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Some firms have broad product lines; others have lean product lines.
To determine the appropriate number of entries in a specific firm’s prod-
uct line, the author develops a model that balances the benefits of
increased revenue from a broad product line against production and engi-
neering costs. Two innovations were central in the development of the
model: (1) redefining how products are scored on various product attrib-
utes so that attribute scores vary normally across the population of prod-
ucts and (2) redefining how the number of entries in a product portfolio is
calculated in order to discount the significance of entries that are highly
similar to existing products. The author also introduces the notion of a
centroid time to more easily adjust sales and total development costs for
product life cycle and investment life cycle effects. These redefinitions
enable a firm’s profit to be modeled as a simple function of its effective
number of product entries, the effective number of competitors entries,
the total sales in the segment, variable profits adjusted for capacity con-
straints, and product development costs. This leads to a simple expres-
sion for the profit-maximizing number of effective entries, both when com-
petitor portfolios are fixed and when competitors dynamically adjust their
portfolios. The author illustrates how to estimate and apply the model on
a realistic example.

Determining the Appropriate Depth and

Breadth of a Firm’s Product Portfolio

Product proliferation is widespread in many industries. It 2. A narrow product line can lead to lower design costs, lower
has the following two main advantages: inventory holding costs, and reduced complexity in assembly
(Lancaster 1979, 1990; Moorthy 1984).
1. Highly diverse product lines enable firms to satisfy the needs
and wants of heterogeneous consumers more precisely (Con- Thus, some personal computer manufacturers have trimmed
nor 1981; Lancaster 1979; Quelch and Kenny 1994). their product lines (Putsis and Bayus 2001).
2. Highly diverse product lines can also deter new firms from The success of these two different strategies emphasizes
entering the market (Bananno 1987; Brander and Eaton 1984; how the optimal number of entries in a firm’s portfolio
Schmalensee 1978), which enable remaining firms to charge
depends not only on the firm’s market but also on firm-
higher prices (Benson 1990; Putsis 1997).
specific factors such as the firm’s cost structure. This moti-
For these reasons, Crest and Colgate have more than 35 vates this article’s focus on developing a model of both the
types of toothpaste. firm and its market to specify the optimal number of entries
However, despite the benefits of a broad product line, for the firm. This model is designed to retain the simplicity
some firms successfully pursue the opposite strategy of hav- of previous models (e.g., Easterfield 1964; Hauser and
ing fewer higher-quality entries of broader appeal. This Shugan 1983; Reddy, Holak, and Bhatt 1994; Sullivan 1992)
strategy of firms having narrower product lines likewise has while being more realistic.
advantages: Specifying the optimal number of product entries is com-
1. A narrow product line enables the firm to have lower per unit plicated, because firms define product lines differently. One
production costs when scale economies are present (Baumol, firm might view two physically distinct, but highly similar,
Panzar, and Willig 1982). items as variants of the same basic product entry; another
firm might view these items as distinct entries. Therefore,
there is considerable variation in how the standard definition
*Robert Bordley is Technical Director for Corporate Strategy, General of a distinct product entry (Kotler 1994) is applied.
Motors Corporation (e-mail: The author thanks
the anonymous JMR reviewers for their extensive comments, which greatly
Instead of relying on firms to apply their own firm-
improved this article. specific criteria in defining how many product entries they
have (Connor 1981), this article constructs a new definition

Journal of Marketing Research

39 Vol. XL (February 2003), 39–53

of the effective number of entries in a firm’s portfolio. The the same importance weights implies a logit model of mar-
construction of this definition is guided by Kekre and Srini- ket share. In this model, the effectiveness of product i is an
vasan’s (1990) observation that product market share typi- exponential function of ui.
cally increases with the number of product entries. Specifi- Three Families of Generalizations of the Logit Model
cally, the effective number of entries is defined so that a
firm’s market share equals its expected share of the effective Because the logit market share model is too simplistic for
number of entries in the industry. many applications, the following three extensions (Kaul and
The effective number of product entries is also related to Rao 1995) have been proposed.
overall profit. Overall profit is commonly written as the dif- The first class of extensions (Meyer and Johnson 1995)
ference between variable profits and investment in which supplements the observed product utility, ui, with a term
variable profits are the product of marginal profit per unit S(T|i), which measures the perceived proximity between i
and unit sales. To relate overall profit to the effective num- and all other products in the choice set. Meyer and Kahn
ber of product entries, (1990), Batsell and Polking (1985), and Cooper and Nakan-
ishi (1983) present different ways of specifying S(T|i).
1. Unit sales is written as the product of industry sales and the Given this family of “Meyer–Johnson” demand models, the
firm’s market share, effectiveness of product i is an exponential function of ui +
2. Market share is written as the effective number of entries S(T|i).
from the firm divided by the effective number of entries in the The second class of extensions, the ideal point model
3. The firm’s investment is assumed to be proportional to its
(Carroll 1972; DeSoete, Carroll, and DeSarbo 1986;
effective number of entries (there is empirical evidence sup- MacKay, Easley, and Zinnes 1995), redefines ui to be
porting this specification), and inversely proportional to some measure of the distance
4. Marginal profit is adjusted to include the costs of reserving between product i’s score on various attributes and the
production capacity. scores of an ideal point on those attributes. Making the ideal
point infinite (Kamakura 1986) leads to vector models in
This profit model has several implications: As the firm which ui is consistent with Assumption 2 (Carroll 1980).
increases its effective number of entries, market share (and Anti-ideal point models (Carroll 1972; DeSarbo and Rao
variable profit) increases at a diminishing rate, and develop- 1986) write product i’s effectiveness as proportional to the
ment costs increase at a constant rate. Therefore, overall distance between product i’s score on various attributes and
profits will initially rise as the effective number of entries the scores of the anti-ideal product. (In most applications,
increases, reach some maximum level, and then decrease. the distance measure is either the weighted squared differ-
The optimal effective number of entries is computed both ence or the weighted absolute difference between attribute
when competitor portfolios are fixed and when competitors scores.)
dynamically readjust their portfolios. The optimal number The third class of extensions returns to the definition of ui
depends on the ratio of variable profits per unit of market given by Assumption 2 but presumes that customers differ in
share to development costs per entry. This model is then the importance weights they assign to different attributes.
applied to a real problem. (Variations across customers in the importance weights can
also include variations across customers in the standard
MEASURING THE NUMBER OF EFFECTIVE ENTRIES deviation of the error term.) This class includes heteroge-
The Logit Model neous logit models (Anderson, DePalma, and Thisse 1992;
This section defines the effectiveness of an entry so that Kamakura and Russell 1989) in which
the market share of an entry equals its effectiveness divided 1. The market is divided into a small number of market
by the sum of the effectiveness of all entries in the market. segments,
Given this definition, every model of market share implies 2. Importance weights are the same within market segments,
an effectiveness measure (and every effectiveness measure and
3. Importance weights vary between market segments.
implies a model of market share). This effectiveness meas-
ure is used to compute the effective number of entries in a This class also includes random coefficients models (Judge
firm’s portfolio. et al. 1985; Longford 1995) and hierarchical Bayes choice
The effectiveness measure for the multinomial logit models (Allenby, Arora, and Ginter 1995; Allenby and Ross
model is first derived (Ben-Akiva and Lerman 1979; Court 1999; Lenk et al. 1996), which typically presume that the
1939; Griliches 1972; Rosen 1974; Shocker and Srinivasan importance weights vary continuously across the population
1974). This model presumes the following: of consumers according to a normal distribution. (In most
cases, the error distribution is normally distributed in ran-
Assumption 1: A customer chooses the product of maximum dom coefficient models and double exponentially distrib-
actual utility. The actual utility of the product is
the sum of its observed utility, ui, and a double
uted in hierarchical Bayes choice models.)
exponentially distributed error term. These three different extensions imply different market
share models and different models of product effectiveness.
Customers are modeled as evaluating each product on the To develop a single effectiveness measure, the next section
basis of its performance on multiple attributes so that presents two assumptions that lead to a single market share
Assumption 2: The observed utility is a weighted average of model that is closely related to all of the models reviewed in
how the product scores on each attribute and the this section.
importance the customer assigns to that attribute. The Proposed Model of Market Share
Assumptions 1 and 2 lead to a formula for the probability The models of Berry, Levinsohn, and Pakes (1995, 1998)
of a person buying product i. Assuming that all buyers have and Sudhir (2001) had assumed:
Depth and Breadth of a Firm’s Product Portfolio 41

