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# 15 Ilang-Ilang St., Almar Subdivision Camarin Caloocan City


Name: Gema Rose C. Adona Date: April 9, 2021

Strand/Section: STEM- Bonifacio PM Score:____________________
Teacher: Mr. Ritchie Van Parent’s Signature:_________

Solve the following using hypothesis testing.

1. A manufacturer claims that the average life of batteries use In their electronic games is 150 hours. It is
known that standard deviation of this type of battery is 20 hours. A consumer wishes to test the
manufacturer’s claim and accordingly test 100 electronic games using this battery and found out that the
mean is equal to 144 hours. Use α = 5%
2. A clothing store believes that the mean income of the store’s customer exceed P30,000 per month. 150
customers are randomly selected and asked of their annual income. The sample mean is P30,500 and its
standard deviation is P4,200. is there sufficient evidence to indicate that the mean household income of
the customers of the store exceeds P30,000 per month. Use α = 5%
3. The personnel department of a company developed an aptitude test for a certain group of semi-skilled
workers. The individual test scores were assumed to be normally distributed. The department asserted
a tentative hypothesis that the arithmetic mean grade obtained by this group of semi-skilled workers
would be 100. It was agreed that this test hypothesis would be subjected to a two-tailed test at 5% level
of significance. The aptitude test was given to a sample of 16 semi-skilled workers and the sample mean
is 94 with a standard deviation of 5.
4. A maternity hospital claims that the mean weight of babies delivered in a charity ward is 2.5 kg., with a
S.D. of 1.5kg,. but that is not what a group of obstetricians believe. So they conducted 9 babies and they
found out that the average weight of it was 2.3 kg. Use α = 10%

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