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Criteria Exemplary Accomplished Developing Limited

(20 points) (15 points) (10 points) (5 points)
Narrative flow/ content The narrative/story telling The narrative/story telling The narrative/story telling The narrative/story telling
Flowed seamlessly. It was flowed consistently. It was showed signs of developing flowed disjointedly. It was
also strong, original, occasionally compelling and an interesting and uninteresting and only
compelling, and interesting, entertaining to viewers. entertaining story. It mildly occasionally captured the
always attracting the There were some original captured the viewer’s viewer’s attention.
viewer’s attention ideas used. attention.
Performances The performances by the The performances by the The performances by the The performances by the
(emotion and facial expression) actors were strong, actors were consistent, well actors were adequate. At actors looked unconfident
original, compelling, and done and entertaining. times the performances rose and uninteresting to the
interesting, always attracting above this level to become viewer.
the viewer’s attention interesting to the viewer.
Production Design Excellent and extremely Interesting and creative Adequate and sometimes Poorly executed production
(props, costumes, creative production design. production design. Good interesting production design. Poor choice of
sets, locations) Original and appropriate and appropriate choice of design. Some inspired props, costumes, sets and
choice of props, costumes, props, costumes, sets and choices of props, costumes, locations used.
sets and locations used. locations used. sets and locations used.
Visual Composition/ Film consistently showed Film occasionally showed Film showed average Film showed poor visual
Cinematography excellent and creative visual excellent and creative visual creative visual composition/cinematography
composition/cinematography composition/cinematography composition/cinematography (camera angles, camera
(camera angles, camera (camera angles, camera (camera angles, camera movement, lighting, framing
movement, lighting, framing movement, lighting, framing movement, lighting, framing of shots)
of shots) of shots) of shots)
Use of Audio High quality sound and Very good quality sound and Good quality sound and Poor quality sound and
Enhancements excellent use of music for good choice of music for the good choice of music for the limited or inappropriate use
(sound and music) the soundtrack. soundtrack. soundtrack. of music for the soundtrack.
Editing and Use of Excellent and appropriate Very good editing and use of Editing was adequate Poor editing and no use or
Visual editing and excellent use of visual enhancements. Trying however visual inappropriate use of
Enhancements visual enhancements to be innovative with enhancement tools used but enhancements.
(Transitions, titles, production and presentation. not always appropriate or
credits, special effective.

- script/story
- creativity
- originality
- coherence

production design
- excellent creative product design
- original and appropriate choice of props, costumes, sets and
locations used

overall quality
- overall impression
- meaningfulness
- replay value
- creative visual composition/cinematography
- camera angles,
- camera movement
- lighting
- framing of shots

- editing and use of visual enhancement
- transitions, titles, credits, special effect
- music and sounds

Judging Criteria
Below is the criteria that judges will use to evaluate each film.
Babe Stewart Short Film Competition  – Judging Criteria
Name of entry: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Award Criteria
On a scale of 1-to-10, with 10 being the best, give each entry a rating in the following categories.
Cinematography                                                                                       ----------------
Consider the director’s choices for shot and angles, lighting. Did they try to change ‘things’ up or were the shots static?
Editing                                                                                                       -----------------
Did the film flow? Did editing impact the film, making it better or worse? Was it smooth?
Sound                                                                                                         ----------------
Was the sound quality good? Were song selections good? How did sound impact film?
Storyline                                                                                                    -----------------
Could you follow the ‘show?’ Did the director/writers lead you through the story?
Film as art                                                                                                 ------------------
Did the film have an artistic quality? Was it just a home movie, or was there more to it?
Special effects                                                                                            ------------------
Were there special effects? Were attempts made to ‘spice’ up the film?
Subject                                                                                                       ------------------
Was the subject of the film worthwhile? Was it entertaining?
Creativity                                                                                                   ------------------
How much thought was behind the film? Was it ordinary, or more than that?
Intangibles                                                                                                   ------------------
Judges discretion
Overall                                                                                                          ------------------
How well would this film represent the Babe Stewart Short Film Competition?
Total                                                                                                             ----------------
McMinnville Short Film Festival Entry Rating Form
The following rating scale will be applied to each entry immediately after the video is viewed by a member of the
McMinnville Short Film Festival Judges Panel. Each entry will be evaluated by at least five judges, with finalists selected
from those scoring highest. Judges will ask themselves the bulleted points below when judging that aspect of the film.

It is understood that any evaluation of another’s artistic endeavor involves a certain degree of subjectivity. However,
decisions of the Judges Panel are FINAL.

Video Title: ____________________________________ Length: _____min _____sec

Category (circle one):   Documentary    Animation    Music Video    Comedy    Drama    Build Local

Reviewer: ____________________________________ Date Reviewed: ____________

Audience Appeal (cinematic) Characterizations

____ (10) tight, visual, entertaining ____ (10) in-depth and multi-dimensional
____ (5) average appeal ____ (5) simple, one-dimensional characters
____ (1) unnecessarily long, talky, boring ____ (1) poorly developed, weak, confusing

Cinematography Story
____ (10) highly effective visuals ____ (10) excellent writing, unique story line
____ (5) images satisfactory, average appeal ____ (5) adequately developed
____ (1) poor quality visuals ____ (1) story minimal and/or plot unclear

Audio, Music, Sound Effects Directing

____ (10) excellent quality; highly effective ____ (10) stylish, clear point of view
____ (5) satisfactory quality and impact ____ (5) adequate style and approach
____ (1) poor quality recording, ineffective ____ (1) viewpoint inconsistent or unclear

Editing Theme
____ (10) well-paced, excellent continuity ____ (10) excellent illustration of the genre
____ (5) satisfactory sequences ____ (5) adequate support of the genre
____ (1) poor pacing, and/or lacks continuity ____ (1) unclear association to the genre

Total Points = ____________

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