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Course Title: Marketing Management

Course ID: EM 520

Credit Hours: 3
Pre-Requisite: Principles of Marketing
Course ID: EM 505
Credit Hours: 3
With changing dimensions in digital technologies, the trend in marketing management is in flux. Hence, in this
course, understand how organizations benefit by creating and delivering superior value to their customers and other
stakeholders. This course will also help you to develop analytical skills, apply decision tools, and learn frameworks
that will discipline your approach to market analysis.
In order to determine the value of this course and to ensure whether the concepts, principles, and problem-solving
skills acquired in the course can be applied on the job or in future academic settings, a set of learning outcome has
been established. By the end of the course, you should be able to fulfil several roles that require competency in the
following areas:
CO1: Understand how shaping market offerings would enable the firms to survive in competition and enhance in
excellence and improved customer satisfaction.
CO2: Comprehend means to deliver value using marketing channels
CO3: Analyze ways to communicate value of products and services to customers

Course Objective Unit Learning Outcome

Understand how shaping market Understand how the product strategy enables a company stay ahead of
offerings would enable the firms to competitors.
survive in competition and enhance in Comprehend how excellences in services marketing build on quality services
excellence and improved customer and improved customer support service.
satisfaction. Understand how pricing strategies and programmes enable firms to meet
opportunities and face competition.
Comprehend means to deliver value Design and Manage Integrated Marketing Channels
using marketing channels Understand how to manage intermediaries especially retailing and
Analyze ways to communicate value Design and Manage Integrated marketing Communications
of products and services to customers Understand the means for managing mass communications
Managing personal communications especially word of mouth and
interactive marketing
Recommended Text Book:
Marketing Management by Philip Kotler and Kevin Lane Keller (14th edition)

Requirements for the Course:

In this course, you will also have an opportunity to test and strengthen your marketing acumen by playing a
marketing simulation, the MixPRO. This is a competitive simulation game in which you will be responsible for
managing a firm. It is online based and the student subscription is 30 euros per student. Every student has to
purchase it for conducting the simulation.
CO and PO Relationship
CO1 ✔ ✔
CO2 ✔ ✔
CO3 ✔ ✔ ✔
Programme Objectives:
PO 1: Intellectual skills matching with program of study
PO2: Problem identification and solving skills
PO 3: Analytical skills
PO4: Communication skills
PO5: Entrepreneurship and innovative skills
PO6: Interpersonal, teamwork & leadership skills
PO 7: Impression Management and self-development skills
PO8: Commitment to community, country, and humanity
PO 9: Tactical and Technical Skills
Teaching Learning
Unit Learning Outcome Course Content Assessment Strategy
Understand how the  Illustrate the characteristics Power Point Presentation, Quiz, Forum and
product strategy enables of products. Inquiry teaching, and Self- Assignment
a company stay ahead of  Classify and differentiate directed learning
competitors products
 Design products and its best
 Building and managing
product mix and product
 Combining products to create
strong co-brands or
ingredient brands
 Using packaging, labeling,
warranties, and guarantees
as marketing tools.
Comprehend how  Understanidng the nature Power Point Open ended question
excellences in services and classification of services, Presentation/Video and answer, Case
marketing build on Understanding the new presentation, Study
quality services and services realities Inquiry teaching, and Self-
improved customer  Explain how to achieve directed learning
support service excellence in services
 Understand how companies
can improve service quality
Understand how pricing  Understanding pricing and Power Point Quiz, Open ended
strategies and changing price environment. Presentation/Video question and answer
programmes enable  Setting prices initially for presentation, or essay writing,
firms to meet products or services by Inquiry teaching, and Self- and/or Forum
opportunities and face companies directed learning
competition  Adapting prices to meet
varying circumstances and
 Initiating and Responding to
Price Changes
 Responding to competitor’s
price changes.
Design and Manage  Understanding marketing Power Point Quiz, Open ended
Integrated Marketing channel system and value Presentation/Video question and answer
Channels network presentation, or essay writing,
 Depict the Role of Marketing Inquiry teaching, and Self- and/or Forum
Channels directed learning
 Inializing channel design
 Explore the alteranatives in
channel choices
 Channel Management Systes
 Channel Integration and
Understand how to  Understanding what retailing Power Point Quiz, Open ended
manage intermediaries is and its different types. Presentation/Video question and answer
especially retailing and  Illustrate the major changes presentation, or essay writing,
wholesaling. are occurring in the modern Inquiry teaching, and Self- and/or Forum
retail marketing environment directed learning
with respect to competitive
market structure and
 Understand what decisions
marketing intermediaries
 Understanding the
wholesaling trends
 Important issues in logistics
Design and Manage  Understanding the Power Point Open ended question
Integrated marketing marketing communications Presentation/Video and answer and/or
Communications mix. presentation, Forum
 Evaluating the model for Inquiry teaching, and Self-
Marketing communication directed learning
 Means for developing
effective communications.
 Deciding on the Marketing
Communications Mix
 Managing the Integrated
Marketing Communications
Understand the means  Developing and Managing an Power Point Quiz, Open ended
for managing mass Advertising Programme Presentation/Video question and answer
communications  Choosing the media for presentation, or essay writing,
advertising and measuring its Inquiry teaching, and Self- and/or Forum
effectiveness. directed learning
 Finding the difference
between sales promotion
and advertising
 Evaluating the guidelines for
effective brand-building
events and experiences
 Understanding how can
companies exploit the
potential of public relations
 Major decisions in Marketing
Managing personal  The benefits of direct Power Point Quiz and Term
communications marketing Presentation/Video Paper/Assignment
especially word of  Types of Direct Marketing presentation,
mouth and interactive  Interative marketing and its Inquiry teaching, and Self-
marketing forms directed learning
 Word of Mouth and
customer engagement
 Designing the sales force
 Personal Selling
 Understanding the steps of
personal selling

