Health and Wellness (Spring 2021)

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April 2021

Special Supplement to
2 • April 2021 Health & Wellness

How adults can take active roles in their health care

Metro Creative when perusing lists of prior to a scheduled doctor’s
Adults play a significant in-network primary care appointment. Jot questions
role in their own health care. physicians provided by in- down as they come to you in
Adults focused on getting surance companies. Such the weeks leading up to the
fit may visit various fitness lists can seem endless and appointment and don’t hes-
facilities before signing up it can be hard to distinguish itate to ask questions during
for a membership, and in- one physician from another. the visit.
dividuals who want to im- Adults in need of new pri- n Be open and honest
prove their diets may spend mary care physicians can with your physician. Con-
countless hours poring over ask neighbors or family and cealing behaviors from your
healthy recipes and the lat- friends who live nearby for physician will negate some
recommendations. It’s im- of the benefits of visiting
est trends in nutrition. Such
portant to put the time in
research pays dividends, and the doctor. For example, if
when choosing a primary
the same commitment can you live a largely sedentary
care physician, as people
be applied to choosing the METRO CREATIVE lifestyle but tell your doctor
who are comfortable with
right health care services. There are many ways for patients to get more out of their health you’re physically active, he
their physicians are more
Adults who are enrolled in likely to schedule annual
care plans. or she won’t offer advice on
employer-sponsored health wellness visits or book ap- how to make exercise a big-
and screenings can uncover insurance providers cover
insurance plans may feel as pointments when they aren’t ger part of your life. Being
health problems even when annual physicals at no cost
though their options are lim- feeling well. Such visits can open and honest with a phy-
no symptoms are present, to the patient, and screen-
ited in regard to their health be life-saving. sician enables the doctor to
care services. However, there potentially saving patients’ ings can catch diseases early give the best medical advice.
n Schedule annual well-
are many ways for patients to lives. For example, Hacken- when they’re at their most Taking an active role in
ness visits. Annual wellness
get more out of their health visits are very important, sack Meridian Health reports treatable and treatment their health care is a great
care plans. even for health-conscious in- that mammograms have re- is less expensive and less way for adults to improve
n Shop around for a pri- dividuals who are not expe- duced breast cancer mortal- time-consuming. their overall health and can
mary care physician. It’s riencing any signs of illness ity in the United States by n Be a prepared patient. help them reduce their risk
easy to be overwhelmed or injury. Regular checkups 40 percent since 1990. Many Prepare a list of questions for illness.


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Health & Wellness April 2021 • 3

to be offered
How often should you see the doctor
in Batavia Metro Creative
Routine health checkups are
times a year on average.
n Studies show that poor or
a key part of staying healthy. uninsured people prolong the
BATAVIA – Residents liv-
Older adults may feel like they’re time between doctor’s visits.
ing in and around the Batavia
always visiting one doctor or an- n Individuals with high blood
can learn about their risk for
cardiovascular disease, oste- other. But what is an acceptable pressure may need to see the
oporosis, diabetes, and other frequency for doctor appoint- doctor four times a year to en-
chronic, serious conditions ments? sure medications are working
with screenings by Life Line The answer isn’t always so properly.
Screening. Arc of Genesee cut and dry, and many health n Patients on dialysis see the
Orleans will host this com- professionals have mixed feel- doctor several times a week.
munity event on May 3 at the ings even among themselves Dr. Jennifer Caudle, a family
Arc’s Community Center, 38 over the magic number. The physician and assistant profes-
Woodrow Rd., Batavia. Centers for Disease Control and sor at Rowan University School
Screenings can check for: Prevention recommends adults of Osteopathic Medicine in
n The level of plaque build- over the age of 65 visit the doctor Stratford, N.J., says too often
up in your arteries, related to more than twice as often as 18- METRO CREATIVE people visit the doctor only
risk for heart disease, stroke to 44-year-olds. Adults should see their primary care physicians at least once a when they are really sick. That
and vascular health. According to Paul Takahashi, year to make sure diseases are being properly managed and to works to their disadvantage be-
n Narrowing of the small- stay current on preventative screenings.
a physician at the Mayo Clinic in cause the appointment will fo-
er arteries of your ankles and
feet, called Peripheral Arterial Rochester, Minn., adults should cus only on treating the illness
to health facilties where sick pressure, and other conditions,
Disease. see their primary care physi- instead of addressing other pre-
cians at least once a year to make people congregate puts one at a may need to see a doctor more ventative care and screenings.
n HDL and LDL Cholester- higher risk of illness or infection. frequently than those with no
ol levels. sure diseases are being properly Balance is necessary in regard to
managed and to stay current on Visiting the doctor only when such histories. In addition, pa- health care.
n Diabetes risk.
n Bone density as a risk for preventative screenings. necessary is one way to avoid tients may need referrals to Patients can work together
possible osteoporosis. Visiting the doctor more fre- risky exposure. certain specialists who work with their doctors to develop
Screenings are affordable, quently does not necessarily Doctor visit frequency is not a together to provide an overall screening schedules that are
convenient and accessible for add up to better health, and it one-size-fits-all answer. A year- health plan. That can increase customized to their particular
wheelchairs and those with actually can do the opposite. ly physical or checkup is a given, the number of appointments profiles. These schedules can be
trouble walking. Free parking Dr. Peter Abadir, an associate even for people who are healthy. and shorten the intervals be- modified as health history infor-
is also available. professor of medicine at Johns People with a family history of tween them. Johnson Memorial mation changes or as patients
Pre-registration is re- Hopkins University School of certain conditions, such as sleep Health offers some statistics: age. Doctors can dial back or
quired. There is a cost for the Medicine, says frequent visits disorders, cancer, high blood n People visit the doctor four increase health visits as needed.
For information about
screenings, costs, and avail-
able packages, call 1 (877)
237-1287 or visit the website
at www.lifelinescreening.
A dozen screenings to
ask your doctor about
Healthline and WebMD rec-
ommend older adults schedule
these routine tests.
n Blood pressure check.
n Blood test to check choles-
terol and triglyceride levels.
n Colorectal cancer exam
starting at age 50.
n Weight screening to check NYS of Health has extended the special enrollment period for
for gains or losses.
n Prostate cancer screening Health Insurance enrollment due to the COVID-19 Pandemic.
for men age 70 and older. If you need help navigating the marketplace call the Wyoming County
n Breast exam and mammo-
gram for women, starting at age Health Department at 786-8890, and one of our certified navigators will
n Pap smear and HPV tests
assist you with a plan that works best for your needs.
at the recommended intervals
advised by a doctor.
n Hearing test.
n Osteoporosis test.
n Shingles and pneumococ-
cal vaccines.
n Eye exam.
n Periodontal exam once per
– Metro Creative
4 • April 2021 Health & Wellness

How ergonomic tools can help gardeners

Metro Creative
Gardening is a rewarding
activity that has been found to
provide a host of benefits be-
yond ensuring readily available
access to fresh fruits, vegeta-
bles and awe-inspiring blooms.
The Centers for Disease Con-
trol and Prevention says many
gardening tasks qualify as light
to moderate exercise, which
means raking the leaves and
cutting the grass can be just as
beneficial as cardiovascular
activities such as brisk walking
or jogging. In addition, a 2017
study published in the journal
Preventive Medicine Reports
found that gardening can help
aging men and women offset
age-related weight gain. And
the health benefits of garden-
ing go beyond the physical. In
2014, a systematic review of
randomized controlled trials
published in Complementary
Therapies in Medicine con-
cluded that horticultural ther-
apy may be an effective treat-
ment for people with dementia.
Gardeners have a host of
tools at their disposal to help METRO CREATIVE
turn their lawns and gardens Ergonomic tools can benefit gardeners of all ages, but they may prove especially valuable for aging men and women.
into fabulous landscapes.
Among those options are ergo- tool for the job when they do with the body, gardeners likely WVUCED notes that princi- when using non-ergonomic
nomic tools. Ergonomic tools not have to adapt the tool. Er- won’t need to take breaks due ples behind ergonomics keep tools.
can benefit gardeners of all gonomic tools should match to aches and pains, which also gardeners using the tools in Gardening is a rewarding
ages, but they may prove espe- gardeners’ heights, fit their grip makes it easier to be more effi- natural positions. That means and beneficial activity. The
cially valuable for aging men and feel comfortable when in cient when working in the gar- gardeners won’t lose power to right ergonomic tools for the
and women. use. den. bending and twisting, enabling job can enhance those benefits
n Ergonomic tools increase them to do more in the garden and make gardening even more
SPECIFIC BENEFITS gardeners’ capabilities. The than they might be able to do enjoyable.
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performing various tasks. Gar- Commercial Buildings.
deners know that aches and
on the body as possible. Ergo-
pains can add up after a day
nomic tools align with how a
spent kneeling in the garden,
person naturally moves his or raking soil and carrying sup-
her body, which can reduce plies from a shed or garage
the likelihood that gardeners around the property. But the
will suffer any strains or sprains WVUCED notes that ergonom-
while gardening or experience ic tools do more than just re-
any aches and pains after a day duce gardeners’ risk of injury.
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Health & Wellness April 2021 • 5

