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Chronology August 6, 1978-November 15, 1978

Reviewed work(s):
Source: Middle East Journal, Vol. 33, No. 1 (Winter, 1979), pp. 45-57
Published by: Middle East Institute
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Accessed: 21/02/2012 04:25

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August 6, 1978-November 15, 1978

Sept. 6. Sadat and Carter met privately at Camp

Arab Israeli Conflict David. [WP]
Carter, S-adatand Begin deliberated at Camp David.
(See also, Lebanon) No statement on the results of the conference was
forthcoming. [WP3
A bomb exploded in Jerusalem, injuring 2 people.
1978 A second bomb exploded near the Jaffa Gate, but
there were no casualties. [WP3
Aug. 20: Arab terrorists attacked an El Al Airlines Sept. 7: Syrian Foreign Minister 'Abd al-HaallmKhaddam
crew outside the Europa Hotel in London. Two said Arab nations should "make military pacts with the
people, including 1 of the terrorists, were killed. The Soviet Union" if Israel concluded a mutual defense
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-Special pact with the US. [WP}
Operations claimed responsibility for the attack. [WPJ Sept. 8. Carter met separately with Begin and Sadat at
Israeli Premier Menahem Begin said Israel was Camp David. [WP}
preparing a plan for a "partial but permanent" peace Sept. 9: A statement at Camp David indicated that prog-
agreement with Egypt to be submitted at the summit ress did "seem to have been made in some areas," but
meeting at Camp David, Maryland. [WP] that "substantial differences" between the parties
A bomb was defused in Ramla. Two other bombs remained. [WPJ
were dismantled in Jerusalem. [FBIS] Sept. 10. Begin met with Carter at Camp David. [WPJ
Aug. 21: Israeli aircraftstruck a Palestinian refugee camp Sept. 11.' Sadat and Carter met at Camp David. A White
in Beirut and attacked Palestinian centers in Damur House spokesman said that an "even more intense
"as a response to the terrorist attack in London. and detailed effort" was being made to deal with
[WP} areas of substantial differences between Israel and
Aug. 26: A UN antiracism conference ended with a Egypt. [WP}
declaration accusing "Zionist" Israel of increasing rela- Sept. 14: A White House spokesman said that "more
tions with "racist"South Africa. [WP] progress and more flexibility" at Camp David were
Sept. 2: The "Peace Now" Movement held a mass rally essential if a Middle East peace framework was to
in Tel Aviv and called on Israeli Premier Begin to show be forged. [WP}
flexibility at a summit conference at Camp David. Sept. 17: Egypt, Israel and the US announced that agree-
[FBIS] ment at Camp David on a peace framework had been
Sept. 3: The Washington Post cited Egyptian President reached. [WP3
Anwar al-Sadat as saying the upcoming Camp David Two accords were initialed by Egypt and Israel.
meeting was "a last chance" for a peaceful settle- The first, "A Framework for Peace in the Middle East,"
ment. [WPJ covered the future of the West Bank and the Gaza
Sept. 5: Egyptian President Sadat and Begin arrived at Strip. The second, "A Framework for the Conclusion
Camp David and were met by US President Jimmy of a Peace Treaty between Egypt and Israel," covered
Carter. [WPJ Sinai and bilateral relations between Egypt and Israel,
US President Carter met privately with Begin at and called for the concluding within 3 months of a
Camp David. [WPJ peace treaty between them. [WPJ

List of Abbreviations
CSM, The Christian Science Monitor; EG, Egyptian Gazette; FBIS, Foreign Broadcast Information Service
Daily Report-Middle East and North Africa; JP, The Jerusalem Post; LT, The Times of London and The Sunday
Times; MEED, Middle East EconomicDigest; MEES, Middle East EconomicSurvey; NYT, The New York Times;
PA, Pakistan Affairs; TDN, Turkish Daily News; WP, The Washington Post.


The Israeli Supreme Court ordered a temporary Sept.25: Begin told the Knesset that Israel had agreed to
suspension of work on a new Jewish settlement on freeze the establishment of new settlements on the
the West Bank near Ramallah. [WP} West Bank for the 3 month period of treaty negotia-
Sept. 18: The texts of the 2 Camp David accords were tions with Egypt. [LT]
published. [LT] Sept.26: Following a meeting with Syrian President Asad
Sidat confirmed that Muhammad Ibrahlm Kamil in Amman, King Hjusaynsaid the peace moves had not
had resigned as Egyptian Foreign Minister as of come "anywhere near" his demands. [LT]
September 15. [LT] Sept.27. Carter said he had "a very clear understanding"
Supporters of the Jewish nationalist group Gush with Begin that the question of new West Bank settle-
Emunim set up an illegal encampment near Nablus ments would be settled by negotiations during a 5 year
to protest the Camp David accords. [LT] transitional period in which the "final status" of the
Sept. 19: The Egyptian Cabinet expressed its support West Bank would be determined. [WPI
for the Camp David agreements. [LT] Sept. 28: The Israeli Knesset voted by 84 to 19
Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) leader with 17 abstentions to approve the Camp David
Yasir 'Araf-at said the PLO would "rain blows on agreements. [WP]
American interests" as a result of the Camp David Jerusalem Domestic Service reported that Israeli In-
agreements. [LT] dustry, Commerce and Tourism Minister Yigal Hurvitz
Saudi Arabia rejected the Camp David agree- had resigned as a result of the Cabinet vote on the
ments as "an unacceptable formula for a definitive Camp David accords. [FBIS]
peace." [LT] Sept. 30. An Israeli patrol boat foiled a guerrilla attack
Sept. 20. Representatives of Syria, Algeria, Libya, South on the port of Eilat and captured 7 guerrillas. [LT]
Yemen and the PLO opened a meeting of the Front Oct. 1. The Iraqi Revolution Command Council said it
for Steadfastness in Damascus to discuss the Camp was ready to send forces to Syria "to ensure an Arab
David agreements. [LT] force capable of confronting the enemy." [LT]
US Secretary of State Cyrus Vance met with Oct. 9. Israeli Foreign Minister Moshe Dayan told the
Jordanian King Husayn in Amman to clarify the Camp UN General Assembly that Israel had resolved "never
David agreements. {FBIS} to compromise the unity of Jerusalem." [LT]
Sept. 21. Israeli troops evicted several hundred Gush Oct. 10: Iraq invited all Arab states except Egypt
Emunim activists from the illegal encampment near to a summit conference to discuss the Camp David
Nablus. [LT] accords. [LT]
US Secretary of State Vance met with Saudi Arabian Oct. 12. Treaty negotiations between Egypt and Israel
King Khalid and Crown Prince Fahd in Riyadh on the were opened in Washington. [LT]
Camp David accords. [FBISJ Oct. 16. US Assistant Secretary of State Harold Saunders
Sept. 22. Libyan Secretary General Mu'ammar arrived in Amman carrying US clarifications to ques-
al-QadhdhafTand PLO leader 'Arafat met with King tions by King Husayn concerning the Camp David
[Husaynin Jordan on the Camp David accords. [WP} accords. [JPJ
Vance acceeded to a Syrian request to postpone a Oct. 17: Begin said that Israel and Egypt had agreed to go
visit to Damascus. [WP] to arbitrationshould disputes arise during implementa-
The US published 9 letters of understanding be- tion of a peace treaty. [LT]
tween Begin, Sadat and Carter relating to the Camp Oct. 18. Saudi Arabian Foreign Minister Sa'ud al-Fay$al
David Summit. [WP} met with US Assistant Secretary of State Saunders in
Sept. 23. King Husayn said the Camp David proposals Jiddah. [FBIS]
were unacceptable "in the present form" and said he Oct. 19. Carter met in Washington with the Egyptian and
was "absolutely shattered" by Sadat's negotiating Israeli peace delegations in an effort to resolve differ-
policy. [WP] ences that had arisen between them. [LT]
Members of Gush Emunim slipped through Oct. 22: It was announced that the Egyptian and Israeli
Israeli army lines near Hebron and seized a hill for a delegations had agreed on a peace treaty draft the day
Jewish settlement in defiance of Israeli policy. [WP] before. [LT]
At the end of the Front for Steadfastness meeting Oct. 24: Begin sent a letter to the US protesting the
in Damascus, a statement was issued rejecting the clarifications given to King Husayn by Saunders. [JP}
Camp David accords and calling for the severing of Oct.25. The Israeli Cabinet approved "in principle" the
"economic and political relations with the Egyptian draft of the peace agreement with Egypt. The vote was
r6gime." [FBISI 15 to 0 with 2 abstentions. [JP}
Sept. 24. The Israeli Cabinet voted by 11 to 2 with 3 Israeli Foreign Minister Dayan told the Likud faction
members absent to approve the Camp David of the Knesset that existing settlements in the West
accords. [LT] Bank would be expanded in the future. IJPI
Vance met with Syrian President Hafiz al-Asad on More than 1,000 Israeli Arabs began a pilgrimage
the Camp David agreements. The talks were termed to Mecca. [LT]
"frank and extensive." [LTJ Oct. 26. Vance said the US was "deeply disturbed" by
Israeli soldiers evicted the Gush Emunim settlers a "reported decision taken by the Israeli Cabinet to
who had reoccupied the illegal encampment near 'thicken' some of the settlements on the West Bank."
Hebron. [LT] [LT]

