYT}
May 22: King Husayn returned to Jordan from Saudi
Arabia at the end of 2 days of talks on Arab solidarity
with Crown Prince Fahd. [NYT] 1978
June 6: Sudanese President Ja'far al-Numayri met with
King Husayn in Amman. [FBISJ May 17: United Nations Interim Forces in Lebanon
June 8: Amman Domestic Service reported that King (UNIFIL) troops clashed with Palestinian guerrillas
Husayn had named Prince 'Ali as second Crown near Tyre. [NYT]
Prince. [FBIS} UNIFIL troops attempted to negotiate the with-
June 15: King Hjusayn married Elizabeth Halaby in drawal of a group of Palestinian guerrillas who had
Amman. She was given the title Queen Nuir al- set up positions near Kawkaba within UN held
Husayn. [NYT} territory. [NYT]
June 21: King H{usaynand Queen Nuir left Amman on May 19: UN special envoy Roberto Guyer arrived in
a private visit to the United Kingdom. [FBIS] Beirut for talks with Lebanese officials and Palestinian
June 24: A trade agreement with Czechoslovakia was leaders. [NYTI
signed in Amman. [FBIS} May 21: The Israeli Cabinet decided to set its final
July 4: Syrian Minister of Economy Muhammad al- withdrawal from Lebanon for June 13. [NYT]
Imadi and Iraqi Finance Minister Fawzi al-Qaysi met May 22: Foreign and Defense Minister Fu'ad Butrus
with Premier Mudar Badran in Amman. [FBIS] returned to Beirut from Damascus, where he had held
Aug. 1: Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Fahd met with talks with Syrian President HIafizal-Asad. [FBIS]
King Husayn in Amman. [FBIS] May 25: The New York Times reported that Palestine
Aug. 11: Middle East EconomicDigest reported that a Liberation Organization (PLO) leader Yasir 'Arafat
National Consultative Council with 60 members had had pledged to end the presence of armed guerrillas
been set up as an advisory body to the government. in south Lebanon and to cooperate with UN peace-
[MEED] keeping forces. [NYT]
May 27: The New York Times cited PLO official
Zuhayr Muhsin as saying the PLO would "try to
freeze military activity in southern Lebanon." [NYTI
May 29: UNIFIL charged that some of its forces had
Kuwayt been caught in frequent crossfire between Palestinian
forces in Beaufort Castle and Christian units in
Marj 'Uyun. [NYT]
(Seealso, Arab Israeli Conflict, Petroleum Affairs, May 31: Lebanese President Ilyas Sarkis arrived in
Lebanon, Saudi Arabia) Latakia and met with Syrian President Asad. [FBISI
June 1: Presidents Sarkis and Asad ended 2 days of
talks in Latakia. Asad said it had been agreed that it
1978 was necessary for the Lebanese Army to move into
south Lebanon. [NYT]
May 18: An Iraqi delegation headed by Interior Minister June 2: UNIFIL Commander Emmanuel Erskine met
'Izzat Ibrihim al-D dri ended 3 days of talks in Kuwayt. with PLO leader'Arafat to discuss artillery exchanges
A 10 point cooperation agreement was signed. between Palestinian guerrilla and Christian militia
[MEED} units in south Lebanon. [NYT]
May 23: A Kuwayt Oil Company spokesman said that June 4: The Democratic Front for the Liberation of
a fire burning overnight at the Al Manaqish oil fa- Palestine and another Palestinian group issued a state-
cility had destroyed 3 oil storage tanks and damaged ment reaffirming their determination to fight Israeli
oil pipelines. [NYT) forces in south Lebanon. [NYT)
June 5: Sudanese President Ja'far al-Numayri met with June 5: Premier Salim al-Hus. met with UN Chief
Amir Shaykh Jibir al-Ahmad Al $abih in Kuwayt. Coordinator for UN Peace Missions Ensio Siilasvuo
[FBIS} on measures to be taken in the south after Israeli
June 25: Somali President Mohamed Siad Barre met withdrawal. [NYT]
with Amir Shaykh Jibir in Kuwayt. [FBIS] June 9. Israeli naval commandos and paratroops raided

the Palestinian coastal base of Dhar al-Burj south of July 6: Israel warned that it would not permit the
Sidon. Casualties were reported on both sides. [NYT} "annihilation" of Lebanese Christians by Syrian
June 12: Israel began to evacuate its forces from south forces. [NYT}
Lebanon. [NYT] Israeli jet fighters swept low over Beirut. [NYT]
June 13: Israeli military forces completed their US President Jimmy Carter appealed to "all
withdrawal from south Lebanon, handing over terri- parties with influence over the situation" to try to
tory to Lebanese Christian militia units. {NYT} end the fighting in Lebanon. [NYT]
Fighting broke out in Ehden between supporters Sarkis threatened to resign because of the fighting.