Decibel levels
of common noises
The effects of noise on children
The experts at Johns Metro Creative In addition, noisy environ- ed to stand far back from the sociated with hearing loss.
Hopkins Medicine report ments, such as noisy homes, stage and away from amplifi- Noise induced hearing loss
Hearing is easy to take for
that normal conversa- can make it hard for children ers when attending concerts. is preventable. Recogniz-
granted. Many people are
tion is usually around 60 to learn. Failure to do so can contribute ing the threat noise poses to
born and grow up without
decibels. But even com- n Noise can affect the car- to tinnitus, a ringing or buzz- youngsters’ health is a great
ever experiencing compro-
mon noises can have diovascular system. The EPA ing sound in the ear that is as- first step for parents.
mised hearing. But that does
harmful effects on peo- reports that children who are
not mean people, including
ple’s overall health. chronically exposed to loud
children, don’t routinely en-
Consider these deci- noise may suffer from elevated
gage in activities that could
bel levels: blood pressure and other car-
adversely affect their hearing.
n Jet plane, siren,
According to the Environ- diovascular ailments.
jackhammer: Jackham-
mental Protection Agency,
mers measure at rough-
children are no strangers to HOW CAN PARENTS
ly 120 to 130 decibels,
recreational activities that can PROTECT KIDS FROM NOISE?
putting them on par
harm their hearing. Children Though noise can affect
with noises made by
who attend sporting events, youngsters’ overall health,
jet planes and sirens.
musical concerts and even the experts at Johns Hopkins
Johns Hopkins notes
that unprotected expo-
holiday celebrations such as Medicine note that parents
sure to these noises can
fireworks shows may be at risk can try various strategies to
contribute to permanent of losing their hearing. Parents prevent noise-induced hear-
hearing loss. who are careful and cognizant ing loss.
n Personal music
of the many ways noise poses a n Wear earplugs or ear
players: Maximum vol- threat to children, potentially muffs when around loud
ume on some personal affecting both their physical noise. Earplugs fit into the
music players, includ- and psychological health, can outer ear and ear muffs fit
ing smartphones, is 10 put themselves in better po- over the entire outside of the
times as loud as recom- sition to protect their young- ear. The EPA advises parents
mended listening set- sters from noise-related dam- to ensure that children wear
tings. That’s concern- age. child-sized earplugs or ear
ing for everyone, but muffs when engaging in or be-
especially for parents of WHAT IS NOISE? ing around noisy activities or
young people who grow The EPA defines noise as events.
up listening to music pri- any unwanted or disagreeable n Reduce the amount of
marily through personal sound. Noise is sound that can time spent on noisy activities.
music players. Decibel become harmful and interfere n Teach kids to walk away
levels on personal music with a child’s normal activi- from sources of loud noises.
players at their loudest ties. For example, noise can Children should be instruct-
levels average around interfere with a child’s ability
110, putting them on par to sleep and diminish young-
with chain saws and ra- sters’ quality of life.
dio-controlled airplanes.
Exposure to noises HOW COMMON ARE HEARING
around 110 decibels can PROBLEMS AMONG CHILDREN?
lead to permanent hear- Hearing problems in chil-
ing loss. dren may be more common
n Motorcycle: Many than some parents recognize.
people have waited next The American Academy of
to motorcycles at stop- Otolaryngology reports that
lights. When the light three million children young-
turns green, the sound er than the age of 18 have some
from motorcycles as kind of hearing difficulty.
they speed off can be es-
pecially loud, averaging
about 90 decibels. That
can contribute to grad-
ual hearing loss over The EPA notes that noise METRO CREATIVE
time. It’s important that can affect kids in some sur- Parents who are careful and
motorcycle riders keep prising ways. cognizant of the many ways
this in mind, especially if n Noise can affect kids’ de- noise poses a threat to children,
they don’t wear helmets velopment. Repeated expo- potentially affecting both their
or wear helmets with in- sure to noise during certain physical and psychological
adequate ear protection. developmental periods can health, can put themselves in
– Metro Creative affect a child’s ability to ac- better position to protect their
quire language-related skills youngsters from noise-related
like reading and listening. damage.
6 • April 2021 Health & Wellness

Understanding asthma as allergy season returns

Metro Creative
The arrival of spring and
summer is typically welcomed Six steps to controlling
with open arms. Warm air,
green grass, colorful flowers,
and, of course, vacations are
a child’s asthma
just a few of the many reasons Staff Report
An estimated 8% of children in New York State have asthma, but
to celebrate spring and sum- there are way for asthma to be controlled.
mer. Dr. Lisa Y. Harris, medical director at Excellus BlueCross BlueShield,
Spring and summer also encourages parents to consult with their pediatrician to develop or up-
marks the return of allergy sea- date a child’s asthma action, or management, plan.
son. According to the Ameri- Asthma action plans indicate a child’s daily treatment, including
can College of Allergy, Asthma, which medicines to take and when to take them. It also explains how
to identify when asthma symptoms are severe enough to contact the
and Immunology, allergies child’s pediatrician or to take the child to urgent care or a hospital emer-
are the sixth leading cause of gency room. All adults and schools who care for a child with asthma
chronic illness in the United should have a copy of the child’s asthma action plan and understand
States. their responsibilities regarding the child’s care. METRO CREATIVE
For many people, allergies “If you have asthma, you have it all the time, but actual asthma at- Spring and summer marks the return of allergy season.
are a minor seasonal nuisance tacks occur only when something bothers the lungs,” said Harris.
During an attack, airways become swollen and inflamed. The mus-
that are overcome by taking cles around the airways contract and the airways produce extra mucus,
over-the-counter medications causing breathing (bronchial) tubes to narrow. Some sufferers liken an
or staying indoors on days

asthma attack to the feeling of drowning because it is extremely difficult
when allergen levels are espe- to breathe. Mild episodes may last only a few minutes; more severe
cially high. But the World Al- episodes can last from hours to days and become a life-threatening
lergy Organization notes that a emergency.
Here are six steps to control your child’s asthma:
history of allergies is a known
risk factor for developing asth-
n Check in regularly with your child’s doctor to make sure medica-
tions are working and available at home and at school. Septic & Portable Toilets
ma. n Make sure your child takes all asthma medications as directed.
n Alert school staff regarding your child’s asthma, including details
about triggers and signs of an asthma attack.
Trailers Available
n Teach your child to notice asthma triggers and warning signs.
The National Heart, Lung
and Blood Institute defines
n Reduce asthma triggers at home by washing bedding with hot water
once a week and using allergy-proof covers on mattresses and pillows. Weddings
asthma as a chronic condi- n Prevent the spread of germs by encouraging proper hand-washing
tion that affects airways in the
lungs. The airways carry air in
by the entire family and making sure that every family member age 6
months and older receives a yearly flu shot. Campsites
and out of the lungs, and when
people have asthma, these Big or Small Events
airways can become inflamed toms of asthma in very young in the ches
and narrow, compromising a
person’s ability to breathe.
children. That’s because the
bronchial tubes in infants,
Like pediatric asthma,
adult-onset asthma can be
Weekend Outings
toddlers and preschool-aged
youngsters are already small
easy to miss. That’s because
of natural changes in muscles
and narrow. Head colds, chest and a stiffening of chest walls,
Many asthma patients are
diagnosed during childhood. colds and other illnesses may both of which are associated Ball Fields
The ACAAI reports that most further narrow these airways. with aging and therefore often
children with asthma exhibit
symptoms prior to their fifth
So symptoms of asthma could
be mistakenly associated
attributed to age. The symp-
toms of adult-onset asthma
Golf Courses
birthdays. Asthma symptoms
also may appear in adults old-
with colds or other illnesses.
A nagging cough that lingers
are similar to those of pediatric
asthma, and adults who sus- Farm
er than 20, and such instances for days or weeks or sudden, pect they might be experienc-
may be attributed to adult-on- scary breathing emergencies ing asthma symptoms despite Vacuum Pumping
set asthma. Certain adults may are two symptoms of pediatric no history of the condition can
be more likely to get adult-on- asthma. Parents also can be on ask doctors to conduct some of Septics
set asthma than others. For the lookout for these symp- specific tests designed to de-
example, WebMD reports that toms: tect asthma. A lung function •
women who are experiencing n Coughing, especially at test and a methacholine chal- Repair/Installation
hormonal changes, such as night lenge test are two ways doctors
those who are pregnant or in n A wheezing or whistling can detect adult-onset asth-
menopause, may be more like- 585-766-1221
sound when breathing, espe- ma.
ly to get adult-onset asthma. cially when exhaling Allergy season has arrived, 585-335-9466
n Trouble breathing or fast and that could make some
WHAT ARE THE SYMPTOMS breathing that causes the skin people more vulnerable to
OF ASTHMA? around the ribs or neck to pull asthma. More information
The ACCAI notes that it can in tightly about asthma is available at Proud to be a Certified Women-Owned Business Enterprise
be hard to recognize symp- n Frequent colds that settle
Health & Wellness April 2021 • 7

What is therapy?
A beginner’s guide to mental health
Jessica Roy known as intake, said Dorian toms you’re experiencing and
LOS ANGELES TIMES Traube, an assistant profes- other indicators of your mental
(TNS) – Considering what sor at the USC Suzanne Dwor- health, like your sleep habits,
we’re living through, we’re all ak-Peck School of Social Work. employment status and any
probably due for some therapy. Your therapist will introduce drug and alcohol use. These ar-
If you’ve never done therapy themselves, tell you about their en’t so your therapist can judge
before, the concept can seem a background and specialty, and you; it’s so they can get a fuller
little daunting. Are you just sit- ask what brings you to therapy. picture of you and your life and
ting in a room (or, these days, There is no right or wrong an- use that to guide their respons-
on a video call) with a stranger, swer to that question: “Every- es.
telling them your darkest se- thing is just a lot right now” is a After intake — which may
crets? perfectly valid reason to seek an last up to three sessions, Traube
Well, yes. A stranger who expert’s help. said — you move on to regular
knows to ask specific questions, “A lot of people are reluctant therapy sessions. Your therapist
look for specific patterns of be- to seek therapy because what will typically check in with you
havior and teach you more pro- they’re experiencing can feel about what’s been happening
ductive ways to manage your DREAMSTIME/TNS
indescribable, so they’re wor- since your last session.
life. During therapy, a trained professional looks for specific patterns of A lot of what happens then
behavior to teach you more productive ways to manage your life.
ried they won’t get what they
Basically, it’s like having a need,” Traube said. “A thera- depends on what type of thera-
deep conversation with a close pist is trained to ask questions py you’re doing.
voted entirely to you, where You might seek therapy if
friend where you only talk Generally, you’ll have space
you can process stressors and you’ve experienced a signifi- to get to the root of what you’re
about yourself, said Joy Harden to talk about whatever’s on your
talk though confusing or over- cant event that’s affecting your searching [for] in the therapy
Bradford, a licensed psycholo- mind and to process what’s
whelming emotions you might mental health, like the death of experience.”
gist and the founder of Therapy going on in your life. Your ther-
be experiencing. There’s no a loved one, a divorce, a mis- Your therapist might give
for Black Girls. such thing as being “too smart” carriage, job loss — oh, or a full- you a survey about what symp- See THERAPY T16
“The difference is that the for therapy to be effective, or blown pandemic that has up-
person is trained, so unlike having issues that are too big or ended every aspect of your and
talking with your friend, there Rental Equipment • Bathroom Safety
small to be addressed. everyone else’s life. A therapist
are certain things that we’re There are lots of different rea- Compression Stockings • Seat Lift Chairs
can’t fix those things but they
listening for,” Harden Bradford sons people seek therapy, and can help you learn to adjust and • Walkers & Carts
said. “We’re paying attention just as many different types of move forward.
to your body language. We’re therapy available. Some people
paying attention to some things
“I think sometimes it can be 653 E. Main St.,
go with a specific symptom-re-
helpful to know that you’re not Batavia
that someone who’s not trained duction goal, such as reducing
as a therapist is probably not alone,” Harden Bradford said,
paying attention to.”
panic attacks or addressing
phobias. Others seek out thera-
“and I think it can be helpful to 800-455-9393
It’s an opportunity to talk py because they feel as though have someone give you some Mon. - Fri. 9 am - 3 pm
through what you’re experienc- they have trouble making good grounding.”
Or by appt. after 3 pm
ing and how you’re feeling in a choices or struggle to adapt to
place that’s free of judgment, new challenges. For some, it’s YOUR FIRST SESSIONS
with someone who is purely a chance to regularly check in Once you find a therapist,
listening to help. It’s a time de- with themselves. your first session will be what’s
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8 • April 2021 Health & Wellness