The Jerusalem Post cited "government sources" as Nov. 13: The UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural
saying Begin had proposed moving the Premier's Organization voted by 59 to 22 with 8 abstentions
office to East Jerusalem. [JP} to condemn Israel and cut off funds to it on the
Oct.27: Sadat and Begin were awarded the Nobel Peace grounds that Israel had damaged Arab monuments
Prize. [LT] in Jerusalem with archeological digs. [NYT]
Oct. 30: Representatives of 20 Arab states and the PLO Israeli Minister of Agriculture Ariel Sharon said he
began a meeting of foreign ministers in Baghdad to had proposed building a new settlement at the south-
prepare for an Arab League summit conference later ern end of the Gaza Strip. [NYT)
in the week. [LT] Nov. 14. Cypriot President Spyros Kyprianou commuted
'Arafat met with Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei the death sentences of 2 Palestinians convicted of
Gromyko in the Soviet Union. [LT] assassinating an Egyptian editor in April. [NYT]
Oct. 31.: A plenary session of the peace negotiations was
held in Washington. A spokesman said the US had
produced a "clear draft" of the proposed treaty. [LT]
Nov. 2' Iraqi President Ahmad Hasan al-Bakr opened General
a summit conference of 20 states and the PLO in
Baghdad. Arab unity and policy with respect to the
Camp David accords were to be discussed. [LT]
Begin and Vance met in New York. The question Sept. 27. The Times of London reported that at the open-
of US financial aid to Israel to compensate for Israeli ing of the Polisario Front "biennial congress" in the
withdrawal from Sinai was discussed. [LTJ disputed Western Sahara, Polisario had made a com-
Nov. 3. Vance said that "almost all the substantive issues" mitment to release 8 Spanish fishermen captured in
in the draft treaty had been resolved after his talks with waters claimed by the Front. [LTJ
Begin the day before. [LT] Nov. 8. Mauritanian Head of State Mustafa Ould Mo-
Nov. 4.' Begin said Israel was seeking a loan from the US hammad Salek met with French President Val6ry
to defray costs of evacuating Sinai and that the loan Giscard d'Estaing in Paris on the Western Saharacon-
would be repaid "to the last cent." [LT] flict. [MEED]
Sadat refused to meet with a delegation sent from
the Baghdad summit. [FBIS}
Nov. 5: The summit meeting ended in Baghdad. Iraqi
Foreign Minister Sa'dun Hammadi said the summit
had "decided to take certain measures" in view of the Petroleum Affairs
Camp David accords and spoke of resolutions that
would not be made public. [LT]
Nov. 6: Arab League Secretary General Mahmud Riyad
said the Arab League had decided not to hold meetings Aug. 23: The Kuwayti newspaper al-Siya-sahpublished
in Cairo because of the Egyptian peace initiative. an interview with Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Fahd
[NYTI in which he said Saudi Arabia had "rejected" a pro-
Nov. 8. Dayan told Vance that the Israeli Cabinet wanted posal for substituting a basket of currencies for the
to eliminate any "linkage" accepted by the Israeli ne- US dollar and "shall not accept it." [MEES]
gotiators in the treaty text. [NYT3 Sept. 12: Japanese Premier Takeo Fukuda warned in
Nov. 9. Egyptian negotiators told Vance that Sadat Ta'if that the decline in the US dollar could trigger
wanted changes in the draft peace treaty text. [NYT] an increase in the world price of oil that would be
Carter urged Egypt and Israel to accept compromise "extremely harmful to the world economy." [WP]
language "as approved by the negotiators." [NYT] Oct.25: The Timesof London cited the Secretary General
Nov. 10: The New YorkTimes cited "conference sources" of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
as saying Egypt had asked Israel to agree to a detailed (OPEC), 'AriJaydah,as saying OPEC must either raise
timetable on relinquishing military rule in the West oil prices or set the value of oil in terms of a basket
Bank and Gaza. [NYTI of currencies. [LT}
Moroccan King Hasan said Sadat had received
guarantees from Carter that East Jerusalem would be
returned to the Arabs and that the West Bank and
Gaza would eventually become independent. [NYT]
Nov. 12: US officials said that Carter had given no
secret "guarantees" or "commitments" to Sadat on
the future of the West Bank, Gaza or East Jerusalem. (See also, Pakistan, South Yemen)
The Israeli Cabinet rejected the Egyptian demands
for a timetable as "unacceptable." [NYTI
Vance and Dayan met in Washington on the prob- Aug. 17. The Central Committee of the People's Demo-
lem of "linkage". A formula to resolve the deadlock cratic Party decided that President of the Revolu-
was reported to have been reached. Later the 2 men tionary Council Nur Mohammad Tarakiwould assume
flew to New York to meet with Begin. [NYTI the duties of Minister of Defense. [FBIS]

