English 2 - Kajian 3 Group Task

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Group Task

1. Find references on the internet about the following materials:

 Giving Advices
Definition of Giving Advice is the expression which is given when we want to give
suggestion to another. Common characteristic in the sentence of giving advice:
 You should…..
 You ought to..
 You must…….
 You have to….
 You better….
 You may….
› Asking for advice
 Do you think I ought to call the police?
 What do you think I should buy him for his birthday?
 Do you have any ideas about how I can sell my motorbike?
 Should I try to talk with him about this matter again?
 If you were me, what would you tell her?
 If you were in my position, would you forgive me?
 Do you have any advices for me?
 Can you give me an advice?
 Do you have any recommendations about good transportation to
 Can you recommend a suitable menu for dinner?

› Giving advice 
– To do something
 I think you’d better …..
 If I were you, I’d ….
 It would probably be a good idea …..
 Take my advice and ….
 I advice you to …..
 How about …… ?

– Not to do something
 I don’t think you should ….
 I would not …, If I were you.
 You’d better not …

› Example
 Saya minta supaya Anda minum obat ini tiga kali sehari.
I would like you to take this medicine three times a day.
 Saya minta supaya Bapak jangan bermain tenis lagi.
I would like you to give up playing tenis.
 Saya mengusulkan supaya Ibu makan lebih banyak buah.
I suggest that you eat more fruit.
 Saya mengusulkan supaya anak Ibu jangan diizinkan bermain di
I suggest that you don’t allow your son to play in the river.
 Saya menyarankan supaya luka itu segera diobati.
I recommend that that wound be treated right away.
 Saya menyarankan supaya Ibu segera masuk rumah sakit.
I recommend that you go into hospital right away.
 Saya menyarankan supaya Bapak jangan masuk kantor dulu.
I recommend that you don’t go to work for the time being.

For example, imagine that your friend is worried that she is getting fat. She asks
you for some advice. You can respond using the following phrases:

You should take some exercise.

You ought to eat more fruit and vegetables.
Why don't you go jogging?
How about eating less sugary food?

For stronger advice you can use 'have to' or 'must':

You must see a doctor

You have to take her to see that movie. She'll love it!

Using suggest and recommend :
There are two ways which we can use 'recommend' and 'suggest':

I suggest taking a holiday.
I suggest (that) you take a holiday.
I recommend going to bed earlier.
I recommend (that) you go to bed earlier.

Using imperatives to give advice :

We can use imperative verbs + '-ing' to give advice. Let's look at some more
examples using your fat friend!:

Start going to the gym.

Stop drinking so much coke.
Consider switching to brown bread and rice.
Try cycling to work.

 Expressing Ability
Definition of Expressing Ability is a phrase used to express the ability of something.
 Asking Ability

Can you…?
Can you go to...?
Are you good at…?
Is he able to…?
Are you able to…?
Are you capable of…?
Do you know how to…?
Do you think you can…?
Do you know anything about…?
Do you have the experience or ability to…?

 Responding Ability
I can…
I am able to…
I know how to…
I feel capable of…
I might be able to…
(Yes), no problem…
I would I am able to…
I know something about…
I have the experience of…
I am pretty good at the job…
I would say I am capable of…
(I think) I have the qualification or experience or ability to…
Can, could and be able to turn out to have different usages. each has its own portion
in the formation of a sentence in the English language. Here's an explanation of
Can have the meaning can, here can be used in present tense sentence or
current time and not the past or future.
Example :
a) I can go to market and buy vegetable (aku dapat pergi ke pasar dan
membeli sesuatu)
b) You can follow me if you trust me (kamu dapat mengikuti ku jika kamu
percaya padaku)
c) can you call me after dinner? (dapatkah kamu menelepon ku setelah
makan malam?)
d) They can love you but they choose to hate you (mereka dapat
menyayangi mu tetapi mereka memilih untuk membenci mu)
e) she can introduce her boyfriend if father allows her (dia dapat
memperkenalkan pacarnya jika ayahnya telah menginzinkan nya)
- Be Able
Be able also has the meaning can or can. However, be able to be juxtaposed with
other capital such as (will, would, shall, should) and others.
Example :
a) I will be able to teach the children if they want (aku dapat mengajari
anak-anak jika mereka mau)
b) They will be able to call you after dinner (mereka akan dapat
menelepon mu setelah makan malam)
c) She will be able to forget you soon (dia akan dapat melupakan mu
d) Don’t worry, we will be able to meet again (jangan khawatir, kita akan
dapat bertemu lagi)
e) I will be able to help you today (aku akan dapat membantu mu hari ini)
- Could
Could also have the same meaning as can and be able to ie can or can. However,
could be more used in the past
Example :
a) She could eat while I took a bath (dia bisa makan ketika aku sedng mandi)
b) They could invite you to the group (mereka dapat mengundang mu kedalam
grup )
c) I could remember you if you showed me your photo (aku dapat mengingatmu
jika kamu menunjukan foto mu)