of the Phalanges Party and those of former President [NYTI
Sulayman Franjiyyah. At least 25 people, including July 7. It was reported that Israel had reinforced its
Tony Franjiyyah, the former President's son, were military forces near the borders of Lebanon and Syria
killed. [NYT} to underscore its warning to Syria. Syria was reported
Israeli Foreign Minister Moshe Dayan protested to to have put its armed forces on alert. [NYT]
the United Nations that UNIFIL troops were treating Syrian forces held their fire in Beirut. [NYT]
Palestinian guerrillas with "indulgence" by permitting July 9. Kuwayti Foreign Minister Shaykh Sabah
them to re-enter the south. [NYT] al-Ahmad Al Sabih arrived in Lebanon to meet with
June 14: UN Secretary General Kurt Waldheim criti- Sarkis. [NYT]
cized Israel for turning over control of evacuated July 1 1: Speaker of Parliament Kamal al-As'ad met with
areas in south Lebanon to Christian militia units Syrian Premier Muhammad 'Ali al-Halabi in
rather than to UNIFIL troops. [NYTI Damascus. [NYTI
Funeral services were held for Tony Franjiyyah July 12: Former President Camille Sham'un criticized
and his slain companions. Mourners vowed "revenge Sarkis for resigning during "the most serious
in our traditional style and at the proper time." situation" ever faced by Lebanon. [NYT]
[NYT] Guerrillas of the Palestine Liberation Front (PLF),
Lebanese Premier Huss said UNIFIL troops should a Palestinian group supported by Iraq, captured 40
take control of the evacuated areas in the south and members of the UN peacekeeping force in Tyre and
that any other arrangement was "a violation of the held them hostage. [NYT}
policy of the Lebanese state." [NYT] July 14: Members of al-Fath clashed with guerrillas
Syrian peacekeeping troops entered the town of of the PLF near Tyre. PLO leaders said the clashes
Deir al-Ahmar after resistance and detained 15 were to protect the UN forces in Lebanon. [NYTI
Phalanges Party militiamen suspected of involvement July 15: Sarkis withdrew his resignation. [NYTI
in the killing of Franjiyyah. [NYT] July 22. Syrian soldiers clashed with Christian militia
June 19: Lebanese Christian militiamen confirmed they units in the Beirut suburb of Al Hadath. [NYT)
had arrested their local commanders for seeking to July 23. Fighting continued in Al Hadath between
allow UNIFIL troops to take over positions evacuated Syrian and Christian forces. [NYT]
by Israel. [NYT] July 24: Syrian artillerymen bombarded Christian posi-
The Lebanese military command said that 2 tions in Al Hadath during the night. [NYTI
Lebanese patrol vessels had seized an arms ship off July 25. Syrian troops renewed shelling of Christian
the southern coast but that Israeli gunboats had positions after a 24 hour lull. [NYTJ
taken the ship from them after a battle in Lebanese July 26: Phalanges Party radio accused the Syrians of
waters. [NYT] "mad, indiscriminate shelling" and announced at
June 28: Gunmen raided 4 Christian villages in the least 30 Christians had been killed in bombardments
Baalbek area and killed 36 people. [NYT] during the nights. [NYT}
June 29: Sarkis met with the Cabinet on the raids on July 27: The US State Department said the US had
the Christian villages. [NYT] advised American citizens to leave Lebanon and said
July 1: Heavy fighting broke out in a Beirut suburb it had begun to reduce its Embassy staff in Beirut.
