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Problem Set 2

(Review of Fundamental Soil Testing)

Item Question
1 The results of a laboratory consolidation test on an undisturbed soil specimen obtained from the field are shown.
Other Given Parameters:
Dry mass of soil specimen = 117.20 grams
Specific Gravity of Soil Solids, Gs = 2.65
Diameter of the Specimen = 2.5 inches

Final Height of
Specimen at Every
Effective Stress (kPa) Remarks
End of Loading
25.00 24.16
42.07 24.02
66.83 23.88
100.00 23.46
171.79 22.76 LOADING STAGE
341.98 21.51
816.58 20.11
1563.15 19.13
1901.08 18.71
1566.75 18.43
1096.48 18.57
567.54 18.71 UNLOADING STAGE
322.85 18.99
199.99 19.13

a) Plot the e vs log(σ’) curve on Figure P-2 of the answer sheet.

b) In the same graph, determine the preconsolidation pressure using Casagrande’s Method.
c) In the same graph also, determine the compression index and the swell index.
d) If the current in-situ stress (overburden pressure) of the soil is 85 kPa. What is the overconsolidation ratio?

2 A consolidation test was carried out on a 61.4 mm diameter and 25.4 mm-thick saturated and undisturbed soft clay
sample with an initial water content of 105.7% and Gs of 2.70. The dial gauge readings, which measure the change in
thickness at the end of consolidation due to each pressure increment, are summarized. The sample was taken from a
depth of 3 m at a soft clay site where the water table is at ground level.

Vertical 0 5 10 20 40 80 160 320 640 160 40 5

Dial 12.7 12.352 12.294 12.131 11.224 9.053 6.665 4.272 2.548 2.951 3.533 4.350
a. Plot the void-ratio vs effective stress graph, and determine the preconsolidation pressure, compression
index, swell index, and overconsolidation ratio.
b. Plot the 𝑚𝑣 vs. effective stress curve.

3 A 20 mm-thick clay sample at a void ratio of 1.71 is subjected to a consolidation test in oedometer where the dial gauge
reading is initially set to 0.0 mm. The vertical pressure on the sample was increased from 0 to 272.6 kPa in a few
increments, each being applied for 24 hours. During the next increment when effective stress was 272.6 kPa to 543 kPa,
the time-dial gauge readings were:
Time Dial gauge
reading (mm)
0 3.590 (just before
applying the
pressure increment)
1.5 s 3.676
15 s 3.690
30 s 3.718
1 min 3.756
2 min 3.806
4 min 3.884
8 min 3.983
16 min 4.130
Problem Set 2
(Review of Fundamental Soil Testing)

32 min 4.330
60 min 4.562
141 min 4.853
296 min 5.027
429 min 5.086
459 min 5.095
680 min 5.141
1445 min 5.204
1583 min 5.212

a. Determine the coefficient of consolidation during this pressure increment using (i) Casagrande’s log time and
(ii) Taylor’s square root of time methods
b. Determine the coefficient of volume compressibility during this increment
c. Determine the coefficient of secondary compression during this increment
d. Estimate the permeability during this increment

4 Consolidated drained triaxial tests on two specimens of a soil gave the following results
Test No. Confining pressure Deviator
(kPa) stress
1 70 440.4
2 92 474.7

Determine the shear strength parameters: cohesion, angle of friction

5 A normally consolidated clay specimen was subjected to a consolidated undrained test. At failure, the confining
pressure, 𝜎3, was 100 kPa. The principal stress at failure, 𝜎1, was 204 kPa. The pore water pressure, 𝑢𝑑,during the test
was recorded to be 50 kPa. Determine the shear strength parameters: cohesion, angle of friction

6 A series of consolidated, undrained triaxial tests were carried out on three identical saturated clay specimens. The
results are:
At failure (kPa)
Specimen No. Cell pressure (kPa)
Deviator Stress Pore water pressure
1 100 170 40
2 200 260 95
3 300 360 135

Determine the shear strength parameters.

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