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Critique of impact of training practices paper

Research Methods in Business (MGT 524)

Individual Assignment

The Impact of Training Practices on Individual,

Organization and Industry Skill Development

Rola Sharif


Critique of impact of training practices paper



Literature Review............................................................................................................................4

Research Aims and Objectives........................................................................................................5

Research Methodology....................................................................................................................6



Paper critique...................................................................................................................................8

Conclusion of critique....................................................................................................................17


Critique of impact of training practices paper


In the report we will talk and discuss an article talks about how the employers provide the
training program for the employees, and how it could impact the organization, individual, and
industry skill development. Some theories had been used in this study to have a clear
understanding of the relationship between training and development and employee
turnover. The study uncovered for a three developments and training model which lead to some
impacts for the employee turnover. These are three models as follows Individual Development,
Team Development, and Organizational Development. The study focuses on studying these three
models. The Individual Development seek to participate to provide a higher of employee
turnover when the work environment has a lack of employment growth opportunities, and when
employees consider that they can have more of job alternative in some external
organization. Team development contributes to having a lower employee turnover if it had been
approved with high-performance work activities, or if there is any of embeddedness in the
organization that is approved. The last model is the organizational development, this model
display to contribute to having a higher employee turnover when the training program of
activities leads to a lack of poorer employee commitment and role clarity to the
organization[ CITATION Ken13 \l 1033 ].
Employees believe that their investment in the training program can lead to an increase in the
group's collective skills and thus improve their productivity and completeness. This can depend
on trained personnel when they are already in the investment establishment. Whereas, the
normative belief is considered the huge investment forms of the training and development
program that provide benefit and cost to the organization and individuals. The individual has the
option of staying or leaving as soon as he knows the cost and benefit that will result from the
development and training that will be obtained from this investment through standard belief.
Investing in training is very effective in the development and training process especially for
individuals because it increases their productivity skills, and increases the possibility of
promotion, and be more attractive for employers[ CITATION Ken13 \l 1033 ].

Critique of impact of training practices paper

While many studies suggested that organization benefit from training programs because
employees can be more productive in their performance, more competitive, and lead to gain
more profit for the future. The article suggests that the investment in human capital lead to
increase and develop the organization’s productivity by developing the skills, abilities,
knowledge, and employees. The study mentioned a formula that an increase 10 hours in the
training program, which leads to increase the productivity by about 0.6 per cent [ CITATION
Ken13 \l 1033 ].
The article discusses how the examination process of the study can illustrate the relationship
between development, employer-provided training, and employee turnover, that how this
relationship can lead to consequences for the investment in the individual, organization, and
industry skill development[ CITATION Ken13 \l 1033 ].

Literature Review

There are three fields of the literature attempts that explain the relationship between the
employers who provide the training, and development and employee turnover. These fields are
as follow: the economics of training, development practices, employer-provided training, and
employee-turnover studies.

- The economics of training: the literature related to the economy of training which focus
on the impact of general training for employee’s mobility among the organization
environment. According to studies, mentioned that the human capital theory, employees
who gain a deals from the firm-specific training by the manager, they have a lower rate
for the labor turnover. While the training that does not provide by the employer leads to
increase the employee mobility[ CITATION Ken13 \l 1033 ].

- Employer-provided training and development: the training and development practices

that are provided by the employer, always seek to different planning activities that have a
wide impact on the employee's skills, knowledge, and attitude that lead to increase their

Critique of impact of training practices paper

work performance. The way that organizations follow by the employer to provide the
training program is " a format for training and development'. This structure of training
consist of (formal or informal, unaccredited or accredited, and internal or external), while
the method of the training is like online computer, workshops, learning circles, job
training programs, and lectures. Moreover, the study mentions that the employer who
provides effective training can reduce the women turnover when they are an employee in
a particular organization. It’s normal because training lead to increase the confidence and
be able to do the tasks in an effective and professional way. The literature review
mentioned, that one study by martin in 2003, the study founded that there is a complex
relationship between the training and turnover. There was a study examines how the job
training could, continual training and the normal training are as effective and
multitasking that is related to the employee turnover. When the organization keeps
enhancing and improves from their employee's skills and ability which lead to having
lower turnover rates than other organization. But, the turnover could be higher when
employees are trained for a multi-skilled[ CITATION Ken13 \l 1033 ].