Illustrate the characteristics of products.

Classify and differentiate products
Design products and its best approach
Building and managing product mix and product lines
Combining products to create strong co-brands or ingredient brands
Using packaging, labeling, warranties, and guarantees as marketing tools.
Understanding the nature and classification of services,
Understanding the new services realities
Explain how to achieve excellence in services marketing

Understand how companies can improve service quality
Understanding pricing and changing price environment.
Setting prices initially for products or services by companies
Adapting prices to meet varying circumstances and opportunities
Initiating and Responding to Price Changes
Responding to competitor’s price changes.
Understanding marketing channel system and value network
Depict the Role of Marketing Channels
Inializing channel design decisions
Explore the alteranatives in channel choices
Channel Management Systes
Channel Integration and Systems
Understanding what retailing is and its different types.
Illustrate the major changes are occurring in the modern retail marketing environment with respect to competitive
market structure and technology
Understand what decisions marketing intermediaries make
Means for developing effective communications.
Understanding the wholesaling trends
Important issues in logistics
Understanding the marketing communications mix.
Evaluating the model for Marketing communication Process
Deciding on the Marketing Communications Mix
Managing the Integrated Marketing Communications Process
Developing and Managing an Advertising Programme
Choosing the media for advertising and measuring its effectiveness.
Finding the difference between sales promotion and advertising
Evaluating the guidelines for effective brand-building events and experiences
Understanding how can companies exploit the potential of public relations
Major decisions in Marketing PR
The benefits of direct marketing
Types of Direct Marketing
Interative marketing and its forms
Word of Mouth and customer engagement
Designing the sales force
Personal Selling
Understanding the steps of personal selling
Assessment Strategy Related Course Percentage of Course
Objective Grade
Weekly quizzes based on reading and video lesson
CO1, CO2, and CO3 30%
reflections. There will be 1-2 quizzes per week.
Discussion Forums to ensure class participation and reflect
CO1, CO2, and CO3 10%
learning. There should be at least one in each week.
MixPro Simulation CO1, CO2, and CO3 10%
Case Study/Workshops CO1, CO2, and CO3 10%
Research Paper Presentation/Term Paper: At end of term, a
comprehensive evaluation in the form of research paper or CO1, CO2, and CO3 40%
research presentation needs to be done.
Rubrics (for the Discussion Forum):
5 4 3 2 1
Excellent grammatical
Significant Lack of clarity,
mechanics, lapses, uses
mechanics, Poor grammar, weak poor
Writing Skills sentence emotional
structure, and communication presentation
structure, and response in
organization of thinking
organization lieu of
relevant point
Submits one
Does not
initial response
submit at
early in the Submits at
least one
session and least one initial Participants
Discussion among initial
two or more response early show some
participants begins response
thoughtful peer in the session, initiative by
late or not at all early in the
responses early and at least posting
Timeliness (e.g., only session;
in the session, two peer replies or
facilitator’s prompt Participants
and more than responses comments
present at the time suggest few
two peer closer to the within 1
the module is over) or no ideas
responses end of the week.
closer to the session.
end of the
Outstanding Some ability
Ability to
ability to grasp to
conceptualize Minimal
concepts which conceptualize
essential ideas Limited superficial awareness
Knowledge are essential
which are up knowledge/response that external
comprehensive, ideas and
to date and concepts exist
in-depth, and relate theory
wide ranging to practice.
Posts mostly
point to areas
of agreement
Posts stimulate or
across the
ideas but do disagreement Posts are disjointed
posts serves to Posts are not
Collaboration not encompass and asking and may be
build new ideas at all relevant
the topic of clarification misleading.
or stimulate
concern on questions
further insight
Rubrics (for Homework):
Criteria Scores
5 4 3 2 1
Shows a
thorough and Shows a
Shows a basic Shows a limited Shows little
Comprehension thoughtful comprehensive
understanding understanding of the understanding
of Text understanding understanding
of the text. text. of the text.
of the text with of the text.
Essay is well-
organized, Essay is
including a Essay is somewhat
Essay is one
strong intro, organized, and organized. The text needs to be
paragraph or
thesis all necessary Intro includes better organized.
does not have
statement that elements are a weak thesis Thesis statement is
Organization directly present. The statement. hard to find.
appearance of
connects to thesis is Body Includes fewer than
three body present but paragraphs do three body
No thesis
paragraphs, not well- not connect paragraphs.
and a thought- supported. well to the
provoking thesis.
Contains 4-5
Sentence Contains 0-1 Contains 2-3 Contains more than serious
Fluency and grammatical or grammatical or 6 grammatical or grammatical
or syntax
Grammar syntax errors. syntax errors. syntax errors. or syntax
All formal One format Two format Three or more
specifications specification specifications format specifications Paper was not
were followed was not were not were not followed typed with no
(12-point font followed (12- followed (12- (12-point font in actual
in Times New point font in point font in Times New Roman, formatting.
Roman, 1-inch Times New Times New 1-inch margins,
margins, Roman, 1-inch Roman, 1-inch double spaced).
double spaced). margins, margins,
double double
spaced). spaced).