Assumption 3: The importance weights are normally distributed fails—as a second-order Taylor Series approximation of any
with mean Ew and variance–covariance matrix, demand model.
V. When V is negligible, S(T|i) vanishes, and this model
This article likewise makes this assumption. reduces to the standard logit model. As Appendix A shows,
Thus, the model is similar to the heterogeneous logit and a hypothetical set of attribute scores, b#, can be defined such
hierarchical Bayes model in assuming that the error term is that ui + S(T|i) is the weighted squared difference (using V*
double exponentially distributed and is similar to the ran- as the matrix of weights) between product i’s scores on
dom coefficients and hierarchical Bayes model in assuming those attributes and b#. After performing a principal compo-
that the importance weights are normally distributed. nent analysis, V* is replaced by a diagonal matrix, attributes
Assumption 3 implies that most customers attach intermedi- by uncorrelated factors, attribute scores by factor scores, and
ate importance to the attribute, a few customers attach high b# by f#. If the distance between any two products is defined
importance to the attribute, and a few customers attach low as the weighted squared distance between their factor
(or even negative) importance to the attribute. (In the appli- scores, then ui + S(T|i) is the distance between product i and
cation of interest, this assumption was verified as approxi- an anti-ideal point with a score of f#.
mately true for all attributes.) As a result, this model becomes a kind of anti-ideal point
In regression analysis, it is common to transform input model in which f# is the score on the anti-ideal point. This
variables to make them normally distributed. (Johnson, anti-ideal point score, f#, is the average score of all products
Kotz, and Balakrishnan [1997] discuss various transforma- on that factor minus an adjustment term. The adjustment
tions to make variables normally distributed.) In this article, factor is the average importance of that factor divided by the
it is similarly useful to transform product attributes so that variance in the importance attached to that factor across the
the scores on these attributes vary normally across the pop- population. Because Assumption 3 presumes that impor-
ulation of products. (Thus, on any attribute, there are a few tance weights for an attribute are normally distributed, the
products with extremely low scores, a few products with adjustment factor is related to the proportion of customers
extremely high scores, and most products with intermediate who assign a positive importance weight to the attribute.
scores.) To make this normalizing transformation, the fol- There are three special cases:
lowing is assumed: 1. If the average importance greatly exceeds the standard devia-
tion, then most of the population assigned a positive impor-
Assumption 4 (normally distributed scores): Attribute scores tance weight to the attribute. In this case, the adjustment fac-
can be transformed so that the cumulative distri- tor is large, and the anti-ideal point’s score will generally be
bution of scores on all m attributes is described less than the score of any existing product. As a result, a prod-
by a cumulative normal distribution with a vector uct’s share increases as its score on the attribute increases.
of mean importances Eb and variance–covariance 2. If the negative of the average importance greatly exceeds the
matrix, C. standard deviation, then most of the population assigned a
As Appendix A shows, Assumptions 1, 2, 3, and 4 imply negative importance weight to the attribute. In this case, the
adjustment factor will be large but negative, and the anti-ideal
the following:
point’s score will generally exceed the score of any existing
Proposition 1: Product i’s market share is described by a product. As a result, a product’s share increases as its score on
Meyer–Johnson model in which the attribute decreases.
a. A heterogeneity discount factor is defined as 3. If the adjustment term is small, then a significant fraction of
the inverse of I + CV, where I is the identity the population assigned a positive importance weight to the
matrix. As either product variety (represented attribute and a significant fraction assigned a negative impor-
by C) or preference heterogeneity (represented tance weight. As a result, some products will score more and
by V) increases, the discount factor shrinks. some will score less than the anti-ideal point. In this case,
b. The ui is a weighted average of the scores on increasing the attribute score will raise market share for prod-
each attribute and that attribute’s overall ucts above the anti-ideal point and lower market share for
importance. The vector of overall importances products below the anti-ideal point.
is the vector of mean importances multiplied
by the heterogeneity discount factor. When all consumers assign the same importance to all
c. The S(T|i) is the weighted squared distance products (i.e., when the variance of the importance weight is
between product i’s score on each attribute and zero), the adjustment term becomes infinite and the anti-
the average score on each attribute. The ideal point converges, using arguments from Kamakura
weighting function, V*, is V multiplied by the (1986), to the conventional vector model.
heterogeneity discount factor. It is common to treat the anti-ideal point as a variant of
the ideal point model for unconventional attributes. How-
When some attributes are categorical (e.g., only have two
ever, the assumptions lead to an anti-ideal point model that
possible values), Assumption 4 fails. Therefore, a rigorous
is a natural extension of the vector model in the presence of
application of this methodology requires that categorical
preference heterogeneity and that can handle “more is bet-
attributes be eliminated by, for example,
ter” attributes, “less is better” attributes, and bipolar attrib-
1. Replacing categorical variables with noncategorical variables utes (Kleis and Enke 1999).
2. Segmenting the market by means of these categorical vari- The Effective Number of Entries
ables and using the model to describe market share within Proposition 1 presents a market share model that is
each segment. closely related to the heterogeneous logit, random coeffi-
In practice, it is not always necessary to eliminate cate- cients, Meyer–Johnson, and anti-ideal point models. This
gorical variables. As Appendix B shows, Proposition 1 will market share model leads to the following measure of
still be approximately true—even when Assumption 4 effectiveness:

Definition (Effectiveness): If “0” denotes the product with the and culminating with its early launch. (Indeed, because the
highest market share across all prod- idea for a product often precedes its formal development by
ucts in the industry (e.g., the “best- many years, it is often difficult to determine exactly when
in-class” product), then the effec- work on a new product began.) To model how spending is
tiveness of product i is an
distributed over time, the following is defined:
exponential function of the differ-
ence between ui + S(T|i) and u0 + Definition (centroid time): The centroid time for a cash flow is
S(T|0), where ui, u0, S(T|i), and defined so that the discounted pres-
S(T|0) are defined as in Proposition ent value of the cash flow, received
1. over some finite period of time,
equals the discounted present value
Summing the effectiveness of all products in Firm A’s of receiving the entire cash flow at
portfolio gives the effective number of entries, na, in Firm the centroid time.
A’s portfolio. (Intuitively, it corresponds to the number of
best-in-class products that would have the same market The T is defined to be the difference between the centroid
share as Firm A’s portfolio.) This measure reduces to the time for the revenues from selling the product and the cen-
number of products in the firm’s portfolio when all products troid time for project development costs. Thus, T reflects the
are distinct and have identical utility. It will be less than this length of time before a firm receives a return on its invest-
actual number when products are similar or when their qual- ment. If the project is treated as starting at the centroid time
ity is less than that of the best-in-class product. Summing na for project development costs, conventional cash discount-
over each of the F firms in the industry gives the effective ing techniques imply that revenues must be multiplied by a
number of entries in the industry, which is denoted by n. discount factor, d = 1/(1 + r)T, where r is the corporate inter-
Firm A’s predicted market share is just na/n. The next section est rate. To more easily estimate T, the following is assumed:
relates na to the firm’s overall profit. Assumption 6: (a) The fraction of a product program’s develop-
ment cost spending incurred t units after the start
RELATING PROFIT TO THE EFFECTIVE NUMBER OF of the program is described by a gamma distri-
ENTRIES bution, and (b) the fraction of a product’s total
Overall profit depends on the effective number of entries, sales realized t units after the product is
launched is described by a gamma distribution.
the costs of developing those entries, the time lag between
when entries are developed and sold, and the marginal profit Assumption 6a was validated for the firm discussed in the
from selling each entry. Assumptions on development costs, “Application to the Automotive Industry” section by finding
time lag, and marginal profit are introduced next. The result- that it closely described development spending patterns for
ing profit model is developed and solved in the subsequent five of the firm’s engineering centers. Assumption 6b is con-
section to determine the optimal effective number of entries. sistent with the conventional, empirically validated under-
standing of the product life cycle (Chase, Aquilano, and
Costs of Developing a Product Jacobs 2001). Appendix C estimates the time lag between
The firm incurs development costs (i.e., marketing, engi- revenue and investment cost from the parameters of these
neering, tooling, and capital costs) for each product line it gamma distributions.
launches. These development costs increase with the num- Profit Margin
ber of product lines launched, with the quality of the entries
being launched, and with the degree to which entries differ In many companies, it is common to assume that
from existing product lines (e.g., whether the entry is a Assumption 7: Variable labor, material, shipping, warranty,
minor modification of existing entries, a major modification, depreciation, and interest costs are all linear
or an entirely new product). To model these complex effects, functions of expected demand.
the following is assumed: There are also variable costs associated with reserving
Assumption 5: The firm’s total development spending is pro- capacity for building units of product. It is common practice
portional to na. in operations management (Chase, Aquilano, and Jacobs
2001) to assume the following:
To validate the reasonableness of this assumption for the
firm considered subsequently, observed development costs Assumption 8: Optimal capacity equals expected demand plus
are plotted as a function of na for eight different segments in the product of a safety factor, s(F), and the stan-
that firm’s market. Applying standard statistical tests indi- dard deviation of that demand.
cated that the relationship between development costs and na This assumption is justified if demand is normally distrib-
was linear. uted. We validated this assumption for the firm considered
The K is defined as the incremental increase in a firm’s in the “Application to the Automotive Industry” section by
development costs associated with an incremental increase reviewing the firm’s historical studies of product demand.
in the effective number of entries. A crude estimate of K is Appendix D describes how the safety factor is computed.
obtained by dividing a firm’s total development costs by the
number of entries, na. Improving how products are posi- Assumption 9: The ratio of the standard deviation of demand to
tioned increases na and thus decreases K. expected demand or s* is constant across all the
products in the firm’s portfolio.
The Speed of Product Development This assumption was likewise verified by reviewing inter-
Development cost spending is incurred over a long period nal historical studies of demand. Given Assumption 9, the
of time beginning with the initiation of the product program following can be defined:
Depth and Breadth of a Firm’s Product Portfolio 43

Definition (imputed capacity cost): The imputed capacity cost 1. The total effective number of entries in the market, n, will
per product equals the prod- equal R multiplied by [1 – (1/F)], and
uct of cost per unit of 2. The market share of Firm A’s competitors will equal the ratio
capacity reserved and [1 + of R to Ra multiplied by [1 – (1/F)]. (Firm A’s market share
s(F)s*]. can be computed as one minus the market share of its
The variable profit associated with a product is defined as
its price less conventional marginal costs (e.g., labor, war- As a result, the key factor determining a firm’s market
ranty, shipping) and imputed capacity costs. share is the ratio of its R-factor to the average R-factor in the
The following final assumption is purely for analytic industry. A firm with an infinite R-factor will have 100%
convenience: share. When there are only two firms labeled 1 and 2, Firm
1’s market share equals its R-factor divided by the sum of
Assumption 10: The marginal profit associated with each incre-
the R-factors for all firms in the industry.
mental unit of market share is unaffected by a
change in the number of entries in the firm’s No viable firm can have an R-factor less than the product
portfolio. of R and [1 – (1/F)]. Therefore, as the number of firms
increases, all surviving firms will eventually have the same
Because empirical data bearing on this assumption were R value. The total number of effective entries in the market,
not available, a subsequent section discusses how the impli- n, will likewise converge to R. At this point, overall profit
cations of the model change when this assumption is approaches zero for all firms.
Relaxing Assumption 10
THE PROFIT MODEL These results presume that marginal profit does not
Ten assumptions were made about cost and sales in the change as the effective number of entries change. The effect
previous sections. These assumptions lead to a simple for- of assuming that marginal profit is inversely proportional to
mula for optimal competitive behavior. the effective number of entries in the market is examined in
Appendix G. In this case, the optimal effective number of
The “Back of the Envelope” Model of the Firm entries is smaller. (This effect is minimal when the effective
If a product program is treated as starting at its centroid number of entries in the market is large.)
development time and if S is the total demand in the market, APPLICATION TO THE AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY
then the ten assumptions imply that the discounted present
value of the firm’s total profit is This section presents an application of this method to the
automotive industry. (Because of strategic concerns, the data
na have been partially disguised where indicated, while realism
Sdπ a − kn a .
n has been retained.) The application to the automotive indus-
try involved seven steps.
This formula writes profit as the difference between variable
profits and development costs. Firm A’s R-factor is defined Step I: Identifying Product Attributes Satisfying
by Assumption 4
dSπ a Standard methods were used to identify a preliminary list
Ra = . of 14 product attributes that are important to customers. A
conjoint study (Johnson 1987; Wittink and Cattin 1989) was
The firm’s R-factor increases as marginal profits or indus- conducted in which 60,000 subjects from seven major cities
try sales volume increases and decreases as development were shown hypothetical vehicles (e.g., a front wheel drive
costs or the time lag, T, between sales and development vehicle costing $7,500 and an all wheel drive vehicle cost-
spending increases. If n*a = n – na denotes the effective num- ing $10,000) and were asked to specify their preference and
ber of entries competing with Firm A, then the firm can the degree of strength of that preference for the vehicle on a
profitably enter the market only if Ra exceeds n*a. As Appen- ten-point scale. Conjoint analysis then estimated part-
dix E shows, profits will initially increase as the firm adds worths for each attribute level for each subject. Because one
entries until profit is maximized when the total number of of the attributes was price, the part-worths of the other
effective entries in the market, n, is a geometric average of attributes can be converted into price-equivalents. The price-
Ra and n*a. (By construction, the effective number of entries equivalent can be interpreted as the willingness to pay for a
need not be an integer.) Increasing entries beyond that point certain attribute level. The willingness to pay is referred to
causes profits to decrease. The firm’s profit becomes zero as preliminary.
when n = Ra. Assumption 4 presumes that all attributes can be trans-
formed so that attribute scores vary normally across the pop-
Competitive Equilibrium ulation. Unfortunately four of the attributes—drive-type,
However, as Choi, DeSarbo, and Harker (1990) note, transmission type, make/brand, and body style—could not
competitors will modify their portfolios if Firm A adds (or be transformed in this way. To address this problem, the
subtracts) entries from its portfolio. To model competitive make/brand variables, which were a set of dummy variables
reactions, let R1, …, RF be the R-factors for each of the F for each distinct brand, were examined first. The following
firms in the industry. Define R, the industry R-factor, as a was observed:
harmonic average of R1, …, RF. As Appendix F shows, if all 1. The empirical willingness-to-pay estimates for the different
firms simultaneously specify their number of entries to max- brand names followed a distinctive pattern: The more presti-
imize profit, then gious the brand, the higher was the willingness to pay. (Thus,