- Employee-turnover studies: the studies examined the employee-turnover consist of

many factors that can be predicted by the employee turnover. these type of factors such as
decision-making process to withdrawal from a particular organization, the personal
characteristics such as gender, age, status, marital, ethnicity, education, and tenure, and
other factors such as work satisfaction, and organizational commitment. There are many
different factors that provided by different studies regarding the expected factors from the
employee turnover, but still, they didn't cover the extent to which the development and
training process could impact on the employee turnover[ CITATION Ken13 \l 1033 ].

Research Aims and Objectives

The study described the conceptual work and some empirical students of three major areas as
follow (the economics of training, employer-provided training and development practices, and
employee to mover studies) the study tries to explore as follow: the theory of human capital
assumption which talks about the employees who are gained effective and great training will

Critique of impact of training practices paper

have a lower rate for the employee turnover, and training leads to increase employee mobility,
and The training of general economic assumption that employees who take the training program
can decrease the rate of terminated for the trained employee. The study aim to illustrate how the
examination process of the study can illustrate the relationship between development, employer-
provided training, and employee turnover, that how this relationship can lead to consequences
for the investment in the individual, organization, and industry skill development. Moreover, the
study aim to understand how the three models of (Individual Development, Team Development,
and Organizational Development) can impact to the employee turnover [ CITATION Ken13 \l
1033 ].

Research Methodology

In the methodology, the relationship between the development and employee turnover was
improved and explored which by using a case study approach. The study that has been chosen
aimed to illustrate specific and detailed information that is related to the training and
development from the perspective for who manage, improve, and participate in the development
and training process in any particular organization. While in the methodology a qualitative study
was implemented by selecting The Victorian Public Service (VPS) as a case study because as
mentioned in the study that it can be tied unit’s analysis with the all organization department
[ CITATION Ken13 \l 1033 ].

The study used multiple courses for providing different evidence which includes to collect and
gather documents, interviews, and applying small survey scale for the employees to collect the
characteristics and identifications data. The data was collected in a systematically commencing
by the interview the head of the human resources and those who are responsible for the
development and training selected by the divisions and department. Moreover, the interview was
done with the senior managers and employees who are in the divisions. These interviews were
helpful to explore the purpose of training, and the commitment of the organization to learning,
training activities for employee's divisions. While the last interview was done to understand why
employees leave or stay their divisions. The study followed a qualitative approach [ CITATION
Ken13 \l 1033 ]. There is the research model:

Critique of impact of training practices paper

Figure 1 Suggested Relationship between Various Training and Development Models and
Employee Turnover
Kennett, Geradine
Copyright @ 2013 by Australian Bulletin of Labour


The study found that each model of development and training had a different and huge impact on
employee turnover. While the individual development model was the high impact for the
employee turnover, and the human capital theory proposition lead to increase the employee
mobility. The higher employee turnover of risk can increase when the general training lead to
increase the wager for the future employers in the organization but not to the same current
employer[ CITATION Ken13 \l 1033 ].

Critique of impact of training practices paper

The study also found that the development model had a high impact on the employee to mover
when there is a lack of growth opportunities, job alternatives, and low pay, the result was that
employees were more able to leave. This happened because the individual development model
was prepared for employees regarding their career development. There was a lack in the
promotion opportunities, and job alternatives so the employee was for alternative employment.
Moreover, the study found that the team development model had an effective impact on
employee turnover when the company provide a long period of performance work activities and
favorable employment practices. moreover, the study found that high-performance work
activities such as employee involvement lead to reduce the employee turnover because that
means employee gain effective multiple skills and increase the work performance to reach the
organization's goals and objectives in that particular organization [ CITATION Ken13 \l 1033 ].


In conclusion, training and development are very important factors to have a successful
organizational environment. The employer should provide effective strategies In order to match
and meet the training program to the employee’s gaps and skills. It’s normal to have an
employee turnover when an employer creates multiple task programs for a particular employee.
The organization will implement the employee turnover when there their employee’s skills and
abilities do not match the qualifications and requirements of the position. Manager or leaders
should select the right employees for the right position rather than the turnover employee
[ CITATION Ken13 \l 1033 ].

Paper critique

The author of the article is Geradine Kennett. The Article title is “The Impact of Training
Practices on Individual Organization, and Industry Skill Development” was published on 2013 in
Australian Bulletin of Labor Journal, vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 112-135.

Characteristics of research design:

Critique of impact of training practices paper

 Descriptive, basic research.