Rubrics (for Case Study):

Exceeds Standard At Standard Below Standard Poor Standard
Criteria Standard

85 - 100% 71 - 85% 56 – 70% 30% – 55 0% - 30%

Valid arguments; demonstrates Critical issues and key Critical issues and Critical issues Critical issues and No critical issues were
analysis with relevant supportive problems that key problems that and key key problems that addressed.
detail supported the supported the problems that supported the
supported the
 Logically organized, key points, Case Analysis were Case Analysis were Case Analysis were
No analysis done
key arguments, and important clearly identified, partially identified, Case Analysis poorly identified,
criteria for evaluating business analyzed, and analyzed, and were not clearly analyzed, and
strategies were easily identified supported. supported. identified, supported.
 Critical issues and key problems analyzed, and
that supported the Case Analysis supported.
were identified and clearly
analyzed and supported.
Appropriate analysis, evaluation, Analysis of key change Analysis of key Analysis of key Analysis of key No analysis of key
synthesis for the specific industry drivers and the change drivers and change drivers change drivers and change drivers and the
identified underlying the issues the underlying the and the the underlying the underlying the issues
were clearly identified issues were underlying the issues inadequate. inadequate.
 There was complete data on
partially identified issues were not
which to base a thorough No synthesis, analysis
analysis and evaluations were
 Key change drivers underlying done, and the
the issues were identified. candidate
 Synthesis, analysis, and demonstrated lack of
evaluations were clearly effort.
presented and supported in a
literate and effective manner.

Conclusions and Effective Effective Effective Effective Lack of effective

recommendations are congruent recommendations, recommendations recommendation recommendations recommendations
with strategic analysis solutions, and/or and/or plans of s and/or plans of and/or plans of and/or plans of action
plans of action were action were action action provided not provided.
 Specific recommendations
provided. partially provided. inadequate. inadequate and
and/or plans of action provided.
may lack
 Specific data or facts were
referred to when necessary to Specific data or facts Specific data or Specific data or
support the analysis and
were referred when facts were facts were not
necessary to support occasionally referred when Specific data or
 Recommendations and
the analysis and referred when necessary to facts necessary to
conclusions were presented and No specific data or facts
supported in a literate and conclusions. necessary to support the support the
support the analysis and analysis and necessary to support
effective manner.
analysis and conclusions. conclusions was the analysis and
conclusions. provided but did conclusions.
not carry any


Proper organization and logical Key points were Key points were Key points were Key points were Lack of logical flow with
flow of analysis. clearly identified and partially identified not identified poorly identified no arguments at all.
supported with a well and supported and supported and supported with
 Logically organized, key points,
thought out rationale with a well thought with a well a well thought out
key arguments, and important
based on applying out rationale thought out rationale based on Serious errors in
criteria for evaluating the
specific concepts or based on applying rationale based applying specific Grammar, spelling,
business logic easily identified.
 Key points were supported with analytical frameworks specific concepts on applying concepts or punctuation,
a well thought out rationale to the data provided or analytical specific concepts analytical professional writing,
based on applying specific in the case. frameworks to the or analytical frameworks to the and syntax needs
concepts or analytical data provided in frameworks to data provided in significant
frameworks to the data provided the case. the data the case. improvement
in the case. Excellent grammar, provided in the
 Proper grammar, spelling, spelling, punctuation, case.
punctuation, 3rd person objective professional writing, Adequate Grammar, spelling,
view, professional writing, and and syntax . grammar, spelling, punctuation,
syntax. punctuation, Grammar, professional
professional spelling, writing, and syntax
writing, and syntax punctuation, needs significant
professional improvement
writing, and
syntax needs


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