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Digital Citizenship Webquest

1. After watching this video

citizenship, explain what digital citizenship is in your own words. (1-2 sentences)

2. Access this webpage,, scroll down

and view the I’m a Digital Citizen Infographic. Out of Inclusive, Informed, Engaged, Balanced,

and Alert, choose the two characteristics that you feel are most important to being a good online

student. Explain. (2-3 sentences)

3. Read this and

review the “9 Key P’s” of digital citizenship. After examining all 9 P’s, list your three biggest

fears while engaging in online instruction.

● ?

● ?

● ?
4. Visit this website, scroll down and read the 10

suggestions on how to improve your password. Then list 3 things that you plan to do to improve

your social media password.

● ?

● ?

● ?

5. Cyberbullying is a common issue in today’s society, especially with young people. After

watching , describe how you felt when watching this video, what

went through your mind, and explain 2 ways that you could help the problem in your school.

(1 paragraph, 5-6 Sentences)


This was my first attempt at creating a webquest and I was really impressed with how

effectively it could be used. After viewing your example, I realized that I too could create

effective webquests for my students to use and learn. This webquest was made for a 10th Grade

target audience. At the beginning of each semester, I would post this in Google Classroom and

have my students complete the assignment individually. My students have no prior training in

digital citizenship for Google Classroom and they definitely need it if we are going to participate

in virtual learning. I would make a copy of the assignment for each student and they each would

submit their individual work. The objectives of the webquest are to teach my students what

digital citizenship is, to get them to understand the dangers of poor digital citizenship, and to

offer them helpful tips for safely participating in online instruction. The webquest is appropriate

for my target audience and I think it would take my students the full 20 minutes, maybe a few
minutes longer to answer each question fully. It is engaging, but I would like to use an online

quiz builder and link a quiz in the assignment. I think adding a short quiz to the end of the

webquest would allow me to assess what they have learned. My webquest could be longer and

have more detail, but this is my first attempt and I didn’t want to get too far ahead of myself. I

would like to learn how to make my links appear as text in my questions instead of having a long

link in each question.

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