Interview Analysis Week 9

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Interview Analysis

“What did you do to increase to get more customers?

This week, we used social media to increase the number of our customers and sent dm
messages to our customers on Instagram.

Hypothesis: We believe that people will want to get certified after completing a course.

Experiments: Here’s what we did to test the hypothesis

To test our hypothesis, we texted our customers on Instagram as dm, checked the pulse and
most of our customers stated that they wanted to be certified at the end of the course. We
made an effort to increase the interest in the courses by offering certificates to our
customers and we saw that we were successful in this thesis.

Metric: Here’s what we measured

The study, which we conducted with 155 people, ended with the answer of 100 people
asking for a certificate, 30 people not an important detail, and 25 people answered if they do
not have a certificate.

Criteria: Here’ the pass/fail criteria for the metric

Our thesis was concluded successfully after 100 people said I want a certificate.

Results: Here’s what we found

In this section, in order to encourage our customers to take more courses, as a result of our
customers saying they want a certificate, we plan to give bronze to those who have
completed 2 courses, silver to those who have completed 5 courses, and congratulations to
those who have completed 10 courses and above.

Action: Here’s what we are going to do next

At this stage, we will make it easier to reach people's ideas by changing the question styles
we ask customers and candidates, and we will try to reach more customers by reaching
people via e, mail, questionnaire, social media method.

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