between Christian militia and Syrian peacekeeping [NYTI
troops. The fighting spread to east Beirut. [NYT] July 29: Syrian and Christian forces exchanged mortar
July 2: Heavy fighting between Syrian and Christian fire in the eastern suburbs of Beirut. [NYT]
forces continued in Beirut. Martyr's Square came July 31: Units of the Lebanese Army moved into
under rocket fire. [NYT] south Lebanon and took up positions alongside UN
Syria said it would strike with an "iron fist" against peacekeeping troops at Kawkaba. Christian militia
those who wanted to partition Lebanon. [NYT] blocked the Army from entering Tibnine. [NYT]
July 3: Syrian troops encircled and shelled Christian Aug. 1: Lebanon accused Israel of responsibility for
strongholds of east Beirut. [NYT] disrupting the deployment of regular Lebanese Army
July 4: Fighting between Syrian and Christian forces units from the town of Kawkaba by shelling. [NYT]
marred a ceasefire. [NYT] Aug. 2: UNIFIL forces and a Lebanese Army force in
July 5: Defense and Foreign Minister Butrus met with Kawkaba came under artillery fire from Christian
Asad in Damascus on the fighting in Lebanon. [NYTI militia forces. [FBIS]
Fighting between Syrian and Christian forces Aug. 3: Syrian Foreign Minister'Abd al-Halim Khaddam
entered its fifth straight day. [NYT] met with Sarkis in Lebanon. [FBIS]
The Lebanese Army battalion at Kawkaba came Aug. 9: The People's Republic of China agreed to estab-
under shelling for the fourth straight day. [NYT] lish diplomatic relations with Libya. Peking did not
Syria condemned Israeli opposition to the deploy- require Libya to break relations with Taiwan. [WP]
ment of the Lebanese battalion at Kawkaba as Aug. 12: Foreign Secretary 'Ali 'Abd al-Salam al-Turayki
"aggressive against all of Lebanon" and said it would met with North Korean officials in Pyongyang.
support Lebanese troop deployment in the south. [FBIS]
Aug. 8: Israeli planes flew over Beirut. An Israeli
communiqu6 said the overflight was a warning to
Syrian forces to cease shelling the Christian quarter of Morocco
Beirut. [NYTI
Aug. 10: Syrian troops began pulling back from posi- (Seealso, General, Oman)
tions in Christian areas of east Beirut under a cease-
fire agreement. Sporadic shooting was reported
despite the ceasefire. [WP) 1978
Aug. 11: Syrian gunners fired on Christian positions
in east Beirut. [WPI May 16; Portuguese Premier Mario Soares met with
Aug. 14: Huss arrived in Damascus and met with Asad. King Hasan in Fez. [FBIS]
[FBIS] May 25: Mauritanian President Mokhtar Ould Daddah
Aug. 15. The Lebanese Army command confirmed that met with King Hasan in Fez. [FBIS]
the bulk of a government battalion had pulled out of May 29: Zairian President Mobutu Sese Seko met with
the town of Kawkaba. [JPI King Hasan in Fez on the situation in Zaire. [FBIS]
June 1: Omani Minister of State for Foreign Affairs
Qays 'Abd al-Mun'im al-Zawawi met with King Hasan
Libya in Fez. [FBISJ
June 2: King Hasan announced the formation of a
(Seealso, Algeria, Pakistan, Tunisia) Moroccan expeditionary force that would go to Zaire.
June 4: US planes airlifted Moroccan troops to the
1978 Shaba province of Zaire. [NYT]
June 6. Secretary General Mu'ammar al-Qadhdhaf-i June 26: Spanish Premier Adolfo Suarez met with King
returned to Libya at the end of a visit to Algeria. Hasan in Fez. [FBIS)
[FBIS] July 3: Belgian Foreign Minister Henri Simonet met
June20: Secretary General arrivedin Czecho- with King Hasan in al-Sukhayrat. [FBISJ
slovakia after ending a 4 day visit to Bulgaria.
