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Sunlight dripped in her face through the little holes in the brim of her straw hat.

She was walking with brisk

steps too short on account of her narrow skirt; through the thin china silk the sunlight tingled like a hand
stroking her back. In the heavy heat streets, stores, people in Sunday clothes, strawhats, sunshade,
surfacecars, taxis, broke and crinkled brightly about her grazing her with sharp cutting glints as if she were
walking through piles of metalshavings. She was groping continually through a tangle of gritty sawedged
brittle noise. Sunčevo joj je svjetlo kapalo na lice kroz rupice na obodu slamnatog šešira. Hodala je brzim koracima,
prekratkim zbog njene uske suknje; kroz tanku kinesku svilu sunce ju je škakljalo poput ruke koja je gladi po
ledjima. Na teškoj sparini ulice, trgovine, ljudi u nedjeljnoj odjeci, slamnati šeširi, sunčane naočale, tramvaji, taksiji,
su se provijali i vijugali puni svjetla oko nje, okrznuvši je oštrim prodornim odsjajima kao da hoda kroz gomile
metalne špene. Neprestano je tapkala kroz zamršeni splet pjeskovite nazubljene buke.

At Lincoln Square a girl rode slowly through the traffic on a white horse; chestnut hair hung down in even
faky waves over the horse's chalky rump and over the giltedged saddlecloth where in green letters pointed
with crimson, read DANDERINE. She had on a green Dolly Varden hat with a crimson plume; one hand in a
white gauntlet nonchalantly jiggled at the reins, in the other wabbled a goldknobbed riding crop. Na trgu
Lincoln jedna je djevojka polako jahala kroz saobraćaj na bijelom konju; kestenjasta kosa visila je u jednakim
vještačkim valovima preko kredastih konjskih sapi i preko pokrivača ispod sedla obrubljenim zlatom na kojoj je
zelenim, grimizom optocenim slovima, pisalo DANDERINE. Na glavi je nosila zeleni šešir Dolly Varden s
grimiznim perom; u jednoj ruci, u bijeloj teškoj rukavici nemarno je zveckala uzdama, dok se u drugoj njihao jahaci
bic sa zlatnom drškom.

Ellen watched her pass; then she followed a smudge of green through a cross-street to the Park. A smell of
trampled sunsinged grass came from boys playing baseball. All the shady benches were full of people. When
she crossed the curving automobile road her sharp French heels sank into the asphalt. Two sailors were
sprawling on a bench in the sun; one of them popped his lips as she passed, she could feel their seagreedy eyes
cling stickily to her neck, her thights, her ankles. She tried to keep her hips from swaying so much as she
walked. The leaves were shriveled on the saplings along the path. South and east sunnyfaced buildings
hemmed in the Park, to the west they were violet with shadows. Ellen ju je gledala kako prolazi; onda je slijedila
mrlju zelenila preko poprecne ulice do parka. Miris izgazene, suncem oprljene trave dopirao je od djecaka koji su
igrali bejzbol. Sve zasjenjene klupe bile su pune ljudi. Kada je prelazila vijugavu cestu za automobile, njezine oštre
francuske potpetice utonule su u asfalt. Dva su se mornara izvalila na klupi na suncu; jedan od njih je pucnuo
usnama dok je prolazila, osjecala je kako se njihove oci pohlepne od mora prijanjaju za njezin vrat, za njezina bedra,
za njezine gleznjeve. Pokusala je da ublazi njihanje bokova u hodu. Lišce je bilo uvelo na mladicama duz staze.
Prema jugu i istoku su osuncane zgrade obrubljivale park, a prema zapadu bijahu ljubicaste od sjene.

Everything was itching sweaty dusty constrained by policemen and Sunday clothes. Why hadn't she taken the
L? She was looking in the black eyes of a young man in a straw hat who was drawing up a red Stutz roadster
to the curb. His eyes twinkled in hers, he jerked back his head smiling an upsidedown smile, pursing his lips
so that they seemed to brush her cheek. He pulled the lever of the brake and opened the door with the other
hand. She snapped her eyes away and walked on with her chin up. Two pigeons with metalgreen necks and
feet of coral waddled out of her way. An old man was coaxing a squirrel to fish for peanuts in a paper bag.
Sve je bilo svrbljivo znojavo, prašnjavo, ograniceno policajcima i nedjeljnom odjece. Zašto nije pošla nadzemnom
teljeznicom? Gledala je u crne oci mladica sa slamnatim šeširom koji je zaustavljao crveni dvosjed Stutz uz 115rubni
kamen. Njegove oci zaiskre se u njezine, trgnuo je glavu unatrag, mjerkajuci je od glave do pete, napu-civši usne pa
se cinilo kao da su okrznule njezin obraz. Povukao je rucku za kocenje, a drugom rukom otvorio vrata. Odvrati
pogled s njega i nastavi hodati uzdigavši bradu. Dva goluba metal-nozelena vrata i koraljnih nožica odgegaju joj se s
puta. Starac je vabio vjevericu da vadi kikiriki iz papirnate vrecice.