Jaguar and Mercedes had some of the higher willingness-to- ers within each body style segment. In this way, these three
pays, Buick and Toyota had more intermediate willingness- variables were eliminated.
to-pays, and Hyundai and Kia had the lowest willingness-to- The remaining ten attributes were noncategorical. These
pays.) In addition, the correlation between willingness to pay were passing acceleration, repair frequency (quality), front
for brand-name and the average price of the brand exceeded
interior width, number of features, towing capacity, work-
2. A principal component analysis was applied to the prelimi- manship, towing capacity, turning circle, fuel economy, and
nary willingness-to-pay data. The first and most important cargo capacity.
principal component loaded heavily on all of the brand names Step II: Estimating the Effective Number of Entries in the
and not on any other variable. This result was interpreted as Portfolio
indicating the following:
(a) Individual buyers generally agree on which brand names The database,, listed the scores of var-
are more valuable and which are less valuable. As a result, ious automobiles on the ten attributes (as well as on many
most people agree that a Mercedes brand name is more other attributes.) Histograms of the distribution of scores
valuable than a Toyota brand name and that a Toyota were plotted on each attribute. If the distribution did not
brand name is more valuable than a Kia brand name. appear to be approximately a normal distribution, Box-Cox
(Because these data are cross-sectional, this pattern does power transformations (specifically logarithmic and recipro-
not necessarily conflict with brand loyalty in which past cal transformations) were used to redefine the attribute so
buyers of Toyota vehicles assign more value to the Toyota
that its score would be approximately normally distributed
brand name than to the Ford brand name, and past buyers
of Ford vehicles assign more value to the Ford brand name across products. (For example, fuel economy, which is com-
than to the Toyota brand name.) monly measured in miles per gallon, was replaced by a
(b) Buyers disagree on how much they are willing to pay for measure of the number of gallons used per mile.) The mean,
more valuable brand names. In other words, people who Eb, and variance–covariance matrix, C, of the transformed
buy Kia instead of Mercedes do not buy Kia because they attribute scores (within each segment) were then estimated.
consider the Kia brand name more valuable. Like every- An illustrative example (for the midsized segment) is pre-
one else, they recognize that the Mercedes brand name is sented in Table 1. (Attribute scores are defined by dividing
more valuable than the Kia brand name. They buy Kia the vehicle’s actual score by the score of a Subaru pickup.)
because, unlike Mercedes buyers, they are unwilling to Given these transformed variables, the raw database
pay the money required to get the more valuable brand
underlying the conjoint analysis was reexamined, and will-
ingness-to-pay values for incremental changes in these
Given these two findings, a single underlying variable transformed attributes were reestimated. Customers were
was defined as brand reputation and an entry’s score on that assigned to a segment on the basis of their willingness to pay
variable was defined as the average willingness to pay for for each body style. For each attribute, a histogram of the
the brand corresponding to that entry. After introducing the importance weights was constructed across customers
brand reputation variable, the brand-name dummy variables within a segment, and it was verified that the histogram had
were eliminated. the bell shape characteristic of a normal distribution. After
The variable body style (whose levels included small, the mean, Ew, and variance–covariance, V, of the impor-
medium, large, minivan, and so forth) was then eliminated. tance weights were computed within each segment, V* was
Drive-type and transmission-type were strongly correlated defined by multiplying V by the inverse of I + CV. Table 2
with body style. These three variables (1) did not satisfy presents V*.
Assumption 4, (2) defined physical characteristics and not The anti-ideal point for each segment was also defined as
customer wants and needs, (3) were generally associated the difference between the mean rating on each attribute and
with different profit margins and development costs, and (4) the product of the mean willingness to pay and the inverse
could not be easily replaced—as the brand-name dummy of V. For each product, the weighted squared distance
variables were replaced—by an underlying noncategorical between that product’s attribute scores and this anti-ideal
variable such as brand reputation. Therefore, the sample was point was computed using V* as the weight matrix. This
segmented by body style, and the model was applied to buy- enabled the product’s effectiveness to be computed as pro-

Table 1

Variance–Covariance Matrix
Work- Interior Fuel Horse- Turning
Variable Mean Reputation Cargo Quality manship Features Width Economy power Circle Towing
Reputation 2.59 1.9 –.04 –.15 .00 .00 .06 3.50 –17.9 .442 10.2
Cargo 1.77 –.04 1.4 .03 .45 .90 .69 –.19 –.148 –.56 .36
Quality .39 .01 .03 .18 .14 .90 .70 –.10 –.50 –.18 –.18
Workmanship .29 .018 .20 .30 .02 1.40 1.10 –.10 –.78 –.24 –.26
Features .3 .06 .90 .09 .14 .04 .36 –.50 –2.40 –.1 –.97
Interior 1.9 .004 .07 .07 .11 3.60 .17 –.50 –11.7 .52 16.3
Fuel economy .22 –.03 –.02 –.09 –.014 –.50 –.50 .22 –.14 –.34 –.62
Horsepower .197 .62 –.015 –.05 .078 –2.4 –.12 –.14 .34 .06 .62
Turning circle .19 .02 –.06 –.002 .024 –.10 .52 –.34 .06 .30 .03
Towing .17 –.02 –.04 –.02 .01 –.097 .16 –.62 .62 .028 .04
Depth and Breadth of a Firm’s Product Portfolio 45

