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Part 1: Analyse the scenario of the public health leader, presented in the

Australian public health context using the Australian Health Leadership


There is a difference between the leadership skills and management skills. Both of two
possess equal importance for public organizations to run successfully and effectively.
The abilities and roles possess a difference among the two skills. A leader is provided
with power by his/her followers whereas, a manager is placed in power. A leader is one
who inspires its followers as well as to the national or local community he/she is serving.
An influential leader is demanded by the public health field. The niche organization that
possess similar objectives is influenced by public health. Moreover, a leader of public
health in order to keep and build relationship with the organization should possess
competency (Saleh et al., 2004). Helen if form partnerships successfully with the
organizations will reach its goal more efficiently and faster. Therefore, for this reason
Helen should remain up to date with its organization goals so that she may be able to
develop partnership with the right organizations.

According to American Public Health Association, public health leader should be aware
of the larger picture. Therefore, Helen should be aware of the larger picture which
means that she should be able to recognize her role in the public health. Helen should
be able to own her particular job and should possess creativity to perform it. The quality
of life as well as wellbeing of the health system within a country is ensured by a health
leader. The quality of patient care is affected by a good leader directly and indirectly. A
leader also possess a huge role to support the best practices all over the country. Being
a health leader, Helen possess all the qualities regarding to make conclusive changes
in the health reforms in the country. A leader is responsible to engage with other people
quality regarding the birth care, end of life and sickness. The heath system within a
country gets improved as a leader strives for the wellbeing of people. Helen should be
more effective while she is responding to the changes in the challenges of public health
(Saleh et al., 2004). It is obvious that the role of Helen to be an effective leader is not
easy. Helen possess the related skills as leader should possess skills in spite of
inspiring a vision and to work with others. Donald (1991) mentioned that a public health
leader should be able to think well as well as to react accurately to the sudden needs
related to public health. Helen should focus on the following qualities being a public
health leader so that she may be able to report on the significant changes at end of the
year also, to seek funds so that she may kick start some initiatives.


A sense of responsibility is exercised by Helen as she will be carrying out the

communicable disease prevention, sanitation, immunization programs, housing,
infection control and finding accessible food sources. Competence is considered as one
of a good attribute related to leader of public health. Helen being a self-defined and
focused leader will be able to establish as well as maintain contact with the local public
health agencies, policy makers, senior citizen, medical treatment facility and senior
government stakeholders to ensure that an integrated public health program is in flow
among all sectors. This attribute possess ability to relate well to the ground in respect to
the above mentioned issues. Helen if does not possess a good sense of responsibility
and effective performance of work then she will not be able to put in place correctly
which will lead her to risk.


Helen to remain a decisive person must emulate courage. Helen should not be afraid of
failure as if she does then she will not be able to function like a leader. Helen in order to
maintain her convictions or to put her gut insight should show courage. Helen should be
able to admit if a mistake has been committed from her without any hesitation. Helen
should show her bravery in tackling the environment.


This attribute will help Helen to make sure that corrective mechanism is being going on.
This attribute will also ensure that Helen is also capable of undertaking the task in her
hand. It involves the aptitude as well as skill knowledge of Helen. Helen should be able
to tackle the hardest things which will surround the environment as she will be
possessing the necessary skill. The skills like technical, mental and practical are
involved. Helen should emulate a good advisor skill so that she may give out advises on
military public health issues, training and manning. Helen also require good counseling
skill to adivise on critical issues


Helen while carrying out the various initiatives and developments she must be influential
and be able to disseminate the required information and knowledge by boosting the
morale of colleges. Helen should show patience and should be able to clarify things
before acting upon them. Helen should also embrace loyalty this will lead her to make
progression in the public health sector (Swayne, 2001).


Flexibility will help Helen to change easily from one aspect to another. It will ensure that
effective measures are being taken to minimize the lost efforts. Flexibility will help Helen
to entail as she possess intellectual capability of predicting what will occur.