June 30: The US barred export of 400 heavy trucks
to Libya because of Libya's "support for terrorist Oman
activities and its efforts to undermine neighboring
governments." [NYT] (Seealso, Morocco)
July 2: Qadhdh-afi met with Maltese Premier Dom
Mintoff in Malta. [FBIS]
July 8: Afghan Planning Minister Soltan Ali Keshtmand
met with General Secretariat Member 'Abd al-Salam
Jallud in Libya. [FBISJ May 26: It was announced in Muscat that Oman and
July 9: South Yemeni Interior Minister $alih Muslih the People's Republic of China had agreed to estab-
Qasim arrived in Tripoli for talks with Libyan lish diplomatic relations at the ambassadorial level.
leaders. [MEED] [FBIS]
July 10. General Secretariat Member Jalliud met with May 31: Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Qays
French President Val6ry Giscard d'Estaing in Paris for 'Abd a]-Mun'im al-Zawawi left Muscat for Rabat on
talks on the situation in Chad. [MEED} a visit to Morocco. [FBIS]
July 17. Jallud arrived in New Delhi on a 9 day visit. June 2: Sudanese President Ja'far al-Numayri met with
[FBISJ Sultan Qabus bin Sa'id in Muscat. [MEED)
July 19. Mauritanian Head of State Mustafa Ould June 3: The British Foreign Office disclosed that 5
Mohammad Salek met with Qadhdhafi in Tripoli. British employes of an aviation company had been
[MEEDJ killed by gunmen at a beach in Oman. UP]
July 20. Chadian President F6lix Malloum called on June 14. A Cabinet reshuffle occurred:
members of the Organization of African Unity in Salim Nasir Al Bu Satid: Communications
Khartum to demand the withdrawal of Libyan troops Muhammad 'Abdallah al-Harithi: Electricity &
from Chad. [NYT] Water
Aug. 2: Jalliudmet in Libya with Chairman of the Chad Karim Ahmad al-Harami: Post Telegraph& Telephone
National Liberation Front Goukouni Quedi. [FBIS] {FBIS]

June 18: The Information Ministry reported that a heli- July 14: Turkish Foreign Minister Gunduz Okiun
copter had crashed the day before in Dhofar, killing met with Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Agha
7 people, including 2 British officers. [MEED] Shahi in Islamabad. [FBIS]
June 20: Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Zawawi Aug. 3: Libyan General Secretariat Member 'Abd
left Muscat on an official visit to Peking. [FBIS] al-Salam Jalluid arrived in Islamabad and met with
June 29: Somali President Mohamed Siad Barre left Zia-ul-Haq. [FBIS]
Muscat at the end of a 2 day visit. [FBIS] Aug. 7: An Afghan MIG-17 jet fighter landed in
Pakistani territory and its pilot was detained for
questioning. [NYT)
Aug. 8. Provincial authorities released 33 journalists,
trade union workers and students who had been held
after staging a hunger strike in Karachi. [NYTI
Pakistan Aug. 10: The Afghan MIG-17 was returned to Afghani-
stan. [FBIS)
(Seealso, Arab Israeli Conflict, Iran) Aug. 15: Libyan General Secretariat Member Jallud
arrived in Islamabad on a 3 day visit to Pakistan.
May 18: A military court sentenced former Minister of
State MairajMohammad Khan to 1 year imprisonment
for violating a martial law ban on political activity.
June 16: Chinese Vice Premier Keng Piao met with 1978
Chief Martial Law Administrator Mohammad Zia-ul-
Haq in Islamabad. [FBIS] June 4: Sudanese President Ja'far al-Numayri met with
June 20. Indian and Pakistani troops exchanged border Amir Shaykh Khalifah bin Hamad Al Thani in Doha.
fire near Rajouri in Kashmir. [FBIS] [FBIS]
June 25. Chief Martial Law Administrator Zia-ul-Haq June 15: Sri Lanka Foreign Minister A. C. S. Hameed
said he had abandoned attempts to bring political concluded a 2 day visit to Qatar. [FBIS)
parties into a national government and would instead June 19: Guinean President Ahmed Sekou Toure
appoint a Cabinet of his own choosing. [NYT] arrived in Doha from Kuwayt on a 2 day official visit
July 5: A new Cabinet was sworn in: and was met by Amir Shaykh Khalifah. [FBISJ
Ghulam Ishaque Khan: Finance, Planning & Provin- June 25: Somali President Mohamed Siad Barre met
cial Coordination with Amir Shaykh Khalifah in al-Rumaylah Palace.