 Making Predictions
Making predictions is a strategy in which readers use information from a text
(including titles, headings, pictures, and diagrams) and their own personal
experiences to anticipate what they are about to read (or what comes next). 

Making predictions is something that proficient readers naturally do, even without
knowing it. As soon as we pick up a new book on the library or book store shelf, we
are making predictions and judgments about that book based on the cover as we
thumb through the book

Example making predictions in future :

Predictions (noun) - when you say what will happen in the future. We use the
following phrases when predicting the future:

a) "I predict that someday people will live on the moon."

b) "In the near future, aliens will visit the earth."
c) "In the distant future, everyone in the world will be able to speak english."
d) "Someday, Chris will make a lesson without a typing mistake!"
e) "By 2050, there will be no more oil left in the world."
f) "In 2014, Wales will win the World Cup."

2. Find articles on the internet about the following topics:

 Website
 Recent Development in IT
 The Future of IT
3. Find the examples of the usage of “Giving Advices” in the article about “Website”!
4. Find the examples of the usage of “Expressing Ability” in the article about “Recent
Development in IT”!
5. Find the examples of the usage of “Making Predictions” in the article about “The Future
of IT”!
Ricky Pandu Cakra Susetya

The final frontier

Speaking to futurists, it is remarkable how important a role science fiction plays in their
work. It is here that the first gem of an idea often appears, decades, sometimes
centuries ahead of its time.

Douglas Adams' Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy was essentially an intergalactic iPad,
conceived in 1978.

Arthur C. Clarke came up with the idea of a satellite occupying a geostationary orbit in
1945. At the time, such an idea may have seemed fanciful to many.

The author himself once said: "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable
from magic."

So great are the potential rewards for spotting ideas early on, that science fiction writers
are actively courted by futurists.

Intel's Tomorrow Project draws on the work of writers such as Corey Doctorow, Sonia
Orin Lyris and Charles Walbridge to create visions for the future that can inspire the
public, and act as goals for engineers.

"Science fiction and science fact have a really lovely relationship where science fiction
has fired generations of scientists and generations of scientists have inspired
generations of science fiction authors," says Brian David Johnson, a futurist at Intel.

"We are creating these stories, based on science fact with the specific intent of building
a better future. It's not just wild speculation. It is wild speculation based upon science
with the intention of something we could build."

However, there is a flip side to the notion that the future is not so much discovered, as
shaped by the futurists, according to Jerome C. Glenn.

"There is a phrase about colonising the future, if you fill up all the mental space of a
people that this is the way things are going to go, you create self fulfilling prophesies
that people go in that way," said Mr Glenn.

"There's tremendous discussions about ethics among futurists all the time. We worry
about that."

Perhaps Albert Einstein - whose ideas truly did change the world - had the best, and
most open minded approach to predicting what lay ahead.
On the subject, he said: "I never think of the future - it comes soon enough."


"I never think of the future - it comes soon enough."

“whose ideas truly did change the world - had the best, and most open minded
approach to predicting what lay ahead.”

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