When can children brush their own teeth? Why good oral health
Metro Creative is more than a beautiful smile
Parents quickly learn that
their children go through a From Mayo Clinic News Network tled brush using fluoride
transition marked by a de- (TNS) – Your oral health toothpaste. An electric tooth-
sire to be more independent. is more important than you brush can be a great alterna-
They’re picking out their own might realize. Like other ar- tive to a manual toothbrush,
mismatched clothes and no eas of the body, your mouth especially for children, peo-
longer want any help when teems with bacteria — and ple with disabilities, older
solving puzzles or complex those bacteria are mostly adults, and people who have
toys. harmless. But your mouth is arthritis or other conditions
That newfound indepen- the entry point to your diges- that make it difficult to brush
dence signals getting older tive and respiratory tracts, well.
and can be a healthy thing to and some of these bacteria n Floss daily.
nourish. But what happens can cause disease. n Use mouthwash to re-
when a youngster suddenly Normally the body’s nat- move food particles left after
believes he or she is capable ural defenses and good oral brushing and flossing.
of brushing his or her teeth METRO CREATIVE health care keep bacteria n Eat a healthy diet and
without assistance? Most kids are at least 6 years old before they have developed the under control. However, limit food with added sugars.
Parents wrestling with finesse and dexterity to handle a toothbrush effectively. Dentists without proper oral hygiene, n Replace your tooth-
their kids’ can-do attitude also may ask if the child can tie his or her own shoes, which can bacteria can reach levels that brush every three months, or
and if it’s wise to allow them serve as a barometer of readiness to wield a toothbrush. might lead to oral infections, sooner if bristles are splayed
to brush their teeth unas- such as tooth decay and gum or worn.
children visit a dentist as ing, but it is essential for disease. n Schedule regular dental
sisted can familiarize them-
soon as a child’s first tooth sloughing off plaque that Problems with your oral checkups and cleanings.
selves with certain guidelines
starts to appear. This also accumulates between teeth health also can contribute to n Avoid tobacco use.
to determine their young-
is when parents should be- and below the gum line, ac- diseases and conditions such ____
sters’ readiness. According Mayo Clinic News Network is
gin to clean their children’s cording to Parents maga- as endocarditis, cardiovascu-
to Scripps Pediatric Dentist- lar disease and pneumonia. your source for health news, ad-
ry & Orthodontics, most kids teeth. As a child ages, the zine. Moms and dads can vances in research and wellness
natural proclivity to want to introduce their children to To protect your oral health,
are at least 6 years old before tips.
take charge of brushing teeth pre-threaded Y-shaped floss- practice good oral hygiene ___
they have developed the fi- daily:
takes hold. The child may not ing tools, which are easier to (c)2021 Mayo Clinic News Net-
nesse and dexterity to han- work
dle a toothbrush in a manner yet have the manual dexterity handle than loose floss. n Brush your teeth at least Distributed by Tribune Content
that will effectively remove to brush alone, but parents Parents will have to check twice a day with a soft-bris- Agency, LLC
plaque. Dentists also may ask can encourage the child to on children even as they age
if the child can tie his or her brush and then go over the to be sure they are practicing
own shoes, which can serve teeth as a “double check.” good oral hygiene. Parents
as a barometer of readiness This helps foster indepen- who are in doubt about their
to wield a toothbrush with- dence while also ensuring children’s readiness can
out assistance. teeth are fully cleaned. work with dentists or dental
Pediatricians and pediat- Flossing may require even hygienists to assess skills and
ric dentists recommend that more dexterity than brush- get other pointers.

Billions of people across the A lot of thought goes into what we eat, whether it concerns
globe are gaming enthusiasts. How-
Every Wednesday in The Daily News improving our health, creating delicious new recipes, or recreating an
ever, excessive gaming may be too old favorite. However, we rarely think about how we eat, especially
much of a good thing. not how we chew. Chewing has a tremendous impact on our oral and
In 2018, the World Health Orga- intestinal health. It breaks down our food to make it easier to swallow
nization added “gaming disorder” to Wills • Trusts • Health Care Proxies and digest, and it increases the amount of saliva in our mouths. Saliva
their International Classification of helps replace the minerals on our teeth and restore and maintain the
Diseases (ICD-11). • Power of Attorney • Probate
mouth’s pH balance. It also helps rinse food particles from our teeth,
According to the ICD-11, indi- • Real Estate • VA Pensions preventing the buildup of bacteria that causes tooth decay. Slowing
viduals with gaming disorder have
down and chewing longer creates more beneficial saliva.
trouble managing the amount of Elder Law with emphasis on asset protection Healthy habits create healthy smiles that can change a life forever.
time that they spend playing video
games and may put gaming ahead & crisis planning Looking for a full service dental office providing compassionate,
of other activities. Over time, exces- knowledgeable care in a welcoming, safe environment? Search no
sive gaming may lead to behavioral
issues akin to addictive behaviors,
Stephen M. Kelley, Esq. further. Many of our patients say they wouldn’t think of going anywhere
else for their dental care. Visit us soon at BATAVIA FAMILY DENTAL
such as alcohol use and gambling. Attorney at Law to see why and join our ever-growing list of happily smiling patients.
The WHO says for gaming disor- From the young to the young at heart,you are all welcome here at 6
der to be diagnosed, the pattern of 131 Main St. • Suite 7 - Side Entrance
Batavia City Centre. Call us today at 585.343.4246, and start living
behavior must be severe enough to PO Box 278 • Geneseo, NY 14454 your life free of dental worries.
result in significant impairment to PHONE 585-519-4387 P.S. There is no “correct” number of chews when eating. But making
family, personal, social, education-
al, occupational, or other important FAX 585-519-4419 sure whatever you eat is completely pulverized before swallowing can
areas for at least 12 months. improve dental health.
– Metro Creative
Health & Wellness April 2021 • 9

Exercise can help you live longer

Metro Creative weight.
There are many reasons
to get in shape. Weight loss MANAGE STRESS AND MOOD
is a prime motivator, as is re- Exercise has direct
versing a negative health ef- stress-busting benefits that
fect, such as high cholesterol can promote longevity. The
or increased diabetes risk. Mayo Clinic says physical
Routine exercise also can im- activity can increase the
prove life expectancy. production of endorphins,
WebMD says exercise which are the body’s feel-
keeps the body and brain good neurotransmitters. In
addition, exercise can im-
healthy. That’s why exercise
itate the effects of stress,
should be an important com-
helping the body adjust its
ponent of daily life no matter
flight or fight response ac-
one’s age.
cordingly, and help them
Research published in the cope with mildly stressful
journal Immune Aging found situations. While engaged in
that how people age is 75 exercise, people may forget
percent lifestyle and only 25 about their problems as they
percent genetics, which un- are focused on the activity at
derscores the importance of hand.
the lifestyle choices people
Strength training and
physical activity can stave off
Many health experts say the effects of frailty and oste- Exercise keeps the body and brain healthy. That’s why exercise should be an important component
that cardiorespiratory fit- oporosis, which affects bone of daily life no matter one’s age.
ness may be just as valuable strength. A study published
a metric to determine overall in the Journal of Internal health risks. turning protein into energy ways exercise can help older
health as blood pressure and Medicine in 2017 found that for older adults. adults live longer, healthier
hip fractures are associated These are just some of the lives.
People with a high aerobic with diminished quality of Health and wellness re-
capacity can deliver oxygen life and survival among the source Healthline defines
to tissues and cells efficiently elderly. One in three adults sarcopenia as the loss of
to fuel exercise, according to aged 50 and over dies within muscle mass related to aging.
data published in 2014 in the 12 months of suffering a hip Doctors once considered this
journal Aging & Disease. In a fracture, and older adults muscle loss inevitable, and it
study involving 11,335 wom- have a five- to eight-times can affect stamina and lead
en, researchers compared greater risk of dying within to weakness. However, new
V02 max, also known as aer- three months following a hip indications suggest that ex-
obic capacity, in women with fracture. ercise is the main treatment
mortality data. Women who Building muscle strength, regimen for sarcopenia, par-
were fit from a cardiovascu- balance and bone density ticularly resistance training.
lar perspective had a lower through exercise can reduce This is designed to improve
death rate from all causes, falls and frailty, helping to muscle strength and help
irrespective of the women’s prevent fracture-related balance hormone levels by