 Qualitative study approach, case study design using Victorian public services
 Sampling; large sample size in terms of number of participants which is 36,000
employees from 28 public sector departments and authorities and small sample size in
terms of divisions which is three departments and six divisions

From my perspective, I believe that there is much modification in this study should have been
implemented to be more strong and effective study. We will critique all sections of the articles to
note if the findings are usable and to give insights and recommendations for better future study
of the same topic.

Title of Study
The title of the paper undoubtedly reverts the content of the work, and attracts reader’s attention.
The topic of the discussed research is very important as it allows answering a major question of
training practices impact on individual organization and industry skill development it is very
important because it discusses whether it is worth to input company resources in employee
training. The research illustrates several sections that have proper coverage.

While the Abstract shows clearly the major aspect of the paper, it includes the overall purpose of
the study, the problem that the researcher is investigating and a brief summary of the results and
the major findings. The purpose of the study is clearly defined unlike the other parts of the study.
The abstract can’t be considered representative because the author choose the deceptive abstract
which is poorly written from the structural point of view. It is written as paragraph yet it doesn’t
adequately outline where the purpose, dilemma, findings and the results is. Furthermore, the
basic design of the study is not described. Not only the research methodology is not included but
also it is lacking the key words, research limitation, and practical implications of the study.
While those parts are detailed during the study.
The introduction of the research summarizes the article effectively and successfully covers the
background of the study. It illustrates the core idea for reading clearly and understandably. It
successfully points what is the author is trying to test which is the relationship between
employer-provided training and development and employee turnover (Kennett, 2013) and it also
Critique of impact of training practices paper

successfully represents what the author is trying to demonstrate of how such a relationship has
consequences for investment in individual, organizational, and industry skill development
(Kennett, 2013). At the end of the introduction the researcher introduced that she requires to
accomplish as she stated clearly the significant question of how employers might retain their
workers and build organizational skills in a tight labour market (Kennett, 2013).
The researcher speaks of different opinions of the topic, he is showing many theorists and
researchers argument about the same topic so he managed fruitfully to report the topic and gave
the contradictory opinion and findings from other articles clearly shown when he composed
more than one paragraph that discuss theories from other journals. At the end of the introduction
the researcher justified the need for the study by stating a significant question showing the gap
that would be explored and discussed in in the literature.

Literature Review

The literature review consists of comprehensive data and information about the major models of
the study, but the author should have been more specific in this part and should have covered in
depth the topic so that readers clearly understand what is measured in the study. Particularly, the
literature covers only three parts which is the economics of training, employer-provided training
and development and Employee-turnover studies, while the other parts of the constructs is
definitely missing and what was written is more general information about the training,
development, and employee turnover. It should consist of definitions of each part and it should
have included many real cases that happened with previous companies, old specific studies to
have a strong literature review. The issue is associated with another weakness of this literature
review, which is the absence of discussion regarding the other elements of the constructs in the
research module shown below. The author should have added more headings like the elements of
training and development with subheading of the purpose of employer-provided training and
development, training and development format, how training and development is determined,
types of commitments to learning. In addition to that, another heading should have been included
which is the models of training and development which include the following subheadings:
individual development, team development and organizational development. Obviously, the
body of the literature is successfully divided into headings but clearly missing the subheadings.

Critique of impact of training practices paper

On another note, the author positively specified in bullet points what the study is exploring so he
highlighted the important information to be analyzed and make it easy for the reader to establish
an idea about the subject. The main steps for the effective literature review are to decide the
topics, identify the type of literature review that will be a review, analyze the literature,
summarizing, and writing the review. In the literature review of the study, the recommendation
and summary were missing. Not only that but also, the researcher failed to identify the
conceptual work in this part.
It was providing more general information about the three major topics as mentioned before
(development, training, and employee turnover) from the point of view of different researchers,
undoubtedly it shows findings about which researchers agree or disagree.
Moreover, providing that conclusion part is an important element of the literature review, the
author failed to declare it as there is no paragraph supporting this part. Over all, the information’s
was not comprehensive and not effective to take it as a major source for the training and
development topic.
Research Methodology
The overall design of the study is not that accurate as they used data mapping to cover the
purpose of the study. The author used case study design using Victorian public services which it
might be difficult to generalize the results on wider population but because the researcher used
large sample size it made that possible. The VPS was chosen as the context fort his study
because it was suffering employee-retention and skills shortage problem in their organizational
environment. The study aimed to collect and cover information about training and development
arrangement from the view of managers and employers.

