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Stereotypical mothers, sex objects & wives

a. Women have a pure functional role in society – limiting for women
b. Seen is AHT

2. Gender politics
a. 1984 = male centred, he doesn’t draw attention to gender differences, hes
blind stop to the idea that women should be more than these things
b. Being a man – politics is a males sphere

3. Nobel, sacrificing herself out of love for him & pure

a. Stereotypical – contributes to women being something to men
b. Romanticising struggle women have to go through

4. Passive, doesn’t question, easy to manipulate & not intelligent

a. Womens point of view ?
b. Vacuous

5. Sex object “rebel from the waist down”, passive, easily manipulated
a. Rebel for her sexual needs – no intellect
b. Women wanting sexual desires – it was something extraordinary and
scandalous in the 1940’s

6. Only allowed for men, they’re allowed to break the rules e.g. with prostitutes, but
women are expected to remain pure
a. Women = meant to be sexually pleasing for men

“In dystopian literature, female characters are presented unfavourable”

Women = passive, even when Offred escapes, its because of nick
“unfavourable” – positivity or do we expect more from a hero ?
Empty headedness
We think the male version is the normal version

Women = morally, nurture
Cross of honour

Birth control “birth control babe” – satans girl “virgin-whore” “Madonna whore” –
manipulates public opinion – women decide “pro-choice” but here is fear that what will
happen when women are in control – they will have sex with no consequences
Youll be happy with a Hoover – housewives

Divorce made difficult to get 1936 – women are not trapped as there is away out – rejection
of nuclear family (makes it easier to reject conformity)
Need someone at home to make morality of the children – but why does it have to be
women ?
Abortion banned
Homosexuality illegal to promote hetrosexual relationships

Women in dystopia:
Mrs parsons & her daughter
His mum
Prole women

“it had never occurred to him that the body of a women of fifty, blown up to monstrous
dimension by childbearing

Inferior flower” = attracts men

Women defined by their body – not by their soul, mind or intellect
“I recognise them as truants” – missing the regime – prostitution being problematic
“you wanted a womens culture” – no such thing as a womens culture, evein within women
theres a hierarchy – aunts have power and use them to punish them

“go home……” – anesthetising from human experience and women
Rise of feminism – abortion = rights over their body

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