How you can heal cracked heels

From Mayo Clinic News Network bed: Soak your feet for about 10 minutes in plain
(TNS) – Cracked heels, also known as fissures, or soapy water and pat dry. Then gently rub your
can be a nuisance and even bleed sometimes, but heels with a loofah or foot scrubber to help re-
can occasionally lead to more serious problems if move dead skin. Apply a heavier, oil-based cream
left untreated. or petroleum jelly (Vaseline, Aquaphor Heal-
Treat them by giving your feet a little more ing Ointment, others), then slip on a pair of thin
attention, beginning with moisturizing them at
cotton socks at bedtime to help the moisturizer
least twice a day. Look for thick moisturizers (Eu-
cerin, Cetaphil, others). Some moisturizers con- work.
tain skin-softening agents, such as urea, salicylic Don’t ignore dry, cracked heels, as over time
acid or alpha hydroxy acid, which may help re- you may develop deeper fissures, which increas-
move dead skin. They may cause slight stinging es your risk of infection. If self-care measures
or irritation. don’t help, talk with your health care provider
Give your heels extra attention before going to about other treatment options.
10 • April 2021 Health & Wellness

Coping with double-burden syndrome

Metro Creative at least one employed parent, switching shifts to make ac-
Double-burden syndrome is and 64.2 percent had both par- commodations for household
a daily concern for many wom- ents employed. responsibilities and childcare
en and may have been exacer- Despite the fact that both needs.
bated due to work-from-home parents now work in many n Scale back hours, if possi-
directives and social-distancing households, there is still a dis- ble. If work is causing excessive
measures instituted during the parity in the number of hours stress, motivation is dwindling
COVID-19 pandemic. contributed to work around the and/or home needs are suffer-
Double-burden syndrome house – with women taking on a ing, this may be a case for de-
refers to the workload faced by larger percentage. creasing work hours. Fathers
people – traditionally wom- COVID-19 has not made the should consider this as well,
en – who not only earn money situation any easier. According especially if they earn less than
through regular employment to Women’s Web, a parenting their spouses.
but also are responsible for and career resource for women, n Attempt to compartmen-
unpaid domestic labor. Nowa- the lockdown has quadrupled talize professional life from
days, it often refers to the chal- women’s workloads, whether personal life, especially when
lenges many women face when they have careers or not. In ad- METRO CREATIVE working from home. Defini-
trying to balance household dition to holding down full- or Double-burden syndrome refers to the workload faced by people tive lines between work time
responsibilities, childcare and part-time salaried jobs, women – traditionally women – who not only earn money through regular and home time may need to
employment. are juggling home schooling, employment but also are responsible for unpaid domestic labor. be drawn. This may require
Traditional gender roles spouses’ remote working and not doing laundry during work
once accepted by society have caring for a household that is from current work-from-home strategies that women can try as hours and not answering work
become more relaxed in recent spending an increased amount situations, as many women they attempt to find greater bal- calls during personal hours.
years, and by and large both of time at home. have been expected to take on ance. These strategies may help n Recognize there is no need
spouses now work. Data from A recent survey by Pink Lad- increased workloads from the ease the effects of double-bur- to aspire to perfection. Rec-
the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statis- der, a career enhancement re- office and also tackle a greater den syndrome: ognizing that perfection is an
tics indicates that among mar- source for women, indicates number of chores at home. n Speak with managers unattainable goal because it
ried-couple families with chil- that four in 10 women are facing Coping with double-bur- about changing shifts. Man- doesn’t exist can diminish feel-
dren in 2019, 97.5 percent had high levels of anxiety and stress den syndrome involves various agers may be receptive to ings of stress and dejection.


Understanding type 1 diabetes Twitter: @Batavia_Daily and @BataviaDNSports
Metro Creative TYPES OF DIABETES production.
Despite the prevalence of dia- Type 1 diabetes has no cure.
Doctors have identified three
betes, many people may not be main types of diabetes: Type 1, Treatments are designed to
entirely sure what the disease type 2 and gestational diabetes. manage blood sugar levels and
entails. While it’s true that diet About 90% to 95% of people with prevent complications, which
and exercise are vital to reducing diabetes have type 2, which is can affect major organs such as
risk for diabetes, some people when the body doesn’t use insu- the eyes, kidneys, nerves, and
are born with the disease. lin well. Typically, a healthy life- heart.
style or lifestyle changes can help Most type 1 diabetes patients
WHAT IS DIABETES? prevent type 2 diabetes. try to balance their bodies’
The Centers for Disease Con- Gestational diabetes is an of- glucose and insulin demands
trol and Prevention defines dia- ten temporary form of diabetes through measured diets, testing
betes as a health condition that that occurs during pregnancy. and daily insulin injections.
affects how the body turns food The American Diabetes As-
Type 1 diabetes, though rare,
into energy. When a person eats may be most concerning be-
sociation says blood glucose SPECIALIZING IN WOMEN’S HEALTH CARE
food, much of that food is broken meters and continuous glu-
cause it is thought to be an auto- cose monitoring systems have
down into glucose and released
into the bloodstream. Under
immune condition. Also, it must
be managed throughout life.
made testing more convenient Offering Progressive
normal conditions, when blood and comfortable. CGMs work
sugar levels rise, the pancreas
will release insulin, which un- TYPE 1 DIABETES
through a sensor placed on the
skin. They monitor and report
Health Care Across a
locks the abilities of that blood Type 1 diabetes is a chronic on glucose in real time and alert
sugar so the body’s cells can use condition that occurs because when the glucose rises or lowers Woman’s Life Span
it for energy. Individuals with the pancreas produces little or to certain predetermined limits.
diabetes do not make enough no insulin. Very often it appears They are often preferred by those
insulin or can’t use the insulin during childhood or adoles- with type 1 diabetes to reduce ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS
as they should. Cells sometimes cence, which is why it was once finger pricks throughout the Krysten Schmidt FNP
stop responding to insulin. In known as juvenile diabetes. day. Insulin pumps and other
these instances, too much blood Some experts think the body at- devices are easier to use and less
108 Bank Street, Batavia
sugar stays in the bloodstream, tacks itself by mistake, resulting invasive. They can deliver insulin 343-6600 • fax 343-6601 •
leading to serious problems. in the body’s cessation of insulin continuously to keep levels even. Hours: Mon. 8-4, Tues. & Thurs. 7-3, Wed. Closed, Fri. 7-Noon
Health & Wellness April 2021 • 11

Keep healthy items on hand for family snacking

Metro Creative n Fruit: Fresh fruit, frozen
Many families during the fruit, fruit purees, and dried
past year have perfected the fruit are must-haves. Place
balance of managing a house- a bowl of fresh fruit in reach
hold in which kids may be en- of kids so it can be their first
gaged in virtual learning while snacking choice. Frozen fruit
Mom and Dad are putting can be transformed into sim-
in a full day’s work from the ple smoothies. Dried fruit
home office. At several points keeps longer, and is a great
during the day, families need addition to trail mixes. Cups
to recharge. Having nutritious of applesauce can easily be
snacking choices on hand can grabbed and satisfy sweet
tame hunger in a healthy way. cravings.
n Sliced vegetables: When
PLAN AND SHOP preparing meals, slice vegeta-
Start with a plan and then bles, including carrots, celery,
head to the store with a shop- cucumbers, and sweet pep-
ping list in hand. You will be pers. Later they can be dunked
less likely to purchase un- into homemade dips for an
healthy options on impulse if easy treat.
you stick to a shopping list. n Hummus: Speaking
of dips, hummus is filling
BALANCE PREPACKAGED AND and tasty. Made from nutri-
HOMEMADE ent-dense chick peas, hum-
Homemade snacks are ad- mus can be enhanced with
Having nutritious snacking choices on hand can tame hunger in a healthy way. different flavors, from garlic to
vantageous because you can
customize ingredients to ac- foods. Just be sure to read la- overindulgence is limited. protein, fiber, healthy fats, ginger to even chocolate for a
count for allergies or other bels, paying attention to so- and many different vitamins dessert variety.
needs. But commercially pro- n Whole-grain chips: Opt
dium and sugar content and CHOOSE AMONG and minerals. Nuts can be
duced snacks are very conve- for whole-grain chips that
other pertinent nutritional in- THE HEALTHIEST OPTIONS ground at home and made in-
blend a variety of grains into
nient because they’re ready to
formation. Stock the pantry and refrig- to spreads and dips. the mix. Avoid products with
eat right out of the package.
According to Good House- When choosing snacks, pick erator with an array of healthy n Popcorn: Plain, air- hydrogenated oils.
keeping, many food manufac- a few different options that ap- snacking options. popped popcorn is full of fiber, Healthy snacking is possible
turers have been stepping up peal to savory, salty and sweet n Nuts and their butters: making it a filling snack. With- when families think ahead and
their games and offering tasty cravings. Portion out these Nuts are nutritional power- out toppings like butter, pop- know what to look for at the
and healthy nonperishable snacks so the temptation for houses that provide filling corn can be low in calories. grocery store.