These above qualities in the public health sector will make Helen able to easily adapt to
the immediate environment in the time of fluctuations. Helen can lay down good
examples for other female leaders by taking a position of role model. Helen should also
remain resilient as it will help her to consider failure as an opportunity. Helen should
consider failure as a step that will make her closer to the realization of her dreams.
Helen as a role model will embrace a sense of confidence as well as also let others to
gain confidence.
Part 2: Undertake a self‐assessment using the Leadership self‐assessment tool

Look at statements below:

• On the scale next to each statement, choose a rating

that reflects how frequently it applies to you

• Total your scores after each domain and reflect on how you
Very little /
have scored yourself A lot of the Some of the None of
time time the time


Developing Self Awareness

I reflect on how my own values and principles influence my behaviour
and impact on others

I seek feedback from others on my strengths and limitations and modify

my behaviour accordingly

Managing Yourself
I remain calm and focused under pressure

I plan my workload and deliver on my commitments to consistently high

standards demonstrating flexibility to service requirements

Continuing Personal Development

I actively seek opportunities to learn and develop

I apply my learning to practical work

Acting with Integrity

I act in an open, honest and inclusive manner - respecting other
people’s culture, beliefs and abilities

I speak out when I see that ethics or values are being compromised

TOTAL 4 4 0
Look at statements below:

• On the scale next to each statement, choose a rating

that reflects how frequently it applies to you

• Total your scores after each domain and reflect on how you
Very little /
have scored yourself A lot of the Some of the None of
time time the time


Developing Networks
I identify opportunities where working collaboratively with others will bring
added value to patient care

I share information and resources across networks

Building and Maintaining Relationships

I communicate clearly and effectively with others

I listen to and take into account the needs and feelings of others

Encouraging Contribution
I actively seek contributions and views from others

sI am comfortable managing conflicts of interests or differences of opinion

Working within Teams

I put myself forward to lead teams, whilst always ensuring I involve the
right people at the right time

I acknowledge and appreciate the efforts of others within the team and
respect the team’s decision

TOTAL 4 3 0
Look at statements below:

• On the scale next to each statement, choose a rating

that reflects how frequently it applies to you

• Total your scores after each domain and reflect on how you
Very little /
have scored yourself A lot of the Some of the None of
time time the time


I use feedback from patients, service users and colleagues
when developing plans

I assess the available options in terms of benefits and risks

Managing Resources
I deliver safe and effective services within the allocated resource

I take action when resources are not being used efficiently and effectively

Managing People
I support team members in developing their roles and responsibilities

I provide others with clear purpose and direction

Managing Performance
I analyse information from a range of sources about performance

I take action to improve performance

TOTAL 4 4 0
Look at statements below:

• On the scale next to each statement, choose a rating

that reflects how frequently it applies to you

• Total your scores after each domain and reflect on how you
Very little /
have scored yourself A lot of the Some of the None of
time time the time


Ensuring Patient Safety

I take action when I notice shortfalls in patient safety

I review practice to improve patient safety and minimise risk

Critically Evaluating
I use feedback from patients, carers and service users to contribute to
improvements in service delivery

I work with others to constructively evaluate our services

Encouraging Improvement and Innovation

I put forward ideas to improve the quality of services

I encourage debate about new ideas with a wide range of people

Facilitating Transformation
I articulate the need for change and its impact on people and services

I focus myself and motivate others to ensure change happens

TOTAL 3 3 2
Look at statements below:

• On the scale next to each statement, choose a rating

that reflects how frequently it applies to you

• Total your scores after each domain and reflect on how you
Very little /
have scored yourself A lot of the Some of the None of
time time the time


Identifying the Contexts for Change

I identify the drivers of change (e.g. political, social, technical,
economic, organisational, professional environment)

I anticipate future challenges that will create the need for change and
communicate these to others

Applying Knowledge and Evidence

I use data and information to suggest improvements to services

I influence others to use knowledge and evidence to achieve best practice

Making Decisions
I consult with key people and groups when making decisions taking
into account the values and priorities of the service
I actively engage in formal and informal decision-making processes
about the future of services

Evaluating Impact
I take responsibility for embedding new approaches into working practices

I evaluate the impact of changes on patients and service delivery

TOTAL 3 4 1
Look at statements below:

• On the scale next to each statement, choose a rating

that reflects how frequently it applies to you

• Total your scores after each domain and reflect on how you
Very little /
have scored yourself A lot of the Some of the None of
time time the time


Developing the Vision for the Organisation

I actively engage with others (including patients and public) to
determine the direction of the organisation

I take into account the full range of factors that will impact upon the
future of health and care services