Aug. 18: The Washington Post cited Kabul Radio as an- visit during which he had held talks with Amir Shaykh
nouncing a plot to overthrow the government had 'Isa. [FBISJ
been foiled and Defense Minister Abdul Khadir had Oct. 23: Saudi Arabian Foreign Minister Sa'ud al-Faysal
been arrested for his role in the plot. [WPI arrived in Manama from Kuwayt on a tour of Gulf
Aug. 23: The Politburo of the People's Democratic Party countries. [FBISJ
ordered the arrest of Planning Minister Soltan Ali
Keshtmand and Public Works Minister Mohammad
Rafi for their parts in the conspiracy. [FBISI
Aug. 28. The following appointments were announced: Cyprus
Dastagir Panjshiri: Public Works
Abdorrashid Jalili: Education (See also, Arab Israeli Conflict)
Sahebjan Sahrai:BorderAffairs [FBISI
Sept. 9: Pakistani Chief Martial Law Administrator Mo-
hammad Zia-ul-Haq met with Chairman of the Revo- 1978
lutionary Council Taraki at Taghman, near Kabul.
Aug. 21. President Spyros Kyprianou met with Greek
Sept. 17: The government announced it was breaking Premier Constantine Karamanlis in Greece. [MEED)
diplomatic relations with South Korea. [FBIS] Sept. 16: Six Greek Cypriot convicts in the EOKA-B
Sept. 19: Indian External Affairs Minister Atal Bihari underground movement attempted to break out of a
Vajpayee met with Taraki in Kabul. [FBISiI prison in Nicosia. [LT]
Sept.22: MiddleEast EconomicDigest reported that Taraki Sept. 17: The convicts threatened to kill 7 hostages. The
had dismissed 6 Ambassadors who had been appointed government refused to negotiate with the prisoners.
in July. All were members of the Parcham section [LT]
of the People's Democratic Party. [MEEDI Sept. 19: A total of 9 armed prisoners in the Nicosia
Oct. 19: Afghanistan adopted a red flag as its new national prison surrendered to police. [LT]
emblem. [LT] Oct. 10. President Kyprianou returned to Cyprus after
2 weeks in Belgium, the US and Greece. [MEEDI
Oct. 18: President of the "self proclaimed" "Turkish Fed-
erated State of Cyprus" Rauf Denkta, met with
Algeria Turkish Premier Bilent Ecevit in Turkey. [TDN}
Oct. 23: Turkey and the "Turkish Federated State of
Cyprus" signed a trade agreement providing for
(Seealso, Arab Israeli Conflict, Morocco, South Yemen) Turkey to import all of the "TurkishFederated State's"
surplus production. [MEED)
Sept. 6: Syrian Foreign Minister 'Abd al-Halim Khaddam
arrived in Algiers for talks with Algerian leaders. Egypt
Sept. 19: Cuban President Fidel Castro arrived in Algiers (See also, Arab Israeli Conflict, Morocco)
and met with President Houari Boumedienne. [FBIS]
Sept. 27: Vietnamese Vice President Nguyen Huu Tho
left Algiers at the end of a visit. [FBIS] 1978
Oct. 7: Algeria denied charges by Morocco of an attack
Aug. 21. Information Minister 'Abd al-Mun'im al-Sawl
in Moroccan territory. [MEED]
denied reports that political commentator Mustafa
Oct. 15: President Boumedienne left Algiers on a visit
Amin had been banned from writing a column in al-
to Moscow. [FBIS)
Akhbar. [FBISJ
Oct. 16: Boumedienne met with Soviet President Leonid
Sept. 2.' Moroccan Minister of State for Foreign Affairs
Brezhnev at the Kremlin. [JPJ
Mohamed Boucetta met with President Anwar
Nov. 14.' Boumedienne left the Soviet Union after a
al-Sadat in Egypt. [FBIS]
month long visit. [NYT}
Sept. 4: President Sadat met with French President
Valery Giscard d'Estaing in Paris. [LT]
Sept. 10:. The WashingtonPost cited editions of al-Ahrar
and al-Ahali as saying the government had blocked
Bahrayn publication of the papers to prevent criticism of Sadat
while he was at the summit meeting at Camp David.
1978 [WPJ
Sept. 18: UAA Vice President Shaykh Rashid bin Satid
Oct. 1.' Jordanian King Husayn arrived in Manama for Al Makt-umarrived in Cairo for a 3 day visit. [MEED}
talks with Amir Shaykh 'Isa bin Salman Al Khallfah. Oct. 3: War Minister Muhammad 'Abd al-GhanI al-
[FBISJ JamasIand Army Chief of Staff Muhammad 'All Fahmi
Oct. 6.' Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) leader were relieved of their posts and named "military ad-
Yasir 'Arafat left Manama for Doha at the end of a visors." [LT]
Oct. 4: A new Cabinet was formed: The WashingtonPost reported that Information Min-
Mustafa Khalil: Premier ister Dary-ush Humay-un had accused the Palestine
Fikri Makram 'Ubayd: Deputy Premier for People's Liberation Organization of helping foment recent
AssemblyAffairs riots in Iranian cities. [WP1
Kamal Hasan 'Al1:Defense & War Production Aug. 19. Terrorists set fire to a movie theater in Abadan.
Ahamd 'Izz al-Din Hilal: Petroleum At least 377 people died in the blaze. [WP}
Hamid 'Abd al-Latif al-Sayyih:Economy,ForeignTrade Aug. 20. A cinema in Shiraz was destroyed by arsonists.
& EconomicCoolperation [FBIS}
Muhammad Nabawi Isma'il: Interior A bomb exploded in a restaurant in Shiraz. [FBIS}
Mahm-udAmin 'Abd al-Hafiz: Tourism & Civil Avi- Aug. 21.' An export bank branchwas set on fire in Tehran.
ation [FBIS}
Amal 'Abd'Uthmian:Insurance & Social Af- The Abadan police chief said 10 persons had been
fairs arrested for their role in the fire. [TDNJ
'Abd al-Razzaq 'Abd al-Majild:Planning Aug. 22: The fire victims were buried in Abadan. Dem-
Hassaballah Muhammad al-Kafrawi:Reconstruction& onstrations after the mourning ceremonies turned into
New Societies riots. [WPI
Butrus Butrus Ghai1:State for Foreign Affairs Aug. 23: Tanks and troops took up positions in Abadan
'All Muhammad al-Salmi:Statefor Followup & Control to prevent rioting. [WPJ
Sa'd Muhammad Ahmad: Manpower & Vocational The Iranian Embassy in the Hague was attacked by
T raining 9 Iranian students. The students issued a statement
MahmiudMuhammad Daiid: Agriculture blaming security police for starting the fire in Abadan
Nasif 'Abd al-Maqsuid Ibrahim Tahun: Supply & In- and surrendered to Dutch police. [WPJ
ternal Trade Aug. 25. Anti-government demonstrations erupted into
Hasan Muhammad Isma'ii:Education,Culture & Scien-
violence in Abadan. [WPI
tific Research
Aug. 27. A new Cabinet was sworn in:
Ahmad 'Al Musa-:Justice
Ja'far Sharif-i Imami: Premier
Sulayman Mutawalli Sulayman: State for Cabinet Af-
Muhammad Yiganah: EconomicAffairs & Finance
fairs and Local Government
Riza-i 'Azimi: War
Tawfiq HamId Kararah: Agrarian Reform
'Izat Allah-i Yazdanpanah: State for Parliamentary
Muhammad 'Abd al-Hadi Samahah: Irrigation and
State for Sudan Affairs
Muhammad Riza Vishka`i: Commerce
'Abd al-Akhir Muhammad 'Umar 'Abd al-Akhir: State
Hasan-i Shalchiyan:Roads & Transport
for People'sAssemblyAffairs
Amir Khusraw Afshar Qasimlu: ForeignAffairs
'Alu Fahmi al-Daghistani: Transport, Communications
Muhammad-i Bahiri:Justice
& Maritime Transport
Mustafa Mutawalli al-Hifnawi: Housing HCushang-iNahavandi: Science& Higher Education
'Abbas Qarahbaghi:Interior
Ibrahim 'Abd al-Rahman 'Atallah:Industry & Mineral
'Alinaqi Kani: State
Amir Husayn Amir Parvlz: Agriculture
Mustafa Kamal Sabri: Electricity& Energy
Hasan 'Ali Mihran: State
'Ali Jamal al-Nazir: State for EconomicCoofperation
Kazim Vad-'i: Labor & Social Affairs
Muhammad 'Abd al-Rahman Baysar:Awqaifand State
Jahangir Mahd Mina: Energy
for Al Azhar Affairs
Muhsin Furufghi:Culture & Arts
Husni Muhammad al-Sayyid 'All: State for Housing
Parviz Avini: Housing & Rural Development
Kamal Tawfiq Ah,mad Nasir: Statefor War Production
Muhammad Riza Amall Tehrani: Information &
Mamd-uhKamal Jabir: Health
'AluLutfi MahmiudLutf;: Finance
ManiuchihrAzm-un:Statefor ExecutiveAffairs
Muhammad Ahmad al-'Uqayli: State
Karim-i Mu'tamidil:Post, Telegraph& Telephone
Oct. 23. Ugandan President Idi Amin arrived in Cairo
Maniuchihr-iGanjl: Education & Training
and met with Sadat. [FBISI
Riza-i Amin: Industries & Mines
Oct. 25.' Sixteen alleged conspirators in a "Communist
Nasrullah-i Muqtadir Mazhdahi:Health & Social Wel-
plot" to seize power appeared in court. [LTJ
fare [MEED}
Aug. 29. Chinese Communist Party ChairmanHua Kuo-
feng arrived in Iran for talks with Muhammad Riza
Iran Shah Pahlavi. [WP}
Aug. 30. The Washington Post reported that Iran had
(See also, Pakistan) said Iraq had returned an Iranian, alleged to have
confessed to playing a role in the Abadan arson, after
1978 he had attempted to enter Iraq illegally. [WPJ
Aug. 31: Police opened fire on demonstrators in
Aug. 17.' The WashingtonPost reported that the US had Mashhad, killing 2 people. [WP3
turned down a request by Iran to purchase 31 F-4G A cultural agreement with the People's Republic
fighter bombers. [WPJ of China was signed in Tehran. LFBISI

