2013 The Open Astronomy Journal

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Pi is Fundamental Cosmic Frequency in Expanding Universe

Article  in  The Open Astronomy Journal · May 2013

DOI: 10.2174/1874381101306010007

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1 author:

Leong Ying


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The Open Astronomy Journal, 2013, 6, 7-9 7

Open Access
Pi is Fundamental Cosmic Frequency in Expanding Universe

Leong Ying*

Thermo Fisher Scientific, 303C College Road East, Princeton, NJ, 08540, USA

Abstract. Our physical existence is interpreted using the fundamental real base positive unit of 1. With the addition of an
orthogonal imaginary component with base unit of i, the oscillatory nature between both phases results in π becoming a
fundamental time constant of the universe. By extending this dual orthogonal existence to the Big Bang beginning of our
cosmos the oscillatory mixing between the Real and Imaginary expansion components can produce a numerical answer
for the current observed matter to antimatter discrepancy in our universe.

Keywords: Pi, Time, Oscillating, Twin, Universe, Antimatter, Entropy, Conservation.

1. UNIVERSAL BASE UNITS at different rates due to the neutrino mass differences, result-
ing in different mixture of flavor states as the neutrino trav-
In electricity the impedance of a complex circuit is Z = R
+ iX, where R is the resistance and X is the orthogonal reac-
tance which can either be of capacitive or inductive compo- Table 1. Fundamental Base Units for Orthogonal Universal
nents or combination of both. The base unit of the real resis- System
tive component is +1 and +i is the imaginary reactive com-
ponent base unit. The magnitude of the total impedance World Existence Base Unit
squared is the sum squared of the two orthogonal vector
components represented by Z2 = R2 + X2. Real-World +1

By using the electrical analogy that our cosmos exists Imaginary-World +i

both with a real Y and orthogonal imaginary X axial compo- Total-World 0
nents we can define any equivalent vector quantity Z by the
following summation:
The state of a neutrino with flavor α is the superposition
Z = Y + iX (1) of the mass eigenstates νj.
The observable measured value in our Real-World axis is
given by Y. The fundamental base unit of the total combined ! " = # U "*j ! j (3)
cosmos is derived by the sum squared of its orthogonal com-
ponents base units +1 and +i: For a two neutrino flavor state (α = e,µ) the unitary mix-
ing matrix can be expressed as:
z2 = 12 + i2 = 0 (2)
"1 "2
Table 1 below lists all the fundamental base units as de-
fined by the existence of orthogonal twin universes. U e! µ = " e cos # sin # (4)
The Total-World base unit of zero is equivalent to a fully "µ $ sin # cos #
conserved cosmos existing as Twin Universes that obeys
Universal Laws of Thermodynamics whereby energy and The evolution over time tj of an oscillating neutrino of
entropy are conserved for all matter and processes in the mass mj can be obtained by applying Schrödinger’s equation
combined Total-World referenced system [1]. to νj component of να.
!" t j =e
# im j t j
!j 0 () (5)
The phenomenon whereby a neutrino can change lepton
flavor as it propagates was predicted by Bruno Pontecorvo In the two neutrino case νe → νµ the probability of a neu-
[2]. Neutrino oscillations arise from mixing of the flavors trino of energy E propagating over a length L changing its
and mass eigenstates. As a neutrino propagates through flavor is given by:
space, the quantum phases of the three mass states advance $ #me!
( )
Pe! µ = sin 2 2" sin 2 & ) (6)
% 4E (
*Address correspondence to this author at Thermo Fisher Scientific, 303C
College Road East, Princeton, NJ 08540, USA; Tel: 609 924 7310; While there are currently only three known lepton flavors
Fax: 609 924 1729; E-mail: leong.ying@thermofisher.com of neutrinos, experiments suggest the possibility of more

1874-3811/13 2013 Bentham Open

8 The Open Astronomy Journal, 2013, Volume 6 Leong Ying

Fig. (1). Cosmic particle evolution after Big Bang.

Table 2. Unitary Time Sequence of Oscillating Big Bang Expansion

Time Unit (t) Real-World (y) Imaginary-World (x) Total-World (z)