Table 2

Reputation Cargo Quality Workmanship Features Interior Fuel Horsepower Turning Towing
Reputation 1.08 .05 .07 .19 .01 .00 .11 .20 .13 .15
Cargo .02 .81 .67 .81 .74 .99 .16 .19 –.75 .13
Quality .12 .01 .18 .14 .01 .02 –.54 .18 .12 1.03
Workmanship .18 .03 .09 .16 .07 .05 .05 1.11 .03 .08
Features .18 .04 .09 .19 .10 .16 .04 .10 .18 .11
Interior .19 .00 .06 .09 .10 .14 .17 .13 .08 .14
Fuel .08 .07 .16 .15 .20 .14 .01 .03 .04 .04
Horsepower .17 .11 .20 .07 .01 .02 .15 .01 .07 .19
Turning .03 .07 .05 .16 .05 .03 .15 .16 .07 .14
Towing .00 .06 .20 .06 .07 .16 .02 .10 .04 .11

Table 3

Engineering Tooling Advertising Development Cost

Budget (in Budget (in Budget (in Total Development Effective Number per Effective Entry
Billions Billions Billions Cost (in Billions Effective Number of Competitor (in Billions
of Dollars) of Dollars) of Dollars) of Dollars) of Firm’s Entries Entries of Dollars)
Low 1.6 1.5 .17 3.2 5.00 16.8 .64
Mid 2.8 3.2 .32 6.4 7.52 17.7 .85
Large .2 1.2 .09 1.4 3.00 1.7 .48
Luxury 1.1 1.4 .42 2.9 3.94 18.3 .75
Sport .7 .7 .10 1.5 2.00 11.4 .74
Vans 1.2 2.0 .25 3.4 5.30 13.9 .63
Pickups 5.4 5.6 .39 11.4 15.50 26.1 .73
Utility 2.3 3.2 .45 5.9 8.65 12.2 .68

portional to an exponential function of this difference. Sum- Step VI: Estimating the Required Changes in the Firm’s
ming the effectiveness measure across all products in the Portfolio
firm’s portfolio gave the effective number of entries in the Given the R ratio, a target number of effective entries in
firm’s portfolios and in rival competitor portfolios. For the the industry can be computed, and thus, after subtracting the
midsized segment, the effective number of entries in the effective number of competitors, the desired number of
firm’s portfolio (using the disguised numbers) was 7.5, effective entries for the firm is reached (as shown in Table
whereas the actual number was 15. Therefore, the firm’s 6). These numbers were used to construct Table 7.
products in the midsized segment were perceived as similar. The model recommends that the firm not have any share
Step III: Estimating Development Costs in the low segment, have smaller share in the large sport and
van segments, and have higher share in the pickups segment.
To estimate development costs, information on engineer- Therefore, the firm’s future product programs should be
ing, tooling, and new product promotion costs was collected adjusted so that
and summed to get total costs. Dividing by the effective
1. No new product programs are started in the low segment,
number of entries in the firm’s portfolio gave the develop- 2. New product programs in the large sport and van segments
ment costs per effective number of entries. Table 3 presents should be fewer and involve less differentiation (which
this (disguised) information. decreases the effective number of entries), and
3. More new product programs with greater differentiation are
Step IV: Estimating the Profit Margin for Each Segment introduced in the pickups segment (which increases the effec-
Disguised estimates for marginal costs are listed in Table tive number of entries).
4. Adjusting marginal profits to incorporate imputed capac- Such changes will cause overall profit to increase by $2.5
ity costs gives net profits. Discounting net profits to reflect billion. (Canceling existing product lines would lead to a
the time lag between investment and revenue gives the profit smaller profit increase because the costs associated with
margin presented in Table 4. developing existing product lines cannot be recovered.)
This model is designed to be simple while incorporating
Step V: Estimating the R Value the impact of capacity costs, development cost spending,
In Table 5, the net present value of profit is written as the product differentiation, capital costs, competition, and so
product of the annual export-adjusted volume, the variable forth. A natural question is whether the model could be fur-
profit per sale, and the present value of the time period over ther simplified by eliminating some of these factors. To
which the product is sold (i.e, the discounted life cycle). address this question, note that the model recommends
Discounting for the time delay until the product is launched decreases in the low car segment because of the low level of
and dividing by development cost per entry gives the R variable profits, decreases in the sport segment because of
value shown in Table 5. high development costs, and negligible increases in the util-

Table 4

Traditional Standard Imputed

Dealer Price Marginal Cost Capacity Cost Deviation of Capacity Cost Net Profit Profit Margin
(in Thousands (in Thousands (in Thousands Demand (in Safety (in Thousands (in Thousands Time Interest (in Thousands
of Dollars) of Dollars) of Dollars) Thousands) Factor of Dollars) of Dollars) Delay Rate of Dollars)
Low 12.6 9.3 2.0 170 1.01 2.3 1.0 2.0 .150 .7
Mid 18.5 11.9 2.5 150 1.39 3.0 3.6 2.0 .150 2.6
Large 20.7 12.9 3.1 230 1.36 4.1 3.7 2.0 .150 2.7
Luxury 33.5 18.7 4.6 190 1.52 6.0 8.8 2.0 .150 6.4
Sport 18.9 7.2 2.6 350 1.73 4.2 7.4 2.0 .150 5.4
Vans 22.8 14.0 3.0 290 1.46 4.3 4.5 3.0 .150 2.8
Pickups 23.8 10.0 3.3 150 1.70 4.1 9.7 4.0 .150 5.1
Utility 27.4 18.2 4.5 190 1.19 5.6 3.7 3.0 .150 2.3
Depth and Breadth of a Firm’s Product Portfolio 47

Table 5

Export- Net Cost per
Adjusted Discounted Total Profit (in Time Effective Entry
Volume (in Life Sales (in Thousands Delay (in Millions
Millions) Cycle Millions) of Dollars) Discount of Dollars) R Ratio
Low 1.8 4.2 7.6 1.0 .74 640 8.7
Mid 2.7 4.3 11.5 3.6 .74 850 36
Large .3 3.7 1.0 3.7 .74 480 5.6
Luxury .9 3.7 3.4 8.8 .74 750 30.
Sport .5 4.2 2.0 7.4 .74 740 15
Vans 1.0 4.4 4.7 4.5 .64 630 21
Pickups 2.3 4.5 10.6 9.7 .55 730 76
Utility 2.3 4.5 10.6 3.7 .64 680 36