F. A. Chisti: EstablishmentDivision, FederalInvestiga- [FBISI
tion Commissionand Kashmir & Northern Areas
Fida Mohammad Khan: Housing & Construction
Mustafa Gokal: Shipping, Ports & Export Promotion
Habibullah Khan: Industries & Production
Mahmud Haroon: Interior
Ghulam Hassan Khan: Petroleum& Natural Resources
Saudi Arabia
Jamal Saidmian: States & FrontierRegions
Gul Mohammad Khan Jogezai: Water & Power (Seealso, Arab Israeli Conflict, Petroleum Affairs,
Mohammad Ali Khan: Education & Culture Egypt, Jordan, Syria)
Moiyuddin Baluch: Communications
Sharifuddin Pirzada:Attorney General
Khwaja Mohammad Safdar: Food & Agriculture
Mian Zahid Sarafaraz:Trade May 24: Egyptian Foreign Minister Muh.ammadIbrahim
Chaudhri Zahur Elahi: Labor, Manpower & Local Kamil met with Crown Prince Fahd and Foreign
Bodies and Rural Development Minister Sa'id al-Faysal in Jidda. [FBIS}
Mahmud Ali: State for Social WelfareCouncil May 30: Talks on bilateral cooperation were held in
Javed Hashmi: State for Youth & Student Affairs Paris between King Khalid and French President
A. K. Brohi: Law & Parliamentary Affairs and Val6ry Giscard d'Estaing. [FBIS]
Minorities & Religious Affairs June 3: King Khalid arrived in Riyadh from Geneva.
Mohammad Khan June jo: Railways [FBIS]
Agha Shahi: State for ForeignAffairs June 7: Sudanese President Ja'far al-Numayri arrived in
Hamid Habib: Finance, Trade & EconomicAffairs Riyadh and was met by King Khalid. [FBIS)
& Foreign Trade [FBIS} June 14: The New York Times reported that the
July 9. It was reported that torrential rains in the United Kingdom had sent a protest to Saudi Arabia
Frontier and Baluschistan Province had left 26 people after 2 British subjects had been flogged for brewing
dead. [FBIS} beer. [NYTI
June 21: Crown Prince Fahd began a visit to West
Germany. [FBIS]
June 27: Somali President Mohamed Siad Barre met
with King Khilid in Saudi Arabia. [FBIS] (Seealso, Bahrayn, Jordan, Kuwayt, Oman, Qatar, Saudi
July 4: Yemeni Foreign Minister 'Abdallah al-Asnaj Arabia, South Yemen, United Arab Amirates, Yemen)
arrived in Riyadh for talks with Saudi leaders. [FBIS}
July 12: Kuwayti Foreign Minister Shaykh Sabah.
al-Ahmad Al Sabah. met with King Khalid in Saudi 1978
Arabia. [FBIS) May 17: First Vice President Ab lual-Qasim Muhammad
July 13: Sudanese President Numayri left Jidda at the Ibrahim arrived in Ndjamena and met with Chadian
end of a short visit during which he had held talks with President Felix Malloum. [FBIS]
King Khalid. [FBIS] May 20: A US State Department delegation met with
July 20: UN Secretary General Kurt Waldheim arrived President Ja'far al-Numayri in Khartoum for talks
in al-Ta'if and met with King Khalid. [FBIS) on strengthening bilateral relations. [MEED]
July 22: Jordanian King H{usaynarrived in al-Ta-if and June 1: President Numayri began a tour of Arab states
was met by King Khalid. [FBIS] for talks on a proposed Arab summit meeting in
July 23. Somali President Barre met with King Khalid Khartoum. [MEED]
in al-Ta-if. [FBISJ June 8: Numayri returned to Sudan at the end of an 8
day tour of Arab nations. [FBIS]
Sudan devalued the pound by 14.85% against the
dollar. [MEED]
July 3. Yemeni Foreign Minister 'AbdallIh al-AEnajar-
South Yemen rived in Khartoum for talks with Sudanese leaders.