Sept. 1: About 150 people were arrested in Los Angeles Oct. 2: Bangladesh President Ziaur Rahman arrived in
after a demonstration against the Shah turned violent. Tehran and met with the Shah. [FBISI
IWPJ Oct. 3. The government promised to meet in full the
Sept. 4: The Washington Post reported that riots over demands of striking bank, telecommunications and oil
the weekend in Tehran and 14 other cities had left refinery workers. [LT]
at least 12 people dead. [WP] Oct. 6: Exiled opposition leader Ayat Allah Khumayni
Peaceful demonstrations were held in Tehran and flew to Paris. He had lived in Iraq for more than 10
other cities. It was reported that 4 people had been years. [MEED}
killed in clashes between demonstrators in the city of Oct.8: Health Minister Mazhdahl resigned his post. [LT]
l1am. [WP} Oct. 9. Ambassador to the US Ardashir-i Zahidi met
Sept. 5: Japanese Premier Takeo Fukuda arrived in with the Shah on the disturbances in Iran. [MEED]
Tel3ranfor talks with Iranian officials on bilateral eco- Oct. 11: Journalists staged a strike to protest military
nQrnicrelations. [LT] censorship. [LT]
Sept. 6. The government ordered a ban on public pro- Troops and student demonstrators clashed in
cessions and meetings without official permission. Tehran. [LT]
[WPJ Oct. 13: The government agreed to the demands of strik-
Sept. 7: Japanese Premier Fukuda met with the Shah ing journalists. [LT)
in Sa'dabad Palace. [FBISJ The opposition National Front Party called for a
A mass rally was held in Tehran. Demonstrators peaceful general strike for Oct. 16. [LT]
demanded the ousting of the Shah and his replace- Oct. 15. The government deployed tanks in Tehran on
ment by exiled religious leader Ayat Allah Ruh Allah the eve of a threatened general strike. [LT]
Khumayni. [WP} Oct. 18: It was reported that Minister of Science and
Sept. 8: The government declared a 6 month period of Higher Education Nahavandi had resigned to protest
martial law in Tehran and 11 other cities. [WP] wage increases awarded after strikes. [LT]
Army troops fired into anti-government demon- Oct. 22. Police opened fire on demonstrators in
strators in Tehran, killing at least 86 and injuring 205. Hamadan, killing 5 people. [LT]
[WPI Oct.23. The government said that 1,451 prisoners would
Sept. 9. The Shah postponed a trip to East Germany be released to mark the Shah's birthday. Justice Min-
and Rumania to deal with unrest in Iran. [WPJ ister Bahirl said those released would be "fully com-
Former Premier Amir 'Abbas-i Huvayda resigned pensated." [LT]
his post as Minister of the Imperial Court. [FBISJ Oct.24: Riots took place in the town of Gorgan. Govern-
Pakistani Chief Martial Law Administrator Moham- ment buildings, cinemas, banks and other structures
mad Zia-ul-Haq arrived in Tehran and met with the were burned by rioters. [LT]
Shah. [FBIS}
Oct.25.' Rioters attacked cinemas, banks and other build-
Sept. 10: One person was killed in Qum when troops
ings in Rasht. [LT]
fired into a crowd. [WPJ
In a telephone call to the Shah, US PresidentJimmy Oct. 26: Snipers in Jahrom killed the police chief and
Carter expressed regret at the recent violence in Iran critically wounded the martial law administratorof the
and hope that the movement toward political liberal- town. [LT]
ization in Iran would continue. [WPI Troops clashed with student demonstrators in
Nine Members of Parliament disrupted and then Tehran. [LT]
walked out of a speech by Premier Imami. [LT] Oct. 27.' Rioting in several towns and cities left 5 people
Sept. 12: The government arrested or issued warrants dead. [LT]
for scores of opponents of the Shah. [WPJ Oct. 29. The government dismissed or retired 34 senior
Sept. 14: Tehran Domestic Service reported that former officials of the intelligence organization SAVAK. [LT]
Minister of Culture Mansur-i Ruhani and former Ag- Oct. 30. Bahiri and Minister of State Azmun tendered
riculture Minister Faridiun-i Mahdavi had been ar- their resignations. [FBIS}
rested. [FBIS] The following Cabinet appointments were an-
Sept. 16: An earthquake devastated sections of eastern nounced:
Iran, leaving 11,000 dead in Tabas and surrounding Husayn Najafi:Justice
villages. [LTJ Mustafa Payadar:State for ExecutiveAffairs [LT]
The government received a vote of confidence in Oct. 31: The oil industry was paralyzed by a strike. [LT]
the Majlis by a vote of 176 to 16. Debate prior to Crown Prince Riza met with US President Carter
the vote of confidence was televised nationally. [LT] in Washington. Carter reaffirmed US support for the
Sept. 17: Eighteen opposition MP's walked out of a de- Shah. [LT]
bate on the introduction of martial law in 12 cities. Nov. 3.' The opposition National Front leader Karim
[LT] Sanjabi met with Ayat Allah Khumayni in Paris at the
Sept. 20: The Shah visited the earthquake disaster area. conclusion of 5 days of talks. [LT]
[LT] Nov. 4: Violent demonstrations erupted in Tehran. At
Sept. 24: Police fired into the air to disperse demon- least 10 people were reported killed. [LT]
strators in Golayegan. [LT] Nov. 5: Demonstrators in Tehran toppled a statue of
Oct. 1. A police station commander was assassinated by the Shah at the university and set hotels and public
terrorists in Mashhad. [LT] buildings ablaze. The British Embassy was set afire.

