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A `for and against` letter – Is it a good idea to keep animals in zoos?

People started bringing and keeping animals in zoos long time ago, and it soon and
quickly became very popular, especially children were very interested in visiting and meeting
new and unusual animals at the zoo. But some researches have discovered and shown that
animals in zoos suffer a lot and that they do not have adequate living conditions, or living
conditions which their natural living environment offers to them.

Keeping animals in zoos brings certain benefits to the ones who the zoo belongs to, and
to the visitors, too. Visitors are able to meet unusual wild animals, and children have a chance to
educate themselves. It is also good for some animals, birds, for example-they have ability to fly
and they are free in some way.

On the other hand, living in a zoo can be an enormous suffer for some other animals. For
example, lions are free spirited animals that require freedom, but in zoos, they are constantly
locked and they can also be provocated by the visitors.

In my personal opinion, animals should be left to live free, independent and surrounded
by their natural living conditions and environment.

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