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We can see very well that the Economic Liberalization (expressed as Trade in % of GDP)
correlates positively with Economic Freedom for Emerging Market (Poland) as well as the
Developing Market (Belarus).
This can be attributed to the fact that the trade openness and trade contribution vary similarly
with economic freedom indices irrespective of nature of the economy ( Developing or Emerging)

Also, the line charts have been drawn for the World as well for both the parameters to decipher
whether the trends observed against time for each of the countries is a part of the general trend
or it is an aberration.
Furthermore, we can see in particular that the Trade as a % of GDP, although showing the
same trend, is numerically higher for Belarus as compared to Poland.

Note: There is a dip in Trade as well as Economic Freedom in 2008-2009 due to the economic
meltdown for all the participants, Poland, Belarus and the World.

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