Troops repulsed an attack on the US Embassy. [LT] had been expelled from Iraq because of his "estab-
Imami resigned the Premiership. [NYTI lished association with recent acts of sabotage in
Ayat Allah Khumayni and opposition National Baghdad." [WPI
Front leader SanjabIissued a statement in Paris saying Aug. 26: Finance Minister Fawzi 'Abdallah met with
they would not support any coalition government un- Chadian Minister of Economy Ahmed Kerim Togoi
less the Shah agreed on a referendum on the mon- in Iraq. [FBISI
archy. [NYT] Aug. 28. Kuwayti Oil Minister Shaykh 'All al-Khalifah
Nov. 6: A new military Cabinet was named as follows: Al Sabah,met with Oil Minister Tayih 'Abd al-Karim.
Ghulam Riza Azhari: Premier [FBIS]
Khusraw Afshar Qasimlu: ForeignAffairs The Iraq News Agencyreported a death in Iraq from
Riza-i 'Azimi: War cholera. [WPJ
Karim-i Mu'tamidi: Post, Telegraph& Telephone Sept. 11: Vice President Taha Muhyi al-Din Ma'riufmet
'Abbas Qarabaghi:Interior with North Korean President Kim il-Sung in
Ghul-am'Ali Uvaysi: Laborand Social Affairs Pyongyang. [FBIS}
Abu al-Hasan Sa'adatmand:Information& Tourism Vice President Mariuf arrived in Moscow from
Husayn Rabjil: Housing & Urban Development Pyongyang for meetings with Soviet leaders. [FBIS}
Iraj Muqaddam: Energy A letter bomb sent from Italy to the Iraqi Embassy
Kamal al-Din Mir Habiballahi: Culture & Arts, in London was defused. [LT]
Education& Training and Science& Higher Education Sept. 12: Maruif had talks in Moscow with Soviet Pre-
[FBIS & MEED] mier Alexei Kosygin. [MEED}
Ayat Allah Khumayni said the opposition would Sept. 18. South Yemeni Presidential Council Chairman
find "some other means of solving the problem" if 'All Nasir Muhammad arrived in Baghdad and met
"political methods" failed. [NYT) with President Ahmad Hasan al-Bakr. [FBISJ
Nov. 7.' The military government announced it had ar- Sept.30: Ugandan President Idi Amin arrived in Baghdad
rested 14 prominent officials including the former for talks with Iraqi leaders. [MEED}
head of SAVAK and 6 former Cabinet ministers. Oct. 3: Revolution Command Council Vice Chairman
[NYTI $addam Husayn returned to Baghdad at the end of a
Nov. 8.' Former Premier Huvayda was arrested. The mili- visit to 2 Arab countries. [FBIS}
tary government announced that 54 indictments of Oct. 24: Syrian President Hafiz al-Asad arrived in
former public officials and businessmen had been is- Baghdad and met with President Bakr. [LT]
sued on charges of corruption. [NYTI Oct. 26: Syria and Iraq signed a charter of mutual coop-
The Shah ordered an investigation of all investments eration in Baghdad. The charter called for the setting
and business dealings of the imperial family. [NYT) up of a "joint political committee" to govern military
Nov. 11.' The military government arrested Sanjbhi in and economic relations between the 2 countries. [LT}
Tehran. [NYT]
Demonstrations took place in Ahwaz and Khorram-
shahr. Eight people were killed in clashes between
demonstrators and troops in the 2 cities. [NYTI
Nov. 12.' The military government ordered striking oil
employees back to work and threatened to dismiss
those who refused. [NYT] (See also, Arab Israeli Conflict, Lebanon)
Nov. 13.' Oilfields reported that more than 60% of their
workers had returned to their jobs. [NYT]
Nov. 14.' Demonstrators clashed with troops in the bazaar
of Tehran. [NYT] Aug. 23. The Democratic Movement for Change agreed
Clashes in Sunqur and Lahijan between security to split into 2 groups under Deputy Premier Yigal
forces and demonstrators left a total of 6 people dead. Yadin and Knesset Member Amnon Rubinstein. Min-
[NYT) ister of Transport Meir Amit remained undecided as
Most oilworkers in the Abadan refinery and the off- to which faction to join. [JPJ
shore installations returned to work. Higher absen- Sept. 2. The Dutch newspaper Throuw cited Austrian
teeism was reported in the Ahwaz oilfields. [NYT) Chancellor Bruno Kreisky as calling Premier Menahem
Begin a "political grocer." [WP}
Sept. 3: Israel officially protested to Austria the remarks
about Premier Begin attributed to Chancellor
Iraq Kreisky. [WP)
Sept. 5. The Washington Post reported that Kreisky had
(See also, Arab Israeli Conflict, Iran, Kuwayt, Libya, denied remarks attributed to him by the Dutch paper.
Pakistan, South Yemen, Syria, Turkey) [WPI
Sept. 13: Minister of Transport Amit, a member of the
1978 Democratic Movement for Change, submitted his
resignation from the Cabinet. He stated that a new
Aug. 23.' The WashingtonPost cited the Iraq News Agency political party would be established the following day.
as reporting that a counselor at the Syrian Embassy [FBISJ