Quick and easy snacking ideas FOLLOW THE LIVINGSTON COUNTY NEWS
Eating more fruits and vege- ready-to-eat and satisfying salad. spoons spicy brown mustard. Mix
tables will help the whole family n Make veggie or fruit ka- all ingredients together. Store in
stay healthy. bobs: Assemble chunks of mel- a covered container in the refrig-
Keep fruits and veggies where on, apple, orange, and pear on erator. Makes 4 servings.
they’re easy to see. For instance, skewers for a fruity kabob. For n Curry Dip: 1/2 cup fat-free
have a bowl of fresh fruit on the a raw veggie version, use vege- sour cream, 1/2 cup fat-free
kitchen table, and remind your tables like zucchini, cucumber, plain yogurt, 1-1/2 teaspoon
family to wash the fruit before sweet peppers, or tomatoes. curry powder. Mix all ingredients
eating. Kids love to dip their foods. together. Store in a covered con-
Store ready-to-eat fruit and Whip up a quick dip for veggies tainer in the refrigerator. Makes
veggie snacks in the fridge. Here with yogurt and seasonings such 8 servings.
are some quick and easy ideas: as herbs or garlic. Serve with raw
n Avocado Dip: 2 medium
n Peel and section oranges. vegetables like broccoli, carrots,
ripe avocados, 1 tablespoon
Store in plastic snack bags or or cauliflower. Fruit chunks go
covered bowls in the fridge. great with yogurt flavored with lemon juice, 1/4 cup salsa, 1/8
n Store sliced vegetables in cinnamon or vanilla extract. teaspoon salt. Peel and chop av-
the refrigerator in snack bags or Here are some more tasty dip ocados. Toss avocado with lem-
clear containers and serve with ideas (1 serving is 2 tablespoons on juice in small bowl. Add salsa
dips like hummus, tzatziki, baba of dip) and salt. Mash with a fork. Cov-
ganoosh or guacamole. n Honey-Mustard Dipping er and store in the refrigerator.
n Toss veggies with cooked Sauce: 1/4 cup fat-free plain yo- Makes 12 servings
pasta and your favorite oil and gurt, 1/4 cup low-fat sour cream, –––
vinegar dressing for a healthy, 2 teaspoons honey and 2 tea- SOURCE: FINGER LAKES EAT SMART NY.
12 • April 2021 Health & Wellness

Add more exercise to the workday

Metro Creative
Many people can benefit
from more exercise. But after
a long day at work and tending
to obligations at home, mak-
ing time for exercise can be an
uphill battle. Come nighttime,
there may be little energy or
time left to be active.
However, failure to engage in
regular physical activity can be
detrimental to one’s health.
The World Health Organiza-
tion lists inactivity as the fourth
biggest risk factor for global
adult mortality.
Plus, long periods of sitting
inactively may lead to increased
risk for diabetes, cancer, heart
disease, and obesity. Psychol-
ogy Today also says studies in-
dicate mental ability is directly
linked to physical activity.
Without regular exercise, one
may have decreased concen-
tration, poor memory, reduced
mental stamina, and a lack of
Finding time to exercise while
at work can help people reap the
rewards of a physically active
The American Heart Associa-
tion says taking advantage of lit- METRO CREATIVE
tle opportunities to move more Here are some ways to exercise during the workday.
throughout the day can add up
to a significant amount of exer- n Switch out your desk. when coming in, going in and walking brainstorming sessions sitting at your desk.
cise. Here are some ways to ex- Desks come in different config- out for a lunch break, and when or meetings. Take the meet- n Volunteer to run errands.
ercise during the workday: urations and you may be able to leaving in the evening can add ing outdoors if the weather co- Step out for coffee or snacks
n Ride or work a portion of opt for a tall or adjustable desk up over the course of a day. operates; otherwise, take laps during the day, making a con-
your commute. People who live to enable you to stand and move n Start a walking club. Get around the building. certed effort to walk when going
close enough to the office can around a bit while working. If together with coworkers who al- n Store some workout gear for your daily jolt of caffeine.
ride their bikes or walk there. If that’s not possible, stand up and so want to exercise and use your at work. During breaks, do a few Exercise can be included in
the office is too far, think about do some balance or strength ex- lunch hour to walk around. You arm curls with dumbbells or use the work day by making some
getting off the bus or train a stop ercises while on long calls. can always eat at your desk be- resistance bands to work inner minor changes that really add
earlier and walk the rest of the n Take the stairs. Skip the fore or afterwards. and outer thigh muscles while up.
way. You even can park further elevator and go up and down n Schedule walking meet-
away if you drive to the office. the stairs each day. Doing so ings. Whenever possible, host
Thomas Wenhold PT PC
“Physical Therapy with a Personal Touch”
Build an eating plan that reflects your lifestyle
The Livingston County De- fuel to function. Be sure to eat a grain cereal with low-fat milk
partment of Health reminds light breakfast or snack before work as energy boosters to wake
you to build an eating plan that exercise. Try low-fat yogurt, fresh up your brain and muscles.
works for your unique lifestyle. fruit, graham crackers with pea- n Vegetarians & Vegans: Be
Here are some tips: nut butter, a banana or cereal sure to eat protein rich foods
n Career: For desktop din- with low-fat milk. Before, during, such as beans, lentils, peas, nuts,
ing, keep single-serve packages and after exercise, be sure to stay and plenty of soy products. Featuring Aquatic Therapy
of crackers, fruit, peanut butter, hydrated with plenty of water. n Families: Save time by
low sodium soup or canned tuna n Students: Take advantage cooking extra portions of lean In Addition to Land Based Therapies
at your desk. If you are constant- of foods in your cafeteria such as meats, brown rice, beans and
ly on the go, reach for fresh fruit,
trail mix, or whole grain cereals
salads, baked chicken, fish, and
whole fruit. Apples with peanut
vegetables, and save leftovers for (585) 765-2562
a second meal. Have kids help (585) 765-2198-Fax
and crackers. butter, vegetables with hum- prepare meals as a way to get
n Athletes: Your body needs mus, fruit, yogurt, and whole them interested in what they eat. 25 LAKE AVE., LYNDONVILLE, NY 14098
Health & Wellness April 2021 • 13

Risk factors for melanoma

Metro Creative
Skin protection takes center
stage each spring and summer.
Though it’s important to protect Remember sun safety
skin whenever spending time Special to The LCN
outdoors, including in winter, Sunburns and tans are a result of too much exposure to ultraviolet
many people get the bulk of (UV) radiation (rays) from the sun.
their outdoors time in when the Even when a sunburn or tan fades, the damage caused to skin cells
weather is at its warmest, mak- does not, and the effects cannot be reversed. These effects include
ing sunscreen a must-have ac- skin cancer and early aging of the skin such as wrinkles and age spots.
Exposure to the sun’s rays happens when you’re doing things such
cessory in spring and summer. as biking, gardening, and walking. People with jobs that require them
Melanoma is a form of skin to work outside are more likely than anybody else to get skin cancer.
cancer that can spread rapidly There are three skin cancers that are most common and include
to other organs if it is not treat- basal cell, squamous, and melanoma. About 90% of skin cancers are
ed at an early stage. The Skin the result of too much exposure to UV rays. UV exposure adds up over
Cancer Foundation notes that time, increasing the risk of developing skin cancer, so sun protection
should start at an early age.
between 70 and 80 percent METRO CREATIVE
Here are a few ways to stay sun safe:
of melanomas arise on nor- Sun protection should start at an early age. nWear long-sleeved shirts, pants, and a wide-brimmed hat to get
mal-looking skin. When skin is the best protection. If you’re wearing a baseball cap or short-sleeved
exposed to ultraviolet radiation, imum sun protection factor The ACS notes that the idea that shirt, make sure to put sunscreen on your ears, neck, and arms.
that exposure can contribute to (SPF) of 30 and wearing protec- the UV rays of tanning beds are nStay in the shade as much as possible between 10 a.m. and 4
skin damage. Ultimately, mela- tive clothing and hats that pro- harmless is a misconception. p.m., which are peak times for sunlight.
tect the skin from UV radiation Tanning lamps give off UV rays nUse a broad-spectrum sunscreen of at least SPF 15 on any ex-
noma can occur when damage posed skin. Apply the sunscreen to dry skin 15 to 30 minutes before
from sunburn or tanning due to are two ways that people with that can cause long-term skin
damage and the ACS reports going outdoors and re-apply it every two hours, as well as after swim-
UV radiation triggers mutations fair skin and family histories can ming, sweating, or toweling off.
that lead to uncontrolled cellu- protect themselves from mela- that tanning bed use has been nWear extra sun protective clothing around surfaces such as
lar growth. noma. linked to an increased risk of snow, sand, water, and concrete that reflect the sun’s rays and could
Because melanoma is inextri- melanoma, especially among increase your risk of sunburn.
people who use such beds prior nIf you work outdoors, ask about sun protection at your job, such
cably linked to exposure to UV CONTROLLABLE RISK FACTORS as wearing sun-protective clothing.
radiation, it’s understandable to turning 30.
Unprotected or excessive UV Checking the skin routinely is nFollow these tips on cloudy days, too! Clouds do not block most
if people assume that it’s al- exposure is a significant risk UV rays.
ways preventable. However, the another way to combat melano- nAvoid indoor tanning.
factor for melanoma. Anyone, ma. The ACS notes that certain
American Cancer Society notes For questions, or more information about how to stay safe in the
regardless of their family his- types of moles are more likely sun, call the Livingston County Department of Health at (585) 243-
that there is no way for people to tory or skin type, should priori- 7299.
completely prevent melanoma. to develop into melanoma than
tize protecting their skin when others. Routine self-examina-
That’s because some of the risk spending time outdoors. The
factors are beyond individuals’ tions of skin can help people
American Skin Association ad- spot new or abnormal moles
control. However, other risk fac- vises all people to avoid the sun
tors are within people’s control, or other growths. Recognizing
between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., these abnormalities and report-
and recognizing those factors
can help people lower their risk
when the sun’s rays are at their ing them to a physician imme- Durable Medical Equipment
strongest. diately can help doctors treat
for melanoma.
Tanning beds also pose a them before they turn into skin Ostomy Supplies
threat in relation to melanoma. cancer.
Genetics and skin type are • Hallmark Cards & Gifts
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melanoma that are beyond
individuals’ control. The SCF
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notes that one in every 10 mel-
anoma patients has a family
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In addition, melanoma is found DENTISTRY • Trained Pharmacist
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more frequently in people with
fair skin than in people with
darker skin. Melanoma also is Frank Soltiz, DDS
found more in people with light
eyes, light-colored hair and red
Joseph F. Soltiz, DDS
People with these physical 716-937-7812 75 North Main St., Warsaw, NY 14569
characteristics and family his- Phone: 786-2330 / Fax: 786-2767
tories must be especially vigilant 13367 Broadway, Alden, NY 14004 Mon.-Fri. 9am-9pm; Sat. 9am-4:30pm; Sun. 9am-1pm
when spending time outdoors.
Applying sunscreen with a min- Your friendly neighborhood pharmacy, gift shop & more!
14 • April 2021 Health & Wellness