(Seealso, Algeria, Iraq, Kuwayt, Libya, Yemen) July 10: Queen Juliana of the Netherlands met with
Numayri at the airport in Khartoum. [MEED]
July 26: Severe flooding destroyed about 100 villages
1978 in the Jazirah Directorate. [FBIS]
May 22. Defense Minister 'All Ahmad Nasir 'Antar July 18: The Organization of African Unity (OAU)
left South Yemen on a visit to the Soviet Union. opened its annual conference in Khartoum. [NYT}
[FBIS} July 22: The OAU conference ended. [NYT]
June 1. Sudanese President Ja'far al-Numayri met with July 29: A Cabinet reshuffle was announced:
Chairman of the Presidential Council Salim Rubayyi' Ja'far al-Numayri: Presidentand Defense
'All in Aden. [FBIS] Sharif al-Tuhami: Energy & Mining
June 9: Defense Minister 'Antar returned to Aden from Ahmad 'Abd al-Karim Badri: Transport
the Soviet Union at the end of a tour of Eastern Muhammad Mahjfub:State
European nations and the USSR. [FBISJ Yuisuf Mikahil Bakhit: State [FBIS]
June 12: Foreign Minister Muhammad $alih. Muti' left
Algiers at the end of a 2 day visit. [MEED]
June 26: Fighting broke out in Aden. The Presidential
Palace was bombed by aircraft and Presidential
Council Chairman 'All surrendered. [FBISJ (Seealso, Arab Israeli Conflict, Jordan, Lebanon,
'All was executed. [MEED] South Yemen)
Premier 'All N-asir Muhammad was named
Chairman of the Presidential Council. [FBIS] 1978
June 29: The New York Times cited a state radio broad-
cast as reporting that 3 members of the Politburo May 23: An industrial and technical cooperation agree-
had been expelled. [NYT] ment with East Germany was signed in Syria. [MEED)
July 1. The Supreme People's Council ended an extraor- June 7: Minister of Foreign Affairs 'Abd al-Halim
dinary session. Aden DomesticServicereported that the Khaddam arrived in Bonn on a 6 day visit for talks
Council had elected a new Presidential Council: on economic cooperation. [MEED]
'All Nasir Muhammad: Chairman June 11: The Higher State Security Court found 8
'Abd al-Fattah Isma'll, Muhammad $alih Muti', employees of the Syrian National Oil Company
'All 'Abd al-Razzaq Bathib, 'All Ahmad Nasir guilty of accepting $4.7m in bribes from foreign
'Antar: Members[FBISJ countries. [NYT]
July 3. South Yemen accused Yemen of having sent June 19: The New YorkTimes cited "diplomatic sources"
troops across the border and occupying 2 villages the as saying Syria had banned 10 journalists with pro-
day before. [NYT] Soviet views from writing in the press. [NYT]
July 19. SyrianForeign Minister 'Abd al-Hallm Khaddiam July 18: Algerian President Houari Boumedienne ar-
left Aden at the end of a visit to South Yemen. rived in Damascus and met with President H.afiz
[FBIS] al-Asad. [FBIS]

July 20: Jordanian King Husayn arrived in Damascus May 31: US President Jimmy Carter met separately
and met with President Asad. [FBIS] with Ecevit and Greek Premier Caramanlis in Wash-
Aug. 1.' Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Fahd ended talks ington. [NYT]
with Asad in Damascus. [FBIS] June 2: Gunmen in Madrid killed 3 occupants of the
Turkish Ambassador's car. [NYT}
June 3: Caramanlis proposed a nonaggression pact with
Tunisia Turkey. [NYT]
June 14: US President Carter said the lifting of the
arms embargo on Turkey was the "most immediate
1978 and urgent foreign policy decision" to be made in
May 16: East German National Defense Minister Heinz the legislative session of Congress. [NYT]
Hoffman arrived in Tunis for talks with Tunisian June 16: East Germany and Turkey signed an economic,
leaders. [MEED] technical and scientific cooperation agreement in
May 24: Mauritanian President Moktar Ould Daddah Ankara. [TDN}
and Mali President Moussa Traore met with Presi- June 21: Ecevit arrived in Moscow on an official