Table 6

Effective Optimal Optimal Actual Number of Change in
Number of Number of Effective Effective Entries as Actual
Critical Competitor Entries in Number of Number of Proposed Counted by Number of
Segments Ratio Entries Market Firm Entries Entries Change Firm Entries
Low 8.7 16.8 12 .0 5 –5.0 10 –10
Mid 36 17.7 25 7.6 7.5 .07 15 0
Large 5.6 1.7 3 1.4 3 –1.6 2 –1
Luxury 30 18.3 23.5 5.2 3.9 1.3 3 1
Sport 15 11.4 12.9 1.5 2 –.5 7 –2
Vans 21 13.3 16.7 3.4 5.3 –1.9 13 –5
Pickups 76 26.1 44.7 18.6 15.5 3.1 6 1
Utility 36 12.2 21.1 8.9 8.7 .22 17 0

Table 7

Actual Number of Actual Profit (in Optimal Number Optimal Profit

Segments Effective Entries Actual Share Billions of Dollars) of Effective Entries Optimal Share (in Billions of Dollars)
Low 5.0 .23 –1.9 0 0 0
Mid 7.5 .30 2.8 7.6 .30 2.8
Large 3.0 .64 .3 1.4 .45 .5
Luxury 3.9 .18 1.0 5.2 .22 1.1
Sport 2.0 .15 .14 1.5 .12 .2
Vans 5.3 .28 .44 3.4 .20 .6
Pickups 15.5 .37 9.5 18.6 .42 9.7
Utility 8.7 .41 4.4 8.9 .42 4.4
16.7 19.2

ity segment because of the large number of existing com- profit is too small to be observed). The upper bar describes
petitors in that segment. Eliminating any one of these factors the profit level when the driver is increased by 15%; the
from the model would have led to different predictions. lower bar describes the profit level when the driver is
Therefore, a more simplified model would probably have decreased by 15%. The importance of a driver can be esti-
made different recommendations. mated by examining the difference between the profit level
When the firm reduces its product portfolio, other firms from the upper bar and the profit level from the lower bar.
may respond by increasing their product portfolio. The Note that marginal profit is the most important driver, and
“Competitive Equilibrium” section derives the resulting it causes profits to vary from $28 billion to less than $1 bil-
equilibrium market shares. lion. Capacity costs are the next most important driver, fol-
lowed by sales, time delay, and capital costs. The number of
Step VII: Sensitivity Analysis entries is of least importance. To understand why the num-
A sensitivity analysis was conducted to examine how ber of entries does not have much impact, profit as a func-
profit varied with the number of entries. If the number of tion of the number of entries was plotted (see Figure 2).
entries is at the current level, then Figure 1 describes how Figure 2 indicates that profitability does not vary much
changing different variables by 15% affects profit. For each with the number of entries when the number of entries is
driver, there are two bars (where the lower bar for marginal close to the optimum level (though it is important when the


SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS Corporate Average Fuel Economy Requirements (CAFE)
In the optimal portfolio, development of new products
Profit Sensitivity Analysis
was stopped for the low segment. However, in the automo-
tive industry, the average fuel economy associated with all
Marginal the cars sold by a firm is required to exceed a certain target
profit level (with a similar constraint holding separately for all
Capacity trucks). Because vehicles in the low segment are fuel effi-
cient and because the firm was close to the CAFE limit,
Profit Drivers

Sales eliminating new product development in the low segment

would eventually lead to a violation of the fuel economy
delay constraint. Because this strategy is not feasible, the solution
Capital arising from the model needed to be adjusted to reflect the
costs fuel economy constraint.
Number Suppose a potential CAFE credit is defined to be the
of entries
amount by which the product’s fuel efficiency, measured in
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 gallons per mile, exceeds the amount implied by the stan-
Profit (in Billions) dard. Then, as Appendix H notes, adjusting the solution to
include the CAFE constraint involves increasing each prod-
uct’s marginal profit by some fraction of its CAFE credit.
For gas-guzzlers, the potential CAFE credit is negative, and
Figure 2 the product’s marginal cost is increased.
OVERALL PROFIT AS A FUNCTION OF THE NUMBER OF To compute this shadow price, a starting estimate was ini-
ENTRIES tially input into the spreadsheet (corresponding to the fourth
column of Table 8), and the resulting revised net profit and
number of entries were computed. The fuel consumption
Optimal number of entries associated with the portfolio (in the last column of Table 8)
(Investments in additional was then computed. Excel’s Goal-Seeking tool was used to
entries begin to erode profit)
specify the smallest value of the shadow price in the fourth
Profit column, which leads to zero (or negative) excess fuel con-
sumption in the last column. This gives the optimal portfo-
lio, which involves withdrawing from all car segments
except for the low segment and the sport segment. The num-
ber of car entries was reduced from 65 to 25. Therefore, the
CAFE regulation led to a dramatic reduction in the effective
Number of Entries Loss number of entries.
The Effect of Improved Positioning
This analysis estimated the average development costs
number of entries is far from its optimum value.) Because per effective entry using the firm’s existing portfolio and its
the actual number of entries for the firm was not very dif- existing positioning of products. However, improving the
ferent from the optimum level, changes in the number of positioning of the firm’s products might be an economical
entries only had a small impact on profit. way of increasing the effective number of entries. As a

Table 8

How Much
Gas Used
per Mile
Exceeds Shadow
Pre-CAFE CAFE Price of Post CAFE Number of Post-CAFE Pre-CAFE Excess Fuel
Net Profit Standard CAFE Net Profit Post-CAFE Competitor Number of Number of Used (in
Segments (in Dollars) (in Gallons) (in Dollars) (in Dollars) R Ratio Entries Entries Entries Gallons)
Low 990 –62 19.6 2,200 19 16.8 18 12 –2E + 08
Mid 3600 250 19.6 –1,300 –13 17.7 0 25 0
Large 3700 450 19.6 –5,100 –7 1.7 0 3 0
Luxury 8800 450 19.6 5 0 18.3 1 23 5E + 07
Sport 7400 250 19.6 2,500 5 11.4 7 13 2E + 08
Vans 4500 0 0 4,500 20 13.3 16 16 0
Pickups 9700 0 0 970 73 26.1 44 44 0
Utility 2400 0 0 2,400 23 12.2 17 17 0
–1E – 05
Depth and Breadth of a Firm’s Product Portfolio 49