0 +1 0 +1=e0

1 0 +i -1=ei/Ʈ

2 Ny(2) Nx(2) Nz(2)2=Ny(2)2+Nx (2)2

than three associated mass eigenstates. These additional neu- 3. BIG BANG EVOLUTION
trinos since they are not coupled by the weak boson force
particles W, Z in a standard 4-dimensional Real-World At the beginning of the cosmos a Super-seed particle
space-time are termed sterile neutrinos [3]. This observa- comes into existence. To conserve the Total-World scenario
tional evidence of sterile neutrinos indicates the presence of z=0 (which obeys the conservation of matter-energy and
an additional Imaginary-World space-time. entropy) this unitary particle oscillates as a Super-particle in
the Real-World (y) and Super-antiparticle in an orthogonal
Neutral particle oscillation is the phenomenon whereby Imaginary-World (x). As these twin universes expands
two mesons interchange identities through the Weak interac- space-time there is oscillatory mixing of the Super-particle
tion causing them to decay. The evolution of the oscillating and Super-antiparticle that decays into other sub-atomic par-
mixed states can be written in matrix notation as: ticles. Almost 14 billion years into our expansion we reach
our current accelerating state of the cosmos with a full com-
" y % " M ! % plement of elemental particles.
!(t) = eiHt $ '; H =$ ' (7)
# x & # ! M & Interpreting the Big Bang evolutionary expansion and
particle generation by N(t) = N0et/Ʈ, where Ʈ is the equivalent
The diagonal elements of the Hamiltonian must be equal cosmic time constants of the oscillatory decaying Super-
since the particle and antiparticle have identical masses. particle and Super-antiparticle. Fig. (1) gives a graphical
Charge-Parity (CP) Symmetry requires the components to be illustration of the evolution of our expanding universe from
real, and any imaginary components will lead to CP- the original Big Bang event at t=0 to our current Real-World
violation. Experiments with neutral kaons decaying into two observable conditions.
and three pions have verified CP-violation [4]. This is
equivalent to stating that identical particle-antiparticle states Table 2 lists the initial primeval sequence of events for
oscillate between orthogonal Real-World and Imaginary- each unitary segmented expansion of time from the origin of
World referenced phases. the Big Bang with the condition that the Total-World is con-
served (z=0).
There are further supporting theories in the technical
publications proposing such dual Imaginary-World existence Mathematically equivalent eiπ=-1, so the first arbitrary
of time-reversed particles [5] and virtual-particles [6]. unit of time that comes into existence can be defined as
Pi is Fundamental Cosmic Frequency in Expanding Universe The Open Astronomy Journal, 2013, Volume 6 9

1/Ʈ=π, or the Fundamental Cosmic Frequency. In our cur- consistent with Hubble’s present-day expansion rate of the
rent Real-World state the smallest indivisible unit of time universe and provides a plausible explanation for Dark En-
reference is the Planck time tp~10-44 seconds. ergy [7].
During the second fundamental oscillatory frequency pe- CONFLICT OF INTEREST
riod (2π) there is a mixing of the original unitary Super-
particle (+1) and Super-antiparticle (+i). The difference in The authors confirm that this article content has no con-
matter and antimatter at this initial mixing phase is given by: flicts of interest.

Δ = Ny(2) - Nx(2) = Ny(0)e2π.π - Nx(0)e2π.π = +1.e2π.π (8) ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

So the approximate numerical value of surplus matter to I wish to thank the invaluable discussions and contribu-
antimatter is ~e20 or ~109 due to this mixing of the original tions offered by Peter Rowlands (University of Liverpool),
Super-particle and Super-antiparticle between the two or- Erik Trell (University of Linkoping), Stein Johansen (Nor-
thogonal worlds. This is consistent with present-day matter wegian University of Science and Technology) and Crystal
surplus observed in our referenced Real-World existence. Haidl at the 2011 San Marino workshop on Antimatter sup-
ported by the Santilli Foundation.
Treating the total cosmos as expanding twin universes
can provide an explanation for the oscillatory mixing ob- [1] Ying L. Nuclear fusion drives present-day accelerated cosmic
expansion. Hadronic J 2009; 32: 573-88.
served in neutral particle-antiparticle states that requires an [2] Pontecorvo B. Mesonium and Anti-mesonium. Zh Eksp Teor Fiz
imaginary orthogonal component. By interpreting the exis- 1957; 33: 549-51.
tence of unitary Super-particle and Super-antiparticle at the [3] Nakamura K. Particle data group. J Phys G 2010; 37: 075021.
origin of the Big Bang event and obeying a universal conser- [4] Christenson JH, Cronin JW, Fitch VL, Turlay R. Evidence for the
2π Decay of the K20 Meson. Phys Rev Lett 1964; 13: 138-40.
vation laws for the total system, the numeric value of π be- [5] Santilli RM. Isodual theory of antimatter. Springer: Dordrecht, The
comes the Fundamental Cosmic Frequency. The initial mix- Netherlands 2006; pp. 85-136.
ing of these Super-states provides a numeric surplus of mat- [6] Rowlands P. Zero to infinity. Singapore: World Scientific Publish-
ter over antimatter that is consistent with observed measure- ing 2007; pp. 39-62.
ments. This Twin Universe interpretation has further support [7] Ying L. Dark Energy is stellar nuclear fusion replicated in a mir-
rored universe. Open Astron J 2011; 4: 54-6.
from computation based on a reverse stellar nuclear fusion
process occurring in the Imaginary-World scenario that is

Received: February 14, 2013 Revised: March 19, 2013 Accepted: March 21, 2013
© Leong Ying; Licensee Bentham Open.
This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License
(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/) which permits unrestricted, non-commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the
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