The researcher used multilevel model by sampling 36,000 employees from 28 public sector
departments and authorities. By doing so, the study may count as probability because of random
employees from different departments and also it may counts as non-probability because other
interviews were conducted with specific employee from the head of human resources and those
responsible for training and development in the selected departments and divisions. This was
followed by interviews with senior managers and employees in the divisions (Kennett, 2013). In
the methodology part, the study based on a qualitative approach, it was conducted on a large
sample size over 36,000 employees from 28 public sector departments and authorities, the

Critique of impact of training practices paper

researcher used multiple sources of evidence including collecting documents, conducting in-
depth interviews, and applying a small-scale survey of employees to collect identification and
characteristics data. Data collection was conducted systematically commencing with interviews
with the head of human resources and those responsible for training and development in the
selected departments and divisions. This was followed by interviews with senior managers and
employees in the divisions. These interviews explored perceptions of the purpose of training, the
organization’s commitment to learning, and specific training activities in their divisions. Another
intention of the interviews was to gain an understanding of why employees stay or leave their
divisions (Kennett, 2013). Given the above details from the study, qualitative studies may use
several methods of data collection in one study to increase the researcher’s ability to interpret
and justify the results. Conducting interviews provide the researcher with primary source of data
which gives great strength to the study and minimize the source of error especially if qualities of
interviewer is good and he/she has experience and skills to limit the respondent’s confusion and
facilitate free flow of questions and answers as it is very essential to extract as much data as
possible, consequently, effective, clear and more elaborated answers are acquired. Moreover,
32% of employees aged 50 years and above in this study so I believe that interviews was a good
option to ensure their participation because this age group might be reluctant to use technology
and fill surveys online. Another point of including different age group in the study contributed to
collecting data of different skills, backgrounds and experience individuals, allowing the results to
be more accurate and representative.
Most qualitative research relies on unstructured interview format and also qualitative studies are
focused on understanding and interpretation that’s why good interviewers is essential for
successful data collection and interpretation and to be able to abstract information that
participants are inclined to reveal. However, the study doesn’t give information about the
interviewer’s qualities. Additionally, qualitative approach is time consuming, it takes hours of
coding and analyzing the interviews especially that the number of participant that the researcher
chose was extremely high differing from usual small sample size for qualitative studies.
Furthermore, it must be very costly. In spite of the large sample size benefits the accuracy of the
study especially that participants can be asked for more clarification and detailed answers if their
answers are not clear.

Critique of impact of training practices paper

While the study used a qualitative approach with the research drawing based on the views of
individuals that are involved in this study, and within the context of the environment of the
workplace, the author believes that this approach will permit the researcher flexibility in
interpreting data collected from individuals in similar working circumstances [ CITATION Ken13 \l
1033 ].

More than that, if the author considered following the qualitative study with an extensive
quantitative approach, it would have made it stronger study and would have expressed more
effective and more accurate results. As depending on a case study and interviews approach only
to analyze and provide the outcomes of the study theories is not enough because the study
contains numerical information with percentage and some statistical models. Definitely, the
outcomes would have been displayed in more accurate way in order to allow easier interpretation
of the effective relationship between the theories and other factors to reach into the study’s
desired goals and objectives. For instance, the researcher could have considered one of the new
methods as web surveys as it is easier, faster and time saver. Also, quantitative study has
confidential nature that allow participant to share their true opinions and thoughts without fears.
Another weakness point is that the researcher didn’t perform pilot testing which is particularly
important because conducting small numbers of interviews would have ensured smoothness for
the process and it would have given feedback on the questions asked to avoid what interviewers
from human resources department faced of interviews saturation.

The research questions

The study is formal because the dilemma is clear and well defined as illustrated in the research
question below. The first step of the research process is to clarify the management dilemma. The
research question in this study is clearly identified; is there a relationship between employer-
provided training and development and employee turnover? (Kennett, 2013). The question
considered as is the hypothesis that best states the objective of the research; the question that
focuses the researcher’s attention (chapter 5) [ CITATION Ken13 \l 1033 ].

This report considered as explanatory study as it is measuring relationship between two or more
models. The study shows the other research questions that looking at these questions give us an

Critique of impact of training practices paper

indication of the study validity as the variables in the module construct is covered in these
questions and it shows what the researcher wants to measure. The questions are as follow:
- What are the models of training and development in the VPS?
- How do organization and employment characteristics influence the models of training and
development adopted?
- Do various models of training and development have a differential impact on employee

Furthermore, the study is Ex post facto as the researcher doesn’t have power or control over the
independent variables in the study.
The study clearly defined the purpose which is how the examination process of the study can
illustrate the relationship between development, employer-provided training, and employee
turnover, that how this relationship can lead to consequences for the investment in the individual,
organization, and industry skill development [ CITATION Ken13 \l 1033 ].
Moreover, the aim of this study is to uncover the detailed data and information from the point of
view of individuals who are involved, developed, managed and participated in the development
and training process.

