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12/24/2019 Coffee | Nestlé Global

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Co ee materials/co
ee) ee)

Co ee is one of our key ingredients and the co ee

supply chain faces serious challenges. Farmers often
have low yields and incomes, and this is
compounded by environmental factors such as
extreme weather events caused by climate change.
We are addressing these challenges through
programs such as the Nescafé Plan and the
Nespresso AAA Sustainable Quality™ Program.

Sourcing co ee responsibly

The Nescafé Plan and the Nespresso AAA

Sustainable Quality™ Program help us to source
more and more of our co ee sustainably, while
building resilient communities and landscapes. This
is how we contribute to Creating Shared Value
(/csv/home). 1/16
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Our commitment

Continuously improve
our green co ee supply

Our main sources of co ee

Brazil, Cameroon, China, Colombia, Côte d’Ivoire, El Salvador,
Ethiopia, Guatemala, Guinea, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Jamaica,
Kenya, Laos, Malawi, Mexico, Myanmar, Nicaragua, Peru,
Philippines, Tanzania, Thailand, Uganda, Vietnam, Zimbabwe.

Progress against our objectives

By 2020
70% of the total Nescafé co ee supply to be responsibly sourced. 2/16
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In progress

Our result: 55% of total Nescafé co ee supply is responsibly sourced.

By 2020
Nescafé to improve the quality, quantity and sustainability of its co ee supply
chain by distributing 220 million co ee plantlets.

In progress

Our result: 21.9 million co ee plantlets distributed.

By 2020
Nescafé to improve co ee farm economics in at least four co ee-sourcing

In progress

Our result: Improvements in farm economics in two co ee-sourcing


By 2020
Nescafé to monitor and improve labor rights in at least two co ee-sourcing

In progress

Our result: Targeted labor rights monitoring program in one co ee-sourcing


By 2020 3/16
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Source toward 100% of the co ee for Nespresso’s permanent range through

its AAA Sustainable Quality™ Program on co ee sourcing.

In progress

Our result: 93.9% of Nespresso co ee sourced through the AAA Sustainable

Quality™ Program.

The amount of co ee we source sustainably is growing every year, and we’ve

just started to report on the benefits of responsible sourcing and of the field
work with co ee farmers, to farm economics and labor conditions.

Our co ee is sourced both through trade channels and through our Farmer
Connect program, which buys directly from farmers or via short and e cient
value chains, within our Nescafé Plan and the Nespresso AAA Sustainable
Quality™ Program. We source from co ee-growing regions across Latin
America, Africa and Asia/Oceania.


( Nescafé Plan is the
most widespread co ee sustainability program in the world, o ering
support for farmers and compliance with the Responsible Sourcing
Standard. ( 4/16
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sustainable-quality)The Nespresso AAA Sustainable Quality™
Program aims to secure the supply of highest-quality co ees, protect
the specific environments in which they are cultivated and build long-
term stability in co ee communities.

Supply chain challenges and solutions

Productivity, supply and demand
Global demand for co ee is increasing, especially at the premium end of the
market, by 1%–3% annually. There is also rising demand for food, restricting
the land available for co ee, so improving farmers’ productivity is critical not
only for their success but also to ensure long-term supplies. We also need to
assist the improvement of farm economics, enhancing the resilience and
prosperity of present growers and attracting the next generation of co ee
farmers, particularly during the present period of low co ee prices. 5/16
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In 2018, co ee farmers experienced a di cult year, with low prices a ecting

incomes and discouraging them from engaging in sustainability. However,
through the Nescafé Plan and Nespresso AAA programs, representing an
investment of around CHF 68.12 million per year, we continuously work with
thousands of co ee farmers to help them enhance their e ciency. Our
e orts helped farmers in various producing countries to significantly increase
their productivity and optimize production costs, thereby improving co ee
economics and their quality of life.

At Nescafé, we are following up the progress through a monitoring and

evaluation partnership with the Rainforest Alliance. We have established
baselines in 10 co ee origins within our Farmer Connect program and will
systematically measure progress over the coming years. Through this
process, we already have farmers from Mexico and Côte d’Ivoire showing
improved farm economics and productivity. We will continue to monitor
these trends, in addition to assessing production costs and other elements
related to farm economics. We are confident that productivity increases
coupled with improved production costs make farmers more e cient and
capable of achieving better incomes and livelihoods.

We maintained the pace of our co ee plantlets distribution program,

providing 21.9 million plants to 19 096 farmers during the year, keeping us on
track to achieve our objectives.

At Nespresso, we completed an independent and holistic Monitoring and

Evaluation by Sustainable Agricultural Network (SAN) members in most AAA
countries. This helped us identify the drivers for further improvement. In
terms of productivity, in Colombia, where we have a large proportion of AAA
smallholders, we observed average Arabica productivity of more than 1 200
kgs per hectare, which is above national average. The reasons for this are the
increasing density of co ee trees and the continuous renovation of AAA
farms with more productive varieties. In addition, we also identified potential
for improvements that will feed our high-quality demand for the future.

Overall, we also reached 55% of total Nescafé co ee that is responsibly

sourced, and 93.9% for Nespresso.