Influencing the Vision of the Wider Healthcare System

I look for opportunities to engage in debate about the future of healthcare
I influence key decision makers who determine future government
policy that impacts the NHS and its services

Communicating the Vision

I communicate the vision with enthusiasm and clarity

I take time to build critical support for the vision

Embodying the Vision

I show confidence, commitment and passion for the vision in my day to day actions

I challenge behaviours, symbols & rituals which are not consistent with the vision

TOTAL 4 3 1
Look at statements below:

• On the scale next to each statement, choose a rating

that reflects how frequently it applies to you

• Total your scores after each domain and reflect on how you
Very little /
have scored yourself A lot of the Some of the None of
time time the time


Framing the Strategy

I draw on relevant thinking and best practice to inform strategy development

I use an understanding of the history and culture of the organisation to

create a realistic strategy

Developing the Strategy

I engage with a wide range of stakeholders when formulating strategic plans

I mitigate uncertainties and risks associated with strategic choices

Implementing the Strategy

I ensure strategic plans are translated into workable operational plans

I establish clear accountabilities for delivery of all elements of the strategy

Embedding the Strategy

I help others to overcome obstacles and challenges in delivering the strategy

I monitor progress of the strategic outcomes and make adjustments where


TOTAL 5 3 0
Part 3: Imagine yourself to be in the situation. Reflect on your leadership style, its
strengths, and apply them to this scenario. How would you have responded to the
situation based on the self‐evaluation in part 2? Where do you see the gaps in
your profile?

I think communication and delegation are my strengths as an efficient leader. I like to

take leads on projects as well as delegating tasks. I will also work to inspire my team by
delegating tasks to those team members who are well-equipped and can perform task
well. I would try to clearly communicate the basic goals, objectives and necessities
regarding the task to accomplish. I would prefer to be task-focused as well as
relationally focused leader. Task-focused leaders focuses preferably on tasks rather
than building relationships. Hibberd and Smith (2006) mentioned that relationally
focused leaders consider relationship to be the foundation to achieve positive
outcomes. Theories from 1950 to 1980 suggest that no style of leadership is ideal for
every situation. Moreover, Marquis and Huston (2015) commented that it depends upon
the need of leader, environment and employees that which leadership style best fits the
situation. The complexity of situation require relationally focused leadership style which
is based upon the strengths based leadership. In the given scenario, I should be
following the relationally focused leadership style as Wong (2012) noted that this style
make leaders to strive to empower the strengths of workers. Transformational
leadership style, one of the relationally focused style is also best suited for the given
scenario. The characteristics of inspirational motivation, idealized influence, intellectual
stimulation and idealized consideration is practiced in transformational leadership style.
Bennis (2003) mentioned that in transformational leadership style leader motivate
his/her team as well as inspire the performance. I will also work to keep on motivating
my staff by providing them objectives, inspiring their work life and increase their
interests. The task-oriented leadership on other hand depends upon the effectiveness
and need of an organization. I would prefer to focus on providing correction in the
situation when tasks are not completed correctly. Also, would try to manage by
exception. I being a leader will be persistent in crisis and should instigate buoyance. As,
the sector of public health is one of the toughest sector to tackle leaders but I will
embrace others and bring others altogether to solve the problems. I must develop good
listening skills as communication always should be two way therefore, being a leader I
must try to be a good listener. I will try to maintain a smooth flow of events by proper
means of communication in order to save the cost. Managers and leadership skills have
to be merged as both should go hand in hand and must come with a formidable action
plan. All this will make me able to make a smooth of events. I being a public health
leader will embrace the new talent and will nature it as a public health leader should
possess this capacity. For realistic goals and to be a good leader, I must embrace
reliability and sincerity. Being a public health leader, by setting goals I will set the
avenues that lead me towards the attainment of these goals. When these targets will be
met, it will be credible to those who will take part to achieve results other than praising


Donald, S (1991). Innovative Organizations Require Innovative Managers.

Public Administration Review, 41(5), 507-513.

Peter, N. (2001). Leadership: Theory and Practice. Thousands Oaks, CA: Sage.

Swayne E. (2001). Leadership and Management, Public Health: Cases and Context, by
Sage Publications.

UKEssays. (November 2018). Leadership Public Health. Retrieved from

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