The analysis

The study used data mapping between two data models to assess the similarities, differences and
relationship between organization and employment characteristics, workforce issues, the purpose
of employer-provided training and development, the formats for training and development, how
training and development needs are determined, commitment to learning and employee turnover
data. This means that all the structured variables are measured and assessed for usage among the
case analysis that creates and bold a relationship among the cases. One of the disadvantages for
the cross cases analysis is that it could impact negatively while representing others. The time
dimension of the study is longitudinal because the interviews was replicated and verified by the
human resource and senior managers tended to occur after three subsequent interviews from
three employees. It doesn’t clearly explain the instrument of measurements and it jumps to give
results of the relationship of the variables. On another note, the author included conceptual

Critique of impact of training practices paper

model in the analysis section contributed significantly to enhance the understanding of the
represented variables and made it easier for readers. Furthermore, the descriptive nature of the
study make it lacks any numerical data which would have offer clear readable figures that
facilitate easier interpretation of the data. The article is basic research because it’s describing the
relationship between the training, development and employees’ turnover.

The descriptive analysis for each variable is very detailed, which allows noticing trends for the
responses. The main opinions are clearly described. Also, all subheading are clearly stated and
well explained. The strength of the provided findings is associated with the success of describing
each item essential for each variable. However, this section lacks tables or any numerical or
demographics data of the survey respondents. By the end of the finding there is summary of the
findings propositions in bullets points which made the points clear and easy to understand.
Conclusion and discussion
The analysis of results in the discussion section agrees with how the results are presented in the
findings. Moreover, all the data presented and the researcher addressed the gaps but not
adequately. The results discussed in this section was mainly quoted from other articles and not
derived from the study results. There are many references for the information and in text citation
for most of the findings in the discussion which may be a cause of low objectivity.
Management applications
Since the findings of the study are not straight forward result, the study suggested a number of
ways and models for management application in details covering different possible applications.
These sections look very precise and specific and resemble a proposal of future idea. In addition
to that, the study demonstrated a second module of training and development and suggested
impact on retention.

Critique of impact of training practices paper

Figure 2 Training and Development Models and Suggested Impact on Retention

Kennett, Geradine
Copyright @ 2013 by Australian Bulletin of Labour

Opportunities for future research

As mentioned above, conducting a quantitative study is suggested for such research in order to
have effective, strong and reliable results. Moreover, implementing this kind of study on large
sample size for more accurate results.

Critique of impact of training practices paper


The research described clearly that the study has more than one limitation. Firstly, the study
can’t be generalized because it lacks external validity. Secondly, the study was implemented for
only a small number of cases as it only included three departments and six divisions which make
it difficult to generalize for other industries and organizations. Even though, this limitation
represent an opportunity for future study to cover more departments and sections. Thirdly, no
statistical technique was performed which increases the standard error rate. As a result of that the
result’s reliability will be affected. On the other hand, the study has high validity due to the high
response rate. Finally, reaching saturation point in the study has stopped the data collection due
to similar answers of employees which affect the study’s depth, quality and efficiency. Along
with this, the interviewer and the researcher bias is an extreme difficulty but was not addressed
in the study. As conclusion, the researcher decision of using cross-case analysis approach limited
the results of the study and provided only partial information because it fails to identify turnover
rates of employees over time.

The study is persuasive due to the fact that citation was used which implies accuracy as the
author cited the sources and reflected different point of view for other researchers and multiple
Conclusion of critique
Despite the study’s limitations, the researcher contributes highly to establish the knowledge
about the topic. The article has statement which is well established. The article state well
established clear information but there is little or no explanations of the variable’s measures for
the findings. The discussion partially relies on one of the author’s previous studies. Finally, the
whole work presents a detailed research. The author supported the abstract, introduction,
literature review, methodology, analysis, the finding, decision, and conclusion, so the study
weighed as good research due to the fact that it consists of all the research process characteristic
and parts.

Critique of impact of training practices paper

Critique of impact of training practices paper


Kennett, G. (2013). The Impact of Training Practices on Individual,Organisation, and Industry

Skill Development. Australian Bulletin of Labour.


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