dent Habib Bourguiba in Carthage. [FBIS] visit to the Soviet Union. [NYT]
June 7: Libyan General Secretariat Member al- June 22: Ecevit met with Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev
Khuwaylidi al-Humaydi met with Premier Hedi in Moscow. [NYT]
Nouira in Tunis. [FBIS) June 23: Turkey and the Soviet Union signed an accord
June 9: French Foreign Minister Louis de Guiringaud pledging not to use force against any country or allow
arrived in Tunis on a 2 day visit. [FBIS) other nations to use their territory for "aggressive
June 17: Premier Nouira met with French President and subversive actions against other states." Ac-
Valery Giscard d'Estaing in Paris. [MEED) cords on cultural and scientific exchanges, trade and
June 29: President Bourguiba left Carthage for Geneva, arrangements for fishing and oil exploration on the
where he was to undergo medical tests. [FBIS] Black Sea were also signed. [NYT]
July 7: Bourguiba arrived in Paris on a private visit. June 25: Ecevit ended a 4 day visit to Moscow. [MEED}
[FBIS} June 30: Two Turkish generals officially took over
July 19: Trials began of more than 200 trade union command from Americans of NATO land and air
leaders detained since riots in January. [MEED) forces in Turkey. [TDNI
Aug. 10: Maltese Premier Dom Mintoff met with July 10. Foreign Minister Gunduz Oksun arrived in
Nouira and Foreign Minister Mohamed Fitouri in New Delhi on a 4 day visit to India and met with
Tunis. [FBIS] Indian External Affairs Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee.
July 11: Gunmen assassinated an Associate Professor
Turkey of Hacettepe University. [TDNJ
July 25. The US Senate voted 57 to 42 to repeal the
(Seealso, Cyprus, Pakistan) US arms embargo on Turkey. [NYTI
Aug. 1: The US House of Representatives voted by
208 to 205 to allow Carter to end the arms embargo.
1978 [NYT]
May 16: Premier Bulent Ecevit ended a trip to London Aug. 10: Gunmen fired into a crowded cafe in Ankara,
during which he had held talks with British Premier killing 4 people. [WP}
James Callaghan. [MEED]
May 17: The Turkish Daily News reported that Premier
Ecevit had informed the US that Turkey would not
sign a joint declaration on the future of NATO. United Arab Amirates
Workers of the National Oil Company went on
strike. [TDN] 1978
May 24: Ecevit arrived in Brussels for talks with EEC
and NATO leaders. [MEED) June 3: Sudanese President Ja'far al-Numayri met with
May 28: Ecevit met with Greek Premier Constantine President Shaykh Zayd bin Sultan Al Nuhayyan in
Caramanlis in Washington. [NYT] Abiu Dhabi. [FBIS]
Rival political factions clashed in Demirci, leaving A helicopter carrying oil workers to an offshore
1 dead and at least 10 injured. [NYT) oilfield crashed, killing 16 people. [FBISI
West German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt criti- June 12: Mauritanian Foreign Minister Hamdi Ould
cized the US Congress for not lifting the arms Moukness met with Foreign Minister Ah.madKhalifah
embargo on Turkey. [NYT] al-Suwaydi in Abiu Dhabi. [FBIS]
May 29: Ecevit said in Washington on the eve of a June 17: Bahrayni Premier Shaykh Khalifah bin
NATO summit conference that Turkey felt "no Salman Al Khalifah met with President Shaykh Zayd
threat" from the Soviet Union. [NYT} in Al 'Ayn. [FBISI

June 23: Somali President Mohamed Siad Barre met South Yemeni Communications Minister Mahmiud
with President Shaykh Zayd in Abu Dhabi. [FBIS] 'Ushaysh arrived in San'a' for talks. [FBISJ
Abui Dhabi and 3 foreign oil companies signed June 1: Sudanese President Ja'far al-Numayr1 met with
agreements for a $1.6 billion natural gas project. Command Council Chairman Ahmad Husayn
[NYT} al-Ghashmi in San(a. [FBIS]
June 3: Akhba-ral-Yawm reported that a mutiny led by
'Abdallah al-'Alim the week before had been crushed.