Symptoms of testicular cancer and how men can look for them
Metro Creative testicular cancer. The AUA rec-
Eating right and exercising ommends that men conduct Incidence rate of
regularly can help men live long self-exams after a warm bath
and reduce their risk for various or shower, while standing, and testicular cancer
diseases, including heart dis- when the scrotum is relaxed. increasing in U.S.
ease and diabetes. The AUA recommends this
Learning about their bodies four-step self-examination, According to the American
which is simple and only takes a Cancer Society, the average
and how to detect abnormali- age at the time of diagnosis
ties is another step men can take few minutes. of testicular cancer is 33.
to stay healthy, potentially help- 1. Check each testicle. Gen- Young and middle-aged men
ing them catch certain diseases, tly but firmly roll each testicle are the most likely to be diag-
including testicular cancer, be- between the thumb and fore- nosed with testicular cancer,
fore they reach advanced stages. fingers. Feel the whole surface. though the ACS notes that 14
Men under 50 may not pay The firmness of the testis should percent of cases occur in chil-
much mind to cancer, but the be the same all around. Men dren, teens and men over the
age of 55.
American Cancer Society notes should know that it’s normal for The ACS estimates that
that young and middle-aged one testicle to be slightly larger roughly 440 men will die of
men are more likely than men than the other. testicular cancer in 2021.
over 55 to be diagnosed with 2. Find the epididymis and Though that’s troubling, tes-
testicular cancer. The ACS re- vas deferens. These are soft, ticular cancer can usually be
ports that the average age at tube-like structures above and treated successfully. The ACS
which men are diagnosed with behind the testicle. These tubes notes that a man’s lifetime
risk of dying from the disease
testicular cancer is 33. collect and carry sperm. Young is one in 5,000.
Learning the symptoms of METRO CREATIVE men can familiarize themselves However, the incidence
testicular cancer and how to de- The best time for men to self-examine themselves for testicular with how these cords feel so they rate of testicular cancer
tect them may not prevent men cancer is right after taking a warm bath or shower. can more capably recognize any has been increasing in ma-
from getting the disease. abnormalities that may appear. ny countries, including the
However, such knowledge 3. Look for lumps, swelling United States, for several
fort or heaviness are often de- That’s a mistake, as tumors can decades. The rise in incidenc-
can increase the chances that scribed by patients experienc- spread in that time. Any symp- or anything that does not seem
right. Lumps or bumps are not es underscores the need for
men detect symptoms when ing pain. toms, however innocuous they men to discuss testicular can-
the disease is in its earliest, most may seem, should be reported normal, even if they cause no cer, including its risk factors
treatable stages. The importance to a physician. That’s especially pain. Pain also is not normal, and symptoms, with their phy-
even if it’s only mild. sicians.
What are the symptoms of reporting symptoms true for any symptoms that have
4. Check yourself at least – Metro Creative
lasted for more than two weeks.
of testicular cancer? Unfortunately, the symp- once per month. Always look
The American Urological As-
toms of testicular cancer are How to conduct for any changes in size, shape or
not always reported quickly. texture.
sociation notes that testicular According to the AUA, men wait a self-exam Testicular cancer is not com-
tumors may produce various an average of five months before Self-exams can help men mon. However, men must rec- look for and identify its symp-
symptoms. A painless lump in reporting any symptoms or ab- discover any abnormalities ognize the threat the disease can toms in their health care rou-
the testicle is the most com- normalities to their physicians. that may be symptomatic of pose and include measures to tines.
mon sign of testicular cancer,
but men also may experience Specializing In Individual Personalized Care
swelling of the testicle or a feel-
ing of weight in the scrotum, a
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Feelings of dull scrotal discom-
Health & Wellness April 2021 • 15

Emergency vs. urgent care

What’s the difference?
From Mayo Clinic News Network ground between your primary Diarrhea
(TNS) – It’s Saturday morn- care provider and the Emer- Earache
ing and your child fell while gency Department. If you Skin conditions
playing in the backyard. He have a minor illness or injury Sprains or joint pain
can’t put any weight on his that can’t wait until tomorrow, Upper respiratory infection
rapidly swelling ankle, and he Urgent Care is the way to go. Urinary tract infections
is sweating and crying in pain. Also, it is a good option if you Vomiting
Should you head to the Emer- have illnesses or injuries with- Emergency Department:
gency Department or Urgent out other symptoms, or if you Chest pain or pressure
Care? do not have other underlying Compound fracture (bone
If you’ve been in a similar health conditions. For exam- that protrudes through the
situation and wondered which ple, an earache can easily be skin)
option is better, you are not treated in Urgent Care. How- Head injuries
alone. Although Mayo Clin- ever, if it is accompanied by a Pneumonia
ic Health System has offered high fever (104 degrees Fahr- Seizures
Urgent Care for more than 20 enheit or higher), or you have Severe abdominal pain
years, many people are con- a history of cancer or are on DREAMSTIME/TNS
Shortness of breath
fused about when to use it. immune-suppressing medica- There are some differences between the functions of Emergency
Department and Urgent Care facilities Sudden, severe headache,
This article is written by tion, it is important to have it or paralysis or weakness
Graham King, M.D., a Family checked out in the Emergency imaging and laboratory re- clinics have set hours and an Uncontrolled bleeding
Medicine physician in Manka- Department. sources needed to diagnose established list of conditions
to, Minn. Always call 911 and don’t
and deliver care for severe and treated. As a result, Urgent drive yourself to the Emer-
Here are a few differences HOURS AND STAFF life-threatening situations. Care clinics often are less ex-
between Emergency Depart- gency Department if you are
Emergency Departments Typically, Urgent Care clin- pensive and have shorter wait
ments and Urgent Care clinics: having difficulty breathing,
are staffed 24/7 with physi- ics are staffed with physician times than Emergency De- shortness of breath, a life or
cians, physician assistants, assistants, nurse practitioners partments.
SEVERITY OF HEALTH PROBLEMS limb injury, or signs of stroke
nurse practitioners and nurses and nurses. Although, some Here are examples of types or heart attack.
An Emergency Department trained in delivering emergen- Urgent Care clinics have phy- of conditions treated in Urgent
treats life- or limb-threatening cy care. The team has quick sicians on staff as well. Urgent Care clinics and Emergency Mayo Clinic News Network is
access to expert providers in your source for health news, ad-
health conditions in people of Care providers can order basic Departments: vances in research and wellness
all ages. It is the best option advanced specialties such as labs and imaging tests, such Urgent Care clinic: tips.
when you require immediate Cardiology, Neurology and as X-rays, to help them pro- Back or muscle pain (c)2021 Mayo Clinic News Net-
medical attention. Orthopedics. Emergency vide diagnoses and develop Bronchitis work. Distributed by Tribune Con-
Urgent Care is the middle Departments also have the treatment plans. Urgent Care Cuts and minor burns tent Agency, LLC


Dansville urgent care closing The Daily News.

By BEN BEAGLE officials said. their own home with a provider.

“We are not compromising To schedule a telemedicine ap-
Shakti Yoga
UR Medicine | Noyes Health services,” said Pauline Shaw, di- pointment, call (585) 243-9595.
announced Friday that is will rector of Emergency Services at Urgent Care typically treats
Registered Yoga School & Certified Teachers with Yoga Alliance.
permanently close the After Noyes Health. patients of any age who have
Hours office in Dansville at 10 “The services to meet the conditions that are not life Breathe easy and trust the wisdom of your heart.
p.m. on March 31. public need are still available threatening, but need to be IN-STUDIO and ONLINE LIVSTREAM CLASSES!
No jobs will be lost as staff is 24 hours a day, seven days a taken care of right away. Such *Gentle Beginner *Mixed Level *Chair Yoga
being reassigned to work doing week at the Emergency Room in conditions may include abdom-
*Restorative Yoga & Meditation *Private Yoga
COVID-19 vaccinations, ac- Dansville, and 12 hours a day at inal pain, coughs and colds, ear-
cording to a hospital spokesper- Urgent Care in Geneseo,” Shaw aches, minor cuts, flu symptoms * Breathe, Move, Dance!
son. said. and sports-related injuries. *Workshops with guest teachers. Class Cards available.
The Noyes Urgent Care in Noyes Urgent Care, 50 East For more severe of life-threat- Drop-ins welcome!
Geneseo will remain open from South St., Geneseo offers digital ening emergencies, including
9 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily. x-ray and lab services. Walk-in chest pains, bleeding that won’t NEW STUDIO LOCATION:
The Emergency Room at appointments are available and stop, labored breathing and 63 Main Street, Geneseo • 585-447-9062
Noyes Memorial Hospital, 111 no appointments are necessary. head injuries, patients should (spacious, well-ventilated, LCHD approved)
Clara Barton St., will also be The office also continues to visit the Emergency Room at
available to serve anyone in offere telemedicine appoints, Noyes Hospital or call 911 im-
need of medical care, hospital allowing a patient to meet from mediately.
16 • April 2021 Health & Wellness

