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Assignment #9: Summative Assessment

Alex Bardsley, Tobi Bishop, Victoria Harding, Brittany Reece, Jolynn Smith

Our stakeholder does not want to have a summative assessment as part of the Service Design training. We created the following
assessment and survey to be used at the end of each user testing session.

Summative Assessment/Survey

Summative Assessment Development

Question Major Objective Content Level Test Item
Select the best answer:  Service Design is...  Articulate that service Surface Multiple B
a) a technique managed by the design is different than Choice
customer service department customer service.
b) a process for improving customer
c) a protocol for large event planning
d) a new system to be implemented at
the library
Service Design is important because… Articulate that service Deep – Short Any statement that
design provides structure synthesize Answer touches on the idea
and direction to the design information from of improving the
process. the training into patrons’ experiences
a personal (e.g. “It helps identify
recognition of factors impacting
importance patron and provider
experiences and how
they can be adjusted to
improve patron
experience.” “It helps
identify factors
impacting patron and
provider experiences
and how they can be
adjusted to improve
patron experience.”)
The four stages of Service Design are... Recall order of stages (1- Surface Multiple C
a) Exploration & Sense Making, Ideas & Exploration & Sense Choice
Concepts, Plans & Designs, Making, 2 - Ideas &
Implementation & Measurement Concepts, 3 - Vision &
b) Exploration & Sense Making, Intent, 4- Implementation &
Customers & Concepts, Vision & Measurement) . [layers of
Intent, Implementation & library] [blueprint button]
c) Exploration & Sense Making, Ideas &
Concepts, Vision & Intent,
Implementation & Measurement
d) Exploration & Sense Making, Ideas &
Concepts, Vision & Intent, Prototype &
Select the best answer: The purpose of the Articulate the importance of Surface Multiple D
Exploration & Sense Making stage is... this stage. Choice
a) to make a plan
b) to brainstorm ideas
c) to implement change
d) to gather information
The two tools in the Exploration & Sense Apply knowledge of Surface Multiple A&D
Making stage are... methods to realistic scenario Choice
a) Customer Connection
b) Ideation Cards
c) Storyboarding
d) Service Safari
The Customer Connection tool focuses on... Define the Customer Surface Multiple A
a) learning about patron experiences Connection tool Choice
b) observing patron behavior
c) brainstorming ideas for solving a
d) discussing issues with coworkers
The purpose of a focus question is to direct a Troubleshoot what makes a Surface True/False False
patron's attention to a specific problem. good focus question (open-
ended, without expectation,
broad enough to allow for
unexpected results) in
realistic scenario in the
Select all that apply: A good focus question... Explain qualifications for a Surface Multiple B&C
a) helps prove your hypothesis good focus question. Choice
b) is open-ended
c) is broad enough to allow for
unexpected results
d) is worded as a yes or no question
Which of the following is a good interview Apply knowledge of good Surface Multiple C
question? interview questions to Choice
a) Do you like the book checkout realistic focus questions
process? (child nutrition, cultural
b) Why don't you like story-time? inclusion) [select good
c) Can you tell me about what brought questions activity] ?
you in today?
d) What concerns do you have about
cultural sensitivity?
Write an interview question for the following Apply knowledge of good Deep – Short Open-ended (no
focus question: What opportunities could we interview questions to write application of Answer yes/no answer)
provide to individuals to develop artistic an interview question [self- learned Non-judgmental/
talents? evaluation with rubric] principles for assumptive
writing interview
The Service Safari tool focuses on... Define Service Safari Tool Surface Multiple B
a) learning about patron experiences Choice
b) observing patron behavior
c) brainstorming ideas for solving a
d) discussing issues with coworkers
Order the four steps of a Service Safari. Recall the AEIOU Surface Ranking 1) Choose a location
a) Record your observations framework (Activities, 2) Review the
b) Choose a location Environment, Interactions, Service Safari Guide
c) Analyze your results Objects, and Users) 3) Record your
d) Review the Service Safari Guide observations
4) Analyze your
Which aspect of the A-E-I-O-U framework Recognize which step of the Surface Multiple D
does this question address: "What do framework is being Choice
customers interact with as they carry out their addressed.
a) A – Activities
b) E – Environment
c) I – Interactions
d) O – Objects
e) U - Users
Select all that apply: A Service Safari will be Analyze findings from Surface Multiple A, C, D
more valuable if I...  realistic scenario. Choice
a) consider how my observations related
to my own library
b) write down every detail I observe
c) focus on the observations that are
most relevant
d) go with a co-worker
You are conducting a Service Safari at a Think critically about a Deep – Short Does the question
restaurant. Your server is attentive. He brings potential area of the library application of answer address an area or
drink refills to your table without prompting for observation. observation and idea that could be
and checks back often to inquire about your critical thinking changed or
satisfaction and needs. skills improved?
Does the question
Write a question that could help you think point the observer
more critically about this observation and how toward their own
it could relate to your library. library?

User satisfaction, usability, etc. (see Overall user satisfaction. Likert

screenshots below) scale,
User Satisfaction and Usability Screenshots

Customer Connection
Service Safari
Final Questions (for both)

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