Science, Technology and Society

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Vargas, Maryrose Lyka Mae A.



Activity 3: Fill in the blanks

School of Thought Advantages Disadvantages

1. Materialism  They are active  Materialist people

customers in the tend to care less
market which means about the
that they contribute environment and
more to the economic other people.
progress of the

 Having such
professions for a
materialistic person
means achieving life
goals like happiness
and success.
2. Hendonism The idea only focuses on  Never ever think
maximum happiness and about or consider
minimum pain of an investing on his
individual. future.

3. Stoicism They love to be at peace by Dealing problems and pain on

themselves and enjoy to be their own can be hard for
alone. stoics because they are
more likely to fight alone
without seeking the help of
4. theism  Theists see their life They are sensitive to deeper
as a life of purpose. meanings of life which is not
 Knowing that they always accepted by the
have a God, there will society because religions
always be someone at different in traditions and
their side in times of beliefs.
5. Humanism  They have a strong They don't care about God
self-value. but they believe in
 It focuses on the supernatural matters.
individual as a human

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