Table 9

F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10
Reputation 1.08 .02 .12 .18 .18 .19 .00 .08 .17 .03
Cargo .05 .81 .01 .03 .04 .00 .06 .07 .11 .07
Quality .07 .67 .18 .09 .09 .06 .20 .16 .20 .05
Workmanship .19 .81 .14 .16 .20 .09 .06 .15 .07 .16
Features .02 .74 .01 .07 .10 .10 .07 .20 .01 .05
Interior .00 .99 .02 .05 .16 .14 .16 .14 .02 .03
Fuel .15 .13 1.04 .08 .11 .14 .11 .04 .19 .14
Acceleration .11 .16 –.54 .05 .04 .17 .02 .01 .15 .15
Turning .13 –.75 .12 .03 .18 .07 .04 .04 .07 .07
Towing .20 .19 .18 1.11 .10 .14 .10 .03 .01 .16
Eigenvalues 97 63 48 18 3 1.1 .8 .4 .08 .03

result, improved positioning could lower the average devel- Table 10

opment costs per effective entry and change the solution. To A MAXIMALLY DIFFERENTIATED SET OF PRODUCTS
understand the effect of optimal positioning, the model is
now used to estimate how much optimal positioning affects Entry Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3 Factor 4
the effective number of entries.
1 High High High High
To develop an ideal positioning, it was necessary to 2 High High High Low
rewrite the market share model (for each segment) as an 3 High High Low High
anti-ideal point model by rewriting ui + S(T|i) as the 4 High High Low Low
weighted squared distance between product i’s attributes 5 High Low High High
6 High Low High Low
and the segment anti-ideal point, b#. Principal component 7 High Low Low High
analysis was then used to replace the attributes by factors 8 High Low Low Low
and the matrix V* by an orthogonal matrix of eigenvalues. 9 Low High High High
Conducting such a principal component analysis using the 10 Low High High Low
data in Table 2 gives the ten principal components presented 11 Low High Low High
12 Low High Low Low
in Table 9. 13 Low Low High High
All but the most important factors were dropped. In the 14 Low Low High Low
midsize segment, the eigenvalues associated with the first 15 Low Low Low High
four factors accounted for approximately 97% of the vari- 16 Low Low Low Low
ance. Therefore, all but the four most important factors were
dropped. (The first factor loaded heavily on brand reputa- with this lower development cost was higher than 7.5, simul-
tion, the second factor on quality and interior roominess, the taneously optimizing the number of entries and their posi-
third factor on acceleration and fuel economy, and the fourth tioning might have led to somewhat different conclusions.)
factor on towing.) Finally, the anti-ideal point, f#, and the This procedure was repeated for each of the other segments.
diagonal weighting matrix were computed. Unfortunately, the average reduction in development costs
With these transformations, the market share model is in was much lower for the other segments, so that the overall
the form of an anti-ideal point model. As does DeSarbo and reduction in average development costs across segments was
Rao (1986), each product was positioned as far from the only 8.5%. As a result, improving product positioning would
anti-ideal point as possible on each dimension. To do so, not have had as big an impact on profit as, for example,
engineers were interviewed to assess feasible upper and reducing marginal costs.
lower limits on how much products could be varied on each Therefore, these sensitivity analyses suggest that manage-
of the factors. Because effectiveness is an exponential func- ment’s main problem was not how to optimize the effective
tion of the squared difference between the factor score and number of entries, but how to optimize the quality, cost, and
f#, the products in an optimized portfolio will have either a fuel efficiency of those entries.
high rating or a low rating on a given factor as shown in
Table 10. The first combination corresponds to a prestigious CONCLUSION
brand with considerable family functionality, towing, and There is often considerable arbitrariness both in how a
sportiness. The last combination corresponds to an econom- product’s performance on an attribute is measured and in
ical brand with basic performance on all attributes. how firms count the number of distinct entries they have.
The effectiveness of each of these products was com- This is especially evident in the automobile industry in
puted, and all the entries were ordered by effectiveness. which the number of product entries can be estimated to be
Because the actual number of effective entries for the mid- less than one hundred (if vehicles built off the same platform
size segment was 7.5, a portfolio with an effective number are treated as identical), several hundred (if every distinct
of entries of 7.5 was built by choosing the entries of highest make is considered a product line), almost one thousand (if
effectiveness. The corresponding average development cost every distinct nameplate and trim level is considered a prod-
was computed: It was 30% lower than the development cost uct line), or more than three thousand (if each distinct name-
associated with the existing portfolio of midsized products. plate, trim, engine, and seating combination is called a prod-
(Because the optimal number of effective entries associated uct line).

To eliminate this arbitrariness, this article introduces new ance–covariance C. Then, the average value of exp(bwT) can
procedures for quantifying performance on an attribute and also be computed by integrating exp(bwT) over g(b). In
for counting the number of distinct entries. These proce- other words,
dures substantially simplified how market demand depended
∑b exp(bwT)/M = ∫ exp(bwT) g(w) dw.
on product attributes and how profit depended on the num-
ber of entries. As a result, these procedures enabled a simple However, the value of this integral is just exp[E(b)wT +
model of firm profit to be constructed. wCwT/2]. Therefore,
This profit model has many implications for the manage-
ment of a firm: [∑b exp(bwT)] = N exp[E(b)wT + wCwT/2].
1. In positioning its portfolio, a firm should balance the value of As a result, the choice probability becomes
having products that score well on the dimensions that are, on
average, the most important dimensions against the need for pi = ∑w f(w) exp{[b(i) – Eb]wT – wC wT/2}.
diversity in the product portfolio. When individual prefer-
ences are extremely heterogeneous, diversity becomes much If f(w) is a normal density with
more important than scoring well on the dimensions that are, f(w) = (2π|V|)–1/2 exp[–(w – Ew)T V–1(w – Ew)/2]
on average, most important.
2. Development costs should be measured in terms of develop- then pi is proportional to
ment cost per effective entry. A firm that cuts its investment
spending by 25% to produce a product that is only equivalent ∫ exp{–(w – Ew)T (V–1/2)(w – Ew)
to 50% of its previous entry has, in effect, increased its devel-
opment costs by 50%. If it is cheaper for a firm to develop + [b(i) – Eb]wT – w(C/2) wT} dw.
two 50% effective entries than a single 100% effective entry,
Letting (V*)–1 = (V–1 + C) and b* = b(i) – Eb + EwV–1
then the firm should develop two 50% effective entries. Oth-
erwise, the firm should develop a single 100% effective entry. implies that pi is proportional to
3. The firm’s market share is heavily determined by a single sta- ∫ exp[b*wT – w (V*)–1 wT/2] dw,
tistic, that is, the ratio of its profit margin to its development
costs. Firms with low profit margins and low development where all terms that do not depend on b* or w are ignored.
costs and firms with high profit margins and high develop- This is proportional to
ment costs could both have comparable market shares. There-
fore, two dramatically different strategies lead to comparable ∫ exp{–(w – b*V*)[(V*)–1](V*b* – w)/2}exp[+b*(V*)–1b*/2] dw.
market shares.
4. The time from when a product achieves its peak sales to when Integrating out w and dropping terms that do not depend
the firm makes its peak investment in product development on b* gives pi proportional to
has a major impact on the profitability of the product line and
on the firm’s equilibrium market share. exp(b*V* b*/2).
5. The firm’s overall profit is determined not by the ratio of If b# = Eb – EwV–1 is defined and b# is interpreted as an
profit margin to development costs but by the difference of
their square roots. As a result, a firm with high profit margins
anti-ideal point, then this is in the form of an anti-ideal point
and high development costs will still tend to have higher model in which the distance measure is an exponential func-
overall profits than the firm with low profit margins and low tion of the quadratic difference between attribute scores.
development costs. Because b* = b(i) – Eb + EwV–1, substituting and drop-
ping terms that do not depend on b(i) gives pi proportional
In practice, the value of this kind of model lies in direct- to
ing executive attention to the major factors driving firm
value (i.e., in ensuring that executives are having the right exp[bi(V*)–1 V–1Ew + (bi – Eb)V*(bi – Eb)/2].
kinds of conversations). Because overall profit was not
extremely sensitive to the effective number of entries in the Setting w* = (V*)–1 V–1 Ew proves the result.
automotive example, the most important practical finding APPENDIX B
was that executive attention should focus not on adjusting
the number of product entries but on improving their quality Define
and cost. Li(w) = ∑ wk Bjk – ln[∑j exp(∑ wk Bjk)]
APPENDIX A so that Assumptions 1, 2, and 3 imply
Suppose there are M products with m attributes in a mar-
pI = ∫ f(w) exp[LI(w)] dw.
ket of N customers. For each product i, let bk(i) be product
i’s rating on attribute k and let b(i) be the column vector A simple Taylor Series approximation about w = (w1, …,
[b1.(i), …, bm(i)]T. Let w be the importance weights wn) = (0, …, 0) gives
attached to each of the m attributes. Let pi be the probability
of buying product i. Assumptions 1, 2, 3, and 4 imply Li(w) = Li(0) + ∑k wk (dL/dwk) + (1/2) ∑∑kr wkwr d2L/dwkdwr.