sessive-compulsive disorder,
Therapy eating disorders and substance
abuse — issues where there are
people dealing with post-trau-
matic stress disorder, traumat-
ic memories or disturbing life Area mental health resources
From T7 beliefs or patterns involved that experiences. Therapists need
the patient wants to change. to be specifically trained and Don’t be afraid to ask for help, support specialist, is available by
apist might look for patterns Traditional talk therapy is gen- certified to do EMDR, which say mental health professionals. calling (585) 563-7470.
and point them out to you, or If you’re feeling lonely, isolat- n MENTAL HEALTH ASSOCI-
erally about feelings and emo- involves patients revisiting neg- ed, depressed or stressed, there
work on skills to mitigate neg- ATION OF WYOMING COUNTY:
tions while CBT focuses more ative memories while tracking are many local resources avail- (585) 786-0080. Peers Together
ative feelings you’re having, or on behaviors. the therapist’s hand as it moves. able. They include: of Wyoming County offers a Warm
give you homework to put those CBT is “more therapist-di- n Group therapy: Certain n CARE AND CRISIS LINE: Line from 2 to 8 p.m. Mondays to
skills into practice. rected, more focused, more issues might be best addressed (585) 283-5200 or text to Fridays and noon to 8 p.m. Satur-
It’s an open space for you to specific goals, shorter timeline, in a therapist-led group set- 741741 in Genesee and Orleans days. Call (585) 786-0080.
put your feelings into words counties; (585) 283-5200 in Wyo- n NOYES MENTAL HEALTH
[and] observable and mea- ting, said Harden Bradford, the ming County.
and evaluate whether the cop- and WELLNESS CLINIC: UR Medi-
surable goals,” said Emanuel Therapy for Black Girls founder. n GENESEE COUNTY DE- cine | Noyes Health, 9221 Robert
ing mechanisms you’ve devel- Maidenberg, a clinical profes- She said that, for instance, if you PARTMENT OF MENTAL Hart Drive, Dansville. (585) 335-
oped are really working for you. sor of psychiatry and biobe- have social anxiety or difficulty HEALTH: 5130 East Main Street 4316, Call
If you’re doing something like havioral sciences at the David relating to others, “Group ther- Rd., Batavia, (585) 344-1421; for an appointment.
hypnotherapy or EMDR (read Geffen School of Medicine at apy is going to be the best way to n ORLEANS COUNTY DE-
on for whether those therapies ments/mentalhealth/index.php. PARTMENT OF MENTAL
UCLA and director of the UCLA get at that work, because you’re n LIFELINE: Call 211 for infor-
might be right for you), your Cognitive Behavioral Therapy going to be able to get feedback HEALTH: 14014 Route 31 West,
mation on available resources. Albion; (585) 589-7066.
therapist will work with you on Clinic. It’s “more goal-oriented in real time from other people.” n LIVINGSTON COUNTY
that process. n WYOMING COUNTY
or specific, aimed at develop- n Art therapy, bibliotherapy, DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL
ing skills and tools to cope with music therapy, dance thera- HEALTH/COMMUNITY SER- HEALTH: 460 North Main St.,
TYPES OF THERAPY py: “When all of these theories VICES: 4600 Millennium Drive, Warsaw; (585) 786-8871; www.
life circumstances or stressors Geneseo. (585) 243-7250 or
There are more types of more effectively.” [of therapy] were developed, it (585) 335-1711; www.livingston-
therapies than can possibly be was primarily by straight white tal-Health.
Trauma-focused CBT and Walks-in n WYOMING COUNTY SUI-
covered in one article. And all behavioral therapies such as men,” said Harden Bradford. available if in crisis, but call first. CIDE PREVENTION COALITION:
of these therapies have had en- aversion therapy and system- “The idea was that talking was n LIVINGSTON COUNTY SUI-
(585) 786-8871.
tire books written about them. atic desensitization are subsets best for everybody.” CIDE PREVENTION TASK FORCE:
So consider this a very concise Now, we know that’s not the Visit, or like the or-
under the umbrella of cognitive ganization on Facebook.
primer — a starting place for behavioral therapy. Dialectical case. These alternative modali- n MENTAL HEALTH ASSOCI-
you to research the kind of ther- behavioral therapy is an off- ties of community are best suit- ATION OF GENESEE AND ORLE- n NATIONAL SUICIDE PRE-
apy that might be best for you. shoot of CBT that focuses on ed for people who struggle to ANS COUNTIES: In Batavia, (585) VENTION LINE: 1 (800) 273-
Often, therapists will com- communicate or express them- 344-2611, and Albion, (585) 589- 8255.
regulating emotions. n NEW YORK STATE MENTAL
bine or draw from multiple selves in words. 1158. The Association offers a
n Humanistic therapy: HEALTH HOTLINE: Call 1 (844)
––– Warm Line that provides non-cri-
therapeutic approaches. You Humanistic therapy is a more 863-9314 for free emotional sup-
sis support to residents of Gen-
can search for a therapist by whole-person approach that This is not a comprehensive esee and Orleans counties from port, consultation and provider
what type of approach they helps empower patients to list of every therapy available. 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. seven days a referral.
practice, or by what presenting make choices. It’s particular- Nor is it a complete picture of week. The Warm Line can also n NEW YORK STATE TEXT-
issues they specialize in, such as ly beneficial for people with what these types of therapy en- make “sunshine calls” to people. LINE: Text “GOT5” to 741741.
tail. This is to help you get started For information, call (585) 813- n SUICIDE PREVENTION
grief or marriage therapy or eat- self-esteem issues or who deal
and to demystify what therapy 0072. LIFELINE: Available 24 hours a
ing disorders. with indecision or don’t trust n MENTAL HEALTH ASSO- day at (800) 273-8255.
n Talk therapy: Talk therapy, involves.
themselves to make decisions. CIATION OF ROCHESTER: The n VETERANS CRISIS LINE: 1
or psychodynamic therapy, is The hardest part of doing
“Humanistic therapy is a therapy is deciding to seek help.
Association offers services in (800) 273-8255.
the type of therapy you typically more existential, long-term Livingston County, including the n Additional information can
see on TV and in movies. It is a “The most difficult thing is to Affinity Place Warm Line which be found online at the New York
exploratory [therapy], finding start something,” Maidenberg
structured space to talk about is 24 hours a day, seven days a State Office of Mental Health at
things about yourself,” Maid- said. “Once the process starts, week. The hotline, staffed by peer
your feelings and experiences enberg said. “It’s a personal it’s typically not as scary or over-
and how your past is shaping discovery. It can be very helpful whelming as it may feel, partic-
your present. Talk therapy is in dealing with some of the exis- ularly when we talk about sitting
suitable for depression, anxiety tential questions that we have.” with a new person that you meet
and a range of other issues and n Eye movement desensiti- for the first time in your life and
conditions. It’s usually more zation and reprocessing: Also telling them about your life and
long-term than the other types known as EMDR, this is a new- your secrets or things you may be
of therapies listed here: You er type of therapy that’s shown hesitant to tell other people. But
may resolve things in a few ses- to be particularly helpful for ultimately it pays off.”
sions, or you may keep coming
back to your therapist over the
course of months or years.
n Cognitive behavioral
therapy: Cognitive behavior-
al therapy, or CBT, tends to
be a more short-term form of
therapy with a specific goal
you’re looking to achieve, like
identifying and replacing neg-
ative thought patterns or chal-
lenging irrational beliefs. This
can work best for people with
specific anxieties, phobias, ob-
Health & Wellness April 2021 • 17

7 strategies to reduce your cancer risk

Metro Creative contributor to increased risk
Cancer affects people of certain cancers. Red meat
from all walks of life. The Na- is a particular concern.
tional Cancer Institute esti- 6. Avoid radiation expo-
mated that, in 2020, roughly sure. Opt for medical imag-
1.9 million new cases of can- ing tests only when they are
cer would be diagnosed and absolutely necessary. Radon
more than 606,000 people in a home is a factor in cancer
would die from the disease. causation, so homeowners
The most common can-
should periodically test their
cers include breast, lung,
prostate, colon, melanoma, homes for radon. In addi-
and bladder cancers. Even tion, sunscreen and avoiding
the healthiest people are not the sun during certain times
immune to these diseases. of day, such as between the
However, there are ways for hours of 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.,
people to reduce their risk can reduce exposure to po-
for various cancers. tentially harmful UV rays.
1. Skip tobacco products. 7. Prioritize safe behav-
Avoiding tobacco in all forms iors. Certain viruses can
can greatly reduce a person’s cause cancer, including Ep-
risk of developing cancer. stein-Barr and human papil-
Smoking is a major contrib- lomavirus. Hepatitis and HIV
utor to various cancers, in- also can increase a person’s
cluding lung and bladder risk for cancer. Practicing
Healthy foods that are rich in vegetables and low in animal fats can help people reduce their cancer risk.
cancers. safe sex and avoiding illegal
2. Exercise regularly. Ex- exercise through gardening, atic cancers. Fat and sugar risk of cancers to the breast, drug use can lower the risk
ercise benefits the body in dancing, playing with chil- metabolism may be mech- esophagus, mouth, and lar- of getting cancer from infec-
various ways, including re- dren, or walking the dog are anisms implicating weight ynx. Harvard Medical School
ducing a person’s risk for tious diseases.
sufficient forms of exercise. in cancer occurrence. Skip recommends that those who
various types of cancers. The Cancer continues to be a
3. Lose weight in a healthy the fad diets and lose weight choose to drink limit alco-
American Institute for Can- way. The American Cancer through portion control, a hol their consumption to no leading cause of death and
cer Research recommends Society says obesity and be- balance of healthy foods and more than one drink per day. affects millions of people. By
exercising for at least 45 min- ing overweight have been exercise. 5. Reduce consumption of examining their behaviors
utes per day. This doesn’t linked to increased risk for 4. Limit alcohol con- animal fats. Verywell Health and lifestyles, people can
have to mean a hard work- breast, colon, esophageal, sumption. Excessive alcohol notes that studies point to a make changes that reduce
out at the gym. Moderate endometrial, and pancre- consumption increases the diet high in animal fat as a their risk for various cancers.

COVID-19 vaccine: Should I reschedule my mammogram? VISIT THE DAILY NEWS ONLINE
From Mayo Clinic News Network cine has time to go away. images.
(TNS) – The vaccine that pre- Others, including Mayo Clin- If lymph node swelling is
vents COVID-19 can cause swol- ic, recommend that mammo- found on your mammogram
len lymph nodes under the arm grams continue as scheduled. and you’ve recently received
in which the shot was given. The But be sure to tell your health the COVID-19 vaccine, the ra-
swelling in the lymph nodes is a care provider about your vacci- diologist who interprets your
sign that your body is respond- nation, the date it occurred and mammogram images will con-
ing to the vaccine and building which arm was affected. This in- sider this when recommending
up defenses against the virus formation will be helpful for un- whether additional imaging or
that causes COVID-19. derstanding the mammogram follow-up is needed.
Breast cancer also can cause
swelling in the armpit if cancer Stop in for our 4/20 Sale! Offering Help for the Journey
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nodes. For that reason, some Glass Roots
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to six weeks after your final vac- 585.345.7420
cine dose before having a mam-
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node swelling caused by the vac-
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18 • April 2021 Health & Wellness

