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MTA Questions in Final Exam:

(Q1) The negation of p  q is :

(a)p  q (b)p q (c)p  q (d ) p q (e)none
(Q2) The contrapositive of p  (q  r ) is:
(a)p (q  r) (b)(q r) p (c)(q  r)  p (d ) p (q  r ) (e)none

(Q4) The quotient q and remainder r when 4180 is divided by 245 are :
(a) q = 15 , r = 17 (b) q = 18 , r = 3 (c) q = 17 , r = 15 (d) q = 17 , r = 13

(Q5) The binary notation for the number 43 in decimal notation is :

(a) 110 001 (b) 101011 (c) 101001 (d) 11 00 11 (e) none

(Q6) -17 mod 3 = :

(a) -1 (b) 3 (c) 1 (d) 0 (e) none
(Q7) If degrees of the vertices of a graph G are 7 , 5 , 3 , 2 , 2 , 1 then number of edges of G are :
(a) 20 (b) 10 (c) 12 (d) 15 (e) none

(Q8) If A = { 1,2,6,7,10 } and B = { 3,4,6,7,9 } Then B-A is :

(a) { 1,2,10 } (b) {3,4,6,7,9,10} (c) {3,4,6,7} (d){3,4,9}

Kuwait – Salmiya – Salem Al-Mubarak St. North Salmiya Market Complex 2nd floor.
 (965) 2572 6686 - 2571 4343  (965) 2571 0775 

Q1 (a) Determine the truth value of (r  s)  (r s) when:

(i) both r and s are true. (4points)
(ii) r is true and s is false. (4points)
(i) If r and s are true then (r  s) is true but (r  s) is false hence the statement is false.
(r  s) and (r  s) are true, hence statement is true
(ii) Here both
(b) For the statement “if x  y then x = 3y” .Write: (3 points each)
(i) the converse (ii) the contrapositive .
(i) converse “if x = 3y then x > y ” (ii) contrapositive “ if
x  3 y then x  y

(c) Suppose that P(x) is statement “(x-2)(x-3)<0” where domain is set of integers . Determine truth

value of : (i) xP( x) (ii) xP( x) .

(x-2)(x-3)<0 iff 2 < x < 3 There is no integer in (2,3) hence statement (i) is false and statement (ii) is true

Kuwait – Salmiya – Salem Al-Mubarak St. North Salmiya Market Complex 2nd floor.
 (965) 2572 6686 - 2571 4343  (965) 2571 0775 

Q2 (a) ( 5 points) Find a,b and c if : a = 40 div 7 2b+c = 15 mod 7 b+2c = 17 mod 9
a = 40 div 7 = 5
15 mod 7 =1 and 17 mod 9 = 8
2b+c = 1 and b+2c = 8 gives b = -2 , c = 5

b) Using prime factorization decide whether the number 173 is prime or not .
173 14. Prime numbers less than 14 are 2,3,5,7,11,13 and 173 is not divisible by any of them .
Hence 173 is prime

c)Write the prime factorization of 89100 and 277200 and hence find their GCD and LCM .
89100  277200 
LCM =  2 .3 .5 .7.11  2506800
4 4 2

GCD  2 .3 .5 .11  9900

2 2 2

(d) (i) Convert 101010101 from binary to decimal notation.

(ii) Convert the number (713)8 from base 8 to decimal.
(i) (101010101)2 1 4 16  64  256  (341)10
(ii) (713)8  3 1.8  7.82  (459)10

Q3 (a) (6 points) Use the set builder notation to describe the sets
A = { 0 , 3 , 6 , 9 , 12 , 15 } A  {3n : 0  n  5, n integer}

B = { 1 , 4 , 9 , 16 , 25 , …} B  {n2 : n  0, n Integer}

C={a,b,d,o,y} C = { x : x is a letter in “bad boy”}

(b) Let universal set is U ={1,2 ,3 ,4 ,5 ,6 ,7, 8,9,10}. Express each of sets below with bit strings:
(i) A = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9}. (ii) B = {1, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10} (iii) A-B
(i) A = 1010101010 (ii) B = 1001011101 (iii) A-B = 0010100010

(c) If A-B = {1 , 3 , 5 , 6} , B-A = {8 , 9 ,10} and A  B  {2,4,7} :

(i) Find the sets A and B .
A  (A  B )  (A  B )  {1,2,3,4,5,6,7}
B  (B  A)  ( A  B)  {2,4,7,8,9,10}
(ii) Write down the power set of A B .
(ii) P (A  B )  { ,2,4,7,{2,4},{2,7},{4,7},{2,4,7}}

Kuwait – Salmiya – Salem Al-Mubarak St. North Salmiya Market Complex 2nd floor.
 (965) 2572 6686 - 2571 4343  (965) 2571 0775 

Kuwait – Salmiya – Salem Al-Mubarak St. North Salmiya Market Complex 2nd floor.
 (965) 2572 6686 - 2571 4343  (965) 2571 0775 

Kuwait – Salmiya – Salem Al-Mubarak St. North Salmiya Market Complex 2nd floor.
 (965) 2572 6686 - 2571 4343  (965) 2571 0775 

Kuwait – Salmiya – Salem Al-Mubarak St. North Salmiya Market Complex 2nd floor.
 (965) 2572 6686 - 2571 4343  (965) 2571 0775 

Complete Graphs:
Kn , is a simple graph with n nodes in which every node is adjacent to every other node:
Note that Kn has n vertices and edges e = n(n-1)/2

Complete graphs: Kn
Complete bipartite graphs: Km,n

Kuwait – Salmiya – Salem Al-Mubarak St. North Salmiya Market Complex 2nd floor.
 (965) 2572 6686 - 2571 4343  (965) 2571 0775 

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