exp[ b(i )w T ] We get

p i = Σ w f ( w) ,
[ Σ b exp(bw T )] b k (i ) exp[ Σw k b k (i )]
dL /dw k = b k (i ) − Σ j = b k (i ) − Σb k ( j)/T
where f(w) is a normal probability density. Now {Σ j exp[Σw k b k ( j)]}
∑b exp(bwT)/M is the average value of exp(bwT). Let g(b)
be a normal probability distribution with mean Eb and vari- = b k (i ) − Eb k
Depth and Breadth of a Firm’s Product Portfolio 51

b k (i )b r (i ) exp[ Σw k b k (i )] sF = –(P E{Min[z,G–1(C/P)]} – C G–1(C/P))/C

d 2 L /dw k dw r = − Σ j
{Σ exp[Σw k b k (i)]} so that profit per unit of expected demand equal to (P – C –
b k (i ) exp[ Σw k b k (i )] b r ( j) exp[ Σw k b k ( j)] s sFC). For the automotive demand, sF was relatively con-
+Σ Σ stant across all automotive segments.
{Σ exp[Σw k b k ( j)]} {Σ exp[Σw k b k ( j)]}
= − Σ i [ b k (i )b r (i )] / T + Eb k Eb r . APPENDIX E
Optimizing SP d na/(na + n*a) – Cna implies that
If Ckr is the physical covariance between attributes k and
r, then SPd na/(na + n*a)2 = K.

d2Li/dwkdwr = –Ckr. (The solution of this equation is an optimum because the

Therefore, second derivative of this term is negative.) Therefore, we
need (na + n*a)2 = (SPd na/K). Letting R = (SPd/C) gives
pi = ∫ f(w) exp(L) = ∫ f(w) exp[L(0) + (bi – Eb)w –(1/2) wT Cw].
(∑nr) = na + n*a = (Rn*a)1/2.
The remainder of the proof is just a repetition of the sec-
ond part of the proof of Proposition 1. Then, the following can be computed:
APPENDIX C na = (na + n*a) – n*a = (Rn*a)1/2 – n*a.
Let P be marginal profit. Let S be the total sales volume
of a product over its lifetime and marginal profit. Suppose To compute overall profit, substitute (na + n*a) = (Rna)1/2 into
profit at a particular time is SP f(t). If r is the rate of inter- SPd na/(na + n*a) – K*na to get SPd na/(na + n*a) – K na = SPd –
est, then the total discounted profit is Cna – P[n*a /(na + n*a)] = SPd – Kna – K(na + n*a) = SPd – C(2na +
n*a) = SPd – C[2(Rn*a)1/2 – n*a] = SPd + Kn*a – 2(PK n*a)1/2 =
∫ SP f(t) exp(–rt). [(SPd)1/2 – (Kn*a)1/2]2 .
If f(t) is a gamma distribution, then this becomes
SP ∫ exp(–rt)exp(–kt)(t)a/∫ exp(–kt)(t)a.
The number of competitive entries, n, arises from the var-
If s = t(k + r)/k, then this can be rewritten as ious firms 1, …, F as well as from the zero option of not
SP ∫ exp(–ks) [ks/(k + r)]a/∫ exp(–kt)ta = SP/[1 + (r/k)]a. buying any product. Let nr denote firm r’s effective number
of entrants and nr denote the effective number of competi-
For the gamma distribution, the expected time is a/k. If tors to firm i. Let Ri denote firm’s i profit to investment ratio.
ET is the expected time at which a vehicle is introduced, Then,
then this can be written as SP/(1 + ET/a)a, which is approx-
imately SP/(1 + r)ET. n = (ni + n*i) = [Ri(n – ni)]1/2

APPENDIX D is the same for all firms i = 1, …, F. Therefore, for any firm
Letting E(.) denote the expectation operator and letting a
capacity be c implies that the expected profit associated with Ri(n – ni) = Ra(n – na)
having capacity c given product demand D and per unit
capacity cost, C, is and
P E[Min(D,c)] – Cc. ni = n + (Ra/Ri)(na – n).
Thus, the optimal value of capacity, c, satisfies
Pr(c = D) = C/P. If D is randomly distributed with a center- If F is the total number of firms, then summing over all
ing parameter, ED, and a scaling parameter, s ED, then it can firms i gives
be written as n = Fn + Ra (na – n) ∑(1/Ri).
D = ED + z (s ED),
Because n = [Ra(n – fa)]1/2, this becomes
where z is a standardized random variable. Similarly, capac-
ity can be written as n = Fn – n2 ∑(1/Ri).

c = ED + c* (s ED).
Suppose R is defined by
Making these substitutions gives an expected profit of (1/R) = (1/F) ∑(1/Ri)
ED(P – C) + (s ED)P{E[Min(z,c*)] – C c*}.
as a harmonic average of the R-factors of different firms.
Because the optimal capacity satisfies Pr(c = d) = C/P, Then,
there is also Pr(c* = z) = C/P. If G(z) is the probability den-
sity of z and G–1 is the inverse of that density, then c* = n = Fn – n2 F/R
G–1(C/P) so that, if G is normal, c* = [2ln(P/C)]1/2.
The sF, the safety factor, is defined as so that

n = R(F – 1)/F. ∑i S Gi ni /(ni + n*i) > 0.

Because n = [Ra(n – na)]1/2, there are Substituting for ni + n*i gives

∑i Gi n*i [SKi/(Pi + qGi)]1/2 < ∑i SGi.
n2 = Ra(n – na)
This expression can be solved iteratively to find q.
(na/n) = 1 – n/Ra = 1 – (R/Ra)(F – 1)/F = [F + (1 – F)(R/Ra)]/F.
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