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Change the word class of the words in bold, and then rewrite the sentences.
1. The mayor wasn’t invited.
 (Noun) ________________________________________________________
2. He died instantly.
 (Noun) ________________________________________________________
3. I do not intend to spend my vacation here.
 (Noun) ________________________________________________________
4. Students should respect their parents and teachers.
 (Adj) __________________________________________________________
 (Noun) ________________________________________________________
5. Parents are obliged to send their children to school.
 (Adj) _________________________________________________________
 (Noun) _______________________________________________________

Choose the lettered word or phrase that best completes each of the following sentences.
1. The butler was……….I suspected.
A) last person B) a last person C) the last person D) some last person
2. Where……….you borrowed last week?
A) is scissors B) are the scissors C) is some scissors D) are scissors
3. Why don't we go to the park……….?
A) in the car B) with a car C) with car D) by car
4. Too much rubbish is being dumped in……….
A) sea B) the sea C) a sea D) some sea
5. This is exactly……….I was looking for.
A) job B) a job C) some job D) the job
6. Are you going to ………. on Sunday?
A) church B) the church C) a church D) any churches
7. ………. will give a speech this afternoon.
A) Prime Minister B) The Prime Minister C) A Prime Minister D) Prime Ministers
8. ………. has already changed our lives dramatically.
A) Computer B) Computers C) The computer D) A computer

Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do
not change the word given.
1. Can't you swim faster than that?
 (fastest) Is __________that the fastest you_____________________can swim?
2. Are you a good pianist?
 (piano) Can you___________________________________________well?
3. If you drive faster, it is more dangerous.
 (the) The________________________________________________dangerous it is.
4. I haven't been here before.
 (time) This is______________________________________________________been here.
5. A lot of wine is drunk in France.
 (French) The______________________________________________________a lot of wine.

Complete the following sentences using A/AN/THE or leave the space blank ()
1. What's the use in taking ………. medicine for ………. cold?
2. It's ………. long way by ………. train to ………. north of ………. Scotland.
3. ………. philosophers seem to think that ………. life is ………. mystery.
4. There was ………. time when I enjoyed ………. skating.
5. Do you have ………. reason for ………. arriving late?
6. When I arrive ………. home I feel ………. sense of ………. relief.

Identify an error in each of the following sentences and then make changes to correct the sentence.
1. If Mrs. Hillier phones, say I'm away on trip. ___trip_____ ___a trip_____
2. There is a wonderful scenery in the eastern part of Turkey. ___________ ____________
3. Cocker spaniel is one of the most popular pet dogs. ___________ ____________
4. There is going to be fog and a cold weather all next week. ___________ ____________
5. I spent very interesting holiday at Lake Coniston in England. ___________ ____________
6. The burglaries are definitely on the increase. ___________ ____________

Write a paragraph of about 100 words on EITHER of the following topics:
1. You’ve arrived at your holiday house by the sea. Write an email to your friend, telling her/ him what food,
clothes, and household goods that you’ve brought already, and what things she/ he should bring when he joins
you tomorrow.
2. Your friend has been travelling abroad for six months. Write an email in which you ask her about some of the
places she has visited, and she tells you about one or two of her experiences.
Underline all the ARTICLES used in your paragraph.

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