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Cuison, Mary Lyn Joy M.

1st Year BS Accounting

Mandela's 8 Lessons of Leadership

Nelson Mandela, a former president of South Africa from 1994-1999. He possessed great
qualities of a leader since his school years which made him a remarkable leader for his people.
He showed different leadership styles such as transformative, democratic, and charismatic
leadership through his platform and actions as the head of the state during his time.
He appreciated the power of symbols and the moral persuasiveness of genuine acts of
kindness and forgiveness which inspired his people to become better subordinates and leaders.
He showed us that courage is not the absence of fear rather it is inspiring others to move beyond
it. That we shall keep our friends close, but our enemies closer as knowledge is power over your
enemies. And that quitting is leading too. These lessons of Mandela are evident in our society as
we are faced with a lot of hardships and obstacles as we lead which makes us question our
principles and vision as we confine ourselves within our physical and theoretical walls which
makes us insecure and ineffective leaders. Learning how to abandon and leave failed ideas and
relationships will make us create better ideas and stronger relationships that will lead us to our
growth and effectiveness as a leader. Knowledge of what we are against is the best option we
got to face them and have a chance and create a change. And that courage is different from the
absence is fear as to show courage you must inspire and make a move other towards the change
that will benefit the whole.
Mandela has also suffered tons of hardships, but he used these experiences to become
better not only for himself but also for others. He was imprisoned and wronged, but he never
sought revenge. His society is racist, but he never held a grudge. He was slandered and
humiliated, but he never gave them the same. And he was victimized and oppressed, but he
showed forgiveness. He learned from other’s mistakes to create a change which he started with
himself before reaching it to others. I have learned a lot from this Noble Peace Prize Awardee
not just as a leader, but as an individual. He opened my eyes and heart towards courage and
change to recognize the unjust and inhumane society that we can surely change.

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