'Alim was reported to have fled to Aden. [FBISI
Yemen June 24: A bomb exploded in the bag of a South Yemeni
envoy, killing Chairman Ghashmi and the envoy. The
Iraqi press agency reported that Yemen had severed
(Seealso, Saudi Arabia, South Yemen, Sudan)
diplomatic relations with South Yemen over the inci-
dent. [NYTI
1978 A new Presidential Council was formed:
'Abd al-Karim al-'Arashi: Chairman
May 19: Interior Minister Muh.sin al-Y-usufl visited the 'Abd al-'Aziz 'Abd al-Ghani, 'All al-Shaybah and
Ta'izz region and met with its governor. [FBIS] 'All 'Abdallah Slih: Members[FBIS]
May 30: The Cabinet was formed as follows: Presidential Council Member al-Shaybah was
'Abd al-'Aziz 'Abd al-Ghani: Premier named Commander in Chief of the armed forces.
Muhammad Ahmad al-Junayd: Deputy Premier and [FBISJ
Finance June 25: South Yemen denied any involvement in the
Muhammad bin Muhammad al-Mans-ur:Awqaf and assassination of Ghashmi. [NYTJ
Guidance July 1. At an emergency session of the Arab League,
$alih. al-Jamali:Supply & Trade Foreign Minister 'Abdallah al-Asnaj appealed for
Ahmad Muhammad 'Abd al-Malik al-Asbihi: Health expulsion of South Yemen from the League. [NYT]
Muh.:ammadal-Khadim al-Wajih: Education July 2. At the conclusion of the Arab League session
'All 'Abdallah al-Matari:Agriculture a communiqu6 was issued which said 15 League
Ahmad Muhammad al-'Unsi: Communications & members had decided to "freeze" diplomatic ties and
Transport suspend economic relations with South Yemen.
Ahmad Salih al-Ra'ini: Information & Culture [NYT]
Ahmad al-Hamdani: Economy July 4: Two agreements with West Germanv were
Ahmad Qasim Barakat: State and Chairman of Oil signed in Bonn. [MEED]
& Mineral ResourcesDepartment July 10: Foreign Minister Asnaj said that 6 South
'Abdallah 'Abd al-Mai-d al-Asnaj: ForeignAffairs Yemeni naval vessels were violating Yemeni terri-
Muhsin al-Yasufi: Interior torial waters near the Bab al-Mandab and that its air-
Muhammad Salim Basindwa: Developmentand Chair- craft were violating Yemeni airspace. [MEED]
man of the Central Planning Board July 17.' 'Abdallah Salih was elected President by the
'Abdallah al-Kurshumi:Public Works& Municipalities People's Council. [NYT]
'Ali al-Samman:Justice July 20: The following appointments were made:
'Abd al-Salam Muqbil: Social Affairs, Labor & Youth. 'Abd al-Karim 'Abdallah al-'Arashi: Vice President
[FBIS} Lutfi al-Sunai: Director of Presidential Office[FBIS]

CSM, The Christian ScienceMonitor (1 Norway St., Boston, Mass. 02115). EG, Egyptian Gazette (24 Sharia Zakaria
Ahmed, Cairo, Egypt). FBIS, Foreign Broadcast Information ServiceDaily Report: Middle East and North Africa
(NTIS, US Department of Commerce, Springfield, Va. 22151). JP, TheJerusalemPost (The Jerusalem Post Building,
Jerusalem, P.O. Box 81). MEED, Middle East EconomicDigest (21 John Street, London WC1N 2BP, England).
MEES, Middle East EconomicSurvey(P.O. Box 4940, Nicosia, Cyprus). NYT, The New YorkTimes (229 W. 43rd St.,
New York, N.Y. 10036). TDN, Turkish Daily News (Tunus Cad. 49/7, Ankara, Turkey). WP, The WashingtonPost
(1150 15th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20071).

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