All in green on a white stallion rode the Lady of the Lost Battalion... Green, green, danderline... Godiva in the
haughty mantle of her hair... General Sherman in gold interrupted her. She stopped a second to look at the
Plaza that gleamed white as motherofpearl...Yes this is Elaine Oglethorpe's apartment... She climbed up onto
a Washington Square bus. Sunday afternoon Fifth Avenue filed by rosily dustily jerkily. Sva u zelenom, na
bijelom pastuhu, jahala je Gospa izgubljenog bataljona ... Zelena, zelena, danderine... Godiva u nadmenom ogrtacu
svoje kose ... Prekine je general Sherman sav u zlatu. Na trenutak je zastala da pogleda Plazu koja je blistala bijela
poput sedefa ... Da, ovo je stan Elaine Eglethorpe... Popela se u autobus za Washington Square. Peta avenija u
nedjeljno popodne je marsirala pored nje ruzicasto, prašnjavo, u trzajima.

On the shady side there was an occasional man in a top hat and frock coat. Sunshades, summer dresses, straw
hats were bright in the sun that glinted in squares on the upper windows of houses, lay in bright slivers on the
hard paint of limousines and taxicabs. It smelled of gasoline and asphalt, of spearmint and talcumpowder and
perfume from the couples that jiggled closer and closer together on the seats of the bus. In an occasional
storewindow, paintings, maroon draperies, varnished antique chairs behind plate glass. The St. Regis.
Sherry's. The man beside her wore spats and lemon gloves, a floorwalker probably. As they passed St
Patrick's she caught a whiff of incense through the tall doors open into gloom. Delmonico's. Na sjenovitoj
strani tu i tamo bi naišao muškarac u cilindru i fraku. Suncane naocare, ljetne haljine, slamnati šeširi bijehu svijetli I
sjajni na suncu koje je blještilo u cetverokutima na gornjim prozorima kuca i lezalo u sjajnim krhotinama limuzina i
taksija. Zaudaralo je na benzin i na asfalt, na mentol i na talk puder i na parfem od ljubavnih parova koji su se od
drmanja priblizavali jedno drugom na sjedistu autobusa. A tu i tamo, u kakvom izlogu, slike, kestenjaste zavjese,
lakirane starinske stolice iza debelog stakla. St. Regis. Sherrv's. Čovjek pokraj nje nosio je gamašne i svijetlo-zute
rukavice, vjerojatno poslovodja. Dok su prolazili kraj katedrale Svetog Patricka, do nje dopre dašak tamjana kroz
visoka vrata koja su se otvarala u tamu. Delmonico's.

In front of her the young man's arm was stealing round the narrow gray flannel back of the girl beside him.
'Jez ole Joe had rotten luck, he had to marry her. He's only nineteen.' 'I suppose you would think it was hard
luck.' 'Myrtle I didn't mean us.' 'I bet you did. An anyways have you ever seen the girl?' 'I bet it aint his.'
'What?' 'The kid.' 'Billy how dreadfully you do talk.' Ispred nje se mladiceva ruka prikradala oko uskih, sivih
flanelskih ledja djevojke pored njega. - Bogamu, jadni Joe imao je smolu, morao ju je ozeniti. A tek mu je
devetnaest godina. - Vjerojatno misliš da je to grozna smola. - Myrtle, nisam mislio na nas. - Kako da ne! Uostalom,
jesi li ikada vidio djevojku? - Kladim se da nije njegovo. - Sto? - Dijete. - Billy, kakve to grozne stvari pricaš?

Fortysecond Street. Union League Club. 'It was a most amusing gathering...most amusing...Everybody was
there. For once the speeches were delightful, made me think of old times, croaked a cultivated voice behind
her ear. The Waldorf. 'Ain't them flags swell Billy... That funny one is cause the Siamese ambassador is
staying there. I read about it in the papers this morning.' Cetrdeset druga ulica. Klub Savezne Lige. – To je bio
jedan vrlo zabavan skup ... vrlo zabavan... Svak’ je bio tamo. Izuzetno, govori su bili divni, natjerali su me da mislim
na dobra stara vremena – krestao je jedan kultivirani glas iza njenog uha. Waldorf. 116 - Nisu li krasne one zastave,
Billy...? Ona smiješna je zato sto sijamski ambasador odsjeda ovdje. Čitala sam o tome u novinama jutros.

When thou and I my love shall come to part, Then shall I press an ineffable last kiss Upon your lips and
go...heart, start, who art...Bliss, this, miss...When thou ... When you and I my love... Kada ti i ja, ljubavi moja,
dodjemo do rastanka, onda cu utisnuti neizbrisiv posljednji poljubac na usne tvoje i poći... srce, duš'ce, koja se ...
Radost, zanos, ponos ... Kada se ti... Kada se ti i ja, ljubavi...

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