Sept. 29. Begin was admitted to a hospital suffering from Aug. 25: Lebanese Shi'a leader Imam Musa Sadr arrived
fatigue. [WPJ in Libya for a visit. [MEED]
Nov. 7. Begin met with Canadian Premier Pierre Tru- Aug. 28: Foreign Minister Fu'ad Butrus met with Syrian
deau in Ottawa. {FBISI} President Hafiz al-Asad in Latakia. [WP}
Jerusalem Mayor Teddy Kollek was reelected to his Two members of the Israeli Knesset warned that if
fourth term. [NYT} Syrian attacks against Christians in Lebanon contin-
ued, Israel might have to intervene. [WPJ
Aug. 30. The United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon
(UNIFIL) reached agreement with Christian militia
Jordan forces in south Lebanon to set up observation posts
in Marj 'Uyun and Bint Jubayil. IMEEDI
(See also, Arab Israeli Conflict, Bahrayn, Qatar) The WashingtonPost reported that Syrian President
Asad had warned that Syria would "directly confront"
Israel if it attempted any form of military action against
1978 Syrian forces in Lebanon. [WPI
Sudanese President Ja'far al-Numayri said he was
Aug. 19. The following ministers were appointed: not "satisfied" with the actions of the Arab League
'Abd al-Ratuf al-Rawabidah:Health peacekeeping force in Lebanon and would withdraw
Hikmat al-Sakit: Agriculture the Sudanese forces from it in October. [MEEDI
Satid al-Tall: Communications{FBISJ Former President Sulayman Franjiyyah met with
Aug. 21: Premier Mudar Bedran began a 2 week visit former Premier RashId Kar6ml and Progressive So-
to Czechoslovakia. (MEEDI cialist Party leader Walld Junblat in Ihdin. [FBISJ
Sept. 4: King H3usaynand Queen Nu-r left Amman on a Aug. 31. The Ihdin conference ended. A statement was
private visit to London. [FBISI issued which supported the Arab peacekeeping force
Sept. 26. Syrian President H-ahz al-Asad arrived in in Lebanon and called the unity of Lebanon the "fun-
Amman for talks with King Husayn. [FBIS) damental aim" of the participants. {FBISI
Oct. 3. King Ijusayn returned to Amman at the end of Israeli Foreign Minister Moshe Dayan warned that
a tour of 5 Arab states. [FBIS} the "creeping occupation" of Lebanon by Syria could
Nov. 7: King 1Husaynmet with West German Chancellor lead to the placement of Syrian missiles and Soviet
Helmut Schmidt in Bonn. [NYTI advisers along Israel's border. [WP}
Christian militiamen opened fire on a UNIFIL unit
located about 4 miles from Marj 'Uyun. [WP}
Kuwayt Sept. 4. Syria strengthened its air defenses in eastern
Lebanon. [WPJ
(See also, Petroleum Affairs, Bahrayn, Iraq, Lebanon, The Washington Post reported that heavy fighting
South Yemen, Turkey, United Arab Amirates) in the suburb of al-Hadath had broken out between
Syrian troops and Christian militiamen. [WP}
Sept. 6. Syrian peacekeeping forces clashed with
1978 Christian militia overnight. [LT]
Sept. 8: Christian militiamen in the south fired on
Aug. 27: It was announced that the government had UNIFIL troops and refused to let a UN outpost be
set up a committee to investigate charges that em- set up. [WPI
ployees of Kuwait Airlines had received payoffs from Sept. 10: Artillery duels between Syrian and Christian
the US company Boeing. [WPJ militiamen in the al-Hadath suburb of Beirut during
Aug. 29: Oil Minister Shaykh 'All al-Khalifah Al Sabah the night were replaced by sniper fire at dawn. [LT]
returned to Kuwayt from a tour of Arab states. [FBISJ Israeli jets set off sonic booms over Beirut. [LT]
Sept. 28: Syrian President Hafiz al-Asad met with Amir Sept. 13: A general strike was held by Christians in east
Shaykh Jabir al-Ahmad Al $abah in Kuwayt. [FBISJ Beirut to protest Syrian bombardment of Christian
Oct.3. Iraqi Vice Chairman of the Revolution Command areas in the city. [LT]
Council $addam Husayn arrived in Kuwayt and met Sept. 15. A general strike in Muslim areas of west Beirut
with Crown Prince Shaykh Sa'd al-'Abdallah Al $abah. was held to protest the disappearance of Shi'a Muslim
[FBISI leader Mu-saSadr during a trip to Libya. [LT]
Sept. 24: Syrian troops fired rockets and mortar shells
into Christian areas of Beirut. [LT]
Lebanon Sept.26: Syrian peacekeeping troops exchanged machine
gun fire with Christian militiamen in the Beirut suburb
of al-Hadath. [LTI
(See also, Arab Israeli Conflict, Syria) Former President Alfred Naccache died, aged 91.
1978 Sept. 28: Heavy fighting between Christian militiamen
and Syrian troops spread to most of east Beirut. [LT]
Aug. 17: Premier Salim al-Huss accused Israel of "base US President Jimmy Carter said the US had been
intervention" in south Lebanon. (JPJ exploring the possibility of convening an international
peace conference that might involve a "new charter for Oct. 16. Syrian Foreign Minister 'Abd al-Halim Khaddam
Lebanon." [LT] said Syria was determined to end collaboration be-
Sept. 30. Syrian troops and Christian militiamen traded tween Christian militia groups and Israel. [WPI
artillery and rocket fire in east Beirut. A ceasefire was Oct. 177: The Washington Post reported that French
arranged. [WPJ Foreign Minister Louis de Guiringaud said former
Oct. 1: The ceasefire called the day before collapsed in President Camille Sham'un acting on "ill considered
Beirut. Sporadic mortar fire gained in intensity. [LT] advice" from Israel "bearsthe principle responsibility"
Oct. 2: President Ily-asSarkis said he would implement a for events in Lebanon. [WP}
"security plan" to bring the "principalLebanese politi- The ministerial conference ended at Bayt al-Din.
cal forces" into a new government. [LT} A communique was issued calling for termination of
Oct. 3. Heavy explosions rocked east Beirut as Syrian "armed manifestations" and forbidding Lebanese to
troops and Christian militiamen exchanged artillery deal with "the Israeli enemy." [LT}
fire. Electric power in Beirut was knocked out and the Oct. 18. French Premier Raymond Barre disavowed the
main water installation was damaged by shellfire. [LT] statements of accusation by Foreign Minister de
Oct.4. Syrian troops and Christian militiamen intensified Guiringaud. [JP}
their fighting. Phalanges radio estimated that 500 Oct. 20: Syrian troops lifted a siege against Christians
people had been killed or wounded since dawn. [LT] in east Beirut and handed over strategic positions to
Oct. 5. Syrian mortar and rocket fire bombarded Saudi Arabian peacekeeping troops. [LT]
Christian positions in east Beirut. [LT] Oct. 24. Shooting broke out between Christian militia-
Oct. 6: President Sarkis met with Asad in Damascus on men and Syrian troops in the Dekwani suburb of
the situation in Lebanon. [FBIS} Beirut. [LT]
World leaders called for a ceasefire in Beirut but Oct. 26: The Arab League Council agreed to extend
fighting between the opposing forces continued. [LT] the mandate of the peacekeeping forces in Lebanon
Israeli Deputy Premier Yigael Yadin reaffirmed for 6 months. [FBISJ
Israel's commitment "not to allow the destruction of Oct. 27. Christian militiamen attacked 2 unarmed UN
the Christian minority in Lebanon." [LT] soldiers at a UN observation post near Bint Jubayl.
The Times of London reported that Israel had The observation post was temporarily evacuated. [LT]
shelled portions of west Beirut during the night. [LT] Nov. 2. Lebanese Army dissidents ambushed Foreign
The UN Security Council unanimously passed a Minister Fu'adButrus in Beirut but he escaped unhurt.
resolution calling on "allthose involved in hostilities in At least 5 people were wounded. [LT]
Lebanon" to stop fighting so that "internal peace and Nov. 7. Sniper fire broke out in Beirut. Christian militia-
national reconciliation can be restored based on the men accused Syrian troops of killing 3 Lebanese and
preservation of Lebanese unity, territorialintegrity, in- 1 Saudi Arabian soldier. [NYT]
dependence and national sovereignty." [WP}
Oct. 9: Sarkis arrived in Saudi Arabia to seek support
for a peace plan to create a buffer zone of Lebanese
troops to separate Christian and Syrian forces in
Beirut. [LT]
Oct. 10: Sarkis arrived in Doha from Abiu Dhabi on a
(See also, Arab Israeli Conflict, Lebanon, Pakistan,
tour of Arab states. [FBIS]
South Yemen, Sudan, Tunisia)
Sniper fire marred the ceasefire for the third con-
secutive day. [LT]
Oct. 11: Sarkis met with Kuwayti Amir Shaykh Jb-ir 1978
al-Ahmad Al Sablahin Kuwayt. Later he flew to Am-
man for talks with King Husayn. [FBISJ Aug. 17. General Secretariat Member 'Abd al-Salam
Sarkis arrived in Damascus for talks with Asad on Jalliudreturned to Tripoli at the end of a tour of the
the result of the tour of Arab states. [FBIS} People's Republic of China, North Korea and Paki-
The Times of London reported that Syria had sent stan. [FBIS}
troops of the Palestine Liberation Army into positions An employee at the Iraqi Embassy in Tripoli was
near east Beirut. [LT] assassinated. [FBISJ
Shells were fired across the truce lines in east Beirut. Aug. 22: An air force college was opened in Sabhah.
Oct. 13: About 1,000 soldiers of the Lebanese Army Aug. 27: The Washington Post reported that Chad had
took up positions between Syrian artillery and reached an agreement with Libyan backed rebels con-
Christian militiamen in the Beirut suburb of al- cerning the governing of Chad until a new constitution
Hadath. [LT] could be adopted. [WPJ
Oct. 15: The Foreign Ministers of Syria, Saudi Arabia Sept. 6: Syrian Foreign Minister 'Abd al-Halim Khaddam
and Kuwayt met in Damascus on the situation in arrived in Tripoli and met with Secretary General
Lebanon. The meeting caused a delay in the opening Mu'ammar al-Qadhdhafi. [FBIS}
of a ministerial conference in Lebanon. [LT] Sept. 15: Libyan Foreign Secretary 'Ali 'Abd al-Salam
A conference of Arab Foreign Ministers opened al-Turayki returned to Libya at the end of a visit to
at Bayt al-Din palace. [FBISJ Ethiopia and Sudan. [FBIS}

