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Introduction to Real Estate Glossaries and Definitions

This is a practical combination of Real Estate Glossaries and Definitions that I have been compiling
over the last two years as part of my research and study of real estate topics for various review and
continuing education seminars.

The real estate Glossaries are classified by subjects found in the syllabus of the various real estate
service board examinations. Thus, the classified glossaries facilitate mentoring and teaching.
Speakers and lecturers on various relevant subjects can easily integrate them in their talks and

The Definitions is a collection of terms found in real estate laws and regulations in the Philippines.
As we can see, these definitions have their own special meanings within the context of their
respective statutes.

This compilation has two purposes –

1) To make it easier for real estate practitioners to readily comprehend laws; and
2) To serve as a resource for real estate board examination questions.

For simplicity, I have edited and shortened some lengthy definitions while keeping its essence,
context and meaning.

Over time, we will endeavor to enlarge this collection. We also welcome helpful suggestions,
comments and corrections, kindly email them to :

Engr. Wilfredo L. Segovia

Real Estate Broker, Appraiser & Consultant
Past President, Manila Board of Realtors, Inc.

Philippine Real Estate Glossary & Definitions

Published by Segovia Academy. Rights Reserved.

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