How to foster social skills in an era of social distancing

Metro Creative from different households can
As the COVID-19 pandemic interact outdoors, provided
stretched on, children still may they keep safe distances. This
not fully understand why they can be advantageous to teenag-
have had to skip play dates or ers chomping at the bit to hang
avoid sitting together at lunch out with friends. The Centers
tables inside school cafeterias. for Disease Control and Pre-
Older children may be growing vention says one can become
weary of social distancing and infected with COVID-19 when
may have started to question an infected person coughs,
the benefits of staying home. sneezes or talks and those drop-
Social distancing helps lets enter the mouth or nose of
maintain public safety, but another. Outdoor fresh air dis-
there’s no denying such mea- perses virus particles and peo-
sures have produced some ple are more able to keep their
difficult side effects, some of distance from others. Sitting in
which may be felt long after a backyard, walking a board-
the pandemic has ended. For walk or riding bikes together are
instance, some experts suggest some ways for adolescents to
that social distancing has the safely maintain social connec-
potential to affect long-term so- tions.
cial development. n Practice good manners.
“When young children are When at home, families can
learning the basics of being so- continue to interact and offer
cial beings, their parents and METRO CREATIVE opportunities to talk, listen and
siblings can provide most of A little creativity can help parents find ways to promote socialization in their children as the world practice social manners.
the input they need,” says Amy continues to practice social distancing. n Foster game nights. En-
Learmonth, Ph.D., a develop- courage social interaction at
mental psychologist who runs develop social skills by learn- cues and learn constructive so- ues to confront social distanc- home with family game nights
the Cognition, Memory and ing to “navigate complex social cial responses – including the ing and its potential side effects. that involve board games or
Development Lab at William groups of peers.” Prolonged give-and-take of conversation – n Schedule virtual play video games. Teens and tweens
Paterson University in New isolation from peers could be how to self-regulate when they dates. While it may not be the also can do multiplayer games
Jersey and has studied children stripping opportunities to nat- get annoyed at another person, same as hanging out in person, with friends over the internet
as young as eight weeks old. In urally develop social skills, par- and how to ask for what they virtual play dates can provide through their favorite gaming
fact, having parents and sib- ticularly the longer social dis- need in a socially acceptable one-on-one interaction with consoles.
lings home much of the time tancing goes on. way” through in-person en- friends and help to maintain A little creativity can help
actually can be a boon for chil- Clinical psychologist Laura counters. preexisting positive peer con- parents find ways to promote
dren age five and younger. Markham, founder of the site Families can get creative to nections. socialization in their children as
Conversely, Learmonth says Aha! Parenting, indicates that help foster social skills in their n Plan outdoor activities. the world continues to practice
older children and adolescents kids “practice reading social youngsters as the world contin- When weather allows, people social distancing.

We might need to keep wearing masks into 2022 to defeat COVID-19

Luke Money and Rong-Gong Lin II you know, for the most part, we masks and physically distancing because it’s not yet definitive- particular, is seen as critical in
LOS ANGELES TIMES don’t necessarily have to wear too early and that many will pre- ly known “whether getting a keeping the spread of the coro-
(TNS) – Despite a decline in masks.” maturely declare they’ve had COVID-19 vaccine will prevent navirus on a downward trend.
coronavirus cases and contin- Fauci’s comments under- enough of the pandemic and you from spreading the virus A recent CDC report found that
ued success with COVID-19 score what experts have been won’t get vaccinated. that causes COVID-19 to other states that have imposed mask
vaccines, it’s looking likely we saying for weeks: that even as The CDC says that contin- people, even if you don’t get sick orders have seen declines in the
will still be wearing masks for more people get vaccinated, ued adherence to public health yourself.” growth of COVID-19-associated
some time to come. masks are still going to be essen- measures like wearing face cov- Universal mask wearing, in hospitalizations.
Dr. Anthony Fauci, the na- tial. erings, observing physical dis-
tion’s coronavirus czar, said it’s Dr. Rochelle Walensky, di- tancing, regular handwashing
rector of the U.S. Centers for and avoiding crowds and poorly Robert A. Chiarmonte
possible masks could be needed Providing Quality Eye Care
until 2022. Disease Control and Preven- ventilated areas is still recom- For Over 35 Yrs For Your Family
“I want it to keep going down tion, cautioned against viewing mended even for someone who Eye
to a baseline that’s so low there the downward case trends as a has received both required vac- Don’t forget to take care of your eyes.” Examinations

is virtually no threat,” Fauci said reason to let up on masking and cine doses. Rec Specs for Sports & Motorcyclists Prescriptions
other safety precautions. “It’s important for everyone Transition Lenses • Polarized Sunglasses Filled
on CNN’s “State of the Union” Designer Frames • Invisible Bifocals
program. “If you combine get- In an interview with the to continue using all the tools Tinted Lenses
ting most of the people in the Journal of the American Medi- available to help stop this pan- Budget Frames
country vaccinated with getting cal Association, Walensky said demic as we learn more about Safety Glasses
the level of virus in the commu- she hoped for the best, but also how COVID-19 vaccines work Contact Lenses
nity very, very low, then I believe warned of a worst-case scenario in real-world conditions,” CDC 585.343.1920 | Batavia City Centre |
you’re going to be able to say, — that people will stop wearing guidance states, particularly
Health & Wellness April 2021 • 19

Brockport pediatrician
How parents can confront colic joins Oak Orchard Health
Dr. David Tinkelman, a
board-certified pediatrician for
Metro Creative n Formula: The AAFP 30 years, has joined Oak Orchard
Taking care of a baby is notes that babies may be Health at its Brockport location.
no small task. Babies oper- sensitive to certain pro- He will begin seeing patients
ate on their own schedules, teins in formula, so treating there on April 5.
forcing parents to consis- colic may be as simple as “Oak Orchard Health was my
tently readjust when they first and only choice,” Tinkel-
changing brands. Slowing man said in a
eat, work and, of course, down formula feedings also news release.
sleep. may work, as it can ensure “I know I can
Various factors can make babies are not eating too continue to
such adjustments especially much and/or too quickly. provide my
tiring, and colic might be at Warming formula to body patients the
the top of that list. temperature and feeding best of care
the baby in an upright posi- there. And it’s
Understanding colic a convenient
tion also may help alleviate location for Tinkelman
The American Academy symptoms of colic.
of Family Physicians notes everyone.”
n Holding the baby: How Tinkelman joins medical
that colic occurs when an a baby is held or rocked may director and pediatrician Dan-
otherwise healthy baby METRO CREATIVE
help reduce symptoms of ielle Renodin-Mead, DO, James
cries or fusses frequently for Various factors can make such adjustments especially tiring,
colic. Massaging a baby’s Goetz, MD, MPH, Monica He-
no apparent reason. and colic might be at the top of that list. noch, MD, Kelsey Izzo, MD, and
back while holding the baby
All babies cry and fuss, Jan Saxton, pediatric nurse prac-
Do doctors know toms will not necessarily across your arm or lap might
and it’s important that par- titioner.
be effective for another’s. work. In addition, holding
ents do not misinterpret what causes colic? However, the AND notes the baby in the evening and
“We’re excited that Dr. Tinkel-
normal crying and fussing man will be part of our pediatric
as colic. Colic is defined as While researchers have that avoiding potential colic while walking also can help. team at Oak Orchard Health,”
crying for more than three studied colic, there’s no de- triggers may help parents as If a baby has gas, holding CEO Mary Ann Pettibon said in a
finitive answer about what they try to treat their babies. the child upright might al- news release. “All patients have
hours per day at least three
causes it. The AAFP notes n Feeding the baby: leviate the pains contribut- access to adult medical services,
days per week for more than
that pain or discomfort from Breastfeeding mothers can ing to colic. Using an infant dental, behavioral health, and
three weeks.
gas or indigestion may be a document what they’re eat- swing or rocking the baby in vision care.”
Children who have colic Tinkelman has practiced in
contributing factor. When ing to determine if there’s your arms also may help.
also tend to cry around the the Rochester area since 1979
a baby cries, the child swal- any rhyme or reason behind n Comforting the ba-
same times each day, and and has been in solo practice
lows air, which can give the their babies’ colic.
may turn bright red and cry by: Parents can speak with since 1991 at Tinkelman Pedi-
baby gas that makes his or Document when the baby
as if they’re in pain. When their children’s pedia- atrics. He completed his under-
her belly feel tight. exhibits symptoms of col-
crying, babies with colic A digestive system that trician about the various graduate degree in biology at
may clench their fists or curl ic as well, and then look for techniques to comfort their Cornell University and received
isn’t fully developed, over- patterns. If a child tends to
up their legs. babies. Many parents have his medical degree in 1975 from
feeding or underfeeding, be colicky after breastfeed-
successfully reduced in- SUNY Upstate Medical Center.
sensitivity to breast milk or ing mothers eat a certain
What is the timeline formula, overstimulation, stances of colic by employ- His residency was completed
food, then moms can cut at the University of Rochester
for colic? early forms of childhood that food out of their diets to ing various movements and Medical Center.
The AAFP notes that colic migraines, and emotional see if that’s what is trigger- stimuli designed to soothe Oak Orchard Health, founded
can start within a few weeks reactions to being afraid, ing the episode. the baby. in 1966, has grown from a mi-
of a child’s birth. Symptoms frustrated or excited are Medicines taken by Colic can make for some grant health project into an inte-
of colic tend to be the worst some additional potential breastfeeding mothers also difficult times for babies grated health center with multi-
when a child is between 4 contributors to colic. may trigger colic episodes, and their parents. Deter- ple locations serving more than
and 6 weeks old, and many so moms can discuss their mining what may be causing 23,000 patients at 11 locations,
children outgrow it by the How can colic be treated? medications with their colic and trying new ways to including Albion, Alexander,
Batavia, Brockport, Corfu, Lyn-
time they reach four months A colic treatment that al- child’s pediatrician and soothe babies can help both
donville, Hornell and Warsaw.
of age. leviates one baby’s symp- their own doctors. parents and their children.


Putting the CARE into MEDICARE
Health and Family John McGowan
appears each Wednesday. By Appointment Only Call or Email
Senior Living appears each Friday. 585-297-4307
Look for Lifestyles/Extra Due to COVID-19 we have the capability
each Saturday. to enroll you online or by telephone.
20 • Saturday, April 10, 2021 Health & Wellness
Charter Partner

Nancy M. Crocker
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7133 W. Main Road • LeRoy, NY 14482
office • (585) 502-5250
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The Cloisters
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