Sept. 26. Ugandan President Idi Amin arrived in Tripoli

and met with Secretary General Qadhdhafi. [FBISI
Oct. 30: Maltese Premier Dom Mintoff met with
Qadhdhafi in Libya. [FBISJ (See also, Afghanistan, Iran, Libya, South Yemen)
Nov. 15. Italian Premier Giulio Andreotti arrived in
Tripoli and met with Qadhdhifi. [FBIS] 1978
Aug. 17. Libyan General Secretariat Member 'Abd al-
Salam Jallhudleft Islamabad at the end of a visit to
Morocco Pakistan. [FBISJ
Aug. 23. Chief Martial Law Administrator Mohammad
Zia-ul-Haq said that France had backed out of a con-
(See also, Arab Israeli Conflict, Algeria, Egypt) tract to supply a nuclear reprocessing plant to Pakistan.
Aug. 24. A new Cabinet was sworn in by President Fazal
1978 Elahi Chaudhry:
Aug. 20. King Hasan rejected a proposal that would set Ghulam Ishaq Khan: Finance & Planning
up a Saharan state in territory claimed by Mauritania. A. K. Brohi: Law & ParliamentaryAffairs
[MEED} Fida Mohammad Khan: Housing & Works
Sept. 1. Middle East EconomicDigest reported that Mo- Ghulam Mustafa Gokal: Shipping, Ports & Export
rocco had protested to Algeria about an alleged attack Promotion
on August 27 in which Algeria had attacked troops Mohammad Haroon: Interior
stationed near the Algerian border. [MEED) Mohammad Khan Jonejo: Railways
Sept. 3. Algeria denied its troops had attacked Moroccan Mohammad Ali Khan: Education, Culture & Tourism
troops inside Morocco in August. [MEEDI Mohyuddin Baluch: Communications
Sept. 18. Mauritanian Head of State Moustapha Ould Sharifuddin Pirzada:Attorney General
Mohamed Saleck left Morocco for Nouakchott at the Khawaja Mohammad Safdar: Food & Agriculture Co-
end of a visit. [FBISJ operatives
Sept. 23. Egyptian President Anwar al-Sadat left Rabat Mian Zahid Sarfraz:Commerce
for Cairo at the end of a 3 day private visit. [FBIS} Chaudhry Zahur Elahi: Labor & Manpower
Sept. 30: The US turned over a military base in Kenitra Ghafoor Ahmed: Production
to Morocco. It was the last US military base in Africa. Chaudhry Rehmat Elahi: Water & Power
[WPI Haji FaqirMohammad Khan:States & FrontierRegions
Oct. 3. Foreign Minister Mohammed Boucetta sent a Mohammad Zaman Khan Achakzai: LocalGovernment
message to UN Secretary General Kurt Waldheim & Rural Development
accusing Algeria of "a flagrant violation of the UN Mir Subuh Sadiq Khan Khoso: Health & Population
Charter" on September 30 when Algerian troops al- Planning
legedly invaded Morocco. [FBIS} Mohammad Arshad Chaudhry: Science& Technology
Oct. 10. A Cabinet reshuffle took place: Ali Ahmad Talpur: Defense
Abdel-LatifJouhari: Premier'sOffice Iftikhar Ahmad Ansari:Religiousand MinoritiesAffairs
Azzeddine Bouessous: Tourism Azam Farooqi: Information & Broadcasting
Abdel-Hadi Boutaleb: Information Mahmud All: State
Mansour Ben-Ali: Religious Endowmentsand Islamic Javed Hashmi: State
Affairs [MEEDI Hamid Habib: State [PA}
Oct. 11.' Spain postponed a visit by King Juan Carlos Aug. 31. Chief Martial Law Administrator Zia-ul-Haq
to Morocco after Foreign Minister Boucetta referred met with Indian Premier Morarji Desai on bilateral
to Moroccan claims to Ceuta and 2 Spanish enclaves relations. [FBIS}
in North Africa. [LT] Sept. 7. Iraqi Vice President Taha Muhyi al-Din Ma'ruf
Nov. 13. King Hasan arrived in Washington for talks met with Zia-ul-Haq in Islamabad. [FBIS}
with US leaders. [FBISI Sept. 8. Advisor on Foreign Affairs Agha Shahi returned
to Islamabad at the end of a 3 day visit to China.
Sept. 11: Zia-ul-Haq returned to Karachi at the end of
visits to Iran and Afghanistan. (FBISJ
Oman Sept. 16. Zia-ul-Haq was sworn in as President. {LT}
Sept. 18. The Times of London reported that the Tehrik-
1978 i-Istiqlal Party had met in Karachiin defiance of martial
law. [LT]
Oct. 2.' Jordanian King Husayn arrived in Salalah for Oct. 4. Benazir Bhutto, the daughter of former Premier
meetings with Sultan Qabus bin Sa'id. [FBIS} Zulfikar Ali Bhutto was arrested at Multan airport.
Oct. 24: Saudi Arabian Foreign Minister Sa'id al-Faysal The arrest sparked violent demonstrations in Multan.
arrived in Oman on a tour of Gulf States. [FBISI [LT]

Oct. 8: The government announced the release of jour- US Secretary of the Treasury Michael Blumenthal
nalists and pressmen arrested in recent weeks in pro- met with Finance Minister Muhammad Aba al-Khayl
tests against government press policies. [LT] in Florida on the strength of the dollar. [WPI
Oct. 9. The Times of London reported that the govern- Sept. 11. Japanese Premier Takeo Fukuda met with King
ment and newspaper unions had agreed on procedures Khalid in Saudi Arabia. {FBIS}
to reinstate most people dismissed from newspaper Sept. 23. King Khalid arrived in Geneva on a 3 day
jobs. [LT} private visit. [WPI
Oct. 10.: It was announced that a special court had been Sept. 26: Saudi Arabia became the 21st member of the
set up in Sind under provisions of the "Suppression International Monetary Fund board of directors, and
of Terrorist Activities Act." [LT} one of 8 states with a permanent seat on the board.
Oct. 17: Several newspapers in Karachi, Lahore and [MEED}
Rawalpindi were directed to submit to precensorship Sept. 27. King Khalid left Switzerland for the US for
by the provincial governments of Sind and Punjab. medical treatment. [WP}
[LTI Syrian President Hafiz al-Asad ended talks with
Oct. 18. Newspapers subjected to precensorship decided Crown Prince Fahd in al-Ta'if. [FBIS}
to stage a protest strike and suspend publication. [LT] Sept. 30. Jordanian King Husayn met with Crown Prince
Oct. 22: Newspapers subjected to precensorship re- Fahd in Jidda. '[FBISJ
sumed publication. [LT} Oct.2: Iraqi Vice Chairmanof the Revolution Command
Oct. 30. Zia-ul-Haq dismissed the President of the state Council $addam Husayn arrived inJidda and met with
of Jammu and Kashmir and appointed Mohammad Crown Prince Fahd. [FBISJ
Hayat Khan in his place. [LT] Oct. 3. King Khalid underwent heart surgery in Cleve-
Nov. 14. UAA President Shaykh Zayd bin Sultan Al land, Ohio. {LT}
Nuhayyan arrived in Karachi on a private visit to Paki- Oct. 8: Palestine Liberation Organization leader Yasir
stan. [FBISJ 'Arafat met with Crown Prince Fahd in Saudi Arabia.
Zia-ul-Haq returned to Islamabad at the end of a [FBIS}
visit to Saudi Arabia. [FBIS} Oct. 25: Ugandan President Idi Amin met with Crown
Prince Fahd in Jidda. [FBIS}
Nov. 3. King Khalid returned to Saudi Arabia from
Qatar Bermuda. [LT]

(See also, Bahrayn, Lebanon)

South Yemen
1978 (See also, Arab Israeli Conflict, Iraq, Syria)
Aug. 28. Yemeni Foreign Minister 'Abdallah al-Asnaj
arrived in Doha for meetings with Qatari leaders.
Sept. 9. Japanese Premier Takeo Fukuda arrived in Doha Aug. 16: Minister of Finance Fadhil Muhsin 'Abdallah
for talks with Ruler Shaykh Khalifah bin Hamad Al returned to Aden at the end of a tour of Kuwayt,
Thnii. [FBIS) Iraq, Libya and Algeria. {FBISJ
Oct. 2: Jordanian King Husayn arrived in Doha and met Aug. 19: Communications Minister 'Abdallah 'Ushaysh
with Amir Shaykh Khalifah. [FBISJ returned to Aden at the end of a tour of India, Afghan-
Oct. 7: Palestine Liberation Organization leader Yasir istan and Pakistan. [FBIS}
'Arafat met with Amir Shaykh Khalifah in Doha. Oct. 14: Aden DomesticServicereported that the Central
[FBISJ Committee of the Yemeni Socialist Party had elected
Oct. 23. Saudi Arabian Foreign Minister SaOudal-Fay5al members of the Political Bureau the night before.
met with Shaykh Khalifah in Doha. [FBISJ [FBIS}
Oct.25. Yemeni Foreign Minister Asnaj arrived in Doha Oct.31: The People's Supreme Assembly met in extraor-
on a tour of Gulf states. [FBIS) dinary session and passed an amended constitution.

