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Name: Ahzam Saleem

Registration no. 44691

Course: Personal development
Section: Tuesday, 11:45 – 14:45
Title: Reflective Assignment 8
Part A
Self – discipline:
The ability to recognize and have a firm control on our self is called self discipline. Its a very
large decorum and time management is one of its most essential function.
We can easily improve or time management by scheduling our time into segments for the
whole week or month. For instance, following table shows the timing schedule for the
preparation of the quizzes.
Subjects Days
Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Marketing X 8-9, 3-4:30 8-1, 6:30-8 8-12, 3-4:30
Stats X 6:30-8 3-4:30 5-6, 6:30-8
Writing skills X 9:15-11:00 5-6 X
Psychology 5-6, 6:30-8 X X X

Self disciplined Students:

These are some signs which depicts that a student is self disciplined:
1. Complete their assignments.
2. Stay on tasks.
3. Work toward personal and community goal.
4. Try again and again.
5. Ignore peer pressure.
6. Choose productive rather than destructive activities.
7. Control their temper.
Principles of Self discipline:
Some principles of self discipline which should be act upon.
1. Set yourself a goal.
2. Have a strong desire to achieve the goal.
3. Must persevere in spite of failure.
4. Take things one step at a time.

Someone’s character traits which distinguishes an individual from others.

 Determinants of personality:
There are two determinants of personality. First one refers to biological factors which varies
from person to person and are not changeable. However, the second refers to the spiritual
factors which can be change if a person is determined.

 Big Five Model:

According to psychologists, everyone personality have five dimensions. These are as
1. Openness: Refers to adapting the changing environment.
2. Conscientiousness: How much a person is honest.
3. Extraversion: How much a person discloses himself.
4. Agreeableness: How a person respond and maintain balance in evaluating criticism.
5. Neuroticism: What are fears, tempers, politeness of a person.

ARC Triangle of Communication:

Communication is the most practiced and essential phenomenon of our life. According to
scientology, the communication phenomenon is like a triangle, having corners of affection,
reality and communication itself. To ensure a good communication, we must have at least one
of two factors, either affection or reality, since it will leads towards better communication or
even start a communication.
Personal Grooming:
It refers to some activities which make yourself look neat & clean. It includes both dimensions
of inner and outer self of an individual.

Personal grooming have enormous influences on someone’s personality. Some of these are as
Boosting one’s confidence.
Improving communication.
Language speaking abilities.
Widening ones scope of knowledge.
Developing certain hobbies or skills.
Learning fine etiquettes and manners.
Adding style and grace to the way one looks.
Talks, walks and overall understand oneself with positivity, liveliness.

Importance of Formal Dressing:

To ensure personal grooming on its upmost level, we usually adapts formal dressing which is an
essential part of it, since it makes a person more disciplined and enhance our self confidence.
Moreover, it also builds a good image of your first expression and satisfy your prideness.

Part B:
Self – discipline:
Self-discipline is a pattern of behavior where you choose to do what you know you should do,
rather than what you want to do. It's the inner power that pushes you to get out of bed to
exercise rather than sleeping in. It is the assertion of willpower over more basic desires and is
synonymous with self-control.
Here are six ways mentioned which helps someone to develop his self-discipline in order to
achieve his/her goals.
1. Acknowledge Your Weaknesses
2. Establish a Clear Plan
3. Remove the Temptations When Necessary
4. Practice Tolerating Emotional Discomfort
5. Visualize the Long-Term Rewards
6. Recover from Mistakes Effectively

Personality, a characteristic way of thinking, feeling, and behaving. Personality embraces
moods, attitudes, and opinions and is most clearly expressed in interactions with other people.
It includes behavioral characteristics, both inherent and acquired, that distinguish one person
from another and that can be observed in people’s relations to the environment and to
the social group.

Part C:
We can say that self discipline is the core factor behind someone’s success. We have amazing
illustrations of prominent personalities like Quaid E Azam, Bill Gates, Brain Lara, Ronaldo and
Mahatma Gandhi. They were some of the most disciplined people who keep motivated towards
their goals and succeeded in their lives. What differs them from others is their personality,
which refers to the changeable or not changeable unique character traits. What they usually do
is groom their personality as effective as they want it to be productive. First, they change their
habits to productive. Second, their lives are always in their control – they have a single plan of
execution of what-to-do and when-to-do, hence their lives are not controlled or influenced by
any other factors and keeps themselves motivated toward certain goals. Additionally, if we
have a more profound look towards their personalities, we will find some blatant qualities in
them. For instance, their unique traits depict the example of Big Five Model of Personality. They
are high on openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism.
Moreover, some of their characteristics are obvious that when you talk to them, you will feel
affection, and you will have same level of reality. Moreover, they are always formally dressed
and it always a pleasure to meet them. In contemporary age, most of the people are not well
disciplined which is the great cause behind any failure. We should have firm control on
ourselves then we ate going to survive fully.

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