In order to hold our suppliers and ourselves accountable as well as drive

industry-wide transparency, we are making available the list of our Co ee
Tier 1 suppliers (pdf, 125Kb) (/asset-
library/Documents/Library/Documents/Suppliers/nestle-supply-chain- 6/16
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disclosure-co ee-tier-1.pdf) and the list of the Exporter Warehouses (pdf,

250Kb) (/asset-library/Documents/Library/Documents/Suppliers/nestle-
supply-chain-disclosure-co ee-upstream.pdf) , along with the country of

Climate change impacts

Co ee-growing regions are in parts of the world most severely a ected by
climate change, with droughts, excessive rainfall and temperature changes
posing a real threat to co ee production. To address these challenges and
improve the livelihoods of farmers and their communities, we help farmers to
sustainably manage co ee landscapes and be compliant with our
Responsible Sourcing Standard (pdf, 2Mb) (/sites/default/files/asset-
standard-english.pdf) . This includes planting shade-providing trees to help
farmers adapt to the e ects of climate change.

The Nescafé Plan works closely with partners such as the Rainforest Alliance
to assess and measure the impact of our actions. We also have agronomists
and other support sta to assist farmers on the ground.

Assessing suppliers
The Nescafé Plan
Through the Nescafé Plan ( ,
we’ve made a commitment to help secure the future of co ee. The world’s
most widespread co ee sustainability program, the Nescafé Plan assists
farmers to be more productive and resilient, explores cutting-edge plant
science and provides a rigorous framework for responsible sourcing. Since
the Plan was launched in 2010, we have strengthened our impact assessment
criteria by focusing on measuring positive changes with particular focus on
farm economics and labor rights.

In Mexico, we have started a collaboration with NGOs Verité

( and PPS ( to enable more
targetted activities – including remediation action – to improve labor
conditions within our value chain.

By building sustainability into the co ee supply chain and helping farmers be

more resilient and successful while facing the typical price cycles, the
Nescafé Plan helps to ensure that the day never comes when co ee lovers
have to wake up without their favorite drink. 7/16
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Grown Respectfully launched to communicate real-life stories

Launched in 2018, Grown Respectfully is our program to communicate to
consumers the work of our Nescafé Plan by conveying real, inspiring farmer
experiences. Through various channels, Grown Respectfully will help
communicate the full breadth and depth of the Nescafé Plan’s sustainability
program and its impact on people and the planet.

The Nespresso AAA Program

The Nespresso AAA Sustainable Quality™ Program (pdf, 8Mb)
positive-cup-csv-report-interactive.pdf) o ers a global framework for
Nespresso co ee sourcing adapted to local challenges. A collaboration with
NGO Rainforest Alliance, it is first and foremost a farmer relationship
program, acting at farm level on the adoption of sustainable agricultural
practices. In 15 years, the program has grown from around 300 farmers
adopting the Nespresso AAA Sustainability Quality™ Program practices to
more than 100 000 across 13 countries. Today, more than 93% of Nespresso
co ee is sourced from farmers engaged with AAA program, and more than
56% is from farms that are Rainforest Alliance certified™, Fairtrade-certified
or Fairtrade Certified™.

Planting trees to increase resilience 8/16
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Since 2014, the Nespresso AAA Sustainable Quality™ Program has

implemented agroforestry and reforestation practices as nature-based
solutions for adaptation to climate change. This consists of planting native
shade-providing trees within and around co ee farms to protect soil against
erosion and improve soil fertility and water retention. It also o ers co ee
farmers opportunities for income diversification, through the sale of timber
and/or fruit. So far, Nespresso has planted more than 3.5 million trees in
countries including Guatamala, Colombia, Ethiopia, Kenya and Indonesia,
with the objective of reaching between four and five million by 2020.

Our performance against our KPIs

417 000
Volume of responsibly sourced co ee in Nescafé supply metric

Percentage of responsibly sourced co ee in Nescafé supply 55%

Co ee plantlets distributed in 2018

Cumulative total of co ee plants distributed since 2010

Number of co ee-sourcing locations with improvements in

farm economics*

Number of co ee-sourcing locations with monitored and

improved labor rights*

Percentage of the co ee for Nespresso’s permanent range

sourced through its AAA Sustainable Quality™ Program

Number of trees planted within AAA landscapes as part of

3.5 million
Nespresso’s agroforestry program

* These KPIs do not cover Nespresso.

Related policies 9/16
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Rural Development Framework, update 2015 (pdf, 2Mb)


Commitment on Child Labour in Agricultural Supply Chains (pdf,

200Kb) (/sites/default/files/asset-

Corporate Business Principles (pdf, 1Mb) (/sites/default/files/asset-


Responsible Sourcing Standard (pdf, 2Mb) (/sites/default/files/asset-


Commitment on Deforestation and Forest Stewardship (pdf, 300Kb)


Commitment on Farm Animal Welfare (pdf, 1Mb)


Natural Capital: Water in Agriculture (pdf, 6Mb)


Natural Capital: Biodiversity (pdf, 4Mb) (/sites/default/files/asset-


Nestlé Cocoa & Forests Initiative Action Plan (pdf, 860Kb)


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Grown respectfully 11/16
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The Nescafé Plan helps co ee farmers like Eduardo thrive

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12/24/2019 Coffee | Nestlé Global

Cleaner rivers
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