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Strategy Outsourcing

1. Definition of strategic outsourcing.

2. What are the reasons for outsourcing? /what are the benefits of
3. What are the different forms of strategic outsourcing?
4. What is the right approach of outsourcing?
5. What are the mistakes to avoid in outsourcing?
6. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of strategic outsourcing?

Horizontal Integration
1. What is horizontal integration?
2. What is benefit to stay in the same market / horizontal integration?
3. How to do horizontal integration?
4. What is acquiring the competitor?
5. What is merger?
6. What are the differences between horizontal and vertical integration?
7. What is product bundling?
8. What is cross selling?

Vertical Integration
1. What is vertical integration?
2. What is backward vertical integration?
3. What is forward vertical integration?
4. Give some examples of backward and forward vertical integration.
5. If any company uses both forward and backward integration, can it be
considered as vertical integration?
6. IUBAT has opened a bank through that bank student will make their
payments rather than Dhaka Bank. Is it a backward or forward integration?
Generic Strategy
1. What is generic strategy?
2. What are the dimensions of Porters generic strategies?
3. What are the four three generic strategies?
4. What is market segmentation?
5. What is cost leadership strategy?
6. What is differentiation strategy?
7. What is focus strategy? Explain both focus strategy
8. What is differentiation strategy?

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