Saudi Arabia
(See also, Arab Israeli Conflict, Petroleum Affairs,
Lebanon, Qatar, Yemen) (See also, Lebanon, Libya)

1978 1978
Aug. 19. Yemeni Foreign Minister 'Abdallah al-Asnaj Sept. 13: Libyan Foreign Secretary 'All 'Abd al-Salam
met with Foreign Minister Sa'ud al-Faysal in al-Ta'if. al-Turayki met with President Ja'far al-NumayrI dur-
[FBIS} ing a visit to Sudan. [FBIS}

Sept. 17. 'All Shummu was appointed Minister of Culture Sept. 16: The following Cabinet changes were an-
and Information. [FBISJ nounced:
Sept. 19. President Numayri left Khartoum for a visit Fuad Mbazaa: Public Health
to the United States. [FBIS] Hedi Zghal: Youth & Sports
Sept. 21: Numayri met with US President Jimmy Carter The appointments were effective from September 13.
in Washington. [FBIS} [MEED}
Oct. 1: Numayri began a visit to West Germany. [FBISJ Sept. 20: The following appointments were made:
Oct. 19: Vice President al-Rashid al-Tahir Bakr met with Chedli Klibi: Information
US Secretary of State Cyrus Vance at Khartoum air- Mohammad Yaalaoui: Cultural Affairs [MEED]
port. {FBIS] Vietnamese Vice President Nguyen Huu Tho ar-
Oct. 23: Nigerian Head of State Olusegun Obasanjo rived in Tunis and met with Premier Hedi Nouira.
arrived in Khartoum on a 3 day state visit. [FBISJ [FBIS3
Oct. 25: A trade agreement with Nigeria was signed Oct. 1.' Libyan Foreign Secretary 'All 'Abd al-Salam al-
in Khartoum. [FBISJ Turayki arrived in Tunis for talks with Tunisian
leaders. [FBIS]
Oct. 10. A trial involving 30 trade union leaders ended
in Tunis. Six men were acquitted. Sentences for the
Syria others ranged from 10 years hard labor to suspended
sentences. [LT]
(See also, Arab Israeli Conflict, Algeria, Iraq, Jordan, Oct. 23: President Bourguiba left Tunis for medical ex-
Kuwayt, Lebanon, Libya) aminations in Paris. [FBISJ
Oct. 27: Bourguiba was flown to Cologne from Paris
after undergoing medical tests in a Parisian hospital.
1978 [LT}
Aug. 17: Former Lebanese President SulaymanFranjiyyah
met with President Hafiz al-Asad in Latakia. [FBIS]
Aug. 31: Foreign Minister 'Abd al-Halim Khaddam met Turkey
with Soviet Chairman of the Council of Ministers
Alexei Kosygin at the Kremlin. [FBIS] (See also, Cyprus)
Sept. 11: President Asad left Damascus on a visit to
Bonn for talks with West German Chancellor Helmut
Schmidt. [CSM} 1978
Sept. 12: Asad met with West German Chancellor Aug. 23. Iraqi Revolution Command Council Member
Helmut Schmidt. [FBIS] 'Adnan Husayn met in Ankara with Foreign Minister
Sept. 15: Asad returned to Damascus at the end of a 5 Gunduz Oksun. [FBIS]
day visit to West Germany. [MEED}
Aug. 25: An agreement with Iraq was signed in Ankara
Sept. 19: South Yemeni Presidential Council Chairman under the terms of which oil deliveries to Turkey
'Ali Nasir Muhammad arrived in Damascus to partici-
would resume and Turkey's outstanding oil debt
pate in the summit conference of the "steadfastness" would be repaid. [MEES)
states. [FBIS]
Aug. 28: Talks with Greece on the control of Aegean
Sept. 28: Asad returned to Damascus at the end of a air space opened in Athens. [MEEDI
tour of 3 Arab states. [FBISJ
Sept.5. Rival Muslim groups clashed in Sivas. The clashes
Oct. 1: Asad arrived in East Berlin for talks with East
left 5 people dead and 100 injured. [WP}
German leaders. {MEED]
Sept. 13.' The WashingtonPost reported that 2 Greek de-
Oct. 6: Asad returned to Damascus at the end of a visit
stroyers had passed through the Dardanelles on a
to Moscow. [FBIS]
"courtesy call" to the Soviet port of Odessa. [WPI
Oct. 7: Iraqi Revolution Command Council Member
Sept. 18: Deputy Premier Turkan Feyzioglu resigned
Tariq 'Azlz met with Asad in Syria. {FBISJ from the Cabinet and withdrew the Republican Re-
liance Party (RRP) from the government. [MEEDI
The second RRP representative in the government
resigned from the RRP and stayed in the government.
Tunisia [TDN}
Sept. 19: The Secretaries General of the Greek and
1978 Turkish foreign ministries ended 2 days of talks in
Athens. [LT]
Aug. 31: President Habib Bourguiba returned to Tunisia Sept. 30: A gunman murdered the wife and daughter
at the end of 2 months of medical treatment in France of the Austrian Ambassador on a beach on the Medi-
and Switzerland. [MEEDI terranean coast. [LT]
Sept. 15. The Turkish Daily News reported that 30 former Oct. 2.' Bangladesh President Ziaur Rahman arrived in
labor leaders had gone on trial accused of conspiring Turkey for talks with government leaders. [TDNI
to overthrow the government during riots in January. Oct. 4: The government announced it would re-open
[TDNJ 4 US bases in Turkey within a week. [TDN]

Oct. 8: Gunmen killed 4 members of the Labor Party Oct. 25: Yemeni Foreign Minister 'Abdallah al-Asnaj
and abducted 2 others in Ankara. [LT] met with Shaykh Zayd in Abiu Dhabi. [FBISJ
Oct. 9: The 2 kidnapped Labor Party members were
found slain. [LT]
Oct. 20: A former president of Istanbul Technical Uni-
versity was assassinated by gunmen in Istanbul. [LT]
Oct. 24: The lira was devalued against 11 European cur- Yemen
rencies, the Kuwayti dinar and the Australian dollar.
[TDN] (See also, Qatar, United Arab Amirates)
Nov. 1: The Times of London reported that a Turkish
gunboat had rammed and sunk a Greek fishing trawler
in the Aegean. It cited "sources"as saying the incident 1978
occurred in Turkish territorial waters. [LT]
Nov. 12. Premier Bulent Ecevit left Turkey on a visit Aug. 21: President 'All 'Abdallah S,alih met with Arab
to Rumania. [TDNI League Secretary General Mahmud Riyad, in $an'a'.
Sept. 6. Seven people were executed after being con-
victed of sabotage and other crimes. [FBISI
United Arab Amirates Oct. 12: Foreign Minister 'Abdallah al-Asnaj returned
to San'a' at the end of a 3 day visit to Saudi Arabia.
(See also, Lebanon)
Oct. 15: An abortive coup took place in $an'a' at dawn.
1978 Oct.22. Foreign Minister Asnaj said that the government
would close all foreign consulates in Yemen. [LT]
Aug. 28: Kuwayti Petroleum Minister Shaykh 'Ali Oct. 25: The Cabinet was reshuffled and the following
Khalifah Al Sabah.arrived in AbCuDhabi and met with changes were made:
Petroleum Minister Mani' Sa'id al-'Utaybah. [FBIS] Ahmad 'Abd al-Rahman al-Samawi: Finance
Sept. 100:Japanese Premier Takeo Fukuda arrived in Isma'il al-Wazilr:Justice
Abui Dhabi and met with President Shaykh Zayd bin 'Ali Lutf al-Thawr: Development and Chairman of
Sultan Al Nuhayyan. [FBIS] Central Planning Organization
Sept. 12: President Shaykh Zayd left Abui Dhabi on a Muhammad al-Shu-hat-:Economy
2 week private visit to Switzerland. [FBIS] 'Abd al-'Azlz al-Barati:Interior [MEED}
Oct. 5: Petroleum Minister 'Utaybah returned to Abiu Oct. 27: A military court sentenced 9 men to death for
Dhabi at the end of a visit to Japan. [FBIS] their part in the abortive coup. [FBIS]
Oct. 19: Shaykh Zayd returned to the UAA from Spain Nov. 5. A former Cabinet Minister and 11 other men
at the end of a private visit to Europe. [FBISJ were executed for their part in the abortive coup. [LT]

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